30 October 2015

Call for papers: "Model and Data Engineering"

For a special issue of the International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems.

The development of advanced applications is gradually becoming more and more complex due to the natural evolution of corporations from the local to global scales. This evolution sig-nificantly impacts the different phases of the lifecycle of application development. Globalisa-tion increases the number of heterogeneous actors, where each one proposes an important number of models for each phase and consequently contributes in generating heterogeneous data. As a consequence their interoperability is required.
From a models perspective, the foundations and successful stories of modelling have to be leveraged to cope with advanced areas such as business intelligence, sensors, cyber secu-rity, cloud computing, services, etc. From the data perspective, database management has to get benefits from the diversity of storage models, deployment platforms, processing units, query optimisations, etc.
The purpose of this special issue is to present new and challenging issues in both model and data engineering.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Modelling and model engineering
    • Design of general-purpose modelling languages and related standards
    • Model-driven engineering, modelling languages, meta-modelling, model transformation, model evolution
    • Formal modelling, verification and validation, analysis, testing
    • Ontology-based modelling, role of ontologies in modelling activities
    • Model manipulation and models as first objects
    • Heterogeneous modelling, model integration, interoperability
    • Applications and case studies
  • Data engineering
    • Heterogeneous data, data Integration and interoperability
    • Distributed, parallel, grid, p2p, cloud databases
    • Data warehouses and OLAP, data mining
    • Database system internals, performance, self-tuning benchmarking and test-ing
    • Database security, personalisation, recommendation
    • Web databases, ontology-based databases
    • Applications and case studies
  • Modelling for data management
    • New models and architectures for databases and data warehouses
    • Modelling and quality of data
    • Modelling for enhancing sharing data
    • Models for explicit and implicit semantics-based data optimisation
    • Model reification, model repositories
    • Modelling nonfunctional properties of systems
    • Data as models and models as data
    • Service- based data management, service-oriented applications
    • Models for data monitoring
    • Urbanisation of database applications
  • Applications and tooling
    • Industry transfer, experiences
    • Data and model manipulation and tooling
    • Modelling tools and experimentation
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 1 February, 2016
Notification to authors: 1 April, 2016
Final versions due: 1 June, 2016

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