21 February 2007

Special issue: Knowledge management in practice

International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 1(3/4) 2007 is a special issue: Knowledge management in practice. Articles in this issue use empirical methods such as case
studies, surveys, action research or other relevant approaches to epitomise KM in
Article titles:
* Knowledge management system for construction projects in Finland
* Practical experiences in knowledge management processes by multinational firms: a multiple case study
* Designing and implementing an intellectual capital management system: applying the Meritum Guidelines in practice
* The management of expert knowledge for cold roll form design
* Successful paradigms, execution issues and best practices to build learning organisations
* Developing knowledge networks: a practical methodology and experiences from cases
* Managing knowledge through communities of practice: the case of the Singapore Police Force
* Benefit and cost analysis of e-learning for knowledge management: the Royal Thai Government
* The relationship between innovation and knowledge strategies: its impact on business performance
* Closing the circle: the knowledge management spiral of project management
* Strategic, organisational and technological factors and knowledge management performance in mass customisation: an exploratory study
* Unearthing key drivers of knowledge leakage
* The human capital and human resource management relationships in non-profit organisations: misunderstanding and implication
* Cognitive style fit and effective knowledge reuse
* Knowledge and networks in the global startup process
* The interface development for machine shop simulation

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