- Assessing some models for city e-government implementation: a case study
- Heuristic, accessibility and usability evaluations of Pakistan's e-government websites
- Contraflow evacuation e-planning system for I-65 in Alabama
- Interactivity of social media in open government imperatives: an empirical study
- Enhancing the use of e-learning systems in the public sector: a behavioural intention perspective
30 April 2017
Free sample articles newly available from Electronic Government, an International Journal
The following sample articles from Electronic Government, an International Journal are now available here for free:
Inderscience is media partner for ISO 26262: Functional safety to engineering
Inderscience is a media partner for ISO 26262: Functional safety to engineering (24 May 2017, Birmingham, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Bonds and Derivatives
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Bonds and Derivatives are now available here for free:
Special issue published: " Business and Market Development in Fast-Growing Economies"
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 10(1) 2017
- Comparative analysis of metacognitive strategies used in the internet-integrated test to enhance English speaking ability in Thai tourism context
- Researchers' viewpoints towards commercialisation of agricultural technology for community development
- Value creation logic in buyer-seller relationships in garment industry in Thailand
- Behavioural model of buying intention of counterfeited products
- Increasing values of hotel business using boutique and lifestyle hotel concept
- Small firm growth in post-conflict Sri Lanka: micro-level evidence from two cities
- Industry openness, firm characteristics, and wage inequality: evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms
- Economic regulation by judiciary during the Ottoman Era: samples from Istanbul courts between 17th And 18th centuries
- Competency-based compensation system: as a strategic HR technique with special reference to Coimbatore
29 April 2017
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Cloud Computing
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Cloud Computing are now available here for free:
- Ontology-enhanced agent-based cloud service discovery
- Automated creation of a custom VCL cloud infrastructure
- Towards improving resource management in cloud systems using a multi-agent framework
- Towards cyber-physical system technologies over Apache VCL
- Opinion mining of microblog texts on Hadoop ecosystem
- Using cloud computing to support higher education in networks and systems
- Resource allocation algorithm for GPUs in a private cloud
- Automating the installation of Apache VCL on OpenStack
- Expanding the cloud: highlights from a three-prong cloud computing program
Inderscience is media parrtner for Real Driving Emissions: Adapting to changing regulation
Inderscience is a media partner for Real Driving Emissions: Adapting to changing regulation (23 May 2017, Birmingham, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
Special issue published: "Technologies for the Progress of Environment and Sustainability"
Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal 10(4) 2016
- Heating residential water using parabolic trough concentrators: theoretical calculations and analysis
- Strategies for energy retrofitting of historic urban districts
- Water pollution evaluation of Oued Boudjemaa (Algeria)
- PCDD/Fs environmental impact from an anaerobic digestion treatment
- Air micro-pollutants analysed through rough set approach
- Inhibition and mechanism of Terminalia catappa on mild-steel corrosion in sulphuric-acid environment
- Bio-characterisation of Solanum aethiopicum leaf: prospect on steel-rebar total-corrosion in chloride-contaminated-environment
- Forest certification standards as a tool for environmental sustainability in wood building sector
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Arts and Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Arts and Technology are now available here for free:
28 April 2017
Special issue published: "Machine Learning in Systems Biology"
International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 10(2) 2017
- Improving de novo metatranscriptome assembly via machine learning algorithms
- Expression quantitative locus mapping for identification of hotspots using an empirical Bayes mixture model
- Computational tools for genome-wide R-loops identification and characterisation
- PageRank influence analysis of protein-protein association networks in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum
- Virtualisation of gene knockout experiments based on kinetic modelling: Escherichia coli as an algorithmic case
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Accounting and Finance
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Accounting and Finance are now available here for free:
- The contingent effects of board independence and audit committee effectiveness on internal audit reliance: a pre-SOX perspective
- A short integrated presentation of valuation, profitability and growth analysis
- Defects in foreign tax credit rules
- The impact of oil price shocks on the volatility of the Turkish stock market
27 April 2017
Special issue published: "Entrepreneurship: Cross-National and Cross-Cultural Perspectives"
European Journal of International Management 11(3) 2017
- Cross-border entrepreneurship in a global world: a critical reconceptualisation
- Political discretion and corruption: the impact of institutional quality on formal and informal entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial orientation, strategic planning and firm performance: the impact of national cultures
- Social entrepreneurs' strategies for addressing institutional voids in developing markets
- Enrolment in education and entrepreneurship in Latin America: a multi-country study
- International entrepreneurship of small firms and their export market performance
Special issue published: "Leveraging Information and Communication Technology for Organisational Resilience"
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 16(2) 2017
- Cultivating the wisdom of personnel through internal crowdsourcing
- Brick and mortar store vs. online shopping experience: a study
- Providing custom enterprise resource planning solutions: benefits and challenges
- Archiving ERP data to enhance operational effectiveness: the case of Dolphin
- Assessing learning styles to improve skill development: a case study of NASSCOM
- Critical success factors for e-business in Sri Lankan text books and stationery market
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling
The following articles from the International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling are now available here for free:
- Integration of directional distance formulation of DEA and canonical correlation
- Analysing the barriers for the adoption of green supply chain management - the Indian plastic industry perspective
- Review of agile supply chain implementation frameworks
- SRM index development and validation in Indian automobile sector
Special issue published: "Advances in Mobile Cloud Computing and Social Networking"
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 18(3/4) 2017
- Critical analysis of load balancing strategies for cloud environment
- Utility maximisation-based game theoretic approach for resource allocation in clouds
- Extraction of volumetric features using 2.5D and 3D algorithms
- Hybrid load balancing approach for cloud environment
- A queuing approach to model power and performance trade-off with maintenance overhead of an infrastructure-as-a-service cloud
- Chinese collaboration network data recompiled based on weights and labels
- eduCloud: a VM communication aware, migration efficient cloud for scientific computing
- A novel approach to improve quality of service in MANET using cache update scheme for on-demand protocol
- Cost and energy optimisation of cloud data centres through dual VM modes - activation and passivation
26 April 2017
Special issue published: "Coding and Combinatorics, in Honour of Gérard Cohen
International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 4(2/3) 2017
- On a generalised combinatorial conjecture involving addition mod 2k – 1
- The combinatorics of LCD codes: linear programming bound and orthogonal matrices
- More results on the complexity of domination problems in graphs
- Regular graphs with forbidden subgraphs of Kn with k edges
- On metric convexity, the discrete Hahn-Banach theorem, separating systems and sets of points forming only acute angles
- On sets determining the differential spectrum of mappings
- Obfuscation in digital fingerprinting
Special issue published: "Entrepreneurship in The Digital Age: A New Way of Venturing"
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 31(1) 2017.
- Entrepreneurship and universities
- What determines the growth expectations of early-stage entrepreneurs? Evidence from crowdfunding
- Makers, hackers, DIY-innovation, and the strive for entrepreneurial opportunities
- Exploring the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the field of entrepreneurial support: a multi-level approach
- Understanding the evolution of coopetition among SMEs in a wine cluster: a social capital approach
- Sustainable-entrepreneurs: quantifying opportunities and social networks, case study on sustainable entrepreneurs in a heavy industrial area
- David by Goliath: what is co-branding and what is in it for SMEs
- The high-growth expectation of early-stage entrepreneurs: an international approach to the role of gendered contexts
- Islamic enterprises: balancing market opportunities and religious constraints in Islamic sub-economies in the West
Inderscience is media partner for Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems
Inderscience is a media partner for Future Armoured Vehicles Weapon Systems (28 - 29 June 2017, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
More information on this event is available here.
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Heavy Vehicle Systems
- Int. J. of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems
- Int. J. of Vehicle Performance
- Int. J. of Vehicle Safety
- Int. J. of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
More information on this event is available here.
New Editor for International Journal of Cognitive Biometrics
Dr. Khoa Luu from Carnegie Mellon University in the USA has been appointed to take over editorship of the International Journal of Cognitive Biometrics.
25 April 2017
Call for papers:"Cyber Security Issues and Solutions"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Information and Computer Security.
Cyber security is quickly and constantly evolving due to the nature of security risks. Cyber security is the body of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorised access. It involves the protection of information assets by addressing threats to information processed, stored, and transported by internetworked information systems.
The objective of this special issue will be to bring together research contributions on the design, specification, and implementation of architectures, protocols, and algorithms for current and future cyber security issues and solutions.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Cyber security is quickly and constantly evolving due to the nature of security risks. Cyber security is the body of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect networks, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorised access. It involves the protection of information assets by addressing threats to information processed, stored, and transported by internetworked information systems.
The objective of this special issue will be to bring together research contributions on the design, specification, and implementation of architectures, protocols, and algorithms for current and future cyber security issues and solutions.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- New paradigms in cyber security
- Emerging attack methods
- Digital forensics and privacy issues in cloud computing
- Cyber monitoring approaches
- Big data security strategy
- Big data security issues in social networks
- Security and fault tolerance for embedded or ubiquitous systems
- Critical issues and solutions of cyber security in tele-health
- Cyber security in mobile embedded systems
- Cyber security assessment
- Data analytics for cyber resilience
- Organisational security (government, commercial)
- Resilient smart cities
- Resilient internet of things (RIOT)
- Cyber-cities and cyber-environments
- Critical infrastructure security
- Backup and recovery for systems of systems
- Disaster planning and management from cyber perspective
- Integrated and smarter sensors
- Cloud computing security
- Big-data security
- Advanced persistent threats
- Network traffic analysis and trace-back
- Cyberspace operations
- Incident response
- Privacy in pervasive sensing and social media
- The security of online transactions
- Cyber-defence
- Authentication and access control
- Privacy-preserving Data Analysis
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 30 November, 2017Call for papers: "Advanced Communication, Web Search and Data Mining"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering.
Globalisation today pervades almost every facet of human life thanks to the emergence of new digital technologies in computing and communications. At the same time informatics, with its strong focus on providing fast and ready access for humans, based on these developments in computing and communications plays a crucial role in people's lives and permeates it in all respects, from entertainment to healthcare and from databases to e-governance.
With increasing dependency on web-based systems in every field, it becomes necessary to integrate various fields. In global economies, where the web now plays such a major role in linking enterprises and governments together, this special issue will advocate a much needed strategy in research and applications that emphasises exchange of data, information, and knowledge to foster intelligent and innovative cooperation. Moreover, an increased efficiency in using and maintaining information and knowledge as a major resource and technology in organisations will be advocated. It will lead to the development of systematic and disciplined approaches to data, information and knowledge capture, storage, access, and dissemination across and among different systems deployed disparately over the web and within and among all entities in information economies.
Potential contributions may include:
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Notification to authors: 15 October, 2017
Final versions due by: 31 December, 2017
Globalisation today pervades almost every facet of human life thanks to the emergence of new digital technologies in computing and communications. At the same time informatics, with its strong focus on providing fast and ready access for humans, based on these developments in computing and communications plays a crucial role in people's lives and permeates it in all respects, from entertainment to healthcare and from databases to e-governance.
With increasing dependency on web-based systems in every field, it becomes necessary to integrate various fields. In global economies, where the web now plays such a major role in linking enterprises and governments together, this special issue will advocate a much needed strategy in research and applications that emphasises exchange of data, information, and knowledge to foster intelligent and innovative cooperation. Moreover, an increased efficiency in using and maintaining information and knowledge as a major resource and technology in organisations will be advocated. It will lead to the development of systematic and disciplined approaches to data, information and knowledge capture, storage, access, and dissemination across and among different systems deployed disparately over the web and within and among all entities in information economies.
Potential contributions may include:
- Theoretical and conceptual research papers with emphasis on the major and current emerging fields of computer science
- Methodologies/algorithms for the study of different problems in related areas of web searching, computer networks and data mining
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Information retrieval
- Software engineering
- Data mining
- Web search
- Semantic web
- Ad hoc networks
- Analysis and design of algorithms
- Sensor networks
- Wireless network and communication
- Vehicular networks
- Artificial intelligence
- Neural network
- Fuzzy Logic
- Open source software
- Natural language processing
- Robotics
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 15 August, 2017Notification to authors: 15 October, 2017
Final versions due by: 31 December, 2017
Inderscience is media partner for Air Missile Defence Technology 2017
Inderscience is a media partner for Air Missile Defence Technology 2017 (24 - 25 October 2017, Prague, Czech Republic).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- Int. J. of Machine Intelligence and Sensory Signal Processing
- Int. J. of Systems, Control and Communications
- Int. J. of Simulation and Process Modelling

Call for papers: "Intelligent Solutions to Computer Network Problems through Modern Heuristics"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing
Several heuristic tools have evolved in the past decades that facilitate solving various optimization problems in a large domain. Heuristic tools have an edge over traditional or conventional methods. The need for advanced heuristic techniques becomes prevalent. These tools include Evolutionary computation, Simulated annealing, Tabu search, Genetic Algorithms, Differential Evolution, Particle Swarms, Ant Colony, Memetic Computing, Bacterial Foraging, Artificial Bees, and so forth. With today’s computer networks becoming increasingly dynamic, heterogeneous, and complex, there is great interest in deploying heuristics methods for optimization and management of computer networks.
This special issue will focus on Heuristic methods for the design, deployment, and reliability of networks and network applications.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 2nd International conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA2017), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Notification to authors: 28 February, 2018
Final notification: 31 March, 2018
Several heuristic tools have evolved in the past decades that facilitate solving various optimization problems in a large domain. Heuristic tools have an edge over traditional or conventional methods. The need for advanced heuristic techniques becomes prevalent. These tools include Evolutionary computation, Simulated annealing, Tabu search, Genetic Algorithms, Differential Evolution, Particle Swarms, Ant Colony, Memetic Computing, Bacterial Foraging, Artificial Bees, and so forth. With today’s computer networks becoming increasingly dynamic, heterogeneous, and complex, there is great interest in deploying heuristics methods for optimization and management of computer networks.
This special issue will focus on Heuristic methods for the design, deployment, and reliability of networks and network applications.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 2nd International conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA2017), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Network design
- Handling networking problems by graph theory
- QoS solutions
- Modelling of network based services
- Scaling of networks
- Human machine interface
- Digital convergence
- User modelling
- Network bottleneck identification
- Efficient content delivery schemes
- Service authentication and authorisation schemes
- Service scheduling
- Network security
- Service and content retrieval and ranking
- Debugging of internet-based applications
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 10 January, 2018Notification to authors: 28 February, 2018
Final notification: 31 March, 2018
24 April 2017
Call for papers: "Environmental Management Systems and Green Intellectual Capital Practices"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Business and Systems Research.
Over the past decade, concepts that focus on environmental issues have emerged, challenged new business models and established a common global imperative (individual and collective) to make decisions that create a positive impact on the environment. In such context, the environmental management has become an important field of research and green intellectual capital practices the basis for guiding the production of goods and services to more environmentally friendly productions.
There is a consensus in the literature that a new approach of solving the existing environmental problems depends heavily on how knowledge resources are deployed, which can be discussed in the emerging concept of green intellectual capital. Some authors have conceptualised green intellectual capital as intellectual capital to satisfy the environmental management needs. It refers to the management of processes and practices of intellectual capital to be leveraged by organizations in the process of conducting environmental management to gain competitive advantage.
There are several reasons that make the topic worth of attention. The first is to understand how organisations can use their knowledge resources to address environmental issues in conducting their business activities. The second is to explore how organisations can integrate environment knowledge and organisational capabilities for improving competitive advantage. The third is to investigate the role of green intellectual capital in environmental improvement, in eco-innovation and sustainable development.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 13th Iberian-American Congress of Mechanical Engineering (CIBEM 2017),but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Notification to authors: 20 February, 2018
Final versions due by: 20 April, 2018
Over the past decade, concepts that focus on environmental issues have emerged, challenged new business models and established a common global imperative (individual and collective) to make decisions that create a positive impact on the environment. In such context, the environmental management has become an important field of research and green intellectual capital practices the basis for guiding the production of goods and services to more environmentally friendly productions.
There is a consensus in the literature that a new approach of solving the existing environmental problems depends heavily on how knowledge resources are deployed, which can be discussed in the emerging concept of green intellectual capital. Some authors have conceptualised green intellectual capital as intellectual capital to satisfy the environmental management needs. It refers to the management of processes and practices of intellectual capital to be leveraged by organizations in the process of conducting environmental management to gain competitive advantage.
There are several reasons that make the topic worth of attention. The first is to understand how organisations can use their knowledge resources to address environmental issues in conducting their business activities. The second is to explore how organisations can integrate environment knowledge and organisational capabilities for improving competitive advantage. The third is to investigate the role of green intellectual capital in environmental improvement, in eco-innovation and sustainable development.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 13th Iberian-American Congress of Mechanical Engineering (CIBEM 2017),but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Environmental management systems
- Green intellectual capital and organization's competitiveness
- Role of green intellectual capital in environmental improvement
- Cause-effect relationship between green intellectual capital practices and eco-innovation
- Environmental technologies
- Green intellectual capital practices for sustainable development
- Green human capital practices
- Green relational capital practices in the value chain (supply chain)
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 15 December, 2017Notification to authors: 20 February, 2018
Final versions due by: 20 April, 2018
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management are now available here for free:
- Innovative IT firms and the internal control environment
- Using classification for role-based access control management
- An exploratory study of nonprofit organisations' use of the internet for communications and fundraising
- China's domestic consumption under interest rate pegs-analysis based on simulation
- A pedagogic method helps to create an actionable policy from big data through a PDCA cycle
Inderscience is media partner for UAV Technology Central & Eastern Europe
Inderscience is media partner for UAV Technology Central & Eastern Europe (27 - 28 September 2017, Prague, Czech Republic).
More information on the event is available here.
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation
- Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- Int. J. of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications
- Int. J. of Modelling, Identification and Control
- Int. J. of Systems, Control and Communications
- Int. J. of Vehicle Autonomous Systems
More information on the event is available here.
23 April 2017
Call for papers: "Recent Developments in Biological, Structural and Functional Thin Films and Coatings"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics.
Functional thin films and coatings offer solutions in a wide spread area of applications in materials science and engineering. Novel thin films and coatings are being developed with unusual structural, abrasive, adaptive, bioactive, self-healing, and optical properties. The objective of this issue will be to identify critical problems, provide promising solutions, as well as discuss fundamental and applied topics with emphasis on biological concepts and applications.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at Trends in Material Science Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2017), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Notification to authors: 15 October, 2017
Final versions due by: 15 December, 2017
Functional thin films and coatings offer solutions in a wide spread area of applications in materials science and engineering. Novel thin films and coatings are being developed with unusual structural, abrasive, adaptive, bioactive, self-healing, and optical properties. The objective of this issue will be to identify critical problems, provide promising solutions, as well as discuss fundamental and applied topics with emphasis on biological concepts and applications.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at Trends in Material Science Annual Meeting & Exhibition (TMS 2017), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Development of novel thin film and coating methods
- Functional thin films and coatings for structural and biological applications
- Characterisation of thin films and coatings for biological and biomaterial applications
- Novel methods for self-healing, self-assembly, and self-repair
- Innovative biosensors and bioelectronics
- Bioenabled electronic and energy systems
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 13 July, 2017Notification to authors: 15 October, 2017
Final versions due by: 15 December, 2017
Call for papers: "Security and Privacy in Complex Large-scale Computing Systems for Big Data Management"
For a special issue of the International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking.
Security and privacy in complex large-scale computing systems for big data management is expected to be one of the hottest topics in the next few years. Indeed, both academia and industry widely recognise the inherent potential of such systems. For organisations employing big data, the boundary between the use of private clouds, public clouds, virtualisation technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) et al. is sometimes very thin. Furthermore, our society is constantly influenced by different lifestyle shifts, driven by recent technological advances beyond the more established trend of cloud computing, e.g. cyber-physical systems (CPS), cyber-physical social lifestyles augmented by social media, smart clothing, nano-sensors, flexible electronics, etc. Therefore, assessing the security and privacy of such systems is today a main concern for computer scientists, engineers and practitioners.
Although research on finding approaches to solve real-world security and privacy problems has been conducted in the public domain for decades, and well established paradigms and techniques have been proposed to solve several security problems in our lives, today new challenges emerge due to the additional features beyond the basic security requirements, arising from real-world constraints, changing needs or socio-technological revolutions.
The aim of this special issue will be to seek recommendations and innovative methods which can be successfully delivered to multi-disciplines, providing us quality papers focused on security and privacy in complex large-scale computing systems, whose lessons learned will be transferable across disciplines to encourage interdisciplinary research and funding activities essential for progressive research and development. More in general, we welcome all things non-conventional, i.e., tools, techniques and frameworks influenced by recent and/or future socio-technological revolutions.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at The 12th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing (GPC 2017), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Notification to authors: 31 October, 2017
Final versions due by: 30 November, 2017
Security and privacy in complex large-scale computing systems for big data management is expected to be one of the hottest topics in the next few years. Indeed, both academia and industry widely recognise the inherent potential of such systems. For organisations employing big data, the boundary between the use of private clouds, public clouds, virtualisation technologies, Internet of Things (IoT) et al. is sometimes very thin. Furthermore, our society is constantly influenced by different lifestyle shifts, driven by recent technological advances beyond the more established trend of cloud computing, e.g. cyber-physical systems (CPS), cyber-physical social lifestyles augmented by social media, smart clothing, nano-sensors, flexible electronics, etc. Therefore, assessing the security and privacy of such systems is today a main concern for computer scientists, engineers and practitioners.
Although research on finding approaches to solve real-world security and privacy problems has been conducted in the public domain for decades, and well established paradigms and techniques have been proposed to solve several security problems in our lives, today new challenges emerge due to the additional features beyond the basic security requirements, arising from real-world constraints, changing needs or socio-technological revolutions.
The aim of this special issue will be to seek recommendations and innovative methods which can be successfully delivered to multi-disciplines, providing us quality papers focused on security and privacy in complex large-scale computing systems, whose lessons learned will be transferable across disciplines to encourage interdisciplinary research and funding activities essential for progressive research and development. More in general, we welcome all things non-conventional, i.e., tools, techniques and frameworks influenced by recent and/or future socio-technological revolutions.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at The 12th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing (GPC 2017), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Security, privacy and trust in e-business systems
- Malware behavioural detection and vaccine development by using smart classifiers
- Intelligent approaches for building secure decentralised public key infrastructures
- Self-adaptive federated authorisation infrastructures
- Improving network intrusion detection techniques through quality of service configuration and parallel technology
- Hybrid approaches for scalable anonymisation over big data on intelligent data centres
- Novel techniques for vulnerability analysis of smart grid against cyber attacks
- Tools and techniques for distributed segment-based anomaly detection
- Efficient data possession checking protocols for smart cities
- Parallelisable encryption techniques
- Sanitising API usages by means of semantic techniques
- Intelligent techniques for preventing attribute inference attacks via users' social friends and behaviours
- Privacy enhancing technologies for biometric data
- Countermeasures against side-channel and fault-injection attacks
- Cryptographic access control for IoT and smart cities
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 1 August, 2017Notification to authors: 31 October, 2017
Final versions due by: 30 November, 2017
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations are now available here for free:
- Positive solutions of ∞-point boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear second-order differential equations
- Explicit conditions for the uniqueness of solutions for parabolic degenerate problems
- On conditions for exponential dichotomy of systems of linear differential equations with periodic coefficients
- Dynamics in harvested prey-predator mathematical model with noise and diffusion
- Oscillation results for higher order nonlinear neutral differential equations
- Tricomi type equations with terms of lower order
Call for papers: "Supply Chain Relocation Studies from a Brazilian Perspective"
For a special issue of the Journal of Supply Chain Relocation.
For several decades, Brazil has been recognized as an interesting supplier of raw materials and low-cost manufacturing. In several industries this remains the same, however, the country does not escape the significant changes that have reached most part of the emerging economies, such as increasing labour cost, political instability, currency volatility, and lack of technology development. Currently, Brazil is not only an attractive supplier for offshoring but, besides that, has been presenting political trends that facilitate outsourcing in the contexts of products and services. This call for papers encourages submissions with regard to manufacturing and supply chain location strategies from a Brazilian perspective.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
For several decades, Brazil has been recognized as an interesting supplier of raw materials and low-cost manufacturing. In several industries this remains the same, however, the country does not escape the significant changes that have reached most part of the emerging economies, such as increasing labour cost, political instability, currency volatility, and lack of technology development. Currently, Brazil is not only an attractive supplier for offshoring but, besides that, has been presenting political trends that facilitate outsourcing in the contexts of products and services. This call for papers encourages submissions with regard to manufacturing and supply chain location strategies from a Brazilian perspective.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Supply chain management in a strategic context
- Global supply chain design
- Supply chain network (e.g. manufacturing, distribution, transportation)
- Manufacturing footprint design
- Manufacturing and supply chain strategy
- Relocation strategies (e.g. offshoring, reshoring, outsourcing, insourcing, nearshoring)
- Relocation processes (e.g. feasibility, realisation, drivers, enablers, barriers, outcomes)
- Relocation decisions (e.g. criteria, evaluation, investment/cost/risk assessment)
- Vertical integration
- Make or buy decisions
- Experience and best practices of relocation decisions
- New technology in relocation decisions (e.g. Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing)
- Sustainability issues in relocation decisions
- Supplier selection, evaluation, and relations
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 31 December, 201722 April 2017
Call for papers: "Supply Chains in the Network Economy"
For a special issue of the Journal of Supply Chain Relocation.
The characteristics of the new economy are causing changes in the activities of enterprises and in their approach to formulate strategies for competition. For almost 20 years, Porter’s classic value chain concept (Porter & Millar, 1985), concentrating on the configuration of the supply chain, has been a source of inspiration and a base for presenting new concepts of value creation in various types of business spheres. However, with the development of new organisational forms, the increasing importance of knowledge, and the use of both internal and external supply chain functions, the classic value chain concept has become untimely. The consequence of this has been the formulation of new value chain concepts, of which the most popular are: value store and value network (Stabel and Fjeldstand, 1998).
One reason for the failure of the classic value chain concept is that the importance of the supporting processes has been marginalised in most traditional enterprises. The source of value creation is the basic processes that constitute the actual value chain. Another observed trend in the new economy is the heterogonous market with an increasing focus on satisfying individualised customers’ needs. Here, the importance of supporting processes is evident but the classic value chain concept is still unsuitable. This problem is solved with the new value store concept.
The value store concept is based on applying knowledge to individual client issues. This is done using the assumptions of Deming’s classic PDCA (Deming, 1991). This approach requires a high degree of flexibility and support for the integration-based measures that are provided by the ancillary infrastructure, inseparable from the IS/IT systems. The value network concept, on the other hand, is deeply rooted in chaos theory and is most relevant to the new economy using network-related relationships. The three basic categories of value chain activity are related to the main areas of the core network processes: (1) Customer networks and relationship management systems, (2) Systems that support value creation, and (3) Operational Infrastructure.
The activities undertaken in these two areas complement each other to the extent that it is up to the customers’ current needs. Since customer expectations nowadays are characterised by high diversity and intensity, value creation should be viewed from a long-term relationship. This will require a move from creating ad hoc values and this will in turn create a source of flexibility and superiority over others. The value will not be generated directly by the network itself, but through mutual contacts and mediation between customers. In this case, the value chain is a collection of tools that support direct contacts of partners interested in the exchange process.
The solutions included in the value network concept allow customers to connect with each other. This makes the network a feature that is extremely important in the new economy. It is referred to as external network effects and is a spontaneous increase in the competitiveness of the network by increasing the number of users. This value is derived from the synergistic development of customer networks, the development of new/existing services as well as the development of more efficient and efficient infrastructure. Different kinds of relocation processes could be observed within this context (e.g. vertical integration).
The aim of this special issue will be to investigate different kind of strategies, solutions, and forms for the transformation of the traditional supply chains into new ones, based on implementation of new strategies, new forms of activity, and new forms of cooperation. We are interested in research papers especially focused on relocation activities in this context.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
The characteristics of the new economy are causing changes in the activities of enterprises and in their approach to formulate strategies for competition. For almost 20 years, Porter’s classic value chain concept (Porter & Millar, 1985), concentrating on the configuration of the supply chain, has been a source of inspiration and a base for presenting new concepts of value creation in various types of business spheres. However, with the development of new organisational forms, the increasing importance of knowledge, and the use of both internal and external supply chain functions, the classic value chain concept has become untimely. The consequence of this has been the formulation of new value chain concepts, of which the most popular are: value store and value network (Stabel and Fjeldstand, 1998).
One reason for the failure of the classic value chain concept is that the importance of the supporting processes has been marginalised in most traditional enterprises. The source of value creation is the basic processes that constitute the actual value chain. Another observed trend in the new economy is the heterogonous market with an increasing focus on satisfying individualised customers’ needs. Here, the importance of supporting processes is evident but the classic value chain concept is still unsuitable. This problem is solved with the new value store concept.
The value store concept is based on applying knowledge to individual client issues. This is done using the assumptions of Deming’s classic PDCA (Deming, 1991). This approach requires a high degree of flexibility and support for the integration-based measures that are provided by the ancillary infrastructure, inseparable from the IS/IT systems. The value network concept, on the other hand, is deeply rooted in chaos theory and is most relevant to the new economy using network-related relationships. The three basic categories of value chain activity are related to the main areas of the core network processes: (1) Customer networks and relationship management systems, (2) Systems that support value creation, and (3) Operational Infrastructure.
The activities undertaken in these two areas complement each other to the extent that it is up to the customers’ current needs. Since customer expectations nowadays are characterised by high diversity and intensity, value creation should be viewed from a long-term relationship. This will require a move from creating ad hoc values and this will in turn create a source of flexibility and superiority over others. The value will not be generated directly by the network itself, but through mutual contacts and mediation between customers. In this case, the value chain is a collection of tools that support direct contacts of partners interested in the exchange process.
The solutions included in the value network concept allow customers to connect with each other. This makes the network a feature that is extremely important in the new economy. It is referred to as external network effects and is a spontaneous increase in the competitiveness of the network by increasing the number of users. This value is derived from the synergistic development of customer networks, the development of new/existing services as well as the development of more efficient and efficient infrastructure. Different kinds of relocation processes could be observed within this context (e.g. vertical integration).
The aim of this special issue will be to investigate different kind of strategies, solutions, and forms for the transformation of the traditional supply chains into new ones, based on implementation of new strategies, new forms of activity, and new forms of cooperation. We are interested in research papers especially focused on relocation activities in this context.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Supply chain management in a strategic context
- Global supply chain design
- Value chains and networks
- Supply chain network (e.g. manufacturing, distribution, transportation)
- Manufacturing footprint design
- Manufacturing and supply chain strategy
- Relocation strategies (e.g. offshoring, reshoring, outsourcing, insourcing, nearshoring)
- Relocation processes (e.g. feasibility, realisation, drivers, enablers, barriers, outcomes)
- Relocation decisions (e.g. criteria, evaluation, investment/cost/risk assessment)
- Vertical integration
- Make or buy decisions
- Experience and best practices of relocation decisions
- New technology in relocation decisions (e.g. Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing)
- Sustainability issues in relocation decisions
- Supplier selection, evaluation, and relations
- Innovation in supply chain
- Supply chains' business model
- People in supply chains
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 September, 2017Call for papers: "Next Generation of Research in the Field of Supply Chain Relocation"
For a special issue of the Journal of Supply Chain Relocation.
Supply chain relocation is a popular topic in the scientific literature. It concerns the relocation of manufacturing and other supply chain operations on both a national and international level. On an international level, it is commonly discussed as offshoring or reshoring, but may also involve outsourcing and insourcing. Offshoring has received the greatest attention in both research and practice. It has been a competitive tool, mainly to reduce the cost of labour, but also to gain other benefits, such as market access and economies of scale. Over time, it has become apparent that offshoring is not always successful, and for several reasons companies are now turning to reshoring. Currently, supply chain relocation is high on the agenda for many companies. The topic involves complex decision processes and requires proper risk management. In order to make appropriate decisions, a holistic supply chain view also is needed.
The aim of this special issue will be to capture new trends in the field of supply chain relocation. The goal is to act as a platform for the innovative work of the next generation of researchers and scholars. It is targeted specifically to young scholars and doctoral students who are at the cutting edge of supply chain relocation research.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Supply chain relocation is a popular topic in the scientific literature. It concerns the relocation of manufacturing and other supply chain operations on both a national and international level. On an international level, it is commonly discussed as offshoring or reshoring, but may also involve outsourcing and insourcing. Offshoring has received the greatest attention in both research and practice. It has been a competitive tool, mainly to reduce the cost of labour, but also to gain other benefits, such as market access and economies of scale. Over time, it has become apparent that offshoring is not always successful, and for several reasons companies are now turning to reshoring. Currently, supply chain relocation is high on the agenda for many companies. The topic involves complex decision processes and requires proper risk management. In order to make appropriate decisions, a holistic supply chain view also is needed.
The aim of this special issue will be to capture new trends in the field of supply chain relocation. The goal is to act as a platform for the innovative work of the next generation of researchers and scholars. It is targeted specifically to young scholars and doctoral students who are at the cutting edge of supply chain relocation research.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Supply chain management in a strategic context
- Global supply chain design
- Supply chain network (e.g., manufacturing, distribution, transportation)
- Manufacturing footprint design
- Manufacturing and supply chain strategy
- Relocation strategies (e.g. offshoring, reshoring, outsourcing, insourcing, nearshoring)
- Relocation processes (e.g. feasibility, realisation, drivers, enablers, barriers, outcomes)
- Relocation decisions (e.g. criteria, evaluation, investment/cost/risk assessment)
- Vertical integration
- Make or buy decisions
- Experience and best practices of relocation decisions
- New technology in relocation decisions (e.g. Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing)
- Sustainability issues in relocation decisions
- Supplier selection, evaluation, and relations
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 31 December, 2017Call for papers: "Systematic Literature Reviews in the Field of Supply Chain Relocation"
For a special issue of the Journal of Supply Chain Relocation.
Supply chain relocation is a popular topic in the scientific literature. It concerns the relocation of manufacturing and other supply chain operations on both a national and international level. On an international level, it is commonly discussed as offshoring or reshoring, but may also involve outsourcing and insourcing. Offshoring has received the greatest attention in both research and practice. It has been a competitive tool, mainly to reduce the cost of labour, but also to gain other benefits, such as market access and economies of scale. Over time, it has become apparent that offshoring is not always successful, and for several reasons companies are now turning to reshoring. Currently, supply chain relocation is high on the agenda for many companies. The topic involves complex decision processes and requires proper risk management. In order to make appropriate decisions, a holistic supply chain view also is needed.
The aim of this special issue will be to generate systematic literature reviews in the field of supply chain relocation. Systematic literature reviews are responsible for integrating a number of research works on the same topic, summarizing the common elements, contrasting the differences and extending the work in some fashion (Meredith, 1993; Seuring & Müller, 2008). Trough robust and structured methodologies the goal is to set an agenda for future research on important supply chain relocation topics. Accordingly, we are looking for submissions that identify new gaps in the literature, raise new research questions, and develop propositions for further research. We are also looking for submissions that review contemporary topics.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Supply chain relocation is a popular topic in the scientific literature. It concerns the relocation of manufacturing and other supply chain operations on both a national and international level. On an international level, it is commonly discussed as offshoring or reshoring, but may also involve outsourcing and insourcing. Offshoring has received the greatest attention in both research and practice. It has been a competitive tool, mainly to reduce the cost of labour, but also to gain other benefits, such as market access and economies of scale. Over time, it has become apparent that offshoring is not always successful, and for several reasons companies are now turning to reshoring. Currently, supply chain relocation is high on the agenda for many companies. The topic involves complex decision processes and requires proper risk management. In order to make appropriate decisions, a holistic supply chain view also is needed.
The aim of this special issue will be to generate systematic literature reviews in the field of supply chain relocation. Systematic literature reviews are responsible for integrating a number of research works on the same topic, summarizing the common elements, contrasting the differences and extending the work in some fashion (Meredith, 1993; Seuring & Müller, 2008). Trough robust and structured methodologies the goal is to set an agenda for future research on important supply chain relocation topics. Accordingly, we are looking for submissions that identify new gaps in the literature, raise new research questions, and develop propositions for further research. We are also looking for submissions that review contemporary topics.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Supply chain management in a strategic context
- Global supply chain design
- Supply chain network (e.g., manufacturing, distribution, transportation)
- Manufacturing footprint design
- Manufacturing and supply chain strategy
- Relocation strategies (e.g., offshoring, reshoring, outsourcing, insourcing, nearshoring)
- Relocation processes (e.g., feasibility, realisation, drivers, enablers, barriers, outcomes)
- Relocation decisions (e.g., criteria, evaluation, investment/cost/risk assessment)
- Vertical integration
- Make or buy decisions
- Experience and best practices of relocation decisions
- New technology in relocation decisions (e.g. Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing)
- Sustainability issues in relocation decisions
- Supplier selection, evaluation, and relations
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 31 December, 2017Free sample articles newly available from World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
The following sample articles from the World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development are now available here for free:
- International market competitiveness of Japanese green innovation technologies: an analysis using patent data
- E-learning sustainability: creation of a new platform for designing new community identity through lifelong learning
- Scientific research support in developing sustainable transport in Romania
- Design education for sustainability: a case study for an inclusive approach to design in India
- Total design control within the sustainable engineering design process
21 April 2017
Free sample articles newly available from Middle East Journal of Management
The following sample articles from the Middle East Journal of Management are now available here for free:
- Dynamic financial model of life insurance and family takaful companies in Malaysia
- Mr. Expat, you are fired! Employees' replacement case study from the Middle East
- Stock markets and economic growth: a comparative analysis between Islamic and conventional markets in Malaysia
- Tourism students' career conceptions towards service industry profession: a case study from human resource perspective
- Succession planning, job engagement and job satisfaction: the missing link
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management are now available here for free:
- Excess warehouse space allocation for cost reduction and customer service improvement
- Some considerations on how often safety critical valves should be tested
- The whole at a glance: risk, information and corporate decisions
- The Solyndra case: an institutional economics perspective on the optimal role of government support for green technology development
- A risk assessment approach to support the launching of new products, services or processes
- Threats to the electric grid and the impact on organisational resilience
Special issue published: "Business, Technology And Sustainable Development In Afro-Asian Economies"
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 13(1) 2017
- Typology of Indian e-buyers: clustering on the basis of online shopping motives
- Role of psychological contract between organisational commitment and employee retention: findings from Indian manufacturing industries
- Strategic CSR, reputational advantage and financial performance: a framework and case example
- Assessment of supplier selection for critical items in public organisations of Abu Dhabi
- Macroeconomic factors, entrepreneurial performance and economic growth in emerging markets
- Design of an economically feasible nutrient medium for microorganisms using banana waste
Special issue published: "Innovative Manufacturing Technology"
Int. J. of Manufacturing Research 12(1) 2017
- The configuration of social manufacturing: a social intelligence way toward service-oriented manufacturing
- An interoperable knowledge base for manufacturing resource and service capability
- Commonality and performance metrics to evaluate and optimise the design of additive manufactured product families
- Ontology-based technology function matrix for patent analysis of additive manufacturing in the dental industry
- Energy modelling for FDM 3D printing from a life cycle perspective
- A comprehensive and generic machine tools data model
- The design and development of a real-time compensation controller of thermally-induced errors for CNC machine tools
- An approach to tool path planning for layered plunge milling of free-form surface impeller channel
20 April 2017
Special issue published: "Data Science for Big Data"
Int. J. of Computational Intelligence Studies 5(3/4) 2016
- Efficient microarea selection algorithm for infrastructure installation of broadband services
- Grammatical evolution using two-dimensional gene for symbolic regression: an advanced improvement with conditional statement grammar
- Colour enhancement of digital image based on analysis of individual pixel
- Implementing mobility service with Japanese Linked Data
- Shielding security sensitive parts of mobile agent
- Could a customer's migratory behaviour in inner areas explain his/her purchase: an exploratory analysis
- Multidimensional temporal mining in hospital information system
Special issue published: "Graph Theory and Algorithms"
Int. J. of Networking and Virtual Organisations 17(1) 2017
- Genetic-based routing algorithm with priority constraints
- Efficient cluster head selection method to improve the lifetime in wireless sensor networks
- Theoretical framework of link stability-based forwarding strategy in vehicular ad hoc networks
- More results on computation of topological indices of certain networks
- Embedding complete bipartite graph into grid with optimum congestion and wirelength
- Exact wirelength of embedding chord graph into tree-based architectures
- The effects of post-adoption beliefs on continuance use of a microblogging service: the role of network externalities
Call for papers: "Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining.
This special issue will address innovative approaches in the general area of business intelligence and data mining as well as specific approaches dealing with the topic big data and web data mining in the travel and tourism domain. With the advent of new technologies like Internet of Things, communication technologies, and wide variety of social media applications, organisations produce huge volumes of data in unified formats. Analysing such data and gaining decision-relevant knowledge is indispensable for any kind of stakeholder such as governments, organisations, and communities. Thus, applying techniques from business intelligence and data mining to extract relevant knowledge from available data sources constitutes an important vein of research in the field of big data and business intelligence. Big data analytics that discover insights from evidence has a high demand for computing efficiency, knowledge discovery, problem solving, and event prescription. It also poses great challenges in terms of data, process, analytical modelling and management for organisations to turn big data into big insight. Recently, the term big data has been coined, which is characterised with high volume, variety and velocity, increasingly drives decision making and is changing the landscape of business intelligence. Due to the crucial role and importance of social media and online product reviews, the above trends become vital for various stakeholders to ensure competitiveness and, thus, already gained high research attention.
Innovative approaches and state-of-the-art research findings on the latest development, up-to-date issues, and challenges in the field in the general area of business intelligence and data mining as well as specific approaches, dealing with the topic big data and web data mining will be addressed. Proposed submissions should be original, unpublished, and novel in-depth research that makes significant methodological or application contributions.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Notification to authors: 31 December, 2017
Revised version submission: 31 January, 2018
This special issue will address innovative approaches in the general area of business intelligence and data mining as well as specific approaches dealing with the topic big data and web data mining in the travel and tourism domain. With the advent of new technologies like Internet of Things, communication technologies, and wide variety of social media applications, organisations produce huge volumes of data in unified formats. Analysing such data and gaining decision-relevant knowledge is indispensable for any kind of stakeholder such as governments, organisations, and communities. Thus, applying techniques from business intelligence and data mining to extract relevant knowledge from available data sources constitutes an important vein of research in the field of big data and business intelligence. Big data analytics that discover insights from evidence has a high demand for computing efficiency, knowledge discovery, problem solving, and event prescription. It also poses great challenges in terms of data, process, analytical modelling and management for organisations to turn big data into big insight. Recently, the term big data has been coined, which is characterised with high volume, variety and velocity, increasingly drives decision making and is changing the landscape of business intelligence. Due to the crucial role and importance of social media and online product reviews, the above trends become vital for various stakeholders to ensure competitiveness and, thus, already gained high research attention.
Innovative approaches and state-of-the-art research findings on the latest development, up-to-date issues, and challenges in the field in the general area of business intelligence and data mining as well as specific approaches, dealing with the topic big data and web data mining will be addressed. Proposed submissions should be original, unpublished, and novel in-depth research that makes significant methodological or application contributions.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended
versions of selected papers presented at The 2nd EAI International Conference on Future
Intelligent Vehicular Technologies (Future5V) and
The 16th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In
Computing And Communications (Trustcom),
we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conferences
to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Innovative methods for big data analytics
- Techniques for mining unstructured, spatial-temporal, streaming and/or multimedia data
- Machine learning from big data
- Search and optimisation for big data
- Parallel, accelerated, and distributed big data analytics
- Value and performance of big data analytics
- Data visualisation
- Real-world applications of big data analytics, such as default detection, cybercrime, e-commerce, e-health etc.
- Improving forecasting models using big data analytics
- Security and privacy in big data era
- Online community and big data
- Business analytics and decision support
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Yield management and dynamic pricing
- Analysis of customer behaviour and CRM
- Web data mining (web content mining, web usage mining)
- Network analysis in social communities
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 September, 2017Notification to authors: 31 December, 2017
Revised version submission: 31 January, 2018
Inderscience is media partner for Latam Oil & Gas 2017 Summit
Inderscience is a media partner for Latam Oil & Gas 2017 Summit (6 - 7 June 2017, Bogota, Colombia).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Global Business and Economics Review
- Int. J. of Business and Emerging Markets
- Int. J. of Energy Technology and Policy
- Int. J. of Mining and Mineral Engineering
- Int. J. of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology
- Int. J. of Petroleum Engineering
19 April 2017
A better life outback
Desert lands cover about a quarter of the Earth’s land mass and are home to some half a billion people and yet they are commonly portrayed as extreme places with marginalized communities. The people who live there are perceived as living in hardship and isolation and surviving largely due to subsidies from the “mainstream” economy. New research published in the International Journal of Sustainable Development suggests that for some desert regions, particularly Australia’s “outback”, there is huge potential given appropriate infrastructure and investment for desert regions to become places of great prosperity and wellbeing.
Digby Race of the Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation, in Alice Springs and The Australian National University, in Canberra and colleagues from other universities, report that there is great potential for 200,000 people who live in Australia’s vast desert area which covers about 3.6 million square kilometers. However, the team asserts, “The multi-dimensional nature of the debate about the future of Australia’s desert region often leaves policy makers with little overarching synthesis to guide public policy.”
The desert region of Australia includes the traditional homelands of many Aboriginal peoples, the team points out, and over the last century or so has developed a mixed economy based on pastoral operations, government education and health services, gas and mining operations, and tourism. However, the Aboriginal peoples commonly remain marginalized by mainstream society. The researchers have now drawn together research on climate change, energy, housing and transport to provide an analysis that spans disciplines of how Australia’s desert region could become a highly livable and prosperous area for existing and new residents. It is, of course, hoped that such development would be in concert with the preferred lifestyles of the Aboriginal peoples.
“While there will always be uncertainty about future conditions and challenges, investing in strategies that are culturally appropriate, have little regret (low risk) and provide multiple benefits appears the best pathway,” the team suggests. “That is, investing in the connectivity and mobility of remote communities, creating a coordinated transport system, transitioning to renewable energy, and building super energy efficient housing can all be elements of re-designing the livability of desert Australia.”
Race, D., Dockery, A.M., Havas, L., Joyce, C., Mathew, S. and Spandonide, B. (2017) ‘Re-imagining the future for desert Australia: designing an integrated pathway for enhancing liveability’, Int. J. Sustainable Development, Vol. 20, Nos. 1/2, pp.146–165.
Digby Race of the Cooperative Research Centre for Remote Economic Participation, in Alice Springs and The Australian National University, in Canberra and colleagues from other universities, report that there is great potential for 200,000 people who live in Australia’s vast desert area which covers about 3.6 million square kilometers. However, the team asserts, “The multi-dimensional nature of the debate about the future of Australia’s desert region often leaves policy makers with little overarching synthesis to guide public policy.”
The desert region of Australia includes the traditional homelands of many Aboriginal peoples, the team points out, and over the last century or so has developed a mixed economy based on pastoral operations, government education and health services, gas and mining operations, and tourism. However, the Aboriginal peoples commonly remain marginalized by mainstream society. The researchers have now drawn together research on climate change, energy, housing and transport to provide an analysis that spans disciplines of how Australia’s desert region could become a highly livable and prosperous area for existing and new residents. It is, of course, hoped that such development would be in concert with the preferred lifestyles of the Aboriginal peoples.
“While there will always be uncertainty about future conditions and challenges, investing in strategies that are culturally appropriate, have little regret (low risk) and provide multiple benefits appears the best pathway,” the team suggests. “That is, investing in the connectivity and mobility of remote communities, creating a coordinated transport system, transitioning to renewable energy, and building super energy efficient housing can all be elements of re-designing the livability of desert Australia.”
Race, D., Dockery, A.M., Havas, L., Joyce, C., Mathew, S. and Spandonide, B. (2017) ‘Re-imagining the future for desert Australia: designing an integrated pathway for enhancing liveability’, Int. J. Sustainable Development, Vol. 20, Nos. 1/2, pp.146–165.
16 April 2017
Call for papers: "Recent Trends in Reasoning-based Intelligence Systems"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems.
The primary aim of the special issue will be to bring a forum to highlight on the recent trends in reasoning based intelligence systems. As the research evolves towards 2020, it can be seen that intelligence systems are becoming an integral part of the human world. The reasoning based intelligence systems are expected to make life simpler by developing modern methods of various reasoning out strategies. New tools are being developed towards achieving better results and novel ways with new applications. This special issue will give an opportunity for the researchers to float their new ideas and approaches in solving the cutting edge challenges in reasoning based intelligence systems.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
Notification to authors: 1 September, 2017
Final versions due by: 30 November, 2017
The primary aim of the special issue will be to bring a forum to highlight on the recent trends in reasoning based intelligence systems. As the research evolves towards 2020, it can be seen that intelligence systems are becoming an integral part of the human world. The reasoning based intelligence systems are expected to make life simpler by developing modern methods of various reasoning out strategies. New tools are being developed towards achieving better results and novel ways with new applications. This special issue will give an opportunity for the researchers to float their new ideas and approaches in solving the cutting edge challenges in reasoning based intelligence systems.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Fuzzy based analysis
- Modern ANN based reasoning systems
- Machine learning methods for intelligence systems
- Intelligence for practical systems related to human alert system
- Applications of smart technologies with intelligence
- Intelligent analysis on big data
- Reasoning based systems in cloud
- Medical automatic identification intelligence system
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 1 July, 2017Notification to authors: 1 September, 2017
Final versions due by: 30 November, 2017
Call for papers: "Technologies Applied in Arts"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Arts and Technology.
The use of information technology and other technologies have pushed the boundaries of what is possible in artistic practice. From innovative design tools to digital artistic expression, we can see massive opportunities take advantage of the growing intersection of technologies and art. These opportunities are based on a thorough understanding of the theory, tools and techniques of utilized in these technologies with visual arts for example, yielding creative talents to shape the future of multimedia or games development. The objective of this special issue is to bring together research contributions on the design, specification, and implementation of architectures, protocols, and algorithms for current and future technologies applied in arts.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
The use of information technology and other technologies have pushed the boundaries of what is possible in artistic practice. From innovative design tools to digital artistic expression, we can see massive opportunities take advantage of the growing intersection of technologies and art. These opportunities are based on a thorough understanding of the theory, tools and techniques of utilized in these technologies with visual arts for example, yielding creative talents to shape the future of multimedia or games development. The objective of this special issue is to bring together research contributions on the design, specification, and implementation of architectures, protocols, and algorithms for current and future technologies applied in arts.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Artificial intelligence-based art practice, web art and postmodernism
- Augmented performance in dance
- Autonomic sensor networks and wearable computers in the performing arts
- Choreographing media for interactive virtual environments
- Cognitive intelligence and natural intelligence for the arts
- Collaborative distributed environments
- Computer vision and optical tracking for music and dance performance
- Evolutionary art systems that create drawings/images/animations/sculptures/poetry/text
- Evolutionary music systems that create musical pieces/sounds/instruments/voices
- Interactive/visual theatre
- neurobiological base of acting
- new media aesthetics
- New media arts, science and technology
- Social and ethical issues in the arts and technology
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 30 November, 2017Call for papers: "Shipping and Port Economics and Policy In Memory of Richard Goss"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics.
Professor Richard Goss (1929-2017) published numerous works in the field of maritime economics, including the edited volumes, Studies in Maritime Economics (1968, Cambridge University Press) and Advances in Maritime Economics (1977, Cambridge University Press). Over the years, both his teaching and research output enriched the knowledge and learning of numerous students within the maritime arena and his advice played an important role in shaping UK government policy on shipping and ports. In celebration of the life and work of Professor Richard O. Goss and in recognition of his pivotal role in the development of the field of maritime economics, submissions are invited to this special issue on, focussing on an important area of interest to which this prestigious maritime economist made his most significant contributions.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Professor Richard Goss (1929-2017) published numerous works in the field of maritime economics, including the edited volumes, Studies in Maritime Economics (1968, Cambridge University Press) and Advances in Maritime Economics (1977, Cambridge University Press). Over the years, both his teaching and research output enriched the knowledge and learning of numerous students within the maritime arena and his advice played an important role in shaping UK government policy on shipping and ports. In celebration of the life and work of Professor Richard O. Goss and in recognition of his pivotal role in the development of the field of maritime economics, submissions are invited to this special issue on, focussing on an important area of interest to which this prestigious maritime economist made his most significant contributions.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Retrospect of economic policies and seaport
- Ship investment technique with a modular approach
- Overview of ships' costs
- Flags of convenience and flag discrimination
- Measurement of productivity in shipping
- Port governance: The public and private sectors in ports
- Port development and subsidization: Anglo-Saxon, European Continental Doctrine, and Asian Port Doctrine
- Overview of shipping policy development
- Seafarer's role in a capital intensive shipping industry
- Past, present and future of maritime economics
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by (online): 28 February, 2018Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation are now available here for free:
- Two-stage heuristic algorithm for the large-scale capacitated location routing problem
- A zero suppressed binary decision diagram-based test set relaxation for single and multiple stuck-at faults
- Optimal gait generation for quadruped robots using mesh adaptive direct search
- Aggregating evaluation using dynamic weighted intuitionistic fuzzy approach for concept sequencing in an e-learning system
- An algorithm for general multilevel linear/linear fractional programming problems
- A two-stage stochastic programming optimisation for sugar-ethanol-electricity production from sugarcane: a case study of Mauritius
- Implicit finite difference solution for the magneto-hydro-dynamic unsteady free convective flow and heat transfer of a third-grade fluid past a porous vertical plate
15 April 2017
First issue: International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Control (free sample issue available)
Nonlinear dynamics and control theory have enjoyed extensive development
in the past two decades, evolving to become an interdisciplinary area. The International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Control,
published with the support and cooperation of members of the Dynamics
and Control Committee of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics, is one of the very few journals explicitly dedicated to this
emerging area. It publishes original research and review articles on
theoretical, numerical and experimental works advancing knowledge of
nonlinear dynamic systems and their control.
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
Inderscience is media partner for 2nd International Conference and Expo on Vaccines and Vaccination
Inderscience is a media partner for 2nd International Conference and Expo on Vaccines and Vaccination (20 - 21 November 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine
- Int. J. of Healthcare Policy
- Int. J. of Healthcare Policy
- Int. J. of Medical Engineering and Informatics
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture
The following sample articles from the International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture are now available here for free:
- Test power reduction and test pattern generation for multiple faults using zero suppressed decision diagrams
- Slider: an online and active deadlock avoider by serial execution of critical sections
- Technology optimised fixed-point bit-parallel multiplier for LUT-based FPGAs
- KUMMS: optimising DRAM locality with Kernel-user behaviours
- On the effectiveness of accelerating MapReduce functions using the Xilinx Vivado HLS tool
Free sample articles newly available from Internatinoal Journal of Critical Infrastructures
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Critical Infrastructures are now available here for free:
- Risk assessment and management for interconnected critical infrastructure systems at the site and regional levels in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
- Index of network resilience for urban water distribution systems
- Physical and behavioural determinants of resilience in the transportation system: a case study of vehicle electrification and trip prioritisation
- Resilience and robustness in long-term planning of the national energy and transportation system
- Fusing data in adaptive agent control systems for electrical grids
- Optimal placement and sizing of microgrids in composite reliability of a deregulated power system
- Modelling infrastructure interdependencies, resiliency and sustainability
Research Picks Extra – April 2017
Meeting madness
Love them or hate them workplace meetings are almost as certain as death and taxes even if they are often inefficient, unproductive, and a waste of time. Moreover, the counterproductive behaviour of any combination of managers, staff or even teams can be deleterious to the wellbeing of those concerned and trickle into the workplace to those people who did not attend the meeting. New research suggests that those most badly affected by counterproductive and frustrating behaviour in meetings tend to be those people who are themselves more agreeable and empathetic than others. Whereas to more aggressive and assertive characters, it’s water off the proverbial duck’s back. There are implications for managerial practice and for suffering workplace meetings without suffering too much.
Yoerger, M., Crowe, J., Allen, J.A. and Jones, J. (2017) ‘Meeting madness: counterproductive meeting behaviours and personality traits’, Int. J. Management Practice, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.203–223.
Computer, what movie do you recommend?
Recommendation systems for shopping, music and even friends and contacts have become commonplace since the advent of social media and social networking. A new data mining approach to collaborative filtering that allows a computer algorithm to pluck movie recommendations for users based on personal preferences and those of their associates could generate more personalised suggestions than other systems, according to research from India.
Subramaniyaswamy, V., Logesh, R., Chandrashekhar, M., Challa, A. and Vijayakumar, V. (2017) ‘A personalised movie recommendation system based on collaborative filtering’, Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking, Vol. 10, Nos. 1/2, pp.54–63.
Preparing for a rainy day in the cloud
Cloud computing, distributed services on remote servers, is a very popular way to gain access to fast, high-powered computing and data storage without having to purchase costly in-house equipment. However, as several high-profile cases show, cloud services are vulnerable to attack from malicious third parties through the likes of a denial-of-service (DOS) attack on the servers. A DOS not only makes the technology unusable, often for extended periods of time, but while the servers are busy attempting to handle the massive wave of data requests behind such an attack, they are also vulnerable to attack by malware and from hackers who can break into such systems while other parts of the server network are effectively “distracted” by the attack. A team from Australia and China have demonstrated a significant type of attack on cloud services running virtual machines. Their revelations should allow operators to tighten security and close loopholes in their clouds.
Liu, M., Dou, W. and Yu, S. (2017) ‘How to shutdown a cloud: a DDoS attack in a private infrastructure-as-a-service cloud’, Int. J. Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.1–14.
Tuberculosis, the old disease with new life
In 1993, the re-emergence of tuberculosis (TB) led the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare the disease a global emergency. Once thought to have been conquered by antibiotics, various socioeconomic factors have led to the worrying spread of TB beyond the usual endemic enclaves of the disease. Poverty, increasing intravenous drug use, the spread of HIV/AIDS and the causative bacteria become resistant to antibiotics are all working in concert to bring back a lethal disease. The Stop TB Partnership hopes to essentially eradicate TB by 2050, cutting the number of annual cases to fewer than one case per million population. Scientists from Korea have looked at 22 so-called high-burden countries that account for 80% of incidence and made their own forecasts for how likely the effort is going to be in reducing incidence to those levels. Their forecasts suggest that for all but four or five of those countries the reduction targets will be met, but the outliers will remain of significant concern for years after without urgent modifications to medical strategy there.
Chang, Y.S. and Choi, C.Y. (2017) ‘Will the Stop TB Partnership targets on TB control be realised on schedule? Projection of future incidence, prevalence and death rates’, Int. J. Data Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.44–69.
Love them or hate them workplace meetings are almost as certain as death and taxes even if they are often inefficient, unproductive, and a waste of time. Moreover, the counterproductive behaviour of any combination of managers, staff or even teams can be deleterious to the wellbeing of those concerned and trickle into the workplace to those people who did not attend the meeting. New research suggests that those most badly affected by counterproductive and frustrating behaviour in meetings tend to be those people who are themselves more agreeable and empathetic than others. Whereas to more aggressive and assertive characters, it’s water off the proverbial duck’s back. There are implications for managerial practice and for suffering workplace meetings without suffering too much.
Yoerger, M., Crowe, J., Allen, J.A. and Jones, J. (2017) ‘Meeting madness: counterproductive meeting behaviours and personality traits’, Int. J. Management Practice, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp.203–223.
Computer, what movie do you recommend?
Recommendation systems for shopping, music and even friends and contacts have become commonplace since the advent of social media and social networking. A new data mining approach to collaborative filtering that allows a computer algorithm to pluck movie recommendations for users based on personal preferences and those of their associates could generate more personalised suggestions than other systems, according to research from India.
Subramaniyaswamy, V., Logesh, R., Chandrashekhar, M., Challa, A. and Vijayakumar, V. (2017) ‘A personalised movie recommendation system based on collaborative filtering’, Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking, Vol. 10, Nos. 1/2, pp.54–63.
Preparing for a rainy day in the cloud
Cloud computing, distributed services on remote servers, is a very popular way to gain access to fast, high-powered computing and data storage without having to purchase costly in-house equipment. However, as several high-profile cases show, cloud services are vulnerable to attack from malicious third parties through the likes of a denial-of-service (DOS) attack on the servers. A DOS not only makes the technology unusable, often for extended periods of time, but while the servers are busy attempting to handle the massive wave of data requests behind such an attack, they are also vulnerable to attack by malware and from hackers who can break into such systems while other parts of the server network are effectively “distracted” by the attack. A team from Australia and China have demonstrated a significant type of attack on cloud services running virtual machines. Their revelations should allow operators to tighten security and close loopholes in their clouds.
Liu, M., Dou, W. and Yu, S. (2017) ‘How to shutdown a cloud: a DDoS attack in a private infrastructure-as-a-service cloud’, Int. J. Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.1–14.
Tuberculosis, the old disease with new life
In 1993, the re-emergence of tuberculosis (TB) led the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare the disease a global emergency. Once thought to have been conquered by antibiotics, various socioeconomic factors have led to the worrying spread of TB beyond the usual endemic enclaves of the disease. Poverty, increasing intravenous drug use, the spread of HIV/AIDS and the causative bacteria become resistant to antibiotics are all working in concert to bring back a lethal disease. The Stop TB Partnership hopes to essentially eradicate TB by 2050, cutting the number of annual cases to fewer than one case per million population. Scientists from Korea have looked at 22 so-called high-burden countries that account for 80% of incidence and made their own forecasts for how likely the effort is going to be in reducing incidence to those levels. Their forecasts suggest that for all but four or five of those countries the reduction targets will be met, but the outliers will remain of significant concern for years after without urgent modifications to medical strategy there.
Chang, Y.S. and Choi, C.Y. (2017) ‘Will the Stop TB Partnership targets on TB control be realised on schedule? Projection of future incidence, prevalence and death rates’, Int. J. Data Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.44–69.
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