3 July 2007

Special issue: Knowledge and innovation in the globalising world wine industry

International Journal of Technology and Globalisation 3(2/30 2007 is a special issue: Knowledge and innovation in the globalising world wine industry.

Article titles:
* Technological and economic dynamics of the world wine industry: an introduction
* The wine industry: persistence of tacit knowledge or increased codification? Some implications for catching-up countries
* The role of research in wine: the emergence of a regional research area in an Italian wine * The awakening of the sleeping giant: export growth and technological catch-up of the Argentine wine industry
* Catching up in the global wine industry: innovation systems, cluster knowledge networks and firm-level capabilities in Italy and Chile
* Wine and economic development: technological and corporate change in the Australian wine industry
* Innovation and inertia: the emerging dislocation of imperatives within the Australian wine industry
* Knowledge-based industry after market liberalisation: the case of the local pharmaceutical industry in Central and Eastern Europe
* New face of globalisation, Foreign Direct Investment and technology capacity building in China
* Technology prospecting: lessons from the early history of the Chile Foundation
* Triggers of the technological capability accumulation in MNCs' subsidiaries: the maquilas in Mexico

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