30 June 2009

Call for papers: Technologies, Architectures and Applications for Green Wireless Sensor Networks

Call for papers: Technologies, Architectures and Applications for Green Wireless Sensor Networks

A special issue of International Journal of Sensor Networks

Recently, due to the limited natural resources, the concept “green” has been widely used in solutions to solve problems of global energy shortage, abnormal weather and environmental pollution. In the meantime, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have also been regarded as one of the feasible solutions to sense or monitor if our planet is back to “green” after certain green technologies have been employed. However, one of the prerequisites for WSNs to play this important role is that the WSN itself has to be green. Thus, novel technologies, architectures and applications are required to design a green WSN (GWSN).

In view of this, this special issue aims to foster start-of-the-art research and expects to bring those leading researchers and developers together to present novel technologies, architectures and applications to solve the various problems and challenges in designing a GWSN.

We encourage the submission of innovative and mature results in designing, analysing and developing technologies for GWSNs. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
  • Power-efficiency and bandwidth efficiency
  • Power harvesting
  • Self-organisation and clustering algorithms
  • PHY, MAC and routing issues
  • Cross-layer design paradigm
  • Topology control mechanisms
  • Location management and mobility management
  • Coverage optimisation, connectivity and transmission range assignment
  • Security, fault-tolerant and reliability
  • QoS design
  • Near field communication (NFC) techniques
  • Cooperation protocols and algorithms
  • Implementation issues and applications
Important Dates
Manuscript due: 15 November, 2009
Acceptance/rejection notification: 15 February, 2010
Final manuscript due: 31 March, 2010

Call for papers: Nonconvex Optimisation and Its Applications

Call for papers: Nonconvex Optimisation and Its Applications

A special issue of International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics

Nonconvex optimisation is a multi-disciplinary research field that deals with the characterisation and computation of local/global minima/maxima of nonlinear, nonconvex, nonsmooth, discrete and continuous functions. Nonconvex optimisation problems are frequently encountered in modelling complex real world systems for a very broad range of applications including engineering, mathematical economics, management science, biological and physical sciences, financial engineering and social science etc.

The aim of this special issue is to bring together emerging concepts, theoretical developments and applications. As this is a very active area of research, we are looking for theoretical and applied articles which contribute to the state-of-the-art in the field.

Example topics include, but not limited to:
  • Nonconvex programming
  • Nonlinear programming
  • Nonsmooth programming
  • Nonconvex quadratic programming
  • Stochastic optimisation and programming
  • Augmented lagrangian
  • Penalty function method
  • Semi-infinite programming
  • DC programming
  • Generalised convexity
  • Control and variational problems
  • Game theory
  • Variational inequalities
Important Dates
Manuscript Submission: 31 October 2009
Reviewer reports: 15 January 2010
Revised paper submission: 21 February 2010
Final manuscript submission to publisher: 15 April 2010

Special issue: Urban air pollution: problems, control technologies and management practices

International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 4(1/2) 2009
  • Spatial and temporal differences of Particulate Matter in Berlin
  • The influence of atmospheric circulation and cloudiness on the intensity of temperature inversions in Sosnowiec (Upper Silesia, Southern Poland)
  • Reflectance spectroscopy as a tool for settled dust monitoring in office environment
  • Effect of averaging time on mean concentrations in building influenced dispersion
  • The role of atmospheric circulation in air pollution distribution in Katowice Region (Southern Poland)
  • Air pollution from air stripping of industrial VOCs: a mitigating alternative using renewable energy
  • Air quality interventions and spatial dynamics of air pollution in Delhi and its surroundings
  • Air quality assessment in Bologna by an urban dispersion model
  • Seasonal and diurnal characteristics of surface level O3 and its precursors in the north-central part of India
  • Analysis of local concentration gradients in complex built environments: implications for Air Quality Management Areas
  • The study of traffic hotspot air quality and street scale modelling in the Street Emission Ceilings (SEC) Project
  • Cleaner transport technology most efficient to ensure compliance with 2010 NO2 limit values in Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Mortality rates and air pollution levels under different weather conditions: an example from Western Europe
  • Weekend–Weekday differences in near-surface ozone concentrations in Chennai, South India
  • Effects of trees on the dilution of vehicle exhaust emissions in urban street canyons
  • Numerical simulation and wind tunnel studies of pollution dispersion in an isolated street canyon
  • Aerosol characteristics at a continental urban station in southern India

28 June 2009

Special issue: R&D, innovation and marketing – how to convince internal and external stakeholders of technological innovations

International Journal of Technology Marketing 4(2/3) 2009
  • The management of marketing knowledge in the early phases of the innovation process
  • Stakeholder perceptions and implications for technology marketing in multi-sector innovations: the case of intelligent transport systems
  • Leadership in interorganisational network-based innovation projects
  • Innovation politics: how serial innovators gain organisational acceptance for breakthrough new products
  • From roles to skills – key persons in the innovation process
  • Overcoming resistance to innovations: an approach for the use of communication tools within the innovation process
  • Lead-using or lead-refusing? An examination of customer integration in mechanical engineering firms
  • Key stakeholders' interaction as a factor of product innovation: the case of Russia
  • Launching technological innovations: the relevance of a stakeholder perspective
  • Absorptive capability and its mediating effect on the learning and market orientations' influences on performance

Special issue: Imprecise probability in engineering analysis

International Journal of Reliability and Safety 3(1-3) 2009

Selected papers from the National Science Foundation Workshop on Imprecise Probability in Engineering Analysis held in Savannah, Georgia, USA, 20-22 February 2008.
  • Validation of imprecise probability models
  • Autonomous robust design optimisation with potential clouds
  • Information management for estimating system reliability using imprecise probabilities and precise Bayesian updating
  • Extreme probability distributions of random sets, fuzzy sets and p-boxes
  • An interval-based technique for FE model updating
  • Interval analysis and reliability in robotics
  • Design and implementation of an optimal, reliable and robust control system for an industrial plant emulator
  • Extended precision with a rounding mode toward zero environment. Application to the Cell processor
  • Engineering quantification of inconsistent information
  • Interval approach for nondeterministic linear static finite element method in continuum mechanics problems
  • Numerical structural monitoring with the uncertainty model fuzzy randomness
  • A global optimisation method for computing interval hull solution for parametric linear systems
  • Static analysis of uncertain structures using interval eigenvalue decomposition
  • On the statistics of oceanic waves
  • Reliability assessment using stochastic local regression
  • The probability of type I and type II errors in imprecise hypothesis testing with an application to geodetic deformation analysis
  • Stress analysis of a singly reinforced concrete beam with uncertain structural parameters

Special issue: 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications 2008

International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 3(1/2) 2009

The 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurements and Applications took place in Ottawa, Canada, 9-10 May 2008
  • Rapid impingement detection and surface distance measurement system for real-time ball-and-socket joint motion simulation
  • MRI image enhancement by PROPELLER data fusion
  • A 3D scanning system for biomedical purposes
  • A Master-Slave Neural Network for precise recognition of the complicated hand operations based on EEG
  • Reduction of doubtful detection of micro-nucleus in human lymphocyte
  • Human–Computer interaction for smart environment applications using hand gestures and facial expressions
  • Beamformer-aided processing of EEG signals for analysing epileptic seizures
  • Designing a wireless sensor system for continuous monitoring of the cervical dilation of a pregnant woman
  • Health status and air quality parameters monitoring based on mobile technology and WPAN
  • Towards fully integrated Lab-on-Chip: design, assembly and experimental results
  • New piezoelectric sensors with Gall Bladder stone material
  • A benchmarked automated progress measurement system for haptic motor rehabilitation
  • Haptic rehabilitation exercises performance evaluation using automated inference systems
  • Comparative analysis of tactile sensitivity between blind, deaf and unimpaired people
  • The possibility of standardising blood pressure measurement
  • Standard calibration procedures for automated non-invasive measurement of blood pressure

Special issue: Global operations

International Journal of Services and Operations Management 5(6) 2009
  • The artificial neural network for forecasting foreign exchange rates
  • A closed-loop recycling system with a minimum allowed quality level on returned products
  • A strategic alliance model with a regional monopoly of service centres in express courier services
  • The impact of product architecture on supply chain integration: a case study of Nokia and Texas Instruments
  • The effect of technological platforms on the global supply chain: a case study on Intel's platform business in the PC industry
  • A comparative study of international automobile sourcing strategies based on stochastic process analysis

Special issue: Autonomic and trusted computing

International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 2(3) 2009

Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing 2008 (ATC’08) held in Oslo, Norway, 23-25 June 2008.
  • Organic traffic light control for urban road networks
  • Individual agent's wealth in minority games
  • Concepts for run-time and error-resilient control flow checking of embedded RISC CPUs
  • Scheduling policy design for autonomic systems
  • Secure remote access to autonomous safety systems: A good practice approach

Special issue: International business and trade in a variety of industries and countries

World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 5(3) 2009
  • Corporate risk disclosure by UK firms: trends and determinants
  • Environmental sustainability and microfinancial system: What is the link?
  • Environmental concurrent engineering: a way to competitive advantage?
  • The recent evidence of MNEs' involvement in achieving national competitiveness in developing countries: the case of Kazakhstan
  • The US auto industry: historical background, trade policies, and new challenges
  • World cotton markets liberalisation and cotton trade in Sudan
  • Assessing the effects of personality traits on the service quality of Korean logistics personnel

Special issue: Mahalanobis-Taguchi System analysis

International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 4(6) 2009
  • Evaluating an adaptive One-Factor-At-a-Time search procedure within the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System
  • Integrating the improvement and the control phase of Six Sigma for categorical responses through application of Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS)
  • A comparison study and discussion of the Mahalanobis-Taguchi System
  • Classification, feature selection and prediction with Neural-network Taguchi System
  • An unsupervised classification scheme for multi-class problems including feature selection based on MTS philosophy
  • Forecasting consumer satisfaction for vehicle ride using a multivariate measurement system

Special issue: Transparent conducting oxides

International Journal of Nanotechnology 6(9) 2009

Selected invited papers presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Transparent Conducting Oxides (IS-TCO 2008)
  • Transparent conductive oxide materials: financial stakes and technological challenges
  • Transparent conductors for solar energy and energy efficiency: a broad-brush picture
  • Development of novel integrated bio/chemical sensor systems using chalcogenide glass materials
  • Optimum performance solar cells using atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition deposited TCOs
  • Solution processing of conducting dense and porous films; doped ZnO and TiO2, and perovskites
  • Conductivity and transparency in amorphous In-Zn-O transparent conductors
  • An experimental method to estimate the temperature of individual nanowires
  • Transparent conducting oxides superstrate for thin film solar cells: an industrial prospective

Special issue: Intelligent techniques for personalisation and recommendation

International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 1(4) 2009
  • Dynamically constructing user profiles with similarity-based online incremental clustering
  • A personalised query suggestion agent based on query-concept bipartite graphs and Concept Relation Trees
  • Using Support Vector Machines for feature-oriented profile-based recommendations
  • Community Adaptive Search Engines
Additional papers
  • Set Cover Feature Selection for Text Categorisation and spam detection
  • Habituation detection with Allen-Cahn boundary generation

25 June 2009

First issue:International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems

International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems publishes original and significant work related to intelligent systems based on all kinds of formal and informal reasoning. Intelligent systems imply any systems that can do systematized reasoning, including automated and heuristic reasoning.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue

First issue:International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems

International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems aims to publish the latest research and development results and experiences in the areas of granular computing, rough sets, fuzzy sets, soft computing and intelligent systems, including applications in areas such as bioinformatics, e-business, security, machine learning, data mining, high-performance computing and wireless mobile computing.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management

European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management is the official scholarly publication of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Management and Competence (IACCM). The journal aims to widen and deepen the discussion about issues regarding the influence of cultural differences and diversity on the management of organisations of all kinds. Of particular relevance is the question of how culture affects both managers and decision-makers in situations involving the cross-cultural transfer of knowledge, values and experiences.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

23 June 2009

Call for papers: Recent Advancements and Innovative Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Call for papers: Recent Advancements and Innovative Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences

A special issue of International Journal of Product Development

The healthcare industry has witnessed unprecedented transformation recently. Pharmaceutical science has been revolutionised from the macro to the micro level and currently research is focused at the molecular level. The foundation of pharmaceutical research is based upon drug delivery, biopharmaceutics, transport, formulation process engineering, simulation and mathematical modelling. The quest for newer therapeutic alternatives and basic research has given birth to numerous strategies, many of which have been able to treat unmet medical needs. However, many challenging barriers have yet to be conquered.

The objective of this special theme issue is to focus on innovative and cutting edge research in this multidisciplinary field. Emphasis will be on original research with focused attention on novelty and innovativeness.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
  • Delivery of drugs and biotech molecules
  • Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and radiopharmaceutics
  • Pharmaceutical technology and process engineering
  • Pharmaceutics, physical pharmacy, preformulation
  • Membrane transport and absorption
  • Macromolecule (including protein/ peptide) and gene delivery
  • Clinical studies with distinctive features
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 31 October 2009
Communication of peer reviews of authors: 31 December 2009
Deadline for revised manuscripts: 28 February 2010

Special issue:Environmental Biotechnology: Part 3

International Journal of Environment and Pollution 38(1/2) 2009
  • Biosorption of Cu(II) and Zn(II) by intact and pre-treated biomass of Oscillatoria planctonica
  • Effects of exogenous citric acid and malic acid addition on nickel uptake and translocation in leaf mustard (Brassica juncea var. foliosa Bailey) and Alyssum corsicum
  • Zn and Cd hyperaccumulating characteristics of Picris divaricata Vant.
  • Treatment of landfill leachate by effective microorganisms
  • Bioremoval of colour from textile wastewater by sequencing batch reactor and biotechnological methods
  • Treatment of black liquor of paper-making by combined process of acid-producing white rot fungus – anaerobic hydrolysis – contact oxidation – internal electrolysis
  • Treatment of oil-field produced water by combined process of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR)-Biological Aerated Filter (BAF): a pilot study
  • Treatment of cornstalk fibrous pulp wastewater using Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR): effect of shock loading rates
  • Study on Fully Coupled Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (FCASM1) for wastewater treatment biological processes
  • Degradability of n-hexadecane by Bacillus cereus DQ01 isolated from oil contaminated soil from Daqing oil field, China
  • Optimisation of lactic acid fermentation from beet molasses by strain FD173
  • The suitable phosphorus concentration level for restoration by duckweed
  • Treatment of odour containing hydrogen sulphide released from pharmaceutical wastewater treatment plant with SBR process by bio-trickling filter
  • Detection of enteroviruses from water samples using optimised RT-PCR with universal primers
  • Rapid detection of pathogenic bacteria in surface water by PCR with universal primer
  • Removal of bromate and natural organic matter by using biologically activated carbon
  • The influence of aeration rate on partial nitrification in sequencing batch reactor
  • Biodegradation of plasticiser di-n-butyl phthalate by immobilised microbial cells
  • Isolation of a freshwater cyanophage (F1) capable of infecting Anabaena flos-aquae and its potentials in the control of water bloom

22 June 2009

Special issue: Advances in intelligent nano-measurement technology

International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 3(3) 2009

Papers from members of a Japan Society for Precision Engineering technical committee: New Technology for Intelligent Measurement with Nanoscale.
  • Evaluation of gear engagement accuracy by Transmission Error with sub-microradian resolution
  • Study on residual resist layer thickness measurement for Nanoimprint Lithography based on near-field optics
  • Scanning in situ self-calibration method for the two-probe method of straightness measurement
  • Fundamental study on the position detection signal analysis for the fibre optical trapping probe
  • Improvement of a Fast Tool Control unit for cutting force measurement in diamond turning of micro-lens array
  • Proposal of concurrent measurement method for spindle radial, axial and angular motions using concentric grating interferometers
  • Precision positioning control of a Sawyer motor-based two-axis planar motion stage

Special issue: Computer applications in knowledge-based systems

International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 35(2-4) 2009
  • A fuzzy-rough case-based learning approach for intelligent die design
  • Integrated evaluator extracted from infringement lawsuits using extension neural network accommodated to patent assessment
  • Improved genetic algorithm for optimal design of fuzzy classifier
  • A condition-based maintenance policy for intelligent monitored system
  • Digital watermarking for relational databases using traceability parameter
  • A virtual layout system integrated with polar coordinates-based genetic algorithm
  • Analysing the behavioural intention of using telehomecare from a management viewpoint – an application of artificial neural network
  • A technique for retrospective computer validation of drug manufacturing software
  • Feature string-based intelligent information retrieval from Tamil document images
  • Ontology-based relevance analysis for automatic reference tracking
  • Exploring optimised route selection strategy in tree- and mesh-based multicast routing in MANETs
  • Comparative analysis of regression and machine learning methods for predicting fault proneness models
  • A novel framework for optimised privacy preserving data mining using the innovative desultory technique
  • Analysis of the effect of Headline News in financial market through text categorisation
  • The discovery of history using inverse simulation
  • Architecture for effective personalised web search
  • A method to retrieve telops based on the distance of character image features between queries and telops
  • A unified approach for determining the underlying causes of non-stationary disturbances
  • A method to implement effective My-page service system using three-dimensional vectors
  • Ontology-based query processing for understanding intentions of indirect speech acts in natural-language question answering
  • An automatic extraction method of word tendency judgement for specific subjects
  • Relevant estimation among fields using field association words
  • An efficient search method of e-government information using knowledge of search history

20 June 2009

Special issue: 8th World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business

International Journal of Electronic Business 7(3) 2009

The 8th World Congress was held in Toronto, Canada in July 2007.
  • Sex, gender and self-concept: predicting web shopping site design preferences
  • Multi-channel service concept definition and prototyping
  • The interworking of emerging wireless access technologies and its impact on the evolution of the mobile e-commerce industry
  • Business models dynamics for start-ups and innovating e-businesses
  • An enhanced and secure messaging architecture for a distributed e-business environment
Additional paper
  • The actual structure of eBay's feedback mechanism and early evidence on the effects of recent changes

Special issue: Methods, tools and applications in transport and logistic services

International Journal of Services Sciences 2(3/4) 2009
  • A software tool for commute carpooling: a case study on university students in Milan
  • Sustainable mobility solutions: a pre-implementation questionnaire study for Fuzzy spatial network Voronoi diagram: a spatial decision support for transportation planning
  • Characterising urban freight solutions for medium sized cities
  • An ICT platform for urban freight distribution management
  • Evaluating logistics performance: methodological issues, evidences from the field and some policy proposals from the Italian case
  • Research on international logistics dynamics with uncertain exchange rate
Additional papers
  • Environmental accounting and the banking sector: a framework for measuring environmental-financial risks
  • A study on communication media selection in IT and service work groups

Special issue: System boundaries of industrial symbioses: Part 2

Progress in Industrial Ecology, an International Journal 6(1) 2009

Papers from a workshop at the 13th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference, held in Västerås, Sweden, 10–12 June 2007.
  • The clean development mechanism and the principles of industrial ecology – exploring the interconnections and mutual opportunities
  • Towards eco-efficiency: granulated nickel slag's transformation into a product
  • Environmental information for sustainable supply chains
  • The social aspects of industrial symbiosis: the application of social network analysis to industrial symbiosis networks

Special issue: Nuclear knowledge management: IAEA perspective

International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management 3(2) 2009
  • Nuclear knowledge management
  • Risk management of knowledge loss in nuclear industry organisations
  • The role of knowledge management in NPP organisational performance
  • Knowledge management for radioactive waste management organisations
  • Assessment of the organisation's knowledge management maturity
  • Knowledge management for nuclear industry operating organisations
  • An IAEA survey on the current status of knowledge preservation in nuclear and supporting organisations
  • Fast reactor knowledge inventory

Special issue: Data management in ad hoc and sensor networks for the information-explosion era

International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 2(4) 2009
  • Efficient probabilistic event stream processing with lineage and Kleene-plus
  • Towards collaborative data reduction in stream-processing systems
  • Replica arrangement for location dependent data in consideration of network partition in ad hoc networks
  • Cooperative caching for homogeneous wireless sensor networks
  • Cognitive networking of large scale wireless systems

19 June 2009

Call for papers: Service Innovation Design

Call for papers: Service Innovation Design

A special issue of International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics

Innovation is not an option for today’s industry. For the past decade, globalisation and transformation of the industrial economy has produced vast new challenges for industry. As the practice of product design has expanded both in economic and social impact and in technological complexity, so have the demands upon innovative service systems. Industry R&D has changed its traditional corporate R&D model to a more globally integrated and customer-centric R&D. Companies are looking for ways to add increasing innovation into their products to deliver value-added services to their customers with an expanded business bottom line.

Most companies are still clinging to what we call the invention model, centred on a bricks-and-mortar product development R&D infrastructure. However, the world's innovation landscape has changed. Innovation is not just about new product development; it also refers to the creation of new value-added services to transform better productivity and performance. For example, GE Medical changed its name to GE Healthcare Technologies to expand its business opportunities. Companies such as IBM and Apple are also transforming to be smart service business leaders.

The goal of this special issue is to address the transformation of today’s products into innovative product-service systems. Due to the rapid growth in methodologies, tools, intelligence, and technologies, this special issue will offer an appropriate contribution to service sector entities as well as service users’ daily lives.

The issue provides a global forum for presenting academically-thorough research and case studies in both theoretical development and applied research in the area of service innovation design. Its purpose is to discuss the robust development of state-of-the-art customer-centric service designs through technology-enabled methodologies and tools. Distinctively, it intends to disseminate research in the service science from customer-centric service experience designs that directly address the issue of capturing and meeting the hidden customer needs in today’s global and connected product and service infrastructure.

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
  • Issues, gaps, and unmet needs in product and service innovation
  • Service business trends and transformation
  • Innovative business models for product-service system design
  • Strategies and tools for product to service transformation
  • Qualitative and quantitative design tools for product and service innovation
  • Design of future smart service systems and business
  • E-service trends, mechanisms, tools, and case studies
  • E-enabled and infotronics technologies for service business design
  • Closed-loop life cycle designs for product and service systems
Important Dates
Full paper deadline: 31 December, 2009
Notification of acceptance and review results: 1 March, 2010
Revised submission deadline: 1 May, 2010
Final acceptance: 15 May, 2010

Call for papers: Power-Efficient, High Performance General Purpose and Application Specific Computing Architectures

Call for papers: Power-Efficient, High Performance General Purpose and Application Specific Computing Architectures

A special issue of International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture

The ever-increasing needs of present and future computation-intensive applications have fuelled multiple research programmes worldwide to develop new and innovative computing techniques and architectures that can deliver accelerated computing capacity, superior data throughput, and the ability to aggregate substantial distributed computing power.

In the context of embedded computing systems, the increasing demand for computation capabilities represents an hot issue, which is exacerbated in mobile applications and in particular for the so called ambient intelligent applications.

More noticeably in recent years, the field of computer architecture has seen a rapidly expanding interest in power-aware computing at architectural and software level. Power dissipation has become a first-order design constraint in virtually every type of computing system.

This special issue welcomes contributions in recent new developments and trends in power-efficient, high performance computing architectures, novel applications, as well as survey and future directions. We invite submissions of regular papers with unpublished original results and, by invitation, the revised and extended version of the papers presented in the High-Performance Computing Architectures (HPCA) Track at the 6th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generation (ITNG).

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • System-on-chip and network-on-chip architectures
  • Multicore processor architecture
  • Application modelling and mapping schemes for multicore/SoC systems
  • Multicore computing and programming techniques
  • Power modelling and management schemes for multicore/SoC systems
  • Power-efficient architectures and techniques
  • Embedded computing systems and their applications
  • Reconfigurable architectures
  • Nanocomputers and nanocircuits
  • Secure and reliable processor designs
  • Advanced computer architectures for general and application-specific enhancement
  • Parallel computer architectures
  • Application-specific processor/architecture designs
  • Cache and memory systems
  • High-performance I/O systems
  • Interconnect and network interface architectures
  • Microarchitecture design techniques: instruction-level parallelism, pipelining, caching, branch prediction, multithreading
  • Computer arithmetic
  • Innovative hardware/software trade-offs
  • Modeling and performance analysis
  • Complier designs
  • Tools and methodology for architecture designs
  • Verification and testing techniques
Important Dates
Submission of manuscript: 1 September, 2009
Notification of acceptance: 1 December, 2009
Submission of final journal version: 1 February, 2010

First issue: International Journal of Advanced Operations Management

International Journal of Advanced Operations Management deals with all aspects of advanced operations management and aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice with applications analysing the real situation. It will help to define new problem domains and develop new methodologies.

There is a free download of the papers from this issue

18 June 2009

Call for papers: E-Competence for Lecturers and Academic Staff

Call for papers: E-Competence for Lecturers and Academic Staff

A special issue of International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning

In the past few years, there has been a huge growth of educational technology at the level of higher education. However, strategic developments for individuals and organisations concerning the development of e-competences for academic staff and educators have been neglected.

There already exists a number of further education and training course programs at different universities and colleges in order to certify the acquisition of e-competence. The overall aim of these programs is to qualify lecturers so that they are able to integrate information and communication technology (ICT) in their courses. By doing so, it is assumed that the quality of instruction will increase.

In this regard, educators and lecturers are conceived as «gate keepers», i.e. they have the key for a sustainable implementation of e-learning in high schools and universities. Therefore, a scientific discussion dealing with beneficial settings, curricular innovations and instructional methods for these training programs could provide valuable information to compare the quality and the results of different qualification programs. Potential means are best practice examples or case studies that can unfold advantages and benefits of the integration in institutional human resources development programs. This special issue attempts to identify significant international activities in this field and to bring up guidelines for successful strategies.

Contributed papers may deal with, but are not limited to:
  • Organisational strategies for the development of e-competences for academic staff
  • Courses for e-competence in human resources development programs
  • Description of training course programs and workshops for e-competences
  • Best practice examples concerning instructional design and course concepts
  • Reports and empirical evaluation of training programs
  • Concepts, definitions and levels of e-competence
  • Standards for the evaluation of ICT-skills and e-competences
Important Dates
Paper submission due: 30 September 2009
Acceptance notification: 15 December 2009
Final papers due: 15 February 2010

Call for papers: Healthcare Systems Engineering

Call for papers: Healthcare Systems Engineering

A special issue of International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise

The healthcare industry has a significant influence on industrial nations’ global competitiveness and their economical growth. Currently, the United State’s cost of healthcare is estimated to be 15% of the GDP and will be more than 20% by 2015. As the result of the high cost of healthcare delivery, the quality of service has begun to suffer and impacted those requiring it. It has also put a significant strain on the resources available to the healthcare providers. The increasing cost of healthcare while maintaining high quality of delivery have forced many nations to consider the need to address this national issue and consider the application of a systematic approach to address this problem.

In a 2007 Mechanical Engineering magazine featured an article entitled “Re-engineering Healthcare”, A. Noor argues that engineers today are well equipped to meet the challenges of designing, implementing and operating the today’s healthcare systems. In a 2001 report by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), six major goals for implementation of the 21st century healthcare system were identified. These include 1) safety, 2) effectiveness, 3) patient-centered, 4) timely, 5) efficient, and 6) even-handed. Each of these characteristics is similar to those required for designing any complex system. This process presents many challenges due to changing organisations, technology, and policies. In another study, the IOM concluded that the existing proven engineering applications are not widely used in solving problems associated with the design and development of healthcare systems. A systematic way of improving healthcare systems, application of the state-of-the-art medical and information technologies, and reengineeringthe process of delivery and organisational operations are the scope of what is called as “healthcare systems engineering”.

The goal of this special issue is to address this subject and its impact on global demand of affordable and quality healthcare in the 21st century. The objective is to publish the latest articles on a variety of topics related to this subject with the emphasis on the application of systems engineering to address the six major goals set by the IOM.

Subject Coverage
  • Modern healthcare systems
  • Systems engineering application in healthcare design and development
  • Theories and method for modelling modern healthcare systems
  • Intelligent decision support systems
  • Safety, quality, cost and risk management
  • Healthcare technology management
  • Information systems and healthcare informatics
  • Mathematical and statistical tools for modelling and analysis
  • Medical device design
  • Healthcare process mapping and re-engineering
  • Material and supply chain management
  • Lean management and waste reduction in healthcare systems
  • Case studies and other related issues
Important Dates
Full article submission: 15 September, 2009
Review results back to the authors: 15 November, 2009
Revised article based on reviews: 15 December, 2009
Final copy of accepted articles: 15 January, 2010

Call for papers: Container Security and Supply Chain Visibility

Call for papers: Container Security and Supply Chain Visibility

A special issue of International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics

The strong growth in container transport, bottlenecks in hinterland connections, complex logistics chains consisting of many actors, information gaps as well as new security regulations are all challenges to be managed by industry and administration.

The main factors in today’s international intermodal container transport, logistics and security have to take into account different objectives followed by different stakeholders and sometimes leading to contradictory strategies.

Different measures, such as the introduction of the ISPS code in 2004 and the C-TPAT programme in the US, enhance the security in parts of the international intermodal chain, but a worldwide approach covering the chain from origin to destination is still missing. A further important step towards secure operators is the EU Customs Code with its AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) approach and the related mutual recognition with other certification programmes.

Several approaches focus on methodologies, processes and technological solutions creating supply chain visibility, making the whole transport chain performance more reliable and predictable. Major “clients” of the approach are the commercial participants in the chain (3PLs, cargo owners, exporters, transport and port operators) and authorities (mainly Customs), ideally creating a win-win situation for both of these groups.

This special issue focuses on innovative concepts and visions about how security and optimisation of logistics processes, which create real supply chain visibility, can be obtained in the best possible and acceptable way. Contributions may focus on one issue (e.g. a technological solution) or – preferably - on a complete picture of future procedures. Therefore, the presentation of different scenarios for possible developments and roadmaps is envisaged.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, areas of container security in intermodal supply chains such as:
  • Management of risks and uncertainty
  • Technological security systems (container security devices, scanners, etc.)
  • IT platforms
  • Role of Customs Authorities
  • Future security processes
  • Future processes between industry and administrations, benefits and win-win situations
  • Special requirements of specific trade lanes
  • Cost-benefit analysis
Important Dates
Full paper due: 30 November, 2009
Notification of acceptance: 28 February, 2010
Final version of the paper due: 31 May, 2010

12 June 2009

Call for papers: Solving Large-scale Linear Programs

Call for papers: Solving Large-scale Linear Programs

A special issue of International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research

With the ever-increasing degree of globalisation of business enterprises, the field of Operations Research (OR) has been continuously presented with new challenges over the past few decades. The increasing scarcity of resources combined with market requirements for high-quality customisation and, at the same time, low-costs are making the need to optimise products and processes by looking at the entire supply chain increasingly vital.

One consequence of this is that problems that are nowadays routinely faced by OR practitioners have scales that would be unimaginable only a couple of decades ago. In addition, the realisation of the full potentials of many of the recent modelling developments (e.g. related to "hard" combinatorial problems, or stochastic optimisation problems) has generally called for the ability to solve large-scale linear programming (LP) problems efficiently.

Great strides at solving very-large-scale LP's have been made over the past two decades. These strides are attributable mostly to increases in computing power and new implementation approaches, along with new theoretical developments. However, fundamental issues having to do with memory limitations, numerical stability, degeneracy, and cycling, for example, have continued to pose great challenges in practice.

The purpose of this special issue is to take stock of the state-of-the-art of solution approaches for very-large-scale linear programming problems, and to help bring greater focus from the research community on the current issues and challenges in solving these problems.

Topics of interest for this special issue focus on solving large-scale linear programs and include, but are not limited to:
  • state-of-the-art reviews
  • new theoretical developments
  • computational studies
  • column-generation approaches
  • decomposition (resource-directed price directed) approaches
  • distributed computing
  • factorisation/re-factorszation approaches
  • interior-point methods
  • LP modelling and solution approaches for stochastic optimisation
  • modelling approaches for "hard" combinatorial optimisation problems
  • novel data structures for implementation
  • parallel processing approaches
  • primal-dual methods
Important Date
Submissions will be accepted until: 31 May, 2010
Final drafts of accepted papers must be received by: 27 August, 2010

Special issue: Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Symposium (BIOT-2007)

International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 5(3) 2009

BIOT-07, the Bioinformatics and Biotechnology Symposium, was held in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 19-20 October 2007.
  • Learning robust cell signalling models from high throughput proteomic data
  • Simultaneous structure discovery and parameter estimation in gene networks using a multi-objective GP-PSO hybrid approach
  • Development and evaluation of a new statistical model for structure-based high-throughput virtual screening
  • Divergent evolution of a Rossmann fold and identification of its oldest surviving ancestor
  • Mining the Arabidopsis and rice genomes for cyclophilin protein families
  • A new approach for clustering gene expression time series data
  • Beyond clustering of array expressions
  • An open source phylogenetic search and alignment package

Newly announced journal: International Journal of Luxury Intelligence

International Journal of Luxury Intelligence - to begin publication in 2010 - aims to be the leading authoritative international journal on luxury brand and sector strategy and intelligence, drawing together novel empirical analysis and the latest thinking from leading figures at the world's foremost companies, consultancies and academic institutions.

First issue: International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems

International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems publishes research related to the theory, simulation and practice of different aspects of ultra wideband communications and systems.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise

International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise deals with new concepts for the systematic integration of methods dealing with people, process and technology that can lead to the development of capability for the design of enterprise

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue

First issue: International Journal of Quality and Innovation

International Journal of Quality and Innovation encourage the creation of knowledge and the exchange of information on the issues of quality and innovation that businesses face, in particular on how quality and innovation may be integrated into a coherent and powerful strategic package.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue

First issue: International Journal of Environmental Engineering

International Journal of Environmental Engineering deals with environmental protection and innovative solutions to ensure healthy, safe, and efficient industrial operations. It promotes feasible system design, development, and management bringing together the sustainable technologies, people, and sound processes.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

10 June 2009

Call for papers: Towards Systems in Support of Reminiscence Work

Call for papers: Towards Systems in Support of Reminiscence Work

A special issue of International Journal of Computers in Healthcare

In Europe by 2050, the number of ‘oldest old’ aged 80+ is expected to grow by 180%. For example, in 1951, there were 300 people aged 100 and over in the UK. By the year 2031, it is estimated that this figure could boom to 36,000. Life expectancy has been rising on average by 2.5 years per decade in Europe. This growing number of people with significant leisure time available, often socially isolated, who will live for longer, may benefit from the stimulus offered by reminiscing activities, either individually or offered via networked services. Reminiscing includes a range of activities and traditional tools aimed at stimulating thoughts, feelings and memories of times gone by. For example, these could be recalling significant cultural issues, events, old friendships or places. Reminiscing can help elderly people to improve health and wellbeing. The impact of reminiscing work as an intervention has been demonstrated for a range of populations, such as people with dementia.

Reminiscence systems offer the potential to address the reflective needs of a growing number of people. This emerging area requires research and development to progress thinking and new systems, based upon inter-disciplinary work. This special issue is intended to foster new thinking and innovations in reminiscence systems, encompassing research in technical areas of relevance including computer science as well as social and health sciences, psychology and the arts.

The published papers are expected to present high quality material that illustrates the broad range of exciting work being carried out across the work in reminiscence systems. This special issue will serve as a landmark source in the area, and as a reference to educators, practitioners, researchers and graduate students interested in updating their knowledge about or active in reminiscence and reminiscence systems.

The special issue will include suitably upgraded papers from the Reminiscence Systems Workshop 2009 together with other submitted papers.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
  • Reminiscing system design
  • Reminiscing as a therapeutic intervention
  • Personalised reminiscence systems
  • Human interactive interfaces
  • Social aspects of using reminiscing systems
  • Accessibility and reminiscing systems
  • Multimedia content in reminiscing systems
  • Reminiscing networks
  • User-centered and participative design in reminiscence systems
  • Constructing narrative threads from content
  • Authoring content in reminiscence systems
  • Intelligent content repurposing in reminiscence systems
  • Applications of reminiscence systems
Important Dates
Manuscript due: 1 November 2009
1st round notification: 1 December 2009
Revised paper due: 1 February 2010
Submission of final revised paper: 1 March 2010

Call for papers: Virtual Project Management: Collaboration and Leadership

Call for papers: Virtual Project Management: Collaboration and Leadership

A special issue of International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations

There is in both literature and practice common agreement about the increasing importance of collaboration and leadership in virtual project management teams. Generally, virtual project management means virtual teams (geographically dispersed teams) as a group of individuals who work across time, space and organisational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology.

This special issue intends to provide an integrated view of the most recent contributions at the several dimensions that can be identified in VPM:
  • The financial, customer, process and cooperation performance, which includes concepts, organisational models and business integration models
  • The managerial dimension, which includes the integration management, relationship management, process integration, knowledge management, technology integration management and information integration
  • The technological dimension, which includes the application integration and integration technologies, technological infrastructure and standards
  • The social dimension, which includes the human resources management, human resources integration, social issues, impact, communities of knowledge
The mission of the special issue is to discuss the main issues, trends and opportunities related to VPM, from the above-mentioned perspective, in a very comprehensive way, and to disseminate practical solutions. The overall objectives are:
  • To discuss the importance of VPM the emerging networked, extended and collaborative organisational models
  • To introduce and discuss the VPM requirements in the model
  • To introduce VPM models for enterprise integration, information integration and technology integration
  • To introduce the state-of-the-art technology supporting VPM
  • To discuss the human dimension in VPM
  • To introduce relevant and recent developments and solutions (academic and industrial)
The issue is both for an academic audience (teachers, researchers and students, mainly of postgraduate studies) and professionals (managers, organisational and system developers, and IT specialists in terms of explaining the requirements and frameworks for IT solutions).

Recommended topics include but are not limited to the following:
  • VPM business requirements and business integration requirements
  • VPM integration models and architectures
  • VPM business integration management
  • VPM information integration
  • VPM technology integration
  • VPM social aspects
  • VPM technologies and infrastructures for business integration
  • VPM case studies related toperformance management
  • VPM demonstration and validation of implemented solutions
  • VPM and online mediation
Important Date
The completed paper should be submitted by: 30 March 2010

Special issue: Investment and innovation policies to promote technology development and commercialisation

International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 5(4) 2009
  • A dynamic panel data analysis for R&D cooperation and economic growth
  • Entrepreneurial financing for venture and innovation development
  • A roadmap of industrial cluster development: a case study of Thailand's HDD cluster
  • Power paradoxes in national innovation systems – an exploratory study among Singapore's technocrats and technopreneurs
  • Strategies for R&D and intellectual property learned from case studies – keyword for strengthening technological competitiveness
  • A review of literature on technology roadmapping: a case study of Power Line Communication (PLC)

Special issue: Innovation design and sustainable development in the automobile industry: papers presented at the 16th GERPISA International Conference

International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 9(2) 2009

The 16th GERPISA international conference was held in Turin, Italy, 18-20 June 2008
  • Managing learning in the automotive industry – the innovation race for electric vehicles
  • Hybrids, diesel or both? The forgotten technological competition for sustainable solutions in the global automotive industry
  • From technology competition to reinventing individual ecomobility: new design strategies for electric vehicles
  • Ultra low emission vehicle development: a study on the drivers for car firms and the implications for sustainable development policy
  • The environmental awareness of car owners: the case of natural gas vehicles in Italy
  • Sustainable development through innovative design: lessons from the KCP method experimented with an automotive firm

Special issue: Managing supply chains in disasters

International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 13(1) 2009
  • Emergency logistics and risk mitigation in Thailand following the Asian tsunami
  • Performance measurement in humanitarian supply chains
  • The efficient trade-off between security and cost for sea ports: a conceptual model
  • An investigation into the suitability of the use of unmanned aerial vehicle systems (UAVS) to support the initial needs assessment process in rapid onset humanitarian disasters

Special issue: Design method and manufacturing technology for products

International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 18(3) 2009
  • Tooling design and development of set-up for hydro-mechanical deep drawing
  • A conceptual design system of epicyclic gear mechanism based on digital manufacturing
  • Design of precision recycle system of colour filter for TFT-LCD
  • A hybrid model for isomorphism identification in mechanism design based on intelligent manufacturing
  • Evaluation of the performance of bearing materials using distance-based fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making process
  • Numerical simulation approach on stress and strain for chip scale package under thermal cycling
  • Process control for aerospace chemical milling process
  • Simultaneous optimisation of conflicting responses for CNC turned parts using desirability function
  • Finite element analysis on stress/strain in CBGA solder joint with different substrates under thermal cycle

9 June 2009

Special issue: Interdisciplinary design of algorithms and protocols for wireless sensor networks

International Journal of Sensor Networks 5(3) 2009
  • Spatial-Temporal relation-based Energy-Efficient Reliable routing protocol in wireless sensor networks
  • Design of timeout-based wireless microsensor network protocols: energy and latency considerations
  • Distributed coordinate-free algorithm for full sensing coverage
  • An Interlaced Extended Kalman Filter for sensor networks localisation
  • BoSS: a moving strategy for mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks
Additional paper
  • An online energy-efficient routing protocol with traffic load prospects in wireless sensor networks

Special issue: Advances in engineering product materials to enhance manufacturing processes

International Journal of Precision Technology 1(2) 2009
  • Brazing of diamond grits with Ag-Cu-Zn alloy activated by Cr or Ti powder under different environments
  • Effect of substrate temperature on the properties of TiN coatings deposited on tool steels using ARC
  • Static and dynamic mechanical properties of carbon fibre reinforced polypropylene composites
  • Plasma spray ceramic coating and measurement of developed coating behaviour
  • Development of finite element simulator for forging process design using Euler's fixed meshing method
  • Kinematics of material removal process in aspheric surface generation on glass moulds
  • FE evaluation of effect of groove geometry on roller and hydraulically expanded joint strength
  • Friction and wear behaviour of boron mixed brake pad
  • Mechanical and wear properties of oil palm and glass fibres reinforced polyester composites

8 June 2009

Call for papers: Technology Transfer in the Virtual Environment: Transnational Culture, Pricing Mechanisms and Transactional Governance

Call for papers: Technology Transfer in the Virtual Environment: Transnational Culture, Pricing Mechanisms and Transactional Governance

A special issue of International Journal of Technology Marketing

Virtual corporations and networks are common characteristics of global business these days, without clear organisational boundaries, national cultures, or governance mechanisms. Myriads of business activities including outsourcing and R&D projects are done in virtual networks to capitalise on the benefit of the information revolution. For example, the corporate reliance on global virtual networks for knowledge transfer certainly reduces institutional barriers of knowledge exchanges, including domestic and international patent laws, government regulations, and the costly procedure of carrying out contractual negotiations.

However, technology transfer in the global virtual environment can pose various threats to buyers and sellers of new technologies, including information asymmetry, cultural mismatch, opportunistic behaviours, and governance problems. Although these problems are critical, few studies have focused on the issue of the virtual technology transfer, suggesting solutions to the problems rampant in the virtual technology market.

The objective of this special issue is to provide an outlet for publishing original research highlighting current issues related to the transnational culture, pricing mechanisms and transactional governance of technology transfer and knowledge sharing in the virtual environment. We invite papers that address various aspects of technology transfer in the virtual environment from a theoretical, conceptual, and empirical perspective to set the stage for future research direction in the virtual technology transfer. Both quantitative and qualitative studies on virtual technology transfer from developed and developing countries perspectives will be encouraged.

Contributed papers may deal with, but are not limited to:
  • The propagation of virtual technology transfer and knowledge sharing
  • Frameworks for successful virtual technology transfer
  • Social and economic impacts of virtual technology transfer
  • Types of virtual technology transfer
  • Cross-country comparisons of virtual technology transfer
  • Virtual technology transfer in developing countries and developed countries
  • Facilitators of virtual technology transfer, including public sector pricing regulators
  • Models of public and private market pricing and financing virtual technology transfer
  • Governance problems in virtual technology transfer
  • Role of technological and regulatory environment in virtual technology transfer
  • Role of project managers in virtual technology transfer for both radical and incremental innovation
  • Virtual corporations and networks for technology transfer
  • Governance of virtual corporations and networks for technology transfer
Important Dates
Proposal deadline (abstract only): 30 September, 2009
Submission deadline: 31 December, 2009
Notification of status and acceptance of paper: 30 June, 2010
Final version of paper: 31 July, 2010

Special issue: CHEMECA 2006 environmental sessions

International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 3(3/4) 2009

Papers from CHEMECA 2006, the 34th Annual Australasian Chemical and Process Engineering Conference held in Auckland, New Zealand, 17–20 September 2006.
  • Commissioning and operating submerged membrane bioreactors: a designer's perspective
  • Effect of initial biomass on cellulose hydrolysis by leachate communities
  • Performance comparison between a two-reactor cascade and a single tank in an activated sludge wastewater treatment process
  • Investigation of potato starch and sonicated RAS as alternative carbon sources for biological nitrogen removal
  • Separated adsorption and bacterial degradation of microcystins in GAC filtration
  • Leaching kinetics of limonite and nontronite ores
  • Using halotolerant Aspergillus foetidus in bioleaching nickel laterite ore
  • Optimised treatment of Palm Oil Mill Effluent
  • Treatment of winery wastewater by UV-A radiation
  • Acid dyes adsorption onto activated carbon from waste tyres
  • Modelling of batch adsorption of metal ions onto sago waste
  • Removal of hydrogen sulphide on sewage sludge/industrial sludge based carbonaceous adsorbents
  • Column experiments to remove copper from wastewaters using natural zeolite
  • Adsorption of heavy metal ions by natural and synthesised zeolites for wastewater treatment
  • Copper pollution in some vineyard soils of the Piedmont region (Italy): accumulation and mobility
  • Biomineralisation of dye waste in a two-phase hybrid UASB reactor using starch effluent as a co-substrate
Additional papers
  • Risk-based EHS audit finding assessment tool
  • Nitrogen removal and recovery from human urine by struvite precipitation
  • A review on the use of biopolymers for the removal of toxic metals from liquid industrial effluents

7 June 2009

Call for papers: Advanced Vehicle Handling Dynamics and Control

Call for papers: Advanced Vehicle Handling Dynamics and Control

A special issue of International Journal of Vehicle Design

The objective of this special issue is to compile recent research and development efforts contributing to advances in vehicle handling dynamic performance and its assessment and control. The special issue also welcomes contributions addressing the state-of-the-art in associated developments and methodologies, perspectives on future developments and applications, identification of most promising control targets, reliable objective handling performance measures or targets, constraints imposed by multiple and conflicting objectives, and correlations between objective and subjective handling evaluations.

The specific topics of interest within the scope of this special issue include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Analytical and experimental vehicle handling dynamics
  • Vehicle handling modelling and simulation techniques
  • Objective and subjective measures of handling and evaluations
  • Correlations between objective and subjective handling measures
  • Human driver modelling for vehicle handling dynamics
  • Handling dynamics and control of hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles
  • Advanced suspension systems and their effects on handling dynamics
  • Interactions among vehicle handling and other performances
  • Key attributes for handling simulation and performance developments
  • Advanced tyre modelling and applications to vehicle handling
Important Dates
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 31 October, 2009
Reviewers’ Reports and Decisions: 31 January, 2010
Revised Manuscript Submission: 15 March, 2010

Special issue: Emerging mobile learning environments for industries and pedagogies

International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 3(3) 2009
  • Development of a dual-modal information presentation of sequential relationship
  • A conceptual model of m-commerce customers' continuance intention based on the customers' perceived value
  • Web disclosures of substandard mobile learning programmes and institutions
  • Literature trends for mobile learning: word frequencies and concept maps
  • Simple mobile phone-based games to adjust the player's behaviour and social norms
  • Understanding users' perception of speech recognition errors in mobile communication
  • A fuzzy cognitive map approach for analysis of electronic consumer products in terms of usability among different age groups

Special issue: International Conference on Control 2008, Manchester, UK

International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 1(4) 2009

Papers from the UKACC Control Conference 2008 held in Manchester, UK, 2-4 September 2008.
  • Design and implementation of non-linear minimum variance filters
  • Constrained variance control of peak-pressure position by spark-ionisation feedback for multi-cylinder control
  • Output regulation of linear systems with non-linear exosystems
  • Minimum entropy control of non-linear TITO systems with random delays
  • The online optimisation of stator vane settings in multi-stage axial compressors
  • Combined attitude control application of an underactuated helicopter experimental system
Additional Papers
  • A simple hybrid testing approach for dynamic analysis of civil structural control devices
  • Active shape model-based user identification for an intelligent wheelchair

Special issue: Complex network systems: methods, theories, and applications

International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications 1(4) 2009
  • Global stabilisation of Lur'e network
  • Growing models from deterministic to random hierarchical networks
  • Synchronisation of complex networks via partial contraction principle
  • Consensus of multi-agent moving systems with heterogeneous communication delays
  • Complex dynamics and stability of Hopfield neural networks with delays
  • Network Complexity Pyramid with five levels
  • The complex software network evolution of Java Development Kits: topological properties and design principles
  • H∞ control for spatio-temporal switching networks with coupling delays
  • A communication model on implementing anycast service in mobile IPv6 networks
  • Synchronisation of Lorenz systems via combining drive and Delayed Feedback Control methods
  • Formation control of multi-agent system based on potential function in complex environment

Special issue: Performance evaluation of web- and grid-based computing

International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 6(1) 2009

Papers from the IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking(AINA-2006) held in Vienna, Austria, 18–20 April, 2006.
  • DLB: a novel real-time QoS control mechanism for multimedia transmission
  • Grid-aware approach to data statistics, data understanding and data preprocessing
  • Design of the notification system for failure detectors
  • A distributed virtual reality framework for Korea-Japan high-speed network test bed
  • An architecture for Grid-enabled distributed simulation
  • Managing data using neighbour replication on a triangular-grid structure
  • A distributed knowledge management infrastructure based on a Topic Map grid
  • Service invocation triggers: a lightweight routing infrastructure for decentralised workflow orchestration

4 June 2009

Call for papers: Customer Choice-Based Revenue Management

Call for papers: Customer Choice-Based Revenue Management

A special issue of International Journal of Revenue Management

The next generation of revenue management models is likely to be based on customer choice. The understanding of how a customer behaves when she/he purchases a service from a company using revenue management will be a corner stone of competitive advantage. This special issue seeks to highlight both innovative research and practice about consumer behaviour and revenue management. The selection process will favour papers with special attention to the relationship between consumer loyalty and consumer choice and how this relationship affects the performance of revenue management.

Welcome are submissions of original research and case studies dealing with topics which include but are not limited to:
  • Choice based revenue management
  • Inventory control
  • Capacity planning
  • Differential pricing
  • Dynamic pricing
  • Customer relations management
  • Loyalty programs
  • Consumer behaviour
  • Perceived fairness
  • Overbooking
Important Dates
Full paper due: 15 March, 2010
Notification of status of paper: 15 April, 2010
Notification of acceptance and Review Results: 1 August, 2010
Final version of paper due: 1 December, 2010

First issue: International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling

International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling deals with all aspects of supply chain modelling and aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice with applications analysing the real situation to improve business performance.

There is a free download of the papers from this issue.