31 December 2009

Special issue: From risk assessment to risk response

International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 13(3/4) 2009

Papers from an EU-funded research projects workshop: From risk assessment to risk response held in Athens, Greece, 2-3 April 2008.
  • Risk communication and stakeholder participation in the governance of systemic environmental health risks
  • Reflections on new directions for risk assessment of environmental chemical mixtures
  • Natural scientific complexity from a social scientific perspective: environment and health research and policymaking in Flanders (Belgium)
  • Public participation and risk governance: opportunities and barriers
  • Towards effective risk discourse: the role of stakeholder partnerships
  • Big pictures, close-ups, roadmaps and mind-maps: perspectives on integrated treatment of multiple risks
Submitted Papers
  • Practical risk assessment with triangular distributions
  • Automated information retrieval for quantitative risk assessment data
  • What's important? Making what is valuable and worth protecting explicit when performing risk and vulnerability analyses

Special issue: Wind modelling and frequency analysis (WMFA)

International Journal of Global Energy Issues 32(3) 2009
  • Progresses in wind analysis and modelling
  • Analysis of vertical wind shear in the Southern Great Plains and potential impacts on estimation of wind energy production
  • Numerical methods for investigation of destructive wind energy dissipation by bridges
  • Wind modelling based on wind input data conditions using Weibull distribution
  • Compilation of wind energy assessment software and wind energy assessment in the northwest of Iran
  • Wind energy generators sitting and sizing based on uncertain generation pricing
  • Integration of embedded generation in local grid using STATCOM
  • Detecting and evaluating climate change effect on frequency analysis of wind speed

30 December 2009

Call for papers: Multimedia Applications for Cloud Computing

A special issue of International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology

With the rapid advances in information technologies, future generation networks will face challenges in providing highly reliable and high-quality performance. Cloud computing represents a paradigm shift from existing IT infrastructures to using the services of software applications, computing and storage over wide-area distribution networks. This trend is being empowered by drastic performance improvement of the IT infrastructure components together with key innovations in the way cloud computing infrastructure is built, such as virtualization, distributed computing, multi-core processors, service-oriented architectures.

Cloud computing technology has been widely used for a variety of applications in recent years. Among them, multimedia services in cloud have become increasingly popular, since multimedia representations are more attractive. The great demands of the economic globalization also foster the spreading applications. In addition, security becomes an important issue for the applications in cloud. This special issue strives to foster state-of-the-art research pertaining to cloud computing in the area of advanced technologies and innovative applications. The emphasis of the issue is on multimedia applications for cloud.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to following:
  • Mobile, peer-to-peer and pervasive multimedia services in clouds
  • Applications of multimedia, video and speed in clouds
  • Cluster computing technology based on distributed architecture for multimedia applications
  • Intelligent multimedia computing in clouds
  • Multimedia in sensor and ad hoc networks
  • Multimedia broadcasting
  • Multimedia applications for e-Science and e-Business
  • Multimedia applications for virtual enterprises and organizations
  • Performance evaluation of multimedia applications for cloud
  • Multimedia indexing and retrieval in clouds
  • Image processing and digital signal processing in clouds
  • Computer graphics in clouds
  • Information visualization and software visualization in clouds
  • Information hiding and digital watermarking in clouds
Important Dates
Full Manuscript Due: 1 July, 2010
Acceptance Notification: 31 August, 2010
Revised Manuscript Due: 30 September, 2010
Final Manuscript Due: 30 November, 2010

28 December 2009

Special issue: Service and operations management in 21st Century organisations

International Journal of Services and Operations Management 6(2) 2010

Papers from the first Global Business Innovation and Development Conference (GBID 2008) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16-19 January 2008.
(See also International Journal of Business Excellence 2(3/4) 2009)
  • The utilisation of foreign trade zones in the global supply chain: an exploratory study
  • Evaluation of the mixed-model assembly line balancing problem with variable operation times and product mix
  • RFID in the international cattle supply chain: context, consumer privacy and legislation
  • Package design and consumer memory
  • Framework to optimise the inventory centralisation/ decentralisation degree and feeding policy in assembly systems
  • Designing production and service systems using queuing theory: principles and application to an airport passenger security screening system

Special issue: Design and engineering of human resource systems

International Journal of Business Information Systems 5(2) 2010
  • Defining an architectural view for human resources
  • Does IT governance matter in e-HRM?
  • HRIS implementation and deployment: a conceptual framework of the new roles, responsibilities and competences for HR professionals
  • The conditional benefits of early user involvement at employee self-service applications in four Dutch ministries
  • From IS to organisation: analysing the uses of a collaborative IS in a high-tech SME
  • Informating HRM: a comparison of data querying and data mining
  • Conceptualising HR systems as object-oriented activity systems

27 December 2009

Special issue: Evidence-based research for improving health and public affairs as extended to global health affairs

International Journal of Public Policy 5(2/3) 2010
  • Global health research strategies
  • Comparison of nursing home care between the USA and China
  • Evidence based medicine as a strategy for quality improvement
  • Nursing home quality: does financial performance matter?
  • Transfer from a home and community-based long-term care program to a nursing home: the Ohio experience
  • Patient satisfaction in hospital-based emergency departments: recommendation for healthcare management and policy
  • System transformation: USA and international strategies in healthcare organisation and policy
  • The diffusion of bariatric surgery programs within US community hospitals, 1995 to 2000
  • Pursuing an extension of the 'Minnowbrook spirit' in the US healthcare system
  • Healthcare access, socioeconomic factors and late-stage cancer diagnosis: an exploratory spatial analysis and public policy implication
  • Determinants of primary care physicians' referral pattern: a structural equation model approach
  • Job design and the psychological status of Taiwanese pharmacists on job outcomes: an application of the job characteristics model

Special issue: Models for sustainable development for resolving global environmental issues: Part 2

International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 10(1/2) 2010

(see International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 9(4) 2009 for Part 1)
  • IMACLIM-R: a modelling framework to simulate sustainable development pathways
  • The global multisector/multicountry 3-E model GINFORS. A description of the model and a baseline forecast for global energy demand and CO2 emissions
  • Polluting Technologies and Economic Development
  • A Modified Environmental Kuznets Curve for sustainable development assessment using panel data
  • Social preferences and Environmental Kuznets Curve in climate change integrated assessment modelling
  • Modelling competition between natural gas pipeline projects to China
  • Sustainable use of water resources in Europe and the role of integrated modelling of phosphate fluxes
  • Herd mentality and oil prices: implications for sustainability

Special issue: Public-private roles in broadband infrastructure deployment

International Journal of Management and Network Economics 1(3) 2009

Papers from the Public/private interplay in next generation communications conference held in Seville, Spain, 10–12 December 2008.
  • The access regulation and investment in quality
  • Broadband universal service: A future path for Europe?
  • Public/private partnerships for broadband buildout
  • Deployment of fibre optic networks within the framework of public–private partnerships projects
  • Public–private partnership in FTTX passive infrastructure deployment: the 22@BCN case
  • Healthcare through social computing: a case for public–private collaboration

Special issue: Systems engineering education

International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 2(3) 2009
  • Translating systems engineering for high school teachers and students: an exploratory study of implementing some initial SE concepts
  • Creating a Master's Degree in systems integration: capturing and embedding industry knowledge
  • Systems engineering professional doctorate to educate defence engineering leadership
  • Improving systems engineering curriculum using a competency-based assessment approach
  • Systems thinking or systems engineering
  • Towards the development of a methodology to develop information systems in a research and development environment
  • A Sandpit for Systems Engineering and Systems Integration education and research

Special issue: Performance and governance: international perspectives

International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 2(3) 2009
  • The relationship between the use of strategic human capital, the design of the Management Control System and organisational performance: an empirical study in the Greek context
  • Corporate governance in transition economies: a comparative study of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
  • Choice of a substitution currency in Russia: How can we explain the dollar's dominance?
  • The effectiveness of Poland's new consumer credit requirements and their role in overcoming an information asymmetry between lenders and borrowers
  • Bank consolidation: significance, valuation and consequences
  • Financing and capital structure of Hungarian companies

23 December 2009

Call for papers: Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces

A special issue of International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems

Recent research efforts in brain-computer interfaces (BCI) show that brain activity can be used as an active/voluntary, or passive/involuntary control modality in man-machine interaction. While active BCI paradigms received a lot of attention in recent years, research on passive approaches to BCI is still lacking concerted activity. However, it has been shown more than once that brain activations can carry information about the affective and cognitive state of a subject, and that the interaction between humans and machines can be aided by the recognition of those user states.

To achieve robust passive BCIs, efforts from applied and basic sciences have to be combined. On the one hand, applied fields such as affective computing aim at the development of applications that adapt to changes in the user states and thereby enrich the interaction, leading to a more natural and effective usability. On the other hand, basic research in neuroscience advances our understanding of the neural processes associated with emotions. Furthermore, similar advancements are being made for more cognitive mental states, for example attention, fatigue, and work load, which strongly interact with affective states.

This Special Issue is a follow-up of the aBCI satellite workshop at the International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), held in Amsterdam in September 2009. It is open to all submissions and will explore the advantages and limitations of using neurophysiological signals as a modality for the automatic recognition of affective and cognitive states, as well as the possibilities to use this information about the user state in innovative and adaptive applications.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Emotion elicitation and data collection for affective BCI
  • Detection of affective and cognitive states with BCI and other modalities
  • Adaptive interfaces and affective BCI, affective BCI applications
  • Embedding affective BCI in active and passive BCI approaches
Important Dates
Potential Authors send Title and Abstract of at most one page: 25 January 2010
Invitation for Full Paper Submission (at most twelve abstracts will be chosen; at most six papers will be accepted): 28 January 2010
Deadline for Final Papers: 28 February 2010
Notification of Acceptance: 31 March 2010
Camera-ready Papers due: 30 April 2010

Special issue: Smart homes: technologies and applications

International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 2(2/3) 2010
  • Smart homes: technologies, applications and challenges
  • Exploiting Bluetooth for deploying indoor LBS over a localisation infrastructure independent architecture
  • Smart advertising in the home of the future
  • Integrated secure wireless system for smart home monitoring and control
  • Remote computing resource management from mobile devices by utilising WSRF
  • A smart bushfire monitoring and detection system using GSM technology
  • A bushfire monitoring and detection system for smart homes using ZigBee technology
  • MATLAB-based tool for modelling on-grid photovoltaic systems dedicated to the housing sector in UAE
  • Performance evaluation of MIC@R NoC for real-time applications
  • A GNU radio based SDR RFID platform

Special issue: Chance discovery: from foundations to applications – current and future issues and research activities in chance discovery

International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 2(2/3) 2010

Papers from the 2007 and 2008 invited sessions on Chance Discovery at the International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES)
  • A method for visualising possible contexts
  • Reflective visualisation and verbalisation of unconscious preference
  • Discovering chances for cross-cultural colour design
  • Risk experience, information, and chance discovery: focusing on earthquakes in China
  • Improving a rule evaluation support method based on objective indices
  • Modelling of Chance Discovery in variations of Linear Temporal Logic implementing agents' interaction
  • An analogy game: toward cognitive upheaval through reflection-in-action
  • Chances, affordances, and cognitive niche construction: the plasticity of environmental situatedness
  • Modelling deposit outflow in financial crises: application to branch management and customer relationship management
  • Case-Based Reasoning to explain medical model exceptions
  • An interface for medical diagnosis support: from the viewpoint of chance discovery

21 December 2009

Call for papers: New Combinatorial Optimisation Models for Decision Making

A special issue of International Journal of Applied Management Science

Combinatorial optimisation problems are known for their high level of complexity. Problems such as, but not limited to, the travelling salesman problem, the multiple knapsack problem, or the generalised assignment problem, have attracted the interest of many researchers for many years. A plethora of different solution approaches have been used in order to find the solution to such hard optimisation problems. Some of these approaches include exact methods and algorithms from Operations Research (OR), while other approaches include techniques like meta-heuristics from other scientific fields such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Therefore, combinatorial optimisation models for decision making in real life applications constitute a challenging research area. The domain of applicability of combinatorial optimisation problems is extraordinarily broad. Examples of applications area include routing and scheduling, financial and industrial fields, and telecommunications, to name but a few. The objective of this special issue is to present modern applications of combinatorial optimisation models to the decision making in management.

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Real life applications of combinatorial optimisation models
  • Modelling of large scale combinatorial optimisation problems
  • New modelling approaches for combinatorial optimisation problems
  • Network flow models for decision making
  • Evaluation of currently-used combinatorial optimisation models for decision making
  • Decision support systems featuring embedded combinatorial optimisation techniques
  • Combinatorial optimisation case studies in the fields of management, finance, military and industry
We are particularly interested in new, real life combinatorial optimisation models, large scale network flow models or improvements in modelling techniques, regarding the decision making in management.

Important Dates
Submission deadline: 30 September 2010
Author notification - review comments: 20 December 2010
Second review cycle: 31 March 2011
Final manuscript due: 20 May 2011

Special issue: Innovation management

International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management 1(4) 2009
  • Sustainable strategic management in an emerging market economy: the case of Romanian women entrepreneurs
  • Failure to launch: the Kyoto protocol and sustainable strategic management
  • Innovation: changing the perspective from which to observe how things are working
  • The sustainability-diversification dilemma
  • Optimal design of information flow in innovation networks
  • Unleash the power of creativity and innovation
  • Enhancing innovation: the role of idea markets in evaluating ideas

Special issue: The users, uses and contexts of e-governance

International Journal of Electronic Governance 2(4) 2009
  • A study of e-participation projects in third-wave democracies
  • E-participation in electoral campaigns: the Brazilian experience
  • Debate practices in French political party forums
  • Users' experiences with e-voting: a comparative case study
  • User Centred Design model (G2C2G) for rural e-governance projects
  • Design principles of secure federated e/m-government framework

Special issue: Fourth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology

International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 12(1) 2010

The Fourth International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology was held in Houston, Texas, USA, 28-31 July 2008.
  • Trends and challenges in the energy sector of Romania in the post-accession to the European Union
  • Responses of the urban roadside trees to traffic environment
  • An assessment of environmental conditions for control of downy brome by Pseudomonas fluorescens D7
  • Strategies for implementation of Environmental Management Systems in different organisations
  • Ecological checkout: a sustainable initiative in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
  • Functional role of microarthropods in nutrient cycling of mangrove-estuarine ecosystem of Midnapore coast of West Bengal, India
  • Organic matter biodegradation and metal behaviour in contaminated freshwater sediments
  • Green business among certified companies in Malaysia towards environmental sustainability: benchmarking on the drivers, initiatives and outcomes

19 December 2009

First issue: International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology

Dealing with experimental and theoretical basic research International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology is particularly concerned with emerging methodologies and techniques in all areas of quality engineering.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

Special issue: Selected papers from ROTRIB, the 10th International Conference on Tribology, Bucharest, Romania

International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 4(2) 2010

ROTRIB`07 was held on 8-10 November 2007
  • Thermal and tribological study of a periodic contact under braking conditions
  • Study on reduction of nano-fluctuations of aerostatic bearing with surface restriction
  • Analysis and experimental study on oil leakage from fluid bearing
  • Influence of bearing materials on plain bearing performance in low viscosity base oil lubrication
  • A finite-element local mesh refinement model for treating mixed-lubrication in conrod bearings
  • Tribological characteristics of polyethylene bearings of knee prostheses
  • Regimes of lubrication in lubricated contacts
  • Low friction properties of nano-structured C-Ni films prepared by thermionic vacuum arc method

Special issue: Toy design education: teaching how to design the tools for play

International Journal of Arts and Technology 3(1) 2010
  • Essential concepts in toy design education: aimlessness, empathy and play value
  • Redefining toys, games and entertainment products by teaching about playful interactions
  • The play pyramid: a play classification and ideation tool for toy design
  • If Winnicott could make toys...
  • Hong Kong Hackshops! Creative instant toy design workshops
  • Multi-disciplinary toy design and engineering education for Hong Kong
  • Iterative game design in education
  • Designing digital objects for learning: lessons from Froebel and Montessori

Special issue: Innovations in intelligent techniques and their applications

International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms 2(1) 2010
  • An extraction technique of place-related words based on an association mechanism
  • Knowledge capitalisation and organisation for conformance checking model in construction
  • Semantics-aware matching strategy (SAMS) for the Ontology meDiated Data Integration (ODDI)
  • Adaptive routing of multiple taxis by mutual exchange of pathways
  • A comprehensibility study of pictogram elements for manufacturing steps
  • An experimental study on object recognition and enhancement in MWIR thermography
  • An empirical analysis of colour image segmentation using fuzzy c-means clustering

18 December 2009

Special issue: Advances in agent-based computing

International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 3(4) 2009

Papers from the Workshop on Agent Based Computing (ABC'07) - part of the International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT 2007), held in Wisła, Poland, 15–17 October 2007.
  • Constructing secure mobile agent systems using the agent operating system
  • Enforcing integrity of agent migration paths by distribution of trust
  • How to research the behaviour of trading agents in a CDA environment
  • Performance evaluation of DPS coordination strategies modelled in pi-calculus
Regular Papers
  • Compacting SQL queries for saving resources in mobile ad hoc and sensor networks
  • Dynamic query optimisation: towards decentralised methods
  • Background sensing control for planning agents working in the real world

Special issue: Key considerations in responsible healthcare technology management

International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 10(4/5) 2009

Papers from the 6th International Conference on the Management of Healthcare and Medical Technology, held in Pisa, Italy, 3–5 October, 2007.
  • Mass medication distribution for disease outbreak: comparison of personal digital assistant and paper-based decision support
  • Innovation in rehabilitation technology: technological opportunities and socioeconomic implications – a theoretical model
  • Cost accounting in teaching hospitals: an application in a surgery unit
  • A web-based system to manage elective waiting lists: efficiency and equity issues
  • Action research and soft systems methodology for studying problems in emergency care delivery
  • Stakeholder dynamics and the implementation of process innovations: the case of Lean thinking in a UK NHS Hospital Trust
  • Assessment of a telemedicine innovation in cardiology
  • The redesign practices and capabilities of NHS Trusts in England: a snapshot study

Special issue: Mobile ad-hoc networking

International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 3(1) 2009
  • Game theory for cooperative and relay communications in mobile ad hoc networks: a brief tutorial
  • CIDS: cross-layer intrusion detection system for mobile ad hoc networks
  • Exploiting space/time trade-offs in real-time mobile ad hoc networks
  • Power-aware node-disjoint multipath source routing with low overhead in MANET
  • Using GPS-based link exclusion to reduce overhead and increase route reliability in FTP/TCP-based MANETs
  • Distributed node scheduling method for wireless sensor networks

Special issue: Multi-organizational partnerships, alliances, and networks: vehicles for innovation and change

International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances 1(3) 2010

Papers from the Fifteenth Annual Conference of Multi Organizational Partnerships, Alliances, and Networks (MOPAN) held in Boston, USA, 25–27 June 2008.
  • Managing change in offshore outsourcing alliances: case studies from a multinational pharmaceutical company
  • Policy-driven collaborative arrangements and competency development – a case of Malaysia's MSC flagship networks
  • The drivers for collective horizontal coopetition: a case study of screwcap initiatives in the international wine industry
  • The interplay between formality and informality in managed learning networks

16 December 2009

Call for papers: Social Media for Marketing and Advertising

A special issue of International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising

The advent of social media including hugely popular micro blogging services such as twitter, and online social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn, has had a profound impact on the world of marketing and advertising. Professionals are struggling to make sense of the business case for social media, the impact that viral user-generated content has on wider consumer perceptions, and how to proactively engage stakeholders. Accordingly, this call for papers is extremely timely, relevant, and of use to both academics and practitioners.

Potential contributions may include:
  • Papers exploring strategic, tactical and implementation aspects of social media campaigns
  • Theoretical or conceptual papers that explore the business case of social media
  • Case studies of successful or unsuccessful organizational use of social media
  • Methodologies for the study of social media in consumer or business contexts
  • Ethical considerations of the use of social media for research
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Social media in business to business contexts
  • Social media for collaboration
  • Relationship marketing in social media spaces
  • Managerial issues related to the control or governance of social media
  • Strategies for engaging consumers in social media spaces
  • Social media metrics for evaluating performance
  • Integrated marketing/advertising communication issues of social media
Important Dates
Submission of papers: 1 June, 2010
Notification of acceptance: 1 September, 2010

Call for papers: Digital Signature and Biometrics in Theory and Practice

A special issue of International Journal of Biometrics

The topics suggested by this special issue concern the concepts, surveys, state-of-the-art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and practical case studies. In particular, we solicit works that answer the following questions:
Is it possible to increase the strength of biometrics using digital signatures and related techniques? Why and how?
Can digital signatures be hardened by the application of the biometrics techniques? Why and how?
Are there some closely related areas making mixing biometrics and digital signatures easier?

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

New digital signature schemes with biometrics:
  • Share-key based cryptosystems
  • ID-based signature schemes
  • PKI -based signature schemes
Security and cryptographic protocols with biometrics:
  • Authentication protocols and their security analysis
  • Smartcards and authentication tokens
  • Securing of biometrics sensors.
Methods of biometrics data protection in IT systems:
  • ID spoofing
  • Attacks on biometrics-based ID systems
  • Methods of a spoof detection
  • Protection methods against ID spoofing
  • Visual and phonic methods of identification
Comparisons of biometrics and cryptographic methods of identification:
  • A digital signature as a hardening (complementary) tool for biometrics identification
  • Algorithmic aspects of biometrics and cryptographic identification
  • Hybrid and “multilevel” identification methods
Case studies:
  • Biometrics usage in PKI systems
  • Closed-circuit TV systems, access control systems
  • Projects combining digital signature and biometrics methods: travel documents, electronic IDs, etc.
  • Integrated biometrics-based methods in penitentiary systems
  • Intrusion and hold-up alarm systems
Important Dates
Deadline for Submission: 15 May 2010
Notification of acceptance: 31 August 2010
Camera ready papers due: 30 October 2010

Call for papers: Interactive Media in Education

A special issue of International Journal of Innovation in Education

This special issue will explore the technological, educational, social, political and academic effects of interactive media for teaching and learning. In particular, it is keen to examine various advantages, tensions, dilemmas and contradictions experienced by educators, teachers and students working with heterogeneous yet collaborative interactive media.

The issue involves complex and multi-faceted challenges such as education policies, curriculum reforms, legal issues, learning methods. Moreover, the challenges faced may differ from educational institution to educational institution in each country, and from country to country. Therefore, concepts will have to take into account the specific technological nature and cultural setting of the interactive media in education in question, the context it is located, the teachers' and the students' profiles, the historical background of the country or region, local habits, needs and practices, ethics and also religious beliefs.

Subjects covered include, but are not limited to:
  • Technologies, techniques and tools
  • Practical integration of learning-oriented applications (e-learning, podcasts, web 2.0-applications such as blogs, wikis, etc.) into educational systems and institutions
  • Diversity (gender, age, cultural and religious backgrounds, etc.) in the fields of interactive learning and teaching
  • Tacit knowledge, informal learning and diversity aspects
  • Socio-cultural issues of interactive media in curriculum and assessment reform in education
  • Strategies and/or case studies of interactive media in education (classroom, school, system levels)
  • Training and development issues of interactive media in education
  • The dilemmas and tensions of interactive media in education
  • The relationship between interactive media in education and other developments such as knowledge management, organizational learning and human resource management in the diversity-oriented education area
  • Interactive media in the current and future educational landscape: technological, socio-cultural and political trends
Important Dates
Proposal deadline (optional): 31 December, 2009
Full paper deadline: 15 February, 2010
Notification of status and acceptance of paper: 30 April, 2010
Final version of paper: 1 September 2010

Special issue: Managing container operations effectively

International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2(1) 2010
  • Estimating optimum container and vessel fleet sizes in a cyclic liner service using a holistic approach
  • Optimal slot allocation with empty container reposition problem for Asia ocean carriers
  • Optimal container dispatching policy and its structure in a shuttle service with finite capacity and random demands
  • Managing empty container flows through short sea shipping and regional port systems
  • Ocean carriers' transition from transport providers to supply chain integrators: a case study
  • Efficiency considerations for sequencing and scheduling of double-rail-mounted gantry cranes at maritime container terminals

Special issue: Realigning the innovation-entrepreneurship interface

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 11(2) 2010
  • Rural entrepreneurship: expanding the horizons
  • Innovation performance in European regions: comparing manufacturing and services ICT subsectors
  • Innovation systems, research into use and development
  • Designing for innovative capability in the structure of organisations
  • Commercialising research results in immature technology transfer markets: cases from the Greek experience
  • The innovation dilemma of the Ghanaian textile industry
  • Education, entrepreneurial mindset and innovation: necessary ingredients for increasing entrepreneurial activity in South Africa

Special Issue: Selected papers from the 13th TAAI Conference

International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 5(1) 2010

The 13th Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications was held in Lanyang, Taiwan, 21-22 November 2008.
  • Context-aware taxi demand hotspots prediction
  • Optimising mobile base station placement using an enhanced Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
  • Category mapping for the automatic integration of category-constrained web search
  • Cluster analysis on time series gene expression data
  • Intelligent panic disorder treatment by using biofeedback analysis and web technologies
  • EIDBSCAN: An Extended Improving DBSCAN algorithm with sampling techniques

Special issue: Challenges of transformation and transition: international perspectives

International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 3(1) 2010
  • Strategy and Management Control Systems: How are they interrelated?
  • A higher-moment CAPM of Korean stock returns
  • Investors' trading activity: a behavioural perspective
  • Corporate sustainability and Triple Bottom Line: Croatian experience
  • Bangladesh's banking sector: Returned from financial crisis?
  • The role of perceived risk on Greek internet users' purchasing intention: an extended TAM approach
  • Parallel market for foreign exchange and hyperinflation: the case of Congo-Kinshasa

Special issue: Ubiquitous/pervasive services and applications

International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 3(1) 2010

The best papers from the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Intelligent Computing 2008 (UIC’08) held in Oslo, Norway, 23–25 June 2008.
  • Context-driven migration and diffusion of pervasive services on the OSGi framework
  • Location aware computing using RFID infrastructure
  • Remote control for pervasive services
  • Experiences with RFID-based interactive learning in museums
  • A framework for context-aware home-health monitoring
  • Use semantic decision tables to improve meaning evolution support systems

Special issue: INAC 2007

International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology 5(1) 2010

Papers from the International Nuclear Atlantic Conference 2007 (INAC 2007) held in Santos, Brazil, 30 September to 5 October 2007
  • Comparison of spectrometry with arsenazo III and neutronic activation for U and Th determination in phosphogypsum
  • Tritium dispersion simulation in the atmosphere by the integral transform technique using micrometeorological parameters generated by large eddy simulation
  • A solution for the two-dimensional transport equation for photons and electrons in a rectangular domain by the Laplace transform technique
  • Time response measurements of the Angra 1 nuclear power plant using direct and indirect methodologies
  • Behaviour of a natural circulation facility with a two-phase flow and in the presence of noncondensable gases for research and development of an emergency cooling system of advanced nuclear reactors
  • Spectral nodal method for numerically solving two-energy group X,Y geometry neutron diffusion eigenvalue problems
  • A Laplace transform exponential method for monoenergetic three-dimensional fixed source discrete ordinates problems in Cartesian geometry

Special issue: Assessment and mitigation of environmental hazards to human health

International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 13(2) 2009
  • The influence of microwave radiation on the behaviour of Rattus norvegicus
  • Decontamination of soil contaminated with petroleum grease
  • Morbidity pattern of pulmonary tuberculosis and housing quality in Lagos metropolis, Nigeria
  • Evaluation of uncertainty parameters in risk assessment of agricultural chemicals on groundwater contamination
  • Water quality of a stream receiving industrial effluents, located in the Brazilian Northeast
  • Assessment of the PAHs contamination threat on groundwater: a case study of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria
  • Compacted lateritic soil treated with blast furnace slag as hydraulic barriers in waste containment systems

14 December 2009

Special issue: Web and grid-based systems

International Journal of Web and Grid Services 5(4) 2009

Papers from the 3rd International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2009) held in Fukuoka, Japan, 16-19 March 2009.
  • A system for semantic retrieval and long-term preservation of multimedia documents in the e-government domain
  • Design and implementation of a ubiquitous health monitoring system
  • A protocol for reliably, flexibly, and efficiently making agreement among peers
  • A web-based lecture scene playback system using digital picture-card show with structured learning assistance function
  • Simultaneous background/foreground segmentation and contour smoothing with level set based partial differential equation for intelligent surveillance systems over network

13 December 2009

Newly announced journal: International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology

Beginning publication in 2011, International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology will publish research and practical studies on hydrological science and technology, water resources and related topics including water, air and soil pollution and hazardous waste issues and the effects of urbanisation, agriculture, industry, forestry, etc. It aims to strengthen the partnerships between water scientists, engineers, geologists, chemists, biologists and other relevant disciplines.

Special issue: 15th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP'08)

International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 8(1-4) 2010

M2VIP’08 was held in Auckland, New Zealand, 2–4 December 2008
  • Stability analysis and simulation of a two DOF robotic system based on linear control system
  • Multi-sensor surveillance of indoor environments by an autonomous mobile robot
  • Cellular neural network trainer and template optimisation for advanced robot locomotion based on genetic algorithm
  • Direction and control adjustment for smooth motion of wheeled mobile robots
  • The ServoHeli-20 rotorcraft UAV project
  • Modelling a small-size unmanned helicopter using optimal estimation in the frequency domain
  • Development of string-type flexible displacement sensor to measure the movement of robot and human body
  • Design and control of a parallel robot for ankle rehabilitation
  • Decentralised robust control of interconnected uncertain non-linear mechanical systems
  • Evaluating the augmented reality human-robot collaboration system
  • Feedback coordination of limited capability mobile robots
  • A study of magnetic fluid rotary seals for wafer handling robot
  • Configuration design of a robotic vehicle for rough terrain mobility
  • Time-jerk synthetic optimal trajectory planning of robot based on fuzzy genetic algorithm
  • Force-shoes ZMP measuring system for human walker
  • The design of a tendon-sheath-driven robot
  • Design and application of magnetic coupling used for ultra-high vacuum robot
  • Visual estimation of wheel sinkage for rough-terrain mobile robots
  • A variable resistance virtual exercise platform for physiotherapy rehabilitation
  • Development of a robotic driver for autonomous vehicle following
  • Human jaw motion measurement, analysis and robotic reproduction
  • A linkage chewing machine for food texture analysis
  • Sliding mode avoidance in passively articulated vehicles
  • The application of mechatronic design approach in a reconfigurable manufacturing environment
  • 2 DOF resolution adjustment laser position sensor
  • A control of two wheels driven redundant mobile manipulator using a monocular camera system
  • Software evolution of a hexapod robot walking gait
  • Machine vision assistance for flex cable-actuator comb manufacturing in hard disk drives
  • Early developments of a novel smart actuator inspired by nature
  • A review of the state-of-the-art of 'smart' systems in surgery
  • Real-time image processing for the guidance of a small agricultural field inspection vehicle
  • Autonomous farming: modelling and control of agricultural machinery in a unified framework
  • The obstacle crossing analysis and improvement of a wheel-based cable climbing robot

Special issue: Computational management and social science

International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 5(1) 2010

Includes papers from the 2008 IEEE International Workshop on Computational Engineering and Management (CEM-08) held in conjunction with the 2008 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (IEEE APSCC 2008) in Yilan, Taiwan, 9–12 December 2008.
  • Application of dynamic diffusion theory in foreign direct investment of Taiwan IC industry in China
  • Pricing SPX and DIX by HAR models
  • Implementation process of management control systems in the municipally owned hospitals: in the case of Nagasaki prefectural hospitals in Japan
  • The performance of equity mutual funds in Poland
  • A growth model for marketing evolution of multi-generation NAND flash memory
  • Building trust in electronic communities by mining web content
  • A hybrid discrete particle swarm algorithm for solving the fixed-spectrum frequency assignment problem
  • A symbiosis dynamic analysis for collaborative R&D in open innovation

Special issue: The learning organisation: a universally-applicable concept or an ambiguous basis in need of local interpretation?

International Journal of Learning and Change 4(1) 2010
  • Commentary of Senge's Fifth Discipline from Islamic perspective
  • The ideology of learning organisations in Africa: a critical analysis
  • The LO model and the traditional French organisational culture: a paradigmatic contradiction leading to a limited implementation
  • Students' perceptions on intrapreneurship education – prerequisites for learning organisations
  • Who needs contingency approaches and guidelines in order to adapt vague management ideas?
  • The public good vs. commercial interest: research scientists in search of an accommodation

Special issue; From green design to eco-innovation and sustainable product design

International Journal of Design Engineering 2(3) 2009
  • The limits of current evaluation methods in a context of sustainable design: prudence as a new framework
  • An integrated analysis of customer value and environmental burden for environmentally conscious design
  • Total performance design of product life cycle considering future uncertainties
  • How to identify the most promising areas of environmental improvement at the early stages of the design process?
  • Study of an exergy method for environmental evaluation assessment in the early design phase using comparative LCA and exergy approach
  • A liaison model for disassembly-reassembly product ecodesign

11 December 2009

Special issue: Freshwater ecotoxicology in Southern Latin America

International Journal of Environment and Health 3(4) 2009
  • Spatial and temporal variations in the transport and storage of trace metal contaminants in the upper Rio Pilcomayo, southern Bolivia
  • Study of the distribution of dichlorobenzenes in sediment and water of Suquia River basin (Cordoba-Argentina) by an optimised SPME-GC-MS procedure
  • Impact of endosulphan and cypermethrin mixture on amphibians under field use for biotech soya bean production
  • Size-related trace metal bioaccumulation in Asiatic clams (Corbicula fluminea) from the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina
  • Effects of sublethal waterborne cadmium on gills in three teleosteans species: scanning electron microscope study
  • Scientometric analysis of Latin American environmental studies

First issue: International Journal of Innovation in Education

Reflecting a broad understanding of innovation in education International Journal of Innovation in Education will provide a wide platform for academic and practitioner discussion to create knowledge and exchange ideas on this important issue. In particular, it will explore and examine the diversity in the current and future education landscape worldwide and will show how innovation and diversity may be an integral part of a coherent and powerful classroom, school or education system strategy.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue, which is a special issue: Innovation in education: diversity in teaching and learning.

10 December 2009

First issue: International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation

Dealing with mathematical modelling, algorithm development, numerical methods, computer simulations and numerical optimisation as well as applications and case studies, International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation will focus on multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research and promote real-world applications in all major areas of sciences, engineering and industry.

There is a free download of the papers in this first issue.

Special issue: New trends in particle swarm optimisation

International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 8(4) 2009
  • An adaptive mutation-dissipation binary particle swarm optimisation for multidimensional knapsack problem
  • Performance-dependent attractive and repulsive particle swarm optimisation
  • Velocity-free particle swarm optimiser with centroid
  • Species-conserving particle swarm optimisation for multimodal functions
  • Individual social strategy with non-linear manner
  • A hybrid ACO/PSO algorithm and its applications
  • Hybrid PSO and DE approach for dynamic economic dispatch with non-smooth cost functions
  • A hybrid PSO with EM for global optimisation
  • Particle swarm optimisation for multi-project location problems with interval profits
  • Gene selection and parameter determination of support vector machines based on BPSO algorithm
  • Controlling swarm robots for target search in parallel and asynchronously
  • Constrained particle swarm optimisation for sequential quadratic programming
  • On the application of PSO algorithm for multichannel polarisation-mode dispersion compensation systems

9 December 2009

Call for papers: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing

A special issue of International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology

With the rapid development of computer science and technology, "computing" has become the third approach of science research. Scientific computing is the field of study concerned with constructing mathematical models and numerical solution techniques and using computers to analyse and solve scientific, social scientific and engineering problems. In practical use, it is typically the application of computer simulation and other forms of computation to problems in various scientific disciplines.

Numerical analysis is an important underpinning for techniques used in computational science and there are many unresolved problems worth studying. In this special issue, we solicit original work in all areas of computational science. In particular, we seek original work on identifying new research and development challenges and developing new techniques and algorithms in numerical analysis and scientific computing.

Specific topics include, but not limited to, the following:
  • Parallel computing modelling
  • Parallel computing applications
  • Grid computing
  • Cloud computing
  • Performance evaluation of parallel software
  • Analysis of ODE and PDE problems and applications
  • Numerical methods for PDE's: finite element, meshless methods
  • Approximation, radial basis functions, scattered data approximation
  • Methods for integration on a uniform and non-uniform mesh
  • Dynamical systems
  • Computer aided geometric design
  • Numerical approximation and computational geometry
  • Applications of scientific computing
  • Others and emerging new topics
Important Dates
Manuscript due date: 10 October, 2010
Notification of acceptance: 10 January, 2011
Submission of final manuscript: 10 February, 2011

4 December 2009

First issue: International Journal of Structural Engineering

Providing an international forum for research in structural engineering International Journal of Structural Engineering is particularly concerned with the latest development in the theory, experimental and design methods relating to engineering structures such as buildings, bridges, offshore platforms, etc.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics

Providing a cross-disciplinary platform for presenting the latest developments in biomechatronics and robot assistive technologies for medical and bio applications International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics relates to the design of systems, devices and products for use as assistive tools when interacting with humans and biosystems.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

Special issue: Economic consequences of web-based communities

International Journal of Web Based Communities 6(1) 2010
  • Managing viable virtual communities: an exploratory case study and explanatory model
  • Some antecedents and effects of participation in Spanish virtual brand communities
  • Self-supportive virtual communities
  • Refereed digital publication to support online communities
  • Stimulating community building using mobile 2.0 technology
  • How to import the concept of conviviality to web communities
  • A practical approach for using the knowledge chains exchange to improve the application of learning theories in learning communities
  • Going blended': experiences from the implementation of blended learning design and the perspective of a model

Special issue: Advanced production system, production design and production management

International Journal of Product Development 10(1-3) 2010
  • Real-time control of parts input in flexible production systems by the pattern classification and analogy process
  • A proposition of 3D inertial tolerancing to consider the statistical combination of the location and orientation deviations
  • Modelling and analysis of manufacturing systems: a review of existing models
  • DInvestigation of the potential of implementing Kaizen principles in Jordanian companies
  • A concurrent engineering system to integrate a production simulation and CAD system for FTL layout design
  • Formalisation of design rules to assist conflict detection in collaborative design
  • A study of maintenance contribution to joint production and preventive maintenance scheduling problems in the robustness framework
  • An artificial immune system-based algorithm to solve linear and loop layout problems in flexible manufacturing systems
  • Ex-CLASS: Extended Cell formation and LAyout Selection considering production parameters with Sequence data
  • The effect of inspection errors on the optimal batch size in reworkable production systems with scraps
  • An improved heuristic and an exact algorithm for the 2D strip and bin packing problem
  • Selection of alternative routings in real time: DMM and modified DMM rules
  • A scatter search algorithm for scheduling optimisation of job shop problems
  • Grasp stability analysis of two objects with any friction property in two dimensions

Special issue: Advanced nano materials

International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 5(1/2) 2010

Papers from the Second International Conference on Advanced Nano Materials (ANM-2008) held in Aveiro, Portugal, 22-25 June 2008.
  • Nanolayers on the lignocellulose fibres using layer-by-layer method for improved papermaking
  • Long-time ball milling of FeCr
  • Chemical bath deposition of thin films of CuO nanorods and their characterisation
  • Processing, structural and electric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) doped with GeO2
  • Photoreversible ion-binding using spiropyran modified silica microbeads
  • Effect of different oxide fillers on superhydrophobicity of water-repellent organic-inorganic hybrid films
  • On-uma Nimittrakoolchai, Sitthisuntorn Supothina
  • Titanium oxidation by RF inductively coupled plasma
  • Relation between preparation art and chemical properties of modified Kieselguhrs – a nanoscale surface analysis
  • Excess silicon concentration dependence of the structural and optical properties of silicon nanocrystals embedded in silicon oxide matrix
  • Covalent attachment of functional side-groups to polyaniline nanofibres
  • CVD synthesis of carbon nanofibres with washable support catalyst of potassium fluoride
  • Synthesis of narrow-channel carbon nanotubes with close-ended heads by catalytic chemical vapour deposition
  • Micro and nanostructures found on insect wings – designs for minimising adhesion and friction
  • Influence of cubic nanostructure additions on the properties of electroless coatings
  • The determination of the pull-in voltage from the condition of bridge stability
  • ZrO2 nanocomposites from polyzirconosiloxanes
  • Growth and electron microscopy study of electrodeposited magnetic Ni nanowires
  • Effect of pH on morphology, size and composition of calcium phosphate phase obtained in wet chemical
  • PEFC electrodes based on carbon black supporting electrocrystallised nanostructured Pt particles
  • Synthesis and characterisation of porphyrin nanotubes obtained by ionic self-assembly
  • Porphyrin controlled anisotropic and dendritic growth of thallium chloride crystals

Special issue: Sustainable development and environmental education

International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 9(1-3) 2010
  • The role of non-scholar organisations in environmental education: a case study from Portugal
  • Environmental education using Nek Chand's Rock Garden in the City of Chandigarh
  • Global circulation and local manifestations of education for sustainable development with a focus on Japan
  • Persistence and management of dinitroaniline herbicides residues in sandy loam soil
Sustainable Development and Poverty
  • Education in global environmental politics: why the discourse of education for sustainable development needs attention
  • Poverty-environment nexus: an investigation of linkage using survey data
  • Social initiatives for sustainable development: a case study of a company in India
  • Understanding the role of free-choice environmental education in 'green' consumption behaviour: an empirical investigation
  • Environmental understanding of agro-based industrial systems and sustainable development
Environmental Management and Organisations
  • Enhancing environmental awareness in future business leaders
  • Environmental management and sustainable development in the hotel industry: a case study from China
  • Towards an ecological culture for the automobile industry: a case study from China
  • Education for environmentally responsible behaviour in business
  • The US-Brazil Sustainability Consortium: local-global collaboration for a sustainable future
  • The new corporate social responsibility: a call for sustainability in business education
Recycling and Regeneration
  • Exploring sustainability in the context of land reclamation: an exercise for environmental management trainees
  • Feasibility of rural regeneration by cooperative watershed resources management in Japan
  • E-waste education strategies: teaching how to reduce, reuse and recycle for sustainable development
  • Reuse of wastewater effluent in concrete mixing and the effect of high temperatures on its residual properties

Special issue: High-quality multimedia streaming in peer-to-peer environments

International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 4(1) 2009
  • StatStream: providing statistical reliability guarantees in peer-to-peer live video streaming
  • Multi-torrent: a performance study and applications
  • Resource-awareness and trade-off optimisation in P2P video streaming
Additional paper
  • End-user live editing of iTV programmes

3 December 2009

Special issue: Progress in artificial intelligence: papers from the 13th Portuguese International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Part II

International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 2(1) 2010

Further extended papers from the 13th Portuguese International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2007 held in Guimarães, Portugal, 3-7 December 2007.

See also International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent System 1(3/4) 2009
  • Tuning the PBIL algorithm to solve a real-world FAP problem
  • Bayesian reasoning for Laban Movement Analysis used in human-machine interaction
  • Commonsense knowledge, ontology and ordinary language
  • Pruning search spaces by dominance rules: a case study in the job shop scheduling
  • Decision making with hybrid models: the case of collective and individual motivations
  • GRASPER: constraint reasoning with graphs

Special issue: Symposium on ownership in the public sphere

International Journal of Public Policy 5(1) 2010
  • Ownership in the public sphere: the significance of community and organisational form
  • Who owns culture and heritage? Observations on Hong Kong's experience
  • The 'externalisation' of local public service delivery: experience in Italy and Sweden
  • From 'entrepreneurial state' to 'state of entrepreneurs': ownership implications of the transformation in Mexican governance since 1982
  • Irish public assets: establishment, control and privatisation of state-owned enterprises
  • Turnaround of the Indian Railways: a public ownership saga

Special issue: Modelling and optimisation techniques in materials and manufacturing processes

International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems 3(1/2) 2010

Includes papers from 2nd International Conference on Neural Network and Genetic Algorithms in Materials Science Conference (NGMS 2008) held in Kolkata, India, 9-11 January 2008.
  • Cutting parameters optimisation in milling: expert machinist knowledge vs. soft computing methods
  • Modelling of microstructure in steel continuous casting: overview and presentation of the IDS tool
  • A monitoring method based on wavelet transform application: the follow-up of surface quality in grinding
  • Process re-modelling using RSM and the splitting approach
  • Modelling of intelligent robot system by reverse engineering and swarm intelligence
  • Classifying tensile strength of HSLA steel: an investigation through neural networks using Mahalanobis Distance
  • TSK-type fuzzy rule based modelling of machining on MMCs
  • Graphical data mining and knowledge discovery for computational estimation in AI alloys
  • Effect of quaternary zirconium addition on mechanical properties of Al-6Mg-Sc (0.2-0.6%) alloy studied by ANN technique
  • Developing rules bases on the influence of welding parameters in FCAW process from ANN model

Special issue: Near dry – minimum quantity of lubricant (MQL) machining

International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 7(1/2) 2010
  • Metal cutting theory foundations of near-dry (MQL) machining
  • Effects of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) by vegetable oil-based cutting fluid on machinability of AISI 9310 steel
  • Strategy for optimising cutting parameters in the dry turning of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy based on design of experiments and the generalised pattern search algorithm
  • Evaluation of sustainability of mould steels based on machinability data
  • A characterisation of mist generated from minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) compared to wet machining
  • Experimental investigations into near-dry milling EDM of Stellite alloys
  • A study on optimisation of cutting parameters and prediction of surface roughness in end milling of aluminium under MQL machining
  • Design optimisation of flank wear and surface roughness for CBN-TiN tools during dry hard turning of hot work die steel

Special issue: Community-based entrepreneurship: towards a future research agenda

International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development 2(1/2) 2010
  • Community-based entrepreneurship and wildlife sanctuaries: case studies from New Zealand
  • Social capital and Mennonite entrepreneurship: the case of Circle R in Blue Creek, Northern Belize
  • Communities in processes of change: comparative differences in entrepreneurial motivation
  • Local government strategies and entrepreneurship
  • Baby you can drive my car: using local community customers to develop marketing communications
  • Toward a multidisciplinary entrepreneurship education: a case study of the community entrepreneurship program at the University of Vermont
  • Living with world heritage rainforests: measuring community perceptions
  • The failure of community-based entrepreneurship in Haiti
  • Regional community entrepreneurship through tourism: the case of Victoria's rail trails
  • The role of social entrepreneurship in post-Katrina community recovery

Special issue: Entrepreneurial marketing – the interface between marketing and entrepreneurship

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 11(1) 2010
  • History, theory and evidence of entrepreneurial marketing – an overview
  • Entrepreneurial marketing: moving beyond marketing in new ventures
  • Marketing in new business ventures: examining the myth of informality
  • Entrepreneurial marketing and the role of information – evidence from young service ventures
  • Entrepreneurial marketing strategy: lessons from the Red Queen
  • Entrepreneurship and marketing education: time for the road less travelled?
  • Optimal marketing strategies for competing new ventures in a nascent industry

Special issue: Environmental and industrial waste management using membrane separation and bioremediation

International Journal of Environmental Engineering 2(1-3) 2010
  • Remediation of simazine from water through low-pressure thin film composite membrane using surfactants
  • Evaluation and characterisation of TFC-PA Nanofiltration membrane for the rejection of cadmium from aqueous solutions
  • Quantification of transient flux decline during membrane separation of tanning effluent from tannery
  • Suitability of Membrane Bioreactor for treatment of recalcitrant textile dye wastewater utilising white-rot fungi
  • Treatment of textile effluent using Advanced Oxidation Process and Nanofiltration
  • Modelling and prediction of removal of metal ions from aqueous solution through facilitated transport
  • Membrane Bioreactor for the treatment of natural rubber wastewater
  • Groundwater remediation using simulation-optimisation approach: A review
  • Hazardous waste management: current status and future strategies in Malaysia
  • An overview of wastewater treatment in distillery industry
  • Use of aquatic plants in removing heavy metals from wastewater
  • Studies on adsorption and decolourisation of reactive dye on TiO2 surface
  • Treatment of drinking water containing iron using Electrocoagulation
  • Colour diminution and COD reduction in treatment of coloured effluent by Electrocoagulation
  • Abatement of Cr(VI) rich wastewater in a novel multistage External Loop Airlift Reactor using acidified activated carbon
  • Removal of trivalent chromium from dilute aqueous solutions and industrial effluents using Emulsion Liquid Membrane technique
  • Performance assessment of deformation behaviour of landfill barriers at the onset of differential settlement
  • Characterisation of activated carbon prepared from tamarind wood for wastewater treatment
  • Hydrodynamics and batch biodegradation of phenol in an Internal Loop Airlift Reactor
  • Development of resistivity probes for continuous monitoring of pollutant in porous media

Special issue: Performance evaluation of computer and communication systems

International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 4(1) 2010

Expanded papers from the 2008 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2008), held in Edinburgh, UK, 16-18 June 2008.
  • A cooperative PC/network-processor platform for gigabit traffic generation
  • M-PRMA protocol for vehicular multimedia communication
  • An architecture for assisted navigation in intelligent environments
  • Transmission range and density gradient management to avoid bottleneck around base station in wireless sensor network
  • Impact of the number of SAB on architectures that support unicast/multicast traffic in WDM networks
  • A dynamic probabilistic route discovery for mobile ad hoc networks

2 December 2009

Special issue: The entrepreneurial nature of sports marketing: towards a future research agenda

International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 7(1/2) 2010
  • Technology segmentation for marketing: entrepreneurial approaches to intercollegiate athletics
  • A sport crisis typology: establishing a pathway for future research
  • The reciprocal and influential connection between sport marketing and management and the sport sciences
  • The dynamics of brand equity, co-branding and sponsorship in professional sports
  • Online destination marketing: maximising the tourism potential of a sports event
  • An evaluation of the communication effectiveness of water polo: a content analytic study in Greece
  • ''We are not sportsmen, we are professionals'': professionalism, doping and deviance in elite sport
  • In a peak fitness condition? The Danish elite sports model in an international perspective: managerial efficiency and best practice in achieving international sporting success
  • Hazy viewpoints: administrators' perceptions of hazing
  • Run Happy: entrepreneurship at Brooks Sports

Special issue: International intellectual property law and the creative industries

International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 4(1/2) 2010
  • Knowledge society and freedom of expression
  • On artefacts and middlemen: a musician's note on the economics of copyright
  • Copyrighting ideas? Copyright on information technology products and its consequences for future creativity
  • Christophe Geiger
  • Legal action against asserted cultural genocide and piracy in China: the strength of the WTO and the weakness of the UNESCO
  • Intellectual property and cultural expressions in a digital environment
  • International intellectual property law and creative industries: reshaping standards and recommendations for the future

Special issue: Monitoring, fate and health risks of environmental pollutants (Part 1)

International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 5(1/2) 2010
  • Arsenic and antimony speciation analysis in the environment using hyphenated techniques to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: a review
  • Sequential extraction combined with isotopic analysis as a tool for studying lead contamination from mining activity
  • Mercury distribution in soils and plants surrounding an industrial area in the South of Italy
  • Adsorption dynamics of cobalt [Co(ii)] on rubber granules
  • Accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in some lichens of Garhwal Himalayas, India
  • Transfer and translocation of organochlorine pesticide residues in an agricultural area of Romania
  • Use of ethylenediurea for assessing the impact of ozone on mung bean plants at a rural site in a dry tropical region of India
  • Management of waste organic matters and residential used water for culture and biomass production of red worm (Tubifex tubifex)
  • Lake Edku water-quality monitoring, analysis and management model for optimising drainage water treatment using a genetic algorithm
  • Evaluation of regional groundwater quality using PCA and geostatistics in the urban coastal aquifer, East Coast of India
Additional papers
  • Chinese Strategic Environmental Assessment system and its application in water resources development plan of the Yellow River
  • Recovery of aluminium alloys and some valuable salts from Spent Bottle Covers

Special issue: The Euro at 10

International Journal of Economics and Business Research 2(1/2) 2010

Papers from a conference on the 10th Anniversary of the Euro, held in Middlebury, Vermont, USA, 14-15 November 2008.
  • Ten years of European Monetary Union: What's gone right and What's gone wrong
  • Looking backwards and living forwards: the EMU and the history of monetary unions in Western Europe
  • Shooting on a moving target: explaining European bank rates during the interwar period
  • The 2008 financial crisis and Stability and Growth Pact II? Let us move on to SGP III: ''A la carte''
  • EMU's flawed economic constitution: macroeconomic policy disabled
  • Tax competition and information sharing in Europe: a signalling game
  • Setting targets for government budgets under the EU Stability and Growth Pact and ageing populations
  • The shaping of European immigration policy during the past decade
  • Monetary integration and the French model: a case study in the eurozone
  • Ten years EMU: an assessment of ten critical claims

Special issue: Microgrinding and machining

International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering 3(1) 2010
  • Analysis of cutting forces on electrochemical grinding process
  • Study of surface quality in dry and wet external cylindrical grinding
  • Experimental investigations on machining characteristics of titanium in ultrasonic impact grinding
  • Surface texture after grinding of ceramic materials and its influence on the friction
  • Process liquid reduction in grinding
  • Formation and meaning of residual stress of ground surfaces
  • Economic machining analysis of using coated cutting tools machining M42 tool steel at unusually low cutting speeds
  • Effect of using titanium interlayers on the properties of vitrified diamond tools

Special issue: OTEKON '08

International Journal of Vehicle Design 52(1-4) 2010

Papers from the Fourth Automotive Technology Conference on Vehicle Design, Development and Manufacturing (OTEKON’08 – VDDM), held in Bursa, Turkey, 1–4 June 2008.
  • Design and simulation of an integrated active yaw control system for road vehicles
  • Framework for development of driver adaptive warning and assistance systems that will be triggered by a driver inattention monitor
  • Optimisation of vehicle engine mount system using simulation-based design approach
  • Multi-objective crashworthiness design optimisation of thin-walled tubes
  • Design and simulation of an ABS for an integrated active safety system for road vehicles
  • Simulated annealing approach in scheduling of virtual cellular manufacturing in the automotive industry
  • Propulsion system design of a hybrid electric vehicle
  • Numerical and experimental investigation of heat balance in DI diesel engines for neat diesel fuel and gasoline fumigation
  • Usability of cyclone separators as air filters in vehicles
  • Transient numerical analysis of airflow and heat transfer in a vehicle cabin during heating period
  • Experimental performance of an automobile air conditioning system using a variable capacity compressor for two different types of expansion devices
  • Dynamic simulation of HVAC system thermal loads in an automobile compartment
  • Technical note: Optimisation of the defroster ducts and windshield electric resistances of a city bus with CFD analysis
  • Technical note: Ride comfort optimisation of Ford cargo truck cabin
  • Technical note: Remodelling, design and testing of a steering system for improvement of the characteristics
  • Technical note: Vehicle interior noise source contribution and transfer path analysis

Special issue: Speciation and variation in university industry technology transfer: international experiences and policy learning

International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 9(1/2) 2010
  • Intellectual property in R&D project under Japanese Bayh-Dole system
  • The relationship between a university and its technology transfer office: the case of NTNU in Norway
  • University-industry technology transfer: who needs TTOs?
  • Academia-industry links: modes of knowledge transfer at the Indian Institutes of Technology
  • Reward, risk and response in Australian cooperative research centres
  • New forms of strategic research collaboration between firms and universities in the German research system
  • From collaboration to cross-over – changing university-industry relation in Japan
  • Endogenous and exogenous features of innovation processes in Brazil: two case studies at a Brazilian university
  • Energising R&D accumulation and innovation diffusion: an intermediary model of integrating industry-university collaborations
  • Maybe they can? University technology transfer offices as regional growth engines

Special issue: Technology policy vs industrial policy: a comparison of overlapping and competing approaches to R&D

International Journal of Technology Management 49(1/2/3) 2010
  • Modelling the reciprocal and longitudinal effect of return on sales and R&D intensity during economic cycles
  • Do incentives to industrial R&D enhance research productivity and firm growth? Evidence from the Italian case
  • Balancing industry outlooks and technology policy as response
  • Poles of competitiveness, a French dangerous obsession?
  • A cross-national comparative analysis of industrial policy and competitive advantage
  • International comparison of R&D investment by European, US and Japanese companies
  • Government IT strategy and technology transfer in Korea
  • The economic impact of Taiwan's investment tax credits and its direction of adjustment
  • Are we transiting from an industrial policy to a technology policy era?: a theoretical and empirical analysis
  • Industrial structure and innovation: comparison of innovative performance between South Korea and Taiwan using patent data derived from NBER
  • Demand-orientated policy on leading-edge industry and technology: public procurement for innovation
  • An evolutionary perspective on convergence: inducing a stage model of inter-industry innovation
  • Valuing Hosted VoIP services in the enterprise market: case application using real options
  • Developing innovation strategies for convergence – is 'open innovation' imperative?

Special issue: Tribology in manufacturing processes

International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 4(1) 2010
  • A quantitative lubricant test for deep drawing
  • The utilisation of pin-on-disc simulative tests for the calibration of friction in mechanical processing of materials
  • Friction model selection in FEM simulations of aluminium extrusion
  • Influences of lubricant pocket geometry and working conditions upon micro-lubrication mechanisms in upsetting and strip drawing
  • Influence of lubricants in deep drawing of thick steel sheets
  • Strategic surface topographies for enhanced lubrication in sheet forming of stainless steel
  • Effect of coatings on the wearing resistance of steels for cold forging tools

Special issue: Exploring service innovation – process and metrics

International Journal of Services Technology and Management 13(1/2) 2010
  • Perspective: technology management in the service sector
  • An integrated framework for managing knowledge-intensive service innovation
  • esign for service innovation: a methodology for designing service as a business for manufacturing companies
  • Growth among technology service firms: insights from the balanced scorecard
  • The isomorphic development of insurance – the perspective of social network analysis
  • A method for assessing the business value of information system scenarios with an estimated credibility of the result
  • New entrepreneurial behaviour of public research organisations: opportunities and threats of technological services supply
  • Development of an effort estimation model – a case study on delivery projects at a leading IT provider within the electric utility industry

Special issue: Role and integration of the supplier in supply chain management

International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 19(1/2) 2010
  • Supply chain coordination using EDI with performance implications
  • Evaluating the role and integration of contract manufacturing strategy in supply chain management: an empirical study
  • Supplier selected relationships: choosing friends, over family
  • Scheduling to minimise penalties for a non-dedicated supplier in integrated supply chains
  • The role of integrative capabilities in involving suppliers in New Product Development: a knowledge integration perspective
  • A conceptual model for integrating strategic supply management into the supply chain
  • Real-time order management with supplier capacity reservation
  • Analysis of two different automated purchase order systems in telecom electronics manufacturing unit

Special issue: Experimental and numerical studies on machinability of materials

International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 37(1/2) 2010
  • Computational analysis of the intimate contact between an inclined wedge and low carbon steel during metal cutting
  • Machining performance of nodular iron with coated cutting tools
  • Finite element simulation and experimental analysis of orthogonal cutting of an aluminium alloy using Polycrystalline Diamond tools
  • Ultrasonic Assisted Turning of mild steels
  • Chip morphology: an indicator of response of composite material to grinding
  • Optimisation of process parameters of mechanical type advanced machining processes using a simulated annealing algorithm
  • Determination of optimum amount lubricant in drilling using soft-computing tools: desired surface roughness
  • Analysis and optimisation of cutting parameters for surface roughness in machining Al/SiC particulate composites by PCD tool
  • The influence of tool wear on delamination when drilling glass fibre reinforced epoxy composite with high speed steel and cemented carbide tools
  • Machinability study in turning of unreinforced (PA6) and reinforced (PA66 GF30) polyamides with Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD) tools
  • Study on the influence of MQL and cutting conditions on machinability of brass using Artificial Neural Network
  • A surface roughness analysis in turning of polyamide PA-6 using statistical techniques
  • Performance of diamond coated tools (CVD) in machining polyamides
  • FEM machining analysis: influence of rake angle in cutting of aluminium alloys using Polycrystalline Diamond cutting tools

Special issue: Service-oriented architecture and firm performance

International Journal of Information Technology and Management 9(1) 2010
  • Enablers and benefits of implementing Service-Oriented Architecture: an empirical investigation
  • The strategic value of SOA: a comparative case study in the banking sector
  • A model of Service-Oriented Architecture and firm/network performance
  • Federated ERP-systems on the basis of Web Services and P2P networks
  • A self-learning framework for services selection

Special issue: Human resource development/management in lean production

International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 10(1) 2010
  • Introduction: Human Resource Development/Management in Lean Production
  • Research on HRM and lean management: a literature survey
  • Human Resource development in Toyota culture
  • Lean Thinking as applied to the adult education environment
  • A mathematical model for the evaluation of roles and responsibilities of Human Resources in a Lean Manufacturing environment

Special issue: Simulation and modelling

International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 2(1) 2010

Papers from the 2008 International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Visualisation Methods (MSV’08) held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 14–17 July 2008 (as part of the WORLDCOMP’08 Congress).
  • Modelling the spread of mobile malware
  • Simulation of an optical tracking control system of a differentially-driven wheeled robot
  • A simulator for training fossil-fuel power plants operators with an HMI based on a multi-window system
  • An approximate mathematical model for analysis of underwater acoustic sensor networks
  • Visualising and interacting with multiple simulations using the multichronic tree
  • Visualisation of defibrillation simulation using multiple transthoracic electrodes
  • Modelling, simulating and visualising the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook field equation
  • Multiprocessor simulation using communicating sequential processes
  • Implementation of FlexRay CC and BG protocols with application to a robot system

Special issue: Customer relationship management and information technology applications

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 4(1/2) 2010
  • Efficient utilisation of customer relationship management (CRM) technology: a self-directed learning approach
  • Extending CRM with mobile messaging: a case study
  • Mandatory adoption of customer relationship management information technology: the role of customer support in an attitude-intention model
  • An exploratory study of CRM implementation in Taiwan's banking industry
  • Loyalty card programs, customer relationship and information technology: an exploratory approach
  • Customer relationship management in the banking sector: impact of internet usage by the customer
  • Exploring fantasy sports and its fan base from a CRM perspective
  • A model for CRM implementation in Indian public sector banks

Special issue: Economic crime prevention

International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5(1/2) 2010
  • Control mechanisms in information security: a principal agent perspective
  • A 12-step process of white-collar crime
  • Curbing economic crime with RFID enabled currency
  • Stock market efficiency, insider dealing and market abuse: the UK experience
  • Measuring identity theft and identity fraud
  • Curbing the use of Hawala for money laundering and terrorist financing: global regulatory response and future challenges
  • Innovation dynamics and capability in open collaborative cyber communities: implications for cybersecurity
  • Canadian securities regulation and foreign blocking legislation
  • An analysis of Canadian Audit Committee charters
  • Two students and a professor discover what every business person should know about Industrial Security Firms
  • Commentary: A Dean's educational perspective on economic crime prevention

Special issue: Challenges for European entrepreneurship

International Journal of Business and Globalisation 4(1) 2010

Papers from the from the Fourth Conference on the Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship held in Klagenfurt, Austria, 12 October 2007
  • The dilemma of the Turkish Cypriot entrepreneur: the view from the 'Green Line'
  • The role of entrepreneurship- and technology transfer-oriented initiatives in improving the innovation system in the Western Balkans
  • Unleashing ethnic entrepreneurship: proactive policy-making in a changing Europe
  • Serial entrepreneur and entrepreneurial learning – a case study from Finland
  • Entrepreneurial team characteristics and success of new technology-based firms in Germany

Special issue: Warehousing and mining complex data: applications to biology, medicine, behaviour, health and environment

International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 3(1/2) 2010
  • Proposals for classification methods dedicated to biological data
  • Metamodelling architectures for complex data integration in systems biology
  • Automatic 2D hydrophobic cluster alignment
  • A clustering method to study the loss of kidney function following kidney transplantation
  • Modelling semantics from image data: opportunities from LIDC
  • Predictive risk modelling for forecasting high-cost patients: a real-world application using Medicaid data
  • Learning rules from multisource data for cardiac monitoring
  • Clinical pathway clustering using graph b-colouring and Markov models
Additional papers
  • Investigations of DC Electro-Osmotic (DCEO) micro pumps for an orthopaedic implant applications
  • Modelling of temperature distribution within a dental profile on account of laser irradiation
  • A hardware implementation of distributed incubators' networking and supervision

Special issue: Advances and applications of knowledge-based intelligent systems

International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 2(1) 2010

Papers from the International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES2008) held in Zagreb, Croatia, 3-5 September 2008.
  • Improving the responsiveness of NSGA-II using an adaptive mutation operator: a case study
  • Route optimisation using evolutionary approaches for on-demand pickup problem
  • A knowledge based approach for capturing rich semantic representations from text for intelligent systems
  • A study of knowledge database for 'Kana' strings self-study system on navigation
  • Knowledge network for English grammar learning support system
  • Augmenting transportation-related recommendations through data mining
  • Assessing IRPS as an efficient pairwise test data generation strategy

30,000 papers now online!

Inderscience has now published over 30,000 papers online. This milestone has been reached in its 30th year of publishing journals, and comes as it is fast approaching its 300th published title - a nice hat-trick to be celebrating as we push on towards further expansion in the New Year.