23 August 2018

Research Pick: Green manufacturing - "Bibliometric analysis of the term ‘green manufacturing"

The underlying concepts of green manufacturing seek to balance environmental concerns without loss of efficiency. Indeed, improvements in efficiency benefit any manufacturer in terms of reduced costs, lower energy bills, and less waste and so is a green motivator in itself. Now, researchers from Australia and Indonesia have reviewed dozens of research papers with a view to understanding what is meant by “green manufacturing” in more detail and how this term and concept are actually having an effect on industry. Overall, they found that the study of green manufacturing concepts is increasing but with special attention is now needed for more inter-regional research collaborations involving Asian researchers and other developing countries in specific sectors.

Setyaningsih, I., Indarti, N. and Jie, F. (2018) ‘Bibliometric analysis of the term ‘green manufacturing’’, Int. J. Management Concepts and Philosophy, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp.315–339.

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