- Modified UTAUT2 model for m-learning among students in India
- Core self-evaluations, worry, life satisfaction, and psychological well-being: an investigation in the Asian context
- Spirituality: a tool for learning, change and adaptation of elderly in changing Indian family
- Aligning teaching methods for learning outcomes: a need for educational change in management education using quality function deployment approach
- Pretending pirates: tracing the toxic trail in South Asia
31 January 2018
Special issue published: "Learning, Change, Innovation and Leadership in South Asia and East Asia"
International Journal of Learning and Change 10(1) 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms are now available here for free:
- Quantifying aesthetic beauty through its dimensions: a case study on trochoids
- The design and development of a mobile communication tool for autistic individuals - AutiSay
- Implementation of optimum binning, ensemble learning and re-sampling techniques to predict student's performance
Special issue published: "Secure Data Communication and Intelligent Data Processing for Electronic Governance"
Electronic Government, an International Journal 14(1) 2018
- Shortest path establishment approaches for static and dynamic mobile nodes with quality of service
- A risk-centric defensive architecture for threat modelling in e-government application
- Analysis of performance measures to improve the quality of service in cloud based e-government web portal
- Organisational structure for the e-government coordination and interoperability framework: a case study of Tunisia
- Efficient routing based on core relay intermediate nodes in MANET
- A personalised travel recommender system utilising social network profile and accurate GPS data
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms are now available here for free:
- Horizontal partitioning method for test verification in parallel database systems
- A combination of game theory and genetic algorithm for load balancing in distributed computer systems
- Blood pressure regulation with RAS model and Q-learning control
- Over-sampling via under-sampling in strongly imbalanced data
- Fuzzy V(variation)-level clustering
- Brainwave authentication using emotional patterns
International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation to publish expanded papers from 6th International Conference on Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (6thICAAC)
Extended versions of papers presented at the 6th International Conference on Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (4-6 September 2018, Potsdam, Germany) will be published by the International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation.
30 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from Electronic Government, an International Journal
The following sample articles from Electronic Government, an International Journal are now available here for free:
- LAN House implementation and sustainability in Brazil: an actor-network theory perspective
- How perceived effort expectancy and social influence affects the continuance of intention to use e-government. A study of a Malaysian government service
- Index for comparative assessment of municipal websites
- Enhancing security in cryptographic algorithm based on LECCRS
- Mobile web accessibility readiness of government websites using diagnostic tools: an exploratory study
Call for papers: "Systematic Literature Reviews in the Field of Intermodal Transportation"
For a special issue of the World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research.
There is an increasing demand for transportation solutions that are responsive, safe, sustainable, smart and cost-efficient. This has resulted in increased emphasis on intermodal transportation systems.
The aim of this special issue is to generate systematic literature reviews in the field of intermodal transportation. Systematic literature reviews are responsible for integrating a number of research works on the same topic, summarising the common elements, contrasting the differences and extending the work in some fashion (Meredith, 1993; Seuring & Müller, 2008). Through robust and structured methodologies, the goal is to set an agenda for future research on important intermodal transportation topics. Accordingly, we are looking for submissions that identify new gaps in the literature, raise new research questions and develop propositions for further research. We are also looking for submissions that review contemporary topics.
Meredith, J. (1993), “Theory building through conceptual methods”, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol 13, No. 5, pp. 3-11
Seuring, S. & Müller, M. (2008), “From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management”. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.16, pp.1699–1710.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- International trade and transportation
- Infrastructure, network design and optimisation
- Design, planning and control of transportation systems
- Intermodal, intelligent and sustainable transportation solutions
- Transportation modes (air, rail, road, sea, pipe)
- Transportation cost/benefit analysis
- Railroad, terminal and port development
- Port/terminal operations and management
- Warehousing and inventory management
- Transportation regulations, standards and security
- Environmental impact, liability and insurance
- Risk analysis and management
- Information technology and decision support systems
- Strategic alliances and relationship management
- Government involvement and incentives
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 December, 2018
Notification to authors: 30 March, 2019
Final versions due by: 30 May, 2019
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Society Systems Science
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Society Systems Science are now available here for free:
- The role of big data, cloud computing and IoT to make cities smarter
- Systems engineering approach to healthcare performance analysis
- A socio-economic status-dependent case study on relevance and frequency-enabled trip planning model
- The complexity of the international food industry
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Emergency Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Emergency Management are now available here for free:
- Identifying and resolving coordinated decision making breakdowns in emergency management
- A literature review and analysis of the incident command system
- System dynamics modelling-based analysis of combating counterfeit drugs supply chain in India
- A robust approach to the two-level humanitarian relief operation
Special issue published: "3D Printing and ‘Industrial Revolution’, Where are We at?"
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 32(1) 2018
- The cash is in the medium, not in the machine: toward the golden moments of 3D printing
- How do fab-spaces enable entrepreneurship? Case studies of 'makers' - entrepreneurs
- Industrial 3D printing in Italy
- New industrial platforms and radical technology foresight: the case of 3D printing in Finland and Europe
29 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management are now available here for free:
- Mitigating risk in global supplies to the maritime industry
- An extended framework for supply chain risk management: incorporating the complexities of emerging industries and large-scale systems
- Collaborative networks as incubators of dynamic virtual organisations: a case study of the emerging MAP sector
- The evolution and transformation of industrial clusters: a conceptual model
- Recorded music supply network reconfiguration: the dual effect of digital technology
- Configuration of supply chains in emerging industries: a multiple-case study in the wave-and-tidal energy industry
- Industrial system dynamics for environmental sustainability: a case study on the UK medical technology sector
- Mapping industrial systems - a supply network perspective on enabling technologies, processes and actors
- Dynamic capabilities: taking an emerging technology perspective
- A framework for aligning the supply chain throughout a radical product innovation life cycle
- Understanding stages of supply network emergence in technology commercialisation
Call for papers: "Next Generation of Research in the Field of Intermodal Transportation"
For a special issue of the World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research.
There is an increasing demand for transportation solutions that are responsive, safe, sustainable, smart and cost-efficient. This has resulted in increased emphasis on intermodal transportation systems.
The aim of this special issue is to capture new trends in the field of intermodal transportation. The goal is to act as a platform for the innovative work of the next generation of researchers and scholars.
The special issue is targeted specifically to young scholars and doctoral students who are at the cutting edge of intermodal transportation research.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 June, 2018
Notification to authors: 30 September, 2018
Final versions due by: 30 November, 2018
There is an increasing demand for transportation solutions that are responsive, safe, sustainable, smart and cost-efficient. This has resulted in increased emphasis on intermodal transportation systems.
The aim of this special issue is to capture new trends in the field of intermodal transportation. The goal is to act as a platform for the innovative work of the next generation of researchers and scholars.
The special issue is targeted specifically to young scholars and doctoral students who are at the cutting edge of intermodal transportation research.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- International trade and transportation
- Infrastructure, network design and optimisation
- Design, planning and control of transportation systems
- Intermodal, intelligent and sustainable transportation solutions
- Transportation modes (air, rail, road, sea, pipe)
- Transportation cost/benefit analysis
- Railroad, terminal and port development
- Port/terminal operations and management
- Warehousing and inventory management
- Transportation regulations, standards and security
- Environmental impact, liability and insurance
- Risk analysis and management
- Information technology and decision support systems
- Strategic alliances and relationship management
- Government involvement and incentives
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 June, 2018
Notification to authors: 30 September, 2018
Final versions due by: 30 November, 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials are now available here for free:
- Analysis of multi objective optimisation using TOPSIS method in EDM process with CNT infused copper electrode
- Multi objective optimisation of thermally enhanced machining parameters of Inconel 718 using grey relational analysis
- Multiple performance characteristics optimisation in side and face milling of glass fibre reinforced polyester composite at different weightage of performances by grey relational analysis
- Influence of flank face on the condition of chatter self-excitation during turning
- The design, calibration and adaption of a dynamometer for fine turning
New Editor for International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence
Associate Prof. Matteo Gaeta from the University of Salerno in Italy has been appointed to take over editorship of the International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence.
28 January 2018
Inderscience is media partner for Global Bioprocessing & Bioanalytics Congress 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for Global Bioprocessing & Bioanalytics Congress (24-25 May 2018, Prague, Czech Republic).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- Int. J. of Behavioural and Healthcare Research
- Int. J. of Biometrics
- Int. J. of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
- Int. J. of Computational Biology and Drug Design
- Int. J. of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Int. J. of Computers in Healthcare
- Int. J. of Computational Medicine and Healthcare
- Int. J. of Computational Microbiology and Medical Ecology
- Int. J. of Data Mining and Bioinformatics
- Int. J. of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
- Int. J. of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics
- Int. J. of Electronic Healthcare
- Int. J. of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine
- Int. J. of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health
- Int. J. of Healthcare Technology and Management
- Int. J. of Image Mining
- Int. J. of Immunological Studies
- Int. J. of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance
- Int. J. of Medical Engineering and Informatics
- Int. J. of Nano and Biomaterials
27 January 2018
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research to publish expanded papers from 8th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management
Extended versions of papers presented at the 8th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (9-12 September 2018, Cranfield, UK) will be published by the World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research.
Inderscience is media partner for 2nd Probiotics Congress: Europe
Inderscience is a media partner for 2nd Probiotics Congress: Europe (21-22 March 2018, Rotterdam, The Netherlands).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- Int. J. of Behavioural and Healthcare Research
- Int. J. of Biometrics
- Int. J. of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
- Int. J. of Computational Biology and Drug Design
- Int. J. of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Int. J. of Computers in Healthcare
- Int. J. of Computational Medicine and Healthcare
- Int. J. of Computational Microbiology and Medical Ecology
- Int. J. of Data Mining and Bioinformatics
- Int. J. of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
- Int. J. of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics
- Int. J. of Electronic Healthcare
- Int. J. of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine
- Int. J. of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health
- Int. J. of Healthcare Technology and Management
- Int. J. of Image Mining
- Int. J. of Immunological Studies
- Int. J. of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance
- Int. J. of Medical Engineering and Informatics
- Int. J. of Nano and Biomaterials
26 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Information Technology and Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Information Technology and Management are now available here for free:
- A feature-based approach to conceptualisation, upfront modelling, and planning for the future of complex systems
- The influence of documenting assumed values of product properties on the number of iterations in the design process - first observations
- A situation awareness analysis scheme to identify deficiencies of complex man-machine interactions
- Cyber-physical infomobility for tourism application
- PLM as a strategy for the management of heterogeneous information in bio-medical imaging field
Inderscience is media partner for 5th Microbiome R&D & Business Collaboration Forum: Europe
Inderscience is a media partner for 5th Microbiome R&D & Business Collaboration Forum: Europe (21-22 March 2018, Rotterdam, The Netherlands).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- Int. J. of Behavioural and Healthcare Research
- Int. J. of Biometrics
- Int. J. of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
- Int. J. of Computational Biology and Drug Design
- Int. J. of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Int. J. of Computers in Healthcare
- Int. J. of Computational Medicine and Healthcare
- Int. J. of Computational Microbiology and Medical Ecology
- Int. J. of Data Mining and Bioinformatics
- Int. J. of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
- Int. J. of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics
- Int. J. of Electronic Healthcare
- Int. J. of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine
- Int. J. of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health
- Int. J. of Healthcare Technology and Management
- Int. J. of Image Mining
- Int. J. of Immunological Studies
- Int. J. of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance
- Int. J. of Medical Engineering and Informatics
- Int. J. of Nano and Biomaterials
Special issue published: "Next Generation of Social Computing for Computational Collective Intelligence"
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 17(1/2) 2018
- Immersive element analysis of the multiplayer online battle arena game genre
- Texture analysis based feature extraction using Gabor filter and SVD for reliable fault diagnosis of an induction motor
- An introduction to face-recognition methods and its implementation in software applications
- Shadow detection using chromaticity and entropy in colour image
- User interface using bounce for realistic movement on smart TV
- Analysis of serious games for preventing internet gaming addiction
- A framework for context-aware application programming on smart phone
- A tree cognitive navigation system based on two-dimensional code and GPS
- Estimating the sentiment strength of a word using word similarity
- Game operation query language for facilitating game server's FCAPS operation
- Automatic classification of Lithuanian parliament bills
- The investigation of relationships: self-esteem, self-confidence, and conduct problems in counselling
Inderscience is media partner for 4th Biologics & Biosimilars Congress Europe
Inderscience is a media partner for 4th Biologics & Biosimilars Congress Europe (5-6 March 2018, Berlin, Germany).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- Int. J. of Behavioural and Healthcare Research
- Int. J. of Biometrics
- Int. J. of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
- Int. J. of Computational Biology and Drug Design
- Int. J. of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Int. J. of Computers in Healthcare
- Int. J. of Computational Medicine and Healthcare
- Int. J. of Computational Microbiology and Medical Ecology
- Int. J. of Data Mining and Bioinformatics
- Int. J. of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
- Int. J. of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics
- Int. J. of Electronic Healthcare
- Int. J. of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine
- Int. J. of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health
- Int. J. of Healthcare Technology and Management
- Int. J. of Image Mining
- Int. J. of Immunological Studies
- Int. J. of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance
- Int. J. of Medical Engineering and Informatics
- Int. J. of Nano and Biomaterials
More information on this event is available here.
25 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Embedded Systems
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Embedded Systems are now available here for free:
- Effect of trigonometric functions-based watermarking on blood vessel extraction: an application in ophthalmology imaging
- Hardware acceleration of de novo genome assembly
- A hybrid methodology to detect memory leaks in soft real-time embedded systems software
- Multi-person detecting and tracking based on RGB-D sensor for a robot vision system
- Implementation of dynamic reconfigurable interpolator for open architecture CNC by using FPGA
- An intelligent production fluctuation monitoring system for giant oilfield development
- On consumption shifting scheme for power
- Study of optimum control strategy for multiple pulse thyristor rectifiers
- Research of position sensorless control for PMSM based on sliding mode observer and phase-locked loop
- An insight into campus network user behaviour analysis decision system
Special issue published: "Selected Topics on Air Transport Innovation and Efficiencies"
International Journal of Aviation Management 4(1/2) 2017
- Stated in-flight service preferences for short to medium-haul air trips
- Future passenger air traffic modelling: a theoretical concept to integrate quality of travel, cost of travel and capacity constraints
- Timetable management to enhance airline schedule reliability and airfield operation performance at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
- Necessity for financial transparency of airports toward efficient airport management - examination of aviation fuel tax allocation
- Network carriers' strategic decisions: does low cost carrier entry matter?
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Aviation Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Aviation Management are now available here for free:
- Market potential for transport airships in service to Hong Kong
- Dynamic relationship between air transport and economic growth in Italy: a time series analysis
- Current status of civil aviation in Nigeria
- Aligning policies: a flying reform in higher education: the development of aviation professionals
New Editor for International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology
Associate Prof. Alfredo Vaccaro from the University of Sannio in Italy has been appointed to take over editorship of the International Journal of International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology.
24 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation are now available here for free:
- An empirical evidence on audit selection and audit rotation: the case of Qatari listed companies
- The rewards for publishing in accounting in the USA
- Abnormal audit fees and future restatements: evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange
- Study on theories and mechanisms of corporate governance
Special issue published: "Harmonisation Within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes"
International Journal of Environment and Pollution 62(2/3/4) 2017
- Influence of vehicle-induced turbulence on pollutant dispersion in street canyon and adjacent urban area
- Application of a photochemical model for the assessment of regional air quality in Southern Italy: procedures and results
- Evaluation and development of tools to quantify the impacts of roadside vegetation barriers on near-road air quality
- Analysis of the internal boundary layer formation on tropical coastal regions using SODAR data in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- Simulating large emitters using CMAQ and a local scale finite element model. Analysis of the surroundings of Barcelona
- Lagrangian simulations of the plume rise in strong capping inversion
- Model chain for buoyant plume dispersion
- New power law inflow boundary conditions for street scale modelling
- Validation of meteorological forecasts in fine spatial and temporal resolution produced as an input for dispersion models
- A review of dispersion modelling of agricultural emissions with non-point sources
- Time scale analysis of chemically reactive pollutants over urban roughness in the atmospheric boundary layer
- Application of inverse dispersion modelling for the determination of PM emission factors from fugitive dust sources in open-pit lignite mines
- Pollutant removal mechanism in two-dimensional street canyons: a laboratory study
- Definition of typical-day dispersion patterns as a consequence of a hazardous release
- Community multi-scale air quality atmospheric dispersion model adaptation for Hungary
- The air quality in narrow two-dimensional urban canyons with pitched and flat roof buildings
- Validation of Gaussian plume model Aeropol against Cabauw field experiment
- The use of a new diagram for the analysis of the daily cycles in the air-pollution data
- Model inter-comparison and validation of ADMS plume chemistry schemes
- Effect of the long-range transport on the air quality of greater Budapest area
Research Picks Weekly – 24 Jan 2018
Green nanoparticles
An extract of Cannabis sativa, commonly known as hemp, can be used in a “green” (meaning environmentally benign) synthetic scheme for the fabrication of antimicrobial gold nanoparticles. The team used a fixed ratio of ethanolic plant extract and metal ions from gold chloride solution and saw a colour change associated with nanoparticle formation. These were further characterized using spectroscopy and scanning microscopy methods, which revealed the gold nanoparticles to be spherical, as hoped. Tests against various bacteria showed the powerful antimicrobial properties of the particles.
“Phytofabrication, characterisation and antimicrobial studies of gold nanoparticles using Cannabis sativa (Bhang), leaf extract”, Neeraj Sharma, Shailendra Pratap Singh, and Uma Rani Sharma, Int. J. Nanoparticles, 2017, 9, 143 – 152; DOI: 10.1504/IJNP.2017.10010010
Plastic not so fantastic
Plastic waste is high on the environmental agenda at the moment, not least the amount of packaging and other waste that is contaminating the world’s oceans. Researchers in India point out that plastic waste contributes a major proportion of the total municipal solid waste. However, the desirable properties of plastics such as its ability not to degrade under a wide range of conditions and its durability make it even more of a problem once it is disposed of if it is not recycled or reused. Priyanka Gupta emphasizes the 3R approach we should be taking to plastic waste management – reduce, reuse and recycle.
“Management of plastic waste: a step towards clean environment”, Priyanka Gupta, Int J Renewable Energy, 2018, 8, 387-392; DOI: 10.1504/IJRET.2017.088986
Catching phish
Phishing attacks are the most insidious and perhaps the most common way in which security systems are breached by malware users. They generally involve disguising an email or website as a legitimate source but tricking the reader into clicking a link or connecting to a server that harvests their private or personal data including passwords, bank details, and other information useful to criminals. Researchers in India are now working on an intelligent way to detect “phish” and prevent users from being reeled in by such scams. The detection system works by comparing the hidden style code, the CSS within the phish with the legitimate code used by the website or other system the phishing email is attempting to spoof. The team claims close to 100% detection rates and very few false positives with the approach.
“Intelligent phishing detection system using similarity matching algorithms”, Ankur Mishra and B.B. Gupta, Int. J. Information Communication Technol, 2018, 12, 51-73; DOI: 10.1504/IJICT.2018.10008898
Stroke prediction
Early diagnosis and prognosis of cardiovascular accident (CVA) colloquially known as “stroke” are crucial for timely prevention and cure. Machine learning and intelligence are now being investigated for their potential to a weigh the various physiological parameters and risk factors for CVA and so offer healthcare workers a predictive diagnostic for their patients. Data was collected from international stroke trial database and successfully used to train and test an algorithm for stroke predication. The team tested both support vector machines (SVM) and neural networks as machine intelligence paradigms. The former revealed 91% accuracy while the neural network was 98% accurate in proof of principle tests on the historic data.
“Machine intelligence in stroke prediction”, R.S. Jeena and Sukesh Kumar, Int. J. Bioinformat Res Applic, 2018 14, 29-48; DOI: 10.1504/IJBRA.2018.10009163
An extract of Cannabis sativa, commonly known as hemp, can be used in a “green” (meaning environmentally benign) synthetic scheme for the fabrication of antimicrobial gold nanoparticles. The team used a fixed ratio of ethanolic plant extract and metal ions from gold chloride solution and saw a colour change associated with nanoparticle formation. These were further characterized using spectroscopy and scanning microscopy methods, which revealed the gold nanoparticles to be spherical, as hoped. Tests against various bacteria showed the powerful antimicrobial properties of the particles.
“Phytofabrication, characterisation and antimicrobial studies of gold nanoparticles using Cannabis sativa (Bhang), leaf extract”, Neeraj Sharma, Shailendra Pratap Singh, and Uma Rani Sharma, Int. J. Nanoparticles, 2017, 9, 143 – 152; DOI: 10.1504/IJNP.2017.10010010
Plastic not so fantastic
Plastic waste is high on the environmental agenda at the moment, not least the amount of packaging and other waste that is contaminating the world’s oceans. Researchers in India point out that plastic waste contributes a major proportion of the total municipal solid waste. However, the desirable properties of plastics such as its ability not to degrade under a wide range of conditions and its durability make it even more of a problem once it is disposed of if it is not recycled or reused. Priyanka Gupta emphasizes the 3R approach we should be taking to plastic waste management – reduce, reuse and recycle.
“Management of plastic waste: a step towards clean environment”, Priyanka Gupta, Int J Renewable Energy, 2018, 8, 387-392; DOI: 10.1504/IJRET.2017.088986
Catching phish
Phishing attacks are the most insidious and perhaps the most common way in which security systems are breached by malware users. They generally involve disguising an email or website as a legitimate source but tricking the reader into clicking a link or connecting to a server that harvests their private or personal data including passwords, bank details, and other information useful to criminals. Researchers in India are now working on an intelligent way to detect “phish” and prevent users from being reeled in by such scams. The detection system works by comparing the hidden style code, the CSS within the phish with the legitimate code used by the website or other system the phishing email is attempting to spoof. The team claims close to 100% detection rates and very few false positives with the approach.
“Intelligent phishing detection system using similarity matching algorithms”, Ankur Mishra and B.B. Gupta, Int. J. Information Communication Technol, 2018, 12, 51-73; DOI: 10.1504/IJICT.2018.10008898
Stroke prediction
Early diagnosis and prognosis of cardiovascular accident (CVA) colloquially known as “stroke” are crucial for timely prevention and cure. Machine learning and intelligence are now being investigated for their potential to a weigh the various physiological parameters and risk factors for CVA and so offer healthcare workers a predictive diagnostic for their patients. Data was collected from international stroke trial database and successfully used to train and test an algorithm for stroke predication. The team tested both support vector machines (SVM) and neural networks as machine intelligence paradigms. The former revealed 91% accuracy while the neural network was 98% accurate in proof of principle tests on the historic data.
“Machine intelligence in stroke prediction”, R.S. Jeena and Sukesh Kumar, Int. J. Bioinformat Res Applic, 2018 14, 29-48; DOI: 10.1504/IJBRA.2018.10009163
23 January 2018
Special issue published: "Accounting and Management in Italy Past, Present and Future"
International Journal of Critical Accounting 9(4) 2017
- Management lessons from Italy: a bibliometric analysis of top Italian based scholars and studies published from 1985 to 2015
- Turnaround management and systemic approach: a historical review of the Florentine management school contribution
- Evolution of the substance over form principle in the Italian GAAP from a comparative and international perspective
- Goodwill and value creation: insights from Italian pioneers
- The impact of accrual accounting adoption on budgeting system: evidence from Italian universities
Call for papers: "Machining-induced Surface Integrity of Difficult-to-Machine Materials"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials.
This special issue aims to focus on machining-induced surface integrity, particularly in the case of difficult-to-machine (DTM) materials. Its objective is to facilitate audiences by providing information about interesting and novel outcomes of cutting-edge research into machining and surface integrity of DTM materials. The special issue will covers effects of machining (conventional and non-conventional) parameters on surface integrity aspects such as geometric accuracy, surface finish, residual stresses, micro-hardness, fatigue strength, microstructure and wear characteristics of DTM materials. It will also shed light on modelling and optimisation of machining parameters for the enhancement of surface integrity. The influence of hybrid machining/finishing processes and sustainable machining techniques on surface integrity will also be addressed.
The special issue will be of great benefit to researchers, engineers, scholars, technical experts and specialists working in the area of conventional and non-conventional machining.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Surface integrity in conventional (turning, milling, drilling, grinding, etc.) and non-conventional machining (EDM/WEDM, ECM, LBM, AWJM, etc.) of DTM materials
- Effect of machining parameters on surface integrity of titanium alloys, inconel, shape memory alloys, ceramics, composites and smart materials
- Machining-induced microstructure, residual stresses, micro-hardness and surface texture
- Influence of machining on geometric accuracy, surface finish, and Abbott-Firestone parameters
- Hybrid and sustainable machining-induced surface integrity of DTM materials
- Tribology and wear characteristics of DTM materials after conventional and non-conventional machining
- Modelling and optimisation of machining for surface integrity enhancement
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 April, 2018
Notification to authors: 31 July, 2018
Final versions due by: 30 September, 2018
Special section published: "Competing through Innovation Management"
International Journal of Value Chain Management 8(4) 2017
Regular papers
Regular papers
- The effects of reverse logistics on cost control abilities: an insight into manufacturing companies in Malaysia
- Assessment of bargaining power, market risk and coordination costs in the Thailand cassava marketing channel
- Low cost carriers versus traditional carriers and its impact on financial performance: a comparative study on the UAE airlines companies
- Models of innovations: an overview of perspectives and expositions
- A front-foot approach to conflict triggered by favouritism
22 January 2018
Inderscience is media partner for 2nd Annual Microbiome Discovery and Development Congress 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for 2nd Annual Microbiome Discovery and Development Congress (7-8 June 2018, Berlin, Germany).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Int. J. of Computational Biology and Drug Design
- Int. J. of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Int. J. of Nano and Biomaterials
More information on this event is available here.
Special issue published: "Social Status and Nostalgia in Web-Based Communites"
International Journal of Web Based Communities 13(4) 2017
- Persuasive technology in online social networks: a systematic literature review
- Applying emotions in social network connections model
- Customer participation in brand communities on social media: a systematic literature review
- SME fashion brands and social media marketing: from strategies to actions
- Effect of perceived relational characteristics of online social network on e-WOM and purchase intention: exploring mediating role of trust
Inderscience is media partner for Oxford Global's 19th Annual Drug Discovery Summit
Inderscience is a media partner for Oxford Global's 19th Annual Drug Discovery Summit (6-8 June 2018, Berlin, Germany).
The journals involved are:
More information on this event is available here.
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Int. J. of Computational Biology and Drug Design
- Int. J. of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Int. J. of Nano and Biomaterials
More information on this event is available here.
Special issue on: "The Regionalisation of the Asian Automotive Industries and Markets – Part 1"
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 17(4) 2017
- Is Indian automobile industry getting integrated with Asian production network?
- Strategic upgrading of an overseas subsidiary through export promotion activities: the case of Kuozui Motor
- From product design to product, process and domain design capabilities of local tier 2 suppliers: lessons from case studies in Japan, Thailand and China
- The true culprits of excessive intrabrand price competition among authorised Mercedes-Benz dealers in Thailand
- Relational governance of Japanese automotive industry: modularity and multiregional strategic action field
20 January 2018
Inderscience journals to publish expanded papers from International Conference on Dynamics of Financial Sector Reforms and PhD Consortium in Finance (MSBFC 2018)
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Conference on Dynamics of Financial Sector Reforms and Ph D Consortium in Finance (6-7 April 2018, Phagwara, Punjab, India) will be published by the following journals:
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials are now available here for free:
- Synthesis of Au-SnO2 nanocomposites by two-step laser ablation
- The electrochemical detection of tartaric acid using Cu vanadate nanorods modified electrode
- Nanocellulose conjugated with polylysine and polyarginine: their antimicrobial activity and toxicity
- Improvement of osseointegration of Ti and Ti-alloys by hydrothermally prepared bioactive anatase coating
- Mechanical and in vitro characterisation of decellularised porcine aortic tissue conjugated with gold nanoparticles as a vascular repair material
International Journal of Cloud Computing to publish expanded papers from 1st International Conference on Advanced Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICACB'18)
Extended versions of papers presented at the 1st International Conference on Advanced Computing and Big Data Analytics (23-24 March 2018, Katpadi, Vellore, India) will be published by the International Journal of Cloud Computing.
Inderscience is media partner for Helicopter Technology Central and Eastern Europe 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for Helicopter Technology Central and Eastern Europe (23-24 May 2018, Prague, Czech Republic).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Aerospace System Science and Engineering
- Int. J. of Emergency Management
- Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- Int. J. of Risk Assessment and Management
- Int. J. of Security and Networks
- Int. J. of Systems, Control and Communications
- Int. J. of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems
More information on this event is available here.
19 January 2018
Call for papers: "Developments in Additive Manufacturing"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Materials and Product Technology.
Today, additive manufacturing (AM) offers numerous advantages in the production of single and multiple components, offering incomparable design independence with the facility to manufacture components from a wide range of materials, polymers, metals, composites, etc.
This special issue, which will focus on the multidisciplinary areas of additive manufacturing, invites the submission of high-quality research articles related to theory, practice and applications.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- 3D printing
- VAT photopolymerasation
- Material jetting
- FDM fuse deposition modelling
- PBF powder bed fusion
- DMLS direct metal laser sintering
- EBM electron beam melting
- SHS selective heat sintering
- SLM selective laser melting
- SLS selective laser sintering deposition
- UAM ultrasonic additive manufacturing
- LOM laminated object manufacturing
- DED direct energy
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 31 July, 2018
Notification to authors: 30 September, 2018
Final versions due by: 30 November, 2018
Inderscience is media partner for Unmanned Maritime Systems 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for Unmanned Maritime Systems (16-17 May 2018, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
- Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- Int. J. of Ocean Systems Management
- Int. J. of Security and Networks
- Int. J. of System Control and Information Processing
- Int. J. of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems
- Int. J. of Wireless and Mobile Computing
More information on this event is available here.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development are now available here for free:
- Mathematical modelling of surface tension effects in liquid wall films
- Robust optimal model for sustainable joint production of green tea and paddy rice in Japanese agricultural watersheds
- Definition of optimum basic nutrients ratio in media for bioethanol production with immobilised yeast cells
- Scenario analysis of the Jakarta Coastal Defence Strategy: sustainable indicators impact assessment
- Adoption factors for green brick innovation: an empirical study of consumers in India
- Corporate social responsibility representation of the German water-supply and distribution companies: from colourful to barren landscapes
International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation to publish expanded papers from 3rd International Agriculture Innovation Conference (IAIC 2018)
Extended versions of papers presented at the 3rd International Agriculture Innovation Conference (12-13 October, 2018, Beijing, China) will be published by the International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation.
18 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development are now available here for free:
- Do students view environmental sustainability as important in their job search? Differences and similarities across culture
- Designing a sustainable recovery network for waste from electrical and electronic equipment using a genetic algorithm
- Do climate changes lead to income inequality? Empirical study on the farming community in Malaysia
- Bioindicators assessing water quality and environmental impacts of water treatment plant sludge
- Perceived and measured climate variability and change in semi-arid environments in Tanzania: experiences from Iramba and Meatu Districts
Inderscience is media partner for Essential Management Skills 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for Essential Management Skills 2018 (18-20 April 2018, Coventry, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Business Performance Management
- Int. J. of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
- Int. J. of Management and Decision Making
- Int. J. of Markets and Business Systems
- Int. J. of Productivity and Quality Management
- Int. J. of Project Organisation and Management
Special issue published: "New Technologies and Applications in Mobile Networks"
International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 7(3/4) 2017
- A novel optimal path selection strategy in MANET using energy awareness
- Optimal fuzzy min-max neural network for medical data classification using group search optimiser algorithm
- Provider mobility in content centric networks - issues and challenges
- Power saving technique for controlled broadcast of query packet in MANETs
- An effective mobile malware detection framework for android security
- A survey on procedures dealing with mobile offloading schemes
- My Smart BT: a Bluetooth-based android application for controlling IoT appliances using graphical analysis of sensor data
- A novel sleep/wake protocol for target coverage based on trust evaluation for a clustered wireless sensor network
- A dynamic key authentication protocol for RFID system
- Research of a low-cost localised fault algorithm for wireless sensor networks
- Performance analysis of received signal power-based Sybil detection in MANET using spline curve
- Comparative performance analysis of different resource scheduler and characterising the impact of proportional fair under different TTI feedback delay in EUTRA network
- Topology-aware overlay network in mobile IP environment
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology are now available here for free:
- GA_RBF NN: a classification system for diabetes
- Emotional eye movement analysis using electrooculography signal
- The types of hybrid modalities in brain-computer interface systems: a review
- A low-cost computerised electronic stethoscope with pre-diagnosis and easy transmission features
- Modified complex diffusion based nonlinear filter for restoration and enhancement of magnetic resonance images
- Automated segmentation of foveal avascular zone in digital colour retinal fundus images
Inderscience is media partner for Wheelsets: More for Less 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for Wheelsets: More for Less (20 March 2018, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Automation and Logistics
- Int. J. of Heavy Vehicle Systems
- Int. J. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Int. J. of Shipping and Transport Logistics
- Int. J. of Vehicle Design
- Int. J. of Vehicle Noise and Vibration
- Int. J. of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
17 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Nanomanufacturing
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Nanomanufacturing are now available here for free:
- Experimental study on shear thickening polishing method for curved surface
- Etching and smooth processing of GaAs surface based on the confined etchant layer technique
- Experimental study on the performance of capillary pump loop with different operation conditions
- Modelling and application of particle distribution for atmospheric plasma excitation
- The forming characteristic in the single-point incremental forming of a complex shape
- Effect of the electric-field distribution on the morphology of dot-array gratings fabricated by AFM-based nanolithography
- Dislocation dynamic simulation of dislocation pattern evolution in the early fatigue stages of aluminium single crystal
- Measurement-based modelling of cutting forces in micro-milling of Inconel 718
Special issue on: "New Technologies and Applications in Mobile Networks"
International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 7(3/4) 2017
- A novel optimal path selection strategy in MANET using energy awareness
- Optimal fuzzy min-max neural network for medical data classification using group search optimiser algorithm
- Provider mobility in content centric networks - issues and challenges
- Power saving technique for controlled broadcast of query packet in MANETs
- An effective mobile malware detection framework for android security
- A survey on procedures dealing with mobile offloading schemes
- My Smart BT: a Bluetooth-based android application for controlling IoT appliances using graphical analysis of sensor data
- A novel sleep/wake protocol for target coverage based on trust evaluation for a clustered wireless sensor network
- A dynamic key authentication protocol for RFID system
- Research of a low-cost localised fault algorithm for wireless sensor networks
- Performance analysis of received signal power-based Sybil detection in MANET using spline curve
- Comparative performance analysis of different resource scheduler and characterising the impact of proportional fair under different TTI feedback delay in EUTRA network
- Topology-aware overlay network in mobile IP environment
Inderscience is media partner for Reliability of Systems and Equipment Operated in Harsh Environments 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for Reliability of Systems and Equipment Operated in Harsh Environments (6 March 2018, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Critical Infrastructures
- Int. J. of Design Engineering
- Int. J. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Int. J. of Lifecycle Performance Engineering
- Int. J. of Operational Research
- Int. J. of Product Development
- Int. J. of Strategic Engineering Asset Management
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation are now available here for free:
- A proposal to develop a guided-inquiry mobile learning with a mastery learning mechanism for improving students' learning performance and attitudes in Physics
- The influence of service quality in information system success model as an antecedent of mobile learning in education organisations: case study in Jordan
- Potential of SoundCloud for mobile learning in music education: a pilot study
- Summer training programs: a practical and collaborative approach in technical education through mobile education kit
- The perceptions of using instant interaction applications for enhancing peer discussion in a flipped classroom
Research Picks Weekly – 17 Jan 2018
Patient patients
Successful treatment of patients in hospital emergency departments often depends on timeliness of the healthcare they receive. Often, congestion at busy or otherwise demanding times can compromise the work of doctors, nurses, and others involved in looking after emergency patients. Now, researchers from Ireland and the UK have examine the flow of patients through the emergency department of a large suburban acute general hospital in Ireland over the course of a year. They looked at the various factors that influence overcrowding and congestion, including patient-related factors and hospital-related factors. However, it seems that time of day and day of arrival are the main influencers of congestion in this hospital and so these might be addressed through changes to staffing levels when that is possible based on these temporal factors.
Brady, M., Kumar, V., Byrne, P.J., Conyngham, G., Liston, P. and Gilligan, P. (2017) ‘Towards a model of emergency department congestion’, Int. J. Healthcare Technology and Management, Vol. 16, Nos. 3/4, pp.303-318; DOI: 10.1504/IJHTM.2017.088870
Micro malting
Small, independent “craft” breweries are becoming big business. Researchers in Italy point out that craft producers give their brews a strong added value and local character through artisanal production techniques. One of the more stand out methods they use to distinguish the character of their lager beers is to use malt made from small batches of local cereal. A team from Università degli Studi di Palermo reports on the economics of profitability and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for the workings of small breweries. The team suggests that presence of local maltsters could be a valuable tool to increase the added value of local products, following the trend in production sustainability, given that such micro-malting facilities are not widespread in Sicily not Italy, their development as a localized industry represents a significant opportunity for new commerce in this area.
Alfeo, V., Todaro, A., Asciuto, A., Borsellino, V. and Schimmenti, E. (2017) ‘New development opportunities for the craft brewing segment: the case study of a micro-malthouse’, Int. J. Globalisation and Small Business, Vol. 9, Nos. 2/3, pp.105-119; DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2017.10009848
Micro power for lighting and farming
Sustainability is high on the global agenda but it can become manifest through highly localized activities. Researchers in Nigeria have investigated how micro-hydro electricity-generation systems might be improved through examination of their mechanical torque and electrical power schemes and the development of a multiplier gear train to boost thermodynamic efficiency. Indeed, their tests with a micro-hydro power generator compensate for low hydraulic head using such a multiplier and allow the water to run the system at over 1250 revolutions per minute, a much more effective generation speed than the 200 rpm available without the basic device and no multiplier. The result is that a simple 12 Watt generator can be effectively upgraded to almost 125 Watts. Even when accounting for mechanical losses due to friction and vibration, the electrical power output could serve many lighting applications in a remote village or be used to drive farm equipment, such as dairy mixers and fertilizer reactors.
Odesola, I.F., Ige, E.O. and Akinsulie, O.A. (2017) ‘Harvesting mechanical torque and electrical power in a micro-hydro power system: effect of multiplier gear train’, Progress in Industrial Ecology – An International Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.182–194; DOI: 10.1504/PIE.2017.088871
Clearing the blindspot
Researchers in India report that almost two-thirds of road traffic accidents can be blamed on either poor visibility or driver fatigue. Blindspots, glare, weather conditions, and the condition of headlamps often lead to poor visibility. However, it is the presence of blindspots that leads to most accidents associated with poor visibility. The team has turned their attention to driver seat design to help reduce this problem and thus reduce the incidence of those kinds of road accident. The computer-aided modeling the team has carried out has been demonstrated effective in heavy vehicles, specifically for buses in Southern India. The modeling was based on a hybrid multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) approach for computer aided engineering and technology and a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. The team suggests that the same hybrid technique might be applied to many other engineering problems in transport.
Vincent, D.S., Pitchipoo, P., Rajini, N. and Rajakarunakaran, S. (2018) ‘Reduction of blind spots in heavy transport vehicles through the optimisation of driver seat design’, Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10, Nos. 1/2, pp.3-14; DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2018.088823
Successful treatment of patients in hospital emergency departments often depends on timeliness of the healthcare they receive. Often, congestion at busy or otherwise demanding times can compromise the work of doctors, nurses, and others involved in looking after emergency patients. Now, researchers from Ireland and the UK have examine the flow of patients through the emergency department of a large suburban acute general hospital in Ireland over the course of a year. They looked at the various factors that influence overcrowding and congestion, including patient-related factors and hospital-related factors. However, it seems that time of day and day of arrival are the main influencers of congestion in this hospital and so these might be addressed through changes to staffing levels when that is possible based on these temporal factors.
Brady, M., Kumar, V., Byrne, P.J., Conyngham, G., Liston, P. and Gilligan, P. (2017) ‘Towards a model of emergency department congestion’, Int. J. Healthcare Technology and Management, Vol. 16, Nos. 3/4, pp.303-318; DOI: 10.1504/IJHTM.2017.088870
Micro malting
Small, independent “craft” breweries are becoming big business. Researchers in Italy point out that craft producers give their brews a strong added value and local character through artisanal production techniques. One of the more stand out methods they use to distinguish the character of their lager beers is to use malt made from small batches of local cereal. A team from Università degli Studi di Palermo reports on the economics of profitability and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) for the workings of small breweries. The team suggests that presence of local maltsters could be a valuable tool to increase the added value of local products, following the trend in production sustainability, given that such micro-malting facilities are not widespread in Sicily not Italy, their development as a localized industry represents a significant opportunity for new commerce in this area.
Alfeo, V., Todaro, A., Asciuto, A., Borsellino, V. and Schimmenti, E. (2017) ‘New development opportunities for the craft brewing segment: the case study of a micro-malthouse’, Int. J. Globalisation and Small Business, Vol. 9, Nos. 2/3, pp.105-119; DOI: 10.1504/IJGSB.2017.10009848
Micro power for lighting and farming
Sustainability is high on the global agenda but it can become manifest through highly localized activities. Researchers in Nigeria have investigated how micro-hydro electricity-generation systems might be improved through examination of their mechanical torque and electrical power schemes and the development of a multiplier gear train to boost thermodynamic efficiency. Indeed, their tests with a micro-hydro power generator compensate for low hydraulic head using such a multiplier and allow the water to run the system at over 1250 revolutions per minute, a much more effective generation speed than the 200 rpm available without the basic device and no multiplier. The result is that a simple 12 Watt generator can be effectively upgraded to almost 125 Watts. Even when accounting for mechanical losses due to friction and vibration, the electrical power output could serve many lighting applications in a remote village or be used to drive farm equipment, such as dairy mixers and fertilizer reactors.
Odesola, I.F., Ige, E.O. and Akinsulie, O.A. (2017) ‘Harvesting mechanical torque and electrical power in a micro-hydro power system: effect of multiplier gear train’, Progress in Industrial Ecology – An International Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp.182–194; DOI: 10.1504/PIE.2017.088871
Clearing the blindspot
Researchers in India report that almost two-thirds of road traffic accidents can be blamed on either poor visibility or driver fatigue. Blindspots, glare, weather conditions, and the condition of headlamps often lead to poor visibility. However, it is the presence of blindspots that leads to most accidents associated with poor visibility. The team has turned their attention to driver seat design to help reduce this problem and thus reduce the incidence of those kinds of road accident. The computer-aided modeling the team has carried out has been demonstrated effective in heavy vehicles, specifically for buses in Southern India. The modeling was based on a hybrid multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) approach for computer aided engineering and technology and a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process. The team suggests that the same hybrid technique might be applied to many other engineering problems in transport.
Vincent, D.S., Pitchipoo, P., Rajini, N. and Rajakarunakaran, S. (2018) ‘Reduction of blind spots in heavy transport vehicles through the optimisation of driver seat design’, Int. J. Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, Vol. 10, Nos. 1/2, pp.3-14; DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2018.088823
16 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing are now available here for free:
- User value for Kumasi zoological garden, Ghana
- Shopping malls and commercial strips: an examination of factors affecting shoppers behaviour in Kuwait
- 'Value for money' and the restaurant experience: a case study of supply and demand stakeholders
- Niche tourism in Cyprus: conceptualising the importance of social entrepreneurship for the sustainable development of islands
- Destination image: scale validation and measurement invariance analysis
Special issue published: "Sustainable Development and Innovation in Energy, Water and Environment Systems"
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 12(1/2) 2018
- Sustainable development as a driver for innovation and employment
- A new education model in sustainable energy
- Sustainability and ethics as attraction factor and talent retaining, the case of the companies in Brazil
- Turkey's energy system development: linking an energy supply model with an industrial simulation model and solving it iteratively
- Appropriate environmental-friendly energy technologies for sustainable rehabilitation and cross-border development
- Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES) Index for policy learning in cities
- What are the preferences in the development process of a sustainable urban mobility plan? New methodology for experts involvement
- Universities as role models for sustainability: a case study on implementation of University of Gothenburg climate strategy, results and experiences from 2011 to 2015
- Production vs. consumption management for sustainable agricultural resources
- Lack of commitment of Brazilian federal institutions to ethanol competitiveness
- Time series analysis of Earth's Northern Hemisphere temperature reconstructions using non-linear tools and statistical tests
Inderscience is media partner for Railway Division Annual Luncheon 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for Railway Division Annual Luncheon 2018 (2 March 2018, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Heavy Vehicle Systems
- Int. J. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Int. J. of Logistics Systems and Management
- Int. J. of Powertrains
- Int. J. of Services Technology and Management
- Int. J. of Shipping and Transport Logistics
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising are now available here for free:
- The effects of social presence, contextual congruence and source credibility in evaluation of online advertising on news websites
- Effects of suspicion on the perception of online referrals: the role of congruity and message sidedness
- Personality or skill: a qualitative study of humorous recruitment advertising campaign on social media
- Message and source characteristics as drivers of mobile digital review persuasiveness: does cultural context play a role?
Special issue published: "Trends in Medical Imaging and Health Informatics"
International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 14(1/2) 2018
- Mathematical investigation of aetiology and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in human arteries
- Machine intelligence in stroke prediction
- Enhanced decision tree algorithm using genetic algorithm for heart disease prediction
- A mathematical modelling on the effect of high intensity magnetic fields on pulsatile blood flow in human arteries
- Blood glucose regulation in diabetes mellitus patients: a review on mathematical plant model and control algorithms
- Texture analysis of breast thermograms using neighbourhood grey tone difference matrix
- PFA-based feature selection for image steganalysis
- Effect of body mass index and chair height on the torque developed at the knee joint during back-to-sit and sit-to-stand movements
- Additional paper
- Emerging trend of big data analytics in bioinformatics: a literature review
15 January 2018
Inderscience is media partner for Bulk Handling for Large Infrastructure Projects 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for Bulk Handling for Large Infrastructure Projects (28 February 2018, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Int. J. of Manufacturing Research
- Int. J. of Manufacturing Technology and Management
- Int. J. of Materials and Product Technology
- Int. J. of Project Organisation and Management
- Int. J. of Reliability and Safety
Special issue published: "New Trends on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations"
International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations 8(1/2) 2018
- On a non-scalar damping model in micromagnetism
- The best strategy for local mesh refinement with the PCD method
- Periodic solutions to singular damped delay differential equations with impulses
- Positive solutions to a non-homogeneous elliptic system of fourth order
- Weighted eigenvalue problems involving a fourth-order elliptic equation with variable exponent
- Cryptanalysis of Farash et al.'s SIP authentication protocol
- Vector extrapolation method for non-overlapping Schwarz iterations
- Nonlinear Steklov eigenvalue problem with variable exponents and without Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition
- Content frequency and shape features based on CBIR: application to colour images
- Numerical analysis of some time-fractional partial differential equations for noise removal
- Regional boundary controllability of semi-linear parabolic systems with state constraints
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics are now available here for free:
- ASEAN users' privacy concerns and security in using online social networks
- Forensically ready digital identity management systems, issues of digital identity life cycle and context of usage
- Vanishing files: protocols and regulations for immaterial documents
- A new kind of steganography schemes for image
- Cryptographic collusion-resistant protocols for secure sum
- The preservation of digital evidence and its admissibility in the court
Inderscience is media partner for Innovation, Business Change & Transformation Conference Europe 2018
Inderscience is a media partner for Innovation, Business Change & Transformation Conference Europe 2018 (19-21 March 2018, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
Special issue published: "Project Management and Scheduling"
European Journal of Industrial Engineering 11(6) 2017
- The total adjustment cost problem with variable activity durations and intensities
- A decomposition heuristic for short-term planning of assessment centres
- A mixed-integer programming-based heuristic for project scheduling with work-content constraints
- An adaptive large neighbourhood search as a matheuristic for the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem
- Periodically aggregated resource-constrained project scheduling problem
- Multi-objective binary cuckoo search for constrained project portfolio selection under uncertainty
14 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications are now available here for free:
- Prediction of Homo sapiens cancer cells by electrical network modelling of amino acid sequence
- P-gp and BCRP inhibition induced by some new 1,4-Dihydropyridine and Dihydropyrimidines
- An empirical study of self-training and data balancing techniques for splice site prediction
- Annotation transfer by homology among closely related genomes helps to identify protein function in Plasmodium species
- A new neural unsupervised classification approach using amended competitive Hebbian learning: PET image segmentation insights
Special issue published: "University Social Responsibility: International Models and Impacts"
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 14(1/2) 2018
- Universities as promoter of a new social and industrial development of national economy
- Student perceptions of university social responsibility: implications from an empirical study in France, Italy and Russia
- Developing a university CSR framework using stakeholder approach
- The role of need for self-expression and arousal to commit university students for environmental responsibility behaviours
- 'Sustainable and socially responsible university' in Maribor, Slovenia, European Union
- Beyond teaching CSR and ethics in tertiary education: the case of the University of Nicosia, Cyprus (EU)
- Internationalisation trajectory influence on university social responsibility
- Cross subsidy model for community transformation: Jain University social responsibility in India
- International standards of social responsibility and their suitability for high educational institutions
- The process of social accounting and reporting at University of Torino: main challenges and managerial implications
- Buildup of federal universities' social responsibility in the context of development of Russia's regions
- Game-based entrepreneurship education: impact on attitudes, behaviours and intentions
- Towards an eventual three-dimensional equilibrium regarding corporate social responsibility in Lebanese small and medium enterprises
- Influence of policies in capability evolution and industry structure: lessons from the Indian automotive industry and implications for other developing countries
- Do senior bankers care about entrepreneurial behaviour?: case of senior managers of Iranian vanguard banks
Free sample articles newly available from Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting
The following sample articles from the Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting are now available here for free:
- Working capital management in Chinese firms: an empirical investigation of determinants and adjustment towards a target level using dynamic panel data model
- Dynamic relation between Islamic and conventional lending rates in Malaysia
- Impact of foreign ownership on capital structure and firm value in emerging market: case of Amman Stock Exchange listed firms
- Modelling persistence in conditional volatility of asset returns
- The four-factor model and stock returns: evidence from Sri Lanka
13 January 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Materials and Product Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Materials and Product Technology are now available here for free:
- Modelling of hot compressive deformation behaviour of 55 steel considering strain
- The classification and a review of hot power spinning of difficult-to-deform metals
- A process for increasing plastic strain ratio of AA1050 Al alloy sheet
- Deformation behaviour of high strength steel sheet 22MnB5 at elevated temperature and its FE simulation model verification
- Finite element analysis of effect of process parameters on electromagnetic free expansion of aluminium tube
- Die-punch alignment and its effect on the thinning pattern in the square-shaped deep drawing of aluminium alloy
- Effects of reheating temperature and time on microstructure and tensile properties of thixoformed in situ Sip/ZA27 composites
- Wear analysis of polyamide based on a statistical approach
- A study on process design of plate cold forging for machinability improvement of piston under drive brake
- Recent development of ring rolling theory and technique
- Deformation characteristics of aluminium-copper composite preforms at different strain rates during cold forging
- Novel processes and related technologies for micro metal forming
- Quantitative study of the Bauschinger effect in high-strength low-strain-hardening materials for metal forming applications
- Formability investigation using a new test design for hot stamping processes
Special issue published: "Leveraging People, Process and Products: Ingredients of Business Growth"
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 31(6) 2017
- Leveraging neural networks technique for predicting impulsive buying: an empirical study in India
- Barriers to technology transfer: a total interpretative structural model approach
- Strategic uncertainty management in Indian organisations
- Revisiting the critical failure factors of ERP to explore their relationships - an ISM based approach
- Impact of employee wellbeing on psychological empowerment: mediating role of happiness
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations are now available here for free:
- Exact wave solutions for a class of single-species model of population dynamics
- Existence and stability of Hadamard p-type fractional functional differential equations
- Analysis of a predator-prey system with Beddington-type functional response and stage-structure of prey
- Some results in stochastic functional integro-differential equations with infinite delays
- Existence and non-existence of positive solutions for integral boundary value problems of high-order fractional differential equations with generalised p-Laplacian operator
- Multiple positive periodic solutions in shifts δ± for an impulsive nabla dynamic equation on time scales
12 January 2018
Call for papers: "Recent Advances in Web Based and Intelligent Collaborative Engineering"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Collaborative Engineering.
The aim of the special issue is to highlight the latest advances, problems and challenges and to present the latest research results in the field of web based and intelligent collaborative engineering with a link to scientific research and its practical implementation. Collaborative engineering is the field which studies the interactive process of engineering collaboration that involves integrating many diverse functional areas. The speed of innovation and competitiveness are linked to the ability to control the entire life cycle of their products and also to work effectively with their entire ecosystem (employees, partners, suppliers, customers, regulators, etc.). The methods and tools of Collaborative Engineering aim in particular to co-design efficiently and to carry out in advance the arbitrations to integrate all the needs and all the constraints. Web based collaborative engineering aims to integrate collaborative design, concurrent engineering and new web technologies to ensure a comprehensive control over the complete life cycle of the product. Clubbed with Intelligent systems they provide a paradigm to sustain a competitive edge in the business market by improving the engineering product development capability and quality.
In the past few decades there has been an interesting rise in the application of web based and intelligent collaborative engineering. The primary objective of this issue is to bring forward thorough, in-depth, and well-focused development in the field of web based and intelligent collaborative engineering.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances and Applications in Computer Engineering (RAACE2017) but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
Important Date
Manuscripts due by: 10 February, 2018
The aim of the special issue is to highlight the latest advances, problems and challenges and to present the latest research results in the field of web based and intelligent collaborative engineering with a link to scientific research and its practical implementation. Collaborative engineering is the field which studies the interactive process of engineering collaboration that involves integrating many diverse functional areas. The speed of innovation and competitiveness are linked to the ability to control the entire life cycle of their products and also to work effectively with their entire ecosystem (employees, partners, suppliers, customers, regulators, etc.). The methods and tools of Collaborative Engineering aim in particular to co-design efficiently and to carry out in advance the arbitrations to integrate all the needs and all the constraints. Web based collaborative engineering aims to integrate collaborative design, concurrent engineering and new web technologies to ensure a comprehensive control over the complete life cycle of the product. Clubbed with Intelligent systems they provide a paradigm to sustain a competitive edge in the business market by improving the engineering product development capability and quality.
In the past few decades there has been an interesting rise in the application of web based and intelligent collaborative engineering. The primary objective of this issue is to bring forward thorough, in-depth, and well-focused development in the field of web based and intelligent collaborative engineering.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the International Conference on Recent Advances and Applications in Computer Engineering (RAACE2017) but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Collaborative design, cooperative design
- Collaborative development
- Collaborative manufacturing
- Collaborative lifecycle management
- Collaborative decision making
- Team performance management
- Intelligent and knowledge based systems
- Knowledge discovery, knowledge engineering
- Knowledge management, knowledge integration
- Cloud based collaborative task management
- Real time synchronisation management
- Server-less collaborative systems
- Cross-platform collaborative systems
- Peer-to-peer collaborative systems
- Multi-tiered client server collaborative systems
- Decentralised collaborative systems
- Distributed collaborative systems
- Parallel collaborative systems
- Email based collaborative systems
- Security focused collaborative systems
- Agile collaborative systems
- Grid collaborative systems
- Enterprise social systems and community
- CRM and extranet
- Groupware and collaborative engineering
- Information management and collaborative systems
- E-learning and collaborative systems
- Virtual team and environment
- Virtual enterprises
- Web engineering
- Engineering education
- Collaboration and semantic web
- System oriented engineering
- Service oriented engineering
- Artificial intelligence and collaborative systems
- Intelligent medical technologies and biomedical engineering
- Multimedia and collaborative engineering
- Software engineering and collaborative engineering
- Smart environments
Important Date
Manuscripts due by: 10 February, 2018
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