28 November 2012

Special issue: Service Firms' Governance and Management: Trends and Challenges

International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 5(1/2) 2013
  • Towards a comprehensive view of tourism governance: relationships between the corporate governance of tourism service firms and territorial governance
  • Tourism development through heritage enhancement and hospitality innovation
  • Entry mode choices in international markets: examining the antecedents of service firms' strategies
  • Does corporate ownership structure affect firms' environmental performance? Evidence in the European energy industry
  • Strategic and organisational determinants of performance in Italian management consulting firms
  • Real estate management: past, present, and future research directions
Additional paper
  • On the relationship between size, capabilities and internationalisation: an explorative analysis of Italian subcontracting SMEs

25 November 2012

Call for papers: Mass Customisation and Sustainability

A special issue of International Journal of Mass Customisation

Mass customisation has emerged as a business strategy due to an increasing market demand for individually customised products. However, as this demand has increased, so has the customer demand and legislation for products which are sustainable.

Some research, however, has questioned whether manufacturing customised products is really compatible with sustainability. It is indicated that achieving sustainability in mass customisation implies a number of challenges which are very different from those in achieving sustainability in mass production and in relation to product design, manufacturing, logistics, reuse, recycling, etc.

Some research has recently been published linking the two domains of mass customisation and sustainability. However, as customer demand for sustainability and mass customised products increases while environmental legislation at the same time becomes stricter, the interconnection between these two previously separate research areas becomes more important and calls for more research focused on this topic.

The disciplines of sustainable product design and eco-design contribute to the development and manufacturing of sustainable products, but are however generic and do not specifically address the challenges related to mass customisation. Contrarily, much research has focused on supporting mass customisation in terms of concepts and methods for product design, product architectures, IT systems, manufacturing processes, etc. However, these do not specifically take into account the challenges of sustainability. Hence there is a gap between the two research areas and closing this gap would imply benefits for mass customisers and society in general.

The objective of this special issue is to present a compilation of the current significant research within the intersection of mass customisation and sustainability. It aims at contributing in the areas of product development, analysis and production with a knowledge base of industrial applications, case stories, generalised methods and tools.

This special issue calls for original manuscripts from both academia and industry.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Sustainable product design for mass customisation
  • Sustainability, modularity, product architecture and platforms for mass customisation
  • Sustainability in mass customisation practices, methods and tools
  • Information management in relation to sustainability and mass customisation
  • Analysis of product portfolios with respect to sustainability
  • Metrics for sustainability and mass customisation
  • Life cycle analysis of customised products
  • Sustainability in mass customisation supply chains
  • Sustainability and mass customisation manufacturing
  • Remanufacturing and recycling of customised products
  • Case studies of significant sustainability efforts in mass customisation contexts
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 1 May, 2013
Notification to authors: 15 September, 2013
Final versions due: 15 December, 2013

Call for papers: Modularity in Product Development

A special issue of International Journal of Product Development

Mass customisation as a business strategy has since its introduction two decades ago called for platform design and modularity in product development. Solution space development as one of the three fundamental capabilities in mass customisation necessitates modularity in product development in order to control the vast amount of growth of required variants to fulfil unique customer needs.

Although modularisation has been applied for decades, many companies are still facing major challenges in applying the principles of modularity, and thus research within this area continues to be relevant.

The objective of this special issue is to present a compilation of the current significant research within the area of modularity in product development. Its aim is to contribute in the areas of modular product development, development processes, analysis and case studies with original high quality publications presenting case studies, analyses, concept or methods.

This issue calls for original manuscripts from both academia and industry.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Product architecture and platforms
  • Modularity in product development practices, methods and tools
  • Transformation to modularity: observations and experiences
  • Product development process analysis and assessment
  • Formalisation of modularity in design and engineering
  • Platform and modularity engineering methodologies
  • Information management for modularity and platform engineering activities
  • Modularity and platform management in the enterprise
  • Modularity and sustainability in product design and development
  • Analysis of product portfolios with respect to modularity
  • Metrics for product architecture and modularity
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 1 May, 2013
Notification to authors: 15 September, 2013
Final versions due: 15 December, 2013

Call for papers: Loss and Damage from Climate Change

A special issue of International Journal of Global Warming

"Loss and damage" refers to adverse effects of climate variability and change that communities and societies have not (yet) been able to cope with or adapt to. It includes impacts of extreme weather events, such as cyclones, floods, droughts and heat waves, and slow-onset climatic changes, such as sea level rise, higher temperatures, changing rainfall patterns and desertification. These climate threats can cause loss and damage in the areas of people's food, livelihood and security, but also in the social, health and cultural domains.

It is increasingly acknowledged that there are limitations to people's and societies' capacity to adapt to climate change without incurring significant losses and damages, especially in poorer developing countries. In this vein, some leading scholars call for a paradigm shift in climate change research. Mitigation and adaptation, they argue, are limited to prevention of impact and preclude a sound vision on how to deal with losses and damages after they occur. However, empirical research in this field is scattered and scarce.

This special issue is intended to make a major contribution to the emerging body of knowledge on the impacts of climate change beyond adaptation. Secondly, it will serve to assist national and international organisations to design better policies to address loss and damage from climate change.

The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the United Nations University Scientific Conference: “Perspectives on Loss & Damage: Society, Climate Change, and Decision Making” (25-28 February, 2013), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:

 Is loss and damage a physical impact or a socially mediated outcome?
  •  State-of-science on climate change impacts that contribute to loss and damage
  •  Human impacts of climate change in vulnerable countries
  •  Consequences of impacts: loss and damage in terms of social organisation, economics, politics and culture
 What does loss and damage look like at different scales?
  •  Scales of loss and damage now and in the future
  •  Empirical findings about loss and damage in case studies
  •  Community-level research on loss and damage
  •  National and regional level views and research on loss and damage
 Perspectives on and meaning of loss and damage research findings
  •  Crisis or state change?
  •  Adaptation and limits to adaptation vis-à-vis climatic extremes and incremental slow onset climate change
  •  Vulnerability and resilience
  •  Formal or informal decision pathways – framing decision making around loss and damage?
 Paradigms for research and policy on loss and damage
  •  Perspectives on loss and damage and their repercussions for decision making
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 31 March, 2013
First-round reviews: 31 July, 2013
Final version: 30 September, 2013

Newly announced journal: International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence

Beginning publication in 2014, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence will deal with the development and evolution of artificial intelligence and machine intelligence, drawing from cognitive science, neuroscience, intelligence science and information science, among other disciplines.

First issue: International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems

Dealing with sustainable materials, components, structures, and infrastructural systems, International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems has an emphasis on technical advances in sustainable materials and structural systems. The journal covers both basic and applied research in physics, engineering and materials science over different time and space scales and also industrial applications. It is  published with the support and cooperation of Southeast University, Nanjing, China.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: International Journal of System Control and Information Processing

Covering the theory, application and design of control systems, and the implementation of information technology, International Journal of System Control and Information Processing encourages contributions from both academic research and industrial technology development, and provides a forum to integrate far-reaching research insight and methodologies with new knowledge and novel techniques.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue

24 November 2012

Special issue: Cleaner production initiatives and challenges for a sustainable world

International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 11(3) 2012

Papers from the Third International Workshop: Advances in Cleaner Production held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 18-20 May 2011.
  • Cleaner production and life cycle design of upholstered furniture
  • New model of municipal solid waste management
  • Actions of university socio environmental responsibility
  • An evaluation of a MSW-to-energy system using Emergy synthesis
  • The scope of the land-based sector to mitigate climate change in North-east Scotland: opportunities and challenges with particular reference to the role of forests
  • Model analyses of long and short term pollution emission reduction
Additional Paper
  • Is sustainable development achievable in Ghana? An analysis of Ghana's development policy achievements and challenges

Special issue: Innovation for financial services

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 16(1/2) 2012

Includes papers from the 1st Innovation for Financial Services Summit, held in Luxembourg, 21-23 September 2011.
  • Drivers, processes and consequences of financial innovation: a research agenda
  • Innovation and the global financial crisis - systemic consequences of incompetence
  • A taxonomy of the 'dark side' of financial innovation: the cases of high frequency trading and exchange traded funds
  • Exploring the influence of regulation on the innovation process
  • Project portfolio management in financial services: aligning systems and climate
  • Co-creation and co-profiting in financial services

21 November 2012

Special Issue: Best Paper Award 2011 and 2012 in Corporate Governance

European Journal of International Management 6(6) 2012

Best papers from the International Research Workshop on Corporate Governance at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
  • Regulation of banking and banks governance: when liquidity drives financial behaviour
  • Board composition and forms of innovation: does diversity make a difference?
Regularly Submitted Papers 
  • Cultural differences in leadership in SMEs: new product development in China and Germany
  • Key HRM strategies for M&A integration in the global banking industry: a comparative study of the USA, Europe and South America
  • Explaining geographic diversity of editorial boards: the role of conference participation and English-language skills

Call for papers: Business Model Innovation

A special issue of International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

Business model innovation attracts continued interest in both business research and practice (Gunther-McGrath, 2011), and offers a wide range of avenues for further investigations into its various dimensions.

Following the acknowledgement of their importance for successful innovations, business models themselves became subject to innovation. Companies started to realise that in response to changes in their environment, even a successful business model is never a permanent given (Chesbrough, 2007; Lindgardt et al., 2009). Rather, firms are required to reconsider their established models (Chesbrough, 2010) – either in response or pro-active anticipation of changes in their environment.

Business model innovation thereby goes far beyond isolated product, service or technology innovation (Lindgardt et al., 2009). It involves the innovation of at least one of its constituting elements, including its value proposition, its value chain or its revenue model and thereby provides a firm with potentials such as the activation of overlooked value sources within the company or the creation of novel systems that are difficult to imitate (Amit, Zott, 2010).

While the impact of business models and their impact on a firm’s success appears to be convincing (Koen, Bertels Elsum, 2011), so far the construct has been only very poorly understood (Teece, 2010). Scholars are still concerned with the theoretical foundation and definition of both business models and business model innovation. Literature on business models has developed in a range of isolated silos integrated in ecommerce, strategy and innovation management literatures, which further demonstrates the lack of a common understanding of the concept’s definition (Zott, Amit, Massa, 2011).

Our motivation for this special issue has been determined by the infant stage of the research on business model innovation while it has at the same time increased in importance as a driver and subject for innovation. Consequently, we call for full papers that provide new theoretical perspectives on and/or
empirical insights into business model innovation and its underlying processes, thus enhancing the study and understanding of the subject.

The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at Euram 2013, ISPIM 2013 and the R&D Management Conference 2013, but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Business model innovation and strategy
  • Organisational design and business model innovation
  • Process and elements of business model innovation
  • Role of different stakeholders in business model innovation
  • Measuring success and effects of business model innovation
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 15 August, 2013
Reviews and revisions deadline: 30 November, 2013
Final selection of papers: 31 December, 2013

Call for papers: Nanotechnology, Innovation and Global Development

A special issue of International Journal of Technology and Globalisation

Advances in nanotechnology offer a wide range of opportunities for addressing global development challenges. Work is underway around the world to apply nanotechnology in a variety of sectors including agriculture, medicine, telecommunications, disaster management and environmental conservation.

A number of developing countries, especially in emerging markets, are starting to pay policy attention to this field. However, the majority of developing nations have not recognised the implications of nanotechnology for economic development.

The aim of this special issue is to provide a review of advances in nanotechnology or relevance to global development. Preference will be given to papers that combine assessment of emerging nanotechnologies and identification of policy options for action. Special attention will be given to studies that focus on specific applications. The issue also welcomes papers on prospects of nanotechnology transfer to developing countries.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Nanotechnology, innovation and agriculture
  • Nanotechnology, innovation and pharmaceutical research
  • Nanotechnology, innovation and healthcare
  • Nanotechnology, innovation and water purification
  • Nanotechnology, innovation and industry
  • Nanotechnology, innovation and polymer research
  • Nanotechnology, innovation and computing
  • Nanotechnology and disaster management
  • Nanotechnology in environmental management
  • Nanotechnology research policy
  • Nanotechnology and technological leapfrogging
  • Nanotechnology and technological catch-up
  • Nanotechnology and innovation systems
  • Nanotechnology and international cooperation
  • Nanotechnology and science diplomacy
  • Nanotechnology and human health
  • Nanotechnology and the environment
  • Nanotechnology and regulation
  • Nanotechnology and public policy
  • Nanotechnology and governance
  • Nanotechnology and society
  • Status reviews of nanotechnology advances
Important Dates
Manuscript submission: 15 June, 2013
Notification of initial decision: 15 July, 2013
Submission of revised manuscripts: 15 September, 2013
Notification of final acceptance: 15 October, 2013

18 November 2012

Special issue: Toward an organisation science of extreme outcomes and power-law distributions

International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management 2(1/2) 2012

Includes papers from the 15th Annual Organization Science Winter Conference 2008.
  • Rare, outlier and extreme: beyond the Gaussian model and measures
  • The structure of economic connections between industries: non-scaling behaviour
  • Leading large: emergent learning and adaptation in complex social networks
  • The dynamics of organisational response: simulating cultural change
  • When organisations and ecosystems interact: toward a law of requisite fractality in firms

Special issue: Advanced models for the design, optimisation and performance measurement of supply chains

International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling 4(3/4) 2012
  • Measuring agility performance in fresh food supply chains: an ordinal two-stage data envelopment analysis
  • Development of a universal supply chain management performance index
  • An object-oriented supply chain simulation for products with high service level requirements in the embedded devices industry
  • Designing supply chain networks for the offshore wind energy industry
  • Modelling and performance analysis of a supply chain using timed coloured Petri nets
  • An exact algorithm for the three-dimensional loading capacitated vehicle routing problem
  • Innovative solutions based on modelling and simulation for supporting decisions makers in maritime logistics
  • Organised agri-food (apple) supply chain in Indian scenario: reality or myth?
  • An integrated supply chain management model for value creation: case evidence

Newly announced title: International Journal of Migration and Residential Mobility

Beginning publication in 2014,  International Journal of Migration and Residential Mobility will have an emphasis on the implications that policy choices have on both the process and law of migration and residential mobility. It also focuses on the physiological, mental and behavioural responses of the people concerned and offers a platform for publishing research which covers theoretical, methodological, policy and empirical studies spanning a broad range of disciplines and perspectives related to migration and residential mobility.

17 November 2012

Call for papers: Advances in Logistics and Transport

A special issue of International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling

The increasing call for mass customisation in many industries has made today’s global supply chains very complex, requiring a multitude of parallel information and physical flows to be controlled to ensure high customer service levels.

Enterprises today are exploring different ways to achieve competitive advantage in their industry. Within the last decade, active sourcing from low-cost economies has taken place and has led to logistics networks becoming globalised and complex. As transportation and logistics costs rise in importance, inventory, handling, lot size and mode choice decisions have a larger effect on corporate profitability.

The aim of this special issue is report on the most recent developments in the area of logistics and transport.

The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT’2013)  taking place on 29-31 May, 2013, but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Accessibility, mobility, security and safety
  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Modelling the complexity of logistics systems
  • Logistics and supply chain management
  • Optimisation and logistics challenges
  • Supply chain and logistics challenges in the enterprise
  • Supply chain optimization
  • Planning and scheduling
  • Advances in optimisation models
  • Algorithms and platforms
  • Inventory management
  • Enterprise-wide optimisation
  • Transportation, logistics and distribution networks
  • Inventory management
  • Process operations and scheduling, production and material flows
  • Logistics process control
  • Batch tracking and tracing
  • Reverse logistics and facility planning
  • Warehouse-transport interfaces
  • Supply chain design, revenue management and enhancement
  • Responding to and reducing supply chain performance variance
  • Management and amelioration of uncertainty
  • Analysis of sourcing and pricing decisions
  • Achievement of lean logistics within supply chains
  • Logistics planning
  • Warehouse and distribution
  • Transportation management systems
  • Logistics visibility and control
  • Procurement
  • Supply chain collaboration
  • Supply chain process
Important Dates
Manuscript submission: 15 July, 2013 (extended)
Notification of initial decision: 15 August, 2013
Submission of revised manuscript: 15 September, 2013
Notification of final acceptance: 15 October, 2013

Call for papers: Durability of Concrete Structures

A special issue of International Journal of Structural Engineering

Concrete is the most important structural material in human history and “man consumes no material except water in such tremendous quantities”. Concrete was once regarded as a durable material with no need of maintenance. However, it is now generally accepted that structural concrete does not have an indefinite life, i.e., it deteriorates with time.

In developed countries, approximately 50% of the expenditure in the construction industry is spent on repair, maintenance and remediation of infrastructures. In some developing countries like China and India, there is an exponential growth in infrastructure and these newly-built structures such as bridges and dams requires more than 100 years service life. Therefore, the importance of the durability of infrastructure cannot be over-emphasised.

This special issue focuses on the durability of concrete structures in structural engineering.

Original papers reporting new theoretical and experimental developments are welcome, including those in, but not limited to, the following areas:
  • Influence of environments on durability
  • Ionic/molecular transport modelling
  • Materials for durability enhancement
  • Material deterioration
  • Performance of deteriorated structures
  • Durability design
  • Life-cycle management of concrete structures
  • Testing, inspection and monitoring methods
  • Repair and maintenance
  • Practical application
Important Date
Deadline for paper submission: 1 April, 2013 (extended)

Special issue: Rough sets and granular computing

International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 4(3) 2012

Papers from the 27th Fuzzy System Symposium held in Fukui, Japan, 12–14 September 2011
  • Granular hierarchical structures of finite naïve subsets and multisets based on free monoids and homomorphisms
  • A revised approach to solving the symbolic value partition problem from a viewpoint of roughness of partitions
  • Applied study of method to presume decision class by variable precision rough sets model: a case study of how to decide the design concept of a digital camera
  • Division charts for handling the consistency in granular computing
  • Association rule-based decision making in table data
Additional Paper
  • An extension of context model for representing vague knowledge

Special issue: Performance and globalisation

International Journal of Business and Globalisation 9(3) 2012

Papers from the International Conference on Business Cases (ICMC2011), held in Greater Noida, India,  1–2 December 2011
  • BM's environmental management system supplier requirements: corporate responsibility performance or deviation?
  • Economic geography in the development of Cambodia: the case of Okhna Mong Port Co. Ltd.
  • Fortescue Metals Group Ltd - becoming the lowest cost leader through managing key stakeholders
  • A critical thinking challenge for the chief of staff: a case study
Regular Papers
  • Emerging capabilities in manufacturing companies: taxonomy of multinationals transformation
  • Assessment on the adoption of low carbon and green supply chain management practices in Indian supply chain sectors - manufacturing and service industries

Special issue: The automotive sector - notes on sustainability challenges

International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 12(3) 2012

Papers from the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection (SEEP2010) held in Bari, Italy in 29 June-2 July 2010.
  • Liquid biofuels from tree borne seed oils for automotive diesel engines
  • On-board prediction of future speed profile for energy management of hybrid electric vehicles
  • Performance and emissions of a Euro5 small diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel
  • Ontologies for interoperating sustainable manufacturing: new opportunities for the automotive sector
Additional Paper
  • The relationship between internationalisation and firm performance in the global automotive industry: who benefits? Who not?

Special issue: Electronic systems – Part I

International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering 5(4) 2012

Papers from the  International Conference on Electronic Systems-2011 held in Rourkela, India, 7-9 January 2011.
  • Data-path selection mechanism based on physical layer impairments for WDM network
  • Neural network based prediction of Parkinsonian hand tremor using surface electromyography
  • Sidelobe suppression using convolutional windows in radar
  • Performance analysis of multi user chaotic communication system using orthogonal chaotic vector
  • Channel estimation algorithms for OFDM systems
  • Impedance and radiation characteristics of circular patch wearable antennas at flat and bent positions
  • Bandwidth enhancement of microstrip antennas using additional gap-coupled hexagonal shape resonators to the radiating edges
  • Sidelobe reduction of a scanned and broadside central element fed concentric ring array antenna with fixed first null beamwidth using novel particle swarm optimisation 
  • The circular microstrip patch antenna (CMPA) with circular and rectangular slot etched ground plane for wireless communication (HiperLAN/1 and HiperLAN/2)

Special issue: Concepts, tools and techniques for managing successful projects

International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 4(4) 2012

Papers from the 5th Scientific Conference on Project Management organised by PM-Greece in Crete 29–31 May 2010
  • Embracing real outcomes to future projects: a knowledge management method for schedule development
  • Resource-constrained scheduling of construction projects and simulation of the entropy impact on a project's duration and cost
  • The development of a robust resource constrained project scheduling framework
  • Effectiveness of risk management: barriers and solutions
  • Critical success factors of risk assessment and management processes (RAMP) implementation in Ghanaian construction related organisations
  • Investigation of earthmoving trucks deterioration using discriminant analysis
  • Superintendent's leadership: a key factor in project success
  • Generation of rework: an organisation's perspective

15 November 2012

Call for papers: Action-based Entrepreneurship Education

A special issue of  World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development

Entrepreneurial competency developed through entrepreneurship education is increasingly in demand from policy-makers and practitioners (OECD 2011; World Economic Forum 2011), with high expectations placed on entrepreneurship education to improve students skills and abilities in new venture creation and research commercialisation.

Entrepreneurship education has shown a trend towards an emphasis on business and financial planning (Mwasalwiba 2010). However, several researchers have questioned the efficiency of this pedagogical approach, arguing that it is insufficient in delivering the knowledge for how to act entrepreneurially in general, and more specifically, how to create new firms (Gruber 2007; Honig and Samuelsson 2012; Karlsson and Honig 2007).

Entrepreneurship courses at universities have taught the topic traditionally focusing on the development of students’ knowledge about entrepreneurship. In recent years, researchers have suggested a more action-based education (Rasmussen and Sørheim 2006), encouraging students to generate experience in entrepreneurship in order to develop their skills and abilities (Cope and Watts 2000; Lackeus and Williams Middleton 2011; Mwasalwiba 2010).

While an action-based perspective on entrepreneurial education emphasises “learning through entrepreneurship” rather than “learning about entrepreneurship”, there is a need to bridge theories concerned with informal entrepreneurial learning and more formalised education-based learning theories (Politis 2005; Rae 2006).

This leads to questions regarding how educational design for entrepreneurial learning can be created and implemented, understanding the key components of how design and delivery contributes to learning, as well as how learning outcomes are accessed and communicated for both educational and more “real-world” purposes. An education emphasising “real” entrepreneurial action needs a context within which this action can be realised. In what way do the structures and organisations in and around an education influence the potential for entrepreneurial action, and as a consequence, how do they influence the possibility for students to develop their entrepreneurial skills and abilities?

This special issue aims to improve the link between entrepreneurship research and education, to develop pedagogies on how to advance entrepreneurial skills and abilities, and to explore how context influences the possibilities for action-based entrepreneurship. We hope for contributions by entrepreneurship researchers and educators alike.

The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the NFF conference’s entrepreneurship education track, but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.

Cope, J. and Watts, G. (2000), "Learning by doing: An exploration of experience, critical incidents and reflection in entrepreneurial learning" International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 6, 3, 104-124.
Gruber, M. (2007), "Uncovering the value of planning in new venture creation: A process and contingency perspective" Journal of Business Venturing, 22, 6, 782-807.
Honig, B. and Samuelsson, M. (2012), "Planning and the Entrepreneur: A Longitudinal Examination of Nascent Entrepreneurs in Sweden" Journal of Small Business Management, 50, 3, 365-388.
Karlsson, T. and Honig, B. (2007), "Norms surrounding business plans and their effect on entrepreneurial behavior" Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 27, 22, Article 1.
Lackeus, M. and Williams Middleton, K. (2011), Venture Creation Programs: entrepreneurial education through real-life content. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Syracuse, NY.
Mwasalwiba, E. S. (2010), "Entrepreneurship education: a review of its objectives, teaching methods, and impact indicators" Education + Training, 52, 1, 20-47.
OECD (2011), Entrepreneurship at a Glance 2011, OECD Publishing.
Politis, D. (2005), "The Process of Entrepreneurial Learning: A Conceptual Framework" Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 29, 4, 399-424.
Rae, D. (2006), "Entrepreneurial learning: A conceptual framework for technology-based enterprise" Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 18, 1, 39-56. Rasmussen, E. and Sørheim, R. (2006), "Action-based entrepreneurship education" Technovation, 26, 2, 185-194.
World Economic Forum (2011), Unlocking Entrepreneurial Capabilities to Meet the Global Challenges of the 21st Century: Final Report on the Entrepreneurship Education Workstream. World Economic Forum Global Education Initiative. World Economic Forum.

Examples of themes include:
  • Evidence-based entrepreneurship education
  • Current entrepreneurship research-inspired educational designs such as courses based on effectuation, bricolage, bootstrapping, lean start-ups, etc.
  • Action-based entrepreneurship education design and pedagogic approach(es)
  • Entrepreneurial learning environments – simulations, venture laboratories, field studies
  • Entrepreneurial identity construction and behaviour development through practice
  • Entrepreneurial education’s contribution to entrepreneurial ecosystems (building community of practice)
  • Teaching, coaching, mentoring and facilitating methods stimulating entrepreneurial learning
  • Balancing collaborative, team and individual learning in entrepreneurship education
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • How can education be structured in order to improve not only students’ knowledge about entrepreneurship but also their entrepreneurial skills and abilities?
  • How can education prepare students for entrepreneurial action?
  • What are suitable pedagogical tools for the instruction of, for example, effectuation, bricolage, lean-start-ups, ideation and research commercialisation?
  • How can organised environments be used to enable (or not disable) entrepreneurial learning?
  • How is the action-based part of education integrated into knowledge development?
  • How can and should the effects of entrepreneurial education be evaluated?
We invite full paper submissions dedicated but not exclusively limited to these perspectives with a focus either on theory, empirical research or real world application.

Important Date
Submission deadline: 31 October, 2013

Call for papers: Sustainability and Ethics in Global Transportation Logistics Networks

A special issue of World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research

Transportation logistics networks are enablers of globalised trade and, if functioning properly, act as facilitators of trade and economic growth.

However, the coin always has two sides, and business and environmental sustainability, shadow economies, labour treatment and compensation, ethical (e.g. use of middlemen in questionable purchases) and moral (e.g. individual choices in daily managerial decisions) issues pose challenges for corporations and societies. As a further technical issue, the age of used transportation fleets together with aging infrastructure pose great challenges not only for environmental sustainability, but for business sustainability too.

In this special issue we welcome transportation logistics research studies regarding these rarely-addressed issues. We are interested in studies covering different transportation modes, customs, infrastructure conditions/planning of new infrastructure, actors in transportation logistics processes, inland/sea port terminals, sea ports, airports and warehouses.

As assembly operations are today also incorporated in the warehousing business, studies taking into account simple manufacturing and sourcing operations are also invited for the special issue. We are extremely interested in case studies and emerging markets. Both positive and negative studies of high quality into sustainability and ethics are welcome.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
  • Transportation modes and sustainability
  • Transportation fleet management
  • Condition of infrastructure and planning approaches for new infrastructure
  • Labour practices
  • Ethics in purchasing and supply management
  • Ethics of subcontracting of transportation logistics
  • Control practices in transportation logistics networks
  • Morals of decision makers in transportation logistics
  • Assembly operations in terminals and/or warehouses
  • Customs
  • Shadow economies and transportation logistics
Important Dates
Full paper due: 31 March, 2013 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: 31 May, 2013
Final version of the paper due: 15 July, 2013

Special issue: Current topics in biomedical engineering

International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials 4(2) 2012

Papers based on research talks presented at ‘Bioengineering in Ireland’, the 17th Annual Conference of the Bioengineering Section of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, held in Galway, 28-29 January 2011.
  • Hydrothermal synthesis of coccolith rich chalk to hydroxyapatite
  • Injection techniques for bulk cell seeding decellularised vascular scaffolds
  • Adhesion and survival of electrogenic cells on gold nanopillar array electrode
  • Acoustic emission source localisation on bone using multiple regression
  • Identification of a suitable sterilisation method for collagen derived from a marine Demosponge
  • Development of an experimental model of the carotid bifurcation using electrically conductive silicone: an introduction to the incorporation of baroreceptor function within a mimetic model of the carotid artery

Special issue: Understanding family business competitiveness and performance

International Journal of Management Practice 5(4) 2012

Papers from the  International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Family Business Forum held in Bogota, Colombia, in 2011.
  • Family business and firm performance: evidence from the Mexican Stock Exchange
  • Familiness vs. family ownership and control: what is the impact on the performance of a firm? Evidence from the field
  • Recruitment challenges in family firms: the effects of message content and type of applicant on organisational attractiveness
  • The suitability of internal versus external successors: relevant knowledge types in family business succession

Special issue: The role of innovation and HRM strategies in enhancing the organisational performance

World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 8(4) 2012

Papers from the 3rd Annual EuroMed Academy of Business Conference held in Nicosia, Cyprus, 4–5 November 2010.
  • Local subsidiaries initiatives: cultural determinants and outcomes
  • Human resource management - practices, performance and strategy in the Italian hotel industry
  • Changing talent management practises and global talent management: a literature review and research agenda for the Mediterranean region
  • An analysis of human resource empowerment and organisational performance in Greek sport federations
Additional Papers
  •  Innovative business cases in the South Africa table grape and wine industries: developing the concept of empowerment entrepreneurship
  • An examination of the relationship between corruption and total entrepreneurial activity

Special issue: Exergy life cycle assessment and sustainability

International Journal of Exergy 11(4) 2012

Papers from the 1st International Exergy Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Workshop and Symposium (ELCAS) held in Nisyros, Greece, 4-6 June 2009.
  • Study on the effect of preference of air-conditioning usage on the exergy consumption pattern within a built environment
  • The reference environment: utilising exergy and anergy for buildings
  • Exergy indicators in the building environment
  • Steady versus dynamic exergy analysis: the case of an air source heat pump
  • Benchmarking of low 'exergy' buildings
  • Visual and thermal comfort and its relations to exergy consumption in a classroom with daylighting
  • Development of human-body exergy balance model for a better understanding of thermal comfort in the built environment
  • Exergy and sustainability
  • Understanding and improving energy conversion systems with the aid of exergy-based methods

Special issue: Advanced soft computing methodologies and applications in web intelligences

International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence 3(2) 2012

Papers from some conferences sponsored by the IEEE SMC Hiroshima Chapter and a special session in the IEEE systems, man, and cybernetics (SMC) conference.
  • Parallel processing for stepwise generalisation method on multi-core PC cluster
  • Knowledge discovery of tourist subjective data in smartphone-based participatory sensing system by interactive growing hierarchical SOM and C4.5
  • Machi-POS - point of sales system for restaurant district
  • Assignment strategy selection for multi-car elevator group control using reinforcement learning
  • Knowledge acquisition from many-attribute data by genetic programming with clustered terminal symbols

Special issue: Algorithms and protocols for opportunistic and delay-tolerant networks

International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 11(2/3) 2012
  • On the characterisation of vehicular mobility in a large-scale public transport network
  • Probabilistic data collection protocols for energy harvesting wireless sensor networks
  • Towards augmented connectivity with delay constraints in WSN federation
  • Connectivity restoration in delay-tolerant sensor networks using game theory
  • Worst-case latency of broadcast in intermittently connected networks
  • Building routing overlays in disrupted networks: inferring contacts in challenged sensor internetworks
  • Enabling delay-tolerant communications for partially connected vehicular ad hoc networks
Additional Papers
  • Transition phase of connectivity for wireless networks with growing process
  •  SensorStream: a semantic real-time stream management system

Special issue: Continuous innovation: field evolution and open issues

International Journal of Technology Management 61(1) 2012
  • Continuous innovation: towards a paradoxical, ambidextrous combination of exploration and exploitation
  • Exploring the exploratory search for innovation: a structural equation modelling test for practices and performance
  • Managing strategic ambidexterity: the spin-along approach
  • Intellectual property management practices at small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Is it all about size? Comparing organisational and environmental antecedents of IT assimilation in small and medium-sized enterprises

Newly announced title: International Journal of Circuits and Architecture Design

Beginning publication in 2014, International Journal of Circuits and Architecture Design will cover  new issues and developments in circuits, architecture design, systems, processor architecture and electronic design automation.

11 November 2012

Call for papers: Technology Transfer and Innovation

A special issue of International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation

A key component in the success of industrial firms is the extent of their innovativeness. In recent decades, as a result of intense international competition, fragmented and demanding markets and rapidly changing technologies, innovation has become one of the most relevant factors for firms.

Going back to the roots, Schumpeter hypothesised the linear view of the innovation process, while in today’s competitive markets there is evidence that the majority of commercially significant innovation is actually incremental in nature, involving the development, application and re-application of existing knowledge with little or no scientific advance. Evolutionary models of the innovation process, in particular, suggest the potential importance of inter-firm networks as sources of new technical knowledge, in addition to an enterprise’s own R&D effort.

Thus, organisations recognise the need to acquire new technologies and knowledge from the external environment in order to compete and survive, as well as to exchange technologies, experience and knowledge they have developed in order to access new markets and revenue streams. In other words, companies recognise the importance of the “technology transfer” process. Through this technology transfer process, industrial companies improve their competitiveness and society as a whole can benefit from the innovations introduced into the market, justifying public investments in R&D.

The extant literature has identified a number of actors involved in this process, among them the subject who transfers the technology, the subject who receives the technology and a third-party transfer facilitator. The transferring actor may be a small firm, a medium/large firm, a research laboratory or an engineering company. The receiving actor (i.e. the final customer of the TT process) is usually a small or a large firm. Finally, the facilitator actor may be represented by universities and research centres, technological brokers, scientific parks, etc., whose main task is precisely that of facilitating the integration between the two firms involved and playing a neutral role controlling their behaviour. In fact, a fundamental role in the innovation process is played by universities and public research centres responsible for developing knowledge and technologies, so that industrial companies are able to incorporate this new knowledge and technology into new (or improved) products and processes.

Based on the premises above, the purpose of this special issue is to contribute to filling the gaps identified in the extant literature.

We encourage multidisciplinary, theoretical and empirical studies at the intersection of the technology transfer and innovation fields of research, related to (but not limited to) the following topics:
  • Design and models of technology transfer: from strategy to implementation
  • Technology and innovation policy frameworks
  • Technology transfer and innovation: the importance of intellectual property
  • Technology transfer and regional economies
  • University-industry technology transfer
  • Academic and industrial spin-offs
  • The role of scientific parks as facilitators for the commercialisation of innovative results
  • Technology transfer in low-intensity research industries
  • Technology transfer and innovation in SMEs
  • Technology transfer and innovation: their implications for organisational structure
  • Intrafirm technology transfer: organisational and managerial issues
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 30 June, 2013 (extended)
Notification to Authors: 20 September, 2013
Final papers due (with any changes): 31 October, 2013

Call for papers: Dependable and Secure Computing for Large-Scale Complex Critical Infrastructures

A special issue of International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems

Large-scale complex critical infrastructures (LCCIs), such as water and power supply plants or transport infrastructures (e.g. airports and seaports), play a key role in several fundamental human activities. It is easy to appreciate their economic and social impact: the consequences of an outage can be catastrophic in terms of efficiency, economical losses, consumer dissatisfaction, and even indirect harm to people and deaths.

Currently, LCCIs make extensive use of information and communication technology (ICT) (e.g. computing systems, communication networks and sensing hardware), particularly software systems for LCCI interconnection, control and management in charge of providing support for advanced monitoring and control facilities.

These systems have to be highly resilient in order to reduce the risk of LCCI catastrophic failures. Nevertheless, the resiliency of future LCCIs is compromised by several factors which can be intentional and unintentional. Firstly, these systems are increasingly conceived as the composition of several Off-The-Shelf (OTS) items and/or legacy subsystems, increasing the probability of failure occurrences due to unexpected or erroneous modes of operation. Secondly, they have been designed without considering that their size will grow significantly and cross national boundaries, and that their operational environment, originally planned to be "closed", would become "open" to the world to allow interoperability among LCCIs and remote access and control. This implies that the both accidental events and malicious attacks should be taken into account.

The novel challenges posed by LCCIs correspond with the unsuitability of current systems; existing solutions are usually applied to simpler and closed systems. The innovative and challenging aspect is to apply these available strategies or to define novel ones in the context of complex, evolvable and extremely heterogeneous systems which will compose future LCCI systems.

The defining of novel middleware technologies, models and methods is required to assess and ensure the resiliency level of current and future OTS-based LCCIs, to diagnose faults in real time, and to tolerate them by means of dynamic reconfiguration. Assuring the resiliency level of LCCIs is crucial to reduce, with known probabilities, the occurrence of catastrophic failures, and consequently, to adopt proper diagnosis and reconfiguration strategies.

The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 1st International Workshop on Dependable and Secure Computing for Large-Scale Complex Critical Infrastructures (to be held on 25 September, 2012 within the context of SAFECOMP 2012), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Distributed architectures for LCCIs, their components (OTS and legacy), and their resiliency and security requirements
  • Middleware architectures for improving dependability attributes of future LCCIs
  • Strategies for online diagnosis and reconfiguration of OTS-based LCCIs
  • Methods for improving the dependable and secure characteristics of ICT platforms used to build LCCIs
  • Tools and techniques for modelling and evaluating LCCIs
  • Use cases of future critical networked systems
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 28 February, 2013 (extended)
Review outcome notification:  5 April, 2013
Final paper submission:  7 June, 2013

Call for papers: Random Neural Networks: Advances and Applications

A special issue of International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms

This special issue will address novel developments in random neural network-based modelling methods, their analysis and learning algorithms, and applications in computer science and optimisation, distributed systems and networks and bioinformatics.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • New mathematical developments concerning the random neural network (RNN) and related mathematical models such as G-networks
  • Analytical solutions for RNN- and G-network-based methods
  • Efficient numerical solution techniques for the RNN and G-networks
  • Mapping G-networks into optimisation problems
  • G-network models in bioinformatics
  • Novel learning algorithms for G-networks and the RNN
  • Application of the RNN to network routing
  • RNN applications to hard combinatorial optimisation problems
  • Managing distributed systems with RNN-based techniques
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 1 March, 2013

Call for papers: Innovation and Business Development in a Latin American Context

A special issue of International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets

Innovation and business development are important for firms in emerging markets as a way of expanding their markets and increasing wealth, but also to meet threats from global actors. Much focus in research has been on Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa and the BRIC countries, while Latin America (apart from Brazil) has attracted less interest among researchers, especially in English-speaking journals.

However, efforts from governmental as well as private stakeholders indicate that there is a great interest from practitioners in raising the level of knowledge about innovation and business development throughout the continent. Various special conditions, including large rural populations, high percentage of indigenous populations, growing mega-cities and a common language over the continent combined with special political and institutional conditions in each country, makes it probable that research from other continents cannot always be applied directly to Latin America.

The purpose of the special issue is to bring together a high quality selection of contemporary research about innovation and business development in Latin America, taking some of the specific conditions above into consideration. We particularly seek empirical research articles with a clear theoretical contribution based on quantitative and/or qualitative data. The theoretical base for submitted articles must be explicitly elaborated and the practical implications must be clearly stated.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Institutional support systems for innovation in emerging economies; specificities and important factors with regard to the Latin American context
  • Triple helix models adapted to the Latin American context
  • Technology transfer between small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and universities in Latin America
  • Practices of knowledge management for innovation in Latin America
  • Innovation systems in the context of rural areas and/or connected to the cultural diversity of Latin America
  • Adoption and diffusion of innovations in emerging markets; theories and novel constructs that help explain variations
  • Small business networks and other forms of collaboration for innovation.
  • Moderating role of institutional, economic, and cultural variables on consumer, stakeholder and organisational behaviour
  • Successful new product strategies in emerging markets and successful strategies by local firms to fight global multinationals
  • Social innovations
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 30 June, 2013
Comments to authors: 30 September, 2013
Revised papers accepted: 31 December 2013

 Papers submitted earlier than the submission date will be put through the review process on rolling basis and authors may expect feedback sooner.

Special issue: Commercial contexts: technology, policy and law

International Journal of Technology Policy and Law 1(2) 2012
  • Electronic porn in the workplace: a policy examination
  • Flying into the hurricane: law, policy and practice implications of cloud computing
  • Assange, WikiLeaks, and the liability of wiki providers for third party content
  • Electronic funds transfer: new legal issues?
  • Unconscionability in letters of credit and demand guarantee transactions
  • The negotiability of money market securities and information and communications technology: a call for the dematerialisation of bills of exchange and promissory notes
  • Resolving the world's commercial disputes: an integrated model for e-learning and ODR

6 November 2012

Call for papers: Strategy in Emerging Markets

A special issue of Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development

 The objective of this special issue is to help readers expand their understanding on how business organisations strategise to achieve success in emerging markets. It aims to converge concepts pertaining to theory and practice.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Marketing to emerging markets
  • Business development in emerging markets
  • Emerging market entry modes
  • International/global strategy
  • Strategic alliances in emerging markets
  • M&A in emerging markets
  • Business challenges in emerging markets and strategic implications
  • Heightening competitiveness in emerging markets
  • Managing competition in emerging markets
Important Dates
Submission of Manuscripts: 15 May, 2013
Notification to Authors: 15 August, 2013
Final Versions Due: 15 November, 2013

Call for papers: Asian Management and Entrepreneurship: Consequences of European Theory and Practice

A special issue of European Journal of International Management

This special issue focuses drawing insights from Asian management and entrepreneurship and using them to consider implications for European theory and practice.

Contributions to this special issue are encouraged from scholars juxtaposing theoretical positions (theories of Asian management versus Asian management theory), juxtaposing practice or developing European/universalist theory after engagement with Asian management and entrepreneurial phenomena.

Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Asian management and entrepreneurship
  • Varieties of capitalism, comparative structural explanations for management and entrepreneurial practice
  • Trajectories of entrepreneurship, reasons for entrepreneurship in Asia versus Europe and their differing pathways of development and success
  • Entrepreneurship of last resort and characteristics of entrepreneurs and managers more generally
  • Governance of Asian firms, especially when internationalising (and the consequent challenges and opportunities of European firms)
  • The role of diasporas in internationalising Asian firms.
  • Nature of Asia's new middle class consumers and the relevance of mainstream marketing theory and practice
Important Dates
Submission of Manuscripts: 1 April, 2013
Notification to Authors: 1 July, 2013
Final Versions Due: 1 October, 2013

Call for papers: Simulation Modelling and Tools in Healthcare

A special issue of International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise

The healthcare industry has proven to have a significant influence on the industrial nations' global competitiveness and their economic growth. Currently, the United States' cost of healthcare is estimated to be 15% of the GDP and is expected to increase to more than 20% by 2015. The high cost of healthcare delivery has put a significant strain on the resources available by the healthcare providers. The increasing cost of healthcare while maintaining high quality of delivery have forced many nations to consider the need to address this national issue and consider the application of a systematic approach for addressing this issue. Based on the Bureau of Statistics of the US Department of Labor, the number of management and administrative personnel in the healthcare industry is expected to grow by 22 percent from 2010 to 2020. These personnel are needed to organise information, resources and staffs for better decisions and delivery of the healthcare services. A systematic way of improving healthcare systems, application of the state-of-the-art medical and information technologies, and reengineering process of delivery and organizational operations are called "Healthcare Systems Engineering". The goal of this issue is to address and publish the latest articles on a variety of topics as related to the applications of simulation modelling and tools for healthcare management.

Topics of interest include:
  • Economics and cost analysis
  • Infrastructure design and analysis
  • Healthcare services design and analysis
  • Policy evaluations and risk analysis
  • Data mining
  • Statistical analysis
  • Computer-based/assisted applications
  • Case studies and other related topics
Important Dates
Full paper submission: 31 December, 2012
Notification of reviews: 1 March, 2013
Revised manuscript submission: 15 April, 2013
Notification of results: 1 May, 2013

Call for papers: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

A special issue of International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems

This special issue aims to bring researchers together to present the latest advances in the fields of intelligent manufacturing systems, mechatronics systems, process modelling, control and multi-criteria optimisation, production systems, scheduling, automation and smart systems as applied to advanced manufacturing processes and systems.

We invite the submission of high quality research articles related to intelligent manufacturing systems.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Decision support systems for intelligent manufacturing
  • Intelligent and smart machine tool systems
  • Swarm intelligence in production and manufacturing systems
  • Sensors, monitoring and control as applied to manufacturing
  • Mechatronics systems in manufacturing
  • Multi-criteria and multi-objective optimisation in manufacturing
  • Virtual manufacturing
  • Pull production systems 
Important Date
Submission of full papers: 31 March, 2013

Call for papers: The Business of Jute Production in the Global Economy

A special issue of International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy

The analysis of commodity chains is now a well-established area of research and it provides a valuable prism through which to analyse the past and present of global business. Jute has historically played an important role in the global economy but the fortunes of the global jute industry have fluctuated sharply.

In the nineteenth century, jute grown in the Indian subcontinent and imported into Europe helped to spread industrialisation, but the industry then shifted back to the Indian subcontinent and appeared to be in decline in the face of the development of manmade materials. But today the industry continues to play an important role and is supported not only in its more traditional forms but also by fair trade producers, and is argued to be much more environmentally friendly than its manmade competitors.

This special issue offers the prospect of allowing researchers to explore aspects of the modern and recent global economy through a focus on the jute industry. Articles are invited on any business-related theme involving jute production and can explore the issue from the perspective of producers, workers, employers, retailers, etc.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Production relations (in all parts of the commodity chain)
  • Labour management
  • Technology transfers
  • Marketing
  • Long term development issues
  • State intervention
  • Labour protection
  • Issues relating to relations between the main jute producers
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 30 May, 2013
Notification to authors: 1 September, 2013
Final versions due: 1 October, 2013

Call for papers: Multiscale Bioimaging Informatics

A special issue of International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design

Biomedical imaging techniques have progressed rapidly and a variety of modalities such as MRI, optical imaging and microarray imaging have been widely used for biomedical research. These biomedical imaging techniques have multiple scales from the organ/tissue level to the molecular/cellular level and from nano scale to macro scale, providing comprehensive and systematic information for disease diagnosis.

An example is genomic imaging, which combines fMRI and microarray imaging for correlating genomic information with phenotypical differences. With the advancement of these multiscale biomedical imaging techniques, more and more imaging data is produced, calling for powerful data analysis.

The goal of this special issue is to bring together researchers working in the fields of biomedical imaging analysis and imaging bioinformatics to address the challenges in the field and to promote the development of novel imaging data analysis techniques.

The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the International Workshop on Multiscale Biomedical Imaging Analysis (MBIA 2012), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Integration of multiscale imaging data
  • Multiscale modelling from both imaging and genomic data
  • Image segmentation and registration
  • Image-guided diagnosis and intervention
  • Shape and motion estimation
  • Three-dimensional reconstruction and analysis
  • Tracking and motion analysis in biomedical images
  • New applications of computational biomedical imaging
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 1 January, 2013
Notification to authors: 1 March, 2013
Final versions due: 1 April, 2013

Special issue: Simulation and optimisation in manufacturing systems and supply chains

International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 4(3) 2012
  • The impact of business process reengineering on the management of customer services: an empirical study among Nigerian banks
  • Study of logistics issues in the Indian pharmaceutical industry
  • Management of logistics and ICT in food supply chain network: a conceptual framework
  • Country specific customisation of smart phones for emerging markets: insights from case studies in Iran and Turkey
  • Sustaining competitive advantage in social entrepreneurship - a case study
  • Integrating fuzzy Delphi with graph theory and matrix methods for evaluation of hazardous industrial waste transportation firm

Special issue: Advances in electronic materials and microelectromechanical systems product

International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 44(3/4) 2012

Includes extended papers from the 2012 International Conference on Applied Materials and Electronics Engineering (AMEE 2012) held in Hong Kong, China, 18-19 January 2012
  • Electrostatic discharge simulation and experimental analysis of electrostatic control in electronic device manufacturing
  • Effect of various mixing properties of concrete on chloride penetration through cracks
  • Novel green illumination energy for LED with ocean battery materials
  • Ni-Mg-La tri-metallic on alumina catalysts for steam reforming of a biomass gasification tar model compound
  • A novel 2-DOF haptic master device using bi-directional magneto-rheological brakes: modelling and experimental investigation
  • Observation of non-metallic inclusions on repeatedly quenched SAE 52100 bearing steel fracture surfaces
  • Investigation of wear in induction-heated AISI E 52100 steel bars under reciprocating motion
  • Crack growth simulation of bulk and ultrafine grained 7075 Al alloy by XFEM