- Lean manufacturing in the screw cutting sector: assessment of maturity level
- A double neural network approach for the automated detection of quality control chart patterns
- Quantifying lean construction effects: a discrete system simulation approach
- A conceptual framework to excogitate agile from lean transformation
- Scope for lean implementation: a survey of 127 Indian industries
- A robust optimisation approach for the milk run problem with time windows with inventory uncertainty: an auto industry supply chain case study
- Creating lean suppliers: an empirical study of adopting lean manufacturing in supply chains
- New approaches for online visual inspection of products with multiple-characteristics and known tolerances
31 July 2010
Special issue: Lean manufacturing
International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing 1(3) 2010
Special issue: Modelling approaches for the management of environmental pollution
International Journal of Environment and Pollution 42(1-3) 2010
- Pollution abatement for improving air quality of Tangshan municipality, China: a perspective of urban-airshed carrying-capacity concept
- Air contaminants modelling by use of several receptor-oriented models
- Effects of meteorological conditions on concentration of air pollutants in Delhi
- Application of The Air Pollution Model (TAPM) to the urban airshed of Bangkok, Thailand
- Uncertainty adjustments to deterministic atmospheric dispersion models
- Interval-fuzzy possibilistic mixed integer linear programming for environmental management under uncertainty
- Chemical and physical properties of rice straw waste and hospital sewage sludge in turned windrow aeration system
- Study on primary metabolites and possible biodegradation pathways of nonylphenol
- Applications of numerical simulation to the sedimentation in the Sanmenxia reservoir and the Lower Yellow River
- Analysis of relationships between NDVI and climatic/hydrological parameters in the Yellow River basin
- Examining social-economic factors in spatial and temporal change of water quality in red soil hilly region of South China: a case study in Hunan Province
- Integrated 3D physical-numerical modelling for simulating bioremediation of petroleum contamination in heterogeneous subsurface environment
- A fuzzy multi-criteria decision analysis approach for the management of petroleum-contaminated sites
- A simple method to check for natural attenuation downstream of abandoned waste disposal sites
- Optimal solute transport in heterogeneous aquifer: coupled inverse modelling
- Integrated fuzzy framework to incorporate uncertainty in risk management
29 July 2010
Special issue: Wireless networking technologies
International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 4(3) 2010
- Small-world effects in wireless agent sensor networks
- Programmable agents for efficient topology formation of Bluetooth scatternets
- A Bluetooth routing protocol supporting minimum average transmission latency
- An interaction model for QoS support in ad hoc networks connected to fixed IP networks
- A routing-profitable MAC protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- A server selection algorithm for group mobility
- Modelling synchronisation of a coordination system
- Speeding-up information retrieval with the employment of a multi-agent system
- Agents in Service-Oriented Wireless Sensor Networks
- A framework of online chain store integrated with personalised recommendation for e-commerce
- On the architecture of Authentication, Authorisation, and Accounting for real-time secondary market services
Call for papers: Automotive Mechatronics: Innovations in Design, Analysis and Implementation
A special issue of International Journal of Vehicle Design
The electrical and electronic control systems associated with modern vehicles are characterised by a series of networked propriety solutions. Individual control units interact with one another in order to deliver the required functions of the vehicle. The traditional model within the automotive industry is for the vehicle manufacturer to outsource the development of a complete system to a supplier. This activity may include both the development of the controller functionality and its subsequent software implementation. The manufacturer then primarily acts as the systems integrator for the vehicle. The high levels of system complexity and interconnectivity found in today’s automotive applications brings into doubt the long-term viability of this strategy.
Software-intensive electronic control systems are widely seen as the enabling technology for a number of the safety, driver assistance, infotainment and powertrain features of new vehicles. However, within the automotive sector, there are strong commercial drivers to re-use and extend existing software-based legacy systems. This fact, coupled with the traditional mechanically-orientated view of the design and verification processes still adopted by many vehicle manufacturers in which their internal structure reflects the major vehicle domains, leads to the hardware and software design elements of the same system often being undertaken in a highly decoupled manner.
This development approach has resulted in the creation of unnecessarily complex automotive systems in which maintainability and extendibility are a significant challenge. The increasing demand for mechatronics and vehicle electrification, including the introduction of hybrid powertrains, requires the reunification of these decoupled engineering activities. Automotive mechatronics addresses these challenges by naturally changing the current mechanically-oriented view of the vehicle to a unified mechatronic system view. Within a mechatronics approach, the electromechanical systems, including their control algorithms and software implementation, are designed as a single unit. Vehicle control options are investigated concurrently and are deemed to be an inherent part of the hardware and overall system design.
Papers are invited that can demonstrate the innovative application of automotive mechatronic design methods and principles. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the application of:
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 31 March 2011
Reviewers' Reports and Decisions: 31 July 2011
Revised Manuscript Submission: 31 October 2011
The electrical and electronic control systems associated with modern vehicles are characterised by a series of networked propriety solutions. Individual control units interact with one another in order to deliver the required functions of the vehicle. The traditional model within the automotive industry is for the vehicle manufacturer to outsource the development of a complete system to a supplier. This activity may include both the development of the controller functionality and its subsequent software implementation. The manufacturer then primarily acts as the systems integrator for the vehicle. The high levels of system complexity and interconnectivity found in today’s automotive applications brings into doubt the long-term viability of this strategy.
Software-intensive electronic control systems are widely seen as the enabling technology for a number of the safety, driver assistance, infotainment and powertrain features of new vehicles. However, within the automotive sector, there are strong commercial drivers to re-use and extend existing software-based legacy systems. This fact, coupled with the traditional mechanically-orientated view of the design and verification processes still adopted by many vehicle manufacturers in which their internal structure reflects the major vehicle domains, leads to the hardware and software design elements of the same system often being undertaken in a highly decoupled manner.
This development approach has resulted in the creation of unnecessarily complex automotive systems in which maintainability and extendibility are a significant challenge. The increasing demand for mechatronics and vehicle electrification, including the introduction of hybrid powertrains, requires the reunification of these decoupled engineering activities. Automotive mechatronics addresses these challenges by naturally changing the current mechanically-oriented view of the vehicle to a unified mechatronic system view. Within a mechatronics approach, the electromechanical systems, including their control algorithms and software implementation, are designed as a single unit. Vehicle control options are investigated concurrently and are deemed to be an inherent part of the hardware and overall system design.
Papers are invited that can demonstrate the innovative application of automotive mechatronic design methods and principles. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the application of:
- New mechatronic design processes for improved automotive system design
- Advanced vehicle control and multidisciplinary modelling to support the design of novel automotive mechatronic systems
- Novel analysis methods for improved non-functional attributes of mechatronic systems, such as reliability, safety, robustness and extendibility
- New methods for managing and reducing system complexity within automotive mechatronic design
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 31 March 2011
Reviewers' Reports and Decisions: 31 July 2011
Revised Manuscript Submission: 31 October 2011
27 July 2010
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation
To begin publication in 2011, International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation will is to provide an international forum to report the latest developments in mechatronics and industrial automation from interdisciplinary theoretical studies, computational algorithm development and practical applications. It particularly welcomes those emerging methodologies and techniques which bridge theoretical studies and applications and have significant potential for real-world applications.
Call for papers: The Effectiveness and Reform of Water Resource Research and Management
A special issue of International Journal of Water
Water resources around the world are under profound stress. Chronic water shortages and profound environmental despoliation appear to becoming worse, despite extraordinary public expenditures to rectify matters. The scale of national spending on research and programs to better understand the ecology and hydrology of the stressed water systems has been huge as has been the effort to improve the technical efficiency of existing use. International cooperation and expenditure on these perspectives has also been consequential.
Unfortunately, in the setting of such circumstances as rapid urbanization and industrialization as well as climate change, it appears to be the case that the traditional approaches of research and management are not working.
The first part of the Special issue will be focused on testing the proposition that the general current approaches of water resources research and management are not working, while the second part will be directed to improving the current approach if that is seen to be desirable and possible, or alternatively to articulating approaches which might actually achieve an improvement in water resource management.
Given the diverse range of questions and perspectives on both Issues, it is anticipated that the skills of a range of disciplines will be relevant here and contributions are canvassed widely without any disciplinary preconceptions. Generally, a priority will be given to work with a theoretical or methodological focus rather than to general case studies.
Part A. Special Issue on: Why Isn’t Water Research and Management Working?
The topics here could be broad and open ended, and potential contributors are asked to take the initiative with their analysis. The scope of contribution could be wide ranging from issues of defining the problems, appropriate research methodology, secondary research agendas, organizational priorities or political imperatives amongst others.
Part B. Special Issue on New Alternatives for Water Management and Research
Again the scope and topic range could be quite wide, with the reasonable expectation that any new alternatives should be methodologically coherent and amenable to general application both nationally and internationally.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of proposals/abstracts or prospective papers: 1 October, 2010
Deadline for submission of completed papers: 28 February, 2011
Water resources around the world are under profound stress. Chronic water shortages and profound environmental despoliation appear to becoming worse, despite extraordinary public expenditures to rectify matters. The scale of national spending on research and programs to better understand the ecology and hydrology of the stressed water systems has been huge as has been the effort to improve the technical efficiency of existing use. International cooperation and expenditure on these perspectives has also been consequential.
Unfortunately, in the setting of such circumstances as rapid urbanization and industrialization as well as climate change, it appears to be the case that the traditional approaches of research and management are not working.
The first part of the Special issue will be focused on testing the proposition that the general current approaches of water resources research and management are not working, while the second part will be directed to improving the current approach if that is seen to be desirable and possible, or alternatively to articulating approaches which might actually achieve an improvement in water resource management.
Given the diverse range of questions and perspectives on both Issues, it is anticipated that the skills of a range of disciplines will be relevant here and contributions are canvassed widely without any disciplinary preconceptions. Generally, a priority will be given to work with a theoretical or methodological focus rather than to general case studies.
Part A. Special Issue on: Why Isn’t Water Research and Management Working?
The topics here could be broad and open ended, and potential contributors are asked to take the initiative with their analysis. The scope of contribution could be wide ranging from issues of defining the problems, appropriate research methodology, secondary research agendas, organizational priorities or political imperatives amongst others.
Part B. Special Issue on New Alternatives for Water Management and Research
Again the scope and topic range could be quite wide, with the reasonable expectation that any new alternatives should be methodologically coherent and amenable to general application both nationally and internationally.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of proposals/abstracts or prospective papers: 1 October, 2010
Deadline for submission of completed papers: 28 February, 2011
Call for papers: Haptic and Audio-Visual Stimuli: Enhancing Experiences and Interaction
A special issue of International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
Multimodal stimulation is capable of creating strong effects on users, because the effects of the various stimuli can reinforce each other. This form of stimulation can be used to enhance entertainment experiences, as well as well-being and relaxation experiences. The causes of these strong effects and the exact relation to intensity, spatial distribution and timing of the stimuli are the subject of many investigations. One example application is using haptic and tactile actuator elements to provide the player of a game with a more thrilling experience. Linked to the visual and auditory information of the game, haptic stimuli are provided. Haptics combined with audicons are also often applied for enhancing applications in mobile (phone) systems. However, the effects of multimodal and cross-modal stimulation (involving haptics) on the user experience and on user interactions has not yet been thoroughly studied in the context of entertainment, well-being and relaxation applications.
In this special issue, we want to address the specific effects of combined (multi-sensory) stimuli. Topics we want to address range from the effect of mutual timing in audio, video and haptic stimuli, through actuator technologies, to how such "more than the sum of the elements" effects of multimodal stimuli are created in a user's perception and how to evaluate these experiences and perceptions. Our guiding hypothesis is that an optimal user experience will be obtained by taking into account human perception, careful personalization, and intelligent optimization. The latter should be based on both general knowledge of human perception, and on (measured or inferred) knowledge of the individual user. Research on human perception will provide information on the basic capabilities and limitations of individual modalities but also on how combined information processing in multiple modalities operates. To this end, we plan a number of papers on the technologies employed, the psychological and physiological sensitivities of people and the algorithms used to optimize the effect of multimodal stimuli. This Special Issue is a follow-up of a satellite workshop of the International Conference EuroHaptics 2010, held in Amsterdam in July 2010.
We are especially interested in applications in the field of consumer health, well-being, and entertainment. Topics which will be considered include but are not limited to:
Abstract submission: 1 September, 2010
Deadline for submissions: 10 October, 2010
Date of confirmation: 15 November, 2010
Final paper due: 15 December, 2010
Multimodal stimulation is capable of creating strong effects on users, because the effects of the various stimuli can reinforce each other. This form of stimulation can be used to enhance entertainment experiences, as well as well-being and relaxation experiences. The causes of these strong effects and the exact relation to intensity, spatial distribution and timing of the stimuli are the subject of many investigations. One example application is using haptic and tactile actuator elements to provide the player of a game with a more thrilling experience. Linked to the visual and auditory information of the game, haptic stimuli are provided. Haptics combined with audicons are also often applied for enhancing applications in mobile (phone) systems. However, the effects of multimodal and cross-modal stimulation (involving haptics) on the user experience and on user interactions has not yet been thoroughly studied in the context of entertainment, well-being and relaxation applications.
In this special issue, we want to address the specific effects of combined (multi-sensory) stimuli. Topics we want to address range from the effect of mutual timing in audio, video and haptic stimuli, through actuator technologies, to how such "more than the sum of the elements" effects of multimodal stimuli are created in a user's perception and how to evaluate these experiences and perceptions. Our guiding hypothesis is that an optimal user experience will be obtained by taking into account human perception, careful personalization, and intelligent optimization. The latter should be based on both general knowledge of human perception, and on (measured or inferred) knowledge of the individual user. Research on human perception will provide information on the basic capabilities and limitations of individual modalities but also on how combined information processing in multiple modalities operates. To this end, we plan a number of papers on the technologies employed, the psychological and physiological sensitivities of people and the algorithms used to optimize the effect of multimodal stimuli. This Special Issue is a follow-up of a satellite workshop of the International Conference EuroHaptics 2010, held in Amsterdam in July 2010.
We are especially interested in applications in the field of consumer health, well-being, and entertainment. Topics which will be considered include but are not limited to:
- Audio, video and haptic stimulation
- Influence of temporal and spatial patterns of (haptic) stimuli
- Relaxation, easing the mind, comforting
- Intelligence and algorithms to optimize the user experience
- Interaction paradigms especially suited for these application areas
- Mediated social touch
- Personalized tactile feedback
- Tactile stimulation for entertainment
Abstract submission: 1 September, 2010
Deadline for submissions: 10 October, 2010
Date of confirmation: 15 November, 2010
Final paper due: 15 December, 2010
Call for papers: Managerial Issues in Mass Customisation
A special issue of International Journal of Mass Customisation
The traditional elicitation (dialogue with consumers to determine their preferences), process flexibility (the ability to produce small lot sizes efficiently), and logistics systems (that direct the flow of goods and information among a manufacturer and its suppliers) currently used by companies will need to be significantly changed as firms adopt mass customisation.
This special issue explores strategic and implementation issues relating to mass customisation of products and/or services. Among the topics covered are the potential benefits, the infrastructure requirements, necessary marketing strategy revisions, and the pitfalls that can accompany a mass customisation strategy. This information will better enable a manager to evaluate and develop a mass customisation strategy. As such, research papers with an applied basis will be particularly welcome. All submissions must reflect an international orientation in terms of examples as well as references.
Potential contributions may include but are not limited to:
Deadline for submission: 15 January, 2011.
The traditional elicitation (dialogue with consumers to determine their preferences), process flexibility (the ability to produce small lot sizes efficiently), and logistics systems (that direct the flow of goods and information among a manufacturer and its suppliers) currently used by companies will need to be significantly changed as firms adopt mass customisation.
This special issue explores strategic and implementation issues relating to mass customisation of products and/or services. Among the topics covered are the potential benefits, the infrastructure requirements, necessary marketing strategy revisions, and the pitfalls that can accompany a mass customisation strategy. This information will better enable a manager to evaluate and develop a mass customisation strategy. As such, research papers with an applied basis will be particularly welcome. All submissions must reflect an international orientation in terms of examples as well as references.
Potential contributions may include but are not limited to:
- A cost/benefit analysis of mass customisation
- Components of successful mass customisation system strategies
- Managerial issues in transitioning from mass production to mass customisation
- Supply chain management issues relating to mass customisation
- IT issues relating to mass customisation
- Logistics issues relating to mass customisation
- Purchasing and sourcing decisions associated with mass customised products
- Location and capacity decisions associated with mass customisation
- Mass customisation and quality management
- Inventory management issues relating to mass customisation
- Pricing issues relating to mass customisation
- Designing an elicitation system for mass customisation
- Integrated marketing communications issues of mass customisation
- Case studies of successful mass customisation implementations
- Mass customisation and/or design for global product/service offerings
- Mass customisation and/or design for services
- Mass customisation and/or design for B2B products/services
Deadline for submission: 15 January, 2011.
23 July 2010
Call for papers: Applications of Ultra WideBand Technology in Healthcare
A special issue of International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems
The medical care is increasingly associated with and reliant upon concepts of and advances in electronics and electromagnetics. Recent technological advances in sensors, low-power microelectronics, miniaturization, and wireless networking have enabled the design and proliferation of wireless body area networks capable of autonomously monitoring and controlling different applications.
One of the most promising applications of body area networks is for human health monitoring. A number of tiny wireless sensors, strategically placed on/in the human body, create a wireless body area network that can monitor various vital signs, providing real-time feedback to the user and medical personnel. Communications from in-body implants and on-body sensors will allow for better diagnoses and improve therapy. The wireless body area networks promise to revolutionize health monitoring.
Healthcare systems can be significantly improved with lower cost and higher quality of services by using ultra wideband new emerging technologies. These benefits and impacts have fuelled increasing interest from the public and have attracted significant support and investment from government, industrial and academic researchers. Challenges facing the UWB wireless communications in healthcare systems include:
The topics of interest for the special issue within the area of healthcare include, but are not limited to:
Deadline for submission: 1 February, 2011
End of review process: 1 April, 2011
Deadline for final manuscript submission: 15 May, 2011
The medical care is increasingly associated with and reliant upon concepts of and advances in electronics and electromagnetics. Recent technological advances in sensors, low-power microelectronics, miniaturization, and wireless networking have enabled the design and proliferation of wireless body area networks capable of autonomously monitoring and controlling different applications.
One of the most promising applications of body area networks is for human health monitoring. A number of tiny wireless sensors, strategically placed on/in the human body, create a wireless body area network that can monitor various vital signs, providing real-time feedback to the user and medical personnel. Communications from in-body implants and on-body sensors will allow for better diagnoses and improve therapy. The wireless body area networks promise to revolutionize health monitoring.
Healthcare systems can be significantly improved with lower cost and higher quality of services by using ultra wideband new emerging technologies. These benefits and impacts have fuelled increasing interest from the public and have attracted significant support and investment from government, industrial and academic researchers. Challenges facing the UWB wireless communications in healthcare systems include:
- the design of architectures among wireless communications for supporting secure and
- reliable signal propagation with low network latency;
- channel modelling and RF and propagation close to body;
- waveform destruction due to body tissue;
- accurate indoor positioning; emergency response and detection;
- the need for privacy preservation of patients and
- the definition of healthcare policy and legal issues towards potential new applications.
The topics of interest for the special issue within the area of healthcare include, but are not limited to:
- UWB WBAN antennas
- WBAN channel modelling
- Field trials and measurements campaigns
- Media access control (MAC)
- Modulation and detection
- QoS provisioning
- Energy-efficient algorithms
- Middleware for enabling medical applications
- UWB sensors for remote diagnosis
- Mobile patient monitoring devices and systems
- Interactive and real-time WBAN systems and devices
- Interference and co-existence
- Security and privacy issues
- Policy and standardization
- Hardware architecture and implementation
Deadline for submission: 1 February, 2011
End of review process: 1 April, 2011
Deadline for final manuscript submission: 15 May, 2011
18 July 2010
Special issue: Advanced knowledge environments
International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence 1(3/4) 2010
- An ad-hoc unicursal protocol for stable and long-lived communication systems in disaster situations
- CAFE: Collaboration Aimed at Finding Experts
- Strategy-centred modelling for better understanding of learning/instructional theories
- Product retrieval based on semantic similarity of consumer reviews to natural language query
- Construction of linefeed insertion rules for lecture transcript and their evaluation
- Web-based lecture system using slide sharing for classroom questions and answers
- Evaluation of network construction exercise system LiNeS on the basis of heterogeneous and distributed virtual machine network composition function
- Construction of a learning environment for algorithm and programming where learners operate objects in a domain world
- Supporting real-time awareness for the community of runners
17 July 2010
Special issue: E-technologies: innovations in an open world
International Journal of Electronic Business 8(3) 2010
Includes papers from the 4th International MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies (MCETECH 2009) held in Ottawa, Canada, 4-6 May 2009.
Includes papers from the 4th International MCETECH Conference on e-Technologies (MCETECH 2009) held in Ottawa, Canada, 4-6 May 2009.
- Federated identity management to link and protect healthcare data
- Toward an aspect-oriented framework for business process improvement
- Integrating business strategies with requirement models of legal compliance
- Coordination mechanism design in supply chains using multi-behaviour agents
Special issue: Advances in computer-aided design and digital entertainment
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 38(1-3) 2010
- Dynamic clothing collision resolution using PSO
- A stylistic human motion editing system based on a subspace motion model
- Extraction and analysis of the speech emotion features based on multi-fractal spectrum
- Combining location and feature information for multimedia retrieval
- A new approach for texture classification in CBIR
- Proximity queries using separating bounding volumes
- A novel automatic motion capture data recognition method based on statistics learning and subspace
- A script engine for realistic human motion generation
- Content-based organisation, analysis and retrieval of soccer video
- A multi-scale triangular mapping and its applications in variation scale scrambling
- Real-time digitised shadow play performance method based on multi-point interactive controlling method
- A reactive and protective character motion generation algorithm
- Improve matching results for structure from motion problems
- An efficient simplification and real-time rendering algorithm for large-scale terrain
- Watermark-based digital fake image detection
- A two-stage multimodal speaker location-aware approach in pervasive computing
- Local resampling for patch-based texture synthesis in vector fields
- A 3D shape classifier with neural network supervision
- Semi-automated human body 3D animator
- Synthesis of cartoon fire based on hand-drawn samples
- A SaaSI: an approved architecture for SaaS service composition
- Facial expression recognition based on combined HMM
- Efficient reconstruction from architectural drawings
- Calibration and segmentation free 3D modelling from images based on GPU
- An interactive motion-editing method for human animation
- Contour recovery of tablet calligraphy characters
- Q-Cartoon: a novel cartoon creating system
- An emotion generation model based on random graphs
- Multi-chessboards localisation based on FCM and Radon transform algorithm
- A heuristic non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II for satellite-module layout optimisation
Call for papers: Variable Structure Systems in Automotive Applications
A special issue of International Journal of Vehicle Design
Over the last two decades a significant progress has been reached in the field of higher order sliding mode (SM) controllers and observers. These observers/controllers ensure the insensibility of the system with respect to matched smooth uncertainties/perturbations by use of absolutely continuous controllers. Moreover, higher order based sliding mode observers ensure the best possible asymptotic accuracy of the state observation and unknown inputs identification with respect to sampling step and deterministic bounded noises.
These are reasons why various researchers are starting to use the new techniques for the vehicle dynamics analysis and design. This special issue will join both theoretical results and laboratory experiments. Its objective is to present recent research concerning vehicle dynamics, covering dynamics observation (accelerations, side slip, forces estimation etc), parametric identification, risk prediction (rollover, jackknifing etc) and vehicle control (lane departure avoidance, steering control etc.) based on modern variable structures techniques (sliding mode observers, sliding mode observers based identification, sliding mode control).
The specific topics of interest within the scope of this Special Issue include (but are not limited to) the following technical areas:
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 30 October 2010
Reviewers' Reports and Decisions: 28 February 2011
Revised Manuscript Submission: 30 March 2011
Over the last two decades a significant progress has been reached in the field of higher order sliding mode (SM) controllers and observers. These observers/controllers ensure the insensibility of the system with respect to matched smooth uncertainties/perturbations by use of absolutely continuous controllers. Moreover, higher order based sliding mode observers ensure the best possible asymptotic accuracy of the state observation and unknown inputs identification with respect to sampling step and deterministic bounded noises.
These are reasons why various researchers are starting to use the new techniques for the vehicle dynamics analysis and design. This special issue will join both theoretical results and laboratory experiments. Its objective is to present recent research concerning vehicle dynamics, covering dynamics observation (accelerations, side slip, forces estimation etc), parametric identification, risk prediction (rollover, jackknifing etc) and vehicle control (lane departure avoidance, steering control etc.) based on modern variable structures techniques (sliding mode observers, sliding mode observers based identification, sliding mode control).
The specific topics of interest within the scope of this Special Issue include (but are not limited to) the following technical areas:
- SM based vehicles parameters and forces estimation
- SM based control of automotive driver robots
- SM control of motor bicycles
- SM control of unicycles
- SM control of wheel slip
- SM control of heavy vehicles
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 30 October 2010
Reviewers' Reports and Decisions: 28 February 2011
Revised Manuscript Submission: 30 March 2011
Call for papers: The Role of Business Environment in Information Technology Managerial Decisions
A special issue of International Journal of Business Environment
Information technology (IT) has become a key functional area through which firms design new business processes and develop distinctive organizational capabilities. Some prior research has focused attention on analysis of the enabling role of IT in enhancing the value of several types of business processes (e.g., innovation) and on the development of higher-order process capabilities (e.g., knowledge management). However, less effort has been devoted to theoretically analyzing or empirically testing the role of firms’ environment in the IT decision-making process and in the generation of an IT-enabled competitive advantage.
It does not seem rational to think that the business value of these IT managerial decisions is generated in isolation and independently of the business environment surrounding a firm. Thus, like other functional decisions, IT decisions will be influenced by the business environment in which firms operate. In other words, the impact of IT decisions on both business processes and firm-level performance could be conditioned by the environmental circumstances that firms encounter. We believe that it is central for the strategy and information systems literatures to deepen and improve their knowledge of these circumstances.
This Special Issue seeks to disseminate high-quality research regarding the analysis of the role of business environment in the IT decision-making process and in the generation of competitive advantage enabled by IT. We hope to publish work that demonstrates better ways of understanding this stream of research and new advances in it. We welcome both theoretical and empirical investigations.
We expect that a variety of interesting research questions may be related to this Special Issue. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Deadline for submission: 31 August, 2011
Information technology (IT) has become a key functional area through which firms design new business processes and develop distinctive organizational capabilities. Some prior research has focused attention on analysis of the enabling role of IT in enhancing the value of several types of business processes (e.g., innovation) and on the development of higher-order process capabilities (e.g., knowledge management). However, less effort has been devoted to theoretically analyzing or empirically testing the role of firms’ environment in the IT decision-making process and in the generation of an IT-enabled competitive advantage.
It does not seem rational to think that the business value of these IT managerial decisions is generated in isolation and independently of the business environment surrounding a firm. Thus, like other functional decisions, IT decisions will be influenced by the business environment in which firms operate. In other words, the impact of IT decisions on both business processes and firm-level performance could be conditioned by the environmental circumstances that firms encounter. We believe that it is central for the strategy and information systems literatures to deepen and improve their knowledge of these circumstances.
This Special Issue seeks to disseminate high-quality research regarding the analysis of the role of business environment in the IT decision-making process and in the generation of competitive advantage enabled by IT. We hope to publish work that demonstrates better ways of understanding this stream of research and new advances in it. We welcome both theoretical and empirical investigations.
We expect that a variety of interesting research questions may be related to this Special Issue. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The impact of environmental dynamism on IT investment decisions.
- The impact of the business environment on the generation of IT business value.
- The influence of the business environment on the generation of IT resources and capabilities.
- The role of IT in alignment with environmental change.
- The relationship between the business environment and IT strategic alignment.
- IT outsourcing decisions and the business environment.
- The influence of IT decisions on the implementation of environmental management, corporate social responsibility and ethical corporate practices.
- The role of IT in strategic alliances between business corporations.
- IT decisions, organizational learning and the business environment.
- New advances in the emerging IT-enabled organizational capabilities perspective.
- Other issues related to the role of business environment in IT managerial decisions.
Deadline for submission: 31 August, 2011
Call for papers: Data Mining in Biomedicine
A special issue of International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
Data mining can be defined as the set of computational techniques that, given a complex problem, allow the transformation of the original data into information which can be easily assimilated. For this purpose, a series of techniques can be applied, such as data transformation (calculus), classification (contextualisation or categorisation), cluster analysis (categorisation), anomaly detection (correction), etc. These techniques allow understanding the data more easily (condensing or summarising the data).
One of the fields in which data mining is mostly being applied is biomedicine. Since the sequencing of the human genome in 2001, a large amount of data has been generated, this amount being increased every day. The improvements made in the existing technology (such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS), microarrays, mass spectrometry, etc.) generate a large amount of data from different organisms at different levels, starting from genomic or proteomic levels to epidemiological levels. The analysis of this data requires a change of paradigm. Thus, new computational data mining techniques are essential to analyse at a full extent all of these new information sources.
In this special issue, efforts in data mining in the biomedical field will be published as an attempt to approach this field from different perspectives. Thus, the papers contained in this special issue will be a representation of the latest data mining techniques or of the application of previously existing techniques to this field.
We welcome theoretical, empirical papers, and interesting case studies that are within the scope of this issue. The issue will contain invited papers and papers submitted directly as per instruction below. If the number of accepted papers is more than the need of the special issue, they could appear in a regular IJDMMM issue.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Submission due date of full paper: 2 May, 2011
Feedback from referees: 1 June, 2011
Submission due date of revised paper: 4 July, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 15 July, 2011
Submission of final revised paper: 30 July, 2010
Data mining can be defined as the set of computational techniques that, given a complex problem, allow the transformation of the original data into information which can be easily assimilated. For this purpose, a series of techniques can be applied, such as data transformation (calculus), classification (contextualisation or categorisation), cluster analysis (categorisation), anomaly detection (correction), etc. These techniques allow understanding the data more easily (condensing or summarising the data).
One of the fields in which data mining is mostly being applied is biomedicine. Since the sequencing of the human genome in 2001, a large amount of data has been generated, this amount being increased every day. The improvements made in the existing technology (such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS), microarrays, mass spectrometry, etc.) generate a large amount of data from different organisms at different levels, starting from genomic or proteomic levels to epidemiological levels. The analysis of this data requires a change of paradigm. Thus, new computational data mining techniques are essential to analyse at a full extent all of these new information sources.
In this special issue, efforts in data mining in the biomedical field will be published as an attempt to approach this field from different perspectives. Thus, the papers contained in this special issue will be a representation of the latest data mining techniques or of the application of previously existing techniques to this field.
We welcome theoretical, empirical papers, and interesting case studies that are within the scope of this issue. The issue will contain invited papers and papers submitted directly as per instruction below. If the number of accepted papers is more than the need of the special issue, they could appear in a regular IJDMMM issue.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Intelligent information systems
- Knowledge representation, visualization and integration
- Knowledge discovery and data mining
- Association studies
- Image analysis
Submission due date of full paper: 2 May, 2011
Feedback from referees: 1 June, 2011
Submission due date of revised paper: 4 July, 2011
Notification of acceptance: 15 July, 2011
Submission of final revised paper: 30 July, 2010
16 July 2010
First issue: International Journal of Computers in Healthcare
There is a free download of the articles from this first issue.
First issue: International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue - a special one on nanotoxicity.
14 July 2010
Summer Highlights newsletter from Inderscience
Contents of the Summer Highlights:
- Newly published titles
- Newly announced titles
- Metaheuristics: highlighting good practice, by Dr. C.L. Mumford, Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Metaheuristics
- Highlighting... the Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs collection of 27 established and developing titles
- Calls for papers for Inderscience journal special issues
- Journal news
- Calls for papers for conferences and other events where Inderscience is a media partner or a publisher of selected papers.
- Papers in the press - those that have recently featured in the scientific and business, or national press
13 July 2010
Call for papers: Learning in 3D
A special issue of International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning
This special issue seeks to bring together research, from different perspectives, on a range of 3D technologies that may be used to enhance or support learning.
Suitable topics may relate to, but are not limited to, the use of a range of 3D technologies in enhancing learning:
Title and Abstract deadline (optional): 6 August 2010
Full paper submission deadline: 6 September 2010
Decision notification: 15 October 2010
Camera-ready version: 12 November 2010
This special issue seeks to bring together research, from different perspectives, on a range of 3D technologies that may be used to enhance or support learning.
Suitable topics may relate to, but are not limited to, the use of a range of 3D technologies in enhancing learning:
- Virtual worlds
- Game-based learning
- Immersive simulation
- Augmented reality
- Cross and mixed-reality
- Assessment in 3D environments
- Pedagogies for TEL in 3D environments
- Communities of learners in 3D environments
- Standards and interoperability
Title and Abstract deadline (optional): 6 August 2010
Full paper submission deadline: 6 September 2010
Decision notification: 15 October 2010
Camera-ready version: 12 November 2010
Special issue: Distance education
International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 3(2) 2010
- Distance learning standards: technologies and challenges
- Teaching computer data transfer principles through simulation and animation
- Self-learning support through access to related information on distributed VOD
- Mining test results to personalise and refine web-based courses
- An applicative distance education payment protocol
- A Smart Courseware System for distance education
- 3D Collaborative Virtual Environment based e-learning system
- Recommendation agent behaviour with Dynamic Fuzzy Petri Net in e-learning environment
- A systemic approach to virtual collaboration: developing collaboration rooms for secondary education science teachers
Special issue: Key perspectives in monitoring and treating patients: the role of biomedical engineering
International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 11(3) 2010
- Foetal ECG extraction using combination of wavelets and hybrid-algorithm-based ANFIS
- Automated ischemic beat classification using Genetic Algorithm based Principal Component Analysis
- Phase tracking of the breathing cycle in sleeping subjects by frequency analysis of acoustic data
- Multi-purpose healthcare telemedicine system with ISM band communication link support
- A novel approach for non-invasive measurement of blood haemoglobin
- Evaluation of fatigue crack growing in cortical bone using the BEM
Special issue: ICT-based methodologies, technologies and tools enabling e-government
International Journal of Electronic Governance 3(2) 2010
- E-governance for development: lessons learned and strategic principles for designing an operational roadmap
- An investigation of the use of structured e-forum for enhancing e-participation in parliaments
- A tool supported methodology for BPR in Public Administrations
- Advanced e-government enterprise strategies and solutions
- A review of electronic government interoperability frameworks: patterns and challenges
10 July 2010
Call for papers: Fuzzy Projects: Conceptual and Empirical Developments in the Management of Atypical Projects
A special issue of International Journal of Project Organisation and Management
As the world moves towards a Web 2.0 connected universe, the value of information and knowledge is growing and the pace and complexity of work is increasing. Changes are deep and wide. Manufacturing is moving from mass production to mass specialisation. The construction industry is growing to include sustainable development. The military is fighting lethal - yet intangible - enemies embodied in radical ideas. The service industry is adapting to concurrently satisfying multiple entities - individuals, groups, organisations, governments. Non-for-profit and non-governmental organisations are innovating in effectiveness and competing as any other organisation. Organisations used to deliver projects to external customers or within to their internal clients must now engage in inter-organisational collaborations that pierce through boundaries, affect each others’ operations, and thus change the nature of provider–customer relationships. For large organisations, “small” is the new “big” as they are moving from rigid structures and processes to flexible arrays of interdependent self-managed teams. For small organisations, “big” is the new “small” as they are structuring to accommodate instantaneous global operations and competition. Together, these forces are contributing to projectizing the organisation and management of work in ways far beyond the traditional views current bodies of knowledge, theories and practices were meant to support. In essence, we are witnessing the emergence of “fuzzy projects”.
We think of fuzzy projects as atypical projects that blur the lines of conventional wisdom drawn from a traditional view of project management. At one end of the continuum, fuzzy projects are light, flexible, boundaryless endeavours performed by seasoned, certified, and experienced project teams that are consciously tackling big and strategic projects in radically different ways. At the other end of the continuum, fuzzy projects are small endeavours that represent workers’ natural inclination to organise and manage their work as a project, unaware of project management theories, practices of bodies of knowledge.
In this special edition, we seek to encourage scholars and advanced practitioners to challenge doctrinal perspectives on project management, identify gaps between textbook descriptions of typical projects and the vast array of fuzzy/atypical projects, and provide conceptual models, dynamic theories, and empirical evidence in support of project effectiveness in an ever expanding and diversified projectized world.
Suitable topics for papers include but are not limited addressing the following issues:
Submission Deadline: 31 March, 2011
Acceptance Notification: 1 September, 2011
Deadline for Sending Camera-ready Manuscripts: 1 January 2012
As the world moves towards a Web 2.0 connected universe, the value of information and knowledge is growing and the pace and complexity of work is increasing. Changes are deep and wide. Manufacturing is moving from mass production to mass specialisation. The construction industry is growing to include sustainable development. The military is fighting lethal - yet intangible - enemies embodied in radical ideas. The service industry is adapting to concurrently satisfying multiple entities - individuals, groups, organisations, governments. Non-for-profit and non-governmental organisations are innovating in effectiveness and competing as any other organisation. Organisations used to deliver projects to external customers or within to their internal clients must now engage in inter-organisational collaborations that pierce through boundaries, affect each others’ operations, and thus change the nature of provider–customer relationships. For large organisations, “small” is the new “big” as they are moving from rigid structures and processes to flexible arrays of interdependent self-managed teams. For small organisations, “big” is the new “small” as they are structuring to accommodate instantaneous global operations and competition. Together, these forces are contributing to projectizing the organisation and management of work in ways far beyond the traditional views current bodies of knowledge, theories and practices were meant to support. In essence, we are witnessing the emergence of “fuzzy projects”.
We think of fuzzy projects as atypical projects that blur the lines of conventional wisdom drawn from a traditional view of project management. At one end of the continuum, fuzzy projects are light, flexible, boundaryless endeavours performed by seasoned, certified, and experienced project teams that are consciously tackling big and strategic projects in radically different ways. At the other end of the continuum, fuzzy projects are small endeavours that represent workers’ natural inclination to organise and manage their work as a project, unaware of project management theories, practices of bodies of knowledge.
In this special edition, we seek to encourage scholars and advanced practitioners to challenge doctrinal perspectives on project management, identify gaps between textbook descriptions of typical projects and the vast array of fuzzy/atypical projects, and provide conceptual models, dynamic theories, and empirical evidence in support of project effectiveness in an ever expanding and diversified projectized world.
Suitable topics for papers include but are not limited addressing the following issues:
- Given that by definition projects involve temporariness and newness of outcome and process, what are the conceptual or practical distinctions between routinized delivery of similar projects (i.e., through PMOs) and projectizing ongoing operations (e.g., "every customer walking in the store is a project")?
- To what extent do these hybrid forms of management help or hinder innovativeness, productivity, employee well-being, and team effectiveness?
- How can organisations adapt work structures, policies, and jobs so that workers can successfully engage in a mix of "regular" ongoing work and "special" projects?
- What traditional knowledge, theories, or practices are effective/ineffective in understanding fuzzy/atypical projects? Why?
- What new knowledge, theories, or practices are necessary to understand fuzzy/atypical projects? Why?
- Are success factors of fuzzy/atypical projects similar to typical projects? Why?
- What role does tacit knowledge, common sense, and intuition play in managing fuzzy/atypical projects?
- What is the least amount of project management knowledge required to manage fuzzy/atypical projects successfully?
- What explains the successes and failures of fuzzy/atypical projects?
Submission Deadline: 31 March, 2011
Acceptance Notification: 1 September, 2011
Deadline for Sending Camera-ready Manuscripts: 1 January 2012
Call for papers: Whole Body Interaction: Applications, Case Studies, Evaluations and Critical Theory
A special issue of International Journal of Arts and Technology
The field of whole body interaction has recently emerged to take a more holistic view of human computer interaction. It is a research, philosophical and engineering approach to combining several aspects of human computer interaction. Whole body interaction encompasses
In this call we ask for papers that support whole body interaction. Papers must describe support for interaction scenarios that actively support two or more of the above interaction aspects.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Submission Deadline: 1 October, 2010
Editors and Notes
The field of whole body interaction has recently emerged to take a more holistic view of human computer interaction. It is a research, philosophical and engineering approach to combining several aspects of human computer interaction. Whole body interaction encompasses
- Physical interaction
- Physiological state - pulse, breathing, skin conductivity
- All human senses - including balance, propriocentric sense
- Cognitive interaction
- Emotional context
- Social context
In this call we ask for papers that support whole body interaction. Papers must describe support for interaction scenarios that actively support two or more of the above interaction aspects.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Advanced, exemplar application of whole body interaction
- Critical case studies of whole body interaction
- Evaluation methods for multi-aspect interaction
- Critical theory approaches to whole body interaction
Submission Deadline: 1 October, 2010
Editors and Notes
Call for papers: Off-Road Vehicle Dynamics
A special issue of International Journal of Vehicle Design
This Special Issue aims at promoting the application of advanced concepts, approaches and pioneering techniques in research and development of off-road vehicle systems. Papers are invited on innovative analytical, computational and experimental investigations in design, dynamics and control of off-road vehicle systems, including agricultural machinery, mining and construction equipment, military and commercial vehicles, sports and recreational motors, and scientific exploration vehicles.
The specific topics of interest within the scope of this Special Issue include, but are not limited to, the following technical areas:
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 28 February 2011
Reviewers' Reports and Decisions: 31 July 2011
Revised Manuscript Submission: 30 September 2011
This Special Issue aims at promoting the application of advanced concepts, approaches and pioneering techniques in research and development of off-road vehicle systems. Papers are invited on innovative analytical, computational and experimental investigations in design, dynamics and control of off-road vehicle systems, including agricultural machinery, mining and construction equipment, military and commercial vehicles, sports and recreational motors, and scientific exploration vehicles.
The specific topics of interest within the scope of this Special Issue include, but are not limited to, the following technical areas:
- Analytical and experimental study of vehicle-tyre-soil dynamics
- Development and application of advanced control methodology for off-road vehicles
- Subjective and objective evaluations of off-road vehicle performance
- Closed-loop human driver and off-road vehicle systems
- Novel suspension concepts and development for off-road vehicles
- Advanced soil-tyre models and their applications in modelling vehicle-terrain systems
- Soil mechanics, terrain topology modelling and characterization
- Ergo-dynamics associated with off-road vehicles
- Development of energy-efficient off-road vehicle systems
- Development of special-purpose off-road vehicle systems
- Modelling, dynamics and control of space rovers
- Off-road racing vehicle dynamics
- Wheeled vehicle mobility and ride quality over deformable terrain
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 28 February 2011
Reviewers' Reports and Decisions: 31 July 2011
Revised Manuscript Submission: 30 September 2011
Call for papers: Marketing of Emerging Technologies in B2B Markets
A special issue of International Journal of Technology Marketing
Emerging technologies are new technologies that have not “crossed the chasm” and found acceptance in the mainstream market. They may have product or service applications across many different industries but face common marketing challenges. Examples of such emerging technologies include alternative (non-fossil based) energy sources, nanotechnology, biotechnology, life sciences, mobile telecommunications, social media, robotics and computing, among others. B2B markets include commercial, government or institutional organizations as customers.
This special issue is intended to encourage research on the topics below from international researchers worldwide. Theoretical or conceptual papers and empirical studies are welcome. Research methodologies may be eclectic including literature review, case study, ethnographic research, interviews, surveys, laboratory or field experiments, analyses of behavioural or archival data.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Deadline for full paper submission: 31 January, 2011
Deadline for Authors to receive feedback on submitted papers: 30 April, 2011
Deadline for final paper submission: 30 June, 2011
Emerging technologies are new technologies that have not “crossed the chasm” and found acceptance in the mainstream market. They may have product or service applications across many different industries but face common marketing challenges. Examples of such emerging technologies include alternative (non-fossil based) energy sources, nanotechnology, biotechnology, life sciences, mobile telecommunications, social media, robotics and computing, among others. B2B markets include commercial, government or institutional organizations as customers.
This special issue is intended to encourage research on the topics below from international researchers worldwide. Theoretical or conceptual papers and empirical studies are welcome. Research methodologies may be eclectic including literature review, case study, ethnographic research, interviews, surveys, laboratory or field experiments, analyses of behavioural or archival data.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Marketing of the business plan to investors (or venture capitalists for startups)
- Attracting and retaining talented employees
- Finding the right target market
- Encouraging customer trial and adoption
- Building an eco-system of third-party developers around the platform including value-added services and software, peripherals, accessories, and consumables
- New product launch under severe budget constraints etc.
Deadline for full paper submission: 31 January, 2011
Deadline for Authors to receive feedback on submitted papers: 30 April, 2011
Deadline for final paper submission: 30 June, 2011
7 July 2010
Call for papers: Burr Formation and Deburring
A special issue of International Journal of Manufacturing Research
Burrs are unwanted materials remaining after almost all machining operations including drilling, milling and turning. They are formed at the exit of a cutting edge upon completion of a machining operation. Burr formation not only degrades part accuracy and quality but also hampers part handling and assembly. Therefore, many parts in the automotive and aerospace industries require deburring, a tedious, non-productive process that consumes 15-30% of the total machining cost.
Due to increasing demands on high part accuracy and low production time, there is a great deal of interest around the world in studying the mechanisms of burr formation, the strategies for burr prevention and the methods for deburring. This special issue calls for papers on research into burr formation and deburring.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Burr Formation and Prevention
Paper submission due: 31 January,2011
Burrs are unwanted materials remaining after almost all machining operations including drilling, milling and turning. They are formed at the exit of a cutting edge upon completion of a machining operation. Burr formation not only degrades part accuracy and quality but also hampers part handling and assembly. Therefore, many parts in the automotive and aerospace industries require deburring, a tedious, non-productive process that consumes 15-30% of the total machining cost.
Due to increasing demands on high part accuracy and low production time, there is a great deal of interest around the world in studying the mechanisms of burr formation, the strategies for burr prevention and the methods for deburring. This special issue calls for papers on research into burr formation and deburring.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Burr Formation and Prevention
- Modelling and classification of burrs
- Predictive modelling for burr prevention
- Predicting burr location
- FEM modelling and simulation of burr formation
- Material effect on burr formation
- Simulation of tool geometry effect on burr formation
- Effect of machining processes and parameters on burr formation
- Product design optimisation for burr prevention
- Cutting tool design and optimisation for burr prevention
- Toolpath optimisation and burr prevention
- Modelling and simulation of various deburring methods, automated and semi-automated
- Predictive modeling of part surface quality for deburring process control
- Robotic deburring and CNC machine-based deburring
- Optimal selection of deburring tools and process conditions
- Force control methods for automated deburring
- Active and passive compliant deburring toolheads and methods
- Large part deburring and small part deburring
- Design and optimisation of automated deburring systems/cells
Paper submission due: 31 January,2011
Special issue: Challenges of resource discovery
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 5(3) 2010
Papers from the First International Workshop on Resource Discovery (RED 2008) held in Liz, Austria, 24-26 November 2008.
Papers from the First International Workshop on Resource Discovery (RED 2008) held in Liz, Austria, 24-26 November 2008.
- Facilitating discovery on the private web using dataset digests
- BioRegistry: Automatic extraction of metadata for biological database retrieval and discovery
- Resource descriptions, ontology, and resource discovery
- Querying structured information sources on the Web
- P2P-SDSD: on-the-fly service-based collaboration in distributed systems
- Web service composition using fluent calculus
- Resource discovery in grid systems: a survey
Special issue: Simulation and business modelling
International Journal of Business Information Systems 6(1) 2010
Papers from the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS2008) held in Dubai, UAE, 25-26 May 2008.
Papers from the European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS2008) held in Dubai, UAE, 25-26 May 2008.
- A multi-perspective comparison for selection between system dynamics and discrete event simulation
- Simulation discounted cash flow valuation for internet companies
- On demand radio frequency identification based vehicle tracking system
- Designing information systems requirements in context: insights from the theory of deferred action
- Infusing agility in business processes through an event-centric approach
- Aligning business and technology strategy within the airline industry
- The next generation Grid: an infrastructure for global business systems
- The impact of information lifecycle management process in the Nigerian financial sector
- A framework towards a multi-modal fingerprinting scheme for multimedia assets
Special issue: Global entrepreneurship
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 5(1) 2010
- Developing entrepreneurial activity systems at the bottom of the pyramid
- Sustainable social development through innovations: understanding Indian cases
- Micro-credit programmes, social capital and micro-enterprise performance
- Comparative analysis of entrepreneurial growth strategies of two multinational conglomerates in emerging markets
- The role of innovation in value creation after spin-off in the USA
- Global corporate entrepreneurship: a conceptual model
- The impact of decision-maker's identity on SME internationalisation: Do origins matter?
Special issue: Case studies on landfill diversion of household waste
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 6(1/2) 2010
- Waste reduction strategies for improved management of household solid waste in Jamaica
- Assessing Municipal Solid Wastes (MSWs) for composting programmes in rapidly urbanising areas: a case study from Accra, Ghana
- Sustainability-based Decision-Support System for solid waste management
- Phytocapping: an alternative technique for landfill remediation
- Bioenergy and charcoal production: an alternative option for disposal of combustible municipal wastes
- A statistical approach to predict waste generation rates to support recycling programmes
- Sustainable management of household solid waste
- Environmental impacts with waste disposal practices in a suburban municipality in Sri Lanka
- Application of household compost bin for diversion of organic wastes in small communities of Thailand
- Disposal of saline wastewater from electrical power plants
- Use of domestic sewage effluent for sustainable production of vegetable in Kashmir valley
- An overview of approaches towards improving in-house Medical Waste Management in Bangladesh: a pilot research
- A comparison of microbial contact bioassay with conventional elutriate assays for evaluation of wastes hazard
- Multicriteria analysis of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) utilisation in waste treatment facilities: the case of Chania prefecture, Greece
- FORUM: A view of environmental Utopia
6 July 2010
Call for papers: Project Risk Management
A special issue of International Journal of Project Organisation and Management
Over past decades, project risk management (PRM) has gained increasing attention. A risk is something that may happen and if it does, will have a positive or negative impact on the project. Generally, the process of PRM includes risk identification, risk assessment, risk analysis, risk response and risk monitoring. For many industries, during the life cycle of a project, risk status alters frequently. There is the need to investigate dynamic risk management in the project.
Nowadays, rapid technological developments, organizational changes and increased demand for efficiency have all brought risk variability to project management. Projects are subjected to more risks in their development process. For example, a petroleum project involves multiple risks, such as political and economic risks, environmental risk, price volatility and financial risks, and geological and technical risks. Hence, we should cope with multiple risks. Due to the insufficiency in PRM, some of projects, for example, the BP oil-leak events of the offshore petroleum project in Gulf of Mexico, have caused great calamity. Also, there are risks beyond human control such as the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and the 5/12 Earthquake in China. As a result, risk response measures should be taken for these risks.
This special issue is intended to publish the latest research on PRM and its applications. While research in the area of PRM encompasses a wide range of topics and methodologies, we expect this special issue to provide a good snapshot of current and emerging concepts, tools, approaches, issues, and trends within the field. Authors are encouraged to submit papers that employ both quantitative and quality research methodologies such as modelling, optimization, algorithms, simulation, questionnaire surveys, event studies, case studies etc., addressing the theme of the special issue.
Suitable topics for papers include but are not limited to:
Submission Deadline: 31 January, 2011
Acceptance Notification: 1 July, 2011
Deadline for Sending Camera-ready Manuscripts: 1 September 1 2011
Publication: By the end of 2011
Over past decades, project risk management (PRM) has gained increasing attention. A risk is something that may happen and if it does, will have a positive or negative impact on the project. Generally, the process of PRM includes risk identification, risk assessment, risk analysis, risk response and risk monitoring. For many industries, during the life cycle of a project, risk status alters frequently. There is the need to investigate dynamic risk management in the project.
Nowadays, rapid technological developments, organizational changes and increased demand for efficiency have all brought risk variability to project management. Projects are subjected to more risks in their development process. For example, a petroleum project involves multiple risks, such as political and economic risks, environmental risk, price volatility and financial risks, and geological and technical risks. Hence, we should cope with multiple risks. Due to the insufficiency in PRM, some of projects, for example, the BP oil-leak events of the offshore petroleum project in Gulf of Mexico, have caused great calamity. Also, there are risks beyond human control such as the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and the 5/12 Earthquake in China. As a result, risk response measures should be taken for these risks.
This special issue is intended to publish the latest research on PRM and its applications. While research in the area of PRM encompasses a wide range of topics and methodologies, we expect this special issue to provide a good snapshot of current and emerging concepts, tools, approaches, issues, and trends within the field. Authors are encouraged to submit papers that employ both quantitative and quality research methodologies such as modelling, optimization, algorithms, simulation, questionnaire surveys, event studies, case studies etc., addressing the theme of the special issue.
Suitable topics for papers include but are not limited to:
- PRM tools and methods
- Life cycle management in PRM
- Risk identification, analysis and control in PRM
- Expert systems in PRM
- Real options in PRM
- Multi-criteria decision making in PRM
- Outsourcing decisions with uncertainty
- Risk-based project selection and risk ranking
- Dynamic programming in PRM
- Cost modelling, analysis and their applications
Submission Deadline: 31 January, 2011
Acceptance Notification: 1 July, 2011
Deadline for Sending Camera-ready Manuscripts: 1 September 1 2011
Publication: By the end of 2011
Special issue: Recent advances in testbed driven networking research
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 5(1/2) 2010
Papers from TridentCom 2009, the 5th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities, held in Washington DC, USA, 6-8 April 2009.
Papers from TridentCom 2009, the 5th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities, held in Washington DC, USA, 6-8 April 2009.
- A virtual ad hoc network testbed
- Novel results on SCTP multihoming performance in native IPv6 UMTS-WLAN environments
- A reconfigurable test platform to experiment with wireless heterogeneous networks in a laboratory
- Pan-European testbed and experimental facility federation – architecture refinement and implementation
- Execution of service workflows in grid environments
- Qualitative comparison of link shaping techniques
- A model-driven emulation approach to large-scale TCP performance evaluation
- Tools for worm experimentation on the DETER testbed
- Integration of IEEE 802.21 services and pre-authentication framework
- Testbed for experimental analysis on seamless evolution architectures from GPON to high capacity WDM-PON
Special issue: e-Engineering and digital enterprise technology
International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 2(3/4) 2010
Includes papers from the 7th International Conference on e-Engineering & Digital Enterprise Technology (e-ENGDET 2009) held in Shenyang, China, 3-5 September 2009.
Includes papers from the 7th International Conference on e-Engineering & Digital Enterprise Technology (e-ENGDET 2009) held in Shenyang, China, 3-5 September 2009.
- An approach to carbon emission estimation for plant refurbishment strategies
- A study on fuzzy capacitated dynamic problem
- Assembly process simulation of toleranced products
- Development of manufacturing execution system with production modelling approaches
- Investigate an intelligent supplier evaluation system in e-manufacturing
- A heterogeneous model integration and interoperation approach in distributed collaborative simulation environment
- Research on simulation of tunnel boring machine based on virtual prototype
- Integrated advance manufacturing planning and execution system
- Framework model of MEMS design process management
- Object-oriented models for aero-engine assembly
- Developing a mobile collaborative toolkit for industrial applications
Special issue: Fostering out-of-the-box creativity in new product development
International Journal of Product Development 11(3/4) 2010
- Can structures foster creativity and innovation? The propositions based on a Giddens-inspired framework
- Blending creativity and structure in implementing a novel idea
- How to create and sustain an open and radical innovation capability in the fuzzy front end: the case of Vodafone Group R&D Germany and selected ongoing radical innovation projects
- Barriers and obstructive practices for out-of-the-box creativity in groups
- Reshaping the box: creative designing as constraint management
- Out-of-the-box creativity and risks: the propositions and future research directions
- Understanding creativity motors and obstacles in product development
- Exploring the ideation patterns of ordinary users: the case of mobile telecommunications services
- Idea management systems for a changing innovation landscape
Special issue: The management and marketing of motorsports
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 8(1/2) 2010
- Building a fan community through the folklore of NASCAR
- The benefits grid: translating motorsports sponsorship features into sponsor benefits
- A demographic and behavioural profile and comparison of customers attending Grand-Am, IndyCar and NASCAR Weekends at Watkins Glen International
- Show car activation: a practitioner's recommendation for increasing brand equity
- The IndyCar Series: a marketing channels perspective
- Influences on event attendance decisions for stock car automobile racing fans
- Winston/NEXTEL Cup: the triumph of the spectacle
- Event effectiveness: analysing the perceptions of key stakeholders of the Lexmark Indy 300/Champ Car Event, Gold Coast
- What have you done for me lately? Performance and brand identification in NASCAR
- How Indy got its groove back? Celebrity culture and the Indy Racing League
- An appraisal of stock car racing's economic and geographic development in North America: NASCAR as flexible accumulation
Special issue: Ill-posed and inverse problems
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 3(1/2) 2010
- DSM of Newton type for solving operator equations F(u) = f with minimal smoothness assumptions on F
- Dynamical Systems Method for solving nonlinear equations with locally Holder continuous monotone operators
- Creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient: numerical experiments
- Scattering by many small particles and creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient
- Determining the temperature from Cauchy data in corner domains
- Inequalities between the fixed-energy phase shifts
- On the interior transmission eigenvalue problem
- Zigzag nanoribbons in external electric and magnetic fields
4 July 2010
First issue: International Journal of Economics and Accounting
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
First issue: International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
Call for papers: Digital Human Modelling for Wearable Products
A special issue of International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation
In this special issue, wearable products are defined as any products that can be worn including shoes, bras, clothes, glasses, helmets, earphones, and other such products. Most of the standards for wearable products design are decades old, when information systems were not even accessible. With the recent availability of scanning systems, acquiring data of whole human body or specific body parts is becoming common. It will not take long before scanning technologies will be widely available in retail shops.
This creates new challenges for wearable product design.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Draft submission deadline: 1 December, 2010
Submission of reviews to authors: 1 June 2011
Final paper submission deadline: 1 August, 2011
In this special issue, wearable products are defined as any products that can be worn including shoes, bras, clothes, glasses, helmets, earphones, and other such products. Most of the standards for wearable products design are decades old, when information systems were not even accessible. With the recent availability of scanning systems, acquiring data of whole human body or specific body parts is becoming common. It will not take long before scanning technologies will be widely available in retail shops.
This creates new challenges for wearable product design.
- Is digital human modelling really important for wearable product design?
- How to use huge amount of data from scanners in the product design and development?
- How does this challenge the existing standards for wearable product design?
- How our understanding of fit and comfort for wearable products have changed?
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Digital human models and their application in fit trials
- Digital human models for specific wearable product
- Prediction of human body shape for wearable product design
- Static and dynamic models of wearable products
- Fit and comfort of wearable products
- Mapping between DHM and wearable products
- New sizing and grading techniques
- CAD/CAM/CAE techniques for wearable products
- Evaluation of wearable products and their relationship with the digital model
Draft submission deadline: 1 December, 2010
Submission of reviews to authors: 1 June 2011
Final paper submission deadline: 1 August, 2011
3 July 2010
Call for papers: Agile Service Systems to Complex Engineered Assets
A special issue of International Journal of Agile Systems and Management
Advances in technology have allowed significant increase in the complexity of human-created, heavily-engineered products and systems. Infrastructure projects, defence systems, chemical processing plants, mining and exploration, manufacturing, and supply chains are large-scale assets that require continuous services such as installation and commissioning, on-going support, mid-life upgrades, maintenance and repairs, throughout the life of the asset. However, due to rapid changes in the environment in which these complex engineered assets are operating, the services to these assets demand high agility and continuity. The services are often provided from several enterprises which are closely related but may not have the necessary technological, sociological or legal frameworks to enable them working as a coordinated conglomerate.
Complex engineered assets are expensive investments with high expectation from users in terms of reliable and sustainable performance. Provision of services and support to these assets should be made through a well designed, highly predictable service system that involves the integration of a broad range of skills from a number of engineering, business, finance and social disciplines. The core knowledge of operating the asset has to be amalgamated with technical knowledge that is specific to the asset being support, that is, on-asset technologies.
Service is a dynamic and complex activity. Service is qualitatively different to the familiar product-based approach where hard artefacts are delivered to the owner. Service is a negotiated exchange with the asset owner (and operator) to provide intangible outputs that are usually co-produced with the asset owner. A service is consumed proximate to or coinciding with the time of executing that service. Services cannot be transferred to other asset owners in the same way that hard artefacts or products can. Hence, design of the service system should be “solution-centred” and highly versatile to allow the changes that are often required within the service period.
This special issue aims to explore different forms of solutions to the technical challenges in agile service systems. Papers of original research work in industry and case studies that tackle the problems in service systems that exhibit agility, versatility, continuity are most welcome.
Specific topics include but are not limited to:
Deadline for submission: 31 July, 2010
Notification of acceptance: 30 September, 2010
Final version of accepted paper: 31 October, 2010
Advances in technology have allowed significant increase in the complexity of human-created, heavily-engineered products and systems. Infrastructure projects, defence systems, chemical processing plants, mining and exploration, manufacturing, and supply chains are large-scale assets that require continuous services such as installation and commissioning, on-going support, mid-life upgrades, maintenance and repairs, throughout the life of the asset. However, due to rapid changes in the environment in which these complex engineered assets are operating, the services to these assets demand high agility and continuity. The services are often provided from several enterprises which are closely related but may not have the necessary technological, sociological or legal frameworks to enable them working as a coordinated conglomerate.
Complex engineered assets are expensive investments with high expectation from users in terms of reliable and sustainable performance. Provision of services and support to these assets should be made through a well designed, highly predictable service system that involves the integration of a broad range of skills from a number of engineering, business, finance and social disciplines. The core knowledge of operating the asset has to be amalgamated with technical knowledge that is specific to the asset being support, that is, on-asset technologies.
Service is a dynamic and complex activity. Service is qualitatively different to the familiar product-based approach where hard artefacts are delivered to the owner. Service is a negotiated exchange with the asset owner (and operator) to provide intangible outputs that are usually co-produced with the asset owner. A service is consumed proximate to or coinciding with the time of executing that service. Services cannot be transferred to other asset owners in the same way that hard artefacts or products can. Hence, design of the service system should be “solution-centred” and highly versatile to allow the changes that are often required within the service period.
This special issue aims to explore different forms of solutions to the technical challenges in agile service systems. Papers of original research work in industry and case studies that tackle the problems in service systems that exhibit agility, versatility, continuity are most welcome.
Specific topics include but are not limited to:
- Agile systems design methods
- Systems analysis and modelling techniques
- Service systems reference frameworks
- Architectures for global enterprise systems in maintenance and upgrades
- Reliability assessment and risk mitigation for services
- Sociological processes in service systems
- Engineering of services for complex enduring systems
- Benchmarking, metrics and performance drivers for agile service systems
- Support systems for supply chain agility and responsiveness
- Models for whole of life complex product services
- Decision support systems development for agility
- Management systems and contemporary management theory on agility applied to services
- Knowledge management in globally distributed service networks
- Lean service systems
Deadline for submission: 31 July, 2010
Notification of acceptance: 30 September, 2010
Final version of accepted paper: 31 October, 2010
Call for papers: Debt Crisis and Financial Markets Instability
A special issue of International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies
The ramifications of the international financial crisis and the looming debt crisis in developed and emerging capital markets raised concerns about the stability of the global financial system. More recently, some major developed economies such as USA, United Kingdom, and Japan have adopted serious measures aiming to contain expanding fiscal deficits to avoid Greece style debt crisis scenario.
However, austerity measures in major developed economies in general are expected to impact on future global economic growth and on global financial system stability. The aim of this issue is to invigorate potential research papers on the global debt crisis and financial markets instability. Papers on theoretical or empirical aspects of the issue are welcome.
Research papers expected to cover, but are not limited to, the following issues:
Deadline for receipt of manuscripts: 31 January 2011
The ramifications of the international financial crisis and the looming debt crisis in developed and emerging capital markets raised concerns about the stability of the global financial system. More recently, some major developed economies such as USA, United Kingdom, and Japan have adopted serious measures aiming to contain expanding fiscal deficits to avoid Greece style debt crisis scenario.
However, austerity measures in major developed economies in general are expected to impact on future global economic growth and on global financial system stability. The aim of this issue is to invigorate potential research papers on the global debt crisis and financial markets instability. Papers on theoretical or empirical aspects of the issue are welcome.
Research papers expected to cover, but are not limited to, the following issues:
- Efficiency of banking sector
- Fiscal deficit macro models
- Foreign exchange markets
- Capital markets
- Financial system stability
- Contagion and systematic risk analysis.
- Debt crisis and FX markets
Deadline for receipt of manuscripts: 31 January 2011
Call for papers: The Emerging Healthcare Education Revolution
A special issue of International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education
The US Government has committed more than 17 billion dollars to the goal of improving American healthcare delivery and patient care through investment in health information technology. One such component of this effort, the HITECH Act, was designed to provide technical training and support to providers, enable coordination and alignment within and among states, establish connectivity to the public health community in case of emergencies, and assure the workforce is properly trained and equipped to be meaningful users of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). The Act included resources for the establishment of Health Information Exchange Regional Extension Programmes (HITRECs), Curriculum Development Centers, the development of competency examinations and extensive university-based training programmes, providing opportunities as both the local, regional and national levels.
Combined, these programs are expected to support over 100,000 primary care providers in the collective effort to build the foundation for every American to benefit from an electronic health record, as part of a modernized, interconnected, and vastly improved system of care delivery.
This special issue is focused on providing a venue to explore the efforts associated with the need for this expansive development, the dynamics that may support or hinder these efforts, and to provide an outlet for this community of practice to develop and grow.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Submission Deadline: 1 December, 2010
Revision Deadline: 1 March, 2011
Final Manuscripts Due: 1 April, 2011
The US Government has committed more than 17 billion dollars to the goal of improving American healthcare delivery and patient care through investment in health information technology. One such component of this effort, the HITECH Act, was designed to provide technical training and support to providers, enable coordination and alignment within and among states, establish connectivity to the public health community in case of emergencies, and assure the workforce is properly trained and equipped to be meaningful users of Electronic Health Records (EHRs). The Act included resources for the establishment of Health Information Exchange Regional Extension Programmes (HITRECs), Curriculum Development Centers, the development of competency examinations and extensive university-based training programmes, providing opportunities as both the local, regional and national levels.
Combined, these programs are expected to support over 100,000 primary care providers in the collective effort to build the foundation for every American to benefit from an electronic health record, as part of a modernized, interconnected, and vastly improved system of care delivery.
This special issue is focused on providing a venue to explore the efforts associated with the need for this expansive development, the dynamics that may support or hinder these efforts, and to provide an outlet for this community of practice to develop and grow.
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Informatics education
- Healthcare management education
- Healthcare informatics education and pedagogy
- Information systems and operations management curriculum as it relates to the healthcare industry
Submission Deadline: 1 December, 2010
Revision Deadline: 1 March, 2011
Final Manuscripts Due: 1 April, 2011
Call for papers: Environmental Improvement and Pollution Control by 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) Technologies of Electrical & Electronic Products
A special issue of International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management
Pollution caused by waste from electrical and electronic products such as household products, OA machines, mobile phones, PCB during their life cycles are becoming increasingly serious. Therefore pollution control measures have been taken from different aspects: reduce, reuse, and recycle (3R). Reduction-related technologies are considered as active measures that are adopted during product design and manufacturing. Legislation from the European Commission such as the WEEE Directive, from Japan such as the Household Products Recycling Law, from China such as the Waste Household Products and Electronic Products Recycling Regulations have been stimulating end-of-life technology developments for environmentally-friendly disposal. In recent years, life cycle design (LCD), life cycle assessment (LCA), and life cycle simulation (LCS) have become recognized measures that may comprehensively deal with the whole life cycle issues.
This special issue calls for papers addressing research on environmental improvement by pollution control from the viewpoint of the product life cycle more specifically 3R. We welcome any research and review papers on 3R, LCD, LCA and LCS.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
Deadline for paper submission: 30 September 2010
First notification of papers review: 30 November 2010
Second paper submission: 31 January 2011
Second notification of paper review: 28 February 2011
Pollution caused by waste from electrical and electronic products such as household products, OA machines, mobile phones, PCB during their life cycles are becoming increasingly serious. Therefore pollution control measures have been taken from different aspects: reduce, reuse, and recycle (3R). Reduction-related technologies are considered as active measures that are adopted during product design and manufacturing. Legislation from the European Commission such as the WEEE Directive, from Japan such as the Household Products Recycling Law, from China such as the Waste Household Products and Electronic Products Recycling Regulations have been stimulating end-of-life technology developments for environmentally-friendly disposal. In recent years, life cycle design (LCD), life cycle assessment (LCA), and life cycle simulation (LCS) have become recognized measures that may comprehensively deal with the whole life cycle issues.
This special issue calls for papers addressing research on environmental improvement by pollution control from the viewpoint of the product life cycle more specifically 3R. We welcome any research and review papers on 3R, LCD, LCA and LCS.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- Environmental assessment of 3R technologies
- Economic performance of 3R technologies
- Social impact of 3R technologies
- 3R scenario evaluation (by Monte Carlo simulation etc)
- Component 3R technologies
- Best practice in recycle factory establishment
- Country policy reviews and comparison
- Disassembly technologies
- Evaluation of component residual life
- Life cycle design, life cycle assessment, life cycle simulation
- Design for reuse/recycling
- Green logistics
Deadline for paper submission: 30 September 2010
First notification of papers review: 30 November 2010
Second paper submission: 31 January 2011
Second notification of paper review: 28 February 2011
Call for papers: Foresight and New Trajectories
A special issue of International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy
The aim of this special issue is to discuss and present examples of foresight or forward-looking activities as a concept that does not remain theoretical but is able to change trajectories towards the future in reality. The papers will present some examples of this. In addition, the theoretical and practical limits of changing existing paths towards or into the future will be highlighted. Questions the issue will seek to address include:
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
Deadline for submission of first draft: 31 July, 2010
Deadline for reviews: 30 September 30, 2010
Deadline for final paper: 30 November, 2010
The aim of this special issue is to discuss and present examples of foresight or forward-looking activities as a concept that does not remain theoretical but is able to change trajectories towards the future in reality. The papers will present some examples of this. In addition, the theoretical and practical limits of changing existing paths towards or into the future will be highlighted. Questions the issue will seek to address include:
- In what areas is foresight able to contribute?
- What are those contributions?
- What and where are the limits?
- How to overcome trajectories that are fixed and stabilised so that it is difficult to intervene, despite the identification of new necessities derived from foresight processes?
Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- New trajectories towards the future
- Foresight contributions in real life
- Foresight and forward-looking activities
- "Hot to change the world"
- BMBF foresight process
- Future Radar 2030 Demographic Change
- Foresight implementation
Deadline for submission of first draft: 31 July, 2010
Deadline for reviews: 30 September 30, 2010
Deadline for final paper: 30 November, 2010
Special issue: China’s new innovation-oriented strategy
International Journal of Technology Management 51(2-4) 2010
- Developing innovation-oriented strategies: lessons from Chinese mobile phone firms
- China's catch-up and innovation model in IT industry
- In-house R&D, technology purchase and innovation: empirical evidences from Chinese hi-tech industries, 1995-2004
- Networks and nations: the interplay of transnational networks and domestic institutions in China's chip design industry
- From production capacity to technological capability: an institutional and organisational perspective
- Critical success factors for inter-firm technological cooperation: an empirical study of high-tech SMEs in China
- A dynamic innovation model for managing capabilities of continuous innovation
- Developing effective strategies to address complex challenges: evidence from local high-tech firms in China
- Foreign research and development in China: a sectoral approach
- Knowledge diffusion from MNC R&D labs in developing countries: evidence from interaction between MNC R&D labs and local universities in Beijing
- Recruiting and retaining R&D professionals in China
- Driving forces and organisational configurations of international R&D: the case of technology-intensive Chinese multinationals
- Innovative development and innovation capacity-building in China
- Standardisation and innovation in China: TD-SCDMA standard as a case
- The evolution of China's IPR system and its impact on the patenting behaviours and strategies of multinationals in China
Special issue: Nanostructured materials: processing and engineering applications
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 5(3/4) 2010
Exdtended papers from the Second International Conference on Nanostructures held in Kish, Iran, 11–14 March 2008
Exdtended papers from the Second International Conference on Nanostructures held in Kish, Iran, 11–14 March 2008
- Force nanolithography on various surfaces by atomic force microscope
- Development of nanostructure in AZ31 magnesium alloy during accumulative roll bonding process
- The simultaneous effect of silica nanoparticles and rubber particles on the toughness of epoxy polymer
- Controlled synthesis and characterisation of magnetite nanoparticles obtained by glycothermal method
- Synthesis and application of TiO2 amorphous nanoparticles as an IR detector
- Hydrothermal synthesis and characterisation of MnO2 nanostructures
- Design and fabrication of sensitive carbon nanotubes/PMMA film for acetone vapour detection
- Double-wall carbon nanotube interconnects: experimental measurements, physical and circuit modelling
- Planar molecular dynamics simulation of Au clusters in pushing process
- Fabrication of self-organised highly ordered titanium oxide nanotube arrays by anodic oxidation and characterisation
- Investigating the changes in properties when a hydrophobic nanosilica is added to a two-pack polyurethane clear coat
- Synthesis of Cu nanoparticles and the study of their applications
- Preparation and characterisation of poly vinyl alcohol/hydroxyapatite nanocomposite via in situ synthesis: a potential material as bone tissue engineering scaffolds
- The effect of nanofiller on electrical and mechanical properties of silicone rubber
- Fabrication and characterisation of ultrafine-grained Al-5vol%Al2O3 nanocomposite
- Synthesis and characterisation of TiO2 nanoparticle with polypyridily complexes for using in solar cells
- Stability analysis of carbon nanotubes using a hybrid atomistic-structural element
- The effect of chelating agents on synthesised nano-sized CoAl2O4 by thermal decomposition
- Rheological and sedimentation behaviour of nanosilver colloids for inkjet printing
Special issue: Advanced control and applications
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 10(1/2) 2010
Further papers from the International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2008) held in Shanghai, China, 28 June - 2 July 2008.
(See also
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 8(2) 2009
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 8(3) 2009)
Modal Analysis and Identification
Further papers from the International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC 2008) held in Shanghai, China, 28 June - 2 July 2008.
(See also
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 8(2) 2009
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 8(3) 2009)
- Modelling and control of six-phase induction machine under special current waveform
- Study on parameters self-tuning of speed servo system based on LS_SVM model
- On the finite queuing model M/G/m/1/h system
- Robust stability and tracking of non-linear systems with modified Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis model
- Cell motility tracking of intravital microscopy via binary fitting energy driven model for level-set
- An iterative fuzzy identification method hybridising modified objective cluster analysis with genetic algorithm
- Simulation of interactions between root system growth and soil water movement
- Optimisation and simulation on dynamic balance distribution algorithm for network traffic
- A combined algorithm to the 2D lattice model for protein folding
- Visual tracking by particle filtering in a dynamic environment
- The algorithm of online handwritten signature verification based on improved DTW
- An optical flow and inter-frame block-based histogram correlation method for moving object detection
- An improved optimal guidance law with impact angle constraints based on genetic algorithms
Modal Analysis and Identification
- Modal analysis of Francis turbine blade based on fluid-structure interaction theorem
- Online multivariable process identification in the frequency domain
- Metaheuristic control of substrate concentration for an activated sludge process
- The design of an immune control system for thermal processes and its stability analysis
- Neural fuzzy control to minimise torque ripple of SRM
- Synchronisation estimation and signal acquisition for DS-UWB system
- Calculation of the probability density function of the target location error in bi-station bearing-crossing locating
- Robust non-fragile control for the switched discrete-time linear system
- On model-based networked control system with multi-rate input sampling
- Robust compound observers design for Lipschitz non-linear systems with unknown input disturbance
- Satisfying optimal control of switching multiple models based on mixed logic dynamics
Special issue: Biomonitoring of atmospheric pollution
International Journal of Environment and Health 4(2/3) 2010
Papers from the 5th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution (BioMAP-5) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20 - 24 September 2009.
Papers from the 5th International Workshop on Biomonitoring of Atmospheric Pollution (BioMAP-5) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20 - 24 September 2009.
- Quantitative relations between different concentrations of micro- and macroelements in mosses and lichens: the region of Opole (Poland) as an environmental interface in between Eastern and Western Europe
- Element-enrichment factors in Parmotrema bangii and Cryptomeria japonica of Portuguese islands of the central North Atlantic
- How lichens and mosses reflect atmospheric deposition of natural and artificial radionuclides
- Leaves of Lolium multiflorum as indicators of airborne trace element distribution in Central Italy
- Characterisation of antimony, arsenic, cadmium, copper and tin occurrences at an abandoned sulphide-mining area
- Native plant bioaccumulation strategies: a baseline study for biomonitoring the Atlantic Forest
- Potential use of Syntrichia ruralis for monitoring atmospheric BTEX
- Sustainable sampling of native bromeliads for environmental monitoring
- Biomonitoring of indoor air genotoxic properties in ten schools using Scindapsus aureus
- A comparative study of atmospheric deposits and lichen populations in a protected alpine area in the Grenoble region (France)
- Effects of air pollution on production of essential oil in Feijoa Sellowiana Berg. grown in the 'Italian Triangle of Death'
- Ultrastructural alterations induced by tropospheric ozone: comparison between resistant and sensitive clones of Trifolium repens L. CV. Regal
- Human bone as a biological material for environmental monitoring
- Using the exhaled breath condensate as a tool for non-invasive evaluation of pollutant exposure
Special issue: Information security practice and experience
International Journal of Applied Cryptography 2(1) 2010
Papers from the 5th Information Security Practice and Experience Conference (ISPEC’09), held in Xi’an, China, 13–15 April 2009
Papers from the 5th Information Security Practice and Experience Conference (ISPEC’09), held in Xi’an, China, 13–15 April 2009
- Achieving high security and efficiency in RFID-tagged supply chains
- Designing attacks on SIP call set-up
- Defending against the pirate evolution attack
- Strongly unforgeable ID-based signatures without random oracles
- A ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption scheme with constant ciphertext length
- Some results on cryptanalysis of SMS4 block cipher
- TWISTERπ – a framework for secure and fast hash functions
Special issue: Learning communities and marketing aspects
International Journal of Web Based Communities 6(3) 2010
- Editorial: Five factors in making web communities to survive or fade
- Bridging and bonding in social network sites – investigating family-based capital
- Cultural competence in web-based instruction: a conceptual framework
- Emerging technologies as change agent within and across organisational cultures
- A cross-cultural analysis of Flickr users from Peru, Israel, Iran, Taiwan and the UK
- Building a sense of community through online video
- The 'WeTube' in YouTube – creating an online community through video sharing
Special issue: Rise of innovations in India
International Journal of Technology and Globalisation 5(1/2) 2010
- Are innovations on the rise in India since the onset of reforms of 1991? Analysis of its evidence and some disquieting features
- International trade and R&D investment: evidence from manufacturing firms in India
- R&D for development of new drugs for neglected diseases in India
- Emerging Indian entrepreneurship in biotechnology and National Innovation System: exploring linkages and prospects
- Inching towards global competitiveness: Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMTs) in Indian auto components industry
- Innovation, imitation and dependence: iron and steel technology in India, 1970-1990
- Technological change in Indian textiles industry, 1991-2006
- Innovation system and developing countries: the Argentine's failure
Special issue: Advances in information, communication technology, electronics and microelectronics
International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 3(1/2) 2010
Papers from the annual international convention of the Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO.
Papers from the annual international convention of the Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO.
- Infrared image enhancement and human detection performance measures
- Avatars and identification in online communication
- Integrating protein visualisation in the classroom with StarBiochem
- Computer simulation of knife-edge based approximate methods for multiple diffraction estimation
- Quantitative analysis of data warehouse design quality
- Parameters estimation according to Engel's Law in Excel
- IS integration and enterprise migration – adaptation in global context
- A case study: using multiple-choice tests at university level courses – preparation and supporting infrastructure
- Online vs. written multiple-choice questions tests: accuracy and usefulness
- Motivation, internet access and ICT experience as factors of success in a non-moderated e-learning course
- Intelligent media agents
- Analysis of information processes in communications – methods for determining the quantity of information, primary information barriers and information capacity of the media
2 July 2010
Special issue: Metaheuristics and real-world problems
International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 2(3) 2010
- A GRASP for a resource-constrained scheduling problem
- Decision-maker's preferences modelling within the interactive imprecise goal programming model
- Joint optimisation of all inspection parameters for multistage processes: evolutionary algorithm and simulation
- Threshold accepting framework for discrete and continuous search spaces
- A cellular ant colony optimisation for the generalised Steiner problem
Special issue: Decision models, decision aids and strategic decision making
International Journal of Management and Decision Making 11(1) 2010
- Decision-making framework methodology: risk assessment in strategic management
- Marketing decisions in small businesses: how verbal decision analysis can help
- Trade credit evaluation for Taiwan's broadband communications equipment manufacturers
- An AHP-QFD approach to developing DSS for crisis management
- Virtual data warehouse: implementation and experimental comparison
- Agent-based decision-making support in virtual enterprise systems
First issue: International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
Newly announced journal: International Journal of Creative Computing
Beginning publication in 2011, International Journal of Creative Computing will deal with applications in arts, entertainment, games, mobile applications, multimedia, product and web design and other pervasive interactive systems. Due to the creative nature of these applications, computing technology needs to be developed specifically to tackle the conceptual complexity that does not exist in other applications.
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