- A hybrid computing scheme for shape optimisation in thermo-fluid problems
- Fast adaptive learning algorithm for sub-band adaptive thresholding function in image denoising
- Neuro-fuzzy sliding mode controller: design and stability analysis
- A hybrid computing scheme for forward and reverse mappings of metal inert gas welding process
- Effective framework for prediction of disease outcome using medical datasets: clustering and classification
- Hindi paired word recognition using probabilistic neural network
27 August 2010
Special issue: Hybrid computing
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies 1(3) 2010
24 August 2010
Call for papers: Economic Effects of Assisting Technologies in Nursing and Medical Care
A special issue of International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research
The aim of the special issue is to bring together papers about the effects of utilising assisting technologies in the allocation and distribution of scarce resources particularly in conjunction with nursing and medical care for the elderly. The issue will focus on microeconomic effects for private households – the impact on expenditure structure and, for example, the division of time. A second area of considerable interest will be potential macroeconomic effects, taking into account the social security institutions, especially statutory health and long-term care insurance. Positive macroeconomic effects are particularly expected from the emergence and development of new markets especially the markets for healthcare and nursing with high growth potential.
The issue aims at providing a thorough analysis of economic impacts related to the rise of assisting technologies and ambient assisted living systems in healthcare. We encourage submissions of theoretical and empirical papers on both micro- and macroeconomic effects.
Topics include but are not limited to the following, as long as they touch on assisting technologies, ambient assisted living and economy:
* Fundamental/general economic effects of assisting technologies and ambient assisted living
* Microeconomic effects
* Evaluation
* Cost-benefit-analysis
Important Date
Deadline for submission: 30 December, 2010
The aim of the special issue is to bring together papers about the effects of utilising assisting technologies in the allocation and distribution of scarce resources particularly in conjunction with nursing and medical care for the elderly. The issue will focus on microeconomic effects for private households – the impact on expenditure structure and, for example, the division of time. A second area of considerable interest will be potential macroeconomic effects, taking into account the social security institutions, especially statutory health and long-term care insurance. Positive macroeconomic effects are particularly expected from the emergence and development of new markets especially the markets for healthcare and nursing with high growth potential.
The issue aims at providing a thorough analysis of economic impacts related to the rise of assisting technologies and ambient assisted living systems in healthcare. We encourage submissions of theoretical and empirical papers on both micro- and macroeconomic effects.
Topics include but are not limited to the following, as long as they touch on assisting technologies, ambient assisted living and economy:
* Fundamental/general economic effects of assisting technologies and ambient assisted living
* Microeconomic effects
- Impact of assisting technologies on older persons and private households
- Provider of assisting technologies and services
- Utilization of assisting technologies by providers
- Establishment of assisting technologies in markets
- Change of existing markets
- Development of new markets i.e. in the field of prevention, nursing and medical care and rehabilitation
- Development of the first and second healthcare markets
- Economic of healthy ageing (productivity, honorary work etc.)
* Evaluation
* Cost-benefit-analysis
Important Date
Deadline for submission: 30 December, 2010
Special issue: Performance evaluation and risk management for industrial systems
International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems 1(3/4) 2010
Papers from a conference organised by Le Havre University, France, in May 2009.
Papers from a conference organised by Le Havre University, France, in May 2009.
- ESA_Petri net: dynamic reliability analysis tool
- Use of HMM for evaluation of maintenance activities
- Performance assessment of systems including conflict in the context of dynamic reliability
- Non-linear multiscale principal component analysis for fault detection: application to pollution parameters
- Multiple sensor fault detection and isolation of an air quality monitoring network using RBF-NLPCA model
- Embedded diagnosis based on vibration data
- Performance evaluation and risk management for industrial systems by using fuzzy controller
- Free and forced modes responses of fractional operators based on non-identical RLC cells
- A neuro-fuzzy-based fault detection and fault tolerance methods for industrial robotic manipulators
Special issue: Corporate entrepreneurship
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 2(2) 2010
- The Sarimner effect and three types of ever-abundant business opportunities
- Challenges of quantitative research on internal corporate venturing
- Corporate entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship related to innovation behaviour among employees
- Conjuring the entrepreneurial spirit in small and medium-sized enterprises: the influence of management on corporate entrepreneurship
- Trial by market: the Brightstar incubation experiment
- Gone corporate? The changing face of entrepreneurship in contemporary universities
Special issue: Evolving the e-marketing mindset towards the social web model – Part 1
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 3(3) 2010
- Social networks and marketing: potential and pitfalls
- Treat your customers as equals! Fostering customer collaboration through social media
- Consumers bite on the social web about the film Snakes on a Plane
- 'That item is mine!' Consumer competitiveness and need for control: a study of internet auction bidding
- Third-person effect comparison between US and Chinese social networking website users: implications for online marketing and word-of-mouth communication
23 August 2010
Special issue: Nanomanufacturing systems, processes and simulations
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 6(1-4) 2010
Papers from the 6th International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing (ISNM-6), held in Athens, Greece, 12–14 November 2008.
Papers from the 6th International Symposium on Nanomanufacturing (ISNM-6), held in Athens, Greece, 12–14 November 2008.
- Laser-based 2D and 3D nanomanufacturing for plasmonic applications
- Ring-crack initiation in micrometer-scale Hertz indentation simulated by controlled molecular dynamics
- Tribological defects in planar nanomanufacturing processes
- The efficiency and eco-efficiency of manufacturing
- Nanomanufacturing of carbon nanotubes on titanium nitride
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of the ablation mechanisms during femptosecond laser machining
- Metallic mould inserts for fabrication of polymer microfluidic devices
- FIB micro/nano mould machining process for productivity improvement
- Morphology and geometry of CO2-laser machined PMMA microchannels: influence of molecular weight and number of cut passes
- Nanotechnology for the needs of the automotive industry
- Low-cost production and applications of high purity carbon nanotubes
- Tailored nanostructures for microgassensors by flame spray pyrolysis
- A teaching factory for polymer microfabrication – μFac
- Micro and nano structuring and texturing of polymers using plasma processes: potential manufacturing applications
- Three-dimensional direct writing of novel sol-gel composites for photonics applications
- Limits and challenges of manufacturing micro moulds
- A comparative study on the performance of sinking and milling micro-EDM for nanofinishing of tungsten carbide
- Design and sensitivity analysis of Fresnel domain computer generated holograms
- Improvement of two-photon induced photoreduction by using a metal ion solution with a high concentration of silver ions
- Modelling study of liquid crystals orientation in the presence of corrosion potential
- Adiabatic focusing of light in subwavelength high-index contrast dielectrics
- Some results of studying laser micromachining at medical stents manufacturing
- Cross-section high resolution transmission electron microscopy and nanoprobe investigations of gallium nitride nanowires
- Scanning probe recognition microscopy investigation of neural cell prosthetic properties
- PBSA/layered silicate nanocomposites and the role of nanoclay on their electrospun fibrous structure
- Analytical model for geometrical characteristics control of laser sintered surfaces
- Reversible wettability of hybrid organic/inorganic surfaces of systems upon light irradiation/storage cycles
- Electroforming a process for macro/nano manufacturing
- Development of Ti-doped iron-polyoxocarbosilane nanocomposite with sensing properties by single-step laser pyrolysis
- Magnetic nanocomposite materials obtained using magnetic nano fluids and resins
- Innovative manufacturing readiness levels (IMRLs): a new readiness matrix
- An instrument transfer function approach to atomic force microscopy for surface metrology
- New generalised plasticity equation for compressible powder metallurgy materials: a new parallel RK-Butcher method
22 August 2010
Call for papers: Recent Development in Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming
A special issue of International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making
The objective of this special issue is to publish recent theoretical papers, surveys, case studies and applications related to the growing field of multiple objective programming and goal programming. Although we strongly encourage authors who presented work in these areas at the MOPGP International Conference (held in Sousse, Tunisia, from May 24 to 26, 2010) to submit their manuscripts, this Call for Papers is also open to the entire community of academics and practitioners and we welcome all suitable submissions on the topics below..
The main topics for this special issue include but are not limited to:
The deadline for submission is: 15 December, 2010
The objective of this special issue is to publish recent theoretical papers, surveys, case studies and applications related to the growing field of multiple objective programming and goal programming. Although we strongly encourage authors who presented work in these areas at the MOPGP International Conference (held in Sousse, Tunisia, from May 24 to 26, 2010) to submit their manuscripts, this Call for Papers is also open to the entire community of academics and practitioners and we welcome all suitable submissions on the topics below..
The main topics for this special issue include but are not limited to:
- Recent methodological developments in MOPGP
- Exact algorithms and heuristics for MOPGP
- Interactive methods
- Combinatorial MOPGP
- Stochastic MOPGP
- Fuzzy MOPGP
- Real applications of MOPGP
- Multilevel MOPGP
- Games and MOPGP
- Supply chains and MOPGP
- Applications
- Surveys
The deadline for submission is: 15 December, 2010
Call for papers: Communication Between Healthcare Services Users and Providers Using Electronic Sources
A special issue of International Journal of Electronic Healthcare
Information technology, amongst many other features, encompasses increasingly novel frameworks and tools used as mechanisms to deliver healthcare services through various media including the Internet and other advanced networking technologies. As a result, communication between healthcare users (such as patients, people with disabilities and impairments, and older people) and providers (for example healthcare professionals, organizations and professional care providers) has changed drastically in recent years
Most countries with highly developed health systems are now investing heavily in new means of electronic communication especially between healthcare services users and providers because such sources of communication can potentially provide a wide range of benefits, particularly in the such areas as diagnostics, prescriptions and treatments, making and rescheduling appointments, communicating diagnostic test results, instructions regarding self-care and self-monitoring, remote monitoring and managing patients with chronic medical conditions, as well as accessing personal health records. There are however still barriers to the wider acceptance and use of such electronic communications between patients, healthcare professionals, pharmacists and insurance providers.
Communication between healthcare users and providers has to be timely, efficient, and direct and at the appropriate level to achieve desired outcomes timely, effectively and in a systematic manner. These outcomes must meet the requirements of not only services users but also the needs of other stakeholders such as healthcare providers, payers and regulators.
The purpose of this special issue is to provide an advance in understanding of recent developments and the associated difficulties of communication between healthcare services users and providers using electronic sources at all levels, local, national, regional and global.
The issue will expand knowledge of these themes and will focus on understanding the most effective usage of electronic resources in relation to healthcare delivery for all stakeholders. This will help in gaining a better understanding of factors such as the costs, benefits and barriers associated with the usage of electronic communication in healthcare delivery. Therefore, this special issue will assist healthcare organisations, healthcare services users and providers, and policy makers in understanding the impact and future requirements of electronic communication between healthcare services users and providers on healthcare services delivery and acceptance.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
Deadline for receiving full manuscripts: 31 January 2011
Notification of reviews to authors: 15 June 2011
Deadline for revised Submission: 15 July 2011
Final decision on manuscripts: 15 August 2011
Information technology, amongst many other features, encompasses increasingly novel frameworks and tools used as mechanisms to deliver healthcare services through various media including the Internet and other advanced networking technologies. As a result, communication between healthcare users (such as patients, people with disabilities and impairments, and older people) and providers (for example healthcare professionals, organizations and professional care providers) has changed drastically in recent years
Most countries with highly developed health systems are now investing heavily in new means of electronic communication especially between healthcare services users and providers because such sources of communication can potentially provide a wide range of benefits, particularly in the such areas as diagnostics, prescriptions and treatments, making and rescheduling appointments, communicating diagnostic test results, instructions regarding self-care and self-monitoring, remote monitoring and managing patients with chronic medical conditions, as well as accessing personal health records. There are however still barriers to the wider acceptance and use of such electronic communications between patients, healthcare professionals, pharmacists and insurance providers.
Communication between healthcare users and providers has to be timely, efficient, and direct and at the appropriate level to achieve desired outcomes timely, effectively and in a systematic manner. These outcomes must meet the requirements of not only services users but also the needs of other stakeholders such as healthcare providers, payers and regulators.
The purpose of this special issue is to provide an advance in understanding of recent developments and the associated difficulties of communication between healthcare services users and providers using electronic sources at all levels, local, national, regional and global.
The issue will expand knowledge of these themes and will focus on understanding the most effective usage of electronic resources in relation to healthcare delivery for all stakeholders. This will help in gaining a better understanding of factors such as the costs, benefits and barriers associated with the usage of electronic communication in healthcare delivery. Therefore, this special issue will assist healthcare organisations, healthcare services users and providers, and policy makers in understanding the impact and future requirements of electronic communication between healthcare services users and providers on healthcare services delivery and acceptance.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- An overview of communication patterns between healthcare services users and providers using electronic sources
- Tools and technologies for communication between healthcare services users and providers using electronic sources
- The role and acceptance of social media and Web 2.0 in communication between healthcare users and providers
- Adoption and usage models for communication between healthcare services users and providers using electronic sources
- Benefits and barriers to communication between healthcare services users and providers using electronic sources
- Privacy, security and other ethical issues involved in electronic communication between healthcare services users and providers
- Acceptance of e-prescription by providers, dispensers, users and payers
- Impacts of electronic communication on efficiencies, effectiveness, and the transparency and quality of healthcare
- Management and investment issues in relation to electronic communication between healthcare services users and providers
- Healthcare providers' strategies regarding future needs for electronic communication direct between services users and providers
Deadline for receiving full manuscripts: 31 January 2011
Notification of reviews to authors: 15 June 2011
Deadline for revised Submission: 15 July 2011
Final decision on manuscripts: 15 August 2011
Call for papers: The Contribution of Protected Areas to Sustainability
A special issue of International Journal of Sustainable Society
The aim of the special issue is to highlight the significance and importance of protected areas for sustainability, not only in an ecological sense but taking into account the economic and social dimension of sustainable development. This includes the economic impacts of protected areas (e.g. provision of vital ecosystem services for local communities), as well as social implications (e.g. participation of stakeholders in establishment and management of protected areas). The issue looks to present the most recent developments in the scientific debate, in the form of empirical and policy oriented papers from which general conclusions for the role of protected areas for sustainability, as well as for the management of protected areas, can be drawn.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Abstract submission for paper proposals: 15 November 2010
Acceptance of abstracts: 30 November 2010
Submission of full paper for review: 31 January 2011
Review results communicated to authors: 15 March 2011
Final revised papers due on 15 April 2011
The aim of the special issue is to highlight the significance and importance of protected areas for sustainability, not only in an ecological sense but taking into account the economic and social dimension of sustainable development. This includes the economic impacts of protected areas (e.g. provision of vital ecosystem services for local communities), as well as social implications (e.g. participation of stakeholders in establishment and management of protected areas). The issue looks to present the most recent developments in the scientific debate, in the form of empirical and policy oriented papers from which general conclusions for the role of protected areas for sustainability, as well as for the management of protected areas, can be drawn.
Topics include but are not limited to:
- Protected areas as "islands of sustainability" - is this concept "sustainable"?
- Participation and civil society in protected areas (including community and capacity building)
- Management of protected areas: multidimensionality, interdisciplinarity, sustainability
- Livelihood and regional development based on protected areas
- Evaluation of protected areas: sustainability and participation
- Education and information in protected areas - prerequisite for sustainable life styles?
- Benefits and costs involved with the establishment and management of protected areas, including the distribution of benefits/costs among stakeholder groups
- Valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in protected areas - connections to management and financing of protected areas
- Case-studies on sustainability in protected areas
- Tourism in PA regions - PA tourism: which is to be preferred from a sustainability viewpoint?
- Innovation for sustainability as triggered by protected areas
- Planning protected areas as an intervention towards sustainable development (intervention theory)
- Function of protected areas as model regions to test (new) concepts of sustainability
Abstract submission for paper proposals: 15 November 2010
Acceptance of abstracts: 30 November 2010
Submission of full paper for review: 31 January 2011
Review results communicated to authors: 15 March 2011
Final revised papers due on 15 April 2011
Special issue: Striving for competitive advantage and sustainability: new challenges of globalisation
International Journal of Sustainable Society 2(3) 2010
Papers from 11th International Conference of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development: Striving for Competitive Advantage and Sustainability: New Challenges of Globalisation, held in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 27–30 May 2009.
Papers from 11th International Conference of the Society for Global Business and Economic Development: Striving for Competitive Advantage and Sustainability: New Challenges of Globalisation, held in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 27–30 May 2009.
- Corporate social responsibility and corporate governance in Italian SMEs: towards a 'territorial' model based on small 'champions' of CSR?
- Total responsibility management indicators and sustainable development
- The potential impacts of border tax adjustments on imports of energy-intensive goods in the EU and USA markets
- Corporate social responsibility – the dilemmas behind the popular concept and how to best address them!
- A theoretical profile of globalisation and its sustainability
20 August 2010
Call for papers: Personalised Information Retrieval
A special issue of International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence
Information retrieval (IR) systems such as Google and Yahoo provide access to different resources available on the World Wide Web (WWW). Usually, current IR systems produce results based on specific keywords and therefore do not take into account user context such as location, browsing history, previous interaction patterns, emotional state and domain expertise. In order to produce accurate search results according to a user’s current needs, it is necessary to investigate search engine personalization for optimization purposes.
The motivation for this special issue is to deepen our understanding of how individual user or user groups’ needs can be supported by personalised information retrieval systems. For example,
Suitable topics include but are not be limited to:
Manuscript due: 28 January, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 29 April, 2011
Revised paper due: 24 June, 2011
Submission of final revised paper: 22 July, 2011
Information retrieval (IR) systems such as Google and Yahoo provide access to different resources available on the World Wide Web (WWW). Usually, current IR systems produce results based on specific keywords and therefore do not take into account user context such as location, browsing history, previous interaction patterns, emotional state and domain expertise. In order to produce accurate search results according to a user’s current needs, it is necessary to investigate search engine personalization for optimization purposes.
The motivation for this special issue is to deepen our understanding of how individual user or user groups’ needs can be supported by personalised information retrieval systems. For example,
- What information about a user’s needs does a system need to be aware of, and how can this be gathered?
- How can this process be automated?
- Can systems adapt to changing user needs, including changes of context and task?
Suitable topics include but are not be limited to:
- Personalised information retrieval
- New interaction techniques and models for information retrieval
- User modelling and information behaviour for information and recommender systems
- Personalised information display, information visualisation, communication of information to the user and HCIR
- Models, theories and algorithms for information system personalisation, implicit and explicit relevance feedback, click through analysis and active learning approaches for the design of information systems
- User studies and ethnographic studies that are relevant to the design of personalised information systems
- Intelligent web search, Web-based adaptive systems, recommender systems
Manuscript due: 28 January, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 29 April, 2011
Revised paper due: 24 June, 2011
Submission of final revised paper: 22 July, 2011
Call for papers: Sustainable Supply Chain Design and Practice
A special issue of International Journal of Agile Systems and Management
In this special issue, we aim to explore contemporary supply chain designs and practices that can achieve longevity and sustainability despite ever-increasing market volatility, global competitive pressures, and events such as the current global economic crisis. Here we adopt a holistic perspective of sustainability in the supply chain context to gain insights into new approaches to current and future supply-side and demand-side issues.
We invite theoretical and empirical research submissions relating to contemporary supply chain issues that address one or more of the subjects listed below. In so doing, the special issue will provide a roadmap to developing future research into designing supply chains for sustainable supply and developing adaptable, agile management practices that will outlast short- and long-term shifts in supply and demand.
The following topics are recommended but not limited to:
Full paper due: 28 February, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 31 May, 2011
Final version of the paper due: 31 July, 2011
In this special issue, we aim to explore contemporary supply chain designs and practices that can achieve longevity and sustainability despite ever-increasing market volatility, global competitive pressures, and events such as the current global economic crisis. Here we adopt a holistic perspective of sustainability in the supply chain context to gain insights into new approaches to current and future supply-side and demand-side issues.
We invite theoretical and empirical research submissions relating to contemporary supply chain issues that address one or more of the subjects listed below. In so doing, the special issue will provide a roadmap to developing future research into designing supply chains for sustainable supply and developing adaptable, agile management practices that will outlast short- and long-term shifts in supply and demand.
The following topics are recommended but not limited to:
- The adaptation of global supply chain structures/designs in the light of the global economic crisis
- The adoption of agile management practices/systems for supply chain longevity and sustainability
- Supply chain systems and practices for sustainable long-term supplier relationships
- Supply chain spanning work organisations
- Supply chain spanning knowledge management
- Information sharing and supply chain integration
- Virtual supply chains
- Managing product complexity and supply chain complexity
- Collaborative product design and development
- Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment
- Supplier collaboration
- Global supply network design and structures
- Outsourcing and offshoring
- The role of logistics in contemporary global supply chains
- Trends in supply chain design
- Supply chain resilience
- Changing global markets and supply bases
- Sustainable procurement and fair trade
- Greening the supply chain
- Contemporary critiques of supply chain theory and/or practice
Full paper due: 28 February, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 31 May, 2011
Final version of the paper due: 31 July, 2011
Call for papers: New Frontier of Bio-inspired Computation
A special issue of International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
Bio-inspired computation is a field of study that loosely knits together subfields related to the topics of connectionism, social behaviour and emergence. It is often closely related to the field of artificial intelligence, as many of its pursuits can be linked to machine learning. It relies heavily on the fields of biology, computer science and mathematics. Bio-inspired computation is an umbrella term for different computational approaches that are based on principles or models of biological systems. Therefore, bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in face of the complexity of today's demanding applications, and accordingly they have been successfully used in various fields ranging from computer engineering and mechanical engineering to chemical engineering and molecular biology.
The objective of this special issue is to bring researchers from academic and industry together to report and review the latest progresses in this field, and to explore future directions.
Papers to be included in this special issue should be focused on one or more of topics which include but are not limited to:
Deadline for submission: 25 September 2010
Acceptance Notification: 25 December 2010
Deadline for Final submission: 25 January 2011
Bio-inspired computation is a field of study that loosely knits together subfields related to the topics of connectionism, social behaviour and emergence. It is often closely related to the field of artificial intelligence, as many of its pursuits can be linked to machine learning. It relies heavily on the fields of biology, computer science and mathematics. Bio-inspired computation is an umbrella term for different computational approaches that are based on principles or models of biological systems. Therefore, bio-inspired methods are becoming increasingly important in face of the complexity of today's demanding applications, and accordingly they have been successfully used in various fields ranging from computer engineering and mechanical engineering to chemical engineering and molecular biology.
The objective of this special issue is to bring researchers from academic and industry together to report and review the latest progresses in this field, and to explore future directions.
Papers to be included in this special issue should be focused on one or more of topics which include but are not limited to:
- New bio-inspired methodologies learning from the natural living creatures, physical and chemistry phenomenon, and artificial society
- New bio-inspired methodology analysis tools such as rough sets and stochastic process, etc.
- Theoretical improvements for current bio-inspired computation methodologies
- Recent advances on existing bio-inspired methodologies, e.g. evolutionary computation, particle swarm optimization, ant colony algorithm, etc.
- Applications with bio-inspired methodologies
Deadline for submission: 25 September 2010
Acceptance Notification: 25 December 2010
Deadline for Final submission: 25 January 2011
Call for papers: Global Branding
A special issue of International Journal of Business and Globalisation
Building a strong brand is a rather complicated task. If local brands face many challenges in communicating their core value and building effective brand associations, the challenge is even bigger when the branding becomes international/global. International branding is mainly about finding the right balance between being global and being local. While the brand essence has to remain unaltered, the ways to communicate it and to make it relevant to local people have to adapt to each specific context.
The biggest challenge in international branding is to remain easily recognized at any global location and, at the same time, to be compatible with the local culture, traditions and customers' way of perception. However, the unavoidable exposure of local brand-building strategy in the international arena is making the global brand building even harder. New communication methods have made the spread of information easier and faster, enabling every consumer to access every piece of communication in the world so that true separation among markets tends to disappear.
Therefore, companies nowadays with international /global appetites have to deal with new challenges and find new ways to successfully operate in the global market. The aim of this special issue is to examine the distinctive aspects and the challenges that international brands can face in the global market context.
Submissions are welcome on any analysis related to international /global branding. International submissions are encouraged as a global perspective on branding marketing is sought.
While all topics associated with international branding are welcome, some examples of possible foci and issues include, but are not limited to:
Deadline for submitting completed manuscripts: 31 May, 2011
Building a strong brand is a rather complicated task. If local brands face many challenges in communicating their core value and building effective brand associations, the challenge is even bigger when the branding becomes international/global. International branding is mainly about finding the right balance between being global and being local. While the brand essence has to remain unaltered, the ways to communicate it and to make it relevant to local people have to adapt to each specific context.
The biggest challenge in international branding is to remain easily recognized at any global location and, at the same time, to be compatible with the local culture, traditions and customers' way of perception. However, the unavoidable exposure of local brand-building strategy in the international arena is making the global brand building even harder. New communication methods have made the spread of information easier and faster, enabling every consumer to access every piece of communication in the world so that true separation among markets tends to disappear.
Therefore, companies nowadays with international /global appetites have to deal with new challenges and find new ways to successfully operate in the global market. The aim of this special issue is to examine the distinctive aspects and the challenges that international brands can face in the global market context.
Submissions are welcome on any analysis related to international /global branding. International submissions are encouraged as a global perspective on branding marketing is sought.
While all topics associated with international branding are welcome, some examples of possible foci and issues include, but are not limited to:
- International branding challenges: standardization/adaptation.
- Perceptual positioning of international brands.
- Consumers' perception of international brands across markets
- International brand life cycle
- Integrating branding strategy across markets
- International brand-name standardization/adaptation
- The effect of local communication campaigns on global brand strategies.
- Country-of-origin effects on international brands' perception
- Local brands vs international brands
- Local rumours and scandals impact on international brands
- Dealing with cross-cultural differences in international branding.
- International brand equity
- International corporate branding
Deadline for submitting completed manuscripts: 31 May, 2011
19 August 2010
Special issue: Mechatronics and machine vision in practice
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 39(1-3) 2010
Papers from M2VIP’08, the 15th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, held in Auckland, New Zealand, 2–4 December 2008.
See also International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 8(1-4) 2010
Papers from M2VIP’08, the 15th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, held in Auckland, New Zealand, 2–4 December 2008.
See also International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 8(1-4) 2010
- Simulation of food mastication based on discrete element method
- FPGA implementation of log-polar mapping
- Recognising 2.5D manufacturing feature using neural network
- Automotive speech control in a non-stationary noisy environment
- From science fiction to science fact: a smart-house interface using speech technology and a photo-realistic avatar
- A micro-sequenced CMOS model for cell signalling pathway using G-protein and phosphorylation cascade
- A precise inspection technique for wafer pre-sawing lines using Affine transformation
- Surface roughness vision measurement in different ambient light conditions
- Image-based measurement of alveoli volume expansion in an animal model of a diseased lung
- Incremental delta-sigma modulators for temperature sensing applications
- Vision-based 3D surface motion capture for the DIET breast cancer screening system
- Research of reliability for measuring high-g micro array acceleration sensor
- Development of small-sized flexible pneumatic valve using vibration motor and its application for wearable actuator
- Honeycomb model based skin colour detector for face detection
- A machine learning approach to crop localisation using spatial information
- A new communication system for reconfigurable mechatronic modules
- Analysis of a PM DC motor model for application in feedback design for electric-powered mobility vehicles
- Classification of Bidens in wheat farms
- Structural health monitoring using adaptive LMS filters
- Force pattern characterisation of Caenorhabditis elegans in motion
- Moving target tracking and measurement with a binocular vision system
- Synchronisation of vision-based sensor networks with variable frame rates
- Fault diagnosis of nuclear power plant based on genetic-RBF neural network
- Energy harvesting and current state of the technology with application to traffic monitoring
Special issue: Nanotechnology in India
International Journal of Nanotechnology 7(9-12) 2010
- Surface optical modes in GaN nanowires
- Structure and energetics of silicon clusters adsorbed on the Au(111) surface: a first principles study
- Luminescence properties of Dy3+ doped Gd2O3 nanoparticles prepared by glycine route: annealing effect
- Synthesis and characterisation of dispersible Ni@NiO core shell magnetic nanoparticles by polyol method
- Nanostructured vanadium oxide based systems: their applications in supercapacitors
- Effect of annealing on microstructure and phase evolution of Ag6Mo10O33 nanorods synthesised by novel soft chemical method
- Growth and gas-sensing studies of metal oxide semiconductor nanostructures
- Seedless synthesis of gold nanorods employing isopropyl radicals generated using gamma radiolysis technique
- Fabrication of homogeneous nanoparticle/nanoneedle BaTiO3 and Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 smooth thin films by simple dip coating
- Electron-electron interaction effect and resistivity maximum in nanocrystalline and ordered superconducting γ-Mo2N
- Studies on nickel nanoparticle attachment on surface modified carbon nanotubes by wet chemical method
- Plasticised polymer inclusion membrane as tunable host for stable gold nanoparticles
- Nanosized materials for environmental and energy related applications
- Luminescence properties of Sn1−xFexO2 nanoparticles
- Nanocrystalline magnesia alumina mixed oxide: efficient defluoridation sorbent
- Preparation of nanosized alumina using a low cost precursor
- Synthesis of CdSe quantum dots in PVA matrix by radiolytic methods
- Synthesis, stabilisation and surface modification of gold and silver nanoparticles by rosmarinic acid and its analogues
- ANanostructured thin films of Ba doped In2O3 for selectively monitoring trace levels of NOx
- Effect of oxygen pressure on room-temperature ferromagnetism of Al co-doped Mn doped ZnO thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
- Optical humidity sensor based on m-nitroaniline doped gold/poly-vinyl alcohol nano-composite
- High temperature microwave-assisted synthesis and the physico-chemical characterisation of mesoporous crystalline titania
- Low temperature preparation of NaTi2(PO4)3 by sol-gel method
- Structural and optical properties of Dy doped ZnO thin films prepared by pyrolysis technique
- Large-scale synthesis of nanopowders by transferred arc thermal plasma
- Synthesis of uncapped silver nanoparticles using DC arc plasma technique: effect of change in plasma gas on morphological properties
- Rapid generation of hierarchical nanoarchitectures of CdS via facile microwave assisted hydrothermal/semi-solvothermal route
- Green synthesis of ZnSe quantum dots using in-situ synthesised sodium selenide
- Mechanism of gel-to-crystallite conversion process in the synthesis of nanocrystalline multinary oxides
- Towards achieving nano-structured sintered ceramics with high stability for SOFC applications: Ce1−xMxO2−δ, M = Gd, Sm: interesting examples
- Microwave-assisted synthesis of highly active nanosized ceria-zirconia solid solutions for CO oxidation
- Ionic conductivity studies on neodymium doped ceria in different atmospheres
- Low temperature steam reforming of bio-ethanol over Ni%CuO-2O3 catalysts
15 August 2010
First issue: International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review moves to Inderscience
It presents relevant and up-to-date information on environmental issues approached from an interdisciplinary perspective. Papers span the range of traditional disciplines to present a broader, more integrated view of environmental topics without regard to the category restrictions common in traditional academic journals.
Call for papers: Solar/Renewable Energy Technology, Policy and Management
A special issue of International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management
The sun provides the earth with as much energy every hour as human civilization uses every year. If the tiniest fraction of that sunlight were to be captured and used in the place of fossil fuels, there would be no need to emit any greenhouse gases from any power plant.
There are many solar/renewable technology research and facilities all over the world. The potential market calls for more research on solar technology commercialization as well as governmental solar/renewable energy policies such as incentive plans.
Potential authors are invited to submit research focusing on new technology commercialization, business management and governmental policies. The goal is to prepare a reference issue of managing and promoting solar/renewable technology.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
1-2 page abstract due: 15 October 2010
Notification to authors: 1 November 2010
Submission of manuscripts due: 1 April 2011
Notification to authors: 15 May 2011
Final drafts of papers: 1 August 2011
The sun provides the earth with as much energy every hour as human civilization uses every year. If the tiniest fraction of that sunlight were to be captured and used in the place of fossil fuels, there would be no need to emit any greenhouse gases from any power plant.
There are many solar/renewable technology research and facilities all over the world. The potential market calls for more research on solar technology commercialization as well as governmental solar/renewable energy policies such as incentive plans.
Potential authors are invited to submit research focusing on new technology commercialization, business management and governmental policies. The goal is to prepare a reference issue of managing and promoting solar/renewable technology.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- Solar/renewable technology innovations
- Solar/renewable technology screening and forecasting
- Solar/renewable engineering models
- Solar/renewable equipment installation and maintenance
- Solar/renewable project reviews
- Solar/renewable based ecological or green city planning
- Frameworks for the management solar/renewable technology
- Business model of solar/renewable technology
- Economic performance of solar/renewable technology firms
- Regulation and solar/renewable technology management in different cultures and in multinational enterprises
1-2 page abstract due: 15 October 2010
Notification to authors: 1 November 2010
Submission of manuscripts due: 1 April 2011
Notification to authors: 15 May 2011
Final drafts of papers: 1 August 2011
Call for papers: Emotion and Aesthetics: Organizational Space, Embodiment and Materiality
A special issue of International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion
Although much has been written on the topic of emotion and the management of the aesthetic dimension of work, the interface between the emotional and the aesthetic continues to remain relatively neglected in empirical and theoretical analyses of gender and organization. With this in mind, the intention of this special issue is to consider some of the conceptual, methodological, empirical and theoretical aspects of this interface and in doing so, to contribute to the development of a more in-depth and focused understanding of gender, aesthetics and emotion in a number of important areas, including organizational space, embodiment and materiality.
Suitable contributions include but are not limited to:
Although much has been written on the topic of emotion and the management of the aesthetic dimension of work, the interface between the emotional and the aesthetic continues to remain relatively neglected in empirical and theoretical analyses of gender and organization. With this in mind, the intention of this special issue is to consider some of the conceptual, methodological, empirical and theoretical aspects of this interface and in doing so, to contribute to the development of a more in-depth and focused understanding of gender, aesthetics and emotion in a number of important areas, including organizational space, embodiment and materiality.
Suitable contributions include but are not limited to:
- Conceptual aspects of the emotional and the aesthetic in organizations.
- Theoretical perspectives on emotions and aesthetics.
- Emotion in an aesthetic economy.
- Service work, aesthetic and emotional labour.
- Aesthetics, emotion and embodiment.
- The ethics of aesthetic and emotional management.
- Methodological aspects of emotion and aesthetics in organizational research.
- Symbolic, discursive and semiotic dimensions of emotion and aesthetics at work.
- Spatial and material aspects of gender, emotion and aesthetics.
- Historical perspectives on emotion and aesthetics
Call for papers: Vehicular Communications
A special issue of International Journal of Electronic Transport
In recent years, vehicle control systems have moved from the analog to the digital domain. In particular, x-by-wire systems are appearing and drive research efforts of the whole automotive industry over the recent decade. Networked electronic control units (ECUs) are increasingly being deployed. At the same time, the emerging vehicular networks in the form of in-vehicle, vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructures communications are fast becoming a reality and will enable a variety of applications for safety, traffic efficiency, driver assistance, as well as infotainment to be incorporated into modern automotive designs. Thus, the new technologies are being developed for vehicular networks and networking provides an efficient method for today’s complex vehicle communications.
This special issue will be dedicated to the current state of the art vehicular communications and will focus on research and experiments in various aspects of vehicular communications.
Papers describing protocols, evaluation methods, and experimental studies are solicited in the topics which include but are not limited to:
Paper submission: 30 September 2010
Acceptance Notification: 30 November 2010
Final Papers: 31 December 2010
In recent years, vehicle control systems have moved from the analog to the digital domain. In particular, x-by-wire systems are appearing and drive research efforts of the whole automotive industry over the recent decade. Networked electronic control units (ECUs) are increasingly being deployed. At the same time, the emerging vehicular networks in the form of in-vehicle, vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructures communications are fast becoming a reality and will enable a variety of applications for safety, traffic efficiency, driver assistance, as well as infotainment to be incorporated into modern automotive designs. Thus, the new technologies are being developed for vehicular networks and networking provides an efficient method for today’s complex vehicle communications.
This special issue will be dedicated to the current state of the art vehicular communications and will focus on research and experiments in various aspects of vehicular communications.
Papers describing protocols, evaluation methods, and experimental studies are solicited in the topics which include but are not limited to:
- In-vehicle communications
- Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications
- Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications
- Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) communications
- Security and privacy for vehicle communications
- Automotive diagnostic communications
- Test-bed, prototype and practical systems
- Hardware design for vehicular communications
- Architecture, algorithm and protocols for vehicular communications
- Applications of vehicular communications
- Mobility modelling in vehicular communications
- Simulation/ performance evaluation techniques for vehicular communications
Paper submission: 30 September 2010
Acceptance Notification: 30 November 2010
Final Papers: 31 December 2010
Call for papers: Computational Intelligence in Biometrics: Theory, Methods and Applications
A special issue of International Journal of Biometrics
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in using biometric technologies to recognize or verify the true identity of a person. Not only is biometrics considered by government departments as an essential security tool, but also the technology is used by the private sector to prevent identity fraud and reduce operational costs. Various applications include access control, IT security, border crossings, bank ATMs, video surveillance, and federal employee IDs. New biometric algorithms and technologies are proposed, tested, reviewed and implemented every year. However, many professionals agree that further research is needed to overcome technological limitations and achieve more reliable performance.
As biometric traits cannot be captured in precisely the same way twice, biometric matching is never exact. That is, the matching is always a “fuzzy comparison”. This feature makes computational intelligence an ideal approach to deal with the problems of the various biometric technologies. The proposed special issue tries to be a forum for research scientists and system developers to present their state-of-the-art research results in the field of biometrics. High-quality contributions would detail recent advances in biometric research, explore practical applications of biometric technology, fill gaps in the literature and promote applications of biometric systems. It should be very useful to a large audience since:
Manuscript due: 8 April, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 10 June, 2011
Revised paper due: 8 July, 2011
Submission of final revised paper: 29 July, 2011
In recent years, there has been increasing interest in using biometric technologies to recognize or verify the true identity of a person. Not only is biometrics considered by government departments as an essential security tool, but also the technology is used by the private sector to prevent identity fraud and reduce operational costs. Various applications include access control, IT security, border crossings, bank ATMs, video surveillance, and federal employee IDs. New biometric algorithms and technologies are proposed, tested, reviewed and implemented every year. However, many professionals agree that further research is needed to overcome technological limitations and achieve more reliable performance.
As biometric traits cannot be captured in precisely the same way twice, biometric matching is never exact. That is, the matching is always a “fuzzy comparison”. This feature makes computational intelligence an ideal approach to deal with the problems of the various biometric technologies. The proposed special issue tries to be a forum for research scientists and system developers to present their state-of-the-art research results in the field of biometrics. High-quality contributions would detail recent advances in biometric research, explore practical applications of biometric technology, fill gaps in the literature and promote applications of biometric systems. It should be very useful to a large audience since:
- It would provide a fundamental understanding of the theories and principles of biometrics
- It would address emerging challenges in biometric security and surveillance
- It would illustrate various biometric algorithms and applications with computational intelligence solutions
- It would provide guidance on the best practices for launching biometric applications
- CI-based biometric algorithms and system solutions
- Fuzzy and artificial neural network-based learning techniques in biometrics
- Multiple and multi-modal biometric fusion techniques
- Biometric solutions for public, private, and healthcare applications
- Design and analysis on biometric ePassport and biometric-based ID documents
- Theory and applications of biometrics in open-set identification
- Biometric privacy, security, usability and acceptability issues
- Biometric liveness detection and anti-spoofing technology
- Embedded biometric systems and mobile applications
Manuscript due: 8 April, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 10 June, 2011
Revised paper due: 8 July, 2011
Submission of final revised paper: 29 July, 2011
Special issue: Dynamics of innovation and competitive strategy in transportation research
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research 3(3) 2010
- Long-haul market entry by value-based airlines: dual business models support product innovation
- Innovation for sustainability: the transformation of the transportation system
- Sustainable port innovations: barriers and enablers for successful implementation
- How high will Russian aviation fly?
- The drop-lot location problem on a supply chain
- Establishing intermodal terminals
Special issue: Teaching and learning - the role of information and communication technologies
International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 3(4) 2010
Papers from TL2009, the IASK (International Association for Scientific Knowledge) Teaching and Learning Conference, held in Porto, Portugal, 7-9 December 2009
See also International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 3(3) 2010
Papers from TL2009, the IASK (International Association for Scientific Knowledge) Teaching and Learning Conference, held in Porto, Portugal, 7-9 December 2009
See also International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 3(3) 2010
- Future utility as a key dimension in e-learning quality
- Train the trainer: moderation methods for online tutors
- Gender, age or teaching experience: Are they issues for primary teachers with ICT?
- Electronic foreign language interactions and variations among participants
- Consideration of the uses of e-learning: Does one size fit all?
- Hows and whys in online assessment
- College students' end-of-semester assessment of instructors' performance: students' narratives are the best interpretive research tool that validates the survey questionnaire results
Special issue: Drug delivery
International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1(2-4) 2010
- Bolaamphiphiles based novel liposomes: a possible approach for drug delivery
- Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) enriched hydrogels for transdermal delivery of flurbiprofen: formulation, in vitro characterisation, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies in animals
- In vitro blood brain barrier models as a screening tool for colloidal drug delivery systems and other nanosystems
- Synthesis, surface architecture and biological response of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for application in drug delivery: a review
- Gene delivery to Jurkat T cells using non-viral vectors associated with magnetic nanoparticles
- Lactide-glycolide polymers as nano-dimensional carriers for drugs
- Development of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) for controlled delivery of meloxicam
- Achievements and challenges in the delivery of bioactive molecules by nano-carbon-based systems
- Gemini nanoparticles as a co-delivery system for antigen – CpG oligodeoxynucleotide adjuvant combination
Special issue: Knowledge management and corporate governance systems: Part I
International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 3(3) 2010
Papers from the 1st Conference of the Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies
Papers from the 1st Conference of the Hellenic Society of Systemic Studies
- Electronic support of government-to-government negotiation and collaboration for the design and implementation of new policies
- Electronic systems of trust in retail lending: new application areas
- Building knowledge-sharing cultures: strategies, behaviour and incentive systems
- A systemic approach of the travellers' role in the growth of the interest in modern Greece (1770-1820)
- Integrated policy-based governance of virtual enterprises and systems
- A SOA approach to the implementation of an electronic medical record
Special issue: 1st Workshop on Pervasive Computing Systems and Infrastructures (PCSI 2009)
International Journal of Sensor Networks 8(2) 2010
The PCSI 2009 workshop was held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCom 2009), in Washington DC, USA, 6 April 2009.
The PCSI 2009 workshop was held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities (TridentCom 2009), in Washington DC, USA, 6 April 2009.
- Collaborative defence as a pervasive service: architectural insights and validation methodologies of a trial deployment
- Design of large-scale agricultural wireless sensor networks: email from the vineyard
- A testbed for large mobile social computing experiments
- MRL-CC: a novel cooperative communication protocol for QoS provisioning in wireless sensor networks
- Management of target-tracking sensor networks
Special issue: Biologically inspired systems and intelligent robots
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 10(3/4) 2010
Papers from first Sino-European Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (SEIROS’08) held in Chongqing, China, 11–13 December 2008.
Papers from first Sino-European Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems (SEIROS’08) held in Chongqing, China, 11–13 December 2008.
- Mobile robot localisation using ZigBee wireless sensor networks and a vision sensor
- Parameter optimisation of human-simulated intelligent controller for a cart-double pendulum system
- A fast handover scheme based on multiple mobile router cooperation for a train-based mobile network
- An intelligent visual hand motion tracking system for home-based rehabilitation
- Small UAV controlled by an online adaptive fuzzy control system
- A novel information fusion based FTT algorithm for a driver fatigue monitoring system
- Distributed model predictive control for multi-agent systems with coupling constraints
- Gearbox incipient fault diagnosis using feature sample selection and principal component analysis
- Study of weak high-frequency CW signal detection based on stochastic resonance
- Real-time gait classification based on fuzzy associative memory
- Natural ceiling features based self-localisation for indoor mobile robots
- Aggregation behaviour analysis, modelling and control of anisotropic stochastic swarm systems
- Application of advanced fault diagnosis technology in electric locomotives
Special issue: Corporate responsibility innovations for sustainability
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 5(1) 2010
Papers from from the 2009 Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC 2009) held in Vaasa, Finland, 7-9 September 2009
Papers from from the 2009 Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC 2009) held in Vaasa, Finland, 7-9 September 2009
- Designing organisational structures for corporate responsible innovation
- Consumer perception of fair trade: a cross-cultural study
- Comparative analysis of innovative CSR tools for SMEs
- Corporate responsibility reporting of biodiversity in the supply chain
- Dealing with uncertainty in sustainable innovation: mainstreaming and substitution
- A community-based toolkit for designing ride-sharing services: the case of a virtual network of ride access points in Germany
Special issue: Intelligent text processing with its applications and computational linguistics
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 38(4) 2010
- Partial retrieval of compressed semi-structured documents
- Clarification of the price fluctuation mechanism in financial markets: disparity in forecast accuracy among investors and asset price fluctuations
- SSGL: a semi-supervised grammar learner
- Persian POS tagging using probabilistic morphological analysis
- Analysis of greenhouse gases trading system using conversations among stakeholders
- Local features-based script recognition from printed bilingual document images
- Building of field association terms based on links
- Multi-page document analysis based on format consistency and clustering
- Effective extraction method of the mutual understanding gap based on the egocentrism
- An English and/or Japanese writing support tool based on a web search engine
- A schema for ontology-based concept definition and identification
Special issue: Power-efficient, high performance general purpose and application specific computing architectures
International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 2(3/4) 2010
- Energy efficient mapping and voltage islanding for regular NoC under design constraints
- A synergetic operating unit on NoC layer for CMP system
- Parallel processing for block ciphers on a fault tolerant networked processor array
- Network interface design based on mutual interface definition
- NCXplore: a design space exploration framework of temporal encoding for on-chip serial interconnects
- A fast MPI-based parallel framework for cycle-accurate HDL multi-parametric simulations
- Instruction set extensions for the advanced encryption standard on a multithreaded software defined radio platform
- Way adaptable D-NUCA caches
- Replica victim caching to improve cache reliability against transient errors
- A reliability model of energy-efficient parallel disk systems with data mirroring
Special issue: Extended papers from the 2008 Conference of the Hellenic Finance and Accounting Association
International Journal of Financial Services Management 4(3) 2010
The conference was held in Chania, Greece, 12–13 December 2008.
The conference was held in Chania, Greece, 12–13 December 2008.
- European Union enlargement and equity cost: an empirical analysis on risk sharing and market integration
- Factors affecting expected stock returns: evidence from the secondary and tertiary sectors of the Athens stock exchange
- Towards analysing training needs: a case study in a Greek bank
- Bankruptcy prediction using auditor size and auditor opinion
Special issue: Climate change policy and regulatory strategies in the post-Kyoto Protocol Framework
Progress in Industrial Ecology, an International Journal 7(1) 2010
- Editorial: Policy and legislative architecture to deal with climate change and sustainable development in a post-Kyoto framework
- Enhancing the sustainable development contribution of future CDM projects in Asia
- Improving the clean development mechanism with sustainability-rating and rewarding system
- Climate change and disasters: issues and measures for developing countries (a case of India)
- A review of some key climate change legislations and policies: lessons for Singapore's construction industry
6 August 2010
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing
Beginning publication in 2011, International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing aims to establish a bridge between manufacturing and related fields such as information systems and technology, internet, computer science, operational research and management science, in particular the field of IT services and advanced computing technologies, so as to share and disseminate knowledge in the change from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing.
Special issue: Artificial intelligence applied in machining
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 8(1/2) 2010
- Editorial: A brief overview of artificial intelligence applications in machining
- A review of artificial intelligent approaches applied to part accuracy prediction
- Development of a mathematical model for the prediction of chip formation instability and its verification by fuzzy logic with genetic algorithm
- Neural network modelling of forces and indirect prediction of tool wear in turning of grey cast iron with ceramic tool
- FNN based online monitoring of flank wear during turning of EN-31 steel
- ANN based cutting tool condition monitoring system for high-speed turning operations
- Application of neural network and evolutionary algorithm in operation sequencing using datum hierarchy trees
- Prediction and comparison of thrust force and torque in drilling of natural fibre hybrid composite using regression and artificial neural network modelling
- Investigation of optimal machining parameters for turning operation using intelligent techniques
- Data mining approach for selection of plateau honing parameters with dual objectives
- Intelligent process modelling using radial basis neural network
- Modelling of cutting forces as a function of cutting parameters in milling process using regression analysis and artificial neural network
- Intelligent selection of machining parameters in turning of Inconel-718 using multi objective optimisation coupled with MADM
- Predictive modelling of surface roughness and kerf widths in abrasive water jet cutting of Kevlar composites using neural network
Special issue: Contemporary supply chain enabling technology
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 4(1) 2010
- RFID based vehicle toll collection system for toll roads
- A model for the study of user adoption behaviours of mobile commerce
- A heuristic to generate input sequence for simulated annealing to solve VRP
- Business model for virtual manufacturing: a human-centred and eco-friendly approach
- Development of electronic marketplace for collaborative supply chain: a conceptual framework
- A multi-criteria decision making methodology for the selection of reverse logistics operating modes
- A decision-making framework for service quality measurements in hospitals
- The trend of RFID application to the supply chain management (2009-2010): a text mining analysis
5 August 2010
Special issue: Computational heat and mass transfer
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal 10(4) 2010
- Recent progress in dynamic tensor diffusivity subgrid-scale modelling for LES of turbulent heat transfer
- 3D computer simulation of Rayleigh-Benard instability in a square box
- Numerical simulation of natural convection of a water-based nanofluid
- The numerical simulation of fuel-lean counterflow premixed flame with flame curvature
- Experimental and computational characterisation of atomised spray flow around a circular cylinder
- Numerical simulation of unsteady flow in a multistage centrifugal pump using sliding mesh technique
- Calculations of heat transfer in stagnation flow regions by using second-moment closure models in conjunction with the new general wall treatment
- Prediction of second-order concentration statistics for dispersing plumes in obstacle arrays
4 August 2010
Special issue: Accounting and finance for SMEs
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 11(1) 2010
- Balancing the management control package of small, rapidly growing firms in turbulent environments
- Application of management accounting techniques in Indian small and medium hospitality enterprises: an empirical study
- The decline of bank finance for SMEs in APEC
- Micro-finance agencies and SMEs: model of explication of tacit knowledge
- The financing policy of French SMEs
- The effect of finance, knowledge and empathy gaps on the use of private equity amongst family-owned SMEs
Special issue: Business models and human capital: current issues and new challenges
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 12(2) 2010
- From single firm to network-based business model innovation
- The impact of human and social capital on the internationalisation of German consulting firms
- The issues of corporate governance in knowledge intensive entrepreneurial firms
- What's driving mobile content on the Irish telecoms value chain?
- A partnering business model for technology transfer: the case of the Muenster University of Applied Sciences
- Business incubators: new mechanism for economic/enterprise development or passing fad? Exploring complex relationship of the growing phenomenon in the context of Scotland
3 August 2010
Special issue: Knowledge governance I
International Journal of Strategic Change Management 2(2/3) 2010
- Exploring knowledge governance
- The role of knowledge governance in strategic alliances
- Alliance structure choice in the telecommunications industry: between resource type and resource heterogeneity
- Micro-level learning and alliance portfolio performance
- Overcoming knowledge dilemmas: governing the creation, sharing and use of knowledge resources
- Governing individual knowledge-sharing behaviour
- High-performance work practices and knowledge creation in organisations
- HRM practices, innovativeness and performance: the mediating role of organisational trust
Special issue: Managing total innovation and technology-based innovation
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 7(3/4) 2010
- Total innovation management paradigm for SMEs – an empirical study based on SME survey
- The pathway on implementation of total innovation management: with the case of SMEs
- An analysis of the complementary innovation mechanism between STI and DUI modes
- Managing radical innovations – a case study (Siemens AG)
- Comparative study on innovation resource in pharmaceutical fields: an entropy measure over patent data in China
- Open innovation and the management of intra-firm conflict
- A study on regional knowledge management model and role of government
- Measuring the impact of knowledge transfer from public research organisations: a comparison of metrics used around the world
- Emerging enterprise social software knowledge management environments: current practices and future challenges
- An empirical study on regional disparity of R&D in China
- How should we measure collaborative research and development performance?
- Empirical analysis on Chinese self-brand automobile enterprises' competitive advantage
- MNC restructuring and local economic development: the effects of horizontal versus vertical FDI in China
- Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) as a relational contract: an incomplete contracting perspective
Special issue: Service interfaces and service strategy
International Journal of Services Technology and Management 14(2/3) 2010
- The relationship-service-profit chain: conceptual framework and propositions
- Quantitative models for service quality strategy implementation
- Management of multi-purpose stadiums: importance and performance measurement of service interfaces
- Service employee behaviour: the role of compliance and risk taking
- Stereotypes of Taiwanese salespeople at the service interface
- Empowerment and role stress in the human interface between the firm and its markets
- Adoption of technologies in industrial after-sales services across cultures
- Customer interfaces in the accommodation industry – enhancing and constraining factors of IT adoption
- Self-service technology and the moderating effects of consumer characteristics
1 August 2010
Special issue: Applications of ultra wideband systems in biomedicine
International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems 1(4) 2010
- UWB channel modelling for wireless body area networks in a hospital
- Medical applications adapting ultra wideband: a system study
- Experiences on bio-medical sensing using ultra wideband communications and radar technology
- Off-body UWB channel characterisation within a hospital ward environment
- An overview of radar based ultra wideband breast cancer detection algorithms
- Investigating a double layer Vivaldi antenna design for fixed array field measurement
Special issue: Performance assessment in environment and pollution
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 13(2) 2010
- Assessment of geo-hazard potential and site investigations using Resistivity Imaging
- Patents as a measure for eco-innovation
- Removal of Particulate Matter (PM) and NOx from marine exhaust gas by combining electrostatic water-spraying scrubber and emulsion oil
- Water purification: a sustainable technology for rural development
- Assessment of the challenge of sustainable recycling of municipal solid waste management in India
- Quantitative analysis of automotive exhaust gas by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy
- A comparative study of the performance behaviour of adsorbent materials used for the treatment of spent cutting fluids
Special issue: Exploring new perspectives in product development
International Journal of Product Development 12(1) 2010
- Internal and external R&D collaboration as drivers of the product innovativeness of the German mechanical engineering industry
- Risk assessment method in project actor choice
- Supplier-oriented and product life cycle management framework to support virtual organisations
- Understanding the rapid evaluation of innovative ideas in the early stages of design
- Design for electronic equipment reliability in complex systems
Special issue: Advanced manufacturing technologies
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 21(1/2) 2010
Papers from the 1st International and 22nd All India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research (AIMTDR) Conference held in Roorkee, India, 21-23 December 2006.
Papers from the 1st International and 22nd All India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research (AIMTDR) Conference held in Roorkee, India, 21-23 December 2006.
- A novel nanofinishing process using magnetorheological abrasive polishing fluid
- Multi-response optimisation of Nd:YAG laser micro-machining of die steel using Response Surface Methodology
- Modelling and analysis on machining characteristics during pulsed Nd:YAG laser microgrooving of aluminium titanate (Al2TiO5)
- Micromachining of silicon with excimer laser in air and water medium
- Investigation into the influence of Electrochemical Micromachining (EMM) parameters on Radial Overcut through RSM-based approach
- Experimental results and analysis for Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) of aluminium metal matrix composites with powder-mixed dielectric: Lenth's method
- Surface modification of C40 steel using WC-Cu P/M green compact electrodes in EDM
- Cutting tool condition monitoring system for high-speed turning operations
- Fourier Transform based texture measures for grinding wheel condition monitoring using machine vision
- Experimental investigations to optimise step drill geometry for burr minimisation in drilling using regression model
- Tool life enhancement through nano-composite coating on the residual stress controlled cutting faces
- Investigations of the effect of injection parameters on the dimensional accuracy of wax patterns used in ceramic shell investment casting
- Modelling and control of a bio-inspired microgripper
- Performance evaluation of mixed model assembly lines
- Effect of imperfect interfaces on Elastothermodynamic Damping of fibre-reinforced MMCs
Special issue: Functionally graded materials: an integrated approach
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 39(1/2) 2010
Includes papers from the 1st Portuguese Workshop on Functionally Graded Materials: an Integrated Approach, held in Guimarães, Portugal, 9-10 October 2008.
Includes papers from the 1st Portuguese Workshop on Functionally Graded Materials: an Integrated Approach, held in Guimarães, Portugal, 9-10 October 2008.
- In situ fabrication of Al3Ti-Al functionally graded composites by centrifugal casting
- Functionally Graded Materials: bulk processing techniques
- On the ability of producing FGMs with an AlSi12 aluminium alloy by using centrifugal casting
- Influence of solidification rates on a Directional Solidification process for the production of Functionally Graded Materials
- Design and fabrication strategy in the world of functional gradation
- Optimal design and preparation of silicon nitride ceramic radome material with gradient porous structure
- Design and preparation of flier-plate material with graded wave impedance
- Phase diagram investigation and characterisation of ternary Sn–In–Me (Me = Ag, Cu) lead-free solder systems
- Aleksandra Milosavljevic, Dragana Zivkovic, Dragan Manasijevic, Nadezda Talijan, Vladan Evaluation of particle size and shape distributions in Al-Al3Ni Functionally Graded Materials fabricated by a semi-solid forming process
- Corrosion behaviour of aluminium syntactic functionally graded composites
- Functional graded material with nano-structured coating for protection
- Structure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of PVD gradient coatings deposited onto the X40CrMoV5-1 hot work tool steel substrate
- The reactive gas pulsing process for tuneable properties of sputter deposited titanium oxide, nitride and oxynitride coatings
- Functionally graded electroactive Poly(vinylidene fluoride) polymers
- Tribological characterisation of magnetron sputtered Ti(C, O, N) thin films
- Effect of grain size and hydrogen passivation on the electrical properties of nanocrystalline silicon films
- A study on morphological properties of laser sintered functionally graded blends of amorphous thermoplastics
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