1 October 2015

Special issue published: "Advances in Computational Biology and Genomics"

International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 8(3) 2015
  • SWATH-MS in proteomics: current status
  • NGSPERL: a semi-automated framework for large scale next generation sequencing data analysis
  • Non-invasive electroencephalography signals classification using rough neural network
  • MARAGAP: a modular approach to reference assisted genome assembly pipeline
  • Robust hybrid wrapper/filter biomarker discovery from gene expression data based on generalised island model
  • Predicting tumour stages of lung cancer adenocarcinoma tumours from pooled microarray data using machine learning methods
  • In-silico study of computational modelling and GLP-1 receptor inverse agonist compounds on a cancer cell line inhibitory bioassay dataset

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