29 September 2008

Special issue: 9th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-Based Application and Services, December 2007

International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 3(2) 2008

Papers from 9th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Application and Services (iiWAS2007) held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 3-5 December 2007
  • PDE4Java: Plagiarism Detection Engine for Java source code: a clustering approach
  • Text plagiarism detection method based on path patterns
  • An efficient hierarchical clustering model for grouping web transactions
  • The importance of negative associations and the discovery of association rule pairs
  • Multiobjective decision support for defining secure business processes: a case study
  • Preprocessing enhancements to improve data mining algorithms
  • Improved search strategies and extensions to k-medoids-based clustering algorithms

Special issue: 4th COBEF (2007) – Brazilian Congress on Manufacturing Engineering; 27th SENAFOR (2007) – International Forging Conference

International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems 1(2/3) 2008

Selected papers on metal forming technologies that were presented at the 4th Brazilian Congress on Manufacturing Engineering (COBEF) and at the 27th International Forging Conference and National Sheet Metal Forming Conference (SENAFOR) held in Brazil in 2007.
  • Innovative sheet metal-forming processes
  • Modelling and optimisation of incremental bulk metal-forming processes for near net shape components
  • End forming of thin-walled tubes using a die
  • Formability evaluation in hydroforming steel Tailored Welded Blanks
  • Numerical and experimental modelling of seamless stainless steel tubes hydroforming processes
  • Finite element analysis of the tube flow forming process
  • Ductile fracture prediction in metal forming processes
  • A contribution on the study of cold forging of steel helical gears
  • Sheet metal forming: new technologies applied to the fabrication of solar energy collector panels
  • Combined finite element: forming limit diagram methodology for the development of automotive body stamped parts
  • Development of hot forged drill bits of low alloy steel for petroliferous applications
  • Forming of AISI 409 sheets for fan blade manufacturing

Special issue: One-stop government

International Journal of Electronic Governance 1(3) 2008
  • The user at the centre of the development of one-stop government
  • An active blackboard for service discovery, composition and execution
  • An inter-organisational perspective on challenges in one-stop government
  • Considerations for commercialisation of e-government research solutions
  • The status of broadband in Western Greece: a study on the supply and the demand of broadband services for e-government promotion
  • News and Briefs; European e-participation

28 September 2008

Call for papers: Emerging Markets

Call for papers: Emerging Markets

A special issue of International Journal of Technology and Globalisation

With a high growth rate and still significant untapped potential, emerging markets are the growth engines of the world economy. Globalisation and technology are two prime drivers of the global economy. Innovations have become popular again and globalisation of research and development is taking place. Emerging markets are becoming a source of low cost research and development initiatives on the one hand and at the same time these markets need technology for the developmental needs. How to face the changing realities of technology globalisation requires substantial strategic thought, guidance and implementation. Contributions are invited on various aspects of technology globalisation and emerging markets.

A list of suggested topics includes, but is not limited to the following:
  • Rise of emerging markets
  • Globalisation of R&D
  • Technology for emerging markets
  • Technology transfer issues in emerging markets
  • Innovations in emerging markets
  • Issues of corruption and ethics
  • Future of technology globalisation and emerging markets
Important Dates
Deadline for Submission of Papers: 30 July, 2009

Call for papers: Developing Sustainable Products, Processes and Services

Call for papers: Developing Sustainable Products, Processes and Services

A special issue of International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management

One definition of sustainable development is "the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their own needs." According to the US National Research Council, it is “the level of human consumption and activity, which can continue into the foreseeable future, so that the system that provides goods and services to the humans persists indefinitely.” Others have argued that any definition of sustainability should include dynamic efficiency throughout the lifecycle of a product, process and service, should consist of total welfare (accounting for intergenerational equity) and should represent consumption of market and non-market goods and services. It is important to understand that sustainability is a global issue.

From the general notion of sustainability, an idea gaining traction in industry is the notion of a “sustainability index” for products. It is clear that the world is moving forward aggressively to achieve sustainable design, and manufacturing with lifecycle considerations. Design engineers of successful enterprises are confronted with the challenges of designing sustainable products, processes and services. Achieving sustainability is no more an option during product development; it has become a part of the design requirement.

To achieve sustainability, products, processes and services should meet the challenges not only related to their functions and performance and but also to environment, economy and social issues. Currently, these challenges are being addressed by researchers from different perspectives using various approaches. Companies interested in developing sustainable products should be sensitive to sustainability related standards, design and manufacturing techniques and tools used for assessing sustainability, and should also have access to case studies from other industries.

Ensuring a sustainable future requires a system of systems approach. Such systems are characterised by interlinked pathways of interaction at various levels. These levels span technical, economic, ecological and societal issues. The interactions within and across these levels are critical to the fundamental understanding of sustainable design and manufacturing, because tackling any one of the issues in isolation can result in unintended consequences along other dimensions.

The primary goal of a systems approach is to capture and formalise descriptions of these processes and interactions. Because of the complexity of these systems, simulation and modelling will also play an important role in understanding the overall impact of changes in any one subsystem. To achieve sustainability, it is important to address these issues holistically by bringing together multidisciplinary knowledge from research scientists, engineers and practitioners working in different research areas.

The aim of this special issue is to solicit the state-of-the-art approaches and suggested methods that address issues outlined above, especially focusing on design of sustainable products, processes and services and sustainable manufacturing. The issue would provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present their current research results. The special issue is expected to become a source for the latest research knowledge in the area of sustainable design and manufacturing for designers, engineers and managers.

The subject coverage of this special issue includes, but is not limited to, topics that address:
  • General notion of sustainability
  • Sustainability and innovation
  • Design of products, processes, and services
  • Manufacturing
  • Tools
  • Standards
  • Multidisciplinary approaches
  • Information infrastructures
  • Sustainable industries
Important Dates
Paper Submission deadline: 1 February, 2009
Completion of 1st Review Cycle: 1 April, 2009
Resubmission of Revised Papers: 1 May, 2009
Completion of Second Review Cycle: 1 June, 2009
Submission of Final Manuscript: 1 July, 2009

International Journal of Complexity title change

The currently-named International Journal of Complexity, at present under development and due for publication in late-2009/early-2010, has changed its name to International Journal of Complexity in Applied Science and Engineering to better reflect its coverage.

It will be the sister journal to the International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management, which is to be announced shortly.

50 new titles published this year

The publication of the first issue of 4 new titles in the last few days takes the number of new titles published this year to over 50. This has been our most prolific year yet in terms of new journals, and there are still more to come.

First issue: International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing

International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing aims at leading multidisciplinary research and practice on the critical themes of the human and society. The main emphasis is placed on the demonstration of innovations and new approaches to the deployment of information and communication for human-centric and society-sensitive systems. the journal provides a publication outlet for a new emerging discipline which stands in the converging domains of high tech technologies, intelligent systems and human-sensitive, context-aware experiences.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting

International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting covers all aspects of managerial accounting and financial accounting prevailing worldwide. Objectives include an understanding of the environment in which reporting choices are made - what the options are, how to use these data in making decisions, and how to avoid misusing financial statement data - and an integration of the perspectives of accounting, decision making, ethics, rationale and methods to understand how transactions are reported and disclosed.

There is free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development

International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development will explore global economic, educational, cultural and business collaboration in the Arab world. Promoting a dialogue for sustainable development in the Arab world, the journal will play a role in synthesizing opinions, providing sound propositions and bringing together ideas and thoughts for a prosperous future for the Arab World.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering

International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering provides innovative solutions to the safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible exploration and extraction of mineral resources. It promotes feasible mining system design, development, and management, bringing together sustainable technologies, the people, and sound processes. It provides cross learning between various scientific and technological, as well as business and economics, disciplines.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: International Journal of Electronic Banking

International Journal of Electronic Banking deals with the business, technological and customer aspects of e-banking practices, applications, methodologies and services. Themes include the training/education needs for customers and banking staff, the place of e-banking in business strategy and the real needs of the banking sector.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

Special issue: Micromachining systems and tailored surfaces

International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 2(3/4) 2008
  • Effect of surfactants on the surface roughness, hardness and microstructure of electroless (Ni-P) coatings
  • Electroless Ni coatings for the improvement of wear resistance of bearings for lightweight rotary gear pumps
  • Thin palladium layer deposited on ceramic materials: application in hydrogen transport and catalytic membrane process
  • Electrochemical comparison between corrosion resistance of some thermally sprayed coatings
  • Abrasive wear behaviour of continuously compacted thermal-sprayed Ni base alloy powder coatings in different conditions
  • Influence of machining parameters on surface roughness in Nd:YAG laser micro-cutting of alumina-aluminium interpenetrating phase composite
  • Influence of surface profile on slider bearing performance
  • When shot-peening does not enhance fatigue life of leaf springs
  • Modelling of Fluidized Bed Degreasing (FBD) process by ANNs
  • Vinyl Ester Resins modified with Perfluoropolyethers

Special issue: Web-based and multimedia information systems

International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 2(3) 2008

Extended papers from the 5th International Conference on Multimedia and Network Information
Systems (MISSI’06)
held in Wrocław, Poland 21–22 September, 2006.
  • Format independence of audio and video in multimedia database systems
  • Time and quality of 3D rendering process using programming code optimisation techniques
  • Usefulness of local buffer data for WWW objects prefetching
  • Towards semi-automatic extraction of lexical semantics relations for Polish
  • Improving signal quality of a speech codec using hybrid perceptual-parametric algorithm
  • Integration of cadastral and financial-accounting systems

23 September 2008

Call for papers: Public Transport Management

Call for papers: Public Transport Management

A special issue of World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research

Most commuters experience more than one mode of transport in a single journey to a destination. For example, trains link with urban bus systems, subway stations and often extend to local airports, not to mention pedestrian walks and bicycle paths. A major goal of public transport management is to reduce dependence on the private car and increase use of a more environmentally sustainable transport. The interface between different modes, including walking and cycling, are essential features of success. Public transport management describes the process of planning, designing, organising and managing the transport infrastructure for optimising the physical and virtual mobility of human beings, whilst preserving “quality of life”. Moreover, it includes coordination and collaboration between service providers, which can be transport companies, facilities providers, transport vehicle manufacturers, regional planning authorities, virtual mobility and integration systems, and end-users, over modal interfaces.

The goal of this special issue is to address these interfaces with special concern for energy use and environmental preservation. At this age of rapid growth in human mobility, the special issue will contribute to the debate on how to induce the switch from the private car to more environmentally friendly transport through better modal interfaces, as well as policy and management approaches.

The subject coverage of this special issue includes, but is not limited to:
  • Public transport management and the environment
  • Public transport management and sustainability issues
  • Public transport management and human health
  • Effective design of mobility environments
  • Emerging mobility technologies and devices that directly facilitate public transport use
  • Management of user perceptions and image in public transport
  • Usability studies involving user performance and preferences
  • Privacy and public transport management solutions
  • Development of new public transport management tools and applications
  • Web-based public transport applications and user perspectives
  • The future of public transport management
  • Design and evaluation methodologies for public transport interfaces
  • Strategy formulation in public transport management
  • Education and skill development in public transport management
  • Public transport management and the elderly and disabled
  • Cross-cultural issues in public transport management
  • Comparisons between electronic and mobile government from users' perspectives
  • Public sector policy to facilitate public transport
  • Human interaction issues in mobility management
  • Cooperation management between public transport companies
  • Management of public transport industry interactions and user issues
  • Support for public transport user interaction
  • Critical success factors in public transport management
  • Software development for public transport management solutions
  • Knowledge management in public transport modal interfacing
  • Demand management in public transport
  • Supply management in public transport
Important Dates
Proposal deadline (optional): 15 December, 2008
Full paper deadline: 15 February, 2009
Notification of status & acceptance of paper: 15 May, 2009
Final version of paper: 15 June, 2009

Special issue: OOTW: Civilian and military aspects of operations other than war, disasters and counter-terrorism

International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 9(4) 2008
  • Rumours interplay in disaster management
  • DELTASS – Disaster emergency logistic telemedicine advanced satellites system: telemedical services for disaster emergencies
  • US armed forces medical operations other than war
  • Operations other than war: what they are, and why
  • Rhode Island disaster initiative
  • Medical readiness for operations other than war: Boyd's OODA loop and training using advanced distributed simulation technology

Special issue: Innovative concepts in the perspective of maximising the utilisation rate and value of durable goods

International Journal of Product Development 6(3/4) 2008
  • Innovative approaches to optimising design and use of durable consumer goods
  • Product sustainability: organisational considerations
  • Localisation and the design and production of sustainable products
  • Conceptual model on replacement behaviour
  • Incentives and frameworks for increasing the capital value, service value and use rates of durable goods
  • Total performance analysis of product life cycle considering the deterioration and obsolescence of product value
  • Technology-driven product platform development
  • Remanufacturing and product design
  • Eco-labelling and product development: potentials and experiences
  • New academic research topics to further ecodesign implementation: an overview
  • New technologies for active disassembly: using the shape memory effect in engineering polymers
  • Profile of products enduring quality over long periods as strategic factor to increase their utilisation rate

Special issue: Cultural tourism and sustainable development

International Journal of Services Technology and Management 10(1) 2008
  • Cultural heritage, local resources and sustainable tourism
  • Cultural tourism: from culture fruition to culture communication and production
  • Assessing cultural heritage benefits for urban sustainable development
  • Sustainable tourist development in Italian holiday destinations
  • Tourism, cultural resources and regional competitiveness: a case study in Romania
  • Assessing the impacts of cultural tourism on small and medium sized European cities: a valuation framework for the city of Syracuse
  • City-to-city linkages in a mobile society: the role of urban networks in Eurocities and Sister Cities
  • Integrative assessment of tourists' satisfaction: an empirical analysis of visitors of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam
  • Planners in the face of mining cultural heritage: tourism development at L'Argentiera, Italy

21 September 2008

First issue: International Journal of Sustainable Society

International Journal of Sustainable Society bases its vision on eight "balances" between:
  • economic development and environmental protection
  • real aggregate demand and aggregate supply
  • human beings and nature
  • consumption and preservation
  • material and spiritual pleasures
  • civil liberty and self-restraint
  • hedonism and practicality (or frugality)
  • science and society
The journal aims to provide a professional forum for formulating, discussing and disseminating these solutions, which relate to the design, development, deployment, management, measurement, and adjustment of these social networks. They should form a common ground on which a sustainable society can be built, shared and supported by professionals from different disciplines. The universal goal of achieving peace, prosperity, and harmony in our society should go beyond disciplines, and ultimately be coordinated across different nationalities, cultures, races, and religions, and be sustainable.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

Special issue: The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Atoms for Peace: an International Journal 2(2) 2008
  • Proliferation: the pitfalls of nuclear weaponry
  • Asia's nuclear challenge
  • Nuclear Iran facing the USA
  • Israel and the bomb
  • The process of South African denuclearisation: an example for the world?
  • Russia's comeback to the arms market: a strategic choice
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Letter to the Editor: a response

19 September 2008

Call for papers: Bio-Inspired Computation for Engineering Applications (BioICEA)

Call for papers: Bio-Inspired Computation for Engineering Applications (BioICEA)

A special issue of International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation

Bio-inspired systems have been evolving from mere algorithms to an identifiable area of research that has been currently the focus of interest. The advances in genetic algorithms and neural networks have been consolidated to give this area the basis for development. The current innovative algorithms such as swarm algorithms (e.g. ant colony optimisation) are complementing the area and giving it the progressive dimension needed for sustainability.

As bio-inspired systems are being developed, many researchers have identified them as useful tools for engineering applications including optimization and adaptive engineering systems. This special issue aims to provide an outlet to report on applications of bio-inspired computational methods to engineering fields from traditional applications of manufacturing and control to novel areas of evolvable robots and swarms.

The special issue covers all bio-inspired techniques and their applications to engineering problems. Topics include but are not limited to:
  • Swarm intelligence (e.g. PSO and ACO)
  • Genetic algorithms
  • Genetic programming
  • Evolutionary strategies
  • Evolutionary programming
  • Artificial neural networks
  • Neurocomputing
  • Cooperative co-evolution
This includes any general engineering applications of bio-inspired methods and technologies, such as:
  • Evolvable hardware
  • Evolvable agents
  • Control and manufacturing applications
  • Mobile robots
  • Assistive technologies
  • System and constraint optimisation
  • Imaging and vision
  • Signal processing
  • Time tabling
  • Medical applications
  • Communication systems
  • Computer networks
Important Dates
Deadline: December 2008
Notifications: February 2009
Camera ready: April 2009

Call for papers: Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Control for Safe Driving of Ground Vehicles

Call for papers: Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Control for Safe Driving of Ground Vehicles

A special issue of International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems

Current technological advances in the area of embedded sensing and control are opening the possibility for completely accident–free driving of passenger vehicles. Recently, accident-free driving has been discussed by several auto manufacturers. To achieve this goal, increased levels of autonomy will be required onboard the vehicle, as demonstrated during the recent DARPA Grand Challenge competitions.

Besides full autonomy which is more appropriate for robotic vehicles, co-existence of the electronic stability controls and the human driver is perhaps a more suitable and near-term goal for passenger vehicles. In fact, a variety of electronic stability control systems under different names (ABS, ESC, RCS, TCS, etc) can already be found in almost all vehicles on the road. These electronic control systems operate on-demand, and safeguard or enhance the performance of vehicles with a driver-in-the-loop. Eliminating accidents completely however will require control systems incorporating increased levels of autonomy and intelligence, along with immunity to unforeseen circumstances. Designing the next level of algorithms for accident-free vehicles provides new challenges to the automotive, controls, perception and computer science communities.

This special issue will showcase recent advances in the use of driverless or driver-assist control technology for safe driving, accident avoidance/mitigation, and occupant injury reduction/elimination.

Topics in (but not limited to) the following areas are welcome:
  • Vehicle safe path/trajectory planning
  • Vehicle dynamics and control for safe path/trajectory tracking
  • Event-driven vehicle dynamics and control for accident avoidance and mitigation
  • Vehicle electronic stability control systems
  • Lane keeping control and lane change assist
  • Collision mitigation systems
  • Adaptive cruise control
  • Sensing and data fusion algorithms
  • Driver-assist and driver-support systems
  • Integrated active and passive safety systems
  • Driver/control system interaction issues and conflict mitigation
Although the focus is primarily on passenger vehicles, submissions dealing with commercial and military vehicles will also be considered.

Important Dates
Submission of full paper before: 15 March, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: July 15, 2009
Final paper due: 15 September, 2009

Special issue: Papers from the Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems Conference Melbourne, Australia (2–5 September, 2007)

International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 7(2/3) 2008

Papers based on oral presentations given at the conference.
  • Will small technologies continue to shape the future?
  • UK perspective on stimulating the exploitation and commercialisation micro-nano technology
  • An Australian viewpoint of nanotechnology issues
  • Technology absorptive capacity, knowledge transfer and commercialisation: traps and success factors
  • From laser micromachining to nanomachining: considerations
  • MicroBridge: Bridging micro-nanomanufacturing gap
  • A strategic model for firms who seek to embrace nanomanufacturing
  • High aspect ratio MEMS and CMOS: Collaborators or competitors?
  • Commercialisation of LIGA: a 25-year retrospective
  • Selection of engine type for Micro Air Vehicles. Turbojet or turboprop?
  • Multi-material micro/nanomanufacturing at FEMTO-innovation
  • Small-technology education with scanning probe microscopy: examples of programmes from around the world
  • Nano zinc oxide for UV protection of textiles
  • Nanoadditives for the fine chemical industry
  • Phase imaging of nanostructures
  • Tensile and electrical properties of carbon nanotube yarns and knitted tubes in pure or composite form
  • Building the workforce of tomorrow
  • Nanotechnology and the public interest: Repeating the mistakes of GM foods?

Special issue: Computer-based design and manufacturing

International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 32(2) 2008
  • Product design and development framework in collaborative engineering environment
  • A novel approach for measuring agility in manufacturing firms
  • The heat element status assignment algorithms for the selective inhibition of sintering process array-based heating system
  • Integration of manufacturing strategy and process validation for pharmaceutical industries: a case study
  • An integrated method of parameter design and tolerance design for multiple criteria systems
  • Analysis of communication between RFID tags and their reader using statistical simulation model
  • A simulation-based methodology for inventory analysis due to product proliferation
  • Part-selection and machine-loading problems in a flexible manufacturing system environment: a heuristic approach based on reallocation paradigm

18 September 2008

Call for papers: Knowledge Engineering and Management for the Intelligent Enterprise

Call for papers: Knowledge Engineering and Management for the Intelligent Enterprise

A special issue of International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining

Enterprises of all kinds are struggling to improve over time to differentiate themselves from their competitors. The basic enabler is the quality of knowledge that needs to be available just-in-time at the point-of-action. Knowledge activities, systems, and technologies establish the capacity to generate, integrate, transfer and import new knowledge. The intelligent enterprise pursues explicit and systematic knowledge management to maximise the quality, timeliness, and effective use of knowledge. By providing quality improvements with the required knowledge for decision making, intelligent enterprises are able to tackle challenges and render services that could not be delivered in the past. Knowledge management has become a distinguishing factor in the fierce competition in the new economy.

Research in knowledge engineering and processing has reached significant proportions in many organisations. Information is processed to produce new knowledge by either inferring hidden implications or summarising large volumes of information into more manageable information units. Information is also required to be presented using different perspectives so as to meet individual knowledge needs and at the same time reinforce policy on information access rights. Routing of information and job tasks for knowledge collaboration is paramount in ensuring all necessary steps are taken for a given job effectively and efficiently. Effective implementation of knowledge engineering and management systems will be required for improving the competitive advantages of firms.

This special issue emphasises on the significance of knowledge engineering and processing in the corporate management of knowledge. The scope embraces design methodology, data analysis and architectures, implementation techniques, knowledge acquisition and representation techniques, knowledge mining and their applications in the development of the intelligent enterprise.

Subject coverage:
  • Knowledge intensive enterprise collaboration management
  • Taxonomies and ontologies for enterprise knowledge management
  • Enterprise content management
  • Intelligent knowledge management tools and systems
  • Techniques for knowledge acquisition and representation
  • Tools for enterprise knowledge sharing and re-use
  • Business Intelligence and data analysis systems
  • Intelligent workflow management systems
  • Intelligent agents for knowledge discovery and sharing
  • Intelligent support systems
  • Group decision support systems and expert systems
  • Business data mining
  • Web mining
  • Data mining in e-commerce systems
  • Data-mining-aided OLAP exploration
  • Information extraction and retrieval
  • Collaborative filtering
  • Personalisation
  • E-learning and intelligent tutoring systems
  • Knowledge management for virtual teams
  • Tools for the learning organisation and organisational learning
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission: 1 July, 2009
Notification of status & acceptance of paper: 15 September, 2009
Final version of paper: 15 November, 2009

Call for papers: Advanced Control and Filtering Techniques in Robotics

Call for papers: Advanced Control and Filtering Techniques in Robotics

A special issue of International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications

This special issue aims at exhibiting the latest research achievement, findings and ideas in the field of application of advanced control and filtering techniques in various areas of modern robotics. Contributions are invited from researchers from academia and industry.

Topics include but are not limited to:
  • Navigation and guidance on mobile robots
  • Vision based control of robots
  • Multi-agent robotic systems, flocking, consensus building
  • Decentralised control and coordination of robot formations
  • Biomimetics and bio-inspired control of robots
  • Filtering-based SLAM
  • Control of unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles
  • Distributed multi-robot networks with limited communication
  • Path planning and collision avoidance
Important Date
Submission Deadline: 15 January, 2009

Special issue: Selection of papers presented at the 15th GERPISA International Conference

International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 8(4) 2008

The 15th Groupement d’Etude et de Recherche sur la Production Industrielle et les Salariés de l’Automobile (GERPISA) International Colloquium was held in Paris in June 2007.
  • Modularity ten years after: an evaluation of the Brazilian experience
  • The historical evolution of US auto firms in Mexico: two models of local development
  • Impact appraisal of regional innovation policy measures on automotive industry competitiveness: a search after better practices
  • The deployment of corporate production systems in auto industry companies: an approach to drive process improvements towards operational excellence
  • Shifting from co-development to co-innovation
  • A framework to enrich the scientific, political and managerial understanding of sustainable development issues for the automotive industry: the GERPISA's 'tradeoffs and synergies' approach

Special issue: Systems and architectures for embedded processing: design methods and tools

International Journal of Embedded Systems 3(3) 2008

Papers from the 2003 International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors (ASAP 2003) and the 2003 International Workshop on Systems, Architectures, Modelling, and Simulation (SAMOS 2003).
  • SoC multiprocessor debugging and synchronisation using generic dynamic-connect debugger frontends
  • Evaluating memory architectures for media applications on Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Architectures
  • Reducing dynamic power consumption in next generation DS-CDMA mobile communication receivers
  • Power-efficient VLIW design using clustering and widening
  • Virtual architecture mapping: a SystemC based methodology for architectural exploration of System-on-Chips
  • A HW/SW design methodology for embedded SIMD vector signal processors
  • Deriving efficient control in Process Networks with Compaan/Laura
  • The Artemis workbench for system-level performance evaluation of embedded systems

Special issue: Technology in engineering education

World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 5(3/4) 2008
  • Technology in engineering education – essential for sustainable approaches to global technical challenges
  • Computer facilitated mathematical techniques of differential equations governing engineering processes
  • Generating thermodynamics phase diagrams using symbolic packages
  • Mathematical modelling of a single effect natural circulation evaporator. A practical lesson for undergraduate computer aided engineering courses
  • Analysis of generic e-learning framework
  • Web-based laboratories for internet remote experimentation
  • Online Thermodynamics courseware development
  • Engineering design and realisation of an automatic real time weather monitoring station using commercial CAD tools
  • Development of interactive learning activities in heat transfer
  • Student perceptions of cooperative learning in a blended engineering course
  • Virtual Reality as a training tool in engineering education
  • Incorporating the systems approach in future undergraduate chemical engineering education curriculum: illustration via computer-aided process simulation laboratory exercises

13 September 2008

Newly announced journal: International Journal of Advanced Operations Management

International Journal of Advanced Operations Management - to begin publication in 2009 - will publish research on all aspects of advanced operations management, aiming at bridging the gap between theory and practice with applications analysing real situations. It will help to define new problem areas in operations management and to develop new methodologies to solve operations management problems.

Newly announced journal: International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling

In today’s global market, managing the entire supply chain becomes a key factor for measuring successful business performance and performance evaluation remains one of the biggest challenges for companies. International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling - to begin publication in 2009 - will cover all aspects of supply chain modelling aiming to bridge the gap between theory and practice with applications analysing real situations so as to improve business performance.

Special issue: Carbon nanotubes and current applications

International Journal of Nanoparticles 1(2) 2008
  • Diameter-dependant thermal conductance models of carbon nanotubes
  • Investigation of multi-walled carbon nanotube-based structures for high density integrated capacitors
  • Photovoltaic effect in single carbon nanotube-based Schottky diodes
  • Synthesis of aligned carbon nanotubes by microwave chemical vapour deposition and investigation of their covalent bonding with antibodies for bioapplications
  • Theoretical investigations on the tip-functionalised carbon nanotubes interacting with water
  • Torsional structural properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes
  • Synthesis and characterisation of carbon nanotube reinforced copper matrix nanocomposites

11 September 2008

Call for papers: Research and Advances of Vehicle Body Engineering

Call for papers: Research and Advances of Vehicle Body Engineering

A special issue of International Journal of Vehicle Design

The evolution of the modern vehicle has led towards safety, comfort, and energy consumption. Vehicle body engineering plays an important role in the evolution of the entire vehicle. It includes exterior and interior design. It is also a multidisciplinary field that covers art, engineering, computer science, and psychology. The main topics involved in vehicle body engineering are vehicle styling, aerodynamics, materials, methods of design and manufacturing, occupant comfort, and safety. This special issue will focus on new research and advances in vehicle body engineering for automobile, aircraft, spacecraft, etc.

Topics include but are not limited to:
  • Vehicle styling
  • Lightweight materials
  • Vehicle aerodynamics
  • Occupant comfort evaluation
  • Safety
  • Geometric modelling
  • Reverse engineering
  • Ergonomics related to interior design
Important Dates
Submission of draft manuscript: 1 March, 2009
Feedback to authors and notification of acceptance/rejection: 1 July, 2009
Submission of revised manuscript: 1 September, 2009

Special issue: IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing

International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 1(2) 2008

Extended versions of papers from the 2007 Pacific Rim Conference on Computers, Communications, and Signal Processing (PACRIM 2007), held on 22–24 August in Victoria, BC, Canada.
  • A low complexity selective mapping OFDM using multiple IFFT stages
  • Low jitter guaranteed-rate communications for cluster computing systems
  • A dynamic layer management scheme for a superpeer ring with a loosely-consistent DHT
  • Non-linear test pattern generators for built-in self-test
  • An optimised publish/subscribe middleware for peer-to-peer systems
  • Adaptive collaborative filtering based on user-genre-item relation
  • Compact grid: a grid computing system using low resource compact computers

10 September 2008

First issue: International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning

International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning encourages research on technology enhanced learning approaches at the individual, organisational, national and global levels. It will deliver research articles, position papers, surveys and case studies aiming:
  • to provide a holistic and multidisciplinary discussion on technology enhanced learning research issues
  • to promote the international collaboration and exchange of ideas and know how on technology enhanced learning
  • to investigate strategies on how technology enhanced learning can promote sustainable development
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance

International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance provides an outlet for high-quality refereed empirical research on all aspects of accounting, banking, and finance. Purely theoretical research with the potential for empirical applications and in depth literature reviews will also be considered. It will include papers dealing with topics that link accounting and banking such as: auditing of banks; the use of cost accounting in banks and financial firms; corporate governance of banks; financial reporting of banks; and the impact of accounting and auditing regulations in the banking and financial industry.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

First issue: International Journal of Accounting and Finance

International Journal of Accounting and Finance deals with issues that significantly contribute to the disciplines of accounting and finance, with emphasis on the implications of these disciplines in the ongoing globalisation process in the 21st century. The journal‘s emphasis on the inter-dependencies of accounting and finance reflects both the increasing complexity of corporate financial management in recent years, and the importance of understanding accounting and finance from an international context.

There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.

Call for papers: Tribology in Manufacturing Processes

Call for papers: Tribology in Manufacturing Processes

A special issue of International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering

Tribology deals with the interaction between workpiece and tools and plays a very important role in manufacturing. Friction and wear are key problems for technicians and engineers who design processes and products in daily practice because good lubrication conditions can significantly influence the performance and economics of the manufacturing operations.

This special issue invites the submission of high quality research papers related to the technology of lubrication in manufacturing processes with special emphasis on modelling of friction and wear in tools, dies and workpieces, novel materials, coatings and lubricants for manufacturing processes, new testing methods and industrial case studies.

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Technology of lubrication in manufacturing processes
  • Modelling and understanding of friction and wear
  • Novel materials, coatings and lubricants
  • New friction and wear testing methods
  • Case studies
Important Date
Submission: 30 September 2009

Special Issue: Trombay Symposium on Desalination and Water Reuse: TSDWR 2007 (Part 3)

International Journal of Nuclear Desalination 3(2) 2008
  • Experience feedback on operation of low-temperature vacuum evaporation-based desalination plant integrated with CIRUS
  • Experiences in the construction and operation of a nuclear desalination demonstration plant: Part II
  • Technological approaches to providing safe drinking water for rural and remote areas
  • Electrochlorination system: a unique method of prevention of biofouling in seawater desalination
  • Potential of carbon nanotubes in water purification: an approach towards the development of an integrated membrane system
  • Seawater desalination technologies
  • Application of an artificial neural network in wastewater quality monitoring: prediction of water quality index
  • Chlorine stability of fully aromatic and mixed aromatic–aliphatic polyamide thin film composite membranes
  • A novel super-cooled humidification–dehumidification system driven by thermal vapour compression unit for seawater desalination
  • Experimental investigation of the effect of ejector geometry on its performance
  • Nuclear seawater desalination plant coupled with 200 MW heating reactor

Special issue: Telehealthcare system implementation, challenges and issues

International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 9(5/6)
  • Telerehabilitation for a baby's abnormal foot correction
  • TRACnet's absorption into the Rwandan HIV/AIDS response
  • Assessment models for telemedicine services in national health systems
  • A Bluetooth-enabled mobile intelligent remote healthcare monitoring system: analysis and design issues
  • Telepharmacy and ePharmacy: Siamese or discrete?
  • A New flustering approach for Privacy Preserving Data Fishing in Tele-Health Care Systems
  • Portable telecardiac system for arrhythmia monitoring and alerting
  • The new telemedicine paradigm: fully automated real time web-centric expert system to support diabetes diagnosis
  • Creating a GIS-based epidemiological application for Jeddah city
Submitted Paper
  • Using ANT to understand the implementation of a billing and patient management system in an IPA

7 September 2008

Call for papers: High-Quality Multimedia Streaming in P2P Environments

Call for papers: High-Quality Multimedia Streaming in P2P Environments

A special issue of International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication

Peer-to-peer (P2P) multimedia streaming systems have received significant attention from academia and industry in the past few years. In these systems, a client receives a requested multimedia stream from multiple senders (peers), instead of relying on a dedicated streaming server. Since receiving peers are also potential senders to other peers, the system capacity grows and the reliance on the dedicated server diminishes as more peers join. Thus, P2P streaming systems have the potential to scale to large user communities in a cost-effective manner.

However, because of the limited capacity and unreliability of peers, mechanisms are needed to efficiently manage the resources contributed by peers and to adapt to the dynamic nature of the network. This special issue is dedicated to addressing all research challenges related to enabling the streaming of high-quality multimedia content in dynamic P2P systems. Authors are invited to submit papers that have significant research contributions to this special issue.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Algorithms to provide high-quality and reliability in P2P streaming systems
  • Peer-assisted content distribution networks
  • P2P video-on-demand and live streaming
  • Measurement studies of deployed P2P streaming systems
  • Capacity modelling and analysis of P2P streaming systems
  • Security and data integrity in of P2P streaming systems
  • Applications of scalable video coding and network coding in P2P streaming systems
  • Incentive and economic issues of P2P streaming systems
Important Dates
Manuscript Submission: 1, December, 2008
Notification of Decision: 5, February, 2008
Final Papers submission: 30 March, 2009

Newly announced journal: International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology - to begin publication in 2009 - is devoted to the publication of original work in quality engineering, quality technology and their applications in business and industrial management. The journal will publish papers that describe new methods ready for immediate application in industry and will include case studies describing the use of quality engineering and management tools to solve real life industrial problems, both manufacturing and service .

Call for papers: Real Estate Finance, Investment and Relating Issues

Call for papers: Real Estate Finance, Investment and Relating Issues

A special issue of International Journal of Trade and Global Markets

Recent developments in the property market have already forced major rethinking within the industry. Financial institutions as well as practitioners are under great pressure to improve professional education, lending habits, policing standards, relating to property valuation, investment, property management and decision making in the commercial property market.

This special issue tackles central concerns such as this to keep interested parties informed on current thinking and developments as well the resulting financial crisis. The aim is to inform and encourage debate internationally between academics and practicing professionals in all aspects of real estate research finance and investments.

Papers are encouraged on practice and methodology in the UK, continental Western Europe, emerging markets of Eastern Europe, China, Australasia, Africa and the USA, in the following areas:
  • Academic papers on the latest research, thinking and developments
  • Law reports assessing new legislation
  • Market data for a comprehensive review of current research
Potential topics may include, but are not limited to:
  • European real estate
  • REITs and financial derivatives
  • Housing and residential markets
  • Indirect property investment
  • Cross border portfolio diversification
  • Comparative market analysis
  • Banking and valuation
  • Analytical techniques and applications in practice
  • Sustainability and investment value
  • Sub-prime and banking crisis
Important Date
Deadline for receipt of manuscripts is: 30 September 2009

Call for papers: Developments in Tribology of Composite Materials

Call for papers: Developments in Tribology of Composite Materials

A special issue of International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering

Recently, the use of composite materials has increased in various areas of science and technology due to their special properties, with applications in biomedical, aircraft, automotive, defence and aerospace, as well other advanced industries. Tribology is defined as “the science and technology of interacting surfaces in relative motion” and embraces the study of friction, wear and lubrication.

Nowadays, much research is currently being undertaken to develop new composites and nanocomposites, in different forms, for further enhancing tribological performance and for finding novel applications. This special issue invites the submission of high quality research papers related to friction and wear of polymeric matrix composites (PMCs); metal matrix composites (MMCs); ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), hybrid composites, nanocomposites, biomedical composites, etc.

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Nanocomposites
  • Biomedical composites
  • Natural fibre polymer composites
  • Peek and others thermoplastics composites
  • Thermosetting composites
  • Si3N4 composites
  • Superhard composites
  • Alumina composites
  • Aluminium matrix composites
  • Tribological applications of composites
Important Date
Submission: 30 June 2009

Call for papers: Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems and Micro Grids

Call for papers: Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems and Micro Grids

A special issue of International Journal of Power Electronics

The generation of highly reliable, good quality electrical power near the place where it is demanded can imply a change of paradigm. This concept, named distributed generation (DG), is especially promising when dispersed energy storage systems (fuel cells, compressed-air devices, or flywheels) and renewable energy resources (photovoltaic arrays, variable speed wind turbines, or combined cycle plants) are available. These resources can be connected through power conditioning ac units to local electric power networks also known as micro grids.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Renewable energy systems for distributed generation in stand-alone and grid-connected applications
  • Storage energy systems for micro grid applications: UPS systems, hydrogen and fuel cells, compressed air devices, superconductor magnetic energy storage (SMES), or flywheels
  • Supervision, management, security, and control of micro grids
  • Micro generation systems: micro turbines, small wind turbines, photovoltaic and hybrid systems, for autonomous or grid-connected applications
  • Islanding issues: anti-islanding algorithms for grid connected applications and control for isolated grids
  • Modelling and control of power converters for distributed generation
  • Flexible micro grids able to operate in both grid-connected and islanded modes
  • Power electronic converters for distributed generation with especial functionalities: line impedance estimation, islanding operation, or fault ride-through, among others
  • New trends on distributed generation systems and micro grids
Important Dates
Paper due: 30 May, 2009
Acceptance notification: 15 July, 2009
Final paper version due: 15 August, 2009

Special issue: Cost engineering

International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 15(3/4) 2008
  • A roadmap for cost engineering in the automotive supplier sector
  • Specification management for the cost constraint optimisation in microelectronic design
  • Cost optimisation of tolerances and manufacturing capability for aircraft surface features
  • An industrial investigation to determine when investment in labour will be effective
  • Cost optimising aircraft systems at a conceptual design stage
  • Does R&D really drive competitive advantage and performance?
  • An initiative to implement lean manufacturing using value stream mapping in a small company

4 September 2008

Call for papers: Global Economy and the Service Sectors

Call for papers: Global Economy and the Service Sectors

A special issue of International Journal of Services, Economics and Management

This special issue studies the central relationships and interactions between increasingly open economies and the importance of the service sectors. Topics include the internationalisation of service sectors such as logistics, banking, insurance and finance, as well as shipping and infrastructure. The links between globalisation and the increasing importance of the service sectors will also be examined.

Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
  • The effects of opening of service sectors such as finance, logistics and infrastructure
  • World Trade Organization and the service sectors
  • Opening up of service sectors and developing economies in Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe
  • How service sectors can contribute to economic growth and development in the global economy
  • Foreign direct investment and regional trade agreements involving the service sectors
Important Dates
Manuscript submission: 31 December, 2008
Final paper acceptance: 31 March, 2009

Special issue: Developments in business resiliency and disaster recovery

International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 8(4) 2008
  • Incomplete preferences in disaster risk management
  • Mobilising corporate resources to disasters: a comparative analysis of major initiatives
  • In search of trust for newly formed virtual disaster recovery teams
  • Supply risk perceptions and practices: an exploratory comparison of German and US supply management professionals
  • Managing operational risks in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) engaged in manufacturing – an integrated approach
  • Simulation of multi-organisational coordination in emergency response for system resiliency
  • A Monte Carlo simulation model of supply chain risk due to natural disasters

Special issue: Intellectual capital reporting and knowledge management: a European perspective

International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 5(2) 2008
  • Developing intellectual capital and innovativeness through knowledge management
  • Fostering intellectual capital through communication technologies: an analysis of knowledge-sharing determinants
  • Anglo-Saxon change in a non-Anglo-Saxon cultural context: lessons from TQM application in Greek public organisations
  • Retention management as a means of protecting tacit knowledge in an organisation: a conceptual framework for professional services firms
  • The market for technological intangibles: a conceptual framework for commercial transactions
  • Addressing individual and organisational factors influencing middle managers' synthesising role in knowledge creation and diffusion
  • The translation of higher-level knowledge into different levels of managerial and creative competencies
  • Collective leadership and social logics: a new strategic change management challenge

2 September 2008

Call for papers: Innovation in the Food Chain: Strategies, Tactics and Practices

Call for papers: Innovation in the Food Chain: Strategies, Tactics and Practices

A special issue of International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development

Innovation has become a central topic in the business agenda of companies, and in many cases it has been recognised as the cornerstone for organisational survival and growth. The competitiveness of a firm is often linked to its ability to innovate. However, as modern competition does not take place between individual companies but between entire supply chains, the emerging challenges have to be faced at the supply chain level. Nowadays, there is a need to construct innovative supply chains, as opposed to single innovative companies. Creating and managing innovations in supply chains will become one of the main differentiating aspects in a world of global competition.

In the food industry in particular, market forces and to a great extent the globalisation process, have been driving the industry towards more innovations in order to address market needs and face increased competition. At the same time, however, the level of research and development expenditures (which are relevant to innovation) in the food industry is rather low compared to total manufacturing. In addition, within the food chain, power imbalances seem also to affect innovation activity. For example, it has been found that retail power decreases innovation by manufacturers.

Moreover, the food industry presents some distinct characteristics:
It has links with various food and non-food sectors where different levels of innovations are achieved (e.g. chemicals, food technology, packaging, machinery, agriculture, and food retailing).
It is comprised of various subsectors (e.g. fruits and vegetables, dairy products, beverages, snack foods, flour and bakery products, confectioneries, meat and poultry products, fish and marine products and fats and oils) where significant differences exist in terms of innovative performance.

Some of the key questions are:
  • What types of innovations take place in the food chain?
  • Which are the sources and the stimulus of innovation?
  • How should benefits of supply chain innovations be shared between supply chain partners?
  • Which are the specific characteristics of the sector that affect innovation?
  • Does innovation in the food industry have the same character as in other industries?
  • What are the possible impacts of innovations upstream or downstream in the food supply chain?
  • Are there positive spin-off effects in different stages of the supply chain?
In this special issue, it is envisaged that the traditional view on innovation, often expressed in terms of product and process innovation, will be expanded. The aim is to link innovation in the food chain to new value that is brought in firms, instead of new things. Within this framework of developments, this special issue will offer an opportunity for international researchers to present their work.

The special issue welcomes conceptual/theoretical and empirical research papers which will be original and will shed further light on this relatively unexplored topic.

Relevant papers should be related to the food chain and topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Innovation strategy comparison (e.g. between countries, food subsectors, food chain levels, food chain partners, competitors)
  • Diffusion of innovation
  • Adoption of innovation
  • Barriers and enablers of innovation
  • Success and failure factors of innovation
  • New product development
  • Innovation in food retailing
  • Innovation in food marketing, food branding
  • Innovation in primary food production
  • Consumer's response to innovation
  • Innovation in logistics services
  • Innovation in quality control and traceability systems (GlobalGap, BRC, HACCP),
  • Assessment and impact of innovation
  • Profit and risk sharing of innovations
  • Innovation and culture in cross-country food chains
  • Innovation in the use of production technology (e.g. equipment, packaging, input materials)
  • Innovation in the use of information and communications technologies
  • Web-based innovation in product design (e.g. collaboration platforms)
  • Role of collaboration in innovation
  • Organisational innovation in food firms (e.g. SME's vs. multinationals)
Prospective authors are encouraged to discuss their topic with the special issue editors.

Important Dates
Manuscript due: 1 February 2009
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2009
Submission of revised manuscript: 30 July 2009
Notification of final acceptance: 30 September 2009

1 September 2008

Call for papers: Essential Services Management: Issues and Challenges

Call for papers: Essential Services Management: Issues and Challenges

A special issue of International Journal of Services, Economics and Management

The objective of this special issue is to enhance research contributions on the essential services area to the modern globalised context, with particular emphasis on the application of theory and management science and methods of quantitative analysis.

It aims to share the research experiences from the development of service sectors across the world and provides a platform for intellectual discussion on essential service sectors of interest to an International readership.

Topics included, but are not limited to:
  • Service system management
  • Higher education service
  • Healthcare service
  • Information technology and telecommunication service
  • Service supply chain management
  • E-services
Important Dates
Deadline for full paper submission : 1 November, 2008
Intimation to the authors : 25 November, 2008
Corrected version of full paper : 10 December, 2008

Call for papers: Global Service Supply Chain Management

Call for papers: Global Service Supply Chain Management

A special issue of International Journal of Services, Economics and Management

With increased globalisation, the role of global services in economic growth and job creation calls for researchers and practitioners’ attention to come up with innovative solutions to manage this increasingly strategic issue for the sustainability of firms’ competitiveness. Improved global service supply chain performance reduces the cost of service procurement, mainly of outsourced skilled labour, to reduce overall risks while operating in a complex environment of suppliers and consumers. Practitioners of global service supply chain management must weigh important factors related to global supply chains when making decisions.

Invited papers should cover cutting edge issues related to global service supply chains that may be of interest to researchers and practitioners to foster discussions on empirical and theoretical work on global service economics and management to meet the needs of the service sectors in this increasingly global economy.

Contributed articles must have clear implications for practitioners based on one or more of a variety of rigorous research methodologies. Manuscripts accepted for publication should meet the following criteria:
  • Global service sectors relevance
  • A strong basis within economics, supply chain management, and globalisation
  • Research rigour applied through scientific approach to problem solving
  • Significant impact on practice, theory and management
Global topics may include but are not limited to:
  • Global service supply chain management
  • Global service reverse logistics
  • Green service logistics management
  • Inventory management in global supply chain
  • Global service supply chain performance score card
  • Global service supply chain strategy
  • Service life cycle management
  • Service supply chain enterprise application
  • Global service supply chain planning
  • Global procurement effectiveness and metrics
  • Benchmarking in global service supply chain
  • Global outsourcing in service management
  • Ethics and social responsibility in global service supply chain
  • Global alliance in supply chain management
  • Electronic optimisation in global service supply chain
  • Global service purchasing
  • Incentive contracting in global supply chain
  • Global service supply chain facilities
  • Global service supply chain simulations
  • Global service supply chain security and reliability
  • Information technology in global service supply chain
  • Global customer relations management in service supply chain
Important Dates
Extended abstract submission deadline: 10 July, 2009
Full paper submission deadline: 1 December, 2009
No changes can be made to the papers after: 30 April, 2010