26 May 2007
First issue: International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics
A free download of the papers from this issue is available.
24 May 2007
First issue: International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
This is a quarterly international journal publishing original research papers of high quality in all areas related to dynamical systems and differential equations and their applications in biology, economics, engineering, physics, and other related areas of science.
Papers concerned with the development and application innovative mathematical tools and methods from dynamical systems and differential equations, are encouraged.
A free download of the papers from this first issue is available.
23 May 2007
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
In addition, such communication systems involve a social dimension; for example, the entities within such communication systems can engage in interactions, discover suitable other participants, negotiate, and perform transactions. In certain cases, the complexity of the communication system is such that no centralised or hierarchical control is possible. These characteristics are similar to those which one finds in self-organising systems seen in nature, such as physical, biological and social systems.
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems - to begin publication in 2008 - will publish high quality state-of -the art research addressing foundational, engineering and technological aspects of communications systems exhibiting emergent and adaptive behaviour. Contributions are encouraged that support the understanding, development, and control of such communication systems based on sound theoretical models, including, but not limited to, bio-inspired, natural computing, game theory and economic models. IJAACS spans complexity, self-adaptation, autonomic communication, ambient intelligence, and multi-agent systems.
First issue: International Journal of Business and Globalisation
The objectives of this quarterly journal are to establish an effective channel of communication between policy makers, government agencies, academic and research institutions and persons concerned with the complex role of business and globalisation. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological and ecological change and changes in the global economy.
A free download of the papers from this first issue is available.
Special issue: Managing policy and politics in sport.
Article titles:
* A multidimensional critique of the Sport Canada Policy on Women in Sport and its implementation in one national sport organisation
* Change and grassroots movement: reconceptualising women's hockey governance in Canada
* 'It's somewhere on the list but maybe it's one of the bottom ones': examining gender equity as an organisational value in a sport organisation
* Government and the pursuit of rigorous drug testing in Major League Baseball: a study in political negotiation and reciprocity
* Leave it to the experts: the politics of 'athlete-centeredness' in the Canadian sport system
* Sport and civic engagement: community governance and the sport policy process
* Policy transfer, lesson drawing and perspectives on elite sport development systems
Special issue: Behavioural economics, business decision making and applied policy analysis
Article titles:
* Seeking a realistic way of individual decision making
* The link between incentives and product performance in open source development: an empirical investigation
* Knowledge and the valuation of public goods and experiential commodities: information provision and acquisition
* Examining the impact of relative standing using an ultimatum bargaining game experiment
* Behavioural economics and entrepreneurial decision making: two tax measures to help
* The psychology of economic forecasting
* Note on ways of saving: mental mechanisms as tools for self-control?
* Entrepreneur's interpretation, innovation and coordination in Austrian subjectivist perspective
* Ideology and positive economic beliefs: some experimental and survey evidence
* Can mass media and the educational institutions change the entrepreneurial culture? A study of how a single story can change the risk-taking behaviour of individuals
* Economic growth, 'globalisation' and labour power
* Tailoring globalisation to national needs and well-being: one size never fits all
Special issue: Liquid fuels from woody biomass
Article titles:
* Liquid fuels from woody biomass
* Scale of biomass production from new woody crops for salinity control in dryland agriculture in Australia
* The feasibility of producing alcohol fuels from biomass in Australia
* The production of biofuels and renewable chemicals by fast pyrolysis of biomass
* A comparison of fast and slow pyrolysis liquids from mallee
* Bio-char refineries: an accessible approach for the development of biomass-based industry
* Global bioenergy: problems and prospects
21 May 2007
Call for papers: Recent Research and Development of Environmental Science and Technology in China
Call for papers: Recent Research and Development of Environmental Science and Technology in China
A special issue of International Journal of Environment and Pollution
In the last two decades, China has experienced rapid economic development. More than half the world’s consumer products are being produced in China. As a result, the environmental quality is deteriorating rapidly. Therefore, control of water and air pollution and land contamination has become one of the most urgent issues in China.
In order to study various pollution problems as well as to develop suitable regulations and technologies, huge amounts of resources have been devoted to research and development in this field at various research agencies and tertiary institutions across China in the last 20 years. Significant advances in both environmental science and technologies in China have therefore been achieved.
The purpose of this special issue is to give the opportunity to focus on the latest information on the research and development activities in China. The content covers a broad spectrum of the environmental studies from water and wastewater treatment, surface water quality control, air pollution control to soil remediation.
The following is a list of suggested (but not all-inclusive) topics:
- Biological wastewater treatment
- Physical and chemical wastewater treatment
water reuse and recycling - Sustainable water management
- Environmental microbiology and biotechnology
- Water quality assessment and control
- Micro-pollutant identification and quantification
- Environmental hazards and risk management
- Air pollutant measurement, monitoring and assessment
- Air pollution control and regulations
- Solid waste management and disposal
- Land remediation technology
- Environmental systems monitoring and simulation
Important Dates
One-page proposal (abstract) deadline: 31 July, 2007
Full-paper submission deadline: 30 September, 2007
Review results and notification: 30 November, 2007
Submission of Revised Papers: 31 December 2008
Final Acceptance of Papers: 31 January, 2008
Call for papers: Intellectual Property: Help or Hindrance to Innovation?
A special issue of the International Journal of Technology Management and International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
This joint special issue addresses the theme of whether intellectual property (IP) acts as a help or as a hindrance to innovation and the commercialisation of new knowledge. This is a timely topic and one that elicits much debate, since it is likely to have far-reaching implications.
Developments in the knowledge economy are being driven by innovation, and in some ways are being facilitated, and in some other ways hindered, by intellectual property rights (IPRs). The incentive thesis of intellectual property is that IP exists in market economies to correct a market failure – the likelihood that, if unchecked, imitators will cancel out the market-success incentive that motivates innovation and technology advancement.
However, recently, IP has come to be seen as something of a minefield, beset with controversial issues. Examples include the ethical and legal ramifications of patenting life forms and human tissue in bioscience; IPRs to drugs developed by commercial companies using publicly-funded human genetic databases; licences issued by universities and public research institutes that permit business partners to delete or withhold information from the public domain; university scientific research being delayed, deterred or abandoned due to the presence of IP; the reluctance of university researchers and technology transfer offices to share materials and knowledge with others, unless this is accompanied by legal agreements; increasing legal action between universities and researchers over IP and royalties; the positive and negative impact on research universities of legislation such as the Bayh-Dole Act; the trivial nature and dubious business value of many patents; the deliberate use of 'patent thickets' to deter competition, etc. Whereas previously IPRs were viewed as being good for innovation and as beneficial for society generally, there is now more critical questioning of the IP system.
The aims of this special issue are to provide a forum for the presentation of these and related issues in IP, to describe the implications for innovation and the commercialisation of new knowledge, and to provide policy guidelines for helping to resolve some of the contentious issues.
For this special issue, we seek contributions from economic, legal, management and policy perspectives that address these and other issues on IP, innovation and technology commercialisation. Papers may be theoretical, empirical or descriptive in nature, and all contributions will be peer reviewed.
Suggested thematic headings indicating the types of topics that this special issue will endeavour to address include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Does the patent system (in the EU, USA, etc.) foster innovation as it is supposed to do?
- The case for reform of the patent system and how this could be implemented
- The patent regime in specific countries (e.g. its history, characteristics, enforcement, prospects, etc.) and the international harmonisation of IP laws
- How industry might better protect its intellectual property
- How research institutions commercialise or spin out intellectual assets How universities license IP
- How firms exploit IP to obtain venture capital funding, attract strategic alliance partners, increase their legitimacy, gain market share, etc.
- The role of IP in firms' business models or strategic planning
- Patent opposition procedures that challenge the validity of claims in issued patents and how these affect technology transfer
- Impediments to innovation, such as 'patent thickets', the 'tragedy of the anti-commons', defensive patenting or the risk of litigation, and the prospect that these lead to fewer products in the market. How might these obstacles be overcome?
- Business value versus technological value of patents (e.g. recent patent applications, such as one involving emoticons on mobile phones, vis-a-vis patents on technological breakthroughs, such as the light bulb or the semiconductor)
- IP issues on database information (e.g. in bioinformatics) and the need to maximise public benefit
- Different types of innovation and the relevance of IPR to these types. For example, is IPR relevant to informal innovation or does formal, 'protected' innovation crowd it out?
- Different types of IPR (classical ones, such as copyright, patents and trademarks; and new, specific ones, such as the sui generis database right) and their scope. For example, what are the implications for innovation of the wider range of 'novelty' now covered by patents and the accompanying increase in patent applications?
Important Date
Deadline for submission of papers: 1 December, 2007
Call for papers: Mental Health and Development
A special issue of World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
According to the Global Burden of Disease estimates, 25% of the world’s population suffer from mental or behavioural disorders at some stage during their lives. Mental and neurological disorders account for 12.3% of the total Disability Adjusted Life Years and for 30.8% of Years Lived with a Disability. The social and economic costs are high. The various dimensions of poverty – lack of income, ill health, poor nutrition and poor education – are both causes of and results of mental disorders.
Despite this, mental health issues are largely absent from the development debate. Good mental health is not a Millennium Development Goal, and it is rarely mentioned in the World Bank’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers which outline poor countries policies and priorities. At country level, only 62.1% of the world’s countries have a mental health policy. 62% of low income countries spend less than 1% of their health budgets on mental health. National mental health programs, disability benefits, substance abuse policies and specified budgets for mental health are often absent. Furthermore, research into mental health issues in developing countries is limited – a limitation that this special issue seeks to address.
This special issue encourages a variety of views from a variety of disciplines. Thus, its coverage includes, but is not limited to, the following subjects
- Poverty and mental disorders
- Policy issues
- Rights issues
- Advocacy
- Stigma and discrimination
- Economics issues
- Case studies
- Epidemiological studies
- Mental disorders and the environment
- Traditional practices
Important Date
Submissions should be sent no later than : 28 September 2007
12 May 2007
Special issue: Combustion modelling and experiments in internal combustion engines
Article titles:
* Transient surface-heat-flux measurements in the exhaust of a SI engine
* Computational modelling of NOx emissions from biodiesel combustion
* Study of combustion noise mechanism under accelerating operation of a naturally aspirated diesel engine
* Control of NOx emissions from diesel engines by the optimisation of fuel injection strategies
* Experimental investigation of the possibility of automotive gasoline spray manipulation through electrostatic fields
* Evaporating and non-evaporating diesel spray simulation: comparison between the ETAB and wave breakup model
* Multidimensional modelling of diesel combustion by a detailed kinetic scheme and comparison with in-cylinder optical measurements
* Irreversibility production during transient operation of a turbocharged diesel engine
* Quasi-linear versus filling and emptying modelling applied to the transient operation of a turbocharged diesel engine
* Evaluation of various rich combustion strategies for HD-DI diesel engines
* Characteristics of the performance and emissions of a HSDI diesel engine running with cottonseed oil or its methyl ester and their blends with diesel fuel
* Cylinder-pressure-based methods for sensing spark-ignition engine knock
* A numerical study in the interaction of blast wave with a wheeled armoured vehicle
* What's happened to car design? An exploratory study into the effect of 15 years of progress on driver situation awareness
11 May 2007
Special issue: Thin film nanomanufacturing
Article titles:
* A case study of silicon wafer slicing
* Thin film nanomanufacturing of functionally graded titanium-based microcutting tools
* The influence of nano-particles on microstructural development at the interface of Sn3.5Ag-solder and Cu-substrate
* Micromachining M2 tool steel using nanostructured titanium-doped cutting tools
* Functionalisation of [60]fullerene in the gas-phase
* Nanostructured, multifunctional tribological coatings
* Fabrication and wear of nitrogen-doped diamond microtools
Newly announced journal: The Botulinum Journal
The Botulinum Journal - to begin publication in 2008 - provides an international forum and refereed authoritative source of information encompassing varied fields, including microbiology, biochemistry, biophysics, biotechnology, proteomics, genomics, pharmacology, toxicology, drug development related to different forms and types of botulinum neurotoxins, and also Clostridium botulinum.
Call for papers: Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems
A special issue of International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems
The term "mechatronics" has been used for about 40 years. It is derived from the observation of the synergy achieved through the integration of mechanical, electronic, control and information technologies. It forms the basis of an ever growing list of products and techniques of great technical and commercial value. Mechatronics design leads to products which are much simpler, smarter, cheaper, and more reliable.
In recent years, advanced intelligent mechatronic systems have been developed in many fields, such as manufacturing automation, advanced machining, robotics, etc. New technologies are also emerging to produce intelligent devices and systems for the purposes of solving real-world problems that require the ability to process incomplete, imprecise, vague or uncertain information.
This special issue invites the submission of high quality research articles related to the area of advanced intelligent mechatronics. Special interest will be on new mechatronics designs and case studies, intelligent machines and robotics, modelling, simulation and control technologies in mechatronics, and visual inspection and tracking
Topics covered by this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Mechatronics control and automation
- Manufacturing systems
- Intelligent machining control and precision mechatronics
- Micro and nanomachining
- Rehabilitation and surgical robotics
- Intelligent aids for the elderly and disabled
- Advanced control algorithms and methods in mechatronics
- Intelligent MEMS system
- Smart sensors and actuators
- Visual inspection, visual serving and tracking, sensor fusion and machine vision
- Smart machines and systems
Important Dates
Submission: 31 March 2008
Decision: 01 July 2008
Revised manuscripts: 01 August 2008
Special issue: Design and manufacturing of automotive structures using composite materials
Article titles:
* The future use of structural composite materials in the automotive industry
* Advanced composites for the body and chassis of a production high performance car
* Design and certification of a composite thin-walled structure for energy absorption
* Crash behaviour of a carbon fibre floor panel
* Experimental study of impact on SMC composites used in the automotive industry
* Development of recyclable self-reinforced polypropylene parts for automotive applications
* A new design approach to the use of composite materials for heavy transport vehicles
* Dynamic modelling of composite acoustic boxes for automotive applications
* Fabrication, testing and thermal analysis of metal matrix composite brake drum
* Design of a tuned sandwich chassis for competition go-kart
* Design of a lightweight chassis for the land speed record vehicle Buckeye Bullet 2
Special issue: Online socio-cultural learning
Article titles:
* Online socio-cultural learning
* Trigger visuals for cross-cultural online learning
* Bridging the computer mediated communication gap
* An online discussion on multiculturalism, a myth or a culture of silence?
* Support online social interaction with Context-Awareness
* Critical factors in the socio-cultural e-Learning engineering process
* Technology as a learning tool: ideas for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse populations
* The impact of online tasks and social relationships on social presence
* Computer-Mediated Communication challenges Chinese teachers' authority
10 May 2007
First issue: International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
The journal publishes refereed quality papers in the broad field of surface science and engineering including tribology, but with a special emphasis on the research and development in friction, wear, coatings and surface modification processes such as surface treatment, cladding, machining, polishing and grinding, across multiple scales from nanoscopic to macroscopic dimensions. High-integrity and high-performance surfaces of components have become a central research area in the professional community whose aim is to develop highly reliable ultra-precision devices.
There is a free download of papers from this first issue
First issue: International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
The journal covers security related issues, new developments and latest proven methodologies in the field of electronic security and digital forensics. This includes the measures governments must take to protect the security of information on the Internet, the implications of cyber-crime in large corporations and individuals, vulnerability research, zero day attacks, digital forensic investigation, ethical hacking, anti-forensics, identity fraud, phishing, pharming, and relevant case studies and “best practice" on tackling cyber crime.
There is a free download of papers from this first issue
Special issue: Recycling and reuse of industrial co-product materials for sustainable development
Article titles:
* Clean production in stone cutting industries
* Management of sewage sludge and ash containing radioactive materials
* Transportation and market feasibility analysis for innovative coal combustion by-products: WoodBrik™ in Greenbrier County, West Virginia
* Leaching of milled asphalt pavement amended with waste to energy ash
* Tyre aggregate applications in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering
* Determination of the thermal conductivity of shredded tyres by utilising a hot plate apparatus
* Using geotextile tubes for dewatering and beneficial use of high water content solid wastes: design charts and verifications
* Review of the use of paper clay in the solid waste industry: physical and chemical properties
* A novel approach to remediating contaminated groundwater by reusing industrial co-products
* Combined load and leachant pH effects on contaminant release from fly ash
* Three-win strategy with optimisation approach for recycled paper manufacturer
* Experimental investigations to evaluate benefits of using compost amendments to modify expansive soils
9 May 2007
Call for papers: Learning Environments in Health Sciences
A special issue of International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management
This special issue will focus on the wide spectrum of all relevant issues and provide a holistic examination of the current status and future trends in learning environments in health sciences, and will bring together informatics experts, practitioners and designers from a wide range of domains including engineering, health services, usability, biomedical engineering, simulation, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction.
It will provide an overview of learning research from the fields of cognitive science, education, psychology and neuroscience, and how this information can be applied to develop learning environments for the health sciences using current and emerging technologies.
The focus will be on the process of applying learning theory and pedagogy to produce targeted learning environments for populations in the health sciences, which may include health professionals, technicians/staff, the general public or patients. Readers of this issue will have the opportunity to obtain knowledge and resources to begin designing learning environments that are based on scientific, instructional, and technological research findings.
Authors are requested to submit manuscripts including, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Distributed/interactive/virtual learning environments in health care (for patient education, for medical students or healthcare professionals)
- E-learning medical applications, products and services
- Simulation and learning environments in health care
- Fundamentals of human-computer interaction (HCI) in e-learning in medicine
- Applications of medical virtual environments
- E-learning standards, open tools and platforms for personalized learning
- Adaptive and intelligent learning environments in health care
- Collaborative virtual environments in health care
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of full paper: 15 July 2007
Final acceptance/rejection notification: 15 August 2007
Deadline for submitting revised manuscripts: 15 September 2007
Call for papers:: A Review of the Measurement of Risk in Economics and Finance
A special issue of International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance
The aim of this special edition is to review the various ways in which risk is measured in the fields of economics and finance. There are numerous measures of risk used in the economics and finance literature and this issue will look at the various measures employed and assess their relative merits both theoretically and empirically. It is aimed at bankers, financial portfolio managers, academics and researchers, decision makers and governmental and international financial institutions, and other professionals.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Measures of risk; variance, volatility, risk premia, downside risk, value at risk, beta, portfolio risk.
- Systemic risk, market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, exchange rate risk.
- Diversifiable and non diversifiable risk
- Political risk, country risk, expropriation risk
- Operational risk, event risk, regulatory risk
- Catestrophic risk.
- Investment risk, reinvestment risk
- Risk aversion and utility theory
Important Date
Manuscripts should be submitted by : 15 December 2007
Special issue: An update on the developments in future business and technology. Part I: Future technology and engineering management
Article titles:
* Sustainable engineering management: end-of-life vehicles with recovery in mind
* The incentive behind the adaptation process of high-technology product: an empirical research
* Evaluation of the queueing network equilibrium based on clustering analysis and self-organising map
* Model of a non-isothermal tubular ammonia reformer for fuel cell applications
* Traffic equilibrium in a stochastic transportation network
* A multi-criteria decision approach for choosing and ranking SO2 emission reduction measures for a network of power stations
* Nanotechnology in cancer prevention, detection and treatment: bright future lies ahead
* Natural gas transportation: NGH or LNG?
* Nuclear energy development in Romania
* Editorial Viewpoint: 'Making science and technology work for the poor'
Special issue: Sustaining global fisheries: challenges and choices
Article titles:
* Global marine fisheries resources: status and prospects
* The status of USA's commercial fisheries and management and crystal-balling the future
* Are fisheries going from bad to worse? The case of the Northeast Arctic cod
* Recovering from overexploitation: the European fisheries of the North Sea
* An ecologist's view of economic instruments and incentives
* Challenges and opportunities for fisheries managers in developing countries: a case for economic eclecticism
* Communities, knowledge and fisheries of the future
* Alternative futures for Southern Bluefin Tuna
* Managing environmental impacts of fishing: input controls versus outcome-oriented approaches
Special issue: Soft computing methods in nuclear engineering applications
Article titles:
* Nuclear power plant on-line sensor calibration monitoring implementation issues
* Diagnosing faults in nuclear components by an ensemble of feature-diverse fuzzy classifiers
* Intelligent normalisation for transient classification
* Fuzzy-logic-based identification of transients in the feed-water system of a nuclear power plant
* User interface for intelligent control schemes in a TRIGA Mark III reactor
* Identification of a VVER horizontal steam generator using recurrent neural networks
* A neural-network-based variance decomposition sensitivity analysis
* Particle swarm optimisation applied to nuclear engineering problems
* Robust reliability design of a nuclear system by multiple objective evolutionary optimisation
5 May 2007
Special issue: Networking and healthcare
Article titles:
* Development of a wireless rural telemedicine network and management system
* Use of Coloured Petri Net models in planning, design, and simulation of intelligent wireless medical device networks for safe and flexible hospital capacity management
* Availability of healthcare services in a network-based scenario
* Enhancing quality of data through automated SARS contact tracing method using RFID technology
* Exploring the transaction dimensions of supply chain management
* An initial research agenda for SCM information systems
* Entrepreneurial networks in highly globalised industries: the case of the Greek shipping industry
* Virtual enterprise formation and partner selection: an analysis using case studies
Special issue: Intellectual property management in the new economy
Article titles:
* Evaluation of intellectual property asset value
* Intellectual property management in R&D intensive firms
* Managing intellectual property in a collaborative environment: learning from IBM
* Global patent filing strategies: an application of multi-criteria decision-making model
* Trading intellectual property in the new economy
* Harmonising patent laws with the TRIPS Agreement of WTO: India's stride towards globalisation of intellectual properties
4 May 2007
Special issue: Qualitative and quantitative methods aimed at technology management
Article titles:
* The impact of innovation management implementation on enterprise competitiveness among Taiwan's high-tech manufacturers
* Managing healthcare technology in quality management framework
* A strategic decision model for the justification of supply chain as a means to improve national development index
* Predicting citations to biotechnology patents based on the information from the patent documents
* The contingency value of knowledge in new product creativity
* Fuzzy multiattribute analysis for evaluating firm technological innovation capability
* Achieving supply chain environment management: an exploratory study
* Technology management and broadband internet regulation: the case of Thailand
* A Bayesian decision analysis with fuzzy interpretability for aging chronic disease
* Quantitative evaluation of building technology
* An application of data envelopment analysis to measure the managerial performance of electronics industry in Taiwan
* The role of directors' and officers' insurance in corporate governance: evidence from the high-tech industry in Taiwan
Special issue: Genetics and society
Article titles:
* Introduction: how will health systems adopt new genetics technology?
* Implications of genomics for the US healthcare system
* Use of genetic services for the prevention and control of birth defects in China
* Umbilical cord blood banking: economic and therapeutic challenges
* HIV/AIDS and the genetic revolution – custom tailoring antiretroviral regimens in the management of HIV
* The use of routinely collected clinical data for large-scale pharmacogenetic studies
* Industrial policy for 'new' industries in 'old' Europe: virtual cluster in genetics in Italy
* Assessing the clinical utility of genetic tests: implications for health technology assessment
* Conceptualising the impact of genetic testing on cancer disparities in the USA
* Healthcare and other social aspects of genetics: a judicial perspective
* Setting safety standards by designing a low-budget and compatible patient identification system based on passive RFID technology
3 May 2007
More journals increase their frequency of publication
One of Inderscience's long-standing titles, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, will increase the number of issues from twelve to sixteen. It thus becomes one of the two most prolific titles, along with another well-established title, International Journal of Technology Management, which also produces sixteen issues per year.
The International Journal of Product Development will go from six to eight issues per annum and the International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing from four to six.
Special issue: Agriculture in Turkey – structural change, sustainability and EU-compatibility
Article titles:
* Editorial: agriculture in Turkey – structural change, sustainability and EU-compatibility
* The challenge of integrating EU and Turkish agricultural markets and policies
* Cold Turkey? Dealing with agricultural trade liberalisation
* Rural transformation in Turkey 1980–2004: case studies from three regions
* Policy formation in the process of implementing agricultural reform in Turkey
* Perceptions and practices of farmers towards the salinity problem: the case of Harran Plain, Turkey
* GM cotton and its possible contributions to environmental sustainability and rural development in Turkey
* Making use of biotechnology applications in Turkish agriculture: Why is it not yet happening?
Special issue: The process of innovation: the Asian way
Article titles:
* A longitudinal examination of performance of two ways on innovation in Taiwan: internal R&D investment and external technology aquisition
* An empirical test of a use-diffusion model for Taiwan mobile digital TV
* Global convergence meets local divergence: intellectual property in Indian seed markets
* Intellectual capital, dynamic capabilities and innovative performance of organisations
* Internationalisation of research and development: the case of Taiwanese firms
* Cluster characteristics and corporate performance: a case study of IT clusters in Korea
* The effects of board competence on operational innovation: tests of universal, contingency and configurational models
* The innovation process of entrepreneurial teams in dynamic business plan competition: from sense-making perspective
* The technological experiences and catching-up path in the Korean mobile equipment industry
* Closing the gap: How should Chinese companies build the capabilities to implement ERP-driven process innovation?
* The process of technological innovations in small enterprises: the Indian way
* Is playfulness a benefit to work? Empirical evidence of professionals in Taiwan
2 May 2007
Special issue: High performance computing systems and applications
Article titles:
* Performance evaluation of the Sun Fire Link SMP clusters
* On the performance of parallel implementations of an ADI scheme for parabolic PDEs on shared and distributed memory systems
* Performance evaluation for neutron transport application using message passing
* Queuing algorithm for speculative Network Processors
* Communication issues within high performance computing grids
* Adaptive time/space sharing with SCOJO
* Performance assessment of four cluster interconnects on identical hardware: hints for cluster builders
* Solving the Dynamic Plant Layout Problem using a new hybrid meta-heuristic algorithm
MPI scalability of a large memory LES code
* A new fast parallel statistical measurement technique for computational cosmology
* A second order L0 stable algorithm for evaluating European options
* A parallel quasi-Monte Carlo approach to pricing multidimensional American options
* A multi-dimensional Interval Reduction test
* Fuzzy control for guaranteeing absolute delays in web servers
* Real-time minimum vertex cover for two-terminal series-parallel graphs
* Protecting information infrastructure from DDoS attacks by MADF
Special issue: Nanomaterials for security technologies
Article titles:
* Patterning and encryption using gold nanoparticles
* A new method for production of nanoscale structures for possible applications in security
* Dielectric, magnetic and optical properties of nanocomposites
* Gold nanoparticles with stable yellow-green luminescence
* Chemical sensing with nanowires using electrical and optical detection
* Nonaqueous synthesis, assembly and formation mechanisms of metal oxide nanocrystals
* Micro/nano composites: a simple and safe way to fabricate nanomaterials
* Isotachophoretic measurements of luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals