- 'We are growing Belize': modernisation and organisational change in the Mennonite settlement of Spanish Lookout, Belize
- Brazilian entrepreneurship: a comparative study on imitation and innovation practices
- Entrepreneurship as way to contain the population exodus: a local development proposal
- ModaFusion on the global catwalk: a narrative approach to studying the ethical fashion industry
- Barriers to small business creations in Canada
- Mentoring relationship and lending: evidence from a business development programme in a small state Caribbean economy
- The role of the social entrepreneur as coordinator of a social network
- Bridging voids: constraints on Hispanic entrepreneurs building social capital
- The entrepreneur and the bully: case study
29 September 2011
Special issue: Entrepreneurship in the Americas
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 14(2) 2011
Special issue: Planning and control in robotics
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 41(3/4) 2011
- On the optimal size of a robust swarm
- Particle swarm optimisation of a discontinuous control for a wheeled mobile robot with two trailers
- Genetic algorithm based solution to dead-end problems in robot navigation
- Robotic nanoassembly: current developments and challenges
- Coordination control of wheeled mobile robots – a hybrid approach
- A method for modelling of parameter estimation laws depending on functions for adaptive control of robot manipulators
- Nonlinear control of the underactuated two-link manipulator using the sliding-mode type partial linearisation method
- Design of Active Front Steering (AFS) system with QFT control
- Analysis of a dual-arm mobile robot dynamics and balance compensation
- Real-time landmark modelling for visual-guided walking robots
- Robust simultaneous feedback stabilisation of space robot attitude
- 3D curves with a prescribed curvature and torsion for an aerial robot
- System modelling and control of an intelligent bionic leg
- ACO-based BW algorithm for parameter estimation of hidden Markov models
- Using support vector machine for characteristics prediction of hydraulic valve
- Blind dependent sources separation method using wavelet
- A survey on grid task scheduling
- The application of the wavelet finite element method on the temperature calculation of ceramic coating diesel engine piston
- Real-time tool condition monitoring of face milling using acousto-optic emission – an experimental approach
26 September 2011
Call for Papers: Should water and sanitation services be privatised?
A special issue of International Journal of Society Systems Science
In recent years, privatisation and public-private partnerships have been advocated for providing efficient drinking water supply, wastewater management and sanitation services. This issue seeks to assess the current management practices and related policies, institutions, organisations and actors in drinking water supply, wastewater management and sanitation to seek an understanding about the contemporary much- debated question in the water world: should water services and sanitation be privatised for ensuring efficient management?
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Deadline for manuscript submission: 10 April, 2012
Communication of peer review to authors: 10 July, 2012
Deadline for revised manuscripts: 15 September, 2012
In recent years, privatisation and public-private partnerships have been advocated for providing efficient drinking water supply, wastewater management and sanitation services. This issue seeks to assess the current management practices and related policies, institutions, organisations and actors in drinking water supply, wastewater management and sanitation to seek an understanding about the contemporary much- debated question in the water world: should water services and sanitation be privatised for ensuring efficient management?
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Water services provision in areas of poverty
- Drinking water supply, sanitation and wastewater management in the developing world
- Drinking water, wastewater management, sanitation and health
- Minimum basic water requirements
- Water as a human right
- Water and millennium development goals
- Water and education
- Drinking water and sanitation for peace
- Security, drinking water and sanitation provisions
- Drinking water and sanitation services for tourism
- Practices of urban water supply and sanitation institutions
- Rural water services and sanitation institutions
- Role, policies and influence of international monetary organisations, e.g. World Bank, ADB, IMF
- Policy and influence of multinational water companies
- Roles and policies of regional organisations, e.g. EU, African Union , SAARC
- Role of United Nations
- Financial mechanisms for drinking water and sanitation infrastructure development
- Ownership of water infrastructures
- Local knowledge and best practices in water services
- Good and bad water services and sanitation management practices and lesson learned from both public and private sectors
- Public-private partnerships in water services
- International and regional legal instruments for water services and sanitation
- National water policies and laws
- Comparative analysis of national approaches to water services management
- Cost-benefit analysis of water supply and sanitation interventions
- Willingness-to-pay and the management of water services
- Local and national water policy expertise and its influence on water services management
Deadline for manuscript submission: 10 April, 2012
Communication of peer review to authors: 10 July, 2012
Deadline for revised manuscripts: 15 September, 2012
Call for Papers: Fast-expanding Markets
A special issue of International Journal of Trade and Global Markets
The aim of this special issue is to foster discussion on the various interrelationships between economic growth at national and international levels as well as international trade. True to the focus of the journal, the issue will emphasise the implications that trade policy exerts on economic growth and vice versa, as well as the role of national governments, international organisations and the business community on related issues of worldwide concern.
With the increasingly rapid change of the social, demographical and technological dimensions of business, compounded by the continuous economic and financial woes of the world, many firms have been less inclined to drive improvement in revenues in favour of cost-cutting. The problem with this action is that it does not necessary confer sustainable competitive advantage. To grow the top line, it is increasingly important to find new sources of growth.
One way for companies to do so is to identify markets that are growing or about to grow at breakneck speed. These fast-expanding markets, or FEMs, pertain to a broad range of maturities within existing markets and are not exclusive occurrences of emerging economies, but can be found through the layers of any productive endeavour, market size and industry, in any geographic location of the world.
Arguably, there are many markets that initially show a great deal of growth potential but which are unable to sustain significant growth over a longer horizon. Therefore, a broad and generic definition of FEMs can be markets with a growth of 15% every year for at least three years. While this definition is not necessarily generally accepted, it should provide an idea of the magnitude of growth to the contributors of this special issue. The guest editors believe that these markets will serve as a source of the growth in the next decade, and as an opportunity to forecast how the productive landscape is profiling, looking at a more sustained value proposition, coupled with a rapid pace of development, as is not the case with most traditional markets.
The purpose of this special issue is not to speculate where the fast-expanding markets will be; rather it is to provide an evidence-based prediction of where these rapidly expanding markets will likely be, with the ultimate goals of sparking debates and examining their implications to practitioners.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Submission of manuscripts: 1 February, 2013
Notification of authors: 1 March, 2013
Final versions due: 15 April, 2013
The aim of this special issue is to foster discussion on the various interrelationships between economic growth at national and international levels as well as international trade. True to the focus of the journal, the issue will emphasise the implications that trade policy exerts on economic growth and vice versa, as well as the role of national governments, international organisations and the business community on related issues of worldwide concern.
With the increasingly rapid change of the social, demographical and technological dimensions of business, compounded by the continuous economic and financial woes of the world, many firms have been less inclined to drive improvement in revenues in favour of cost-cutting. The problem with this action is that it does not necessary confer sustainable competitive advantage. To grow the top line, it is increasingly important to find new sources of growth.
One way for companies to do so is to identify markets that are growing or about to grow at breakneck speed. These fast-expanding markets, or FEMs, pertain to a broad range of maturities within existing markets and are not exclusive occurrences of emerging economies, but can be found through the layers of any productive endeavour, market size and industry, in any geographic location of the world.
Arguably, there are many markets that initially show a great deal of growth potential but which are unable to sustain significant growth over a longer horizon. Therefore, a broad and generic definition of FEMs can be markets with a growth of 15% every year for at least three years. While this definition is not necessarily generally accepted, it should provide an idea of the magnitude of growth to the contributors of this special issue. The guest editors believe that these markets will serve as a source of the growth in the next decade, and as an opportunity to forecast how the productive landscape is profiling, looking at a more sustained value proposition, coupled with a rapid pace of development, as is not the case with most traditional markets.
The purpose of this special issue is not to speculate where the fast-expanding markets will be; rather it is to provide an evidence-based prediction of where these rapidly expanding markets will likely be, with the ultimate goals of sparking debates and examining their implications to practitioners.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Green/sustainability technology
- New product development with great social and economic impact (e.g. 3-dimensional printing)
- Emergence of mid-size cities and new regions
- Leadership and product development of family businesses
- New configurations of business models (s olution-based pharmaceutical offerings)
- Relationship between FEMs and general economic indicators of growth
- Cluster formation and impact on the development of/within FEMs
- Wealth distribution and PPP in FEMs
- Macroeconomic policy and government role in the development of FEMs
- Strategic, financial and organisational issues of firms operating in FEMs
- Relationship between complex endeavours and FEMs
Submission of manuscripts: 1 February, 2013
Notification of authors: 1 March, 2013
Final versions due: 15 April, 2013
Special issue: The role of technology in teachers’ professional development
International Journal of Learning Technology 6(2) 2011
- E-learning course design in teacher design teams: experiences in the Open University of Tanzania
- ICT integration through design teams in science teacher preparation
- Deep-play: developing TPACK for 21st century teachers
- Teachers' development perspectives in using a course management system
- An electronic performance support system to support teachers in (re-)designing curricula
- simSchool: an online dynamic simulator for enhancing teacher preparation
Special issue: Metal ions removal from liquid effluents: Part One
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 8(3/4) 2011
- Two- and three-phase simulations of an ill-functioning dissolved-air flotation tank
- Removal of copper and lead ions from aqueous solutions by adsorbent derived from sewage sludge
- Removal of Pb2+ and Zn2+ ions from Acidic Soil Leachate: a comparative study between electrocoagulation, adsorption and chemical precipitation processes
- Batch sorption of lead (II) from aqueous solutions using natural kaolinite
- A hybrid flotation: microfiltration cell for effluent treatment
- A critical review of the separation of arsenic oxyanions from dilute aqueous solution (the contribution of LGICT)
- Lariat ethers with a novel proton-ionisable groups: new generation of collectors in ion flotation process
- Cr(III) uptake by marine algal biomass: equilibrium and kinetics
- Uptake of heavy metals from aqueous solution by non-conventional adsorbents
- Development of an on-site Fe0 system for treatment of copper- and zinc-contaminated roof runoff
- Å tobermorite ion exchanger from recycled container glass
- Nano-structured calcium silicate as sorbent in a study of artificial mining waste
Special issue: Research and applications in logistics modelling
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management10(2) 2011
Papers from the International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL 2010) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 8 - 10 March 2010
Papers from the International Conference on Industrial Logistics (ICIL 2010) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 8 - 10 March 2010
- A hybrid heuristic, based on Iterated Local Search and GENIUS, for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery
- An approach for the sustainable integration of production and transportation scheduling
- Clustering and routing model for transport logistics using software agents
- A genetic algorithm approach to a 3D container loading problem
- A comparison of mathematical modelling approaches for stability analysis of supply chains
- An efficient ant colony system for Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows
- Risk on spares for life-time maintenance purposes due to uncertainties on the mean up time
24 September 2011
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems
Beginning publication in 2012 International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems will publish in all areas of mechanisms and robotic technologies. It will cover novel design concepts, theories and methodologies, together with a diversity of application fields including: machine tools, vehicle simulators, medical robots, microrobots, pick-and-place robots, cable robots, reconfigurable/modular robots, bio-inspired robots, flexible robots, mobile robots, humanoid robots and related applications.
21 September 2011
Call for Papers: Technologies for a Sustainable Future
A special issue of International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
Modernisation, lifestyle changes and industrial development have been taking their toll on the environment. Not only is there rapid consumption of natural resources, but there is also an increase in types and amounts of pollutants being discharged into the environment.
This inevitably strains our planet and threatens our existence. Technologies that effectively deal with the problem of environmental pollution and do not compromise sustainability are the need of the hour. This special issue will include papers that would generally fall within the environmental domain, i.e. manuscripts that would provide practical sustainable solutions to issues related to (but not limited to) energy, water and materials, thus advancing sustainability.
This special issue will publish revised and substantially extended versions of environmental engineering-related papers presented at the International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environment Engineering (ICCOEE2012), to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 June, 2012. We also strongly encourage researchers who cannot or will not participate in the conference to submit papers for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
Submission of full paper: 31 December, 2011
First round of paper reviews: 30 June, 2012
Second round of paper reviews: 31 July, 2012
Submission of final paper: 31 August, 2012
Modernisation, lifestyle changes and industrial development have been taking their toll on the environment. Not only is there rapid consumption of natural resources, but there is also an increase in types and amounts of pollutants being discharged into the environment.
This inevitably strains our planet and threatens our existence. Technologies that effectively deal with the problem of environmental pollution and do not compromise sustainability are the need of the hour. This special issue will include papers that would generally fall within the environmental domain, i.e. manuscripts that would provide practical sustainable solutions to issues related to (but not limited to) energy, water and materials, thus advancing sustainability.
This special issue will publish revised and substantially extended versions of environmental engineering-related papers presented at the International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environment Engineering (ICCOEE2012), to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 12-14 June, 2012. We also strongly encourage researchers who cannot or will not participate in the conference to submit papers for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- Water pollution and control
- Wastewater treatment
- Air pollution and control
- Noise pollution and control
- Solid and hazardous waste management
- River engineering
- Environmental modelling
- Environment impact assessment
- GIS in environmental engineering
- Biofuels
- Biohydrogen
- CO2 capture and sequestration
Submission of full paper: 31 December, 2011
First round of paper reviews: 30 June, 2012
Second round of paper reviews: 31 July, 2012
Submission of final paper: 31 August, 2012
Call for Papers: Internet of Things: Standards, Technology and Applications
A special issue of International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing
It is predicted that 50 to 100 billion things will be connected by 2020, and we are therefore now at the heart of a paradigm shift and witnessing the metamorphosis that everyday things are going through, from things that learned-to-do to things that are learning-to-think to things that will learn-to-perceive. Internet of Things (IoT) technology is at the heart of this metamorphosis, and is rapidly gaining significant attention from academia, industries and governments.
Thanks to rapid advances in communications, networks and multimedia technologies, IoT is creating tremendous opportunities for a large number of novel applications that promise to improve the quality of our lives. Standardised infrastructures capable of managing, sharing and processing different multimedia data will be necessary in order to bring the IoT into commercial use. As a new emerging network, there are many issues need to be addressed, such as network protocol, signal processing, communication fashion, power management, multimedia services, dynamic accessing, etc.
This special issue aims at presenting a high-quality, high-impact, original research on the standards, technology and applications of IoT.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Deadline for submission: 1 May, 2012 (revised date)
1st round notification: 15 August, 2012
Revised article submission: 15 September, 2012
Final notification of acceptance: 1 October, 2012
It is predicted that 50 to 100 billion things will be connected by 2020, and we are therefore now at the heart of a paradigm shift and witnessing the metamorphosis that everyday things are going through, from things that learned-to-do to things that are learning-to-think to things that will learn-to-perceive. Internet of Things (IoT) technology is at the heart of this metamorphosis, and is rapidly gaining significant attention from academia, industries and governments.
Thanks to rapid advances in communications, networks and multimedia technologies, IoT is creating tremendous opportunities for a large number of novel applications that promise to improve the quality of our lives. Standardised infrastructures capable of managing, sharing and processing different multimedia data will be necessary in order to bring the IoT into commercial use. As a new emerging network, there are many issues need to be addressed, such as network protocol, signal processing, communication fashion, power management, multimedia services, dynamic accessing, etc.
This special issue aims at presenting a high-quality, high-impact, original research on the standards, technology and applications of IoT.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Reference and concrete architectures for IoT (e.g. communications, security, service, test, etc.)
- IoT standardisation activities
- IoT systems and functional architecture
- Protocol design for IoT (e.g. MAC, routing, TCP, scheduling, etc.)
- Security and privacy issues for IoT
- IoT network operations, management and optimisations
- Real-time multimedia communications over IoT
- Green IoT
- RFID, sensors and actuator technologies for IoT
- Web technologies and cloud computing for IoT
- Interface and interaction techniques for IoT
- Performance evaluation for IoT (e.g. QoS, QoE, scalability, etc.)
- IoT applications (e.g. smart transportation, healthcare, environment protection, etc.)
Deadline for submission: 1 May, 2012 (revised date)
1st round notification: 15 August, 2012
Revised article submission: 15 September, 2012
Final notification of acceptance: 1 October, 2012
Call for Papers: Modern Arab World Development
A special issue of International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development
With globalisation and regional shifts in economy and governance taking place all over the world, the Arab world is witnessing great changes along with the resurrection of its intellectual and social dynamic activism.
There is a need to re-examine the development of the modern Arab world in all aspects, namely political, legal, cultural, industrial and the like. This landscape of modern developments provides a firm foundation for building upon in the future, and also a way to maintain years of modernisation in the Arab world and keep this process continuous.
This special issue solicits papers related to the modern developments in the Arab world in the past few hundreds years. It is to provide a compelling forum for researchers and practitioners to present their results and to track state-of-the-art research that is particularly inspired by revolutionary changes in the Arab world in all areas, including political, intellectual, cultural, legal or societal.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
Manuscript submission: 25 November, 2011
With globalisation and regional shifts in economy and governance taking place all over the world, the Arab world is witnessing great changes along with the resurrection of its intellectual and social dynamic activism.
There is a need to re-examine the development of the modern Arab world in all aspects, namely political, legal, cultural, industrial and the like. This landscape of modern developments provides a firm foundation for building upon in the future, and also a way to maintain years of modernisation in the Arab world and keep this process continuous.
This special issue solicits papers related to the modern developments in the Arab world in the past few hundreds years. It is to provide a compelling forum for researchers and practitioners to present their results and to track state-of-the-art research that is particularly inspired by revolutionary changes in the Arab world in all areas, including political, intellectual, cultural, legal or societal.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- Science and technology
- Legal systems
- Social issues
- Modernity and post-modernity
- Philosophical studies
Manuscript submission: 25 November, 2011
Special issue: System modelling and optimal control – Part I
International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 3(3) 2011
Papers from the 2010 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC’10) held in
Okayama, Japan, 17-19 July 2010.
Papers from the 2010 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC’10) held in
Okayama, Japan, 17-19 July 2010.
- Modelling and simulation of an aerial vehicle steering to hit on top of the target at terminal trajectory
- A modified adaptive control scheme in the presence of input saturation
- Implementation of performance-adaptive PI control on a weigh feeder
- Selection of optimal parameter set using estimability analysis and MSE-based model-selection criterion
- Modelling of SST/BES and its application to power quality improvement
- Design method of ideal vehicle models in adaptive steering driver-combined-vehicle systems
- Non-linear controller for stabilisation control of a cart-type inverted pendulum system
- High gain adaptive control for a class of uncertain non-holonomic systems
Special issue: Knowledge intensive service systems
International Journal of Services Technology and Management 16(2) 2011
- Intentionally holistic knowledge intensive service systems
- From knowledge-intensive services to knowledge-intensive service systems
- Two contexts of knowledge intensive service systems: high contact and mass market
- Modelling customer lifetime value in contractual settings
- Requirements for modelling interoperability in knowledge intensive service systems based on BeerLL
- Understanding quality requirements in knowledge intensive service systems
Special issue: Opportunities and challenges in interorganisational collaboration in information systems development
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 10(2-4) 2011
- A game-theoretical model for inter-organisational collaboration in information systems development
- A study of Information Processing effectiveness in inter-organisational collaboration in Software Development
- Building collaboration networks for 3G system development, attempts from China
- A framework of Collaborative Commerce and internet organisation business model innovation in the tourism industry: the case study of the Veterans Affairs Commission in Taiwan
- Removing obstacles when implementing inter-organisational information systems
- Interorganisational systems within SMEs aggregations: an exploratory study on information requirements of an industrial district
- Critical factors in collaborative software development in supply chain management
- Risk-driven Management Contingency Policies in Collaborative Software Development
- Theoretical perspectives of strategic alliances: a literature review and an integrative framework
Special issue: Advanced applications of environmental modelling systems
International Journal of Environment and Pollution 44(1/2) 2011
Papers from the 7th International Conference on Large Scale Scientific Computations held in Sozopol, Bulgaria, 4-8 June 2009.
Papers from the 7th International Conference on Large Scale Scientific Computations held in Sozopol, Bulgaria, 4-8 June 2009.
- Expected trends of regional climate change for the Carpathian Basin for the 21st century
- A system for assessment of climatic air pollution levels in Bulgaria: description and first steps towards validation
- A nested application of four-dimensional variational assimilation of tropospheric chemical data
- Modelling and measurements of the atmospheric boundary layer in Sofia, Bulgaria
- Numerical study of some high PM10 level episodes
- Air pollution modelling, sensitivity analysis and parallel implementation
- Studying air pollution levels in the Balkan Peninsula area by using an IBM Blue Gene/P computer
18 September 2011
Call for Papers: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management in Emerging Economies
A special issue of International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Emerging economies are those low-income, high growth nations principally reliant on economic liberalisation for their growth. This economic shift is such that today emerging economies and their firms are largely driving the world’s economic recovery. A prediction by many scholars is that by 2050 these nations will dominate the world economy.
Despite the growing importance of emerging economies, academic e ntrepreneurship and innovation research still focuses disproportionately on firms in the mature economies of Europe and North America . However, we know from the existing pool of research on entrepreneurship and innovation activities in emerging economies that there are unique differences in emerging economy firms.
The goals of this special issue are to publish work that (1) builds knowledge about the nature of entrepreneurship and innovation activities in emerging economies, as well as their antecedents and consequences, and (2) provides firsthand information and develops theories for future research.
Examples of questions that could be addressed include but are not limited to:
Submission deadline: 30 June 2012
Emerging economies are those low-income, high growth nations principally reliant on economic liberalisation for their growth. This economic shift is such that today emerging economies and their firms are largely driving the world’s economic recovery. A prediction by many scholars is that by 2050 these nations will dominate the world economy.
Despite the growing importance of emerging economies, academic e ntrepreneurship and innovation research still focuses disproportionately on firms in the mature economies of Europe and North America . However, we know from the existing pool of research on entrepreneurship and innovation activities in emerging economies that there are unique differences in emerging economy firms.
The goals of this special issue are to publish work that (1) builds knowledge about the nature of entrepreneurship and innovation activities in emerging economies, as well as their antecedents and consequences, and (2) provides firsthand information and develops theories for future research.
Examples of questions that could be addressed include but are not limited to:
- Entrepreneurship and economic growth: What is the role of public policy in emerging economies in encouraging strategic entrepreneurship? Do the mixed models of private/public ownership that typify many emerging economies generate positive economic impact in the society?
- Change: The rate of change in many emerging economies is particularly fast - how do firms successfully adjust to this change in order to promote strategic entrepreneurship endeavors? As the FDI outflow increases in nations from emerging economies, how does this impact the rate and nature of change in emerging economies?
- Risk and uncertainty: Does the concept of risk differ in emerging economies from that of mature economies? What is the relative impact of that difference? Emerging economies are perceived as higher risk environments. If this is true does this higher risk generate greater creativity and do the benefits of the risk-taking percolate throughout society or only to those who are taking risks?
- Innovation and technology: How does the innovation process differ in emerging economies and how does this impact society? What is the role of knowledge acquisition for emerging economy firms and does this ultimately lead to a competitive advantage for them? What is the role of technology in firms situated in economic climates in which low labour costs are perceived as a strong competitive advantage?
- Social role of entrepreneurship: Does social entrepreneurship in emerging economies generate the intended positive results? What is the role of sustainability in strategic entrepreneurship in emerging economies?
- Behavioural characteristics of entrepreneurial activity: Do the cognitive properties of strategic entrepreneurship differ in emerging economies? What is the impact of culture and other institutions on risk-taking in emerging economies?
- Inter-disciplinary research of innovation: Society perspective; business and economics perspectives; organisational perspective and others.
- Innovative and entrepreneurial franchising: How dose innovative and entrepreneurial franchising lead to performance in emerging economies?
- Innovation and performance: How does innovation create better or more effective products, processes, technologies, or ideas that affect markets, governments and society?
Submission deadline: 30 June 2012
Call for Papers: Spatial Planning and Historical Cities
A special issue of International Journal of Sustainable Society
The destruction of historical landscape and culture during rapid economic development is reaching worrying proportions in many Asian areas, where new urban redevelopment projects are implemented in urban downtown areas.
A lesson gained from the urban development experience is that the aspect of urban conservation is a strategic opportunity for sustainable society, in the sense that it could be easier to gather all stakeholders concerned with community suitability in historic preservation areas, since historical and cultural landscape is limited. In addition, the imbalance between the protection and development in historical cities awakens stakeholders when traditional communities are disappearing gradually. Urban conservation is therefore a strategy for urban regeneration and community development in historic preservation areas.
This special issue focuses on spatial planning and historical conservation issues in Asian areas. The objective is to provide an insight into the experiences of planning policy and implementation for urban conservation from the viewpoints of sustainable society.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 30 November, 2011
Communication of peer review to authors: 20 January, 2011
Deadline for revised manuscripts: 31 March, 2012
The destruction of historical landscape and culture during rapid economic development is reaching worrying proportions in many Asian areas, where new urban redevelopment projects are implemented in urban downtown areas.
A lesson gained from the urban development experience is that the aspect of urban conservation is a strategic opportunity for sustainable society, in the sense that it could be easier to gather all stakeholders concerned with community suitability in historic preservation areas, since historical and cultural landscape is limited. In addition, the imbalance between the protection and development in historical cities awakens stakeholders when traditional communities are disappearing gradually. Urban conservation is therefore a strategy for urban regeneration and community development in historic preservation areas.
This special issue focuses on spatial planning and historical conservation issues in Asian areas. The objective is to provide an insight into the experiences of planning policy and implementation for urban conservation from the viewpoints of sustainable society.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Spatial planning and historical areas
- Urbanisation and historical landscape
- Historical values and sustainable society
Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 30 November, 2011
Communication of peer review to authors: 20 January, 2011
Deadline for revised manuscripts: 31 March, 2012
Call for Papers: Transparent Computing and Services
A special issue of International Journal of Cloud Computing
In cloud computing all computation and storage resources are virtualised, and everything including software, platform and infrastructure is as a service which can be deployed and scaled out quickly on demand.
Transparent Computing (TC) has many things in common with cloud computing, but with emphasis on user-controllable cloud services. To achieve such user controllability, underlying computing platforms, especially operating systems, have no need to be closely bounded with a computer, and thus can be treated as a special kind of service.
Any computational device, including desktops, laptops, pads, mobile phones and even sensors, can be dynamically installed according to its user’s preference and the device’s specifications. A selected OS is streamed on demand and temporarily resides on a device so in a way that allows the transparent computer/device (TC/D) to be very light, low cost and highly reliability. It is OS select-ability that enables a TC/D to get services across OS-dependent clouds and allows a user to get desired transparent services (TS) from different clouds.
The objective of this special issue is to invite highly state-of-art research contributions, tutorials and position papers that address the broad challenges of transparent computing and transparent services, covering transparent computing OSs, communications, management, security, applications, etc . Original papers describing completed and unpublished work are solicited.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Submission of paper: 20 November, 2011
First-round acceptance notification: 20 January, 2012
Revised papers deadline: 20 February, 2012
Final decision: 20 March, 2012
In cloud computing all computation and storage resources are virtualised, and everything including software, platform and infrastructure is as a service which can be deployed and scaled out quickly on demand.
Transparent Computing (TC) has many things in common with cloud computing, but with emphasis on user-controllable cloud services. To achieve such user controllability, underlying computing platforms, especially operating systems, have no need to be closely bounded with a computer, and thus can be treated as a special kind of service.
Any computational device, including desktops, laptops, pads, mobile phones and even sensors, can be dynamically installed according to its user’s preference and the device’s specifications. A selected OS is streamed on demand and temporarily resides on a device so in a way that allows the transparent computer/device (TC/D) to be very light, low cost and highly reliability. It is OS select-ability that enables a TC/D to get services across OS-dependent clouds and allows a user to get desired transparent services (TS) from different clouds.
The objective of this special issue is to invite highly state-of-art research contributions, tutorials and position papers that address the broad challenges of transparent computing and transparent services, covering transparent computing OSs, communications, management, security, applications, etc . Original papers describing completed and unpublished work are solicited.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Transparent and cloud computing architecture
- Transparent PaaS and cloud computing OSs
- Transparent computers and devices including pads, phones and sensors
- Transparent virtualisation technologies
- Transparent streamed data communications
- Transparent computing over wired/wireless networks
- Transparent computing user controllability
- Transparent computing security, privacy and trust
- Transparent services and QoS
- Transparent computing applications
Submission of paper: 20 November, 2011
First-round acceptance notification: 20 January, 2012
Revised papers deadline: 20 February, 2012
Final decision: 20 March, 2012
Call for Papers: SMEs after the crisis or in between?
A special issue of International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business
We are experiencing good or even extraordinary recoveries from the financial and economic crisis in some parts of the word. On the other hand, for some countries it seems that the crisis is by far not over, since they are still struggling with high unemployment, credit crunches and poor economic growth.
Additional uncertainty in financial markets is causing trouble in the Eurozone (Greece , Portugal and Ireland). It seems that the domino effect is continuing due to information about potential troubles in Italy and Spain . On the other side of the Atlantic , the USA have managed “just before noon ” to reach an agreement about the acceptable debt ceiling. However, Standard & Poor’s has downgraded the USA ’s credit rating for the first time.
At the same time Japan is still recovering from the disaster of the tsunami and its consequences on nuclear power plants. NATO is still involved in a military operation in Libya , while in other countries of Maghreb and Mashrek – where the majority of the demonstrations in 2011 took place – a lot of uncertainty is still in the air.
As even the big players (states and multinationals) are having trouble tackling all of these changes and events, how do small players manage amidst all of this confusion? Have small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) been affected more heavily by the crisis than the big players?
We know that in many cases, governments entered the scene in order to assist the big players through various measures. These organisations were simply “too big” and could have taken a lot of other groups down with them. A new saying was coined on the stock market: “If you owe the bank 100 EUR it’s your problem; but if you owe the bank 100 million EUR, it’s the bank’s problem.” Were SMEs forgotten in this situation, or at least pushed down to second place?
The time of crisis is a time of struggling for survival, and the strongest usually win. But were the big players strongest, or were the SMEs stronger due to their flexibility? Was size and flexibility actually a predisposition that helped SMEs in the time of crisis, or was it in fact a problem, since flexibility also suggests vulnerability?
After the rain there is usually sunshine. When we consider the time of the crisis, we should also focus on the time after and even beyond that. Even in these unpredictable circumstances, when some of the leading papers and journals are speaking of “Time for a double dip?” (The Economist) and “ Mission impossible: stop another recession (Financial Times)”, some countries are recording two digit economic growth (Qatar, Singapore, Taiwan, India and China).
What does this mean for SMEs? Are they prepared for another potential recession? Are SMEs actually even more prepared for another period of “hard times” than the big players, due to their experience in 2008-2009? And what of the SMEs in the emerging markets?
Both theoretical and research papers are welcome. Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
Submission of extended abstracts (max. 500 words): 1 December, 2011
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 27 December, 2011
Submission of full papers following acceptance of abstracts: 15 July, 2012
Notification of acceptance, refusal or revision of full papers: 1 September, 2012
Submission of accepted and revised final papers: 1 October, 2012
We are experiencing good or even extraordinary recoveries from the financial and economic crisis in some parts of the word. On the other hand, for some countries it seems that the crisis is by far not over, since they are still struggling with high unemployment, credit crunches and poor economic growth.
Additional uncertainty in financial markets is causing trouble in the Eurozone (Greece , Portugal and Ireland). It seems that the domino effect is continuing due to information about potential troubles in Italy and Spain . On the other side of the Atlantic , the USA have managed “just before noon ” to reach an agreement about the acceptable debt ceiling. However, Standard & Poor’s has downgraded the USA ’s credit rating for the first time.
At the same time Japan is still recovering from the disaster of the tsunami and its consequences on nuclear power plants. NATO is still involved in a military operation in Libya , while in other countries of Maghreb and Mashrek – where the majority of the demonstrations in 2011 took place – a lot of uncertainty is still in the air.
As even the big players (states and multinationals) are having trouble tackling all of these changes and events, how do small players manage amidst all of this confusion? Have small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) been affected more heavily by the crisis than the big players?
We know that in many cases, governments entered the scene in order to assist the big players through various measures. These organisations were simply “too big” and could have taken a lot of other groups down with them. A new saying was coined on the stock market: “If you owe the bank 100 EUR it’s your problem; but if you owe the bank 100 million EUR, it’s the bank’s problem.” Were SMEs forgotten in this situation, or at least pushed down to second place?
The time of crisis is a time of struggling for survival, and the strongest usually win. But were the big players strongest, or were the SMEs stronger due to their flexibility? Was size and flexibility actually a predisposition that helped SMEs in the time of crisis, or was it in fact a problem, since flexibility also suggests vulnerability?
After the rain there is usually sunshine. When we consider the time of the crisis, we should also focus on the time after and even beyond that. Even in these unpredictable circumstances, when some of the leading papers and journals are speaking of “Time for a double dip?” (The Economist) and “ Mission impossible: stop another recession (Financial Times)”, some countries are recording two digit economic growth (Qatar, Singapore, Taiwan, India and China).
What does this mean for SMEs? Are they prepared for another potential recession? Are SMEs actually even more prepared for another period of “hard times” than the big players, due to their experience in 2008-2009? And what of the SMEs in the emerging markets?
Both theoretical and research papers are welcome. Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- Strategies
- Governance
- Credit crunch, liquidity troubles and SMEs
- SMEs and the crisis
- Governmental measures for entrepreneurship in the crisis
- Preparations of SMEs for the time of severe economic conditions
- The paradigm “think small first” in the time of the crisis
- SMEs, crisis, global reactions
- Crisis management
Submission of extended abstracts (max. 500 words): 1 December, 2011
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 27 December, 2011
Submission of full papers following acceptance of abstracts: 15 July, 2012
Notification of acceptance, refusal or revision of full papers: 1 September, 2012
Submission of accepted and revised final papers: 1 October, 2012
Call for Papers: The Role of Performance Measurement in Collaborative Organisations and Open Innovation
A special issue of International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems
It is now widely accepted that, by breaking down traditional organisational boundaries, inter-organisational collaborations allow intellectual property, ideas and people to flow freely between organisations, promoting increased levels of innovation while reducing risks. The question regarding collaboration is no longer about whether to collaborate; rather, it is about the need to understand and choose the suitable collaboration options.
It is argued that opening the source enables a self-enhancing diversity of production routes, communication paths and interactive communities to emerge. In contrast with more centralised models of innovation, the main principle of open innovation is peer production and collaboration, with the end product and source material available to anyone, sometimes at no cost.
Despite the undoubted importance of these issues, the majority of the performance measurement research relating to collaborative organisations and open innovation seems to focus on traditional centralised structures with little focus on how to measure knowledge and intellectual property in this completely new and unfamiliar territory.
This special issue aims to promote the understanding of the role of performance measurement in collaborative and open organisations. A recent literature review carried out by Bititci et al. (2011) will be taken as the main reference, as authors will supply an integrated synthesis of performance measurement literature along with a holistic research framework focused on the context of the research challenges of this special issue. The emerging trends and the research questions are summarised here.
This special issue welcomes both qualitative and quantitative empirical studies that explore the role of performance measurement in collaborative open organisations and networks. Theoretical works that extend existing knowledge in this area are also welcome. Potential readers of the issue are not only academics but also policymakers and practitioners across the globe. Therefore submitted manuscripts should clearly demonstrate both theoretical, practical and policy implications.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Paper submission deadline: 31 December, 2011
It is now widely accepted that, by breaking down traditional organisational boundaries, inter-organisational collaborations allow intellectual property, ideas and people to flow freely between organisations, promoting increased levels of innovation while reducing risks. The question regarding collaboration is no longer about whether to collaborate; rather, it is about the need to understand and choose the suitable collaboration options.
It is argued that opening the source enables a self-enhancing diversity of production routes, communication paths and interactive communities to emerge. In contrast with more centralised models of innovation, the main principle of open innovation is peer production and collaboration, with the end product and source material available to anyone, sometimes at no cost.
Despite the undoubted importance of these issues, the majority of the performance measurement research relating to collaborative organisations and open innovation seems to focus on traditional centralised structures with little focus on how to measure knowledge and intellectual property in this completely new and unfamiliar territory.
This special issue aims to promote the understanding of the role of performance measurement in collaborative and open organisations. A recent literature review carried out by Bititci et al. (2011) will be taken as the main reference, as authors will supply an integrated synthesis of performance measurement literature along with a holistic research framework focused on the context of the research challenges of this special issue. The emerging trends and the research questions are summarised here.
This special issue welcomes both qualitative and quantitative empirical studies that explore the role of performance measurement in collaborative open organisations and networks. Theoretical works that extend existing knowledge in this area are also welcome. Potential readers of the issue are not only academics but also policymakers and practitioners across the globe. Therefore submitted manuscripts should clearly demonstrate both theoretical, practical and policy implications.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Performance measurement as a learning system that enables greater levels of collaboration and sharing in collaborative organisations and open networks
- The practices of performance measurement for multicultural collaborations and networks
- The role of performance measurement in knowledge-based organisations and networks
- The measurement and management of intellectual property in collaborative organisations and open innovation
- Social factors and the effect of power relationships on performance measurement/evaluation in open collaborative networks
- The impact of the different network types on performance measurement
- Performance measurement in SMEs in the context of collaborative organisations and open networks
Paper submission deadline: 31 December, 2011
Special issue: Heterogeneity in financial markets
International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance 2(2) 2011
- The dynamic behaviour of asset prices in disequilibrium: a survey
- Heterogeneity and sentiment in the stock market
- Japanese central bank interventions and the dispersion of individual exchange rate expectations: differential impact on four moment characteristics
- Return-volatility relationships: cross-country evidence
Special issue: Food defence
International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health 4(1) 2011
- Food security: its components and challenges
- Assessing the terrorist threat to the food supply: food defence, threat assessments, and the problem of vulnerability
- Differences in household attitudes on food defence and food safety: an international comparison
- Developing consumer-focused risk communication strategies related to food terrorism
- A risk assessment of the food supply chain: vulnerability against terrorist or criminal contamination
- Rapid, sensitive, and specific immunomagnetic separation of foodborne pathogens
Special issue: Net neutrality - towards economically sound and politically acceptable solutions
International Journal of Management and Network Economics 2(1) 2011
- Net neutrality regulation of the internet?
- Network neutrality and the evolution of the internet
- Network neutrality and quality of service: a two-sided market analysis
- Dynamic update of minimum cost paths in computer networks
- Understanding virtual organisation to identify possible risks
- The impact of privatisation and competition on telecommunications network growth and productivity
Special issue: Expertise, innovation and technology: are we in the e-XXI Century?
International Journal of Electronic Business 9(3) 2011
Papers from the IASK E-activity and Leading Technologies Conference 2010 held in Oviedo, Spain, 8-10 November 2010.
Papers from the IASK E-activity and Leading Technologies Conference 2010 held in Oviedo, Spain, 8-10 November 2010.
- Combining attack trees and fuzzy numbers in a multi-agent approach to fraud detection
- Information asset analysis: credit scoring and credit suggestion
- Open source Business Intelligence: an alternative to proprietary tools
- A snapshot of the Portuguese e-banking activity: insights and a conceptual framework to allocate strategic hindrances
- E-government principles: implementation, advantages and challenges
- Behavioural Targeting in online advertising using web surf history analysis and contextual segmentation
17 September 2011
Special issue: Modelling with fuzzy logic
International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 9(1) 2011
Papers from 1st International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS’2009) held in Ankara, Turkey, 1–2 October 2009.
Papers from 1st International Fuzzy Systems Symposium (FUZZYSS’2009) held in Ankara, Turkey, 1–2 October 2009.
- The determination of students' fuzzy rating points and qualification levels
- A complimentary fuzzy approach for the assessment of academic performance
- Modelling different views of sustainability of forestry in Finland
- A new approach for fuzzy multiple regression with fuzzy output
- Managing sales return in dual sales channel: its product substitution and return channel analysis
- Hand anthropometric survey of male industrial workers of Haryana state (India)
Special issue: Systematic reuse in the business process management domain
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 5(3) 2011
Papers from the First International Workshop on Reuse in Business Process Management (rBPM 2010) held in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 13 September 2010 in conjunction with the Eighth International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2010)
Papers from the First International Workshop on Reuse in Business Process Management (rBPM 2010) held in Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, 13 September 2010 in conjunction with the Eighth International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2010)
- Business process families using model-driven techniques
- Integration and reuse of data mining in business processes – a pattern-based approach
- Name-based view integration for enhancing the reusability in process-driven SOAs
- Partial process models to manage business process variants
- Semantically-enabled business process models discover
Special issue on nanomanufacturing and nanotechology – Part I
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 7(3/4) 2011
The 2nd International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2010) was held in Tianjin, China, 26-29 September 2010.
The 2nd International Conference on Nanomanufacturing (nanoMan2010) was held in Tianjin, China, 26-29 September 2010.
- Surface formation characteristics in elliptical ultrasonic assisted grinding of monocrystal silicon
- Kinematics in ultra-precision grinding of WC moulds
- Research on the ultra-precision ductile cutting mechanism of KDP crystal
- Design of an ultra-precision machine tool for machining microstructures of laser fusion capsule
- Design and cooperation control analysis of a coarse-fine dual stage drive positioning system
- An investigation on the effect of ultra-precision machined patterns in wetting transition
- A method for characterising residual strains around femtosecond laser microexploded waveguide by nanoindentation
- Research on the tool alignment error in fabrication of off-axis paraboloid surfaces by using slow-tool-servo technique
- Numerically controlled sacrificial plasma oxidation using array-type electrode toward high-throughput deterministic machining
- An investigation on surface generation in ultra-precision raster milling
- A differential confocal LG/LD SAW detection system to determine mechanical properties of layered thin films
- Laser deburring process for structured edges on precision moulds
- Design of an adaptive controller in constant pressure grinding of natural diamond cutters
- Effects of tool edge radius and rake angle on ductile machining process of CaF2
- Development of a circular-type integrated electrode tool for ER fluid-assisted polishing
- Deposition and characterisation of ultralow-stress ZnO thin films for application in FBAR-based gravimetric biosensors
- Fabrication of carbon nanotubes field emitter arrays on the flexible substrate using reversal roller imprint lithography
Special issue: Web intelligence and virtual communities
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 9(3) 2011
- Virtual communities for elderly healthcare: user-based requirements elicitation
- New healthcare society supported by wearable sensors and information mapping-based services
- A real-time XML protocol for bridging virtual communities
- Organisational adoption of e-business: the case of an innovation management tool at a university and technology transfer office
- Market diffusion for upgrade products on the base of CAS theory
- Innovation and development of Chinese futures market under the circumstances of global financial crisis
Special issue: Pattern recognition and intelligent systems and control
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications3(3) 2011
Papers from the Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN’09) held in Wuhan, China, 26-29 May 2009.
Papers from the Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN’09) held in Wuhan, China, 26-29 May 2009.
- Reducing dimensionality of hyperspectral data with diffusion maps and clustering with k-means and Fuzzy ART
- Moving object detection method based on the cloud model and background subtraction
- A novel approach to classificatory problem using neuro-fuzzy architecture
- Hybrid-LWM: A linear-model based hybrid clustering algorithm for supplier categorisation
- Research of adaptive immune network intrusion detection model
- Modelling of monkey's motor cortical signals by an extended adaptive Liquid State Machine: an integrated procedure from model, identification, experiments, data fitting, to validation
- Quasipolynomials and the structure at infinity of linear systems with delay
- Duel fuzzy logic controllers design for autonomous robot navigation
- Modelling and control of a flexible two-wheeled self-balancing mobile robot
12 September 2011
Call for Papers: Algorithms and Protocols for Opportunistic and Delay-Tolerant Networks
A special issue of International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing
The approaches of traditional stationary sensor networks lead to bottlenecks near the sink and non-uniform depletion of energy resources from the network. These approaches also decrease the probability of successful packet delivery with an increase in the number of hops from source to sink.
However, wireless and mobile computing technologies have advanced significantly in the last decade, providing various communication possibilities for mobile elements of networks without a pre-existing infrastructure. Providing solutions to these challenges, networks with one or more mobile elements have architectural requirements different from those with static sinks, since the nodes in the network would sense data at varied sampling rates and store the packets locally, awaiting the arrival of a mobile element.
One of the significant properties of a mobile element is that connectivity to the backbone network may not be available at all times. The mobile element would be able to receive data from a set of sensor nodes before returning to an access point to transfer all of the data and empty its buffers. The likelihood of a greater latency in packet delivery increases in such a situation, and it also results in intermittent connections among nodes. The nodes must benefit from contact opportunities whenever possible and the applications must better tolerate delays.
Therefore techniques for making applications tolerant to disruptions and/or high delays are required. Opportunistic and delay-tolerant networks yield to more realistic scenarios than legacy mobile ad hoc networks.
This special issue is dedicated to current state of the art in mobile sink applications and delay tolerant network protocols.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Submission deadline: 30 November, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 29 February, 2012
Submission of final papers: 30 April, 2012
The approaches of traditional stationary sensor networks lead to bottlenecks near the sink and non-uniform depletion of energy resources from the network. These approaches also decrease the probability of successful packet delivery with an increase in the number of hops from source to sink.
However, wireless and mobile computing technologies have advanced significantly in the last decade, providing various communication possibilities for mobile elements of networks without a pre-existing infrastructure. Providing solutions to these challenges, networks with one or more mobile elements have architectural requirements different from those with static sinks, since the nodes in the network would sense data at varied sampling rates and store the packets locally, awaiting the arrival of a mobile element.
One of the significant properties of a mobile element is that connectivity to the backbone network may not be available at all times. The mobile element would be able to receive data from a set of sensor nodes before returning to an access point to transfer all of the data and empty its buffers. The likelihood of a greater latency in packet delivery increases in such a situation, and it also results in intermittent connections among nodes. The nodes must benefit from contact opportunities whenever possible and the applications must better tolerate delays.
Therefore techniques for making applications tolerant to disruptions and/or high delays are required. Opportunistic and delay-tolerant networks yield to more realistic scenarios than legacy mobile ad hoc networks.
This special issue is dedicated to current state of the art in mobile sink applications and delay tolerant network protocols.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Joint routing, scheduling and channel assignment protocols for mobile sinks
- Routing and security trade-offs
- Routing performance under various node deployment schemes
- Moving strategies for mobile sinks
- Power-aware and energy-efficient designs for mobile sinks
- Distributed protocols supporting mobile sinks
- Tools and techniques for designing, analysing and building delay-tolerant networks
- Architectural principles of opportunistic and delay-tolerant networks
- QoS in delay-tolerant networks
- Network deployment, localisation and synchronization protocols
- Test-bed, prototype and practical systems
- Mathematical foundations of challenged networks
- Physical characteristics of performance-challenged networks
Submission deadline: 30 November, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 29 February, 2012
Submission of final papers: 30 April, 2012
Call for Papers: Human Factors and Ergonomics in Organisational Design and Management
A special issue of International Journal of Advanced Operations Management
Twenty-five years ago a group of ergonomics scientists predicted the future of their profession and the professional response required for anticipated conditions. One of the major conclusions was that organisational design and management factors would become increasingly important.
Historically, human factors have been concerned with the design of controls, displays and workspace arrangements. In systems design, the operations required by a system have typically been analysed to identify the specific functions that comprise them. The human factors specialist often enters the design process at this point and, based on his or her professional knowledge of human performance capabilities and limitations, assists in allocating these functions to humans or machines.
The human factors specialist’s knowledge of human-machine interface technology is then applied to designing specific jobs, integrating jobs into work groups, and then designing specific human-machine interfaces. Many of these human factors activities are critical for organisational design and management.
Although applied within a systems context, the activities described above are actually at the individual, team or – at best – subsystem level. They represent what herein shall be referred to as human factors applications at the micro-ergonomic level.
Growing global competition, and the related need to make organisations more productive and efficient, have further intensified this need to improve work systems. This need is reflected in the rapid development of macro-ergonomic methods and applications. What was once recognised by only a few researchers and practitioners has now become a widely accepted part of the human factors/ergonomics discipline.
The objective of this special issue is to contribute new insights to the extant body of knowledge in the area of human factors and ergonomics in organisational design and management. The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the International Conference on Ergonomics and Human Factors: Innovation and Usability in Product Development - Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2011), organised by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, which takes place on 15th to 17th December, 2011. However, we also strongly encourage other researchers to submit their manuscripts for this call.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Manuscript submission: 1 May, 2012
Notification of initial decision: 1 June, 2012
Submission of revised manuscript: 1 July, 2012
Notification of final acceptance: 1 August, 2012
Submission of final revised paper: 1 September, 2012
Twenty-five years ago a group of ergonomics scientists predicted the future of their profession and the professional response required for anticipated conditions. One of the major conclusions was that organisational design and management factors would become increasingly important.
Historically, human factors have been concerned with the design of controls, displays and workspace arrangements. In systems design, the operations required by a system have typically been analysed to identify the specific functions that comprise them. The human factors specialist often enters the design process at this point and, based on his or her professional knowledge of human performance capabilities and limitations, assists in allocating these functions to humans or machines.
The human factors specialist’s knowledge of human-machine interface technology is then applied to designing specific jobs, integrating jobs into work groups, and then designing specific human-machine interfaces. Many of these human factors activities are critical for organisational design and management.
Although applied within a systems context, the activities described above are actually at the individual, team or – at best – subsystem level. They represent what herein shall be referred to as human factors applications at the micro-ergonomic level.
Growing global competition, and the related need to make organisations more productive and efficient, have further intensified this need to improve work systems. This need is reflected in the rapid development of macro-ergonomic methods and applications. What was once recognised by only a few researchers and practitioners has now become a widely accepted part of the human factors/ergonomics discipline.
The objective of this special issue is to contribute new insights to the extant body of knowledge in the area of human factors and ergonomics in organisational design and management. The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the International Conference on Ergonomics and Human Factors: Innovation and Usability in Product Development - Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE 2011), organised by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, which takes place on 15th to 17th December, 2011. However, we also strongly encourage other researchers to submit their manuscripts for this call.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Product design and development
- Relationship with concurrent engineering
- New product development as a loosely coupled system
- Processes of human factors
- Active and design faces of organisational design and management
- Technology-driven changes
- Macro-ergonomics aspects
- Compatibility and cooperative co-responsibility
- Internal communication as a determinant of service quality
- Communication and managerial behaviour
- Risk and rewards related to human factors
- Human factors in the creation of learning organisations
- Employee-oriented education systems
- Ergonomic intervention in industries
- Intelligent training systems
- State regulation and development of human factor activities in firms
- Fallibility of focus group results
- Participatory ergonomics
- Cooperation and professionalisation
- Structural modelling of compliance
- Domains of performance enhancement
- Quality demands on rescue commanders
- Ergonomic investigation of production, tasks and stress
- Preventive activities at the workplace
- De-engineering
- Ecological perspectives applied to multi-operator systems
- Simulation of self-organising processes
- Integration of design, planning, production and ergonomics
- Influence of personnel flexibility
- Costs and benefits of work improvements
- Cost justification of ergonomics improvements
- Analytical framework for organisational interventions
- Negotiating organisational factors
- Complexity-compatibility paradigm
- Socio-technical approaches to improving breakthrough implementation efforts
- Developing a comprehensive quality management assessment
- Human-centered community ergonomic design
- Participative culture and safety
Manuscript submission: 1 May, 2012
Notification of initial decision: 1 June, 2012
Submission of revised manuscript: 1 July, 2012
Notification of final acceptance: 1 August, 2012
Submission of final revised paper: 1 September, 2012
10 September 2011
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management
Beginning publication in 2012, International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management will contribute to portfolio management as a distinct scientific field of economics and finance and will focus on developing portfolio management methodologies, models and techniques to deal with major economic and financial decision making problems.
Special issue: Collaboration systems for open innovation
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 9(2) 2011
Papers from a minitrack on Collaboration systems for open innovation at the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences held in January 2010
Papers from a minitrack on Collaboration systems for open innovation at the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences held in January 2010
- Does collaboration among participants lead to better ideas in IT-based idea competitions? An empirical investigation
- Open innovation and control: a case from Volvo
- The power of platforms for software development in open innovation networks
- A view of 21st century healthcare industry and software quality improvement practices
- Wireless healthcare monitoring system with ZigBee communication link support
- OCEAN: an ontology for supporting interoperability service utilities in virtual organisations
Special issue: Applications of technology in biomedical engineering
International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 12 (5/6) 2011
- Engineering modelling for alliance of late potentials in ECG signals in the course of wavelets
- Unsupervised bidirectional feature selection based on contribution entropy for medical databases
- Performance comparison of genetic algorithm and principal component analysis methods for ECG signal extraction
- Stress effects on fundamental frequency of human voice: a review
- Discovering maximal size coherent biclusters from gene expression data
- Modelling the effects of upper arm cuff pressure on pulse morphology
- Effect of gastric myoelectric activity on pulse rate variability in fasting and postprandial conditions
- Design and analysis of coronary stent
- Support value transform-based multimodality medical image fusion
Special issue: Mobile, multimedia, ad hoc and sensor networks
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 7(3/4) 2011
- Comparison of routing protocols for underwater sensor networks: a survey
- WiFi positioning overview
- SAPCC1G2: a mutual authentication protocol promote the security of RFID and WSN integration system
- A novel gait recognition analysis system based on body sensor networks for patients with Parkinson's disease
- Compressed sensing for efficient random routing in multi-hop wireless sensor networks
- Cooperative STBC with fuzzy election applied to surveillance wireless video sensor networks
- Close-packing-based sensor node deployment schemes for AOFSN
- Evolutionary strategies for non-uniform deployment in wireless sensor networks
- A novel multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for shortest path routing problem
Special issue: Advanced manufacturing and automation
International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 3(5/6) 2011
Papers from the International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (INCAMA-2009) held in Tamilnadu, India, 26–28 March 2009.
Papers from the International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (INCAMA-2009) held in Tamilnadu, India, 26–28 March 2009.
- Investigation on the effect of alkaline treatment on mechanical properties of banana fibre polymer composite
- Swarm intelligence based system identification and controller tuning
- Experimental research of chip formation mechanism during high speed machining of hardened steel
- Characterisation of delamination failure in composite wind turbine blade using refined delamination factor
- A hybrid fault diagnosis and monitoring system for precision rotor systems
- A new approach to nullify surplus parts in selective assembly
- Modelling and development of decision model for supplier selection in process industry
- Implementation of genetic optimisation technique in small-scale industries
- CFD simulation studies and experimental validation on a parallel plate heat sink
- Effects of fibre content on the mechanical properties of short roselle/sisal fibre polyester hybrid composite
- Manufacturing cell formation using artificial immune system
- Investigation on the effect of hybridisation and weathering behaviour of natural fibre polymer composites
- Predictive modelling and optimisation of tin in electro-deposition of bronze using response surface methodology
- Effect of viscosity on radial stress, drawing stress and drawing force in fluid assisted deep drawing process
Special issue: From risk assessment to risk response
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 5(4) 2011
- Management of language learning strategies: the case of Net-Generation ESL tertiary learners
- The determinants of FDI inflow in manufacturing sector of Malaysia
- How to calibrate the features of a distributed artificial financial market
- Credibility models with dependence induced by common effects and their applications in bank branch performance prediction
- An extended group decision-making model for personnel performance evaluation
- Framework for implementing balanced scorecard in hospitals
Special issue: Verification and evaluation of computer and communication systems – Part I
International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems 2(3/4) 2011
Papers from the technical sessions of the last four editions of International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS) held in 2007 in Algiers, 2008 in Leeds, 2009 in Rabat, and 2010 in Paris.
Papers from the technical sessions of the last four editions of International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS) held in 2007 in Algiers, 2008 in Leeds, 2009 in Rabat, and 2010 in Paris.
- Improving the consistency verification and the quality of multimedia presentations
- An approach for the synthesis of decentralised supervisors for distributed adaptive systems
- Real-time scheduling using regularity criteria and a geometrical approach
- A tile logic-based semantics for mobile software architectures
- Steady state property verification of very large systems
- Specification and verification of real-time systems using POLA
- OS-level hang detection in complex software systems
- Functional term rewriting systems towards symbolic model-checking
Special issue: Sustainability, risks, and environmental challenges of the 21st Century
International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 2(3) 2011
- A new sustainability model for machining processes
- A grey system approach for forecasting disposable computer waste quantities: a case study of Delhi
- Integrating sustainability into business continuity planning
- Governance and risk of Brazilian publicly traded companies
- Algorithm applied in the corporate sustainability: an analysis of empirical study on prioritisation of stakeholders
- Regression testing using orthogonal defect classification in a quality assurance environment
- An empirical examination of the risk associated with corporate social responsibility disclosures and firms size
- Quantitative assessment of solar energy geo-policy risks
Special issue: Knowledge inclusion in creative processes
International Journal of Product Development 14(1-4) 2011
Papers from the 8th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE) held in Ancona, Italy, 12-16 April 2010.
Papers from the 8th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE) held in Ancona, Italy, 12-16 April 2010.
- Integration of topology optimisation tools and knowledge management into the virtual Product Development Process of automotive components
- Sharing relevant knowledge within product development
- Ontology development for knowledge representation
- Towards a trans-disciplinary concept of failure for Integrated Product Development
- A step-based framework to combine creativity, project management and technical development in industrial innovation
- Simulating intertwined design processes that have similar structures: a case study of a small company that creates made-to-order fashion products
- Aggregate views to manage complex dependency models
- Knowledge Management integration in Occupational Health and Safety systems in the construction industry
Special issue: Basic and applied healthcare research for science and management
International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 3(2/3) 2011
- A multi-objective programming model for nurse scheduling
- Organisational role stress: the conceptual framework
- Work place experiences and pro-social organisational behaviour
- Living with HIV: a social constructionist approach
- Measuring stress among hospital nurses: an empirical study using fuzzy evaluation
- Drug inventory management at public healthcare institutions – a case study
Special issue: System identification and intelligent computing
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 41(1/2) 2011
- New improved FLANN approach for dynamic modelling of sensors
- Online identification of process systems in the frequency domain
- Simulation of forming automotive semi-axes with multi-wedge cross wedge rolling
- Automatic multi-node constrain algorithm and its application in vehicle structure analysis
- Model order reduction via eigen decomposition analysis
- Closed-loop identification using Laguerre orthogonal functions for a virtual diesel engine
- Construction and renovation of the independent component analysis model in dual rate system
- Sensitivity and validity study of generalised frequency response functions
- Identification for fractional order rational models based on particle swarm optimisation
- Buckling/ultimate strength and progressive collapse behaviour comparison of unstiffened and stiffened curved plates subjected to axial compression
- Analysis and design of dual-rate inferential control systems
- A generalised minimum variance controller for MIMO time-varying systems
- Stabilisation and control of unstable first-order linear delay systems
- Switching stabilisation and pole placement of uncertain switched systems
- Application of Monte Carlo method on NIRS physiological inspection analysis
- Controlling spatial interacting populations
- SINS/CNS integrated navigation solution using adaptive unscented Kalman filtering
- A study of dynamics of feedrate system-based interpolator for NURBS curve
- Weigh feeder using steady state input
- Monomodal registration with adaptive parameter computing
- Utilising variable vector step-size in normalised LMS algorithm
- Application of ISIC control for extraneous force compensation in the electrohydraulic load simulator
- High-precision localisation algorithm in wireless sensor networks
Special issue: Success strategies for small businesses in the international context
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 4(2) 2011
Papers from the International Conference on Business Cases held in Ghaziabad, India, 2–3 December 2010.
Papers from the International Conference on Business Cases held in Ghaziabad, India, 2–3 December 2010.
- Outsourcing as a cause for absent employee's commitment to the organisation
- Connecting innovations with go-to-market initiatives: Micromax Informatics Ltd.
- Expanding the supply chain integration model internally: a case study from the gaming industry
- Indian frozen peas market: a case study on FPIL
- The Indian retail lifestyle sector hyped or hyper: a case on Khadim's
- Leadership decision-making strategies using appreciative inquiry: a case study
- An insight into the fragmentation of small firms under global competition in a machinery industrial district
- Globalisation and firm structure: comparing a family-business and a corporate block holder in the New Zealand seafood industry
1 September 2011
Newly announced title: International Journal of Cyberspace Science and Emergency Management
Beginning publication in 2012, International Journal of Cyberspace Science and Emergency Management will include original research contributions on cyberspace sciences, including cybersecurity, cyberwarfare, reliability, survivability, and cloud computing, as well as emergency response and management. The journal will nurture trans-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to important global issues at the strategic level, such as critical national infrastructure protection, global climate change, nuclear safety, resilience of financial systems, terrorism threats, sustainable energy and food supplies, biodiversity conservation, by synthesizing and applying the inspirational principles and methodologies drawn from the topics covered by the journal.
Call for Papers: Novel Architectures and Accelerators for High Performance Computing
A special issue of International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering
High performance computing is a field of study that focuses on parallel and distributed system architectures, programming languages and models and scientific applications. In the past decade a number of architectures, such as cluster, grid, cloud computing platform, embedded and multi-core systems, have been developed to accelerate many computation-intensive and data-intensive problems.
Additionally, new programming languages and models – such as Map/Reduce, OpenMP, OpenCL and CUDA, amongst others – have been applied to these architectures. Newer and more advanced technologies implemented in parallel and distributed systems have gained more and more attention in recent years. This special issue therefore strives to foster state-of-the-art research pertaining to high performance computing in the area of advanced technologies and innovative applications.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Submission deadline: 15 February, 2012 (extended)
Acceptance notification: 15 April, 2012
Final paper due: 15 May, 2012
High performance computing is a field of study that focuses on parallel and distributed system architectures, programming languages and models and scientific applications. In the past decade a number of architectures, such as cluster, grid, cloud computing platform, embedded and multi-core systems, have been developed to accelerate many computation-intensive and data-intensive problems.
Additionally, new programming languages and models – such as Map/Reduce, OpenMP, OpenCL and CUDA, amongst others – have been applied to these architectures. Newer and more advanced technologies implemented in parallel and distributed systems have gained more and more attention in recent years. This special issue therefore strives to foster state-of-the-art research pertaining to high performance computing in the area of advanced technologies and innovative applications.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Algorithms design and parallelisation
- Cloud computing and application
- Cluster and grid computing and applications
- Peer-to-peer computing and applications
- Compilers, program models and languages
- Multi-core and parallel systems
- Performance and modelling
- Embedded systems and compilation techniques
- Multi-core computing applications
- Parallel computing applications
- Scientific applications, embedded applications
- Data-intensive applications and parallel I/O
Submission deadline: 15 February, 2012 (extended)
Acceptance notification: 15 April, 2012
Final paper due: 15 May, 2012
Special issue: Advances in drilling of composite materials
International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 10(3) 2011
- Abrasive waterjet hole trepanning of thick Kevlar-epoxy composites for ballistic applications – experimental investigations and analysis using design of experiments methodology
- Electrical discharge drilling of carbon fibre reinforced composite materials
- Drilling thick composite materials using large diameter drills
- Effect of fibre content and laminate thickness on the drilling behaviour of GSFRP composites under varied drill geometries
- Non-traditional drilling of SiC based ceramic matrix composites: a literature review
Special issue: The commercialisation process and open innovation in high technology sectors
International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development 3(5) 2011
- Editorial: New collaboration models in the innovation era
- Linking open innovation to national systems of innovation: a coevolutionary perspective
- Determinants of open innovation: an empirical study on organisational, market, and human drivers of open innovation adoption across Europe
- Contextual factors and open innovation: are there contradictory or yet little investigated propositions?
- Knowledge networks in innovation among small KIBS firms
Special issue: European perspectives on talent management
European Journal of International Management 5(5) 2011
- European perspectives on talent management
- The impact of servant leadership on organisational commitment among the highly talented: the role of challenging work conditions and psychological empowerment
- It's who you know not what you know: a social network analysis approach to talent management
- Exploring the links between corporate social responsibility and global talent management: a comparative study of the UK and Korea
- Effectiveness of talent management strategies
- Managing talent for organisational learning
Special issue: The importance of social, cultural and human capital in the SME: exploration at different stages of development across Europe
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 14(1) 2011
- Social, cultural and human capital in European SMEs: an introduction
- Beyond social capital: the role of perceived legitimacy and entrepreneurial intensity in achieving funding success and superior venture performance in women-led Russian SMEs
- Cultural capital and European entrepreneurship research: a plea for a paradigm focusing on national, corporate and professional cultural capital
- Beyond the concept of human and social capital: the impact of the regional environment on high-tech venturing
- Does bank perception of abilities and human capital affect access to loans for business successors?
Cooperation and teamwork in technology start-ups: reflected in some Italian, British, Dutch and German findings - The importance of specific human capital, planning and familiarity in Dutch small firm ownership transfers: a seller's perspective
- Social capital to bridge the valley of death, simulating critical incidents in innovation
Special issue: Cyber-enabled distributed computing and knowledge discovery
International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence 1(3) 2011
Papers from CyberC 2010 (International Conference on Cyber-enabled distributed computing and knowledge discovery) held in Huangshan, China, 10-12 October 2010.
Papers from CyberC 2010 (International Conference on Cyber-enabled distributed computing and knowledge discovery) held in Huangshan, China, 10-12 October 2010.
- On the top-down evaluation of tree inclusion problem
- Unordered tree matching and ordered tree matching: the evaluation of tree pattern queries
- Retrospective detection of malware attacks by cloud computing
- Lifetime-aware geographic routing under a realistic link layer model in wireless sensor networks
- Joint diagonalisation via weighted generalised eigenvalue decomposition
- Development and performance analysis of grid resource allocation methods
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