22 April 2007

Special issue: From technology transfer to knowledge transfer: can universities really contribute to regional and national economic growth?

International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 5(4) 2006 is a special issue: From technology transfer to knowledge transfer: can universities really contribute to regional and national economic growth?

Article titles:
* Models for university technology transfer operation: patent agency and 2g
* University incubators as agents for technology transfer and economic growth: case studies in USA, Ukraine and Finland
* The technology transfer of the Italian public research system: the case of the National Research Council of Italy
* Fostering knowledge and technology transfer through evaluation systems at a regional level
* Organisational culture differences and market orientation: an exploratory study of barriers to university–industry relationships
* Do university based biotechnology centres impact regional biotechnology related (commercial) employment?
* Public sector technology transfer through patents and licensing: the case of US agriculture
* The university as the engine of growth: an analysis of how universities can contribute to the economy

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