6 September 2007

Special issue: Characterisation of surface properties by nanoindentation techniques

International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 1(2/3) 2007 is a special issue: Characterisation of surface properties by nanoindentation techniques.

Article titles:
* Indentation size effect: a study via the Mechanism-based Strain-Gradient plasticity theory
* Viscoelastic effects in small-scale indentation of biological materials
* Nanoindentation characterisation of HfC-based composites
* Hybrid algorithm for identifying the nanomechanical properties of materials and thin films: application to tribological transfer films
* Short note on the potential use of a rotating indenter with respect to the next generation of nanoindenters
* A comparison of 3D finite element simulations for Berkovich and conical indentation of fused silica
* An improved analysis for viscoelastic damping in dynamic nanoindentation
* Determination of multi-parametrical transversely isotropic coating properties based on simulation of nanoindentation
* Indentation-induced crystallisation in amorphous silicon thin films

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