30 April 2008

Call for papers: European Union, Innovation and SMEs

Call for papers: European Union, Innovation and SMEs

A special issue of International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business

In the European Union there is currently a debate concerning the necessity to enhance SMEs’ competitiveness through tools fostering technological and strategic-organisational innovation. This attention is explained by the evidence that SMEs have always been playing – and still do – a key role in the economy of some European countries. The improvement of SMEs’ competitiveness, as a consequence, would be likely to have a positive influence on the overall continental industry and this might generally help Europe to match the pace of the USA and Asia.

In the light of the depicted framework, the European Union is currently focusing on the exploration and exploitation of SMEs’ experiences in order to improve knowledge. On one hand, this is aimed at increasing the probability for these firms to survive the growing market pressures; on the other hand, this is aimed at specifically promoting cases of business excellence in some industrial sectors.

We invite contributions to this special issue that aims to explore the dynamics of innovation affecting SMEs in the European Union. In this regard, the goal of the special issue is to collect a number of valuable papers analysing the various aspects of SMEs’ technological innovations (e.g. product or process) and strategic-organisational ones (e.g.: corporate governance, global/local networks, internationalisation, supply chain management, corporate social responsibility, etc.).

Both theoretical and research papers are welcomed. Topics that would be considered for publication include, but are not limited to:
  • The influence of the European Union on SMEs' strategic and organisational changes
  • European Union, information and communication technologies and SMEs
  • European Union, corporate governance and SMEs
  • European Union, human resource management and SMEs
  • European Union, service management and SMEs
  • European Union, knowledge management and SMEs
  • European Union and SME's global or local networks
  • European Union, sustainable development and SMEs
  • European Union, corporate social responsibility and SMEs
  • European Union, IAS/IFRS and the accountability of SMEs
  • European Union, corporate restructuring and SMEs
  • European Union, supply chain management and SMEs
  • European Union, marketing management and SMEs
  • European Union and the internationalisation of SMEs
Important Dates
Submission of extended abstracts (max. 500 words): 1 June 2008
Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 1 July 2008
Submission of full papers following acceptance: 1 December 2008
Notification of acceptance, refusal or revision: 1 January 2009
Submission of accepted and revisited final papers: 1 March 2009

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