5 October 2006

Call for papers: Special Issue on “Technology Transfer from Public to Private Sector”

International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation (IJTTC)

Call for papers: Special Issue on “Technology Transfer from Public to Private Sector”

Guest Editors:
Professor Rajesh Srivastava, Florida Gulf Coast University, USA
Professor Richard Franza, Kennesaw State University, USA

In recent decades, research and development of technology in the public sector has led to several new and innovative technology applications in the private sector. The transfer of technology from the space programme and military research and development into the private sector has yielded many technological innovations in industries such as healthcare, transportation, safety, and athletic equipment. This technology transfer has also fostered job growth and the creation and growth of companies.

However, how this transfer occurs is not always well understood or documented. Technological innovations that might have promising applications in the private sector often fail to get transferred. There could be several reasons for this failure. Often, knowledge about the technology is not disseminated well, so there is a lack of awareness regarding the technology. In other instances, the failure occurs at the incubation stage, because of lack of support. Yet again, in some instances, there are no effective channels for the technology transfer.

The goal of this special issue is to focus on the transfer of technology from the public sector (e.g., government) to the private sector. The existence of effective channels and models of technology transfer in this environment would greatly accelerate the application of several leading edge technologies.

For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, please see the Journal Call for papers website.

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