11 January 2012

Call for Papers: Cloud Computing and Service-Oriented Architecture

A special issue of International Journal of Information and Communication Technology

Cloud computing is a new paradigm in the area of computing with a pool of virtualised computer resources and is driven by economics of scale. A cloud supports redundant, self-recovering, highly scalable programming models and allows workloads to recover from many unavoidable hardware/software failures. The idea of cloud computing is to move desktop computing to a service-oriented platform using server clusters and huge databases at datacenters.

Cloud computing overlaps some of the concepts of cluster, distributed, grid, service, ubiquitous, utility and virtual computing; however, it has emerged from these computing domains and now has its own meaning. Cloud computing is now associated with a higher level abstraction of the cloud. Instead of there being application software, routers and servers, there are now services. Using these cloud computing models and toolsets, IT-related capabilities are provided as services, accessible without requiring detailed knowledge of the underlying technology.

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) also generally provides a way for consumers of services such as web-based applications to be aware of available SOA-based services. SOA defines how to integrate widely disparate applications for a Web-based environment and uses multiple implementation platforms.

This special issue will cover all of the above issues.

Although we welcome submissions on any area within the scope of cloud computing, the following areas are particularly suitable (but not exhaustive):
  • Auditing, monitoring and scheduling
  • Automatic reconfiguration
  • Autonomic computing
  • Cloud architecture and modelling
  • Cloud-based services
  • Consistency models
  • Data grid and semantic web
  • Fault tolerance and reliability
  • Hardware as a service (HaaS)
  • High-performance computing
  • Integration of mainframe and large systems
  • Innovations in IP (especially open source) systems
  • IT service and relationship management
  • Load balancing
  • Middleware frameworks
  • New and innovative pedagogical approaches
  • Novel programming models for large computing
  • Optimal deployment configuration
  • Peer-to-peer computing
  • Power-aware profiling, modelling and optimisation
  • Resource registration and discovery
  • Scalable fault resilience techniques for large computing
  • Scalable scheduling on heterogeneous architectures
  • Security and risk
  • Self-healing
  • Self-monitoring
  • Service integration and management
  • Service level agreement definitions
  • Software as a service
  • Trustworthiness, security and privacy
  • Utility computing
  • Virtualisation technologies
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 30 April, 2012
Notification of acceptance: 1 June, 2012
Submission of final revised paper: 1 August, 2012


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