- Contemporary debates on institutions: governance, governmentality and power
- Determining the ideological orientation of terrorist organisations: the effects of government repression and organised crime
- Governing in the shadow of Bologna: return of the state in higher education quality assurance policy
- Whose poverty really matters when deciding aid volumes?
- State intervention for industrial growth: a comparison between Brazil and Japan
27 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Public Policy
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Public Policy are now available here for free:
International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology to publish expanded papers from ICONRER-2017
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Conference on New and Renewable Energy Resources for Sustainable Future (2-4 February 2017, Jaipur, India) will be published by the International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology.
Special issue published: "Innovation and Entrepreneurship Networks as Drivers of Global Competitiveness"
International Journal of Business and Globalisation 18(1) 2017
- Networks, business models, and competitiveness in small Finnish firms
- Is innovation performance measurement beneficial for performance in services?
- Science and technology parks as accelerators of knowledge-intensive business services. A case study
- Network-based automation for SMEs
- Entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness: what is the connection?
- Transition towards an entrepreneurial university: a case study of the Tyumen State University
- The contribution of business model innovation to collaborative entrepreneurship between SMEs: a review and avenues for further research
- Strategic alliances, intellectual capital and organisational performance in technology-based SMEs: is there really a connection?
24 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Information and Communication Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology are now available here for free:
- Bayesian network structure learning based on modified particle swarm optimisation
- Modelling speech and video quality in networks based on internet protocol
- Design and analysis of RF-low power and low-phase noise CMOS ring oscillator for fully integrated RF communication systems technologies
- Low complex decoding algorithm for multilevel space time trellis codes over MIMO channel
- MS-WMSN: service-oriented planning tool for wireless multimedia monitoring services
- Compensation characteristics of optical signal distortions in dispersion-managed optical links with randomly distributed RDPS
- A study on the platform of knowledge integration for customer feedback in B2C service industry
- Improving classification accuracy based on class-space reduction
- Intelligent home disease pre-diagnosis system for Korean traditional medicine using neural networks
Inderscience is media partner for Microbiome Discovery and Development Congress 2017
Inderscience is a media partner for Microbiome Discovery and Development Congress (12-13 June 2017, Berlin, Germany).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Int. J. of Computational Biology and Drug Design
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning are now available here for free:
- The influence of sensory perceptions and blended learning on the increase and persistency of the level of knowledge
- Classification algorithms in the personalisation of educational portals
- Individualisation and personalisation of education - modern trend of eLearning
- Evaluation of teaching design in synchronous virtual classrooms
- E-learning as a backbone for e-government in Czech Republic in 2015
- Web-based assessment and language teachers - from Moodle to WebClass
- Challenges and prospects in development of e-learning system for IT students
- New educational strategies in contemporary digital environment
Call for papers: "Secure Data Communication and Intelligent Data Processing for Electronic Governance"
For a special issue of the Electronic Government, an International Journal.
Important Dates
E-government is an emerging paradigm to deliver government services to citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders through the use of Internet and information and communication technologies (ICTs). In such a scenario, providing security for the information which is shared with the stakeholders is a challenging task. Moreover, processing the huge volume of data from a server is also a difficult task.
This special issue expects novel works from research communities in the field of security for the information which is stored in the server. We also expect contributions in the field of e-government related information security issues. The next part of this proposal also aims to provide some novel works for data mining and data analysing methods for e-government related applications. In addition to this, the authors are also encouraged to submit papers with respect to performance related issues.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The development and implementation of secure e-government
- Cryptographic protocols for secure e-government implementation
- IoT (Internet of Things) in e-government
- Key management and distribution for e-government
- Secure document/information access in the field of e-government
- Security attacks and threat models for e-government
- Effectiveness, efficiency, and robustness of e-government
- Mobile and cloud computing for e-government
- Machine learning algorithms and analysis for e-government
Important Dates
Submission deadline: 1 May, 2017
Notification to authors: 31 August, 2017
Final versions due: 31 October, 2017
Notification to authors: 31 August, 2017
Final versions due: 31 October, 2017
23 December 2016
Special issue published: "Multimedia and Pattern Recognition Technology in Medicine"
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 6(2/3/4) 2016
- A routing protocol for wireless sensor networks using K-means and Dijkstra algorithm
- Study on the improvement of the genetic algorithm for prediction of coal and gas outburst risk
- Study on optimal mathematical model to eradicate Ebola
- An identification method of D-S evidence conflict based on the measurement factors
- Clustering-based volume segmentation design
- Investigating public health through urban form data mining with geographic information system and space syntax
- Research about recommending books based on hierarchical analysis method and BP neural network
- Building SVM and PNN optimal classifiers based on GA-PLS algorithm and the application in infrared spectrum
- An efficient framework for segmentation and identification of tumours in brain MR images
- Research on sensor fault identification based on improved 1-v-r SVM classification method
- The evaluation of college students' entrepreneurship ability based on AHP method
- Liquid phase formation behaviour of magnesia fluxed pellet and impacting on the strength of pellets
- Application of computer virtual reality technology in virtual tour
- Collaborative filtering model of book recommendation system
- Additional paper
- The decline of BMTV: socio-technical factors that influence the failure of mobile TV in Korea
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking are now available here for free:
- Sustaining performance in financial sector e-businesses: best practices and lessons learned
- Increasing the effectiveness of benchmarking in the restaurant industry
- Cross-functional integration of marketing and information services in banking: a cross-industry comparison
- Evaluation of business performance measurements for ISO 9000 initiatives in Indian manufacturing industry
- An approach to develop green capability in manufacturing supply chain
Special issue published: "Information Management Challenges in Complex Processes and Systems"
International Journal of Information Technology and Management 16(1) 2017
- PLM as a strategy for the management of heterogeneous information in bio-medical imaging field
- Cyber-physical infomobility for tourism application
- A situation awareness analysis scheme to identify deficiencies of complex man-machine interactions
- The influence of documenting assumed values of product properties on the number of iterations in the design process - first observations
- A feature-based approach to conceptualisation, upfront modelling, and planning for the future of complex systems
First issue: International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis (free sample issue available)
We are living with the simultaneous occurrence of five characteristics - or dimensions - related to the generation and availability of data: volume, velocity, variety, variability and complexity. The International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis proposes and fosters discussion on the application of multivariate techniques and on development of new theoretical methods, emphasising the hierarchy between data, information and knowledge in this new scenario, and showing how data, modelling and analysis can lead to better decision making. IJMDA provides an international and multidisciplinary approach to this important topic.
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
22 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Global Warming
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Global Warming are now available here for free:
- Integrating metaheuristics and ANFIS for daily mean temperature forecasting
- Batch anaerobic digestion of simulated Bangladeshi food waste: methane production at different inoculum-to-substrate ratios and kinetic analysis
- Impacts of human farm activities on tropical deforestation and climate change: interactive statistical models
- Wet bulb globe temperature across Western Turkey according to the ENSEMBLES project
- Loss and damage from typhoon-induced floods and landslides in the Philippines: community perceptions on climate impacts and adaptation options
- Nexus between energy consumption and economic growth: the comparison of non-renewable natural resource poor and rich countries
- A preliminary assessment of observed and projected trends in the diurnal temperature ranges over South India under SRES A1B scenario
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Information Technology and Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Information Technology and Management are now available here for free:
- Shortage of logistics for e-commerce in holiday
- The impacts of ICT utilisation and dynamic capabilities on the competitive advantage of South African SMEs
- Analysis of the management of business informatics framework from the green ICT viewpoint
- Enabling a culture for IT services; the role of the IT infrastructure library
- Similarity matrix learning for ontology application
Inderscience is media partner for 7th China (Guangzhou) International Fire Safety Exhibition
Inderscience is a media partner for the 7th China (Guangzhou) International Fire Safety Exhibition (28-30 June 2017, Guangzhou, China).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Critical Infrastructures
- Int. J. of Emergency Management
- Int. J. of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
- Int. J. of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation
- Int. J. of Nuclear Safety and Security
- Int. J. of Vehicle Safety
More information on this event is available here.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems are now available here for free:
- Compactly modelling and analysing the roll dynamics of a partly filled tank truck
- Optimisation of yaw rejection control for armoured vehicle using Taguchi method
- A conceptual model to minimise operational cost for free shuttle buses: a case study in Macau
- Active vibration absorber for automotive suspensions: a theoretical study
- Strain rate dependency in paratransit bus rollover
Special issue published: "Contemporary Educational Technology and its Role to Manifest a New Tradition in Life-Long Learning"
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 26(4) 2016
- Students performance between classical and online education: a comparative study
- Effects of using a peer support system to optimise knowledge sharing in learning networks: a cognitive load perspective
- Enhancing existing e-learning systems by single and group recommendations
- A contribution for the analysis of pedagogical training for teaching in electrical engineering
- Traditional and digital personal learning environment in experiences of university students
- Modern education quality requirements and information technologies in academic teachers' activities
21 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology are now available here for free:
- Regional design storm of Greece within the flood risk management framework
- Temporal trends in precipitation using spatial techniques in GIS over Urmia Lake Basin, Iran
- Climatic and spatial variations of potential rainwater savings for Melbourne (Australia)
- Evaluation of hydrological and data-based models in estimation of daily runoff in Galikesh watershed
- Evaluating the impact of changes in land cover and climate variability on streamflow trends (case study: eastern subbasins of Lake Urmia, Iran)
Call for papers: "Re-engineering for Sustainability and Climate Change"
For a special issue of the World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.
The purpose of this special issue is to progress this academic testimony on management and sustainable development to converge the dimensions of business process re-engineering, management, entrepreneurship, technology and climatic change that cynosure upon issues and perspectives of sustainability.
Recently, a strong negative correlation has matured between economic growth and sustainability. Sustainable development is a desideratum in the current scenario as it aims at balancing the resources for the current needs and the needs of the future generations. We aim to nurture the understanding of the abovementioned topics in the context of fostering sustainable development worldwide.
Business process reengineering brings about a profound restructuring of core business processes to modify and the sustainably to improve the productivity, flexibility, cost and quality of the business outcomes (Gunasekaran & Nath, 1997).
The changing environment across the globe has led to a rapid emergence of interest in improving the processes in an organisation for enhancement of business performance (Ranganathan & Dhaliwal, 2001). This concept is proving to become quintessential in order to develop sustainable business practices. In order to understand the role, issues and perspectives of business process reengineering in the context of sustainable development, the reconnaissance of the roles of these main elements is quintessential: entrepreneurship, information technology and management.
Entrepreneurial enterprises bring about a wave of indigenous development throughout nations (Peredo, Anderson, Galbraith, Benson, & Dana, 2004). The concept of social entrepreneurship has been capturing the limelight and aims at investing in the long-term benefit of the community along with maintaining organisational sustainability (Anderson, Dana, & Dana, 2006).
In a market system, the requirement of sustainable development is sustainable innovation and the achievement of social or environmental goals by entrepreneurs by providing products or services that prove to be successful in the main market stream (Schaltegger & Wagner, 2011).
In a country like India where entrepreneurship needs to be boosted, increasing the confidence of people for becoming entrepreneurs along with making them aware of the sustainability issues at the nascent stage will tremendously help in bringing about revolutionary changes (Dana, 2000).
The phenomenon of environmental entrepreneurship or ecopreneurship is also capturing more attention as it provides a direct foundation of the link between entrepreneurs, sustainability and environmental responsibility (Schaper, 2016).
Sustainability has become indispensable in the field of business research and IT practices as a result of rapid resource depletion, climatic changes and concerns over corporate social responsibility (Viet, Langella, & Carbo, 2011). Information system innovation and information technology practices play a critical role in transforming processes and practices in a business organisation in a sustainable manner (Melville, 2010). The management of the sustainability performance in an organisation requires a linkage between the structure comprising of all the elements of management and environmental and social management (Schaltegger & Wagner, 2006).
A deeper insight into all the aspects of management studies and social science may further dwell into a response to the most sensitive issue in the current scenario: how to harmonise sustainable growth and economic development?
We welcome qualitative, quantitative as well as mixed methodologies as long as they are backed by an extensive literature support.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at Business Process Re-engineering for Sustainability and Climate Change: Issues and Perspectives, but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 15 March 2017
Notification to authors: 15 May, 2017
Final versions due: 15 July, 2017
The purpose of this special issue is to progress this academic testimony on management and sustainable development to converge the dimensions of business process re-engineering, management, entrepreneurship, technology and climatic change that cynosure upon issues and perspectives of sustainability.
Recently, a strong negative correlation has matured between economic growth and sustainability. Sustainable development is a desideratum in the current scenario as it aims at balancing the resources for the current needs and the needs of the future generations. We aim to nurture the understanding of the abovementioned topics in the context of fostering sustainable development worldwide.
Business process reengineering brings about a profound restructuring of core business processes to modify and the sustainably to improve the productivity, flexibility, cost and quality of the business outcomes (Gunasekaran & Nath, 1997).
The changing environment across the globe has led to a rapid emergence of interest in improving the processes in an organisation for enhancement of business performance (Ranganathan & Dhaliwal, 2001). This concept is proving to become quintessential in order to develop sustainable business practices. In order to understand the role, issues and perspectives of business process reengineering in the context of sustainable development, the reconnaissance of the roles of these main elements is quintessential: entrepreneurship, information technology and management.
Entrepreneurial enterprises bring about a wave of indigenous development throughout nations (Peredo, Anderson, Galbraith, Benson, & Dana, 2004). The concept of social entrepreneurship has been capturing the limelight and aims at investing in the long-term benefit of the community along with maintaining organisational sustainability (Anderson, Dana, & Dana, 2006).
In a market system, the requirement of sustainable development is sustainable innovation and the achievement of social or environmental goals by entrepreneurs by providing products or services that prove to be successful in the main market stream (Schaltegger & Wagner, 2011).
In a country like India where entrepreneurship needs to be boosted, increasing the confidence of people for becoming entrepreneurs along with making them aware of the sustainability issues at the nascent stage will tremendously help in bringing about revolutionary changes (Dana, 2000).
The phenomenon of environmental entrepreneurship or ecopreneurship is also capturing more attention as it provides a direct foundation of the link between entrepreneurs, sustainability and environmental responsibility (Schaper, 2016).
Sustainability has become indispensable in the field of business research and IT practices as a result of rapid resource depletion, climatic changes and concerns over corporate social responsibility (Viet, Langella, & Carbo, 2011). Information system innovation and information technology practices play a critical role in transforming processes and practices in a business organisation in a sustainable manner (Melville, 2010). The management of the sustainability performance in an organisation requires a linkage between the structure comprising of all the elements of management and environmental and social management (Schaltegger & Wagner, 2006).
A deeper insight into all the aspects of management studies and social science may further dwell into a response to the most sensitive issue in the current scenario: how to harmonise sustainable growth and economic development?
We welcome qualitative, quantitative as well as mixed methodologies as long as they are backed by an extensive literature support.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at Business Process Re-engineering for Sustainability and Climate Change: Issues and Perspectives, but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- What is the role of business process reengineering in fostering sustainable development?
- What kind of business models, strategies and innovations would aid in coping with the sustainability issues around the world?
- What is the role of entrepreneurs in sustainable development?
- What type of entrepreneurial activities would foster sustainable development?
- How do IT innovations and processes help in dealing with climatic changes and sustainability issues cropping due to resource depletion?
- What is the role of innovative management practices and strategies in resolving the sustainability issues? These may include perspectives of marketing, finance, accounting, human resources, operations and other subjects of management studies
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 15 March 2017
Notification to authors: 15 May, 2017
Final versions due: 15 July, 2017
Anderson, R. B., Dana, L. P., & Dana, T. E. (2006). Indigenous land rights, entrepreneurship, and economic development in Canada: ‘‘Opting-in’’ to the global economy. Journal of World Business ,45-55.
Dana, L. P. (2000). Creating Entrepreneurs in India. Journal of Small Business Management, 86-91.
Gunasekaran, A., & Nath, B. (1997). The role of Information Technology in Business Process Reengineering. International Journal of Production Economics, 50, 91-104.
Melville, N. P. (2010). Information systems innovation for environmental sustainability. Mis Quarterly, 1-21.
Peredo, A. M., Anderson, R. B., Galbraith, C. S., Benson, H., & Dana, L. P. (2004). Towards a theory of indigenous entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (1-2), 1-20.
Ranganathan, C., & Dhaliwal, J. S. (2001). A survey of business process reengineering practices in Singapore. Information and Management, 39 (2), 125-134.
Schaltegger, S., & Wagner, M. (2006). Integrative management of sustainability performance, measurement and reporting. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 1-19.
Schaltegger, S., & Wagner, M. (2011). Sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainability innovation: categories and interactions. Business Strategy and the Environment, 20 (4).
Schaper, M. (2016). Making Ecopreneurs: Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship. CRC
Viet, D., Langella, I., & Carbo, J. (2011). From green to sustainability: Information Technology and an integrated sustainability framework. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 63-79.
Anderson, R. B., Dana, L. P., & Dana, T. E. (2006). Indigenous land rights, entrepreneurship, and economic development in Canada: ‘‘Opting-in’’ to the global economy. Journal of World Business ,45-55.
Dana, L. P. (2000). Creating Entrepreneurs in India. Journal of Small Business Management, 86-91.
Gunasekaran, A., & Nath, B. (1997). The role of Information Technology in Business Process Reengineering. International Journal of Production Economics, 50, 91-104.
Melville, N. P. (2010). Information systems innovation for environmental sustainability. Mis Quarterly, 1-21.
Peredo, A. M., Anderson, R. B., Galbraith, C. S., Benson, H., & Dana, L. P. (2004). Towards a theory of indigenous entrepreneurship. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (1-2), 1-20.
Ranganathan, C., & Dhaliwal, J. S. (2001). A survey of business process reengineering practices in Singapore. Information and Management, 39 (2), 125-134.
Schaltegger, S., & Wagner, M. (2006). Integrative management of sustainability performance, measurement and reporting. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 1-19.
Schaltegger, S., & Wagner, M. (2011). Sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainability innovation: categories and interactions. Business Strategy and the Environment, 20 (4).
Schaper, M. (2016). Making Ecopreneurs: Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship. CRC
Viet, D., Langella, I., & Carbo, J. (2011). From green to sustainability: Information Technology and an integrated sustainability framework. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 63-79.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Procurement Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Procurement Management are now available here for free:
- An assessment of sustainable house using FST-QFD-AHP multi-criteria decision-making approach
- Current state of the art and science: a survey of purchasing and supply management courses and teaching approaches
- Development and validation of an integrated supply chain operational performance model for Indian automobile industry
- Glocal business sustainability - performance beyond zero!
- Contract complexity and contract administration costs in small supplier alliances in the Norwegian offshore market
Inderscience journals to publish expanded papers from Building Research Analytics in Sciences, Technology, Operations Research & Management (VINC'17-"BRAINSTORM")
Extended versions of papers presented at Building Research Analytics in Sciences, Technology, Operations Research & Management (VINC'17-"BRAINSTORM") (16-17 March 2017, Delhi, India) will be published by the following journals:
20 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics are now available here for free:
- Curvilinear hole filling for 3D digital dental models
- An XML-based mediator for health information systems
- Heart sounds analysis and murmurs
- Medical errors in Saudi Arabia: understanding the pattern and associated financial cost
- Tuberculosis diagnosis - an overview to the conventional diagnostic methodology and need for nanodiagnosis
- Analysis of collagen fibres on remodelling
- Multilevel thresholding and fractal analysis based approach for classification of brain MRI images into tumour and non-tumour
Special issue published: "Designing, Developing and Verifying Multi-Agent System"
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 5(2/3) 2016
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2014).
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2014).
- Process-oriented modelling, creation, and interpretation of multi-agent systems
- A stepwise refinement-based development of self-organising multi-agent systems: application to the foraging ants
- Design patterns for multi-agent programming
- Modelling and implementing modularised BDI agents with capability relationships
- An architecture for scalable simulation of systems of cognitive agents
- Integrating interaction with agents, environment, and organisation in JaCaMo
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing are now available here for free:
- Efficient active rule processing in wireless multimedia sensor networks
- A linear regression-based delay-bounded multicast protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks
- Verifying vehicle control systems by using process calculi
- A cross-layer approach for multi-layer multicast routing in multi-channel multi-radio wireless mesh networks
- Tour and path planning methods for efficient data gathering using mobile elements
- Experimental analysis of CCA threshold adjusting for vehicle EWM transmission in V-CPS
Call for papers: "Product Development in a Collaborative and Integrated Environment"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise.
With the recent advances in computing and internet technologies, an integrated and collaborative environment, based on the corresponding functions of concurrent engineering and internet-based collaborative engineering, is imperative for companies to facilitate and accelerate the product realisation processes. Topics such as concurrent and collaborative engineering, feature-based design and manufacturing, evolutionary computational techniques and computer-aided process planning are important strategies and empowering technologies for developing an integrative environment, facilitating modern product design and development.
Thus, a collaborative environment appears to be a toolbox of key-enabling skills and facilities providing the most competent management of complex product development process. It relates to the capabilities of designing, developing and implementing integrated solutions for complex product development linked to economic, staff, knowledge, information, equipment, energy and materials issues.
This special issue focuses on a collaborative and integrated environment for enhancing synergies in collaborative environments in order to tackle multipolar real life product development problems.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Concurrent engineering
- Collaborative engineering
- Distributed engineering
- Design for sustainability
- Managing product variety
- Variability management
- Product lifecycle management
- Virtual reality for collaborative design
- Digital manufacturing
- Decision-making processes
- Case studies and other related issues
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 1 April, 2017
Notification to authors: 1 June, 2017
Final versions due: 1 July, 2017
19 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation are now available here for free:
- Effects of enhanced element-managed instruction integrated with tablet PC-based collaborative polling on fifth graders' sight-word reading performance
- The effects of mobile learning on students' oral performance in Mandarin Chinese and their attitudes
- Development and application of a repertory grid-oriented knowledge construction augmented reality learning system for context-aware ubiquitous learning
- Impact of a proposed learner-centred microteaching model based mobile technologies on professional development: teacher candidates' case
- An interactive mobile learning application using machine learning framework in a flexible manufacturing environment
Inderscience journal to publish expanded papers from 16th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing
Extended versions of papers presented at the 16th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (3-6 July 2017, Innsbruck, Austria) will be published by the following journals:
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Sustainable Economy
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Sustainable Economy are now available here for free:
- Cocoa exports' effects of the European Union's sanitary and phytosanitary measures
- Corporate image as a factor that supports corporate green investment practices in Johannesburg Stock Exchange listed companies
- Financial sector reforms and private investment in Malawi: an ARDL-bounds testing approach
- Examining asymmetric effects in the South African Phillips curve: evidence from logistic smooth transition regression models
- New transition member states of the European Union: (how) do they respond to current changes in the global economy?
Call for papers: "Critical Success Factors for Public Transportation"
For a special issue of the International Journal of System of Systems Engineering.
Public transportation is a representative example of system of systems and their serious challenges. The rising demands for integration of high-end technology in public transportation and offering services that are of operational excellence, ultimately safe, fully integrated with human factors, easily maintainable, fully reliable and robust are the significant challenges for service providers. Not only openness and dynamism of these systems but also the need for integration to other services make them highly complex.
To offer excellent services, special attention has to be paid to the operational environment and organisational culture. Next to reliable fleets, system operators play a key role in the quality of running services, and they need to have strong motivation. Thus the organisational leaders should explicitly aim for the monitoring and control of the operational culture in their organisations. Besides, technology offers possibilities for the continuous monitoring of systems and fast reactions. It offers frameworks for pluralistic approaches promoting awareness, share-understanding, training experts, effectively communicating systems concerns and supporting well-informed decisions.
Big data can provide uncountable benefits, but its architecture and communication remain a challenge. On the other side, the competitive environment of operation continuously challenges the currently established set up demanding for better services with lower costs. In this dynamic environment, it is important to recognise the key success indicators and keep balancing them. In other words, recognition of critical factors is of primary importance to successfully address these challenges.
This special issue aims to bring together practitioners and researchers to discuss issues, challenges and future directions for successful public transportation, and share their R&D findings as well as their experience in related areas.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the IEEE System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 September, 2017
Public transportation is a representative example of system of systems and their serious challenges. The rising demands for integration of high-end technology in public transportation and offering services that are of operational excellence, ultimately safe, fully integrated with human factors, easily maintainable, fully reliable and robust are the significant challenges for service providers. Not only openness and dynamism of these systems but also the need for integration to other services make them highly complex.
To offer excellent services, special attention has to be paid to the operational environment and organisational culture. Next to reliable fleets, system operators play a key role in the quality of running services, and they need to have strong motivation. Thus the organisational leaders should explicitly aim for the monitoring and control of the operational culture in their organisations. Besides, technology offers possibilities for the continuous monitoring of systems and fast reactions. It offers frameworks for pluralistic approaches promoting awareness, share-understanding, training experts, effectively communicating systems concerns and supporting well-informed decisions.
Big data can provide uncountable benefits, but its architecture and communication remain a challenge. On the other side, the competitive environment of operation continuously challenges the currently established set up demanding for better services with lower costs. In this dynamic environment, it is important to recognise the key success indicators and keep balancing them. In other words, recognition of critical factors is of primary importance to successfully address these challenges.
This special issue aims to bring together practitioners and researchers to discuss issues, challenges and future directions for successful public transportation, and share their R&D findings as well as their experience in related areas.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the IEEE System of Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Safety systems considerations for public transportation
- Operational excellence principles for transportation systems
- Collaborative risk assessment and mitigation
- Model based systems engineering for excellence
- Big data analytics and automation
- Real-time monitoring, decisions and services
- Resilience performances and error-prone operations
- Human factors and organisational culture
- Organisational leadership and operational culture
- Reliability improvements and maintenance services
- Maintenance execution and operations logistics
- Technical Integrity of railway systems: track and rolling stock
- Contracting new rolling stock and supply chain considerations
- Life-cycle engineering and asset management in rail way track and rolling stock
- Non-technical considerations in multi-stakeholder transportation systems
- Digital technology and transportation as a service provider
- Digital possibilities and future opportunities for public transportation
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 September, 2017
18 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology are now available here for free:
- A stable numerical algorithm for the design of anti-reflection coating for solar cells
- Process simulation and thermodynamic evaluation of integrated gasification combine cycle power plant using low-grade coal
- Connecting solar power plants to distribution network - experience from Serbia
- Exergy and sustainability analysis of quintuple effect evaporation unit in a sugar industry - a case study
- Design of a solar Stirling engine for marine and offshore applications
Special issue published: "Evidence Based Process in Business and Systems"
International Journal of Business and Systems Research 11(1/2) 2017
- Analysis of suppliers' preferences to a manufacturer using Kano model and performance value analysis
- Mentoring, social media, and Gen Y employees' intention to stay: towards a conceptual model
- Identify and prioritise the critical factors in implementing the reverse logistics practices: a case of Indian auto component manufacturer
- Optimal selection of multi-criteria unequal area facility layout problem: an integer linear program and Borda-Kendall-based method
- Integrated SA-DEA-TOPSIS-based solution approach for multi objective stochastic dynamic facility layout problem
- The impact of psychological pricing strategy on consumers' buying behaviour: a qualitative study
- Long tail vs. blockbusters - a data-driven approach
- Applying risk-focused e-CAM model for m-commerce: a study of Metro-India
- Scale efficiency with fuzzy data
- Enhancing the effectiveness of marketing a tourist destination using satisfaction analysis
- The importance of information technology as a strategic resource for hospital management process and the management skills required for managers
- A dynamic routing system for short sea shipping following ship immobilisation
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion are now available here for free:
- Optimal power flow-based congestion management in restructured power systems
- Direct vector controlled six-phase asymmetrical induction motor with power balanced space vector PWM multilevel operation
- Alleviation of transient torsional torque stresses of turbine generator shaft segments using CBVLC supplementary controller
- PSO-based control optimisation of microgrid with D-FACTS
- Reliability evaluation of transmission expansion planning using heuristic methods
Special issue published: "New Trends in Computational Intelligence"
International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 7(4) 2016
Extended versions of papers presented at the XII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence.
Extended versions of papers presented at the XII Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence.
- Stock market volatility prediction using possibilistic fuzzy modelling
- Evolutionary computation methods for the schedule optimisation of pipeline networks
- Modified firefly algorithm applied to image vector quantisation codebook design
- Resolution of one-dimensional bin packing problems using augmented neural networks and minimum bin slack
- Evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence for the inference of gene regulatory networks
- An improved genetic algorithms-based seam carving method
- Clustering algorithm based on asymmetric similarity and paradigmatic features
17 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development are now available here for free:
- The strengths of EMAS as an environmental management system for European university campuses
- Social Electricity: a case study on users perceptions in using green ICT social applications
- Prospects and challenges of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
- Suitability of reclaimed asphalt pavement and recycled crushed brick as filter media in bioretention applications
- Managing the Sundarbans region: opportunities for mutual gain by India and Bangladesh
- Factors influencing corporate pro-environmental behaviour - a case study from the UK construction sector
Inderscience is media partner for Pre-Filled Syringes East Coast 2017
Inderscience is a media partner for Pre-Filled Syringes East Coast (26-27 April 2017, Boston, USA).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- Int. J. of Biotechnology
- Int. J. of Environment and Health
- Int. J. of Healthcare Technology and Management
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business and Systems Research
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business and Systems Research are now available here for free:
- An AHP-based asset allocation model
- Store patronage and retail competition in emerging markets
- Spousal role and family vacation decision making in India
- A fuzzy MCDM approach for choosing a tourism destination in Portugal
- A modified multi-objective particle swarm optimisation algorithm for healthcare facility planning
Call for papers: "Future Generation Wireless Networks"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations.
Important Dates
The recent trend of wireless networks communication has triggered an urge for the innovation of new technology called 5G wireless networks that enhances future generation wireless networks. This 5G technology is proposed in order to improve the quality of wireless networks. This innovative technique mainly enhances the lifetime, increases transmission rate and reduces delays.
This wireless technique receives a lot of attention from designers, developers and researchers. Since they have lots of benefits it needs to address certain issues such as networking, device, protocol and interoperability. The main element in the 5G network is the IoT and body sensor communication which enhances the wireless personal networks. Hence a new scalable, low cost and robust techniques infrastructure should be created to support effectively the 5G network.
This special issue mainly solicits on the development of novel techniques for the enhancement of 5G networks and to solve the challenging problems associated with it. It fosters the evolution of wireless networks with certain ubiquitous characteristics.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- 5G networks for IoT
- 5G networks for sensors communication
- Network interoperability in 5G wireless networks
- Performance evaluation of wireless networks
- 5G networks based quality of service
- Efficient energy based design and protocols in 5G networks
- Management of resources in 5G networks
- Modulation and utilization of spectrum in 5G networks.
- E-health monitoring using 5G
- Wireless topologies and architectures for improvement of sustainability
- Secure protocols and architectures for wireless networks
- Social network security
- Power management mechanisms for wireless network
- Security and performance measure of wireless networks
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 2 May, 2017
16 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology are now available here for free:
- Shareworks - a ubiquitous online learning platform for project-based learning and networking
- An augmented reality tool to validate the assembly sequence of a discrete product
- Modelling tactual experience with product materials
- A methodology for virtual assessment of product ergonomics
- Motivating subjects to drive in haste using time pressure in a simulated environment
- Statistical foot-shape analysis for mass-customisation of footwear
- Natural interaction for online documentation in industrial maintenance
- Controlled direct 3D sketching with haptic and motion constraints
- Affordances for designing natural user interfaces for 3D modelling
Inderscience journals to publish expanded papers from 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems
Extended versions of papers presented at the 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (4-6 April 2017, Irbid, Jordan) will be published by the following journals:
- Int. J. of Computational Science and Engineering
- Int. J. of Embedded Systems
- Int. J. of High Performance Computing and Networking
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business Performance Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business Performance Management are now available here for free:
- Intellectual capital in Malaysian hotel industry: a case study of Malacca
- Human resource performance evaluation from CRM perspective: a two-step association rule analysis
- The performance diamond: measuring public sector organisational performance
- Organisational performance as a function of creativity components and innovation capability: an Indian perspective
- Identification of performance measures in Indian automobile industry: a green supply chain management approach
- A new approach to design supply chain key performance indicator for actors and regulator: a case study in innovative product in Indonesia
Call for papers: "Sustainable Energy Technologies"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology.
Developing suitable energy conversion configurations/products to meet human needs at domestic, industrial and commercial levels is the current need for a sustainable development. Renewable energy has a greater role in the economic growth and sustainability of a nation. Sustainable technologies are essential to make use of renewable energy sources – solar, wind, biomass etc.
Renewable energy and sustainable technologies are needed for meeting the demands of increasing energy requirements. There are a lot of challenges to be addressed for efficient use of these technologies. This special issue provides an opportunity for research scholars, academicians and engineers from all over the world to share their latest research findings and developments in sustainable technologies.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the International Conference on Trends and Advanced Research in Green Energy Technologies (ICTARGET-2017), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 31 August, 2017
Developing suitable energy conversion configurations/products to meet human needs at domestic, industrial and commercial levels is the current need for a sustainable development. Renewable energy has a greater role in the economic growth and sustainability of a nation. Sustainable technologies are essential to make use of renewable energy sources – solar, wind, biomass etc.
Renewable energy and sustainable technologies are needed for meeting the demands of increasing energy requirements. There are a lot of challenges to be addressed for efficient use of these technologies. This special issue provides an opportunity for research scholars, academicians and engineers from all over the world to share their latest research findings and developments in sustainable technologies.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the International Conference on Trends and Advanced Research in Green Energy Technologies (ICTARGET-2017), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Solar energy (thermal and PV)
- Hydrogen and fuel cells
- Wind energy
- Geothermal energy
- Ocean thermal energy
- Biomass energy
- Hybrid renewable energy technologies
- Green buildings
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 31 August, 2017
15 December 2016
Special issue published: "Web Communities; the Sense of Genuine Connectedness"
International Journal of Web Based Communities 12(4) 2016
- The influences of participation and moderation on the development of a sense of virtual community
- Impression management via content-dependent 'liking' on social media
- The digital media phenomenon of YouTube beauty gurus: the case of Bubzbeauty
- Identifying communities and influential node in Facebook fan page - a case study of FJU 2013 ad camp
- How to analyse a semantic social network of learners in a social learning environment?
- Factors influencing the intention to share knowledge in citizen media with stimulus-organismic-response framework
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets are now available here for free:
- Implicit and explicit loyalty: the role of satisfaction, trust and brand image in mobile telecommunication industry
- Uruguayan buyer behaviour: conspicuous versus inconspicuous consumption
- Prioritising the dimensions of employee motivation using analytic hierarchy process
- Group affiliation, R&D and firm performance: empirical evidence from Indian manufacturing sector
- Does location choice affect foreign subsidiary success in India? An empirical study based on Porter's diamond model
Research Picks Extra – December 2016
The technology life cycle
Understanding how the science base relates to the technology life cycle is an important aspect of assessing university research and industrial applications and how each affects the other. Researchers in Japan have found that in the early stages of the technology life cycle one role of academic work is to broaden the technology scope, which then ultimately leads to a wide variety of technologies reaching the market, at least when it comes to solar cell technology. By contrast, in the latter stages of the technology life cycle where both product and process are important collaboration between academia and industry is of even more relevance to developing intellectual property and obtaining patents successfully.
Motohashi, K. and Tomozawa, T. (2016) ‘Differences in science based innovation by technology life cycles: the case of solar cell technology’, Int. J. Technology Management, Vol. 72, Nos. 1/2/3, pp.5–18.
Auditing the cloud
As we increasingly rely on cloud-based storage, there is a growing need for security checks, privacy protection and auditing of those resources in a way that does not put some of the burden back on the user and so negate some of the benefits of cloud services. Researchers in China have now developed a framework for an authenticators generation centre (AGC) that is lightweight in terms of computing power needed for batch auditing and authentication. Moreover, because the authenticators operate on blinded cloud data the approach conserves data privacy. Tests have demonstrated that the system is secure, the team reports.
Shen, W., Yu, J., Hao, R. and Wang, X. (2016) ‘A public cloud storage auditing scheme for resource-constrained clients’, Int. J. High Performance Systems Architecture, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.121–130.
Quenching metals with ionic liquids
Ionic liquids have been seen as an environment friendly alternative to volatile organic solvents (VOCs) for many applications. Now, researchers in Germany have now used high-speed videography to help them investigate the heat transfer mechanisms involved in the quenching of metals using ionic liquids. The industrial processing of metals for engineering and other applications commonly involves heating and cooling processes to endow the final product with specific physical characteristics. The team points out that common quenching liquids have several drawbacks such as the formation of layers of vapour. The incredibly low volatility of ionic liquids means this problem the Leidenfrost effect, cannot arise. The team’s work shows that ionic liquids offer an alternative quenching media for metallic components.
Beck, M., Neise, C., Ahrenberg, M., Schick, C., Kragl, U. and Kessler, O. (2016) ‘Heat transfer mechanisms analysed by high speed video recording of metal quenching in ionic liquids and water’, Int. J. Microstructure and Materials Properties, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp.359–372.
SUVs and brain injury
More than one in five of the annual road traffic accidents involving a fatality around the world involve a vehicle hitting a pedestrian. The head and lower limbs are the most common collision points but it is well known that pedestrians hit by SUVs (sports utility vehicles) are more likely to suffer serious injury or death than those hit by a sedan-type car. A collaboration between scientists in the USA and Japan has investigated the effects of the various forces, translational and rotational accelerations, experience by a pedestrian hit by an SUV and the potential for traumatic brain injury. Their work points to the emerging option of a pre-crash brake assist activation system as being one approach to ameliorating the risk of a pedestrian sustaining a traumatic brain injury when there is a primary head strike in a typical, low-speed, wrap-around impact case.
Tamura, A., Koide, T. and Yang, K.H. (2016) ‘Effects of translational and rotational accelerations on traumatic brain injury in a sport utility vehicle-to-pedestrian crash’, Int. J. Vehicle Design, Vol. 72, No. 3, pp.208–229.
Understanding how the science base relates to the technology life cycle is an important aspect of assessing university research and industrial applications and how each affects the other. Researchers in Japan have found that in the early stages of the technology life cycle one role of academic work is to broaden the technology scope, which then ultimately leads to a wide variety of technologies reaching the market, at least when it comes to solar cell technology. By contrast, in the latter stages of the technology life cycle where both product and process are important collaboration between academia and industry is of even more relevance to developing intellectual property and obtaining patents successfully.
Motohashi, K. and Tomozawa, T. (2016) ‘Differences in science based innovation by technology life cycles: the case of solar cell technology’, Int. J. Technology Management, Vol. 72, Nos. 1/2/3, pp.5–18.
Auditing the cloud
As we increasingly rely on cloud-based storage, there is a growing need for security checks, privacy protection and auditing of those resources in a way that does not put some of the burden back on the user and so negate some of the benefits of cloud services. Researchers in China have now developed a framework for an authenticators generation centre (AGC) that is lightweight in terms of computing power needed for batch auditing and authentication. Moreover, because the authenticators operate on blinded cloud data the approach conserves data privacy. Tests have demonstrated that the system is secure, the team reports.
Shen, W., Yu, J., Hao, R. and Wang, X. (2016) ‘A public cloud storage auditing scheme for resource-constrained clients’, Int. J. High Performance Systems Architecture, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp.121–130.
Quenching metals with ionic liquids
Ionic liquids have been seen as an environment friendly alternative to volatile organic solvents (VOCs) for many applications. Now, researchers in Germany have now used high-speed videography to help them investigate the heat transfer mechanisms involved in the quenching of metals using ionic liquids. The industrial processing of metals for engineering and other applications commonly involves heating and cooling processes to endow the final product with specific physical characteristics. The team points out that common quenching liquids have several drawbacks such as the formation of layers of vapour. The incredibly low volatility of ionic liquids means this problem the Leidenfrost effect, cannot arise. The team’s work shows that ionic liquids offer an alternative quenching media for metallic components.
Beck, M., Neise, C., Ahrenberg, M., Schick, C., Kragl, U. and Kessler, O. (2016) ‘Heat transfer mechanisms analysed by high speed video recording of metal quenching in ionic liquids and water’, Int. J. Microstructure and Materials Properties, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp.359–372.
SUVs and brain injury
More than one in five of the annual road traffic accidents involving a fatality around the world involve a vehicle hitting a pedestrian. The head and lower limbs are the most common collision points but it is well known that pedestrians hit by SUVs (sports utility vehicles) are more likely to suffer serious injury or death than those hit by a sedan-type car. A collaboration between scientists in the USA and Japan has investigated the effects of the various forces, translational and rotational accelerations, experience by a pedestrian hit by an SUV and the potential for traumatic brain injury. Their work points to the emerging option of a pre-crash brake assist activation system as being one approach to ameliorating the risk of a pedestrian sustaining a traumatic brain injury when there is a primary head strike in a typical, low-speed, wrap-around impact case.
Tamura, A., Koide, T. and Yang, K.H. (2016) ‘Effects of translational and rotational accelerations on traumatic brain injury in a sport utility vehicle-to-pedestrian crash’, Int. J. Vehicle Design, Vol. 72, No. 3, pp.208–229.
14 December 2016
Bring Your Own Disaster
Bring your own device (BYOD) to work is common practice these days. Almost everyone has a smart or a tablet and in many office and other jobs, using the device makes workers more effective and more efficient in their work (games and personal social media aside, perhaps). A new study in the International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies suggests, however, that most company IT security managers would prefer employees not to BYOD.
Khaled Zayed of the International School of Management in New York, USA and also Paris, France, reiterates the security and safety concerns that surround BYOD and has carried out a qualitative case study of information technology security managers to determine the industry perspective on BYOD.
“IT is critical in our modern world for doing business and communicating with others,” explains Zayed, “Businesses, governments, and individuals rely on internet-enabled technology to achieve this, using mobile devices, e-mails, and social media, and companies around the world conduct business using local and wide area networks and virtual private networks.” The social networking servers, process virtualization, and cloud computing present both opportunities for rapid innovation as well as risks to proprietary information, trade secrets and intellectual property, especially when those workers with access to sensitive data use their own devices.
There are security concerns for any networked data and system, viruses and other malware, phishing and hacking attacks, identity theft, data leaks, corporate espionage, denial of service attacks, and of course social engineering and confidence tricks. It has been said many times before that companies must establish strict policies to address the risks, as employees using IT at work and in particular in the context of BYOD are wholly unaware of the risks. If they are aware of the risks they are not necessarily aware of ways to mitigate those risks or how to address problems that arise if their or the company IT systems are compromised.
Zayed, K. (2016) ‘Information security awareness: managing web, mobile and endpoint security; overcoming the challenges of bring your own device’, Int. J. Teaching and Case Studies, Vol. 7, Nos. 3/4, pp.271-288.
Khaled Zayed of the International School of Management in New York, USA and also Paris, France, reiterates the security and safety concerns that surround BYOD and has carried out a qualitative case study of information technology security managers to determine the industry perspective on BYOD.
“IT is critical in our modern world for doing business and communicating with others,” explains Zayed, “Businesses, governments, and individuals rely on internet-enabled technology to achieve this, using mobile devices, e-mails, and social media, and companies around the world conduct business using local and wide area networks and virtual private networks.” The social networking servers, process virtualization, and cloud computing present both opportunities for rapid innovation as well as risks to proprietary information, trade secrets and intellectual property, especially when those workers with access to sensitive data use their own devices.
There are security concerns for any networked data and system, viruses and other malware, phishing and hacking attacks, identity theft, data leaks, corporate espionage, denial of service attacks, and of course social engineering and confidence tricks. It has been said many times before that companies must establish strict policies to address the risks, as employees using IT at work and in particular in the context of BYOD are wholly unaware of the risks. If they are aware of the risks they are not necessarily aware of ways to mitigate those risks or how to address problems that arise if their or the company IT systems are compromised.
Zayed, K. (2016) ‘Information security awareness: managing web, mobile and endpoint security; overcoming the challenges of bring your own device’, Int. J. Teaching and Case Studies, Vol. 7, Nos. 3/4, pp.271-288.
Free sample articles newly available from Global Business and Economics Review
The following sample articles from the Global Business and Economics Review are now available here for free:
- On the nature of the voting paradox as a basis of economic analysis
- Is it really worth it? A test of pay-what-you-want pricing strategies in a German consumer behaviour context
- The ability of the turnaround index to assess going concern assumptions: evidence from its application to Italian listed companies
- Expected shortfall and tail conditional expectation with the Pearson type IV distribution
- BRIC dynamic conditional correlations, portfolio diversification and rebalancing after the global financial crisis of 2008-2009
- Consumer innovativeness and opinion leadership: revisiting consumer characteristics in new product diffusion model
- Statistics education in GCC business schools
Special issue published: "Innovative Internet Marketing Trends and Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, Food and Environment"
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 7(4) 2016
- Lifestyles and internet: a new pathway for well-being sustainability
- The digital economy: new e-business strategies for food Italian system
- Determinants of customer satisfaction in healthcare industry: the case of the Hellenic Red Cross
- The impact of advertising fresh milk has on consumers' behaviour of the Thessaloniki City population
- Management strategies and marketing operations in Greek tele-companies
- E-shopping momentum: a conceptual framework
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research are now available here for free:
- Studies on inventory model for deteriorating items with Weibull replenishment and generalised Pareto decay having time dependent demand
- Multiobjective optimisation of stochastic problems using a mixed metaheuristic and regression technique
- A proxy partially blind signature approach using elliptic curve cryptosystem
- Optimal replenishment policies of an EOQ model for non-instantaneous Weibull deteriorating items with ramp-type of demand under shortages
- A simulation- and genetic algorithm-based optimisation of closed-loop multi-echelon inventory system
- Approximated closed-form minimum-cost solutions to the (S − 1, S) policy with complete backordering
Call for papers: "Critique of Knowledge Management"
For a special issue of the World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Important Dates
Knowledge management has come to be seen as a key component in
When a paradigm has such dominance, it is time to question it. Exploiting a paradigm can be very productive, until it reaches a certain point – a point that’s hard to define and identify – when its limitations will become a hindrance to the progress of science (Kuhn, 1968).
This leads to the objective of this call for papers: to questions some of the fundamental assumptions of knowledge management.
One of the fundamental assumptions of the SECI model is that competitive advantage is the result of newly externalised tacit knowing (“Organisations nowadays are playing a critical role in mobilising tacit knowledge held by individuals and provide the forum for a ‘spiral of knowledge’ creation through socialisation, combination, externalisation and internalisation”, Bică, Constantinescu & Bică, 2015:160).
In contrast to Nonaka (1991) and e.g. Robinson, Lee & Edwards (2007:261): "various methods of eliciting tacit knowledge and expressing it into reader-friendly formats have been developed") Philipson (2016A), we discussed how problematic such transformation is. We also problematized the way such externalisation is done, based on an alternative psychology: Vygotsky's.
In another article, Philipson (2016B), we discussed what management can do when it is not possible to transform employees tacit knowing into structural capital. The article showed how the capabilities of key workers - their tacit knowing - were secured to the company by their empowerment.
In a third article, Philipson & Philipson (2016C), we found that trust is built on conditional trust and that the conditional trust of the social animal that the human is continues to be built based on social relationships, unless one party gets information to mistrust. Is this understanding of trust also valid for the environment in which tacit knowing can be externalised?
Bică, G., Constantinescu, M. & Bică, E. (2015) Innovation and knowledge management in a knowledge-based economy, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 11(2/3), 156-171.
Gourlay, S. (2002). Tacit knowledge, tacit knowing or behaving?, 1-24. in the Proceedings of the OKLC, Athens.
Gourlay, S. & Nurse, A. (2005). Flaws in the “Engine” of Knowledge Creation, 293-315, in Challenges and Issues in Knowledge Management. Greenwich: Information Age Publishing
Gourlay, S. (2006). Conceptualizing Knowledge Creation: A Critique of Nonaka's Theory. Journal of Management Studies, 43(7), 1415-1436. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6486.2006.00637.x/p>
Hillgren, P.-A., Seravalli, A. & Emilson, A. (2011). Prototyping and infrastructuring in design for social innovation. CoDesign, 7(3-4), 169-183. http://doi.org/10.1080/15710882.2011.630474
Henry, S.G. (2010) Polanyi’s tacit knowing and the relevance of epistemology to clinical medicine Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 16, 292-297, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2753.2010.01387
Junquera, B & del Brío, J.A. (2009) Environmental concurrent engineering: a way
to competitive advantage? World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 5(3), 256-270.
Kakabadsen, N.K., Kakabadse, A. & Kouzmin, A. (2003), Reviewing the knowledge management literature: towards a taxonomy, Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(4), 75-91. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13673270310492967
Kelley, T. (2001). Prototyping is the Shorthand of Design, Design Management Journal, 12(3), 35-42.
Kuhn, T.S. (1968) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
McAdam, R. & McCreedy, S. (1999), A critical review of knowledge management models, The Learning Organization, 6(3), 91-101. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09696479910270416
Neuweg, G.H. (2004) Tacit Knowing and Implicit Learning, in Fischer, M., Boreham, N. & Nyhan, B. (eds.), European Perspectives on Learning at Work: The Acquisition of Work Process Knowledge. Cedefop Reference Series Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications for the European Communities.
Nonaka, I. (1991). The knowledge-creating company. Harvard Business Review, 69(6), 96-104.
Nonaka, I. (1994). A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. Organization Science, 5(1), 14-37.
Philipson, S. (2016A). A framework for entrepreneurial learning in higher education, 124-162, in the Proceedings from Lärarlärdom: Conference on higher education, Linnaeus University. http://doi.org/10.15626/lld.201507
Philipson, S. (2016B). Radical innovation of a business model. Competitiveness Review, 26(2), 132-146. http://doi.org/10.1108/CR-06-2015-0061
Philipson, S. & Philipson, J. (2016C). From Budapest to Berlin – the role of reputation in the market economy. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 28(2/3), 310-322.
Pot, F., Totterdill, P. & Dhondt, S. (2016) Workplace innovation: European policy and
theoretical foundation, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 12(1), 13-32
Polanyi, M. (1961) The Logic of Tacit Inference. Philosophy, 41(155), 1-18.
Polanyi, M. (1962) Tacit knowing: Its bearing on some problems of philosophy. Reviews of Modern Physics, 34(4), 601-616.
Polanyi, M. (1968) Logic and Psychology. American Psychologist, 23(1), 27-43.
Robinson, S. Lee, E. & Edwards, J.S. (2007) Improving the use of Visual Interactive Simulation as a knowledge elicitation tool, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 3(3/4), 260-272.Van Der Lugt, R. (2005), How sketching can affect the idea generation process in design group meetings, Design Studies, 26(2), 101-122.
Wong, W.L.P. & Radcliffe, D.F. (2000), The Tacit Nature of Design Knowledge, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 12(4), 493-512.
- organisational learning (Koenig (2002) sees knowledge management as "organisational learning and knowledge creation viewed as the conversions between tacit and explicit knowledge", Bică, Constantinescu & Bică, 2015:158)
- innovation ("innovation is built on collective knowledge sharing activities of, particularly, tacit knowledge", Bică, Constantinescu & Bică, 2015:157; "By collaborating with environmental activity, R&D personnel generate knowledge, which is partially tacit", Junquera & del Brío, 2009:260; "the active use of employee's formal and tacit skills and competences in the process of improvement, innovation and change", Pot, Totterdill & Dhondt, 2016:26)
- concretising core competences and core capabilities
- and in obtaining competitive advantage on a global scale - perhaps especially for SMEs with limited financial resources.
When a paradigm has such dominance, it is time to question it. Exploiting a paradigm can be very productive, until it reaches a certain point – a point that’s hard to define and identify – when its limitations will become a hindrance to the progress of science (Kuhn, 1968).
This leads to the objective of this call for papers: to questions some of the fundamental assumptions of knowledge management.
One of the fundamental assumptions of the SECI model is that competitive advantage is the result of newly externalised tacit knowing (“Organisations nowadays are playing a critical role in mobilising tacit knowledge held by individuals and provide the forum for a ‘spiral of knowledge’ creation through socialisation, combination, externalisation and internalisation”, Bică, Constantinescu & Bică, 2015:160).
In contrast to Nonaka (1991) and e.g. Robinson, Lee & Edwards (2007:261): "various methods of eliciting tacit knowledge and expressing it into reader-friendly formats have been developed") Philipson (2016A), we discussed how problematic such transformation is. We also problematized the way such externalisation is done, based on an alternative psychology: Vygotsky's.
In another article, Philipson (2016B), we discussed what management can do when it is not possible to transform employees tacit knowing into structural capital. The article showed how the capabilities of key workers - their tacit knowing - were secured to the company by their empowerment.
In a third article, Philipson & Philipson (2016C), we found that trust is built on conditional trust and that the conditional trust of the social animal that the human is continues to be built based on social relationships, unless one party gets information to mistrust. Is this understanding of trust also valid for the environment in which tacit knowing can be externalised?
Bică, G., Constantinescu, M. & Bică, E. (2015) Innovation and knowledge management in a knowledge-based economy, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 11(2/3), 156-171.
Gourlay, S. (2002). Tacit knowledge, tacit knowing or behaving?, 1-24. in the Proceedings of the OKLC, Athens.
Gourlay, S. & Nurse, A. (2005). Flaws in the “Engine” of Knowledge Creation, 293-315, in Challenges and Issues in Knowledge Management. Greenwich: Information Age Publishing
Gourlay, S. (2006). Conceptualizing Knowledge Creation: A Critique of Nonaka's Theory. Journal of Management Studies, 43(7), 1415-1436. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6486.2006.00637.x/p>
Hillgren, P.-A., Seravalli, A. & Emilson, A. (2011). Prototyping and infrastructuring in design for social innovation. CoDesign, 7(3-4), 169-183. http://doi.org/10.1080/15710882.2011.630474
Henry, S.G. (2010) Polanyi’s tacit knowing and the relevance of epistemology to clinical medicine Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 16, 292-297, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2753.2010.01387
Junquera, B & del Brío, J.A. (2009) Environmental concurrent engineering: a way
to competitive advantage? World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 5(3), 256-270.
Kakabadsen, N.K., Kakabadse, A. & Kouzmin, A. (2003), Reviewing the knowledge management literature: towards a taxonomy, Journal of Knowledge Management, 7(4), 75-91. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13673270310492967
Kelley, T. (2001). Prototyping is the Shorthand of Design, Design Management Journal, 12(3), 35-42.
Kuhn, T.S. (1968) The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
McAdam, R. & McCreedy, S. (1999), A critical review of knowledge management models, The Learning Organization, 6(3), 91-101. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09696479910270416
Neuweg, G.H. (2004) Tacit Knowing and Implicit Learning, in Fischer, M., Boreham, N. & Nyhan, B. (eds.), European Perspectives on Learning at Work: The Acquisition of Work Process Knowledge. Cedefop Reference Series Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications for the European Communities.
Nonaka, I. (1991). The knowledge-creating company. Harvard Business Review, 69(6), 96-104.
Nonaka, I. (1994). A Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation. Organization Science, 5(1), 14-37.
Philipson, S. (2016A). A framework for entrepreneurial learning in higher education, 124-162, in the Proceedings from Lärarlärdom: Conference on higher education, Linnaeus University. http://doi.org/10.15626/lld.201507
Philipson, S. (2016B). Radical innovation of a business model. Competitiveness Review, 26(2), 132-146. http://doi.org/10.1108/CR-06-2015-0061
Philipson, S. & Philipson, J. (2016C). From Budapest to Berlin – the role of reputation in the market economy. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 28(2/3), 310-322.
Pot, F., Totterdill, P. & Dhondt, S. (2016) Workplace innovation: European policy and
theoretical foundation, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 12(1), 13-32
Polanyi, M. (1961) The Logic of Tacit Inference. Philosophy, 41(155), 1-18.
Polanyi, M. (1962) Tacit knowing: Its bearing on some problems of philosophy. Reviews of Modern Physics, 34(4), 601-616.
Polanyi, M. (1968) Logic and Psychology. American Psychologist, 23(1), 27-43.
Robinson, S. Lee, E. & Edwards, J.S. (2007) Improving the use of Visual Interactive Simulation as a knowledge elicitation tool, World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 3(3/4), 260-272.Van Der Lugt, R. (2005), How sketching can affect the idea generation process in design group meetings, Design Studies, 26(2), 101-122.
Wong, W.L.P. & Radcliffe, D.F. (2000), The Tacit Nature of Design Knowledge, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 12(4), 493-512.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Difficulties in transforming tacit knowing to explicit knowledge
- The role of communities of practice in the externalisation of tacit knowing
- The role of trust in externalising tacit knowing.
- Are there cultural differences in how tacit knowing is externalised?
- How to secure tacit knowing in vivo to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage
- The difficulty in geographically separated communities of practice, as in outsourcing
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 15 April, 2017
Notification to authors: 1 July, 2017
Final versions due: 1 September, 2017
13 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Innovation and Learning
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Innovation and Learning are now available here for free:
- Role of transitory communities of practice in business school collaborative knowledge-sharing projects: from the partner's perspective
- On the evolution of technological knowledge and the structural economic consequences derived from its assimilation
- Systems thinking in online travel agency of supplier relationship management
- Enhancing individual innovation in organisations: a review of the literature
- Effects of employee retention practices on perceived firm and innovation performance
- The impacts of entrepreneurship on export orientation and internationalisation: the moderating effects of family ownership and involvement
Inderscience is media partner for Superbugs & Superdrugs 2017
Inderscience is a media partner for Superbugs & Superdrugs (20-21 March 2017, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
- Int. J. of Biotechnology
- Int. J. of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health
- Int. J. of Risk Assessment and Management
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Global Energy Issues
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Global Energy Issues are now available here for free:
- The optimal hedge for carbon market: an empirical analysis of EU ETS
- Efficient auction mechanisms for carbon emission trading scheme
- Research on carbon emission trading mechanisms: current status and future possibilities
- Environmental impact assessment with CO2 control of construction project and its application in China
- An assessment of CO2 emissions: is China's tertiary industry environmentally friendly?
- Coordinated development of energy-saving and emission-reduction evolution systems in the Yangtze River delta
- Prospect of China's energy conservation and emission reduction during the remaining years of the 12th Five-Year Plan period
- A weighted Gini coefficient and Theil index-based approach for estimating the spatial disparity in energy efficiency in China
Call for papers: "Uncertain Structural Systems"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems.
Important Dates
Uncertainties arise in the analysis of the structures when one or more of the structural characteristics involved in the problem cannot be defined as deterministic quantities. This may be due to the excitation characteristics or to the material and/or geometric properties of the structures. The fundamental aims of the papers of this special issue are related to the definition of methods able to treat efficiently the analysis of these systems and to show how the uncertainties are transferred to the response characteristics.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Stochastic mechanics
- Random vibration
- Non-probabilistic methods
- Perturbation methods
- Monte Carlo approaches
- Frequency domain analyses
- Stochastic earthquake and wind dynamics
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 2 October, 2017
12 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business Innovation and Research
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business Innovation and Research are now available here for free:
- Restructuring the agricultural supply chain
- Who will buy the automated external defibrillator in Japan?
- Organisational factors for effective knowledge sharing: an empirical study of Korean learning teams
- Customised component transaction with insufficient trust: case study of the LCD-panel industry
- Open network innovation in the age of complexity: case for small and medium enterprises
- Internationalisation strategy implemented through faculty exchange: strategic entrepreneurship in a 'new' UK university
- Market life-cycle and products strategies: an empirical investigation of Indian automotive market
- The replication process of a global localisation strategy: a case study of Korean firms
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation to publish expanded papers from International Symposium on Electric Aviation and Autonomous Systems 2017
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Symposium on Electric Aviation and Autonomous Systems (10-13 September 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine) will be published by the International Journal of Sustainable Aviation.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management are now available here for free:
- Integrating SWOT analysis into the FMEA methodology to improve corrective action decision making
- Development of fuzzy individual x and moving range control chart
- Prioritisation and performance evaluation of employees at strategic human resource management process using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS methods
- Pattern analysis of phase wise occurrence, severity and detection of failures in real time embedded projects
- Why Indian manufacturing SMEs are still reluctant in adopting total quality management
- The performance improvement of water pump manufacturing system via multi-criteria decision-making and simulation (a case study: Iran Godakht Company)
Call for papers: "Applications of Soft Computing and Intelligent Control"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics.
In computer science, soft computing (SC) was inspired by the human mind as the role model. Soft computing deals with imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, robustness and low solution cost. The principal constituents of soft computing are fuzzy logic control (FLC), artificial neural networks (ANN), evolutionary computation (EC), machine learning (ML), and probabilistic reasoning (PR). Soft computing has applications in several fields of engineering as well as complex systems arising in biology and medicine.
In computer science, intelligent control (IC) was inspired by observable and imitable aspects of intelligent activity of human beings and nature. The essence of the intelligent control systems is to process and interpret data of various nature so that computational intelligence is strictly connected with the increase in available data as well as their capabilities of processing mutually supportive factors.
Intelligent control and computational intelligence have applications in many fields of engineering, data analysis, forecasting, biomedicine, image and sound processing, system identification, signal processing, multidimensional data visualisation, analysis of lexicographic data, diagnostic systems, expert systems, etc. Intelligent control systems are very useful when no mathematical model is available, a priori and intelligent control develops a system to be controlled. Important types of intelligent control are fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, ant colony optimisation, bee colony optimisation, particle swarm optimisation, support vector machines, etc.
This special issue focuses on the applications of soft computing and intelligent control and will feature high level research articles on the latest research applications of soft computing and intelligent control, especially on fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and evolutionary optimisation techniques.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Control, Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT-2016), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 20 April, 2017
In computer science, soft computing (SC) was inspired by the human mind as the role model. Soft computing deals with imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, robustness and low solution cost. The principal constituents of soft computing are fuzzy logic control (FLC), artificial neural networks (ANN), evolutionary computation (EC), machine learning (ML), and probabilistic reasoning (PR). Soft computing has applications in several fields of engineering as well as complex systems arising in biology and medicine.
In computer science, intelligent control (IC) was inspired by observable and imitable aspects of intelligent activity of human beings and nature. The essence of the intelligent control systems is to process and interpret data of various nature so that computational intelligence is strictly connected with the increase in available data as well as their capabilities of processing mutually supportive factors.
Intelligent control and computational intelligence have applications in many fields of engineering, data analysis, forecasting, biomedicine, image and sound processing, system identification, signal processing, multidimensional data visualisation, analysis of lexicographic data, diagnostic systems, expert systems, etc. Intelligent control systems are very useful when no mathematical model is available, a priori and intelligent control develops a system to be controlled. Important types of intelligent control are fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, ant colony optimisation, bee colony optimisation, particle swarm optimisation, support vector machines, etc.
This special issue focuses on the applications of soft computing and intelligent control and will feature high level research articles on the latest research applications of soft computing and intelligent control, especially on fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and evolutionary optimisation techniques.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Control, Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT-2016), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Applications of intelligent control
- Ant colony optimisation
- Artificial neural networks
- Bayesian network
- Bee colony optimisation
- Cellular neural networks
- Chaos theory
- Computational Intelligence
- Evolutionary computation
- Fuzzy logic control
- Genetic algorithms
- Intelligent control
- Machine learning
- Metaheuristic and swarm intelligence
- Nature-inspired optimisation methods
- Neuro-fuzzy control
- Particle swarm optimisation
- Support vector machines
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 20 April, 2017
11 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering are now available here for free:
- Quality function deployment approach to measure supply chain performance: a case study on garments accessories industries
- Scalability of reconfigurable manufacturing systems based on bowl phenomenon: an implication of modular machines
- A new proactive approach to construct a robust baseline schedule considering quality factor
- Reliability and availability analysis of the serial processes in skim milk powder system of a dairy plant: a case study
- A hybrid coding SA method for multi-item capacity-constrained production and delivery scheduling problem with arbitrary job volumes and customer inventory considerations
- A fuzzy multi-objective genetic algorithm for system reliability optimisation
Special issue published: "Innovation and Entrepreneurship as Drivers of Competitiveness and Growth"
International Journal of Work Innovation 2(1) 2017
- A behavioural game theory perspective on the collaboration between innovative and entrepreneurial firms
- Scaling impact from grassroots social innovation: a conceptual network-based model
- Learning and entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector: building social entrepreneurial capabilities in young farmers
- Developing entrepreneurial leadership: the challenge for sustainable organisations
- Entrepreneurial capabilities and innovation in firms from late industrialising countries: a case study of a Mexican firm
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Services and Operations Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Services and Operations Management are now available here for free:
- Lay-out optimisation through an integrated approach based on material flow and operations mapping using a commercial software
- The role of time, communication, and cost management on project management success: an empirical study on sample of construction projects customers in Makkah City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- The impact of demographic profile on emotional intelligence among the faculty members performance in the educational institutions in Tamil Nadu, India - an empirical study
- Eco-innovation practices: a case study of green furniture manufacturers in Indonesia
- Simulation model for closed loop repairable parts inventory system with service level performance measures
- Strategic framework for managing forces of continuity and change in innovation and risk management in service sector: a study of service industry in India
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation to publish expanded papers from International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation 2017
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Symposium on Sustainable Aviation (10-13 September 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine) will be published by the International Journal of Sustainable Aviation.
10 December 2016
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Mobile Communications
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Mobile Communications are now available here for free:
- Measuring the efficiency of standardisation policy using meta-frontier analysis: a case of mobile platform standardisation
- Elucidating the role of conformity in innovative smartphones
- Examining social influence factors affecting consumer continuous usage intention for mobile social networking applications
- Mobile media activity breadth and political engagement: an online resource perspective
- Exploring factors affecting the adoption of mobile office in business: an integration of TPB with perceived value
Call for papers: "Inventive Systems and Internet of Things"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications.
With the emanation of new hardware and software technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), the embedded system is reinforced to enter into a new epoch in history. This enhancement trends foremost in the consumer electronic goods. Hence the IoT solutions foster the vast new innovative opportunities for the embedded developers.
Embedded devices are becoming more effective with technology like wearable gadgets. Hence the embedded developers should establish a seamless connectivity with one another to enable IoT in embedded infrastructure. The main issue associated with this is the ability to manage and take control of all edge elements centrally with the aid of remote management and cloud-based data delivery and enhancement of edge devices. The main system associated with these embedded devices is real-time operating system (RTOS). The main challenges associated in the IoT enabled RTOS is scalability, security and safety.
This special issue solicits mainly on the innovation techniques for embedded developers and to enhance the scalable, reliable and connective characteristics of IoT enabled embedded infrastructure.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- IoT enabled systems
- Inventive systems for smart cities
- Embedded system design for IoT
- Embedded based network architecture
- IoT based information centric embedded edge devices
- IoT security for edge device elements and gateways
- IoT based design considerations for embedded devices
- IoT for automotive embedded systems
- Embedded devices framework in IoT ecosystem
- Embedded sensor networks
- Embedded based real-time computations and algorithms
- IoT enabled home sensors
- Imaging systems
- Built-in body networks for blood monitoring
- Embedded devices in internet of nanothings
- Architectures of IoT system that influence VLSI capabilities
- Wireless networks and IoT devices
- Systems for internet for everything
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 28 May, 2017
Notification to authors: 27 July, 2017
Final versions due: 18 December, 2017
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Sensor Networks
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Sensor Networks are now available here for free:
- Robust FIR and IIR filter design for uncertain multirate systems under wireless network environment
- A distributed semantic filtering model based on approximate automata for heterogeneous multi-sensor networks
- Fault-tolerant multi-path routing protocol for WSN based on HEED
- Water quality monitoring using STORM 3 Data Loggers and a wireless sensor network
- Rest with eyes open: stochastic target coverage in wireless sensor networks with data fusion
- Upper bounds on lifetime of three-dimensional UWB sensor networks of multi-source, multi-destination
- Developing a WSN internet gateway for an African context
Special issue published: "Material Forming and Product Performance"
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 54(1/2/3) 2017
- Formability investigation using a new test design for hot stamping processes
- Quantitative study of the Bauschinger effect in high-strength low-strain-hardening materials for metal forming applications
- Novel processes and related technologies for micro metal forming
- Deformation characteristics of aluminium-copper composite preforms at different strain rates during cold forging
- Recent development of ring rolling theory and technique
- A study on process design of plate cold forging for machinability improvement of piston under drive brake
- Wear analysis of polyamide based on a statistical approach
- Effects of reheating temperature and time on microstructure and tensile properties of thixoformed in situ Sip/ZA27 composites
- Die-punch alignment and its effect on the thinning pattern in the square-shaped deep drawing of aluminium alloy
- Finite element analysis of effect of process parameters on electromagnetic free expansion of aluminium tube
- Deformation behaviour of high strength steel sheet 22MnB5 at elevated temperature and its FE simulation model verification
- A process for increasing plastic strain ratio of AA1050 Al alloy sheet
- The classification and a review of hot power spinning of difficult-to-deform metals
- Modelling of hot compressive deformation behaviour of 55 steel considering strain
9 December 2016
Inderscience is media partner for Future Soldier Technology 2017
Inderscience is a media partner for Future Soldier Technology (13-14 March 2017, London, United Kingdom).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- Int. J. of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems
- Int. J. of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- Int. J. of Smart Grid and Green Communications
- Int. J. of Trust Management in Computing and Communications
- Int. J. of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems
More information on this event is available here.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Operational Research
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Operational Research are now available here for free:
- Reliability modelling of a parallel system with maximum operation and repair times
- Critical chain scheduling: a new approach for feeding buffer sizing
- An improved mathematical programming formulation and application of multi-attribute choice behaviour
- An integrated methodology of FTA and fuzzy AHP for risk assessment in green supply chain
- Analysis of MAP/G/1/N queue with two phases of service under single (multiple) vacation(s)
- An adaptive crossover genetic algorithm with simulated annealing for multi mode resource constrained project scheduling with discounted cash flows
- Bilevel linear programming with fuzzy random variables through absolute deviation minimisation
Call for papers: "Innovation and Public Sector Management: Taking part in the Agenda for Sustainable Development"
For a special issue of the Intermational Journal of Public Sector Performance Management.
Searching to facilitate creative processes, organisations recognise that the source of new ideas and information lies in the interaction between different functional departments, as well as in the cooperation with external actors. That is why increasingly, organisations from multiple sectors (i.e., government, business and civil society) are collaborating to tackle larger and more complex challenges beyond the organisation and sectorial boundaries. Examples of such challenges include the emergence of new industries and markets, financial crises and political conflicts, responses to socio-cultural change, the provision of health care and education, the prevention of crime and poverty, the shift to renewable energies, etc. Interactions between public, private and non-profit actors can happen in hybrid organisations, contractual partnerships and more informal exchange.
In cross-sector collaborations, the partners bring in heterogeneous resources which promise to be complementary in the design and implementation of innovative solutions to societal and economic problems. This particularly applies to intangible resources such as knowledge. However, before cross-sector collaborations can live up to their potential in exploiting existing and creating new knowledge, the involved actors have to bridge high cognitive distances. The government, business and civil society have their own logics and practices, and these profound differences may inhibit understanding and learning across sectoral boundaries. Moreover, although cross-sector collaborations build on shared overall goals, the partners may also pursue diverging interests and hidden goals.
We welcome theoretical and empirical (both quantitative and qualitative) papers and give no priority to a specific field of operation or kind of collaboration. However, a strong focus on the relational aspects of knowledge, learning and innovation will be appreciated. The management of knowledge, learning and innovation is a severe challenge within societal sectors but even more in cross-sector collaborations. This special issue will address questions related to this challenge.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- What are the main drivers of, and barriers to, knowledge sharing, learning and innovation in cross-sector/within-sector collaborations?
- How do structural characteristics of the collaboration (e.g. origin and experience of partners, network size, governance of the partnership, life-cycle stage) affect knowledge, learning and innovation?
- How do actors in cross-sector collaborations cope with divergent logics and arrive at shared mental models and joint decisions?
- What practices of knowledge governance and management (e.g. boundary spanners, communities of practice) facilitate learning and innovation in cross sector/within-sector collaborations?
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 30 November, 2017
Notification to authors: 31 April, 2018
Final versions due: 31 May, 2018
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