International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 6(4) 2006 is a special Issue: Productive organisations – employment relationships – financialisation: specificities of the automotive industry, comprising papers presented during the 13th International Colloquium of the GERPISA group held in Paris in June 2005.
Article titles:
* The architectural attributes of auto parts and transaction patterns on design drawings
* Supply chain management: new competitive realities in the automotive value chain
* The new relational schemas of inter-firms cooperation: the case of the Coahuila automobile cluster in Mexico
* The shift from belt conveyor line to work-cell based assembly systems to cope with increasing demand variation in Japanese industries
* Globalisation, market reform, and changing labour politics in China's automobile industry
31 January 2007
30 January 2007
Special issue: Computational intelligence and its applications to mobile robots and autonomous systems
International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems 4(2/3/4) 2006 is a special issue: Computational intelligence and its applications to mobile robots and autonomous systems.
Article titles:
* Design, modelling and simulation of an autonomous underwater vehicle
* Subgoal-based local navigation and obstacle avoidance using a grid-distance field
* Indoor mobile robot navigation using doorplate landmarks
* Real-time tracking control of a non-holonomic mobile robot
* The FLEXnav precision dead-reckoning system
* Multi-robot concurrent learning of cooperative behaviours for the tracking of multiple moving targets
* Follow the Past: a path-tracking algorithm for autonomous vehicles
* Distributed visual navigation based on neural Q-learning for a mobile robot
* Stable encoding of robot paths using normalised radial basis networks: application to an autonomous wheelchair
* Automatic car driving based on fuzzy logic and GNSS
* Robust adaptive neural fuzzy control for autonomous redundant non-holonomic mobile modular manipulators
* Growing RBF networks for learning reactive behaviours in mobile robotics
* Guiding a group of people by a team of mobile robots
Article titles:
* Design, modelling and simulation of an autonomous underwater vehicle
* Subgoal-based local navigation and obstacle avoidance using a grid-distance field
* Indoor mobile robot navigation using doorplate landmarks
* Real-time tracking control of a non-holonomic mobile robot
* The FLEXnav precision dead-reckoning system
* Multi-robot concurrent learning of cooperative behaviours for the tracking of multiple moving targets
* Follow the Past: a path-tracking algorithm for autonomous vehicles
* Distributed visual navigation based on neural Q-learning for a mobile robot
* Stable encoding of robot paths using normalised radial basis networks: application to an autonomous wheelchair
* Automatic car driving based on fuzzy logic and GNSS
* Robust adaptive neural fuzzy control for autonomous redundant non-holonomic mobile modular manipulators
* Growing RBF networks for learning reactive behaviours in mobile robotics
* Guiding a group of people by a team of mobile robots
Special issue: Services technology and management in Malaysia
International Journal of Services Technology and Management 8(1) 2007 is a special issue: Services technology and management in Malaysia.
Article titles:
* E-commerce adoption by non-profit organisations: key dimensions of facilitators
* Innovativeness in New Product Development (NPD): validating a new measure for inter-/intra-functional technological learning
* Attitude towards internet banking: a study of influential factors in Malaysia
* Computer self-efficacy levels, perceptions and adoption of online banking
* Relationship between corporate knowledge management and the firm's innovation capability
* Landscaping services adoption by organisations in Malaysia: a strategic response to sustainable development
Article titles:
* E-commerce adoption by non-profit organisations: key dimensions of facilitators
* Innovativeness in New Product Development (NPD): validating a new measure for inter-/intra-functional technological learning
* Attitude towards internet banking: a study of influential factors in Malaysia
* Computer self-efficacy levels, perceptions and adoption of online banking
* Relationship between corporate knowledge management and the firm's innovation capability
* Landscaping services adoption by organisations in Malaysia: a strategic response to sustainable development
Featured article: Drinking mineral waters: biochemical effects and health implications – the state-of-the-art
Drinking mineral waters: biochemical effects and health implications – the state-of-the-art
Maria Cristina Albertini, Marina Dacha, Universita degli Studi di Urbino, Italy
Laura Teodori, ENEA-Casaccia, Rome, Italy
Marcelo Enrique Conti Universita 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy
International Journal of Environment and Health 1(1) 2007, 153 - 169
Spring mineral water might have the properties favourable to health, which should be assessed by clinical and pharmacological analyses. Efforts have recently been made to approach the study of the validity of spring mineral water curative therapies by advanced biochemical research on both animal models and humans. Owing to the paramount interest and the growing recent use of drinking mineral waters, a need for a rigorous scientific approach arises. The therapeutic action of drinking mineral waters has been demonstrated to have important biochemical implications. However, some adverse events during health resorts cure must be considered and investigated. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art on the biochemical studies related to the effects of drinking mineral water. In the light of the review of the literature on the matter, we conclude that further studies are necessary to avoid any possible implication for public health connected with mineral water misuse.
Maria Cristina Albertini, Marina Dacha, Universita degli Studi di Urbino, Italy
Laura Teodori, ENEA-Casaccia, Rome, Italy
Marcelo Enrique Conti Universita 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy
International Journal of Environment and Health 1(1) 2007, 153 - 169
Spring mineral water might have the properties favourable to health, which should be assessed by clinical and pharmacological analyses. Efforts have recently been made to approach the study of the validity of spring mineral water curative therapies by advanced biochemical research on both animal models and humans. Owing to the paramount interest and the growing recent use of drinking mineral waters, a need for a rigorous scientific approach arises. The therapeutic action of drinking mineral waters has been demonstrated to have important biochemical implications. However, some adverse events during health resorts cure must be considered and investigated. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art on the biochemical studies related to the effects of drinking mineral water. In the light of the review of the literature on the matter, we conclude that further studies are necessary to avoid any possible implication for public health connected with mineral water misuse.
29 January 2007
Special issue: Micro and nanomanufacturing
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 1(2) 2006 is a special issue: Micro and nanomanufacturing.
The papers describe the design of spindles for nanomachining applications, the use of lasers for micro- and nanoprocessing, wear of micro-cutting tools, analysis of micro-grinding grains during micro-grinding operations, deformation of carbon nanotubes, a review of environmental monitoring strategies for micromachining applications, micro-grinding with tools manufactured using micro electro-discharge machining, growth of nanodiamond crystals, machining of metals using nanocrystalline diamond, micro-machining of fuel cell materials, preparation of gold nanoparticles for nanomanufacturing applications and the measurement of subsurface damage during the micro-grinding of silicon wafers.
The papers describe the design of spindles for nanomachining applications, the use of lasers for micro- and nanoprocessing, wear of micro-cutting tools, analysis of micro-grinding grains during micro-grinding operations, deformation of carbon nanotubes, a review of environmental monitoring strategies for micromachining applications, micro-grinding with tools manufactured using micro electro-discharge machining, growth of nanodiamond crystals, machining of metals using nanocrystalline diamond, micro-machining of fuel cell materials, preparation of gold nanoparticles for nanomanufacturing applications and the measurement of subsurface damage during the micro-grinding of silicon wafers.
28 January 2007
Special issue: The adoption of innovation and technology by small and medium sized enterprises
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 7(1) 2007 is a special issue: The adoption of innovation and technology by small and medium sized enterprises.
Article titles:
* Innovation, complementarities and performance in micro/small enterprises
* The impact of regulatory affairs on biotechnology and pharmaceuticals SMEs: an exploratory study of e-submission
* Proliferation of computers among Taiwanese SMEs
* Evaluating web interfaces of B2C e-commerce systems for typical agrifood products
* E-business, innovation and SMEs: the significance of hosted services and firm aggregations
Article titles:
* Innovation, complementarities and performance in micro/small enterprises
* The impact of regulatory affairs on biotechnology and pharmaceuticals SMEs: an exploratory study of e-submission
* Proliferation of computers among Taiwanese SMEs
* Evaluating web interfaces of B2C e-commerce systems for typical agrifood products
* E-business, innovation and SMEs: the significance of hosted services and firm aggregations
27 January 2007
Featured article: The effects of national policy on biotechnology development: the need for a broad policy approach
The effects of national policy on biotechnology development: the need for a broad policy approach
Jacqueline Senker,Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex
Thomas Reiss, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe
Vincent Mangematin, Universite Pierre Mendes France, Grenoble
Christien Enzing, Innovation Policy Group TNO, Delft
International Journal of Biotechnology 9(1) 2007, 20-38
An assessment is made of the effectiveness of national policies for the biotechnology knowledge base and its commercialisation in 14 European Union member states. The assessment first reviews the various theoretical approaches that lie behind policies to promote the commercialisation of knowledge. It then discusses the EPOHITE study, including its aims, methodology and results. In the conclusions, the paper will use the results of the study to discuss any relationship between the policy approach of individual member states and their innovation performance. It will also discuss the application of the lessons learned from this study to the countries studied as well as to new member states of the EC and newly industrialising countries. Some of the difficulties to be overcome will also be tackled.
Jacqueline Senker,Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex
Thomas Reiss, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe
Vincent Mangematin, Universite Pierre Mendes France, Grenoble
Christien Enzing, Innovation Policy Group TNO, Delft
International Journal of Biotechnology 9(1) 2007, 20-38
An assessment is made of the effectiveness of national policies for the biotechnology knowledge base and its commercialisation in 14 European Union member states. The assessment first reviews the various theoretical approaches that lie behind policies to promote the commercialisation of knowledge. It then discusses the EPOHITE study, including its aims, methodology and results. In the conclusions, the paper will use the results of the study to discuss any relationship between the policy approach of individual member states and their innovation performance. It will also discuss the application of the lessons learned from this study to the countries studied as well as to new member states of the EC and newly industrialising countries. Some of the difficulties to be overcome will also be tackled.
26 January 2007
Special issue: e-Manufacturing and mass customization
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 10(4) 2007 is a special issue: e-Manufacturing and mass customization.
Article titles:
* An evaluation method for the identification of flexible production technologies for Mass Customisation in the automotive industry
* Design optimisation for customers' KANSEI requirement: application of interactive reduct evolutional computation to industrial design with curves
* Some key issues on enabling e-manufacturing as a part of product-driven e-business process via e-service
* Custom-made production of porous ceramics implants towards e-manufacturing
* Developing an e-service-based CAPP system for silicon surface micromanufacturing
Article titles:
* An evaluation method for the identification of flexible production technologies for Mass Customisation in the automotive industry
* Design optimisation for customers' KANSEI requirement: application of interactive reduct evolutional computation to industrial design with curves
* Some key issues on enabling e-manufacturing as a part of product-driven e-business process via e-service
* Custom-made production of porous ceramics implants towards e-manufacturing
* Developing an e-service-based CAPP system for silicon surface micromanufacturing
25 January 2007
Special issue: Supply chain and Customer Relationships Management in the global economy
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 3(2) 2007 is a special issue: Supply chain and Customer Relationships Management in the global economy.
Article titles:
* An enterprise engineering approach for supply chain systems design and implementation
* Benefits of clustering for SME's suppliers in the aerospace and defence sector through the adaptation of enterprise portals
* Fuzzy AHP-based supplier selection in e-procurement
* Production planning and control with outsourcing using artificial intelligence
* An innovative strategy for a manufacturing company of micromotors in Hong Kong
* Milk supply chain and development strategy
* Total quality management and benchmarking: bridging the gap in the public sector
Article titles:
* An enterprise engineering approach for supply chain systems design and implementation
* Benefits of clustering for SME's suppliers in the aerospace and defence sector through the adaptation of enterprise portals
* Fuzzy AHP-based supplier selection in e-procurement
* Production planning and control with outsourcing using artificial intelligence
* An innovative strategy for a manufacturing company of micromotors in Hong Kong
* Milk supply chain and development strategy
* Total quality management and benchmarking: bridging the gap in the public sector
Special issue: Technology and resource management in agriculture
International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 6(1) 2007 is a special issue: Technology and resource management in agriculture.
Article titles:
* Pollution-reducing and resource-saving technological progress
* Interest of site-specific pollution control policies: the case of nitrate pollution from agriculture
* A dynamic analysis of nonpoint pollution control instruments in agriculture
* Efficiency and innovation offsets in non-point source pollution control and the role of education
* Hedonic analysis of farmland prices: the case of Aragon
* Trading off risks and benefits when valuing new GM technologies: a consumer perspective
* Economic analysis of the reuse of water reclamation in the irrigation of vineyards
Article titles:
* Pollution-reducing and resource-saving technological progress
* Interest of site-specific pollution control policies: the case of nitrate pollution from agriculture
* A dynamic analysis of nonpoint pollution control instruments in agriculture
* Efficiency and innovation offsets in non-point source pollution control and the role of education
* Hedonic analysis of farmland prices: the case of Aragon
* Trading off risks and benefits when valuing new GM technologies: a consumer perspective
* Economic analysis of the reuse of water reclamation in the irrigation of vineyards
24 January 2007
Special issue: Accounting standards convergence, corporate governance and sustainability practices in East Asia
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 3(1) 2007 is a special issue: Accounting standards convergence, corporate governance and sustainability practices in East Asia.
Articles are:
* Loss and dividend changes: analysis of Indian firms
* Corporate Social Reporting in Malaysia: an institutional perspective
* Corporate governance reforms in Malaysia: insights from institutional theory
* Lessons in corporate governance from Kautilya's Arthashastra in ancient India
* Holistic approach for diagnosing, prioritising, implementing and monitoring effective strategies through synergetic fusion of SWOT, Balanced Scorecard and QFD
* Microfinance for Renewable Energy: financing the 'former poor'
* An approach to develop Sustainability Management Systems in the steel industry
Articles are:
* Loss and dividend changes: analysis of Indian firms
* Corporate Social Reporting in Malaysia: an institutional perspective
* Corporate governance reforms in Malaysia: insights from institutional theory
* Lessons in corporate governance from Kautilya's Arthashastra in ancient India
* Holistic approach for diagnosing, prioritising, implementing and monitoring effective strategies through synergetic fusion of SWOT, Balanced Scorecard and QFD
* Microfinance for Renewable Energy: financing the 'former poor'
* An approach to develop Sustainability Management Systems in the steel industry
23 January 2007
Special issue: Modularisation in the auto industry: not only a product issue
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 6(3) 2006 is a special issue: Modularisation in the auto industry: not only a product issue. Topics considered include modularisation as both a strategy and a process; the relationship between product architecture, organisational design and system integration capability; the co-existence of cooperation and conflict between suppliers and car manufacturers; the causes of the shift toward automotive architecture openness.
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control goes to 8 issues in 2008
One of Inderscience's new titles, the International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, has already proved so popular with authors that it will publish eight issues instead of four from 2008. It thus becomes the fifth title already to announce an increase in issues for 2008.
22 January 2007
Featured article: A half century of US federal government energy incentives: value, distribution, and policy implications
A half century of US federal government energy incentives: value, distribution, and policy implications
Roger H. Bezdek and Robert M. Wendling, Management Information Services, Inc., Washington, DC
International Journal of Global Energy Issues 27(1) 2007, 42-60
This paper presents the most comprehensive estimates yet developed of US federal government energy subsidies and incentives over the past 50 years – $644 billion. It shows that the federal government has subsidised the energy industries – nuclear, coal, oil, natural gas, renewables – using different budget and off-budget funding techniques. It questions the common perception that federal energy subsidies in recent decades have favoured coal and nuclear energy at the expense of renewables. The authors conclude that federal subsidies and incentives can impact US energy and environmental policies for decades into the future, and that development of these policies must be informed by the findings reported here. In particular, there is an emerging consensus that expanded federal support for renewable energy is warranted. This support should be coupled with appropriate policies to ensure that, in the future, renewable technologies penetrate the market and make substantial contribution to the US energy mix.
Roger H. Bezdek and Robert M. Wendling, Management Information Services, Inc., Washington, DC
International Journal of Global Energy Issues 27(1) 2007, 42-60
This paper presents the most comprehensive estimates yet developed of US federal government energy subsidies and incentives over the past 50 years – $644 billion. It shows that the federal government has subsidised the energy industries – nuclear, coal, oil, natural gas, renewables – using different budget and off-budget funding techniques. It questions the common perception that federal energy subsidies in recent decades have favoured coal and nuclear energy at the expense of renewables. The authors conclude that federal subsidies and incentives can impact US energy and environmental policies for decades into the future, and that development of these policies must be informed by the findings reported here. In particular, there is an emerging consensus that expanded federal support for renewable energy is warranted. This support should be coupled with appropriate policies to ensure that, in the future, renewable technologies penetrate the market and make substantial contribution to the US energy mix.
Special issue: Select wireless research
This papers contained in this Special Issue of International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 1(3/4) 2006 are from two general categories: the first being select papers from the 13th International Conference on Telecommunications Systems Modelling and Analysis, held during November 2005 in Dallas, Texas, USA and the second category being solicited papers from various researchers who frequent the INFORMS Telecommunications Conference which was also held in Dallas, Texas, USA, March 2006.
There is a societal implication for a given network’s design that impacts the users, the network providers and the governmental planners. This special issue includes not only technical papers that focus on some technical niche or aspect of a wireless network’s performance, but also includes such other aspects as an analytical paper that deals with the interface between users’ behaviour and the capacity utilisation of the network. This issue also spans the gap between industry and academia somewhat in that it includes a paper from respected researchers in the wireless industry in Europe
There is a societal implication for a given network’s design that impacts the users, the network providers and the governmental planners. This special issue includes not only technical papers that focus on some technical niche or aspect of a wireless network’s performance, but also includes such other aspects as an analytical paper that deals with the interface between users’ behaviour and the capacity utilisation of the network. This issue also spans the gap between industry and academia somewhat in that it includes a paper from respected researchers in the wireless industry in Europe
20 January 2007
Call for papers: “Agile Organisations and Supply Chains: Performance and Strategy” - Deadlines extended
Please note that the Call for Papers deadline for the Special Issue of the International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM) on: "“Agile Organisations and Supply Chains: Performance and Strategy” has been extended to 31 March 2007.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Please note that the Call for Papers deadline for the Special Issue of the International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (IJASM) on: "“Agile Organisations and Supply Chains: Performance and Strategy” has been extended to 31 March 2007.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
19 January 2007
Call for papers: Global Performance Management in the European Context
Call for papers: Global Performance Management in the European Context
A special issue of the European Journal of International Management (EJIM)
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: 1 June 2007
A recognised problem regarding the topic of global performance management is largely one of definition. Some of the work on performance management is focused on the individual and centered on performance appraisal at the employee level. In other work, more in line with strategic HRM, the focus of performance management is much broader and the level of analysis is organisational (corporate, subsidiary, business unit, team) rather than individual.
Many of the large Western MNCs are likely to use a home-grown, HQ-based approach to performance management in a standardised manner across their worldwide subsidiaries. There is concern with the implementation of a management process developed and tested in the West and applied to a different context (i.e., different national cultures, laws, and markets). When the Western concept of performance management is viewed in an international perspective, an added layer of complexity emerges - largely due to the varying cultural and structural contexts in which global HR is implemented. There is relatively limited research-based knowledge on PM from a global or international - as compared to a Western domestic - perspective.
Because the purpose of EJIM is to promote European perspectives on international management, all the papers for this Special Issue should have implications for either European-based MNCs or MNCs dealing with or operating in Europe.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Global Performance Management in the European Context
A special issue of the European Journal of International Management (EJIM)
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: 1 June 2007
A recognised problem regarding the topic of global performance management is largely one of definition. Some of the work on performance management is focused on the individual and centered on performance appraisal at the employee level. In other work, more in line with strategic HRM, the focus of performance management is much broader and the level of analysis is organisational (corporate, subsidiary, business unit, team) rather than individual.
Many of the large Western MNCs are likely to use a home-grown, HQ-based approach to performance management in a standardised manner across their worldwide subsidiaries. There is concern with the implementation of a management process developed and tested in the West and applied to a different context (i.e., different national cultures, laws, and markets). When the Western concept of performance management is viewed in an international perspective, an added layer of complexity emerges - largely due to the varying cultural and structural contexts in which global HR is implemented. There is relatively limited research-based knowledge on PM from a global or international - as compared to a Western domestic - perspective.
Because the purpose of EJIM is to promote European perspectives on international management, all the papers for this Special Issue should have implications for either European-based MNCs or MNCs dealing with or operating in Europe.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Artificial Intelligence Applied in Machining
Call for papers: Artificial Intelligence Applied in Machining
A special issue of the International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials (IJMMM)
Important Dates:
Submission: 31 March 2008
Decision: 30 April 2008
Revised manuscripts: 31 May 2008
At the present, almost every branch of science and engineering uses the artificial intelligence tools and techniques. The industrial impact of artificial intelligence has primarily been in control and diagnosis applications; however, much research work has been done in applying these techniques in other fields.
In machining research, artificial intelligence tools have been widely used. Several topologies of neural networks (such as multilayer perceptrons, radial basis function networks and recurrent neural networks), as well as support vector machines, have been successfully applied to predictive modelling, adaptive control, tool condition diagnosis and fault detection in turning, drilling, milling, grinding and another machining processes.
Furthermore, a great variety of intelligent controllers and real-time monitoring systems, all of them based on fuzzy sets, has been reported in the specialised bibliographies. On the other hand, non-conventional meta-heuristic optimisation techniques, such as ant colony, simulated annealing and evolutionary computation, have been employed in process planning, tool paths planning and cutting parameters selection. The above-mentioned samples illustrate but do not include all applications of artificial intelligence techniques to the machining sciences.
This special issue of IJMMM invites the submission of high quality research articles on artificial intelligence applications to the machining processes.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Artificial Intelligence Applied in Machining
A special issue of the International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials (IJMMM)
Important Dates:
Submission: 31 March 2008
Decision: 30 April 2008
Revised manuscripts: 31 May 2008
At the present, almost every branch of science and engineering uses the artificial intelligence tools and techniques. The industrial impact of artificial intelligence has primarily been in control and diagnosis applications; however, much research work has been done in applying these techniques in other fields.
In machining research, artificial intelligence tools have been widely used. Several topologies of neural networks (such as multilayer perceptrons, radial basis function networks and recurrent neural networks), as well as support vector machines, have been successfully applied to predictive modelling, adaptive control, tool condition diagnosis and fault detection in turning, drilling, milling, grinding and another machining processes.
Furthermore, a great variety of intelligent controllers and real-time monitoring systems, all of them based on fuzzy sets, has been reported in the specialised bibliographies. On the other hand, non-conventional meta-heuristic optimisation techniques, such as ant colony, simulated annealing and evolutionary computation, have been employed in process planning, tool paths planning and cutting parameters selection. The above-mentioned samples illustrate but do not include all applications of artificial intelligence techniques to the machining sciences.
This special issue of IJMMM invites the submission of high quality research articles on artificial intelligence applications to the machining processes.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: The Viability of Renewable Energies: Regional Considerations
Call for papers: The Viability of Renewable Energies: Regional Considerations
A special issue of the International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP)
Important Dates:
Manuscript submission : 1 September 2007
Notification of acceptance : 1 December 2007
Revised manuscript submission : 1 February 2008
Notification of acceptance : 1 March 2008
Final paper : 1 April, 2008
The rapid evolution of renewable energy technologies is said to hold great potential for meeting one of the most pressing challenges confronting the 21st century: the attainment of energy security via environmentally benign production methods. But with an increasing number of countries – including Brazil, China, Germany and the United States – launching ambitious programs and landmark legislation to increase the output of renewable energies, the debate concerning the economic, environmental and energy benefits remains highly contentious. Aside from the fundamental question of whether the manufacture of renewables requires more nonrenewable energy than the resulting fuel provides, additional questions pertaining to sustainability and regional development have yet to be resolved.
The aim of this special issue is to martial evidence on the regional environmental and economic impacts associated with a large-scale shift to renewable energy production. Submissions employing approaches that use policy-relevant metrics drawn from both the environmental and social sciences are especially encouraged.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: The Viability of Renewable Energies: Regional Considerations
A special issue of the International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP)
Important Dates:
Manuscript submission : 1 September 2007
Notification of acceptance : 1 December 2007
Revised manuscript submission : 1 February 2008
Notification of acceptance : 1 March 2008
Final paper : 1 April, 2008
The rapid evolution of renewable energy technologies is said to hold great potential for meeting one of the most pressing challenges confronting the 21st century: the attainment of energy security via environmentally benign production methods. But with an increasing number of countries – including Brazil, China, Germany and the United States – launching ambitious programs and landmark legislation to increase the output of renewable energies, the debate concerning the economic, environmental and energy benefits remains highly contentious. Aside from the fundamental question of whether the manufacture of renewables requires more nonrenewable energy than the resulting fuel provides, additional questions pertaining to sustainability and regional development have yet to be resolved.
The aim of this special issue is to martial evidence on the regional environmental and economic impacts associated with a large-scale shift to renewable energy production. Submissions employing approaches that use policy-relevant metrics drawn from both the environmental and social sciences are especially encouraged.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Denoising
Call for papers: Denoising
A special issue of the International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE)
Important Dates:
Full paper submission : 31 May 2007
The reduction of noise in signals and images is useful for many applications. The wavelet transform, multiresolution analysis, and space-frequency approaches are now common tools used in image and signal processing. Promising practical results in imaging including industrial applications have been obtained. Topics such as integration, evaluation, and benchmarking need to be studied in more detail in the context of systems applications.
This special issue provides a forum for the presentation of results in the development of new algorithms for denoising and its applications to systems analysis, design, and evaluation.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Denoising
A special issue of the International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE)
Important Dates:
Full paper submission : 31 May 2007
The reduction of noise in signals and images is useful for many applications. The wavelet transform, multiresolution analysis, and space-frequency approaches are now common tools used in image and signal processing. Promising practical results in imaging including industrial applications have been obtained. Topics such as integration, evaluation, and benchmarking need to be studied in more detail in the context of systems applications.
This special issue provides a forum for the presentation of results in the development of new algorithms for denoising and its applications to systems analysis, design, and evaluation.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Production Line Systems: Concepts, Methods and Applications
Call for papers: Production Line Systems: Concepts, Methods and Applications
A special issue of the International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM)
Important Dates:
Paper submission by prospective authors : 30 April 2007
Communication of results of peer review to authors : 15 July 2007
Revised and final manuscript submission : 30 September 2007
A significant amount of research has been conducted aimed at providing production managers and industrial engineers with effective line design principles applicable to lines operating under push and pull types of production systems. However, despite the great deal of research undertaken, much remains to be learned.
The primary objective of this special issue is to promote and disseminate research that deals with production line systems. It will offer researchers and practitioners the most recent concepts, methodologies, and techniques in this important field of enquiry.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Production Line Systems: Concepts, Methods and Applications
A special issue of the International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM)
Important Dates:
Paper submission by prospective authors : 30 April 2007
Communication of results of peer review to authors : 15 July 2007
Revised and final manuscript submission : 30 September 2007
A significant amount of research has been conducted aimed at providing production managers and industrial engineers with effective line design principles applicable to lines operating under push and pull types of production systems. However, despite the great deal of research undertaken, much remains to be learned.
The primary objective of this special issue is to promote and disseminate research that deals with production line systems. It will offer researchers and practitioners the most recent concepts, methodologies, and techniques in this important field of enquiry.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Solid Waste Management
Call for papers: Solid Waste Management
A special issue of the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM)
Important Dates:
Deadline for paper submission : 30 April 2007
Deadline of papers review : 30 June 2007
Deadline for submission of revised papers : 15 July 2007
Deadline for re-review of papers requiring major revision : 15 August 2007
Deadline for second revisions of papers if required : 30 August 2007
With the rapid urbanisation, industrialisation, infrastructure developmental activities, intensive agriculture and livestock farming, solid waste management is faced with new pressures and challenges. “How will solid waste be managed?” is an important question demanding attention all over the world. Pollutants generated from solid wastes have potential adverse effect on the environment. If not dealt with properly, they can cause pollution to groundwater, surface water, create health problems and affect the environment. Successful solid waste management can only be achieved by applying proper techno-scientific principles. The nature and composition of solid waste vary from country to country. The technologies developed for one region cannot always be applied for other regions. Scientists should therefore develop solid waste management strategies so as to meet the local needs. Full consideration of history, politics, economic and community values are important in developing solid waste management strategies.
In recent years intensive research efforts have been made for solid waste management in developed as well as developing nations. Therefore, we call for papers addressing research on solid waste generation, reduction, treatment, management and the related areas.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Solid Waste Management
A special issue of the International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM)
Important Dates:
Deadline for paper submission : 30 April 2007
Deadline of papers review : 30 June 2007
Deadline for submission of revised papers : 15 July 2007
Deadline for re-review of papers requiring major revision : 15 August 2007
Deadline for second revisions of papers if required : 30 August 2007
With the rapid urbanisation, industrialisation, infrastructure developmental activities, intensive agriculture and livestock farming, solid waste management is faced with new pressures and challenges. “How will solid waste be managed?” is an important question demanding attention all over the world. Pollutants generated from solid wastes have potential adverse effect on the environment. If not dealt with properly, they can cause pollution to groundwater, surface water, create health problems and affect the environment. Successful solid waste management can only be achieved by applying proper techno-scientific principles. The nature and composition of solid waste vary from country to country. The technologies developed for one region cannot always be applied for other regions. Scientists should therefore develop solid waste management strategies so as to meet the local needs. Full consideration of history, politics, economic and community values are important in developing solid waste management strategies.
In recent years intensive research efforts have been made for solid waste management in developed as well as developing nations. Therefore, we call for papers addressing research on solid waste generation, reduction, treatment, management and the related areas.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Performance Measurement in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Call for papers: Performance Measurement in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
A special issue of the International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (IJGSB)
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of manuscripts : 31 May 2007
Notification of peer review to authors : 31 July 2007
Deadline for submitting revised manuscripts : 30 September 2007
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) cover a wide spectrum of industries and play an important role in both developed and developing economies. The adoption of new technologies and management practices by SMEs has been regarded by many academics and practitioners as a fundamental requirement to be competitive in today's business scenario, arguing that more competitiveness of the SMEs are based on effective day-to-day business performance across and within firms faster than before. For this, the performance measurement system is a major force in the era of globalisation. Studies on adoption of the performance measurement system in SMEs are relatively recent especially in developing countries.
This special issue is designed to act as a forum bringing these studies together. 'Performance Measurement' in 'SMEs' in this context, should be conceived broadly and can include a range of contributions on individual, social and regional factors involved with the adoption of performance measurement systems and performance measurement related practices within the context of SMEs.
The objective of the special issue, therefore, is to act as a mechanism to bring together studies from different disciplinary orientations and to provide a forum for these contributions to be synthesised. Another purpose is to further identify the nature and extent of performance measurement in SMEs. Conceptual, empirical, survey, and case-based papers are welcome. The special issue will be attractive to any reader of the journal but especially those interested in performance measurement. Research reported in this special issue will have implications for all managers and entrepreneurs responsible for performance measurement in SMEs.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Performance Measurement in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
A special issue of the International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (IJGSB)
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of manuscripts : 31 May 2007
Notification of peer review to authors : 31 July 2007
Deadline for submitting revised manuscripts : 30 September 2007
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) cover a wide spectrum of industries and play an important role in both developed and developing economies. The adoption of new technologies and management practices by SMEs has been regarded by many academics and practitioners as a fundamental requirement to be competitive in today's business scenario, arguing that more competitiveness of the SMEs are based on effective day-to-day business performance across and within firms faster than before. For this, the performance measurement system is a major force in the era of globalisation. Studies on adoption of the performance measurement system in SMEs are relatively recent especially in developing countries.
This special issue is designed to act as a forum bringing these studies together. 'Performance Measurement' in 'SMEs' in this context, should be conceived broadly and can include a range of contributions on individual, social and regional factors involved with the adoption of performance measurement systems and performance measurement related practices within the context of SMEs.
The objective of the special issue, therefore, is to act as a mechanism to bring together studies from different disciplinary orientations and to provide a forum for these contributions to be synthesised. Another purpose is to further identify the nature and extent of performance measurement in SMEs. Conceptual, empirical, survey, and case-based papers are welcome. The special issue will be attractive to any reader of the journal but especially those interested in performance measurement. Research reported in this special issue will have implications for all managers and entrepreneurs responsible for performance measurement in SMEs.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
17 January 2007
Inderscience at UK Serials Group 30th Annual Conference and Exhibition
The UK Serials Group (UKSG) celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, and will hold its Annual Conference and Exhibition at the University of Warwick from 16-18 April. It is the largest event of its kind in Europe and over 500 delegates, including key library and information staff, publishers, internet service providers and intermediaries are expected to attend. Inderscience will be presenting its products in the Exhibition on Stands 8 and 9 in the Mead Gallery. Come and see us!
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Management Development
International Journal of Management Development - to begin publication in 2008 - is dedicated to publishing papers based on scholarly empirical and theoretical research on various dimensions of management. In pursuit of its goal to promote and foster a better understanding management development, it encourages prospective contributors to bring their skills in theoretical and applied research to bear on current and emerging management issues and challenges that contemporary organisations have to contend with.
The journal attaches particular value to papers that incorporate fresh perspectives on these issues and challenges and contribute to greater efficiency and social and environmental responsibility at different levels of management across various forms of organisations. One major premise is that effective management practice requires a more effective synthesis of practical management techniques and theoretical research in management. Consistent with this premise, it aims to provide a forum for analysis of sound management research, for sharing of innovative management ideas and insights and for dissemination of practical case study experiences.
The journal attaches particular value to papers that incorporate fresh perspectives on these issues and challenges and contribute to greater efficiency and social and environmental responsibility at different levels of management across various forms of organisations. One major premise is that effective management practice requires a more effective synthesis of practical management techniques and theoretical research in management. Consistent with this premise, it aims to provide a forum for analysis of sound management research, for sharing of innovative management ideas and insights and for dissemination of practical case study experiences.
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Private Law
International Journal of Private Law - to begin publication in 2008 - will foster discussion and provide a forum on all aspects of private law including audio-visual, media and communication, and space law, which have not been covered by any journals so far. Thus the need for an international medium through which the efforts of the international community will be disseminated is self-evident. the journal will explore the legal issues facing individuals, entrepreneurs, and business owners. It discusses provocative, timely issues facing both the national and international community.
The articles will be written by professionals, lawyers, judges, academics and law students using a concise, journalistic style. It will explore the whole range of topics related to private law and be an essential resource for both students and professors. The journal is dedicated to providing comprehensive, practical, and current information for practicing attorneys, judges, students, and academics. To this end, it will strive to provide accurate, reliable, and contemporary information regarding the practice of private law worldwide.
The articles will be written by professionals, lawyers, judges, academics and law students using a concise, journalistic style. It will explore the whole range of topics related to private law and be an essential resource for both students and professors. The journal is dedicated to providing comprehensive, practical, and current information for practicing attorneys, judges, students, and academics. To this end, it will strive to provide accurate, reliable, and contemporary information regarding the practice of private law worldwide.
Special issue: Empirical Web engineering
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET) 3(3) 2007 is a special issue: Empirical web engineering.
Empirical studies are an essential component of web engineering research and practice. They provide the means necessary to understand, assess, control, and improve web management and development practices and their use of technologies. The results of empirical studies can be used to inform practitioners and researchers alike, and are the means for building a body of knowledge containing sound theories.
This special issue focuses on studies where results are based on qualitative and/or quantitative data, which has been used to describe, investigate, and assess relationships between products, processes, and resources. Six studies are presented, four of which are case studies, and two formal experiments.
Empirical studies are an essential component of web engineering research and practice. They provide the means necessary to understand, assess, control, and improve web management and development practices and their use of technologies. The results of empirical studies can be used to inform practitioners and researchers alike, and are the means for building a body of knowledge containing sound theories.
This special issue focuses on studies where results are based on qualitative and/or quantitative data, which has been used to describe, investigate, and assess relationships between products, processes, and resources. Six studies are presented, four of which are case studies, and two formal experiments.
16 January 2007
Call for papers: Streamlining the Supply Chain Operations Through Intelligent Systems
Call for papers: Streamlining the Supply Chain Operations Through Intelligent Systems
A special issue of the International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA)
Important Dates:
Paper submission by prospective authors : 30 July 2007
Communication of results of peer review to authors : 30 September 2007
Final manuscript submission : 30 November 2007
Supply chain management is a growing area that consists of interrelated components including global logistics operations, production scheduling and distribution and intelligent systems for decision support. Due to the increasing awareness of supply chain management and the requirement of strategic change, it is important that logistic practitioners are able to streamline the supply chain operations with latest technologies and approaches.
This special issue on intelligent supply chain operations invites the submission of full length and short correspondence papers. It will embrace the latest research and development of intelligent logistics systems and address the most current issues and challenges. It will include the latest research results and efforts at different levels including performance measurement, logistics workflow management and intelligent supply chain operations. Prospective papers should be unpublished and present novel, fundamental research offering innovative contributions either from a methodological or an application perspective.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Streamlining the Supply Chain Operations Through Intelligent Systems
A special issue of the International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA)
Important Dates:
Paper submission by prospective authors : 30 July 2007
Communication of results of peer review to authors : 30 September 2007
Final manuscript submission : 30 November 2007
Supply chain management is a growing area that consists of interrelated components including global logistics operations, production scheduling and distribution and intelligent systems for decision support. Due to the increasing awareness of supply chain management and the requirement of strategic change, it is important that logistic practitioners are able to streamline the supply chain operations with latest technologies and approaches.
This special issue on intelligent supply chain operations invites the submission of full length and short correspondence papers. It will embrace the latest research and development of intelligent logistics systems and address the most current issues and challenges. It will include the latest research results and efforts at different levels including performance measurement, logistics workflow management and intelligent supply chain operations. Prospective papers should be unpublished and present novel, fundamental research offering innovative contributions either from a methodological or an application perspective.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Minimising Logistics Risk Through Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Technologies
Call for papers: Minimising Logistics Risk Through Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Technologies
A special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM)
Important Dates:
Paper submission by prospective authors : 30 July 2007
Communication of results of peer review to authors : 30 September 2007
Final manuscript submission : 30 November 2007
In this rapidly changing and volatile world, reliability of logistics operations should be considered up-front to reduce the cost of rework. Application of artificial intelligence and data mining technologies can be used to perform the feasibility evaluation, identify potential logistics risks and provide guidance for risk reduction.
This special issue on logistics risk management invites the submission of full length and short correspondence papers. It will embrace the latest research and application of different artificial intelligence and data mining technologies on logistics risk management. It will include the latest research results and efforts at different levels including logistics risk assessment, logistics planning and process reengineering. Prospective papers should be unpublished and present novel, fundamental research offering innovative contributions either from a methodological or an application perspective.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Minimising Logistics Risk Through Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Technologies
A special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM)
Important Dates:
Paper submission by prospective authors : 30 July 2007
Communication of results of peer review to authors : 30 September 2007
Final manuscript submission : 30 November 2007
In this rapidly changing and volatile world, reliability of logistics operations should be considered up-front to reduce the cost of rework. Application of artificial intelligence and data mining technologies can be used to perform the feasibility evaluation, identify potential logistics risks and provide guidance for risk reduction.
This special issue on logistics risk management invites the submission of full length and short correspondence papers. It will embrace the latest research and application of different artificial intelligence and data mining technologies on logistics risk management. It will include the latest research results and efforts at different levels including logistics risk assessment, logistics planning and process reengineering. Prospective papers should be unpublished and present novel, fundamental research offering innovative contributions either from a methodological or an application perspective.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Application of Business Intelligence to Customer Relationship Management
Call for papers: Application of Business Intelligence to Customer Relationship Management
A special issue of the International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM)
Important Dates:
Paper submission by prospective authors : 30 July 2007
Communication of results of peer review to authors : 30 September 2007
Final manuscript submission : 30 November 2007
In today’s globally competitive industries, high-quality products play an important role in achieving customer satisfaction, and customer retention is always the best way to survive in an enterprise. Due to the increasing awareness of customer relationship management, it is important that companies are able to understand all aspects of internal operations and external environment with latest technologies and approaches.
This special issue invites the submission of full length and short correspondence papers. It will embrace the latest research and application of different business intelligence technologies on customer relationship management. It will include the latest research results and efforts at different levels including customer segmentation and retention, purchasing behaviour prediction and knowledge management in e-commerce. Prospective papers should be unpublished and present novel, fundamental research offering innovative contributions either from a methodological or an application perspective.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Application of Business Intelligence to Customer Relationship Management
A special issue of the International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM)
Important Dates:
Paper submission by prospective authors : 30 July 2007
Communication of results of peer review to authors : 30 September 2007
Final manuscript submission : 30 November 2007
In today’s globally competitive industries, high-quality products play an important role in achieving customer satisfaction, and customer retention is always the best way to survive in an enterprise. Due to the increasing awareness of customer relationship management, it is important that companies are able to understand all aspects of internal operations and external environment with latest technologies and approaches.
This special issue invites the submission of full length and short correspondence papers. It will embrace the latest research and application of different business intelligence technologies on customer relationship management. It will include the latest research results and efforts at different levels including customer segmentation and retention, purchasing behaviour prediction and knowledge management in e-commerce. Prospective papers should be unpublished and present novel, fundamental research offering innovative contributions either from a methodological or an application perspective.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets
Recently, scholars and managers have shown significant interest in the business opportunities provided by emerging markets (EM). For example, foreign firms’ opportunities range from investing in EM to outsourcing from EM, whereas local firms and economies benefit from the investments and the expertise brought by the foreign firms. Thus, understanding characteristics of EM in the face of evolving government policies and changing consumer behaviour is crucial to identify new needs of consumers, and to develop suitable products and services to meet those needs.
Certainly, significant opportunities exist for managers – both foreign and local – to grow their businesses in EM. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets - to begin publication in 2008 - is designed to address the new needs of consumers in EM by stressing the use of contemporary analytical tools and empirical data.
Certainly, significant opportunities exist for managers – both foreign and local – to grow their businesses in EM. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets - to begin publication in 2008 - is designed to address the new needs of consumers in EM by stressing the use of contemporary analytical tools and empirical data.
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism
International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism - to begin publication in 2008 - will foster multidisciplinary discussion and research on the adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the contexts of culture and tourism. Its key objective is to be the leading scholarly scientific journal for all those interested in, researching and contributing to the cultivation of a regional and global vision for the management of cultural content and tourism.
For this reason, it will deliver research articles, position papers, surveys and case studies aiming:
- to provide a holistic and multidisciplinary discussion on how technology supports new unforeseen digital highways for the provision of cultural content and tourism services
- to promote the international collaboration and exchange of ideas and know how on digital culture and electronic tourism
- to investigate how emerging technologies and new managerial models and strategies can promote sustainable development for culture and tourism
- to promote the issues of digital culture and electronic tourism as key pillars of the knowledge society
For this reason, it will deliver research articles, position papers, surveys and case studies aiming:
- to provide a holistic and multidisciplinary discussion on how technology supports new unforeseen digital highways for the provision of cultural content and tourism services
- to promote the international collaboration and exchange of ideas and know how on digital culture and electronic tourism
- to investigate how emerging technologies and new managerial models and strategies can promote sustainable development for culture and tourism
- to promote the issues of digital culture and electronic tourism as key pillars of the knowledge society
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Electronic Banking
International Journal of Electronic Banking - to begin publication in 2008 - will foster multidisciplinary discussion and research on the emerging and fast growing topic of electronic banking. It is the first international attempt to provide a scientific publication outlet for the soft and hard topics of the e-banking research agenda. Given the extraordinary interest in the provision of customer and business oriented e-banking services, the journal will concentrate on the proposition of sound theoretical models, methodologies and best practices aiming to provide consultation and promotion of the discipline.
For this reason, it will deliver research articles, position papers, surveys and case studies aiming:
- to provide a holistic and multidisciplinary discussion on how traditional and emerging technologies support new unforeseen means for the provision of e-banking services
- to promote the international collaboration and exchange of ideas and know how on e-banking practices, applications, methodologies and services
- to investigate new required competencies and training/education needs both for customers and banking officers/managers
- to analyse the linkages of e-banking with strategy and to craft managerial models for the alignment of business strategy and e-banking services
- to provide a balanced discussion of customer oriented themes (customer relationship management, e.g. customer training etc) and business themes (banking performance, measurement, control, enterprise application integration etc)
- to promote the humanistic vision of e-banking services and to consider new possibilities for the excluded people and people in need
- to foster collaboration for worldwide initiatives for the benefit of the "Third World"
For this reason, it will deliver research articles, position papers, surveys and case studies aiming:
- to provide a holistic and multidisciplinary discussion on how traditional and emerging technologies support new unforeseen means for the provision of e-banking services
- to promote the international collaboration and exchange of ideas and know how on e-banking practices, applications, methodologies and services
- to investigate new required competencies and training/education needs both for customers and banking officers/managers
- to analyse the linkages of e-banking with strategy and to craft managerial models for the alignment of business strategy and e-banking services
- to provide a balanced discussion of customer oriented themes (customer relationship management, e.g. customer training etc) and business themes (banking performance, measurement, control, enterprise application integration etc)
- to promote the humanistic vision of e-banking services and to consider new possibilities for the excluded people and people in need
- to foster collaboration for worldwide initiatives for the benefit of the "Third World"
Special issue: Web and wireless Geographical Information Systems
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 3(2) 2007 is a special issue: Web and wireless Geographical Information Systems, comprising extended versions of five papers presented at the 5th International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS, 2005), held 15–16 December 2005 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Topics include Web mapping; a sketch-based spatial querying system for mobile GIS environments; updating maps on mobile devices; personalised maps in multimodal mobile GIS.
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning - to begin publication in 2008 - will foster multidisciplinary discussion and research on technology enhanced learning approaches at the individual, organisational, national and global levels. Its key objective is to be the leading scholarly scientific journal for all those interested in, researching and contributing to the technology enhanced learning episteme. For this reason, it will deliver research articles, position papers, surveys and case studies aiming:
- to provide a holistic and multidisciplinary discussion on technology enhanced learning research issues
- to promote the international collaboration and exchange of ideas and know how on technology enhanced learning
- to investigate strategies on how technology enhanced learning can promote sustainable development
- to provide a holistic and multidisciplinary discussion on technology enhanced learning research issues
- to promote the international collaboration and exchange of ideas and know how on technology enhanced learning
- to investigate strategies on how technology enhanced learning can promote sustainable development
13 January 2007
Special issue: Recent developments in wireless sensor networks
International Journal of Sensor Networks 1(3/4) 2006 is a special issue: Recent developments in wireless sensor networks. The papers deal with MAC protocol issues, routing, localisation and data collection and aggregation,
Special issue: Marketing in the eSociety
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 5(4) 2006 is a special issue: Marketing in the eSociety, with papers from 4th IBM eBusiness Conference. Topics include eBusiness Stages of Growth Models; the link between risk and trust for online wine purchasing; loyalty marketing strategies; customers’ continued usage of online banking services; Application Service Provision (ASP) technologies and services in SMEs.
Call for papers: “Wetland Systems to Control Runoff” - Deadlines Extended
Please note that the Call for Papers deadline for the Special Issue of the International Journal of Water (IJW) on: “Wetland Systems to Control Runoff” previously announced in October, has been extended to 1 March 2007, or as soon as sufficient final 'high quality' papers have been received.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Please note that the Call for Papers deadline for the Special Issue of the International Journal of Water (IJW) on: “Wetland Systems to Control Runoff” previously announced in October, has been extended to 1 March 2007, or as soon as sufficient final 'high quality' papers have been received.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: ICTs, Technological Change and Development in the Developing World
Call for papers: ICTs, Technological Change and Development in the Developing World
A special issue of the World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WRSTSD)
Important Dates:
Submissions should be sent no later than : 1 April 2007
This issue focuses on technological change and development, with a special emphasis on developing states. Many developing countries embrace the notion that harnessing technology can help propel weak economies unto the growth path. The research presented here addresses the enabling factors and naturally the impediments or hindrances to growth in the current techno-economic context. Indeed information communications technologies (ICTs) offer some real economic opportunities for struggling economies; however, there are some important prerequisites that ought to be satisfied before these can be realised.
The papers will offer a multi-disciplinary analysis of growth and development in the emerging information economy, or new economy. They will identify the changes that have been wrought by ICTs and the implications for growth and development. The objective is to offer a way forward in view of the many changes taking place in the global political economy.
Coverage of this special issue of WRESTSD includes, but is not limited to, the following subjects:
* Third World development in the new techno economic paradigm
* Technology and development
* ICTs and sectoral development (agriculture, tourism, education, health, manufacturing, culture etc)
* E-government, e-commerce, e-banking, e-education, etc.
* Digital libraries: a new vista for library services
* ICTs and gender
* ICTs and diplomacy
* Telecommunications in the new era (de-regulation, liberalisation of the telecommunications sector etc)
* The new economy/the knowledge economy/the information economy
* Research and development, technological innovation
* Mobile telephony: what impact on development
* The digital divide
* Global technology governance
* The internet and development
* The legal and regulatory framework for ICTs and development
* Emerging economic opportunities in the new economy
* ICTs and sustainable development
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: ICTs, Technological Change and Development in the Developing World
A special issue of the World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WRSTSD)
Important Dates:
Submissions should be sent no later than : 1 April 2007
This issue focuses on technological change and development, with a special emphasis on developing states. Many developing countries embrace the notion that harnessing technology can help propel weak economies unto the growth path. The research presented here addresses the enabling factors and naturally the impediments or hindrances to growth in the current techno-economic context. Indeed information communications technologies (ICTs) offer some real economic opportunities for struggling economies; however, there are some important prerequisites that ought to be satisfied before these can be realised.
The papers will offer a multi-disciplinary analysis of growth and development in the emerging information economy, or new economy. They will identify the changes that have been wrought by ICTs and the implications for growth and development. The objective is to offer a way forward in view of the many changes taking place in the global political economy.
Coverage of this special issue of WRESTSD includes, but is not limited to, the following subjects:
* Third World development in the new techno economic paradigm
* Technology and development
* ICTs and sectoral development (agriculture, tourism, education, health, manufacturing, culture etc)
* E-government, e-commerce, e-banking, e-education, etc.
* Digital libraries: a new vista for library services
* ICTs and gender
* ICTs and diplomacy
* Telecommunications in the new era (de-regulation, liberalisation of the telecommunications sector etc)
* The new economy/the knowledge economy/the information economy
* Research and development, technological innovation
* Mobile telephony: what impact on development
* The digital divide
* Global technology governance
* The internet and development
* The legal and regulatory framework for ICTs and development
* Emerging economic opportunities in the new economy
* ICTs and sustainable development
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Mahalanobis-Taguchi System Analysis
Call for papers: Mahalanobis-Taguchi System Analysis
A special issue of the International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IJISE)
With rapid advances in technology, use of automated data collection methods is on a steep rise. Situations that call for decision-making with voluminous datasets involving several variables are being encountered in an ever-increasing number of fields. Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) analysis provides an effective decision-making methodology in such situations. It is being successfully used by engineers in companies such as Nissan, Ford, Delphi, Xerox, and Yamaha, to name but a few.
This special issue invites submission of papers that could be state-of-the-art, new contributions, technical notes, review papers, or case studies in the area of Mahalanobis-Taguchi System analysis.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Mahalanobis-Taguchi System Analysis
A special issue of the International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IJISE)
With rapid advances in technology, use of automated data collection methods is on a steep rise. Situations that call for decision-making with voluminous datasets involving several variables are being encountered in an ever-increasing number of fields. Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS) analysis provides an effective decision-making methodology in such situations. It is being successfully used by engineers in companies such as Nissan, Ford, Delphi, Xerox, and Yamaha, to name but a few.
This special issue invites submission of papers that could be state-of-the-art, new contributions, technical notes, review papers, or case studies in the area of Mahalanobis-Taguchi System analysis.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Marketing Transformation to the New e-Business Environment: Emerging Trends, Approaches and Challenges
Call for papers: Marketing Transformation to the New e-Business Environment: Emerging Trends, Approaches and Challenges
A special issue of the International Journal of Business Environment (IJBE)
Important Dates:
Full paper submission: no later than 31 July 2007
Notification of acceptance: no later than 30 October 2007
Final version of paper due: 30 November 2007
Nowadays, there is no doubt regarding the transcendental role that information technologies (IT) have increasingly played in the regeneration of economic and social processes over the last decades. The overall influence of this factor is so evident and widespread that there have been multiple scientific disciplines which have shown interest in it. This fact can be clearly seen in the huge number of academic contributions which have tackled its study either from their particular research framework or from an (even more interesting) interdisciplinary approach.
Specifically, the continuous IT advances, from their more primitive to their more recent forms, have allowed an increasing regeneration of firms’ business processes, in order to take advantage of the new possibilities offered by IT advances. It seems evident that the application of such advances has contributed to transform the way firms communicate and do business with the diversity of economic agents of their systems of references and, in general, the overall manner of managing and driving the elements of their business environment.
In particular, one of the firms’ functions whose evolution and regeneration with regard to this question has attracted the attention of academics and practitioners is that of marketing. Indeed, especially after the introduction and wide diffusion of the Internet in the nineties, the behaviour of consumers and, in general, of economic agents has experienced a change which deserves to be analysed. In this regard, several academics and international marketing institutions have highlighted the need for researching this theme, in order to generate specific knowledge and a theoretic framework which help firms to adequately respond to this new e-business environment.
This special issue encourages the submission of high-quality theoretic and empirical papers which analyse this "hot topic", either from a general or from a specific perspective.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Marketing Transformation to the New e-Business Environment: Emerging Trends, Approaches and Challenges
A special issue of the International Journal of Business Environment (IJBE)
Important Dates:
Full paper submission: no later than 31 July 2007
Notification of acceptance: no later than 30 October 2007
Final version of paper due: 30 November 2007
Nowadays, there is no doubt regarding the transcendental role that information technologies (IT) have increasingly played in the regeneration of economic and social processes over the last decades. The overall influence of this factor is so evident and widespread that there have been multiple scientific disciplines which have shown interest in it. This fact can be clearly seen in the huge number of academic contributions which have tackled its study either from their particular research framework or from an (even more interesting) interdisciplinary approach.
Specifically, the continuous IT advances, from their more primitive to their more recent forms, have allowed an increasing regeneration of firms’ business processes, in order to take advantage of the new possibilities offered by IT advances. It seems evident that the application of such advances has contributed to transform the way firms communicate and do business with the diversity of economic agents of their systems of references and, in general, the overall manner of managing and driving the elements of their business environment.
In particular, one of the firms’ functions whose evolution and regeneration with regard to this question has attracted the attention of academics and practitioners is that of marketing. Indeed, especially after the introduction and wide diffusion of the Internet in the nineties, the behaviour of consumers and, in general, of economic agents has experienced a change which deserves to be analysed. In this regard, several academics and international marketing institutions have highlighted the need for researching this theme, in order to generate specific knowledge and a theoretic framework which help firms to adequately respond to this new e-business environment.
This special issue encourages the submission of high-quality theoretic and empirical papers which analyse this "hot topic", either from a general or from a specific perspective.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Characterisation, Measurement and Analysis of Nanoparticles
Call for papers: Characterisation, Measurement and Analysis of Nanoparticles
A special issue of the International Journal of Nanoparticles (IJNP)
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of manuscripts : 28 March 2007
Communication of peer reviews to authors : 30 April 2007
Deadline for revised manuscripts : 30 June 2007
Nanoparticles have had a large impact on drug delivery systems, structural materials, data storage systems, biochemical and biomedical diagnostics, adhesives, pigments, optical communication and catalytic developments in recent years. With the advent of the many new techniques to fabricate nanostructures and the associated potential applications, a review of current and potential future techniques by which nanoparticles are characterised is required.
For the purpose of this issue, nanoparticles are defined as particles which have at least one dimension less that 100 nm. On this scale, characterisation is essential and particularly challenging. This special inaugural issue is aimed at the recent developments in the field of nanostructure characterisation techniques.
Nanoparticle characterisation techniques that are relevant to this issue include but are not limited to electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), single photon emission tomography (SPECT), magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), X-ray diffractometry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
The subject coverage of this special issue includes, but is not limited to, topics that address:
* Research that spans several fields is particularly welcome
* Particle size measurement
* Nanoparticle surface area
* Density of nanoparticles
* Nanoparticle tracking analysis
* Analysis with optical tweezers
* Zeta potential measurement
* High resolution electron microscopy (HREM) image processing
* Particle mass measurement
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Characterisation, Measurement and Analysis of Nanoparticles
A special issue of the International Journal of Nanoparticles (IJNP)
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of manuscripts : 28 March 2007
Communication of peer reviews to authors : 30 April 2007
Deadline for revised manuscripts : 30 June 2007
Nanoparticles have had a large impact on drug delivery systems, structural materials, data storage systems, biochemical and biomedical diagnostics, adhesives, pigments, optical communication and catalytic developments in recent years. With the advent of the many new techniques to fabricate nanostructures and the associated potential applications, a review of current and potential future techniques by which nanoparticles are characterised is required.
For the purpose of this issue, nanoparticles are defined as particles which have at least one dimension less that 100 nm. On this scale, characterisation is essential and particularly challenging. This special inaugural issue is aimed at the recent developments in the field of nanostructure characterisation techniques.
Nanoparticle characterisation techniques that are relevant to this issue include but are not limited to electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), single photon emission tomography (SPECT), magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and spectroscopy, surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), X-ray diffractometry, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).
The subject coverage of this special issue includes, but is not limited to, topics that address:
* Research that spans several fields is particularly welcome
* Particle size measurement
* Nanoparticle surface area
* Density of nanoparticles
* Nanoparticle tracking analysis
* Analysis with optical tweezers
* Zeta potential measurement
* High resolution electron microscopy (HREM) image processing
* Particle mass measurement
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
11 January 2007
Special issue: The effects of low doses of ionising radiation on human health
International Journal of Low Radiation 3(2/3) 2006 is a special issue: The effects of low doses of ionising radiation on human health: papers from the 4th LOWRAD International Conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 25–28 June 2005.
Topics include radiation-induced bystander effect; science or political correctness in regulatory low dose limits; doses to a population from nuclear medicine procedures; natural background radiation areas in Iran; dose assessment for 226Ra and 228Ra from foodstuffs; determination of uranium concentration in soil; thoron exposure among tour guides in Brazilian show caves; Polonium-210 in cigarette tobacco.
Topics include radiation-induced bystander effect; science or political correctness in regulatory low dose limits; doses to a population from nuclear medicine procedures; natural background radiation areas in Iran; dose assessment for 226Ra and 228Ra from foodstuffs; determination of uranium concentration in soil; thoron exposure among tour guides in Brazilian show caves; Polonium-210 in cigarette tobacco.
Special issue: Data mining applications
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 27(4) 2006 is a special issue: Data mining applications. Topics include: intrusion detection systems; mining biological literature; California vital statistical data; web-page recommendation; soccer goal detection.
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Business and Globalisation
International Journal of Business and Globalisation - to begin publication in 2008 - will foster discussion on various aspects of business and globalisation, including such topics as the physical environment, poverty, ethics, tourism, SMEs, indigenous enterprises, human mobility, emerging economies and competition.
9 January 2007
Photos from the Information Professionals' Christmas Party 2006
As previously announced, Inderscience Publishers was delighted to be the Gold sponsor of the Information Professionals' Christmas Party 2006, held on 27th November in the Science Museum, London.
Some photos of this successful event are reproduced below.

All attendees should have received a voucher (shown below), giving a complimentary subscription to any one of Inderscience's new journals, along with their invitations. If anyone did not receive one, please contact Jim Corlett at

The winner of the overall prize, donated by Inderscience, of an iPod nano plus a year's subscription to all 100 new journal titles was won by a member of the Lexis-Nexis team. The subscriptions will be donated by Lexi-Nexis to an academic or government library of their choice in the USA.
Some photos of this successful event are reproduced below.

The winner of the overall prize, donated by Inderscience, of an iPod nano plus a year's subscription to all 100 new journal titles was won by a member of the Lexis-Nexis team. The subscriptions will be donated by Lexi-Nexis to an academic or government library of their choice in the USA.
8 January 2007
New Journal: International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation (IJHFMS)
Inderscience is delighted to announce the publication of the following new title:
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation (IJHFMS)
The field of human factors focuses on the human, the interaction of humans and machines, and humans and computers, whether people serve as operators, maintainers, or users in the system.
The field inherently advocates systematic use of such knowledge to achieve compatibility in the design of interactive systems of people, machines, and environments to ensure their effectiveness, safety, and ease of performance.
IJHFMS focuses on the development and use of computer simulations and computational algorithms to advance knowledge and understanding of the field.
IJHFMS is an archival record of original technical publications. The intent is to provide state of the art knowledge to professionals in human factors, ergonomics, animation, modelling and simulation of humans and human factors, academics, researchers, policy makers, and designers.
ISSN (Online): 1742-5557
ISSN (Print): 1742-5549
Editor in Chief:
Dr. Karim A. Malek
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The University of Iowa
Iowa City IA 52242
Content available by subscription.
Abstracts available online. Articles available in HTML and PDF format.
Current Issue: Volume 1 No 1 2006
For additional information and a sample copy, contact:
Mr. Jim Corlett
Inderscience Enterprises
Phone: +44 (0)1158545982
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation (IJHFMS)
The field of human factors focuses on the human, the interaction of humans and machines, and humans and computers, whether people serve as operators, maintainers, or users in the system.
The field inherently advocates systematic use of such knowledge to achieve compatibility in the design of interactive systems of people, machines, and environments to ensure their effectiveness, safety, and ease of performance.
IJHFMS focuses on the development and use of computer simulations and computational algorithms to advance knowledge and understanding of the field.
IJHFMS is an archival record of original technical publications. The intent is to provide state of the art knowledge to professionals in human factors, ergonomics, animation, modelling and simulation of humans and human factors, academics, researchers, policy makers, and designers.
ISSN (Online): 1742-5557
ISSN (Print): 1742-5549
Editor in Chief:
Dr. Karim A. Malek
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
The University of Iowa
Iowa City IA 52242
Content available by subscription.
Abstracts available online. Articles available in HTML and PDF format.
Current Issue: Volume 1 No 1 2006
For additional information and a sample copy, contact:
Mr. Jim Corlett
Inderscience Enterprises
Phone: +44 (0)1158545982
Special issue: Ethical issues in risk assessment and management
International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 7(3) 2007 is a special issue: Ethical issues in risk assessment and management. Topics include the idea that assessment rather than technology can be risky; risk management in software and information systems development; the USA xenotransplantation debate; over-reliance on protection technology in aircraft; the epistemology of fault tree analysis; biotechnology ethics; agricultural risk governance.
Special issue: The role of technologies in integrated supply chain operations
International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 3(2) 2007 is a special issue: The role of technologies in integrated supply chain operations. Topics include a review of the literature on supply chain management technologies; a survey of past, present and future business applications of RFID and studies of applications of RFID in the pharmaceutical industry and in logistics.
7 January 2007
Inderscience flyer

Copies of the new Inderscience flyer are available from:
The Editor-in-Chief
P O BOX 735
MK46 5WB,UK.
Tel : ++ 44 1234 240519
Fax : ++44 1234 240515
Email :
6 January 2007
Call for papers: An Interface between Strategic Management and Knowledge Management
Call for papers: An Interface between Strategic Management and Knowledge Management
A special issue of the International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS)
Important Dates
Due Date : 15 July 2007
For the last decade, we have seen a significant contribution of knowledge management to managerial thinking. In theories, knowledge management has contributed not only to fundamental approaches to companies (e.g., knowledge-based view of the firms), but also to other areas such as management of multinational corporations (MNCs) or supply chain management. In practice, knowledge management-related tools have also been used by many companies for their knowledge productivity increases.
However, strategic aspects of knowledge management practices have not been fully investigated or reported. Thus, papers are sought for a special issue, dealing with theoretical development, empirical research and/or case studies.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: An Interface between Strategic Management and Knowledge Management
A special issue of the International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS)
Important Dates
Due Date : 15 July 2007
For the last decade, we have seen a significant contribution of knowledge management to managerial thinking. In theories, knowledge management has contributed not only to fundamental approaches to companies (e.g., knowledge-based view of the firms), but also to other areas such as management of multinational corporations (MNCs) or supply chain management. In practice, knowledge management-related tools have also been used by many companies for their knowledge productivity increases.
However, strategic aspects of knowledge management practices have not been fully investigated or reported. Thus, papers are sought for a special issue, dealing with theoretical development, empirical research and/or case studies.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Computer Applications in Research and Development of Complex Mechanical Systems
Call for papers: Computer Applications in Research and Development of Complex Mechanical Systems
A special issue of the International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT)
Important Dates
Paper proposal, including title and less than 200-word abstract : 20 March 2007
Submission of full paper before : 20 July 2007
Review feedback and notification of acceptance/rejection before : 20 September 2007
Submission of final and revised manuscripts : 20 November 2007
With the development of science and technology, the demands on the performance of mechanical products are higher and the machines are more complex than ever. The computer plays an important role in the research and development of these complex mechanical systems. Modelling, analysis, design, simulation and control are all related to computer applications. At present, the computer has been widely used in all kinds of fields, from machinery, vehicles, aviation, astronautics, and the military to textiles, medical devices, etc.
This special issue is devoted to collecting and rapidly disseminating research results in computer applications in research and development of complex mechanical systems, and provides researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging new ideas, discussing new applications, and presenting new solutions.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Computer Applications in Research and Development of Complex Mechanical Systems
A special issue of the International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT)
Important Dates
Paper proposal, including title and less than 200-word abstract : 20 March 2007
Submission of full paper before : 20 July 2007
Review feedback and notification of acceptance/rejection before : 20 September 2007
Submission of final and revised manuscripts : 20 November 2007
With the development of science and technology, the demands on the performance of mechanical products are higher and the machines are more complex than ever. The computer plays an important role in the research and development of these complex mechanical systems. Modelling, analysis, design, simulation and control are all related to computer applications. At present, the computer has been widely used in all kinds of fields, from machinery, vehicles, aviation, astronautics, and the military to textiles, medical devices, etc.
This special issue is devoted to collecting and rapidly disseminating research results in computer applications in research and development of complex mechanical systems, and provides researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging new ideas, discussing new applications, and presenting new solutions.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Micromachining Systems and Tailored Surfaces
Call for papers: Micromachining Systems and Tailored Surfaces
A special issue of the International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering (IJSurfSE)
Important Dates
Submission: 30 June 2007
Decision: 31 August 2007
Revised manuscripts: 30 September 2007
The role of finishing and micromachining processes as techniques for removal of burrs, developing edge contour, and smoothing and polishing parts has been well established and documented for many years. These processes have been used in a wide variety of part applications to promote safer part handling (by attenuation of sharp part edges), improve the fit and function of parts when assembled, and produce smooth, even microfinished surfaces to meet either functional or aesthetic criteria or specifications.
In contrast, only in the last years, processes for developing specific edge, special surface texture patterns and/or tailored surface conditions on components are widely spreading in industries as diverse as the jewellery, dental, and medical implant industries on up through the automotive and aerospace industries. Accordingly, less well known and less clearly understood is the role that specialised variants of micromachining and finishing technologies can engage in extending the service life and in specialising the performance of critical support components or tools in highly demanding manufacturing or operational applications. Besides, many doubts and uncertainties still affect the understanding of basic concepts as well as of most of the leading processes mechanisms.
This is thus the context in which scientists have always been moving to improve standard micromachining techniques and define new methods to tailor parts surface conditions so as to enhance their performance. An emergent journal as IJSurfSE would not be complete without a depiction of the present status of micromachining technologies and their applications. So, the purpose of this special issue is to present a collection of examples illustrating the more recent and unprecedented developments of surface micromachining technologies and their applications to surface science research. To serve as a useful forum to discuss the capabilities and limitations of the techniques, the scope of this special issue is to be as broad as possible, covering all relevant aspects of micromachining as well as of the definition of tailored and functionalised surfaces.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Micromachining Systems and Tailored Surfaces
A special issue of the International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering (IJSurfSE)
Important Dates
Submission: 30 June 2007
Decision: 31 August 2007
Revised manuscripts: 30 September 2007
The role of finishing and micromachining processes as techniques for removal of burrs, developing edge contour, and smoothing and polishing parts has been well established and documented for many years. These processes have been used in a wide variety of part applications to promote safer part handling (by attenuation of sharp part edges), improve the fit and function of parts when assembled, and produce smooth, even microfinished surfaces to meet either functional or aesthetic criteria or specifications.
In contrast, only in the last years, processes for developing specific edge, special surface texture patterns and/or tailored surface conditions on components are widely spreading in industries as diverse as the jewellery, dental, and medical implant industries on up through the automotive and aerospace industries. Accordingly, less well known and less clearly understood is the role that specialised variants of micromachining and finishing technologies can engage in extending the service life and in specialising the performance of critical support components or tools in highly demanding manufacturing or operational applications. Besides, many doubts and uncertainties still affect the understanding of basic concepts as well as of most of the leading processes mechanisms.
This is thus the context in which scientists have always been moving to improve standard micromachining techniques and define new methods to tailor parts surface conditions so as to enhance their performance. An emergent journal as IJSurfSE would not be complete without a depiction of the present status of micromachining technologies and their applications. So, the purpose of this special issue is to present a collection of examples illustrating the more recent and unprecedented developments of surface micromachining technologies and their applications to surface science research. To serve as a useful forum to discuss the capabilities and limitations of the techniques, the scope of this special issue is to be as broad as possible, covering all relevant aspects of micromachining as well as of the definition of tailored and functionalised surfaces.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Innovative Pedagogy in Sport Management and Marketing
Call for papers: Innovative Pedagogy in Sport Management and Marketing
A special issue of the International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM)
Important Dates
Submissions should be sent no later than: 31 May, 2007
This special issue will feature knowledge regarding innovative pedagogy in sport management and marketing. Manuscripts should address issues related to specific courses and pedagogy that advance the body of knowledge and teaching practices in the academic discipline. Papers submitted for this special issue must be theoretically grounded. Innovative pedagogy in all sub-disciplines of sport management, and both conceptual and empirical contributions are welcomed.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Innovative Pedagogy in Sport Management and Marketing
A special issue of the International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM)
Important Dates
Submissions should be sent no later than: 31 May, 2007
This special issue will feature knowledge regarding innovative pedagogy in sport management and marketing. Manuscripts should address issues related to specific courses and pedagogy that advance the body of knowledge and teaching practices in the academic discipline. Papers submitted for this special issue must be theoretically grounded. Innovative pedagogy in all sub-disciplines of sport management, and both conceptual and empirical contributions are welcomed.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Intelligent System Design and Development
Call for papers: Intelligent System Design and Development
A special issue of the International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA)
Important Dates
Paper due : 1 February 2007
Acceptance notification : 1 March 2007
Final paper version due : 1 April 2007
This special issue deals with intelligent system design and development related technologies and applications comprising various areas such as expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and hybrid systems. The aim is to provide an international forum for academics, industry leaders, and policy makers to investigate and exchange novel ideas and disseminate knowledge and information covering the broad range of intelligences from reasoning to decision-making.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Intelligent System Design and Development
A special issue of the International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications (IJISTA)
Important Dates
Paper due : 1 February 2007
Acceptance notification : 1 March 2007
Final paper version due : 1 April 2007
This special issue deals with intelligent system design and development related technologies and applications comprising various areas such as expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and hybrid systems. The aim is to provide an international forum for academics, industry leaders, and policy makers to investigate and exchange novel ideas and disseminate knowledge and information covering the broad range of intelligences from reasoning to decision-making.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Wind Power Trading in Electricity Markets
Call for papers: Wind Power Trading in Electricity Markets
A special issue of the International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (IJETP)
Important Dates
Submission of full paper : 2 April 2007
Notification of Acceptance : 2 June 2007
Final (Camera-ready) Paper : 2 July 2007
With the growing electricity demand, increasing oil and gas prices, and environmental pressure, wind energy has a strong potential for the future power generation. Wind turbines make a major contribution to the production of renewable energy. Developments in harnessing wind power have continually improved and during the last decade a considerable scaling up has taken place in the wind power industry. Most European and Indian governments have impressive plans for the coming years for installing significant amounts of wind power generating technology. It is expected that one third of all energy demand worldwide will be provided by renewable sources in the year 2050.
Competition is introduced in the electricity sector by significantly reducing the government’s role in the ownership and management of domestic electricity industries. This is seen as necessary conditions for increasing the efficiency of electric energy production and distribution, offering a lower price, higher quality and secured supply. These deregulation processes have been developed after debate and opposition by private and state monopolies that have defended the vertically integrated model.
A competitive electricity market, where price formation is an internal decision of sellers and buyers, opens the room for playing the generators and retailers/consumers in their bid prices. Competition in supply is concerned with how generators price their commodities so as to be commercially successful in the supply-demand market. In the competitive electricity market, wind power is assumed to be non-competitive as it has higher cost and uncertainty of availability of power. To fit the wind power into liberalised electricity market, the outputs of these generators are traded into the market differently than the dispatchable generators.
This special issue aims to provide a basic platform for researchers and readers working in the area of wind power and electricity markets. The various existing and new trading options of wind power in emerging electricity markets will be the main focus.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Wind Power Trading in Electricity Markets
A special issue of the International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (IJETP)
Important Dates
Submission of full paper : 2 April 2007
Notification of Acceptance : 2 June 2007
Final (Camera-ready) Paper : 2 July 2007
With the growing electricity demand, increasing oil and gas prices, and environmental pressure, wind energy has a strong potential for the future power generation. Wind turbines make a major contribution to the production of renewable energy. Developments in harnessing wind power have continually improved and during the last decade a considerable scaling up has taken place in the wind power industry. Most European and Indian governments have impressive plans for the coming years for installing significant amounts of wind power generating technology. It is expected that one third of all energy demand worldwide will be provided by renewable sources in the year 2050.
Competition is introduced in the electricity sector by significantly reducing the government’s role in the ownership and management of domestic electricity industries. This is seen as necessary conditions for increasing the efficiency of electric energy production and distribution, offering a lower price, higher quality and secured supply. These deregulation processes have been developed after debate and opposition by private and state monopolies that have defended the vertically integrated model.
A competitive electricity market, where price formation is an internal decision of sellers and buyers, opens the room for playing the generators and retailers/consumers in their bid prices. Competition in supply is concerned with how generators price their commodities so as to be commercially successful in the supply-demand market. In the competitive electricity market, wind power is assumed to be non-competitive as it has higher cost and uncertainty of availability of power. To fit the wind power into liberalised electricity market, the outputs of these generators are traded into the market differently than the dispatchable generators.
This special issue aims to provide a basic platform for researchers and readers working in the area of wind power and electricity markets. The various existing and new trading options of wind power in emerging electricity markets will be the main focus.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Automotive Marketing and Distribution in Europe: Trends and Challenges
Call for papers: Automotive Marketing and Distribution in Europe: Trends and Challenges
A special issue of the International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (IJATM)
Important Dates
Deadline for (extended) abstract submission : 31 March, 2007
Response by Guest Editor : 30 April, 2007
Deadline for full paper submission : 31 July, 2007
Subject Coverage
Papers to be included in this special issue should be focused on, one or more of the following subjects (the list is indicative rather than exhaustive):
What traits in automotive demand are influencing the strategies of the different players?
How are information and communication technologies impacting this picture?
How is the reorganisation in automotive distribution unfolding?
What are the significant differences across different states/regions in the retailing end?
Are there other players besides automakers and dealers playing a relevant role?
What best practices are being identified, and what are the related opportunities and threats?
Are measures of performance available to better understand the re-organisation process in place?
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Automotive Marketing and Distribution in Europe: Trends and Challenges
A special issue of the International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (IJATM)
Important Dates
Deadline for (extended) abstract submission : 31 March, 2007
Response by Guest Editor : 30 April, 2007
Deadline for full paper submission : 31 July, 2007
Subject Coverage
Papers to be included in this special issue should be focused on, one or more of the following subjects (the list is indicative rather than exhaustive):
What traits in automotive demand are influencing the strategies of the different players?
How are information and communication technologies impacting this picture?
How is the reorganisation in automotive distribution unfolding?
What are the significant differences across different states/regions in the retailing end?
Are there other players besides automakers and dealers playing a relevant role?
What best practices are being identified, and what are the related opportunities and threats?
Are measures of performance available to better understand the re-organisation process in place?
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Innovation, Development and Environment
Call for papers: Innovation, Development and Environment
A special issue of the International Journal of Global Environmental Issues (IJGEnvI)
Important Dates
Deadline for submission : 30 April 2007
First turn of papers review : 30 June 2007
Second turn of papers review : 15 September 2007
Final papers submission : 15 October 2007
The international political agenda nowadays gives significant attention to environmental issues and sustainable development. In particular, some major areas are highly debated because of their global relevance, in terms of the climate change issue and, more generally, the role of international environmental agreements.
The implementation of international environmental regulations, relying both on markets and standards, allows achievement of mutually-reinforcing goals. Apart from the direct environmental protection purpose, environmental regulation helps in adopting an international framework favourable to the development and diffusion of new environmental-friendly technologies. For this purpose, international efforts for combating climate change have built an institutional framework encouraging research and development in new technologies for energy saving and renewable energies. Furthermore, the closed relationship between climate change and the global energy system has encouraged the adoption of more integrated multi-objectives international and domestic policies, thus aiming at reducing polluting emissions, ensuring security of energy supply, reducing energy dependence, and promoting technical innovation. Finally, multilateral environmental agreements represent compelling institutional frameworks for promoting research and development in new technologies, especially if environmental protection is considered as a global (impure or pure) public good.
More generally, the nature itself of global public good requires the participation of the whole international community in environmental management activities. Multilateral trade negotiations of the WTO could have a positive role in promoting diffusion of environmental-friendly technologies by reducing all forms of trade barriers, bearing in mind that sustainable development is one of the primary objectives of the WTO.
We are soliciting papers which address theoretical and empirical findings on the relationships between technological innovation, environmental protection and sustainable development. We encourage contributions which consider both specific aspects such as trade-environment links, environmental regulation, paths of technical progress, and more integrated approaches accounting for different issues.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Innovation, Development and Environment
A special issue of the International Journal of Global Environmental Issues (IJGEnvI)
Important Dates
Deadline for submission : 30 April 2007
First turn of papers review : 30 June 2007
Second turn of papers review : 15 September 2007
Final papers submission : 15 October 2007
The international political agenda nowadays gives significant attention to environmental issues and sustainable development. In particular, some major areas are highly debated because of their global relevance, in terms of the climate change issue and, more generally, the role of international environmental agreements.
The implementation of international environmental regulations, relying both on markets and standards, allows achievement of mutually-reinforcing goals. Apart from the direct environmental protection purpose, environmental regulation helps in adopting an international framework favourable to the development and diffusion of new environmental-friendly technologies. For this purpose, international efforts for combating climate change have built an institutional framework encouraging research and development in new technologies for energy saving and renewable energies. Furthermore, the closed relationship between climate change and the global energy system has encouraged the adoption of more integrated multi-objectives international and domestic policies, thus aiming at reducing polluting emissions, ensuring security of energy supply, reducing energy dependence, and promoting technical innovation. Finally, multilateral environmental agreements represent compelling institutional frameworks for promoting research and development in new technologies, especially if environmental protection is considered as a global (impure or pure) public good.
More generally, the nature itself of global public good requires the participation of the whole international community in environmental management activities. Multilateral trade negotiations of the WTO could have a positive role in promoting diffusion of environmental-friendly technologies by reducing all forms of trade barriers, bearing in mind that sustainable development is one of the primary objectives of the WTO.
We are soliciting papers which address theoretical and empirical findings on the relationships between technological innovation, environmental protection and sustainable development. We encourage contributions which consider both specific aspects such as trade-environment links, environmental regulation, paths of technical progress, and more integrated approaches accounting for different issues.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Inclusive Risk Governance in the Enlarged EU : Challenges and Opportunities
Call for papers: Inclusive Risk Governance in the Enlarged EU : Challenges and Opportunities
A special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM)
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission : 31 May 2007
First turn of papers review : 15 July 2007
Second turn of papers review : 30 September 2007
Final papers submission : 15 November 2007
The management of risks in the European countries has grown in complexity during the past decades, as the Union strove to meet the concerns of the various relevant actors (i.e. the public authorities, stakeholders such as industry or NGOs and affected citizens).
Activities posing risks in the areas of energy, chemical production, food and agriculture, transport, etc., have triggered a great concern after the experience of several major disasters at the European level and in the Member States. The implementation of novel technologies such as those of life and information is also facing resistance and conflict.
In order to respond to a perceived trust crisis of governance, a framework for inclusive risk governance is increasingly mentioned, together with a reflection on relevant knowledge and expertise. It requires new thinking about the nature of hazards and vulnerability, the relationship between public authorities, experts, stake-holders and citizens, and to consider how to improve the regulatory environment. Through various research activities, networking and institutional initiatives a European ‘inclusive’ risk governance culture is emerging.
The enlargement of the European Union with ten new Member States in 2004 and with another two in 2007, and the perspective of more new accessions in the coming decades, pose a specific challenge. The ‘legacy’ and the economic situation in some of the new Member States will increase pressure on this emerging risk governance culture.
The legacy of some of the new Member States’ recent political-economic history also consists of threats caused by unsafe infrastructure (including installations and working practices), institutional vulnerability and environmental and social degradation. But there is more at stake than the effective management of existing risks. A pressure for rapid economic growth in the new Member States and acceding countries, to close the gap with their other EU partners, can endanger the evolving EU strategy to maintain high levels of protection while promoting qualitative and sustainable growth.
But enlargement also presents enormous opportunities for the introduction of innovative practices. Confronted to an expanding diversity in the EU, awareness could raise of crucial aspects of risk issues that go beyond their technical definitions, paving the way for alternative more inclusive approaches.
The Special Issue specifically wants to address following two questions :
How to 'deepen' this turn towards more inclusive governance, i.e. make it truly 'reflexive' and not merely instrumental, and enhance its impact on EU policy making?
How to widen this turn, i.e. strengthening it in new Member States, that now have other priorities ('first the economy !')
It will strive for a mix of reflective papers addressing current developments in the EU and a set of case study articles specifically highlighting risk situations and experiences in new Member States.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Inclusive Risk Governance in the Enlarged EU : Challenges and Opportunities
A special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM)
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission : 31 May 2007
First turn of papers review : 15 July 2007
Second turn of papers review : 30 September 2007
Final papers submission : 15 November 2007
The management of risks in the European countries has grown in complexity during the past decades, as the Union strove to meet the concerns of the various relevant actors (i.e. the public authorities, stakeholders such as industry or NGOs and affected citizens).
Activities posing risks in the areas of energy, chemical production, food and agriculture, transport, etc., have triggered a great concern after the experience of several major disasters at the European level and in the Member States. The implementation of novel technologies such as those of life and information is also facing resistance and conflict.
In order to respond to a perceived trust crisis of governance, a framework for inclusive risk governance is increasingly mentioned, together with a reflection on relevant knowledge and expertise. It requires new thinking about the nature of hazards and vulnerability, the relationship between public authorities, experts, stake-holders and citizens, and to consider how to improve the regulatory environment. Through various research activities, networking and institutional initiatives a European ‘inclusive’ risk governance culture is emerging.
The enlargement of the European Union with ten new Member States in 2004 and with another two in 2007, and the perspective of more new accessions in the coming decades, pose a specific challenge. The ‘legacy’ and the economic situation in some of the new Member States will increase pressure on this emerging risk governance culture.
The legacy of some of the new Member States’ recent political-economic history also consists of threats caused by unsafe infrastructure (including installations and working practices), institutional vulnerability and environmental and social degradation. But there is more at stake than the effective management of existing risks. A pressure for rapid economic growth in the new Member States and acceding countries, to close the gap with their other EU partners, can endanger the evolving EU strategy to maintain high levels of protection while promoting qualitative and sustainable growth.
But enlargement also presents enormous opportunities for the introduction of innovative practices. Confronted to an expanding diversity in the EU, awareness could raise of crucial aspects of risk issues that go beyond their technical definitions, paving the way for alternative more inclusive approaches.
The Special Issue specifically wants to address following two questions :
How to 'deepen' this turn towards more inclusive governance, i.e. make it truly 'reflexive' and not merely instrumental, and enhance its impact on EU policy making?
How to widen this turn, i.e. strengthening it in new Member States, that now have other priorities ('first the economy !')
It will strive for a mix of reflective papers addressing current developments in the EU and a set of case study articles specifically highlighting risk situations and experiences in new Member States.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Risk Assessment and Management of Air, Water, and Land Pollutants
Call for papers: Risk Assessment and Management of Air, Water, and Land Pollutants
A special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM)
Important Dates
Paper due : 1 February 2007
Acceptance Notification : 1 March 2007
Final paper version due : 1 April 2007
This special issue of the IJRAM deals with risk assessment and management of air, water, and land pollutants in all industries. The aim is to provide an international forum for academics, industry leaders, and policy makers to investigate and exchange novel ideas and disseminate knowledge and information covering the broad range of industrial activities.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Risk Assessment and Management of Air, Water, and Land Pollutants
A special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM)
Important Dates
Paper due : 1 February 2007
Acceptance Notification : 1 March 2007
Final paper version due : 1 April 2007
This special issue of the IJRAM deals with risk assessment and management of air, water, and land pollutants in all industries. The aim is to provide an international forum for academics, industry leaders, and policy makers to investigate and exchange novel ideas and disseminate knowledge and information covering the broad range of industrial activities.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Aging Workforce and HRM – Challenges, Chances, Perspectives
Call for papers: Aging Workforce and HRM – Challenges, Chances, Perspectives
A special issue of the International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (IJHRDM)
Important Dates
Submissions should be sent no later than : 31 July, 2007
The shift in demographics and the consequent potential lack of workforce, notably in many industrialised nations, as well as the attrition of skills and knowledge – also termed ‘workforce crisis’ or ‘shortage of skills and talent’ (cf. e.g. Dychtwald et al., 2006) – present a major challenge to companies and societies alike. Even though this crucial issue has recently started to raise the attention of scholars, business leaders and politicians, research on managing the aging workforce is still in its infancy. HRM, especially, is challenged to develop and implement appropriate instruments, strategies and methods not only to cope with the aging workforce but also to benefit from elderly employees. In this sense, HRM has to support both the organisation as well as the individuals. Strategies and measures that can be performed by organisations in order to prevent competence obsolescence and knowledge management initiatives to prevent a loss of valuable experience when experts retire are only a few of numerous questions relating to managing the aging workforce.
The purpose of this special issue is to provide theoretical and empirical research that helps explain how human resource management can provide tools and strategies to manage the aging workforce as well as aging competencies and effectively deal with the challenge of a looming workforce crisis. We seek both research and practice papers, which will enhance our understanding of the topic. Empirical research employing multiple methods, conceptual papers utilising a variety of theoretical perspectives, and practice papers that describe significant application issues, complex real-life situations requiring innovative solutions, or actual implementations of existing concepts or methodology are especially encouraged.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Aging Workforce and HRM – Challenges, Chances, Perspectives
A special issue of the International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management (IJHRDM)
Important Dates
Submissions should be sent no later than : 31 July, 2007
The shift in demographics and the consequent potential lack of workforce, notably in many industrialised nations, as well as the attrition of skills and knowledge – also termed ‘workforce crisis’ or ‘shortage of skills and talent’ (cf. e.g. Dychtwald et al., 2006) – present a major challenge to companies and societies alike. Even though this crucial issue has recently started to raise the attention of scholars, business leaders and politicians, research on managing the aging workforce is still in its infancy. HRM, especially, is challenged to develop and implement appropriate instruments, strategies and methods not only to cope with the aging workforce but also to benefit from elderly employees. In this sense, HRM has to support both the organisation as well as the individuals. Strategies and measures that can be performed by organisations in order to prevent competence obsolescence and knowledge management initiatives to prevent a loss of valuable experience when experts retire are only a few of numerous questions relating to managing the aging workforce.
The purpose of this special issue is to provide theoretical and empirical research that helps explain how human resource management can provide tools and strategies to manage the aging workforce as well as aging competencies and effectively deal with the challenge of a looming workforce crisis. We seek both research and practice papers, which will enhance our understanding of the topic. Empirical research employing multiple methods, conceptual papers utilising a variety of theoretical perspectives, and practice papers that describe significant application issues, complex real-life situations requiring innovative solutions, or actual implementations of existing concepts or methodology are especially encouraged.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Eco-design of Multilateral Recycling Systems and Development of Circulating Economy in Asia
Call for papers: Eco-design of Multilateral Recycling Systems and Development of Circulating Economy in Asia
A special issue of the International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management (IJETM)
Important Dates
Submission deadline for full paper : 30 June 2007
Notification of acceptance : 31 August 2007
This special issue will focus on problem-oriented analyses and constructive suggestions on recycling systems and circulating economy development in Asia, especially in China and Japan, and between these two countries.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Eco-design of Multilateral Recycling Systems and Development of Circulating Economy in Asia
A special issue of the International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management (IJETM)
Important Dates
Submission deadline for full paper : 30 June 2007
Notification of acceptance : 31 August 2007
This special issue will focus on problem-oriented analyses and constructive suggestions on recycling systems and circulating economy development in Asia, especially in China and Japan, and between these two countries.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Micro/Meso Mechanical Manufacturing (M4 Process)
Call for papers: Micro/Meso Mechanical Manufacturing (M4 Process)
A special issue of the International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT)
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 30 June 2007
Notification of peer review to authors: 31 August 2007
Deadline for submitting revised manuscripts: 30 September 2007
The 21st century is said to be the century of the aging society. This society will require more advanced devices and systems to ensure comfort, safety and high quality of life. There is no doubt that devices will become more complicated and more compact. Therefore, development of micro/meso mechanical manufacturing (M4 process) technologies must be improved.
The aim of this special issue of the IJAT is to promote the M4 process technologies as a contribution to meeting the challenge of forthcoming society
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Micro/Meso Mechanical Manufacturing (M4 Process)
A special issue of the International Journal of Abrasive Technology (IJAT)
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 30 June 2007
Notification of peer review to authors: 31 August 2007
Deadline for submitting revised manuscripts: 30 September 2007
The 21st century is said to be the century of the aging society. This society will require more advanced devices and systems to ensure comfort, safety and high quality of life. There is no doubt that devices will become more complicated and more compact. Therefore, development of micro/meso mechanical manufacturing (M4 process) technologies must be improved.
The aim of this special issue of the IJAT is to promote the M4 process technologies as a contribution to meeting the challenge of forthcoming society
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Developments in Industrial B2B Services
Call for papers: Developments in Industrial B2B Services
A special issue of the International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM)
Important Dates:
Full paper due: 15 May 2007
Notification of acceptance: 15 September, 2007
Final version of the paper due: 15 November, 2007
Industrial Business-to-Business (B2B) services are becoming more important as the world is becoming more globalised and competitive, and as companies increasingly are choosing new and innovative sourcing strategies for non-core activities. Companies are entering different types of B2B relationships compared to those in the past and services not only are intangible deeds, processes and performances – various technology and technical software are used both as part of the service product content, but also as a mean or enabler to deliver the service products.
As with respect to product and customer support, we observe that industrial products used in advanced production/manufacturing processes are becoming more advanced, complex and integrated. As a result, more services are needed to support the products in operation and maintenance, as well as to support the customers in using the products and to recycle them at the end of life. Many of these companies need help in becoming more innovative to create product and support services that are creating a competitive edge based on their strengths and market opportunities.
The focus of this special issue of IJSTM is on services needed to support capital-intensive industries (e.g. energy, petroleum, chemical, mining, etc) that require advanced and complex production facilities and industrial systems, machines, equipment, software and control systems. In this type of industry, advanced knowledge and technological support services related to engineering design, maintenance, modification, modernisation, operation, removal activities, etc, are needed to reach performance goals and to be competitive.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Developments in Industrial B2B Services
A special issue of the International Journal of Services Technology and Management (IJSTM)
Important Dates:
Full paper due: 15 May 2007
Notification of acceptance: 15 September, 2007
Final version of the paper due: 15 November, 2007
Industrial Business-to-Business (B2B) services are becoming more important as the world is becoming more globalised and competitive, and as companies increasingly are choosing new and innovative sourcing strategies for non-core activities. Companies are entering different types of B2B relationships compared to those in the past and services not only are intangible deeds, processes and performances – various technology and technical software are used both as part of the service product content, but also as a mean or enabler to deliver the service products.
As with respect to product and customer support, we observe that industrial products used in advanced production/manufacturing processes are becoming more advanced, complex and integrated. As a result, more services are needed to support the products in operation and maintenance, as well as to support the customers in using the products and to recycle them at the end of life. Many of these companies need help in becoming more innovative to create product and support services that are creating a competitive edge based on their strengths and market opportunities.
The focus of this special issue of IJSTM is on services needed to support capital-intensive industries (e.g. energy, petroleum, chemical, mining, etc) that require advanced and complex production facilities and industrial systems, machines, equipment, software and control systems. In this type of industry, advanced knowledge and technological support services related to engineering design, maintenance, modification, modernisation, operation, removal activities, etc, are needed to reach performance goals and to be competitive.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Nonlinear Optimisation with Engineering and Scientific Applications
Call for papers: Nonlinear Optimisation with Engineering and Scientific Applications
A special issue of the International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC)
Important Dates:
Submission deadline : 31 August 2007
This special issue of IJMIC is focused on nonlinear systems modelling and optimisation applications in the sciences and engineering. We welcome original research articles that describe real-world applications of nonlinear (including both global and local) optimisation in the sciences and engineering. We also welcome algorithm development and computational studies supported with sufficiently detailed numerical evidence to indicate immediate real-world applicability.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
Call for papers: Nonlinear Optimisation with Engineering and Scientific Applications
A special issue of the International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC)
Important Dates:
Submission deadline : 31 August 2007
This special issue of IJMIC is focused on nonlinear systems modelling and optimisation applications in the sciences and engineering. We welcome original research articles that describe real-world applications of nonlinear (including both global and local) optimisation in the sciences and engineering. We also welcome algorithm development and computational studies supported with sufficiently detailed numerical evidence to indicate immediate real-world applicability.
For more information, please see the Journal Call for Papers website.
5 January 2007
Special issue: Contemporary issues in entrepreneurship studies
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 3(1/2) 2006 is a special issue: Contemporary issues in entrepreneurship studies. Papers integrate diverse issues such as competitiveness to marketable innovations that address central problems in entrepreneurship. These papers provide perspectives from diverse countries with different economic and social structures, for example, Saudi Arabia's place in the global petrochemical industry; customer relationship management use by Malaysian automobile distributors; demographic comparisons between graduate and non-graduate entrepreneurs in urban Malaysia; sales-forecasting strategies for small businesses across Lebanon; linkages between business practices and performance in the small business sector in the Arab region; entrepreneurship development across Sub-Saharan Africa.
4 January 2007
Special issue: New trends in control theory and applications
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 1(3) 2006 is a special issue: New trends in control theory and applications and includes papers given at the 24th Chinese Control Conference held in Guangzhou, 16–18 July 2005. Topics include control applications in image processing, power systems, ball and plate systems, and permanent magnet synchronous motors.
1 January 2007
Special issue: Science and innovation in Africa: new strategies for economic growth
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation 2(3/4) 2006 is a special issue: Science and innovation in Africa: new strategies for economic growth, edited by Prof Calestous Juma, elected a Fellow of the Royal Society last year.
The papers are revised versions of chapters that were first published by The Smith Institute in a volume entitled, Going for Growth: Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa. [The original essays can be downloaded.]
The papers underscore the role of science, technology and innovation in development in general, and in international cooperation in particular. They signal the growing interest in making the transition from short-term, relief-based activities to long-term development, based on building competence at all levels of science.
The papers are revised versions of chapters that were first published by The Smith Institute in a volume entitled, Going for Growth: Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa. [The original essays can be downloaded.]
The papers underscore the role of science, technology and innovation in development in general, and in international cooperation in particular. They signal the growing interest in making the transition from short-term, relief-based activities to long-term development, based on building competence at all levels of science.
Special issue: Interactions between people and information technology in the digital age (part I)
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 6(1) 2007 is a special issue: Interactions between people and information technology in the digital age (part I). The objectives of this special issue are:
1. to identify innovative methods and models to address the gaps between IT development and IT take-up and
2. to identify new quantitative and qualitative approaches for analysing the interactions between people and IT, for example, using agent-based modelling.
Part I contains seven papers ranging from contributions from researchers and
practitioners focusing on areas related to knowledge management, business intelligence, organisational learning and e-learning. A mix of theory building and empirical study papers that have strong relevance to the practical world are available.
1. to identify innovative methods and models to address the gaps between IT development and IT take-up and
2. to identify new quantitative and qualitative approaches for analysing the interactions between people and IT, for example, using agent-based modelling.
Part I contains seven papers ranging from contributions from researchers and
practitioners focusing on areas related to knowledge management, business intelligence, organisational learning and e-learning. A mix of theory building and empirical study papers that have strong relevance to the practical world are available.
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