6 October 2015

Call for papers: "Entrepreneurship: Made in German (Language)"

For a special issue of the International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

German is hip again. German is not only the most widely spoken native language in the European Union, but there is also a global increase in persons interested in learning German as a foreign language. Moreover, the German language area has for decades now been a major growth engine of the global economy.

Against this backdrop, the aim of this special issue is to explore entrepreneurship in the German-speaking countries Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein to get a better understanding of the stories, reasons and antecedents behind this successful development. Furthermore, we are no less interested in contributions on entrepreneurship in Germanophone (border) regions such as in Denmark, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Namibia, Brazil, Chile and further countries where German is a national minority language.

In this broadest sense of German, submissions could also focus on the export of German expatriate entrepreneurs and business models, capture perceptions of German entrepreneurship abroad (e.g. in China), or revisit particularities of German entrepreneurship research (Schmude et al., 2008).

We invite theoretical, conceptual and empirical submissions, and are particularly keen to read daring, ironic or surprising perspectives on German entrepreneurship.

Dana, L-P (1993) 'An Analysis of Strategic Intervention Policy in Namibia,” Journal of Small Business Management', 31, 90-95.
Dana, L-P (2007a) ed., Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship: A Co-evolutionary View on Resource Management, Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.
Dana, L-P (2007b) 'Promoting SMEs in Africa: Some Insights from An Experiment in Ghana and Togo', Journal of African Business 8 (2), October, 151-174.
Durst, S. and Henschel, T. (2014) 'Governance in small firms – A country comparison of current practices', International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 21(1), 16-32.
Durst, S. and Wilhelm, S. (2012) 'Knowledge management and succession planning in SMEs', Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(4), 637 – 649.
Durst, S. and Wilhelm, S. (2011) 'Knowledge management in practice: insights into a medium-sized enterprise's exposure to knowledge loss', Prometheus, 29(1), 23-38.
Kaufmann, H. R. and Durst, S. (2008) 'Developing inter-regional brands', EuroMed Journal of Business, 3(1), 38-62. doi:10.1108/14502190810873812. Müller, K. (2010) 'Knowledge Governance: The Social Dimension of Innovation', Central European Journal of Public Policy, (1), 4-13.
Müller, K., Roth, S. and Žák, M. (2010) The social dimension of innovation, Prague: Linde.
Roth, S. (2009) 'New for whom? Initial images from the social dimension of innovation', International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 4(4), 231-252. 10.1504/ijisd.2009.03308.
Roth, S. (2014a) 'Booties, Bounties, Business Models. A map to the next red oceans', International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 22(4), 439-448.
Roth, S. (2014b) 'The eye-patch of the beholder. Introduction to entrepreneurship and piracy', International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 22(4), 399-407.
Roth, S. (2015) 'Free economy! On 3628800 alternatives of and to capitalism', Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 27(2), 107-128.
Roth, S., Kaivo-Oja, J. and Hirschmann, T. (2013) 'Smart regions: Two cases of crowdsourcing for regional development', International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 20(3), 272-285.
Roth, S., Schneckenberg, D. and Tsai, C.-W. (2015) 'The Ludic Drive as Innovation Driver: Introduction to the Gamification of Innovation', Creativity and Innovation Management, 24(2), 300-306. 10.1111/caim.12124.
Schmude, J., Welter, F. and Heumann, S. (2008) 'Entrepreneurship Research in Germany', Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32(2), 289-311. 10.1111/j.1540-6520.2007.00227.x.
Welter, F. (2006) 'Entrepreneurship in West and East Germany', International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 4(2), 97-109.

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Virtues, self-definitions and caricatures of German entrepreneurs
  • Historical entrepreneurship: made in German (language)
  • German entrepreneurship and piracy (Roth, 2014a; Roth, 2014b)
  • Dark sides of German entrepreneurship
  • German thoroughness and entrepreneurship
  • German business planning
  • German intercultural differences, regional development and interregional entrepreneurship (Kaufmann and Durst, 2008; Welter, 2006; Roth et al., 2013)
  • German entrepreneurship, green entrepreneurship?
  • Entrepreneurship and degrowth, German (horror) visions?
  • German entrepreneurs, German capitalisms (Roth, 2015)
  • German entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • German governance (Durst and Henschel, 2014)
  • German knowledge lost in translation (Durst and Wilhelm, 2011; Durst and Wilhelm, 2012)
  • Ethnic minority entrepreneurship in German-speaking countries (Dana, 2007a)
  • Germanophone entrepreneurship education
  • Germanophone social media and entrepreneurship
  • German entrepreneurship and big data
  • German families, German businesses
  • Social entrepreneurship and innovations - Made in German (language) (Müller et al., 2010; Müller, 2010; Roth, 2009)
  • German gender mainstreams in entrepreneurship
  • German games, innovations and adventures (Roth et al., 2015)
  • Entrepreneurship in former German colonies, including Namibia (Dana, 1993) and Togo (Dana, 2007b)
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 30 September, 2016

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