11 April 2012

Special issue: Progress in information, communication and energy systems

International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 4(1/2) 2012

Papers from the  XLVI International Scientific Conferenceon Information, Communication and Energy Systems andTechnologies ( ICEST 2011) held in Nis, Serbia,  29 June - 1 July 2011.
  • Complex Hadamard transform of digital signals: properties and applications
  • Automated knowledge-based filter synthesis using modified Legendre approximation and optimisation of summed sensitivity
  • Synthesis of scattering parameter polynomials for digital models of microstrip structures utilising opened and short-circuited stubs
  • Programmable jitter generator
  • Methods for power minimisation in modern VLSI circuits
  • Computer modelling and simulation of the PV-boost converter system working at MPPT mode of operation
  • Properties of model with changed serving intensities in secondary group channels
  • Software module 'pentagonal dipole' based on artificial neural networks
  • Implementation of dyadic correlation and autocorrelation on graphics processors
  • The analysis of typical seasonal load duration curves of low-voltage consumers
  • Methodology for tuning PSS2A system stabilisers
  • An intelligent vehicle routing system for family farming collective organisations


lauren said...

I want to read on the topic Methodology for tuning PSS2A system stabilizers of this paper but when I try to see the PDF files on the page its not opening can you help?
sap pp tables

Ian said...

You will only get free access to the full paper if you are a subscriber. Otherwise you need to purchase it.

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