- Scaling the house: optimal seating zones for entertainment venues when location of seats affects demand
- Purposeful underestimation of demands for the airline seat allocation with incomplete information
- Seat allocation and pricing in a duopoly in the airline industry
- Cost management and small restaurant businesses: a complex balance and the role of management
30 April 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Revenue Management
Call for papers: "Advances in Information Security, Privacy and Forensics of Multimedia Big Data in the Internet of Things"
- Security and privacy of big data in IoT
- Security and privacy management of multimedia big data in IoT
- Intrusion detection systems in IoT
- Security and privacy of pricing and billing for IoT services
- Cryptography, authentication, authorisation and usage control for IoT systems
- Security of mobile, peer-to-peer and pervasive services in IoT
- Security of big data in mobile commerce and mobile IoT
- Big data-enabling social networks on mobile clouds and in IoT
- Security protocols in IoT
- Privacy protocols in IoT
- Forensics in IoT
- Social engineering, insider threats, advanced spear phishing in IoT
- Multi-modal information retrieval for big data in IoT systems
- Security and privacy of big data in MCC and cloud
Important Dates
Manuscript submission deadline: 25 February, 2017
29 April 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Nanomanufacturing
- Investigation of novel parameters affecting distribution of reinforcement in nano metal matrix composites
- Physical and mechanical properties of Ti/Al multilayer heat releasing coatings
- A study of chip formation in ductile-regime machining of 6H silicon carbide by molecular dynamics
- Improving photoelectric conversion efficiency of DSSC using ZnO/ZnP composite nanorods
- Hydrophilic/hydrophobic surface pattern design for oil repellent function in water
- Process model-based analysis of highly crystalline and chemically pure molecular beam epitaxy of MgO (111) nano-thin films on 6H-SiC (0001) substrates
- Static and dynamic interface characteristics between functional micro-structure and water
- Fabrication and surface plasmon resonance of silver triangular nanoprisms
Special issue published: "Complex Systems Governance Issues and Applications"
- Complex system governance: moving diverse theory to practice
- Complex system governance development: a first generation methodology
- Systems thinking capacity: implications and challenges for complex system governance development
- Enterprise architecture view of complex system governance
- Understanding system structural tensions to support complex system governance development methodology
- Leadership issues in governance of complex systems
- Interpreting barriers to success in software development and deployment using systems theory
- Governance of collaborative system of systems
- Introduction to service system governance
- A futures perspective on constitutional governance
New Editor for International Journal of Value Chain Management
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications
- Self-tuning fuzzy logic PID controller, applications in nuclear power plants
- 3D and 2D face recognition using integral projection curves based depth and intensity images
- A simple and effective expert system for schizophrenia detection
- Linear fuzzy controller design for dynamic positioning system of surface ships
28 April 2016
Special issue published: "Hybrid Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications"
- Hybrid decision support system using PLSR-fuzzy model for GSM-based site-specific irrigation notification and control in precision agriculture
- A model for software defect prediction using support vector machine based on CBA
- Scalable fault models for diagnosis of synchronous generators
- Optimising hazardous materials transport network based on multi-objective hybrid intelligence algorithm
- Shuffled frog leaping algorithm based on enhanced learning
- Swarm simulated annealing algorithm with knowledge-based sampling for travelling salesman problem
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Critical Accounting
- Back to the classics: editing the Emanuel Saxe legacy for modern accounting
- A social reproduction approach to depreciation
- Bourdieun analysis of gender in accounting development: evidence from Nigerian banking field
- Dialogic education: reflections from an accounting course
- The research-publication complex and the construct shift in accounting research
Call for papers: "Nature-inspired Optimisation Algorithms"
- Evolutionary algorithms
- Swarm intelligence-based algorithms
- Hybridisation of nature-inspired optimisation algorithms
- Review and comparative studies of nature-inspired optimisation algorithms
- New methodologies inspired from learning behaviour of social insects/evolution processes
- Theory and practice of nature-inspired algorithms in different domains
- Real-world problem solving using nature-inspired algorithms
Important Dates
Let internet crowd review design your next product
Ismail Art Yagci and Sanchoy Das of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, at New Jersey Institute of Technology, in Newark, USA, explain how web reviews are a readily available source of product intelligence and suggest that such reviews might contain significant pointers regarding the pros and cons of a design or features that are redundant, unwanted or missing. In light of this, the team introduces a design-feature-opinion-cause relationship (DFOC) method that can extract design intelligence from unstructured web reviews.
Product development managers are constantly challenged to learn about the consumer’s experience with their product and to uncover the specifics of how well or how badly a product is performing in the hands of those consumers. Conventional market research, which might involve prototype testing, field tests and independent assessment are costly, time consuming and limited in the amount of data they can return. The advent of the internet and in particular the idea of interactive web 2.0 sites, online social media and networking and a boom in our all-round need to share our opinions has opened up an entirely new approach to such testing based around what one might called “crowd review”.
The researchers explain how their DFOC method first builds a sentence-based web review database and then mines that database to identify design features that are of interest to both designers and users. Next it extracts and estimates the significance and polarity of customer opinion and identifies the underlying factors that may have given rise to a particular opinion. The DFOC system used an association rule-based opinion mining procedure for capturing and extracting noun-adjective and noun-verb relationships.
Opinion mining is not entirely new, but the team has demonstrated a strong proof of principle with their DFOC method on car design on characteristics such as engine power, fuel economy, safety, comfort, exhaust, sound system, interior design etc. The DFOC approach identified 42 features of interest many of which are not commonly specified in car design and yet are of interest or concern to drivers. “This implies that a DFOC type analysis expands the design feature analysis set, and hence makes the intelligence is even more valuable,” the team says. They have also demonstrated how it can overcome several of the problems inherent to earlier techniques.
They point out that their DFOC method could enhance creative efficiency by identifying negative opinions in the early stages of the design process, and so help channel effort to areas where designers can have the greatest impact on consumer opinion of future products. The approach could also improve competitiveness by shortening the lead-time for the introduction of new products or services, lowering design costs, and improving quality and reliability of products and services.
Yagci, I.A. and Das, S. (2015) ‘Design feature opinion cause analysis: a method for extracting design intelligence from web reviews’, Int. J. Knowledge and Web Intelligence, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp.127–145.
Original article: Let internet crowd review design your next product.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1Wslkf1
27 April 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies
- Teachers' lived experiences with Mexican American ELL students in Arizona: a phenomenological study
- How do practising teachers understand creativity?
- Sustainability and environmental change in a small company in the pharmaceutical marketing industry
- The capacity decisions of Samhan C1 brick manufacturing
- Adult children's information deficiencies and risk aversion regarding LTCI purchase for elderly parents: a multi case study
- Strategies for teaching Mexican American English language learners in the USA: a literature review
Special issue published: "Mobile Computing, Wireless Networks and e-Learning"
Includes extended versions of papers presented at the Third International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA-2014).
- Wormhole attack detection and data aggregation algorithm for wireless sensor networks
- Congestion aware multi-path routing protocol for mobile ad-hoc networks
- Simulink implementation of IEEE 802.11p for rear end collision avoidance system
- Unequal cluster-based fault prediction algorithm for wireless sensor networks
- Converging formalisations of communicational spaces
- An empirical analysis of the impact of textile professional market on the regional economy
- P2P mobile JXTA combinational auction model for Premier League Cricket Tournament
- Building of linear mathematical classifiers optimised with differential evolution
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Learning Technology
- Evaluation of high-altitude balloons as a learning technology
- Massive open online courses: a review of usage and evaluation
- Using ConceptGrid as an easy authoring technique to check natural language responses
- A situation that we had never imagined: post-Fukushima virtual collaborations for determining robot task metrics
- Investigating preschoolers' problem solving strategies in computer-mediated collaborative environments
Emotion detector understands facial expressions to help you learn and play games
Hyung-Il Choi of the School of Media, at Soongsil University, in Seoul, Korea, working with Nhan Thi Cao and An Hoa Ton-That of Vietnam National University, in Ho Chi Minh City, explain that capturing the emotions of players could be used in interactive games for various purposes, such as transferring the player’s emotions to his or her avatar, or activating suitable actions to communicate with other players in various scenarios including educational applications.
The team has developed a simple, fast system that they have shown to be almost 99% accurate on thousands of test facial images. Fundamentally, the system uses mathematical processing to measure eyebrow position, the openness of the eyes, mouth shape and other factors in order to correlate those with basic human emotions: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise and a neutral expression. The system can work even on images of faces just 48 pixels square.
Facial expression recognition has been the focus of much research in recent years, thanks to the emergence of intelligence communication systems, data-driven animation and intelligent game applications, the team reports. “When facial expressions recognition of players is applied in an intelligent game system, the experience can become more interactive, vivid and attractive,” the team says. One might also imagine that the same system could be used to track the emotional expressions of actors voicing the characters in animated movies and other media for more realistic real-time emotional expression.
Cao, N.T., Ton-That, A.H. and Choi, H-I. (2016) ‘An effective facial expression recognition approach for intelligent game systems’, Int. J. Computational Vision and Robotics, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.223–234.
Original article: Emotion detector understands facial expressions to help you learn and play games.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1NSoORj
26 April 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies
- The right to family life in the framework of ECHR and EU case law
- Gendering rule of law reform after conflict
- Design of the while-listening tasks in autonomous hypermedia environments
- A review of key regulatory issues for genetically modified foods in Kenya
- Influence of network public opinion on China's diplomatic decision-making
- Substantial equality and human dignity
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication to publish expanded papers from 2nd International Conference on Transformation in Communication (ICoTiC)
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling
- Analysis of interactions among the drivers of green supply chain management
- Modelling and analysis of coordination of a three-level supply chain with use of price discount along with delay in payment
- Holistic modelling, simulation and visualisation of demand and supply chains
- Integrated inventory model with uniform demand for one vendor one customer
- Modelling to assess the impact of technological innovation capacity in the performance of high complexity environments
- Occupational risk management in construction supply chain
Call for papers: "PLM for Manufacturing in the Aerospace Industry"
- Research on methods and processes based on PLM usage within the manufacturing engineering scope
- Industrial application or experiences of methods and processes based on PLM usage within the manufacturing engineering context
- Concurrent or collaborative engineering between product development and manufacturing using PLM-based methods, processes and tools
- Configuration management for manufacturing: as planned and as built configurations
- PLM to integrate and deploy aircraft manufacturing related data
- PLM as an enabler of the aircraft digital twin/avatar/digital counterpart from a manufacturing perspective
25 April 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics
- The information hiding mechanism based on compressed document format
- A new multi-population-based differential evolution
- Research on Bluetooth protocols based on Android kernel log
- A memetic algorithm for the max-cut problem
- Enhanced social emotional optimisation algorithm with generalised opposition-based learning
- Enhanced differential evolution with generalised opposition-based learning and orientation neighbourhood mining
- Self-adapting control parameters with multi-parent crossover in differential evolution algorithm
- A novel multi-subpopulation cooperative particle swarm optimisation
- A hybrid cooperative cuckoo search algorithm with particle swarm optimisation
- A highly accurate numerical discretisation of time dependent singular state variable model for software testing process
- Observer design for a mathematical model for the management of a renewable resource population
Inderscience is media partner for 6th China (Ghuangzou) International Fire Safety Exhibition
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Critical Infrastructures
- Int. J. of Emergency Management
- Int. J. of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
- Int. J. of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation
- Int. J. of Nuclear Safety and Security
- Int. J. of Vehicle Safety
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Forensic Engineering
- Reconstruction of a go-karting fatality
- Minnesota I35W steel bridge collapse: lessons learned and challenges revealed
- Experimental investigation on GFRP strengthened RC piles under lateral loads
- Significant wastage of a nuclear reactor pressure vessel head
Call for papers: "New Challenges in Intelligent Computing and Applications"
The aim of this special issue is to provide a platform for original and significant contributions to the field of intelligent computing in all of its extensive scope. Intelligent computing is taken here to comprise theory, algorithms, applications and technologies.
This issue is a forum for scientists, engineers, and researchers to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in information sciences, artificial intelligence, data mining, computational intelligence, mobile computing, networking, health informatics, bioinformatics and IT applications across various disciplines.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at The Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (ICCIDM 2016) but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Computational intelligence
- Soft computing
- Software engineering
- Human-computer interaction
- Image processing
- Real-time computing and its algorithms
- Digital communications and mobile computing
- Image and speech processing
- Wired/wireless integrated networks
- Green networking
- Mobile and ubiquitous networks
- Artificial intelligence
- Pattern recognition
- Fuzzy computation and its applications
- Power electronics and electric drives
- Green computing
- Data mining
- Cognitive systems
- Rough sets, SVM and granular computing
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 5 February, 2017
Notification to authors: 5 May, 2017
Final versions due: 15 June, 2017
24 April 2016
Special issue published: "e-Learning and Lifelong Learning in the Globalised World"
Extended versions of papers presented at the scientific conference “Theoretical and practical aspects of distance learning - E-learning & lifelong learning”.
- Implementation of e-learning portal for academic education and lifelong learning
- The benefits of using blended-learning methods in spectroscopy
- CLIL instruction in online interactive multimedia: a case study of Polish middle school learners of English
- Feedback improvement of question objects
- Quality features of university information environment in its external indicators
- Differential effects of variations in problem-based and lecturing sequences
- Let's play together: the design and evaluation of a collaborative, pro-social game for preschool children
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance to publish expanded papers from SIBR-Thammasat 2016 Bangkok Conference
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Society Systems Science
- 'Warming' global information systems to promote competitiveness in the era of climate change
- Researching green development and sustainable communities in small urban municipalities
- Analysing temporal changes and sustainability of rainfed 'Aus rice' production systems
- Spatial impacts of megaprojects on the form of metropolitan regions: a theoretical inquiry
- 'Growing together': transnational policy networks and environmental policy change in Costa Rica
23 April 2016
Special issue published: "New Trends and Findings in Forensic Engineering"
- Investigation on the 2010 Schola Armaturarum collapse in Pompeii
- The collapse of a temporary structure
- Fire investigation on a car park
- On the role of the numerical analyses in forensic investigations of fire-induced progressive collapses of tall buildings
- Collapse of corrugated metal culvert in Northern Sardinia: analysis and numerical simulations
- A framework for NaTech seismic risk assessment in industrial plants
- Risk analysis for severe traffic accidents in long road tunnels
- Probabilistic risk analysis of building columns to gas pipeline explosions
- Seismic risk assessment of an industrial plant struck by the Emilia 2012 earthquakes
- Durability of GFRP grids for masonry structures
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms
- A new probabilistic active sample selection algorithm for class imbalance problem
- Combinatorics in Pearson residuals
- Performance index assessment of intelligent computing methods in EMG-based neuromuscular diseases
- Comparative study of classification techniques on biomedical data from hypertext documents
- Towards detecting redundancy in domain engineering process using first order logic rules
Call for papers: "Advances in Sport Management in the Global Marketplace: Theory and Practice"
The entrepreneurship and sport management disciplines have grown significantly in the past decade (Parkhouse, 1991). Particularly, sport management involves any combination of skills related to planning, organising, directing, controlling, budgeting, leading and evaluating within the context of an organisation or department whose primary product or service is related to sport or physical activity (Pitts, 2001). Sport managers carry out this expertise in a multiplicity of organisational surroundings such as college sports, professional and amateur sports, sport marketing and management firms, sport communications and news media, etc.
An upsurge in the number and variety of sports publications, sports-related internet sites and enhanced mass media presentation and exposure of sports events and activities is ensuing in the need for individuals with special qualifications in sport communications and media (Pedersen & Thibault, 2014). Likewise, growth in the number and variety of specialised sports facilities, an increase in sports tourism and adventure travel, the rapid progression of the globalisation of sports and the provision of sport-related goods and services for diverse market segments is contributing to the unremitting advance of the sports business.
This progress confirms that the sports industry will remain as ranking among the major and most diverse businesses in the global marketplace, thus sustaining career opportunities for the future. Mullin et al. (2014) refer to sport management as a hybrid field of study that covers numerous other disciplines. The sport industry has been developing rapidly during recent years and promises to continue to expand. Jobs in marketing and promotions as well as in sports information and communication are often accessible. Several employment opportunities exist in professional sports in relation to event management and community relations as well as in reference to financial markets (Howard & Crompton, 1995). Further employment options are also rapidly emerging in sporting goods, sports agents and arena management.
In this emerging scenario, this special issue aims at answering several research questions, including the following. How can entrepreneurs and managers in the sport business pursue competitive and strategic advantage? How can sport industries successfully compete within global marketplaces? Which strategic elements may affect the business performance of sport industries?
Furthermore, this special issue aims to investigate which management tools and accounting systems are likely to be the best choices for managers and entrepreneurs in order to evaluate and measure the economic assessment of tangible and intangible assets within the sport business. Likewise, we hope to receive papers that explore financial and corporate social responsibility issues within the sport business. Moreover, empirical papers focused on the effects of managerial and financial practices and tools on the strategic management processes of the sport business as well as on their corporate governance are welcome.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the EuroMed Conference 2016 , but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Howard, D. R., & Crompton, J. L. (1995). Financing sport. Fitness Information Technology
Parkhouse, B. L. (1991). The management of sport: Its foundation and application. Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
Mullin, B. J., Hardy, S., & Sutton, W. (2014). Sport Marketing 4th Edition. Human Kinetics
Pedersen, P. M., & Thibault, L. (Eds.). (2014). Contemporary Sport Management, 5E. Human Kinetics
Pitts, B. G. (2001). Sport management at the millennium: a defining moment. Journal of Sport Management, 15(1), 1-9
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- Social enterprise and entrepreneurship in sport
- Financial issues related to the sport industry
- Business performance evaluation of sport-related firms
- Intellectual capital and intangibles management within sport industries
- Accounting-related issues for the sport business
- Social media tools for sport industries
- Network analysis application to sport management research-related issues
- Partnerships between brands and social enterprises as co-production of sport
- Negotiations of power in shifting organisational forms within the sport business
- Governance practices and issues within hybrid sport organisations
- Corporate social responsibility and the sport industry
- Evolution of sectoral boundaries from local to global sport contexts
- Tensions between state or public sport and commercial enterprise
- New organisational forms of community sport delivery
- Impact of sports' law-related issue on the sport industry
- Opportunities for new organisational forms following major sport events
- Evaluation and impact of sport-based foundations
- Global marketplaces and sport management
- Knowledge management and knowledge practices for the sport industry
- New organisational forms in sport-for-development
- The impact of shifting boundaries and expectations on sport sponsors
- The impact of globalisation and demographic change on shifting forms
- Managing multiple and diverse stakeholder relationships within the global sport context
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 14 July, 2017
Special issue published: "Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Industrial Engineering"
Extended versions of papers presented at the 3rd International Fuzzy Systems Symposium.
- Type-1 fuzzy time series function method based on binary particle swarm optimisation
- Software fault prediction using Mamdani type fuzzy inference system
- Component inventory allocation in assembly line balancing with fuzzy performance ratings
- Route prioritisation in a multi-agent transportation environment via multi-attribute decision making
- Sub-assembly detection and line balancing using fuzzy goal programming approach
22 April 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
- An open multi-tier architecture for high-performance data mining using SOA
- From Mylar to map documents: GIS AML inventory for abandoned coal mine investigations
- Public participation GIS and neighbourhood recovery: using community mapping for economic development
- Geospatial technologies in school - theoretical concept and practical implementation in K-12 schools
Inderscience is media partner for Advanced Lightweight Vehicles and Materials Forum 2016
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Automotive Composites
- Int. J. of Materials and Product Technology
- Int. J. of Materials Engineering Innovation
Special issue published: "Content Management and Dissemination in Multimedia Systems for Culture"
- Ionian music archive: application of digitisation, management, protection and dissemination technologies for musical cultural heritage
- Cultural heritage open data for developing an educational platform
- On the implementation of a digital map for cultural heritage
- Design patterns and coding practices for performance-optimised JQuery Mobile cultural sites
- A framework for cultural heritage content organisation, dissemination and communication in large-scale virtual environments
- Contributing in an ethno-oriented methodology: the case of Greek students who learn Russian verbs of motion
- Supporting cultural education using digital concept mapping
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies
- Module defect prediction under the Eclipse platform: the quadratic effect of software size and the influence of prerelease defects
- Making strategy process intelligent with business intelligence: an empirical investigation
- Mining association rules using hybrid genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimisation algorithm
- Selection of hazardous industrial waste transportation firm using extended VIKOR method under fuzzy environment
- Benchmarking thrift and mortgage finance companies
- Information enhancement in data mining: a study in data reduction
21 April 2016
Inderscience is media partner for Military Airlift and Air-to-Air Refuelling 2016
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Emergency Management
- Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- Int. J. of Logistics Systems and Management
- Int. J. of Risk Assessment and Management
- Int. J. of Shipping and Transport Logistics
- Int. J. of Vehicle Design
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies
- Efficient object tracking algorithm using modified colour-texture descriptor
- Geo distance-based event detection in social media
- Semantic indexing of hybrid frequent pattern-based clustering of documents with missing semantic information
- Parallel weighted semantic fusion for cross-media retrieval
- Perceptual feature-based song genre classification using RANSAC
- Design of an efficient reversible single precision floating point adder
Newly announced journal: MENA Journal of Cross-Cultural Management
Special issue published: "Data Mining and Service Science for Innovation"
- Identifying behaviour objective from traffic behaviour log data by using facility ontology
- Prediction of consumer purchase behaviour using Bayesian network: an operational improvement and new results based on RFID data
- Assessment of basic clustering techniques using teaching-learning-based optimisation
- Using mixed integer optimisation to select variables for a store choice model
- Estimation of customer behaviour in sales areas in a supermarket using a hidden Markov model
- A two-nation experiment to investigate the relationships among national culture, individual-level cultural variables and consumer attitudes toward advertising websites and the brand
20 April 2016
Inderscience is media partner for Future Armoured Vehicles Survivability 2016
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Heavy Vehicle Systems
- Int. J. of Vehicle Design
- Int. J. of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems
- Int. J. of Vehicle Performance
- Int. J. of Vehicle Safety
- Int. J. of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology
- Using variability modelling and design patterns for self-adaptive system engineering: application to smart-home
- Nested contextualised views in the web of data
- Context aware discovery in web data through anomaly detection
Inderscience is media partner for Allergies 2016
The journals involved are:
Can going digital improve musical cultural heritage conservation?
Dimitrios Koukopoulos and Dimitrios Tsolis of the Department of Cultural Heritage Management and New Technologies, at the University of Patras, Agrinio, and Georgios Heliades of the Department of Sound and Musical Instruments Technology, at the Technological Institution of Ionian Islands, in Kefalonia, Greece, have designed and successfully tested the web-based application. They suggest that the application will safeguard the folk music of the Greek Ionian islands and provide services and tools for internet users as well as people who curate musical archives.
It has previously been suggested that two of the biggest challenges in the domain of cultural heritage informatics are novel data capture in many formats under a variety of conditions and provision of semantically-based representation, search and editing information technologies to support processing, management and dissemination of cultural content and environment, the team reports. The Ionian Music Archive (IMA) is an EU funded project involving the preservation of a huge amount of musical wealth facing extinction as well providing a central point of reference for Ionian musical culture. Part of the application involves a sophisticated latent watermarking system to protect the recorded artefacts.
The system is fully scalable and updatable , the team reports. Moreover, they point out that production disc is in publication, which includes a collection of ecclesiastical sounds from all three islands, revealing the unique timbre of Ionian Island music. Traditional songs of the countryside are now being incorporated into the system.
Koukopoulos, D., Tsolis, D. and Heliades, G.P. (2016) ‘Ionian music archive: application of digitisation, management, protection and dissemination technologies for musical cultural heritage’, Int. J. Computational Intelligence Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp.3-18.
Original article: Can going digital improve musical cultural heritage conservation?.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1riXLdB
19 April 2016
Inderscience is media partner for Lyophilisation Europe 2016
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- Int. J. of Healthcare Technology and Management
- Int. J. of Materials and Product Technology
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning
- User perceptions of the technology characteristics in a cloud-based collaborative learning environment: a qualitative study
- Educational technology as seen through the eyes of the readers
- Play and learn DS: interactive and gameful learning of data structure
- On the enhancement of teaching method for information security course
- Enhancing Taiwanese EFL freshmen's reading comprehension and knowledge construction through online concept mapping tools
- E-learning usage analysis in organisation education
Call for papers: "New Trends for Security in Network Analytics and Internet of Things"
- Information security
- Cyber security
- Advanced encryption algorithms
- Database security
- Information security
- Data privacy and security
- Modern cryptography
- Security models for the enhancement of data security
- Secure converged and integrated systems for data analytics
- Secure IoT data analytics and platforms
- Role of R in data analysis
- Web forensic computing
Important Dates
Inderscience is media partner for 5th Annual Military Flight Training Conference
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation
- Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- Int. J. of Sustainable Aviation
- Int. J. of Systems, Control and Communications
- Int. J. of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
18 April 2016
Special issue published: "Big Data Analytics and Business Innovation"
- A pedagogic method helps to create an actionable policy from big data through a PDCA cycle
- China's domestic consumption under interest rate pegs-analysis based on simulation
- An exploratory study of nonprofit organisations' use of the internet for communications and fundraising
- Using classification for role-based access control management
- Innovative IT firms and the internal control environment
Inderscience is media partner for Supply Chain Risk Management Forum 2016
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling
- Int. J. of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management
- Policy dissonance and the challenges of managing the impacts of South Korea's industrial and demographic transition through immigration
- Strategic transformation of Shanzhai firms: evidence from a Chinese case
- Application of information technology in ageing society: a pursuit of creative economy in Korea
- A second chance for the flexible specialisation with robotics? Ageing society in Korea as a case
- Leading the way into the future: the development of a (lead) market for care robotics in Japan
- Assessing pet industry in Korea using service quality improvement gap model
Call for papers: "Evolutionary Computation Applications in the Creative Industries"
- Creative exploration systems that support the concept of search without necessarily embracing a need for optimality
- Systems that utilise both human and non-human agents in the evolution of creative artefacts
- Interactive evolutionary computation
- Human-based genetic algorithms
- Representation issues for evolutionary computation
- Creative exploration systems
- Novel evolutionary computation algorithms
- New ways of integrating the user in the evolutionary cycle
- Empirical and comparative studies
- Creative evolutionary design
- Evolutionary interactive art
- Evolutionary innovation
- Co-evolution and collective behaviour
Important Dates
17 April 2016
Inderscience is media partner for Airborne ISR 2016
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- Int. J. of Machine Intelligence and Sensory Signal Processing
- Int. J. of Sustainable Aviation
- Int. J. of Systems, Control and Communications
- Int. J. of Simulation and Process Modelling
- Int. J. of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
Special issue published: "Exergy Analysis of Clean Energy Systems"
Extended versions of papers presented at the 13th International Conference in Clean Energy (ICCE-2014).
- Energy and exergy analyses of a residential cold thermal energy storage system
- Compared exergy analysis of sugarcane bagasse sequential hydrolysis and fermentation and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation
- Energy and exergy analyses of a novel combined heating, power and absorption-ejector refrigeration cycle driven by biomass fuel
- Investigation of effects of hydraulic balance in mechanical system based on energetic and exergetic efficiency in industrial buildings
- Thermodynamic analysis of power and hydrogen production from renewable energy-based integrated system
- Modelling and drawing energy and exergy of solar radiation
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development to publish expanded papers from Sorbonne Universités Summer School
Call for papers: "Advances in Managerial and Financial Accounting, Theory and Practice: Managing the Intangible and Disclosing the Business Performance in Emerging and Traditional Markets"
Management and accounting scholars have widely focused on Managerial and Financial Accounting (MFA) as both important tools for a business, but serving different purposes (Hayes, 1977; Kaplan, 1983; Hilton, 1991). Generally, a business uses accounting to determine operational plans for the future, to review past performance and to check current business functions. Management and financial accounting have different audiences, as investors are not usually involved in the day-to-day operations of the business but are concerned about their investment, whereas managers need information quickly to be able to make daily business decisions (Bushman et al., 2004).
Managing the intangibles and disclosing the business performance of a firm with more appropriate tools has become a concrete goal for every manager and entrepreneur. This has progressively become a necessary goal, both from a voluntary and a mandatory point of view (Ittner & Larcker, 2001). Management accounting is presented internally, whereas financial accounting is meant for external stakeholders. Although financial management is of great importance to current and potential investors, management accounting is necessary for managers to control and to make current and future financial decisions. Financial accounting is precise and must adhere to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), but management accounting is often more of a guess or estimate since most managers do not have time for exact numbers when a decision needs to be made. The great difference between the tools and systems necessary to support either managerial or financial accounting is achieving a progressively wider consensus within the scientific community of management, accounting and finance. (Guilding et al., 2000; Del Giudice & Straub, 2011; Deegan, 2013).
This special issue aims at answering several research questions:
- How may entrepreneurs and managers administrate the gap between managerial and financial accounting for any corporate governance purpose?
- In which way may different firm's intangibles (e.g. intellectual capital, knowledge, know how, etc.) have a direct or an indirect effect on MFA practices?
- How may MFA best practices have an effect on the decision making process?
- Under which conditions may corporate governance and MFA operations have a mutual effect?
- How may MFA systems and tools impact on business performance?
- Which management tools and accounting systems are likely to be the best choice for managers and entrepreneurs in order to evaluate and measure the economic assessment of tangible and intangible assets within the firms?
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Strategic and business outcomes of intellectual capital and intangibles management
- Knowledge management systems and MFA
- Effects of MFA practices on the strategic management process
- Emerging networking tools (social media, etc.) and their impact on MFA
- MFA best practices and decision making processes
- IAS-IFRS, GAAP and MFA practices and operations
- Social report and management control systems
- Firm's performance evaluation of tangible and intangible assets
- Management control systems and emerging financial markets
- Effects on business performance of corporate and voluntary disclosure
- MFA practices in emerging and traditional markets (financial markets, industrial markets, etc.)
Important Date
Manuscripts due by: 30 November, 2017
Bushman, R., Chen, Q., Engel, E., & Smith, A. (2004). Financial accounting information, organizational complexity and corporate governance systems, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 37(2), 167-201
Deegan, C. (2013). Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia
Del Giudice, M., & Straub, D. (2011). IT and entrepreneurism: an on-again, off-again love affair or a marriage? MIS Quarterly, 35(4), 3-11
Guilding, C., Cravens, K. S., & Tayles, M. (2000). An international comparison of strategic management accounting practices. Management Accounting Research, 11(1), 113-135.
Hayes, D. C. (1977). The contingency theory of managerial accounting. Accounting review, 22-39
Hilton, R. W. (1991). Managerial accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill
Ittner, C. D., & Larcker, D. F. (2001). Assessing empirical research in managerial accounting: a value-based management perspective. Journal of accounting and economics, 32(1), 349-410.
Kaplan, R. S. (1983). Measuring manufacturing performance: a new challenge for managerial accounting research (pp. 284-306). Springer US
16 April 2016
Special issue published: "Resilient and Sustainable Coupled Critical Infrastructures"
- Modelling infrastructure interdependencies, resiliency and sustainability
- Optimal placement and sizing of microgrids in composite reliability of a deregulated power system
- Fusing data in adaptive agent control systems for electrical grids
- Resilience and robustness in long-term planning of the national energy and transportation system
- Physical and behavioural determinants of resilience in the transportation system: a case study of vehicle electrification and trip prioritisation
- Index of network resilience for urban water distribution systems
- Risk assessment and management for interconnected critical infrastructure systems at the site and regional levels in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Inderscience is media partner for 3rd GMS Power Investment Summit & Expo 2016
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Energy Technology and Policy
- Int. J. of Exergy
- Int. J. of Mining and Mineral Engineering
- Int. J. of Power Electronics
- Int. J. of Renewable Energy Technology
- Int. J. of Smart Grid and Green Communications
More information on this event is available here.
First issue: International Journal of Competitiveness (free sample issue available)
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
New Editor for International Journal of Information and Computer Security
15 April 2016
International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking to publish expanded papers from International Workshop "Risk Management, Financial Regulation, and Governance in Banking"
Special issue published: "The Challenge of Islamic Economics"
- Foundational challenges in the construction of an Islamic economics discipline
- Incentives and decision making ethical mechanisms: an Islamic exposition
- Islamic economics and inclusive development
- The original socio-cultural and economic context for practicing shirkat-ul-aqd
- Islamic gift economy vis-à-vis waqf (endowment) as vehicles for social entrepreneurship
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development
- Corporate policy and the degree of management sophistication in Slovenian companies
- Efficiency and profitability along the lifecycle stages of small enterprises
- IT balanced scorecard - new way of IT and business strategy integration
- Linkages among organisational culture, knowledge management, and patient safety performance: evidence from a state hospital in a developing country
- Agribusiness and value chain management students' attitude towards entrepreneurship in Haramaya University, Ethiopia: promises or practices of modularisation?
Research Picks Extra – April 2016
Denying the antivaxxers
New research from Japan suggests that people who are stubborn about their stance on vaccination can affect the spread of seasonal diseases such as influenza. The research shows that “good role models”, i.e. those individuals who accept that vaccination prevents disease safely and always get the appropriate vaccination must offset the “bad role models” who never do. However, both kinds of individual can affect vaccination behaviour in the population as a whole depending on what proportion of each group are present and how much the vaccination itself costs. There are, of course, good reasons to be vaccinated, this prophylactic treatment against disease is highly effect and provides so-called “herd immunity”. On the whole, there are very few and unproven side effects. A resurgence in lethal infectious diseases has, unfortunately, been seen in many parts of the world where the so-called “antivax” movement has held sway against the opinion of those “good role models”.
Fukuda, E. and Tanimoto, J. (2016) ‘Effects of stubborn decision-makers on vaccination and disease propagation in social networks’, Int. J. Automation and Logistics, Vol. 2, Nos. 1/2, pp.78–92.
Who is taking over the asylum?
Refoulement, a French word meaning to reject; or backwash, is a topic of hot debate in the current Australian political arena with regards to asylum seekers and other migrants. A discussion of this issue in the International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, is as pertinent to other regions, such as Europe that are currently facing immigration crises brought about by ongoing conflict, terrorism and dictatorial regimes elsewhere. Refoulement is the process by which a refugee is forcibly removed back to a place where they are re-exposed to the same danger from which they are trying to escape. Who is to decide what constitutes refoulement, where are the borders drawn? In his treatise, Jasper Sugars provides new insights and perhaps raises more questions around this sensitive global issue.
Sugars, J. (2015) ‘Refoulement and refugees’, Int. J. Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.343–350.
Making time for software development
Working collaboratively across time zone differences is an important issue for distributed software development projects, according to researchers writing in the International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. They point out, in a timely manner, that time zone differences have a negative impact on real-time communications, such as instant message and video conferencing for obvious reasons given that it might be lunchtime for one member of a team but midnight for another. The researchers have now analysed statistically the impact of time zone differences on asynchronous forms of communication, such as email and text messaging, mailing lists and discussion boards and found that these two are strongly affected by time zone differences to the detriment of efficiency and efficacy in software development.
Yu, L., Guan, Z. and Ramaswamy, S. (2016) ‘The effect of time zone difference on asynchronous communications in global software development’, Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp.213–225.
Regulating chlorophenols
Regulatory guidance values (RGVs) are developed by US regulators to protect human health by establishing maximum allowable contaminant concentrations, these are particularly important for residential surface soil into which the general population, and children in particular, may come into contact. A new study assesses the RGVs and their impact on chlorophenols, a class of chemicals used as pesticides, herbicides, and disinfectants with putative carcinogenicity. There is, the research shows, little agreement between US states and RGVs can vary by six to eight orders of magnitude and be essentially random! Clearly, there is little universal agreement on the appropriate maximum contamination levels for chlorophenols, a paper published in the International Journal of Environmental Engineering reports.
Hummel, M.A. and Jennings, A.A. (2015) ‘Analysis of regulatory guidance values for six commonly regulated chlorophenols’, Int. J. Environmental Engineering, Vol. 7, Nos. 3/4, pp.236–274.
Original article: Research Picks Extra – April 2016.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1QaVFjH14 April 2016
Special issue published: "Sustainable Manufacturing Strategies"
- Online expansion: is it another kind of strategic manufacturer response to a dominant retailer?
- A comparative analysis for manufacturers to carry out emission reduction through technology innovation across supply chain structures
- Improving the performance of optical systems for a tool presetter
- Application of a capability-based adaptation methodology to a small-size production system
- Price and carbon emission decisions under pressures of consumer, regulator and competition
- Analysis and evaluation of the environmental impacts of 'upstream' petroleum operations
Inderscience is media partner for Nepal Power Investment Summit 2016
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Energy Technology and Policy
- Int. J. of Exergy
- Int. J. of Mining and Mineral Engineering
- Int. J. of Power Electronics
- Int. J. of Renewable Energy Technology
- Int. J. of Smart Grid and Green Communications
Special issue published: "Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management"
Extended versions of papers presented at the 2013 Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management (MPMM) Conference.
- Monitoring system for arc furnace casting processes
- Using the life-cycle model with value thinking for managing an industrial maintenance network
- Economic and environmental impact assessment through system dynamics of technology-enhanced maintenance services
- Wear evolution in rolling element bearings: a system model
- Condition-based monitoring for underground mobile machines
- Condition monitoring of disconnectors in the electric power transmission grid with temperature sensors
- Efficiency evaluation of Mazandaran industrial parks by using neuro-DEA approach
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics to publish expanded papers from International Conference on Computing, Engineering and Emerging Technologies
13 April 2016
Inderscience is media partner for Peptides 2016
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- Int. J. of Biotechnology
- Int. J. of Computational Biology and Drug Design
- Int. J. of Healthcare Technology and Management
- Int. J. of Immunological Studies
Special issue published: "Brain Circulation and Transnational Entrepreneurship"
- Conceived globals: entrepreneurs' transnational networking, across phases, and embedded in culture
- Transnational science guanxi: a necessary, but insufficient, condition for Sino-Danish flows of knowledge, talent and capital in genetics
- Innovation benefitting exporting: benefit enhanced by transnational networking
- Exporting by migrants and indigenous entrepreneurs: contingent on gender and education
- The role of family network in circular migration and formation of transnational communities - a Brazilian case study
- Transnational Iranian entrepreneurs in the import/export industry of Los Angeles
- Exporting embedded in culture and transnational networks around entrepreneurs: a global study
- Migrant women entrepreneurs in the garment industry in modern China: embedding translocality and feminised Guanxi networks
- Chinese entrepreneurs' human and social capital benefiting innovation: in China and in the Chinese diaspora
- People's human and social capital benefiting careers in entrepreneurship: adults in China and in the Chinese diaspora
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Critical Infrastructures
- Correlating empirical data and extended topological measures in power grid networks
- Context-independent centrality measures underestimate the vulnerability of power grids
- A complex network approach for identifying vulnerabilities of the medium and low voltage grid
- Cascade failures and distributed generation in power grids
- A perspective overview of topological approaches for vulnerability analysis of power transmission grids
- Knowing power grids and understanding complexity science
12 April 2016
A new dawn, a new day
Writing in the International Journal of Business Innovation and Research this month, the pair suggest that the internet was an innovation that has transformed the music industry. The biggest changes occurred in the realm of so-called piracy, where music lovers began sharing “rips” of their CDs in the millions across news groups and then peer-to-peer and bit torrent file-sharing networks. The driver, aside from the fact that they could get the music for free rather than having to buy CDs, was the invention of the compressed audio file format known as the mp3. Moreover, during the transformative years, there was obviously a total lack of a legal online outlet for downloading such files. That would come much later in the form of iTunes and the legal successors to the file sharing sites.
However, Pandora’s box was by this time fully open and millions of people to this day download music, video, software, books, subscription magazines and journals, photos, artworks, 3D printer data, pornography, and other digital goods, all for free illicitly without parting with their hard-earned cash at an online retailers. There are claims that these people do in fact spend more of their money on CDs, attending concerts, going to the cinema and buying merchandise, but that is generally anecdotal evidence to defend what is under current copyright law illegal activity.
Nevertheless, it is a fact of life for the music and other industries and there has been little success in stamping out this activity with millions and millions of people sharing torrents and files continuously across the internet right now.
The team explains that the industry has undergone a significant and disruptive transformation that has had a profound effect on a business model that first emerged in the sheet music industry of the nineteenth century and scaled beyond recognition throughout the twentieth century and into the current era. “The distribution channels, which were previously physical (shops and department stores), have become digital, i.e., available on the internet, through which it is possible to download songs or listen to them online,” the team explains. Secondly, “The product itself has undergone a radical transformation with the replacement of the CD (physical) by downloads (virtual),” they add. Finally, “The content creator’s access to the public, which was previously restricted by the use of intermediaries, has undergone a radical disintermediation.”
It is this last factor that suggests the behemoths and dinosaurs of the last century may one day become extinct as dynamic upstarts usurp the traditional niches and adapt to the world of file sharing, social media and social networking, crowdsourcing and the breakdown of the divides between content creators and consumers.
“With the emergence of the internet, producing, publicising and distributing music became sufficiently straightforward and inexpensive for any content producer (artist), while favouring content producers that were not represented by major record labels, and substantially decreased the number of intermediaries required to publicise and distribute the content,” the team says. Of course, where there is money to be made, big business will find a way, whether that involves the new model and approach of the successful indies being adopted by the behemoths, the indies themselves being assimilated into the edifice of the old corporations, or the growth of the indies into vast companies remains to be seen.
Zilber, S.N. and de Abreu Jr., O.F. (2016) ‘The music industry business model after internet: effects of innovation’, Int. J. Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp.543-562.
Original article: A new dawn, a new day.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1Sx27D7
Special issue published: "Organisational Stakeholder Relations and Innovation: the Role of Ethics, Trust and Sustainability"
- Acquisition effects in private banking: avoiding client losses
- A matrix of investments in social responsibility and sustainability: an empirical case study in Romania
- Russian high-tech pharmaceutical enterprises: reasons and factors for sustainable innovation
- Social responsibility as driver of competitiveness in SMEs
- Staging and managing match events in the English professional football industry: an SME learning perspective
- Home country image and ethnocentrism among young consumers in a developing country
New Editor for International Journal of Petroleum Engineering
Special issue published: "Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Business and Systems"
- Incorporating clinical knowledge and experience in the evaluation of drug development projects using the analytic hierarchy process
- Analytic hierarchy process as a tool for group evaluation of healthcare equipment
- An analytic hierarchy process-based framework to support outsourcing decisions on hospital sterilisation
- Analysis of telecom service quality factors with analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy extent analysis: a case of public sector unit
- A new usability evaluation approach for touch screen mobile devices
- Identifying profitable clientele using the analytical hierarchy process
- Supplier selection approach: integrating analytic hierarchy process and supplier risk analysis
- Development of a sustainable manufacturing strategy using analytic network process
- A fuzzy AHP-based approach for assessing the faulty behaviour risk at workplace
- Multi-criteria approach to assess stakeholders preferences for selection of biodiesel feedstock in Vietnam
- A fuzzy ANP approach to evaluate computer simulation packages
- Anticipating the logistics companies' preference on technology adoption: AHP approach
- Using AHP BOCR analysis for experiential business education and prioritisation of international opportunities
- Multi-criteria decision analysis of classrooms standardisation in a higher education institution
- A study on factors that increase customer value when conducting television shopping
Call for papers: "The Future Promise of Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Cities: Governance, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management"
From the firms’ perspective, it becomes important to exploit these opportunities in order to innovate the business model, to create value (Scuotto et al., 2016) and to rethink and to adapt the business process management both inside and outside of the firms (Del Giudice, 2016). To do this, private managers need to carefully partner with other stakeholders within the ecosystem, mainly with public governments, leading to some criticisms typical of public-private partnerships (PPP).
In this context, the explosive growth of Internet of Things and Smart City applications creates many scientific challenges that call for research efforts from both academia and industry, especially for the development of efficient, scalable, and reliable Smart City based on IoT.
The purpose of this special issue is to obtain theoretical and empirical contributions with general or specific insights coming from past and present evidence, emphasising future possibilities.
Thus, we welcome both theoretical and empirical work coming from the EuroMed Conference 2016 which will be held in Warsaw, 14th-16th September 2016 and from open submissions or invited selected papers as well.
- Knowledge management and Internet of Things
- Smart cities
- Quadruple innovation helix model and innovation ecosystem
- Business model innovation based on IoT and/or in smart cities
- Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in smart cities
- Governance of IoT projects and alliances in smart cities
- Start-up creation based on IoT/in smart cities
- Innovation through IoT and Information Technology (IT)
- IoT/smart cities and entrepreneurship
- IP management
- IoT and effects on firm governance and performance
- Relationships between IoT and intellectual capital
- Effects of IoT on accounting
- Impact of IoT on financial markets
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 3 July, 2017
Atzori, L., Iera, A., & Morabito, G. (2010). The internet of things: A survey. Computer networks, 54(15), 2787-2805.
Carayannis, E. G., & Campbell, D. F. (2009). 'Mode 3'and'Quadruple Helix': toward a 21st century fractal innovation ecosystem. International Journal of Technology Management, 46(3-4), 201-234.
Del Giudice, M. (2016). Discovering the Internet of Things (IoT) within the business process management: a literature review on technological revitalization. Business Process Management Journal, 22(2).
Schaffers, H., Komninos, N., Pallot, M., Trousse, B., Nilsson, M., & Oliveira, A. (2011), Smart cities and the future internet: Towards cooperation frameworks for open innovation (pp. 431-446). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Scuotto, V., Ferraris, A., & Bresciani, S. (2016). Internet of Things: applications and challenges in smart cities. A case study of IBM smart city projects. Business Process Management Journal, 22(2).
Solima, L., Della Peruta, M. R., & Del Giudice, M. (2015). Object-Generated Content and Knowledge Sharing: the Forthcoming Impact of the Internet of Things. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-15.