14 December 2015

Special issue published: "Research Endeavours of Tony Lowe"

International Journal of Critical Accounting 7(5/6) 2015
  • Control in socio-economic organisations: a rationale for the design of management control systems (Section II)
  • Information content of financial statements, financial plans, and MCS: an integration
  • The short-term business forecasting: an analysis of a firm's sales budgeting process
  • A tribute to Tony Lowe: the man who taught me how to think
  • A personal appreciation of Professor Tony Lowe and some reflections as a student at the University of the South Pacific
  • Guardians of the galaxy: public accounting and the public interest
  • An examination of the agency theory problem of earnings management: is it an Anglo-Saxon cultural phenomenon?
  • A modern critical accountant in the French Revolution: Pierre B. Boucher of Bordeaux

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