- FR trust: a fuzzy reputation-based model for trust management in semantic P2P grids
- Formation of virtual community groups to manage prosumers in smart grids
- Data replication strategies with performance objective in data grid systems: a survey
- Introducing browser-based high-frequency cloud monitoring system using WebSocket proxy
- Resource management system for scientific virtual laboratory applications
- A secure delegation scheme of large polynomial computation in multi-party cloud
31 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing are now available here for free:
Special issue published: "Big Data and Its Applications"
International Journal of Services Technology and Management 21(4/5/6)
- A trust-based sentiment delivering calculation method in microblog
- Performance evaluation of logistics firms based on DEA model
- Improvisation of case-based reasoning and its application for software fault prediction
- Value structure analysis for cloud service ecosystem
- Electronic governance service quality: a study in the state of Odisha
- Big data structure and usage mining coalition
- A hybrid CBR classification model by integrating ANN into CBR
- Big data applications in traditional Chinese medicine research
- Mining interesting infrequent and frequent itemsets based on multiple level minimum supports and minimum correlation strength
- Live data migration approach from relational tables to schema-free collections with MapReduce
Special issue published: "Precision in Machining and Finishing Processes"
International Journal of Precision Technology 5(3/4) 2015
Extended versions of papers presented at AIMTDR-2014.
Extended versions of papers presented at AIMTDR-2014.
- Effect of continuous and pulse DC on processing time, electrolyte composition and electrolyte concentration of electrochemical honing
- Characterisation and performance evaluation of developed alternative polymer abrasive gels for abrasive flow finishing process
- Microstructural investigation and multi response optimisation using Fuzzy-TOPSIS during the electrochemical machining of Inconel 825
- Optimum selection of machining parameters in ball end magnetorheological finishing process
- Preliminary investigations into finishing of artificial dental crown
- Experimental investigations of chemo-ultrasonic assisted magnetic abrasive finishing process
- Sizing and finishing of non-circular internal bores using elasto-abrasives
- Empirical modelling and parametric optimisation of surface roughness of silicon carbide advanced ceramics in surface grinding
- Parametric analysis and optimisation on abrasive water jet cutting of silicon nitride ceramics
- Studies on surface integrity and its optimisation in turning Ti-6Al-4V
Inderscience is media partner for Humanitarian Airlift and Disaster Response Asia-Pacific 2016
Inderscience is a media partner for Humanitarian Airlift and Disaster Response Asia-Pacific (23-24 May 2016, Singapore).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- International Journal of Emergency Management
- International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- International Journal of Public Policy
- International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management
- International Journal of Services and Operations Management
- International Journal of Society Systems Science
Editors Pick of sample articles available for International Journal of Agile Systems and Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Agile Systems and Management are now available here for free:
- A hierarchical method for coupling analysis of design services in distributed collaborative design environment
- Functional system maps as boundary objects in complex system development
- A physics-based distributed collaborative design process for military aerospace vehicle development and technology assessment
- A knowledge-based view of the extending enterprise for enhancing a collaborative innovation advantage
- Re-reengineering the dream: agility as competitive adaptability
- The role of services in flexible supply chains: an exploratory study
30 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics are now available here for free:
- Power and quality-aware image processing soft-resilience using online multi-objective GAs
- A stable bio-inspired resource assignment strategy for elastic traffic
- Fusing magnitude and phase of wavelet moments for content-based image retrieval
- The structural design, simulation analysis and parameter optimisation of the cheetah robot's leg components
- A robust semi fragile lossless image data hiding approach
Special issue published: "Advances in Renewable Energy Research: Part I"
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 11(3) 2015
Extended versions of papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Bioenergy, Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST2013).
Extended versions of papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Bioenergy, Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST2013).
- Experimental study on optimum area utilisation for maximum power output in solar photovoltaic system
- Design and performance evaluation of thermoelectric generator stove and comparison with traditional, natural and forced draft stoves
- Exergy analysis of energy efficient power generation system
- Experimental investigation of energy efficient building for passive heating/cooling
- Performance analysis of photovoltaic-based SL-quasi Z source inverter
- Power quality improvement in wind-solar hybrid system using solid state transformer
- Assessment of multilevel inverter using embedded and digital controller for various loads
- Producton of cellulase by Aspergillus fumigatus JCF using agro-based cellulosic waste and its usage in bioethanol synthesis
- Optimisation of process parameters for enhanced biobutanol production from Sargassum wightii hydrolysate
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Water
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Water are now available here for free:
- Comparative evaluation with the analytical hierarchy procedure of the Kalinske, Brooks, and Toffaleti equations used to estimate suspended-sediment discharges in rivers
- Evaluating the effects of septic tank on shallow wells in Iba housing estate, Ojo LGA, Lagos
- First attempt to measure rainfall canopy interception loss, throughfall, and stemflow in Juglans regia Linn and Cup. Sempervirens L. Var. fastigiata in the north of Iran
- Sprinkle your investment portfolio with water!
- Impact of the climate conditions on the purification power of Beni Messous natural lagoon
- Semi-arid watershed management: the experimental farm and representative catchment of the High Mountains of Sinai Peninsula
Inderscience is media partner for Controlled Release 2016
Inderscience is a media partner for Controlled Release (18-19 April 2016, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- International Journal of Biotechnology
- International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design
- International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials
- International Journal of Nanoparticles
- International Journal of Nanotechnology
29 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Embedded Systems
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Embedded Systems are now available here for free:
- Prediction algorithm based on web mining for multimedia objects in next-generation Digital Earth
- Time-activity pattern observatory from mobile web logs
- Management and application of mobile big data
- Region covariance tracking with hybrid search strategy
- Shared-node IoT network architecture with ubiquitous homomorphic encryption for healthcare monitoring
- Mood disorder patients' language features on their microblogs
- An iterative algorithm to process the top-k query for the wireless sensor networks
- Peripheral-conscious energy-efficient scheduling for weakly hard real-time systems
- Bare-metal microhypervisor prototype and measurement of real-time characteristics
Special issue published: "Recent Advances in Signal and Image Processing"
International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 6(1/2) 2016
- Two approaches-based L2-SVMs reduced to MEB problems for dialect identification
- Towards a distributed and parallel schema for active appearance model implementation
- Frame differencing-based segmentation for low bit rate video codec using H.264
- RVM-based human action classification through Gabor and Haar feature extraction
- Using ROI with ISOM compression to medical image
- Genetic algorithms-based dominant feature selection for face detection application
- Automatic number plate recognition system by character position method
- Automatic continuous speech recogniser for Dravidian languages using the auto associative neural network
- Multiobjective genetic algorithm-based adaptive wavelet design
- Image denoising based on adaptive spatial segmentation and multi-scale correlation in directionlet domain
- Shape descriptors-based generalised scheme for handwritten character recognition
- Robust audio watermarking based on multi-carrier modulation
New Editor for International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology
Prof. Sangmun Shin from Dong-A University in the Republic of Korea has been appointed to take over editorship of the International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology.
Free sample articles newly available from World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development
The following sample articles from the World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development are now available here for free:
- Rethinking the cross-border acquisition process in terms of territorial social responsibility
- The influence of stakeholder-firm power difference on corporate social responsibility of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises
- Female entrepreneurs in transition economies: insights from Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo
- The contested future of fracking for shale gas in the UK: risk, reputation and regulation
- Sustainable development and guidance for entrepreneurship in unfavoured regions: the case of the Alentejo region
- GARCH model and predictive performance of volatility forecasting: evidence from oil market
- How job characteristics and employee involvement affect sustainable quality management practices in the Thai food industry
28 December 2015
Inderscience is media partner for Lightweight Vehicle Manufacturing: Joining & Forming Focus Detroit 2016
Inderscience is a media partner for Lightweight Vehicle Manufacturing: Joining & Forming Focus Detroit 2016 (24-25 February 2016, Detroit, USA).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Vehicle Design
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Vehicle Design are now available here for free:
- Design of an adaptive sliding mode controller for robust yaw stabilisation of in-wheel-motor-driven electric vehicles
- Model of coherence function of road unevenness in parallel tracks for vehicle simulation
- Numerical simulation and experimental analysis of acoustic wave influences on brake mean effective pressure in thrust-ejector inlet pipe of combustion engine
- A wind tunnel investigation into the effects of roof curvature on the aerodynamic drag experienced by a light goods vehicle
- Characteristics of path-tracking skill on a curving road Andreas Erséus; Annika Stensson Trigell; Lars Drugge
- Advanced sizing optimisation of concept vehicle structures
Special issue published: "Trusted Computing and Information Security"
International Journal of Embedded Systems 8(1) 2016
- Multilayer collaborative traceback technique based on net-flow fingerprint
- Probabilistic graphical model for detecting spammers in microblog websites
- Multi-bit LWE-based encryption scheme without decryption errors
- Research for multi-sensor data fusion based on Huffman tree clustering algorithm in greenhouses
- User-policy-based dynamic remote attestation in cloud computing
- Identifying malicious Android apps using permissions and system events
- Developing a trustworthy computing framework for clouds
- An integrated intelligent paradigm to detect DDoS attack in mobile ad hoc networks
- PTFA: a secure and privacy-preserving traffic flow analysis scheme for intelligent transportation system
- Explore city dynamics from the communication network between base stations
- Dual state-parameter simultaneous estimation using localised ensemble Kalman filter and application in environmental model
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics are now available here for free:
- A hybrid evolutionary algorithm for feature and ensemble selection in image tampering detection
- Certificate-based encoding of gate level description for secure transmission
- Random linear network coding with probabilistic polynomial-time wiretap adversary
- Robust symmetric cryptography using plain-text variant session key
- Steganographic detection in image using the reduction of support vectors
- Efficient scalar product protocol and its privacy-preserving application
27 December 2015
Call for papers: "Integration of Risk Management and Corporate Budgeting"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management.
Important Dates
Corporate objectives are the reference point for the assessment of most business risks. In addition, a company’s budget may be considered as a stochastic variable influenced by a variety of risk factors following different distribution functions. Thus, we should not limit corporate budgets to the expected value but should also consider the probability and volume of possible deviations as chances and risks.
Looking at the interfaces between risk assessment, risk management and corporate budgeting, the special issue will focus attention on the following questions:
- What are the potentials for an intensified integration of risk management and corporate budgeting?
- How can a company integrate assessing and managing risks and corporate budgeting?
- Which problems arise from an intensified integration and how are they dealt with?
- What are possible effects of business risks on corporate performance measurement and management?
This special issue welcomes submissions in form of conceptual, case-based or empirical papers offering new insights into, but not limited to, the following:
- Variance analysis as an approach for the integration of risk assessment and corporate budgeting
- Possibilities and problems of scenarios in corporate budgeting
- Using simulation models in corporate budgeting, e.g. Monte Carlo budget simulations, agent-based modelling or system dynamics
- Integration of risk indicators in corporate budgeting and performance measurement
- Integration of risk targets in corporate incentive and reward systems
- Maturity models and stages of integration of risk management and corporate budgeting
- Organisational and human resource approaches for the integration of risk management and corporate budgeting
- Operational and financial risks and their integration into corporate budgeting and performance management
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 31 December, 2016
26 December 2015
Inderscience is media partner for Military Space Situational Awareness 2016
Inderscience is a media partner for Military Space Situational Awareness (18-19 April 2016, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- International Journal of Mobile Communications
- International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications
- International Journal of Satellite Communications Policy and Management
- International Journal of Space Science and Engineering
More information on this event is available here.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Sustainable Development
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Sustainable Development are now available here for free:
- Escaping the resource curse in regional development: a case study on the allocation of oil royalties
- Nuclear waste storage and environmental intergenerational externalities
- Spatial distribution of economic activities and transboundary pollutions
- Rethinking the green recovery through renewable energy expansion
- Possible causes inhibiting the sustainable development of Chinese companies: a preliminary study
- Sustainable development footprint: a framework for assessing sustainable development risks and opportunities in time and space
Special issue published: "Intelligent Computing and Data Science"
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 7(3/4)
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Data Sciences 2014.
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Data Sciences 2014.
- Application of artificial neural network on wear properties of sinter-forged Fe-C-Mo low alloy steel
- Key management schemes in wireless sensor networks: a survey
- Text independent root word identification in Hindi language using natural language processing
- Grid portal with compiler service, advanced reservation QoS and job management using mobile services
- An intelligent system of content-based image retrieval for crime investigation
- An autonomous approach for efficient landmine detection and marking using high sensitive robot
- Artificial neural network-based temperature prediction in heat sinks with cross cuts fins
- Optimised resource and shared allocation using ESUAB algorithm in virtual environment
- A novel iterative partitioning approach for building prime clusters
- Reconfigurable wrapper architecture for UART CORE testing using FSM approach
- Delivering QOS with security of encrypted tracer and checker model in MANET
- Fuzzy rule-based medical expert system to identify the disorders of eyes, ENT and liver
- Critical review of image steganalysis techniques
- Consumer-based brand equity and purchase decision of Indian gold jewellery
- Hiding personalised anonymity of attributes using privacy
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Structural Engineering
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Structural Engineering are now available here for free:
- Modelling the effects of structural cracking on carbonation front advance into concrete
- Chemically reactive enamel coating of steel rebar for enhanced durability of reinforced concrete structures
- Effect of hybrid fibres on the shear and durability behaviour of high performance concrete
- Life prediction and verification of coastal concrete structures on relativistic information entropy
- Strength and durability of green concrete
- A durability performance-index for concrete: developments in a novel test method
24 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics are now available here for free:
- A model of service-oriented architecture based on medical activities for the interoperability of health and hospital information systems
- Effect of BIRADS shape descriptors on breast cancer analysis
- Dichotic listening performance in children with dyslexia
- Ethical, legal, social, and financial implications of neonatal screening for sickle cell anaemia in Sub-Sahara Africa in the age of genomic science
- Analysis of incidence of lung cancer in various states of the USA
- Diagnostic efficacy value in terms of sensitivity and specificity of imaging modalities in detecting the abdominal aortic aneurysm: a systematic review
- Cardiac variability time-series analysis by sample entropy and multiscale entropy
Inderscience is media partner for Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness 2016
Inderscience is a media partner for Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness (16-17 March 2016, London, UK).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- International Journal of Vehicle Design
- International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems
- International Journal of Vehicle Performance
- International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing
More information on this event is available here.
Special issue published: "BigData Coimbra (BigData@Coimbra)"
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 7(4) 2015
Extended versions of papers presented at the 3rd International Congress on Big Data.
Extended versions of papers presented at the 3rd International Congress on Big Data.
- A complete framework to manage multimedia ontologies in digital ecosystems
- Geometrical and topological modelling of caves supported by a relational database model
- AScale: automatically scaling the ETL+Q process for performance
- SQL or NoSQL? Performance and scalability evaluation
- Testing SQL and NoSQL approaches for big data warehouse systems
- Comparing SQL and NoSQL approaches for clustering over big data
- Scalability architecture for a secure big data system
- Cassandra: what it does and what it does not and benchmarking
- Data warehousing and OLAP over Big Data: a survey of the state-of-the-art, open problems and future challenges
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Sustainable Economy
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Sustainable Economy are now available here for free:
- Bioeconomy potential - focus on Northern Finland
- Do banks and stock markets spur economic growth? Kenya's experience
- Economic growth in EU from sectoral imbalances point of view
- Panel Granger causality between oil consumption and GDP: evidence from BRICS countries
- Is fiscal policy really sustainable in Turkey? A reexamination
23 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Information and Communication Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology are now available here for free:
- A mixture language model for the classification of Chinese online reviews
- Application of modified particle swarm optimisation on forecasting diffusion of mobile internet
- A new improved cluster validity indexing technique: harnessed from Goodman-Kruskal validity index
- Consumer behaviour with negative emotion in e-tailing service environment
- A study of employees' views of strategic information systems in Iranian banks: the case of internet banking
- Design and implementation of a location-based multimedia mobile tourist guide system
- Extended visual cryptography for continuous-tone images: effect of the optimum tone mapping
- The quality of luminous environment of man-machine systems
- Learning event patterns from news text using bootstrapping
Inderscience is media partner for Defence Logistics Eastern Europe 2016
Inderscience is a media partner for Defence Logistics Eastern Europe (7-8 March 2016, Prague, Czech Republic).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation
- International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
- International Journal of Procurement Management
- International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management
- International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development
- International Journal of Technology Management
More information on this event is available here.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education are now available here for free:
- What supervisors expect of education masters students before they engage in supervised research: a Delphi study
- L1 glossing and strategy training for improving L2 reading comprehension: a meta-analysis
- An evaluation of WLSMV and Bayesian methods for confirmatory factor analysis with categorical indicators
- The effects of early home literacy environments on fourth-grade literacy achievement: an international comparison
Special issue published: "Creative Services in Information and Communication Technology for New Media and New Platforms"
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 8(1) 2016
- Intelligent home disease pre-diagnosis system for Korean traditional medicine using neural networks
- Improving classification accuracy based on class-space reduction
- A study on the platform of knowledge integration for customer feedback in B2C service industry
- Compensation characteristics of optical signal distortions in dispersion-managed optical links with randomly distributed RDPS
- MS-WMSN: service-oriented planning tool for wireless multimedia monitoring services
- Low complex decoding algorithm for multilevel space time trellis codes over MIMO channel
- Design and analysis of RF-low power and low-phase noise CMOS ring oscillator for fully integrated RF communication systems technologies
- Modelling speech and video quality in networks based on internet protocol
- Bayesian network structure learning based on modified particle swarm optimisation
22 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business and Systems Research
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business and Systems Research are now available here for free:
- Investment appraisal and evaluation: preserving tacit knowledge and competitive advantage
- The 'wicked problem construct' for organisational leadership and development
- The trade-off between income distribution and the capacity of governmental public investment in Brazil
- Global engineering offshore outsourcing - a literature review
- The fourth phase of creating a standardised international information technology implementation, modification and maintenance software application: the ITIP project
Special issue published: "Polymers and Moulds Innovations"
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 52(1/2)
Extended versions of papers presented at the 6th Polymers and Moulds Innovations Conference.
Extended versions of papers presented at the 6th Polymers and Moulds Innovations Conference.
- An analysis of Digital ABS as a rapid tooling material for polymer injection moulding
- Influence of tool surface on wall sliding of polymer melts
- Mechanical and dimensional characterisation of polypropylene injection moulded parts in epoxy resin/aluminium inserts for rapid tooling
- Thin wall injection-overmoulding of polyamide 6/polypropylene multilayer parts: influence of processing conditions on thermomechanical properties of the layer assembly
- Applying flow simulations in the development process of injection moulded thermoplastic parts
- Realising a child's imagination through a child-led product design for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional product
- Numerical simulation and experimental study on physical mechanism in multiple component moulding
- Combination of laser welding with in-mould assembling into a single process
- Using a glass-fibre reinforced polymer composite in the production of sustainable water storage tanks
- Influence of twin-screw configuration on the mechanical and morphological properties of polypropylene-clay composites
- A study on the role of wetting parameters on friction in injection moulding
Int. J. of Export Marketing to publish expanded papers from 25th IMDA conference
Extended versions of papers presented at the 25th World Business Congress of the International Management Development Association (15-18 June 2016, London, UK) will be published by the International Journal of Export Marketing.
New free sample article available from International Journal of Business and Globalisation
The International Journal of Business and Globalisation article Conceptualising entrepreneurship as economic 'explanation' and the consequent loss of 'understanding' has been added to the journal's Editor in Chief's selection of free sample articles.
21 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Materials and Product Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Materials and Product Technology are now available here for free:
- Tribological behaviour and mechanical properties of copper and magnesium based composites treated by severe plastic deformation
- A study on mandrel role in rotary draw bending of rectangular tube
- Modelling of tool life and surface roughness in hard turning using soft computing techniques: a comparative study
- Hole-flanging of metals and polymers produced by single point incremental forming
- Dynamic analysis of a mechanical press equipped with a half-toroidal continuously variable transmission
- Comparison of NDT-methods for automatic inspection of weld defects
Special issue published: "Consumer Behaviour Influences in the Changing Economies" [includes free OA article]
- The role of managers' perception in liquidity management - case of Croatia
- An investigation of motivations to engage in eWom among inbound Muslim tourists to Malaysia
- Sartorial symbiosis or creative commensalism? Collaborations between Japanese fashion designers and Western apparel makers
- Improving relations between business strategy and marketing tactics [Open Access]
- Investment decisions and capital budgeting practices in German manufacturing companies
- 21st century luxury fashion retailers' marketing strategies for customer satisfaction: UK perspective
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing are now available here for free:
- Multi-axis tool path generation for surface finish machining of a rapid manufacturing process
- Design development and functional validation of an interchangeable head based on mini screw extrusion applied in an experimental desktop 3-D printer
- Pre-processing studies for selective laser sintering of glass beads-filled polyamide 12 composites
- Business case analysis in rapid productisation
- Evaluations of temperature measurements in powder-based electron beam additive manufacturing by near-infrared thermography
Inderscience is media partner for Mobile Deployable Communications 2016
Inderscience is a media partner for Mobile Deployable Communications (4-5 February 2016, Warsaw, Poland).
The journals involved are:
More information on this event is available here.
The journals involved are:
- International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
- International Journal of Mobile Communications
- International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications
- International Journal of Satellite Communications Policy and Management
- International Journal of Space Science and Engineering
More information on this event is available here.
20 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology are now available here for free:
- Development of cooperative education and basic engineering education: aided by 3D CAD and 3D RP modelling
- An alternative conics drawing algorithm on a hexagonal grid using method of deviation
- Research on driving system modelling and power matching for large wheel-type transporter used in iron and steel mills
- Cloud removal using efficient cloud detection and removal algorithm for high-resolution satellite imagery
- An online noise reduction method for sequential data based on Bernstein-Bezier curve formulation
- Geometry processing in developing a software tool for NC wire EDM
- Contourlet transform with modified particle swarm optimisation for despeckling and feature enhancement of SAR images
- An automated algorithm for lesion identification in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI
- Research on PSO algorithms for the rectangular packing problem
- Designing of lampshade with 3D CG application and manufacturing of designed shape in graphic science education
- Using unsupervised neural network approach to improve classification of satellite images
Special issue published: "Recent Advances in Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing Technologies: Part 1"
International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing 5(1) 2015
- Laser sintered body armour: establishing guidelines for dual-layered stab protection
- Nozzle dispensing additive manufacturing of polysiloxane: dimensional control
- Investigation of pulse advance cold metal transfer on aluminium wire arc additive manufacturing
- Post-processing opportunities of professional and consumer grade 3D printing equipment: a comparative study
- Constitutive modelling for fused deposition modelling of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) under elastic response
- Peel and tensile test investigation of aluminium 1050 foil parts made with a new additive manufacturing process
- Identifying limitations for design for manufacturing with desktop FFF 3D printers
Inderscience is media partner for ISTVS 8th Americas Regional Conference
Inderscience is a media partner for the ISTVS 8th Americas Regional Conference (12-14 September 2016, Detroit, USA).
The journal involved is the International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems.
The journal involved is the International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems are now available here for free:
- Strong and weak stochastic bounds for multidimensional Markov chains
- Managing energy in a network of reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers
- A RT-Maude-based framework for component installation
- Verifying while loops with invariant relations
- On combining the ready sets with the covering steps methods
- LTL translation improvements in Spot 1.0
- A formal framework to specify and verify real-time properties on critical systems
19 December 2015
Special issue published: "Agile Methods for Service Engineering"
International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 8(3/4) 2015
Extended versions of papers presented at the 21st ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering.
Extended versions of papers presented at the 21st ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering.
- Structured requirements elicitation for product-service system
- Optimising maintenance intervals for multiple maintenance policies: a cross-industrial study
- A systematic service design methodology to achieve mass personalisation
- Integration of structural health monitoring with scheduled maintenance of aircraft composite structures
- A hierarchical method for coupling analysis of design services in distributed collaborative design environment
- Critical factors for design of successful performance-based contracting environment
- Main enablers and factors for successful implementation of lean in product-service systems
- Network-centric operations during transition in global enterprise
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise are now available here for free:
- Establishment of a sustainable development framework in small scale mining supply chains in India
- The impact of role stressors and work overload on job burnout
- Managing the firing process of ceramics tiles to reduce convexity defect: design of experiment approach
- Measurement and analysis of the plastic films green supply chain performance
- Inventory models and their selection parameters: a critical review
Call for papers: "Marketing in the E-landscape: Models, Concepts and Practices"
For a special issue of the International Journal of Technology Marketing.
Important Dates
The dominance of the digital world in people’s lives today calls for a more thorough analysis of marketing in the electronic landscape. Today, a large part of business is done through digital channels of communication and delivery, and firms face many challenges in staying competitive in a new digital world that is dominated by electronic commerce and social media.
We are seeking contributions to this special issue that address these challenges and/or analyse the ways in which the digital environment is shaping tomorrow’s market.
We welcome articles based on quantitative or qualitative empirical studies or conceptual papers, and envisage that this special issue will embrace a full range of methodological approaches.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 2015 International Conference on Contemporary Marketing Issues, but we are also inviting other experts to submit articles for this call.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Consumer behaviour in the electronic landscape
- Service quality, loyalty and satisfaction in digital services
- Relationship marketing in the electronic landscape
- New product and service development and co-creation in the electronic landscape
- Social media and marketing strategy
- The role of user-generated content in marketing strategy
- Branding in the electronic landscape
- Managing the online experience
- Innovative business models in the electronic environment
- Managing online communication and other promotion activities
- Online distribution and pricing
- Sales management considerations in the digital environment
- E-servicescapes
- Self-service and customer involvement in service delivery
- Privacy concerns and ethics in the electronic environment
- Crowdfunding
Important Dates
Submission of papers: 31 May, 2016
Free sample articles newly available from World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
The following sample articles from the World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development are now available here for free:
- Mitigation measures to minimise traffic-generated noise pollution in Metropolitan Kuwait
- Anticipatory governance of nanotechnologies. A conceptual framework
- The nutritional assessment of GMOs before commercialisation, how to approach a comprehensive assessment
- Causal relationship between energy consumption and GDP in Tunisia: aggregated and disaggregated analysis
- Green HRM: innovative approach in Indian public enterprises
- Willingness to pay for the urban river ecosystem restoration in Hangzhou and Nanjing, China
- Environmental impact assessment for nanotechnologies: integrating the ecological and the chemical perspective
18 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development are now available here for free:
- Soil quality, local communities and the territorial context: Exploring a latent nexus?
- Innovation processes in moderately innovative countries: the competencies of knowledge brokers
- Towards realising social sustainability in the small hydropower sector in India: opportunities for social innovations
- Carbon market and global climate governance: limitations and challenges
- An intelligent battery information management system to support information sharing and vehicle routing planning for battery distribution in Hong Kong
Int. J. of Business and Globalisation to publish expanded papers from ASAC 2016
Extended versions of papers presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2016 Conference (4-6 June 2016, Montreal, Canada) will be published by the International Journal of Business and Globalisation.
More information on this event is available here.
Special issue published: "Advances in Computer Entertainment"
International Journal of Arts and Technology 8(4) 2015
Extended versions of papers presented at the 9th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment.
Extended versions of papers presented at the 9th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment.
- Domain-specific playability problems in social network games
- Modulating tooth brushing sounds to affect user impressions
- Engaging remote fans in live sports
- Theatre caption presentation system for both hearing impaired and unimpaired
- Multisensory fashion communication media towards impression management
- A prototyping support system for the creation of painted musical instruments
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology are now available here for free:
- Performance comparisons of grid connected SPV system with different MPPT algorithms
- Design, control and performance analysis of a standalone solar-PV energy generating system
- Earthy, solaris and atmospheric energy sources
- Dye-sensitised solar cells using TiO2 nanoparticles: a review
- Terminal characteristics of type 1 wind generating systems with magnetic saturation
- Enrichment of biogas production from mixture of rubber seed cake and cow dung using TiO2 catalyst and temperature
17 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Procurement Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Procurement Management are now available here for free:
- Supplier development and buyer-supplier relationship strategies - a literature review
- Inventory model under permissible delay in payments and inflation with generalised Pareto lifetime
- Coping with uncertainties via resilient supply chain framework
- Performance analysis of a healthcare supply chain for RFID-enabled process reengineering
- A decision support tool, implemented in a system dynamics model, to improve the effectiveness in the hospital emergency department
- Challenging times to pharmaceutical supply chains towards sustainability: a case study application
- Boxed up and locked up, safe and tight! Making the case for unattended electronic locker bank logistics for an innovative solution to NHS hospital supplies (UK)
- Waste not, want not. What are the drivers of sustainable medicines recycling in National Health Service hospital pharmacies (UK)?
- An axiomatic design-based approach for the patient-value-oriented design of a sustainable Lean healthcare system
- Business process reengineering of drugs storage and distribution: a case study
- A combined IDEF0 and FMEA approach to healthcare management reengineering
- Lean manufacturing within critical healthcare supply chain: an exploratory study through value chain simulation
Special issue published: "Advances in Computation Modelling"
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 52(4) 2015
- Sound absorption properties of a low-density perforated date palm fibres panel
- The effects of using learning-aided cues in an augmented reality environment for a multi-body mechanism
- A simplified model of a reinforced square hollow section T-joint for stress evaluation in bus superstructures
- HTML table wrapper based on table components
- Effect of reflow soldering profile on intermetallic compound formation
- Application of robotics in medical fields: rehabilitation and surgery
- A Landau theory of ferroelectric nanoribbons
- Utilising the pipeline framework and state-based non-linear Gauss-Seidel for large satellite image denoising based on CPU-GPU cores
- Research on double-array-trie tree-based lexicon and its application on micro-blog content analysing
- Heart arrhythmia classification using the prediction by partial matching algorithm
- A hybrid approach for software cost estimation using polynomial neural networks and intuitionistic fuzzy sets
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management are now available here for free:
- Exploring the impact of need to evaluate on advertisements: a study of small city Indian consumers
- Information system implementation failures in Indian telecommunication companies
- A study on the pertinent problems faced by the metal and iron casting foundry units in India
- Revisiting emotional intelligence: from the realms of ancient Indian wisdom
- Descriptive analysis of present quality management practices of Indian micro, small and medium enterprises
- Management control in a spiritually-charged organisation
New Editor for International Journal of Mass Customisation
Associate Prof. Yacob Khojasteh from Sophia University in Japan has been appointed to take over editorship of the International Journal of Mass Customisation.
16 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems are now available here for free:
- A survey on VoIP packet loss techniques
- Software-defined cellular networking: a practical path towards 5G
- Power aware framework for scheduling tasks in grid-based workflows
- A secure and effective access control scheme for distributed wireless sensor networks
- CSLAT: an SLA template for cloud service management
- Cooperative transmission scheme for multi-hop underwater acoustic sensor networks
Special issue published: "Diverse Perspectives on Income, Money and Banking"
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 8(4) 2015
Extended versions of papers presented at the SIBR-UniKL 2014 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economic Research.
Extended versions of papers presented at the SIBR-UniKL 2014 Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economic Research.
- Income-consumption relationship under relative income hypothesis: empirical evidence from Peshawar, Pakistan
- The quantity theory of money and quantitative easing
- Possible causes of delay in default in the Czech Republic
- Market orientation, balance sheets and risk profile of Islamic banks
- Healthcare management in the Indian public sector
- Customer loyalty: a customer experience approach with special reference to organised retailing in India
- A relationship between emotional intelligence and Myer Briggs Big Five personality model
First issue: International Journal of Network Science (free sample issue available)
The International Journal of Network Science publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed research contributions on the emerging science of networks and its ever-increasing applications. IJNS examines both theoretical and applied aspects of network science, covering (but not limited to) biological, ecological, neural, communication, social and economic, cognitive and semantic, technological, and computer networks, as well as various research approaches/paradigms of network science. IJNS welcomes submissions dealing with important practical problems such as the interpretation and prediction of reliability, security, survivability, stability and phase transitions of complex networks.
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business Information Systems
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business Information Systems are now available here for free:
- Barebone cloud IaaS: revitalisation disruptive technology
- Factors impacting the adoption of social network sites for emergency notification purposes in universities
- A comparative study of multi criteria decision making approaches for risks assessment in supply chain
- An empirical examination of a mediated model of strategic information systems planning success
- An empirical study on creating software product value in India - an analytic hierarchy process approach
- Electronic government procurement implementation in India: a cross sectional study
15 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of International Journal of Business Excellence
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business Excellence are now available here for free:
- The need for implementing lean in the public sector
- What drives entrepreneurial orientation in small firms? The roles of owner-manager and financial conditions
- Identifying the best practices in banking operations strategy in developing economics: the case of Jordan
- Analytical QFD model for strategic justification of advanced manufacturing technology
- Dominant logic and dynamic capabilities in strategic renewal - case of public broadcasting
Special issue published: "Advances in High Performance Computing and Communications"
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 11(4) 2015
- A Cholesky preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm on GPU for the 3D parabolic equation
- Robust ensemble feature extraction for solving conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation
- MUS: a novel deadline-constrained scheduling algorithm for Hadoop
- Three-dimensional construction based on self-reconfigurable modular robots
- Fast approximate hash table using extended counting Bloom filter
- Parallel sparse matrix-matrix multiplication: a scalable solution with 1D algorithm
- A weighted throttled load balancing approach for virtual machines in cloud environment
- Parallel preconditioned conjugate gradient method for large sparse and highly ill-conditioned systems arising in computational geomechanics
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets are now available here for free:
- Corporate governance voluntary disclosures in developing countries: evidence from Jordanian banks
- External audit quality and ownership structure: interaction and impact on earnings management of industrial and commercial Tunisian sectors [PAPER WITHDRAWN]
- Modelling the antecedents and consequence of consumer switching behaviour in Ghanaian mobile telecommunication industry
- Managing of treasury in the banking system within a multi currency economy: evidence from Palestine
- The underpricing and long-run underperformance of initial public offerings: evidence from Vietnam
Cartoon characters bear fruit
Cartoon characters are often used to market so-called junk food to children. However, new research from Italy suggests that the same technique might be used to nudge preschoolers into eating more fresh fruit and vegetables too. Details of the investigation appear in the International Journal of Markets and Business Systems.
Fabrizio Baldassarre and Raffaele Campo of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, explain how investigated how young children perceived different food items – savoury and sweet snacks and fresh fruit – based on whether or not the food had a sticker showing their favourite cartoon characters. The study showed that even children averse to choosing the healthy option could be persuaded to eat the fruit if it was associated with said cartoon character.
“Marketing to children is strongly related to psychology and marketers are often counselled by psychologists in order to better understand children’s desires and dreams but also the modality for presenting the products,” the team reports. Of course, marketing of what is commonly regarded as the less healthy option, crisps, sweets and other high-calorie and problematic snacks are often the subject of such work rather than companies finding ways to market healthy food. Given the persuasive power of young children in the supermarket aisles when shopping with parents and carers, there is certainly an opportunity to instill healthy eating habits early on and perhaps even to persuade the adults to make healthier choices about food along the way.
The team’s experiment demonstrated that the presence of a favourite character sticker on a kiwi fruit, for instance, influenced the childrens’ perception of how tasty that fruit was as a snack even before they had eaten the fruit. The team found that children who habitually rejected fruit as a snack option were persuaded to opt for fruit given the presence of a character sticker. They would even ignore well-known branded sweet and savoury snacks in favour of fruit with a cartoon sticker.
“Children were so enchanted by the presence of the characters that they tended to link the aesthetic appearance with the good taste of those selected foods, without trying them; the relationship with characters is strong enough to influence their preferences,” the team reports.
Baldassarre, F. and Campo, R. (2015) ‘A character a day keeps the fruit on display: the influence of cartoon characters on preschoolers’ preference for healthy food’, Int. J. Markets and Business Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.260–274
Original article: Cartoon characters bear fruit.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1NuzXHy
Fabrizio Baldassarre and Raffaele Campo of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, explain how investigated how young children perceived different food items – savoury and sweet snacks and fresh fruit – based on whether or not the food had a sticker showing their favourite cartoon characters. The study showed that even children averse to choosing the healthy option could be persuaded to eat the fruit if it was associated with said cartoon character.
“Marketing to children is strongly related to psychology and marketers are often counselled by psychologists in order to better understand children’s desires and dreams but also the modality for presenting the products,” the team reports. Of course, marketing of what is commonly regarded as the less healthy option, crisps, sweets and other high-calorie and problematic snacks are often the subject of such work rather than companies finding ways to market healthy food. Given the persuasive power of young children in the supermarket aisles when shopping with parents and carers, there is certainly an opportunity to instill healthy eating habits early on and perhaps even to persuade the adults to make healthier choices about food along the way.
The team’s experiment demonstrated that the presence of a favourite character sticker on a kiwi fruit, for instance, influenced the childrens’ perception of how tasty that fruit was as a snack even before they had eaten the fruit. The team found that children who habitually rejected fruit as a snack option were persuaded to opt for fruit given the presence of a character sticker. They would even ignore well-known branded sweet and savoury snacks in favour of fruit with a cartoon sticker.
“Children were so enchanted by the presence of the characters that they tended to link the aesthetic appearance with the good taste of those selected foods, without trying them; the relationship with characters is strong enough to influence their preferences,” the team reports.
Baldassarre, F. and Campo, R. (2015) ‘A character a day keeps the fruit on display: the influence of cartoon characters on preschoolers’ preference for healthy food’, Int. J. Markets and Business Systems, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.260–274
Original article: Cartoon characters bear fruit.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1NuzXHy
Research Picks Extra – December 2015
Bacteria and bees
Algorithms that mimic the behavior of living things are an important route into optimizing data mining and countless other applications. For instance, there are algorithms that emulate the way in which the workers from a hive of bees will seek out flowers with abundant nectar supplies. Similarly, another approach to algorithms copies the cultured foraging behavior of bacteria. Now, an international team based in Iran and the USA have combined the behavior of bees and bacteria in a novel multi-objective algorithm. Their approach pools the benefits of the artificial bee colony and bacterial foraging models in a single algorithm that is very flexible has fewer setting parameters and yet outperforms three of the most well-known multi-objective tools.
Mahmoodabadi, M.J., Taherkhorsandi, M., Maafi, R.A. and Castillo-Villar, K.K. (2015) ‘A novel multi-objective optimisation algorithm: artificial bee colony in conjunction with bacterial foraging’, Int. J. Intelligent Engineering Informatics, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.369–386.
(I can’t get no) satisfaction
Customers satisfaction, trust and brand image are important factors in business and marketing, not least in the world of telecommunications with its multitude of suppliers of both services and devices such as smart phones. In rapidly developing nations there are major implications for business and marketing to better understand the behavior of customers and potential clients in this sector. New work from Ghana suggests that fundamentally, the same rules apply there as they do in the more established technological markets of “the West”, namely that “marketing managers need to develop marketing and loyalty strategies that result in better customer satisfaction, induce more trust in the brand and project the image of the brand high to build a stable customer base.”
Yeboah-Asiamah, E., Nimako, S.G., Quaye, D.M. and Buame, S. (2016) ‘Implicit and explicit loyalty: the role of satisfaction, trust and brand image in mobile telecommunication industry’, Int. J. Business and Emerging Markets, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.94–115
Yeast affection
Protein complexes abound across all life on Earth. A new US computational study of how such complex are interconnected suggests that in humans and yeast alike these interconnections of protein complexes are evolutionarily conserved. The discovery that for a given inter-complex hub in one species, human or yeast, there exists an equivalent hub in the other. This has important implications for understanding the protein networks and their implications for medicine, biotechnology and other areas. There are also implications for understanding the transfer of information between species a critical phenomenon in the emergence of new diseases and in the development of drug resistance in old ones.
Guerra, C. (2015) ‘On the interconnection of stable protein complexes: inter-complex hubs and their conservation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Homo sapiens networks’, Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp.483–502.
Teatime for HIV
Natural chemicals, such as gallic Acid (GA) a polyphenol, found in tea leaves, gallnuts, oak bark and other plant parts could lead to new anti-HIV drugs that block the viral protease enzymes as effectively as current drugs including darunavir and amprenavir, according to research from India. HIV-1 Protease enzymes are critical to the assembly and maturation of infectious HIV retroviruses and so blocking their activity with drugs is the focus of much research and development to treat the virus that causes AIDS. The current work builds on earlier studies that have shown how derivatives of gallic acid are active against these enzymes and used computer modeling to design better analogs that could one day be used in a potent antiviral medication against HIV. The current lead compound in the work has the chemical name [(3S)-octahydrobenzofuran- 3-yl ((2S, 3R)-3-hydroxy-1-phenyl-4-(3,4,5-trihydroxy-N-isobutylphenylsulfonamido) butan-2-yl)carbamate]. It will most likely have a much shorter name should it or its chemical cousins be marketed as drugs.
Singh, A. and Pal, T.K. (2015) ‘Docking analysis of gallic acid derivatives as HIV-1 protease inhibitors’, Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp.540–546.
Original article: Research Picks Extra – December 2015.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1NtOe7g
Algorithms that mimic the behavior of living things are an important route into optimizing data mining and countless other applications. For instance, there are algorithms that emulate the way in which the workers from a hive of bees will seek out flowers with abundant nectar supplies. Similarly, another approach to algorithms copies the cultured foraging behavior of bacteria. Now, an international team based in Iran and the USA have combined the behavior of bees and bacteria in a novel multi-objective algorithm. Their approach pools the benefits of the artificial bee colony and bacterial foraging models in a single algorithm that is very flexible has fewer setting parameters and yet outperforms three of the most well-known multi-objective tools.
Mahmoodabadi, M.J., Taherkhorsandi, M., Maafi, R.A. and Castillo-Villar, K.K. (2015) ‘A novel multi-objective optimisation algorithm: artificial bee colony in conjunction with bacterial foraging’, Int. J. Intelligent Engineering Informatics, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.369–386.
(I can’t get no) satisfaction
Customers satisfaction, trust and brand image are important factors in business and marketing, not least in the world of telecommunications with its multitude of suppliers of both services and devices such as smart phones. In rapidly developing nations there are major implications for business and marketing to better understand the behavior of customers and potential clients in this sector. New work from Ghana suggests that fundamentally, the same rules apply there as they do in the more established technological markets of “the West”, namely that “marketing managers need to develop marketing and loyalty strategies that result in better customer satisfaction, induce more trust in the brand and project the image of the brand high to build a stable customer base.”
Yeboah-Asiamah, E., Nimako, S.G., Quaye, D.M. and Buame, S. (2016) ‘Implicit and explicit loyalty: the role of satisfaction, trust and brand image in mobile telecommunication industry’, Int. J. Business and Emerging Markets, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.94–115
Yeast affection
Protein complexes abound across all life on Earth. A new US computational study of how such complex are interconnected suggests that in humans and yeast alike these interconnections of protein complexes are evolutionarily conserved. The discovery that for a given inter-complex hub in one species, human or yeast, there exists an equivalent hub in the other. This has important implications for understanding the protein networks and their implications for medicine, biotechnology and other areas. There are also implications for understanding the transfer of information between species a critical phenomenon in the emergence of new diseases and in the development of drug resistance in old ones.
Guerra, C. (2015) ‘On the interconnection of stable protein complexes: inter-complex hubs and their conservation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Homo sapiens networks’, Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp.483–502.
Teatime for HIV
Natural chemicals, such as gallic Acid (GA) a polyphenol, found in tea leaves, gallnuts, oak bark and other plant parts could lead to new anti-HIV drugs that block the viral protease enzymes as effectively as current drugs including darunavir and amprenavir, according to research from India. HIV-1 Protease enzymes are critical to the assembly and maturation of infectious HIV retroviruses and so blocking their activity with drugs is the focus of much research and development to treat the virus that causes AIDS. The current work builds on earlier studies that have shown how derivatives of gallic acid are active against these enzymes and used computer modeling to design better analogs that could one day be used in a potent antiviral medication against HIV. The current lead compound in the work has the chemical name [(3S)-octahydrobenzofuran- 3-yl ((2S, 3R)-3-hydroxy-1-phenyl-4-(3,4,5-trihydroxy-N-isobutylphenylsulfonamido) butan-2-yl)carbamate]. It will most likely have a much shorter name should it or its chemical cousins be marketed as drugs.
Singh, A. and Pal, T.K. (2015) ‘Docking analysis of gallic acid derivatives as HIV-1 protease inhibitors’, Int. J. Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp.540–546.
Original article: Research Picks Extra – December 2015.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1NtOe7g
14 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Services and Operations Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Services and Operations Management are now available here for free:
- Kanban and value stream mapping analysis in lean manufacturing philosophy via simulation: a plastic fabrication (case study)
- Modelling and solving of a lot sizing problem for multiple items and multiple periods with shortage
- A review of DEA-based resource and cost allocation models: implications for services
- Improvement of customer response time using Lean Office
- A new multi-objective model for supplier selection
- Developing a cause and effect model of factors influencing fast food restaurants' service quality using DEMATEL
- Robust scheduling for flexible job shop problems with random machine breakdowns using a quantum behaved particle swarm optimisation
Special issue published: "Research Endeavours of Tony Lowe"
International Journal of Critical Accounting 7(5/6) 2015
- Control in socio-economic organisations: a rationale for the design of management control systems (Section II)
- Information content of financial statements, financial plans, and MCS: an integration
- The short-term business forecasting: an analysis of a firm's sales budgeting process
- A tribute to Tony Lowe: the man who taught me how to think
- A personal appreciation of Professor Tony Lowe and some reflections as a student at the University of the South Pacific
- Guardians of the galaxy: public accounting and the public interest
- An examination of the agency theory problem of earnings management: is it an Anglo-Saxon cultural phenomenon?
- A modern critical accountant in the French Revolution: Pierre B. Boucher of Bordeaux
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management are now available here for free:
- The critical success factors for successful lean implementation in hospitals
- Effect of various factors for achieving environmental performance in manufacturing industry: a review
- Six Sigma management and grey relational analysis to improve performance of tableting process
- Optimisation of a machine loading problem using a genetic algorithm-based heuristic
- Evaluation of the suggestions system performance using DEA, the case of Esfahan's Steel Company
- Estimating household electricity consumption by environmental consciousness
13 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking are now available here for free:
- Categorisation of process improvement models from a conceptual perspective
- Efficiency measurement in medical tourism: a DEA approach
- Tweddle Group: a case study in blending lean and STS systems
- Online education and its operational attractions to traditional and non-traditional college students
- Ranking electronic customer complaints by FMEA and TOPSIS with a case study in Isfahan Province Gas Company
- Justification of synergistic implementation of TQM-TPM paradigms using analytical hierarchy process
Special issue published: "Innovative Supply Chain Management"
International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 3(1) 2015
- On the distribution of an (r, Q) inventory with lead time via multi server queues
- A methodology for modelling energy use in the agriculture sector for the Pakistan integrated energy model
- Demand responsive transportation for creative tourism logistics planning
- Critical-to-life classification for managing inventory in a healthcare supply chain
- Redundancy effect on coal-fired power plant availability
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Operational Research
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Operational Research are now available here for free:
- Application of genetic and differential evolution algorithms on selecting portfolios of projects with consideration of interactions and budgetary segmentation
- Optimal solution of fractional programming problem based on solid fuzzy transportation problem
- A model for coordinating and joint optimisation of inventory and credit policies in an inventory system with date-terms credit linked demand
- Integer linear programming model for grid-based wireless transmitter location problems
- An application of a generalised assignment problem: assigning recruiters to geographical locations
- Coping with uncertainties in production planning through fuzzy mathematical programming: application to steel rolling industry
Int. J. of Migration and Residential Mobility to publish expanded papers from International Conference of Family Issues
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Conference of Family Issues (4-5 June 2016, Xuchang, China) will be published by the International Journal of Migration and Residential Mobility.
12 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research are now available here for free:
- On the choice of the penalty parameter for discrete-continuous linear bi-level problems reformulation
- An integrated production-inventory model with backorder and lot for lot policy in fuzzy sense
- A multi objective model for determining ordering strategy within different constraints
- Availability modelling and evaluation of a repairable system subject to minor deterioration under imperfect repairs
- Analysis of M[X]/G/1 retrial queue with two phase service under Bernoulli vacation schedule and random breakdown
- A bi-level multi-choice programming problem
Inderscience is media partner for Pre-Filled Syringes East Coast 2016
Inderscience is a media partner for Pre-Filled Syringes East Coast (25-26 April 2016, Iselin, USA).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology
- International Journal of Biotechnology
- International Journal of Environment and Health
- International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management
More information on this event is available here.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Management in Education
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Management in Education are now available here for free:
- Organisational factors influencing teachers' inner sense of affective commitment to their schools in high- and low-accountability environments
- Integrated internal evaluation in a higher education institution
- Identification and modelling of winners and qualifiers for management institutes: evidence from India
- A framework for improving school safety management: applying lean thinking to a case study in Thailand
- Historical development of higher education and quality assurance in Southeast Asia
- An investigation of the branding strategies of the top 20 Indian business schools
- Do executive students feel a sense of community in the online classroom? Implications for online management education and student learning experiences
First issue: International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability (free sample issue available)
The International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability proposes and fosters discussion on the evolution of higher education for sustainability, with emphasis on the three interconnected pillars, the environmental, the economic and the social, along with emerging dimensions of culture and politics. The incorporation of sustainability in higher education is critical in producing human resources, in terms of the essential skills, understanding and knowledge, in the 21st century. IJHES also considers the likely and actual implications for the workplace.
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
There is a free download of the papers from this first issue.
11 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Mobile Communications
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Mobile Communications are now available here for free:
- Mobile shopping: the next frontier of the shopping industry? An emerging market perspective
- Adoption of 4G wireless services under consideration of technology and economic perspectives
- The effects of differences between e-commerce and m-commerce on the consumers' usage transfer from online to mobile channel
- Engagement and mobile listening
- The adoption of PDA for future healthcare system: an emerging market perspective
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management are now available here for free:
- Vehicle routing with cross-docking decreasing total cost in the supply chain and storage unrestricted capacity
- A logit-based model for facility placement planning in supply chain management
- Logistics service capabilities of logistics service provider
- Supply chain of Thailand product champion: a case study of the passenger car tyre industry
- An empirical-relational investigation on supply chain responsiveness
- Contextual relationship among antecedents of truck freight using interpretive structural modelling and its validation using MICMAC analysis
- Fuzzy EOQ models for deterioration items under discounted cash flow approach when supplier credits are linked to order quantity
- Optimal lot sizing and inventory decisions in a centralised and decentralised two echelon inventory system with price dependent demand
Special issue published: "Workplace Innovation – Social Innovation: Shaping Work Organisation and Working Life"
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 12(1) 2016
- Workplace innovation and social innovation: an introduction
- Workplace innovation: European policy and theoretical foundation
- Green construction and team design. Low road and high road teams to build energy-friendly houses
- An alternative typology for teamwork
- Why job autonomy matters for young companies' performance: company maturity as a moderator between job autonomy and company performance
- Effect of workplace innovation on organisational performance and sickness absence
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering are now available here for free:
- A hybrid method based on AHP and TOPSIS with uncertain data for MAGDM problem
- Integrated scheduling of production and distribution operations: a review
- Availability analysis of software rejuvenation in active/standby cluster system
- Cost modelling in healthcare systems: a case of radiology department of a teaching hospital
- Analysis of the effects of operations strategies on sustainable competitive advantage in manufacturing systems
- Simulation of a single product supply chain model with ARENA
- A knowledge factor space model on multi-expert systems for oil-gas reservoir protection
Aural feedback for oral hygiene
Those of us who are not dentally deprived endeavor to clean our teeth at least twice a day and to floss regularly. Looking after one’s teeth and brushing effectively are instilled in us from childhood along with the idea of eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and avoiding too many sweet things, especially between meals. It seems that brushing habits, as with many other habits, become ingrained and motor memory takes over in this twice-daily ritual. We undertake our dental hygiene on auto-pilot, whether or not our regime is as effective as our dental hygienist would like.
Now, Japanese researchers have discovered that how effectively we clean our teeth and how satisfied we are with the brushing job we do depends a lot on the sound of the bristles scrubbing against the enamel. In trials with volunteer teeth cleaners, the team used a tiny microphone in the toothbrush to “sample” the sound being made in the mouth during brushing and to modulate it in some way and then feed that sound back to the volunteer.
Writing in the International Journal of Arts and Technology, Taku Hachisu and Hiroyuki Kajimoto of The University of Electro-Communications, in Chofu, Japan explain how modulating the brush sound affects brushing efficacy and satisfaction. The team found that if they manipulated the pitch, or frequency and loudness, of the brushing sound they could alter the volunteers’ perception of comfort and accomplishment. They also showed that if they gradually increased the frequency as teeth cleaning progressed, the volunteers felt like the process was more comfortable and that their teeth were cleaner at the end of the process.

“Tooth brushing provides a ‘negative reward’ for users as they brush their teeth to avoid developing caries,” the team explains. Many people find the task boring. “Subsequently, users do not consider the impact of omitting the action until suffering from caries or other dental diseases,” the team adds. Their results show that it is possible to motivate users by interactively manipulating the frequency of brushing sounds, so that the task becomes more satisfying. Importantly, the system can tell, through a built-in force sensor, whether a person is brushing too hard, which can damage the gum line, and so give them aural feedback to encourage them to clean their teeth more gently.

The prototype system requires the teeth cleaner to wear headphones, which is impractical in real life. However, there are bone conduction speaker systems that might be incorporated into the smart toothbrush so that the amplified feedback loop is created in one’s mouth. The team will next recruit volunteers to test the system in their comfort of their own bathrooms.
Hachisu, T. and Kajimoto, H. (2015) ‘Modulating tooth brushing sounds to affect user impressions’, Int. J. Arts and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp.307–324.
Original article: Aural feedback for oral hygiene.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1NZheta
Now, Japanese researchers have discovered that how effectively we clean our teeth and how satisfied we are with the brushing job we do depends a lot on the sound of the bristles scrubbing against the enamel. In trials with volunteer teeth cleaners, the team used a tiny microphone in the toothbrush to “sample” the sound being made in the mouth during brushing and to modulate it in some way and then feed that sound back to the volunteer.
Writing in the International Journal of Arts and Technology, Taku Hachisu and Hiroyuki Kajimoto of The University of Electro-Communications, in Chofu, Japan explain how modulating the brush sound affects brushing efficacy and satisfaction. The team found that if they manipulated the pitch, or frequency and loudness, of the brushing sound they could alter the volunteers’ perception of comfort and accomplishment. They also showed that if they gradually increased the frequency as teeth cleaning progressed, the volunteers felt like the process was more comfortable and that their teeth were cleaner at the end of the process.
Hachisu, T. and Kajimoto, H. (2015) ‘Modulating tooth brushing sounds to affect user impressions’, Int. J. Arts and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp.307–324.
Original article: Aural feedback for oral hygiene.
via Inderscience – Science Spot http://ift.tt/1NZheta
10 December 2015
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Innovation and Learning
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Innovation and Learning are now available here for free:
- Students playing computer games with elements of violence's self-evaluation - what can we learn from this?
- Guided independent learning: a teaching and learning approach for adult learners
- Business model pretotyping: exploring pre-commercialisation opportunities in practice
- Fostering team creativity and innovativeness with playfulness: a multi-case study
- The relations between stakeholders and product development drivers: practitioners' perspectives
- Online students' attitudes towards rapport-building traits and practices
- An investigation on the level of self-consciousness based reticence in L2 learners
- On the role of university in the promotion of innovation: exploratory evidences from a university-industry cooperation experience in Brazil
Special issue published: "Sustainable Development and Environment Systems"
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 10(1) 2016
- Consumer preferences in engaging in a sustainable lifestyle
- Delivery vehicle fleet data collection, analysis and naturalistic driving cycles synthesis
- Eco-innovation indicators for sustainable development: the role of the technology institutes
- Management of the sustainable development of the Baikal natural territory in Russia
- The innovation inducement impact of environmental regulations on maritime transport: a literature review
- Economic theories of eco-innovations: a comparison between the neoclassical and evolutionary approaches
New Editor for International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics
Prof. Guowei Hua from Beijing Jiaotong University in China has been appointed to take over editorship of the International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation are now available here for free:
- Design and characterisation of magnetorheological brake system
- Numerical simulation of supersonic and turbulent combustion with transverse sonic fuel injection
- Connected dominating set for wireless ad hoc networks: a survey
- Application of LQR theory to modular current-programmed buck converters
- Feature-guided convolution for salient rendering of 3D meshes
9 December 2015
Inderscience is media partner for Indonesia Power Investment Summit 2016
Inderscience is a media partner for Indonesia Power Investment Summit 2016 (11-13 May 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia).
The journals involved are:
The journals involved are:
- International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy
- International Journal of Exergy
- International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering
- International Journal of Power Electronics
- International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology
- International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications
More information on this event is available here.
Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics
The following sample articles from the International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics are now available here for free:
- A mixture of physicochemical and evolutionary-based feature extraction approaches for protein fold recognition
- Identifying susceptibility networks for drug-induced non-immune neutropenia
- The relationship between experimentally validated intracellular human protein stability and the features of its solvent accessible surface
- Managing changes in distributed biomedical ontologies using hierarchical distributed graph transformation
- Fuzzy-rough-neural-based f-information for gene selection and sample classification
- A system biology approach for understanding the miRNA regulatory network in colon rectal cancer
Special issue published: "Virtual Reality and Ergonomics Enablers for Product Development"
International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 8(1/2) 2016
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2012) Symposium.
Extended versions of papers presented at the International Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE 2012) Symposium.
- Affordances for designing natural user interfaces for 3D modelling
- Controlled direct 3D sketching with haptic and motion constraints
- Natural interaction for online documentation in industrial maintenance
- Statistical foot-shape analysis for mass-customisation of footwear
- Motivating subjects to drive in haste using time pressure in a simulated environment
- A methodology for virtual assessment of product ergonomics
- Modelling tactual experience with product materials
- An augmented reality tool to validate the assembly sequence of a discrete product
- Shareworks - a ubiquitous online learning platform for project-based learning and networking
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