Policy makers and scholars alike consider entrepreneurship to be instrumental for our economic development (Schumpeter, 1934; EC, 2013). According to the European Commission (2013), entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial education reflect two of the most important avenues in the advancement of societies. These concepts are interconnected for boosting innovation, creativity, employment and economic growth.
Although research into entrepreneurship is growing and gaining legitimacy among scientific communities, only a few scholars have focused on the area of entrepreneurship education (e.g. Peterman and Kennedy 2003; Souitaris et al. 2007), in particular on its innovative aspects such as multimedia (e.g. Béchard and Grégoire, 2005), narratives (e.g. Godsey and Sebora, 2009) and special target groups for addressing youth unemployment (e.g. DeJaeghere and Baxter, 2014).
Moreover, research in this area of entrepreneurship is inconclusive (Lorz et al., 2013; Rideout and Gray, 2013; Bae et al., 2014), with several previous studies finding a positive impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial perceptions regarding attractiveness and feasibility (e.g. Peterman and Kennedy 2003; Fayolle et al. 2006). However, other studies have produced evidence that the effects are either mixed, negative or not significant (e.g. Souitaris et al. 2007; Oosterbeek et al. 2010; von Graevenitz et al., 2010).
As a result, this special issue is open to conceptual and empirical papers that explore the relationship between entrepreneurial education and new venture creation with a special focus on youth entrepreneurship.
Bae, T.J., Qian, S., Miao, C. and Fiet, J.O. (2014) 'The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Meta-Analytic Review', Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 217-254.
Béchard, J.-P. and Grégoire, D. (2005) 'Entrepreneurship Education Research Revisited: The Case of Higher Education', Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 22-43.
DeJaeghere, J. and Baxter, A. (2014) 'Entrepreneurship education for youth in sub-Saharan Africa: A capabilities approach as an alternative framework to neoliberalism's individualizing risks', Progress in Development Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 61-76.
EC (2013) Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, Reigniting the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe. Brussels: European Commission.
Fayolle, A., Gailly, B. and Lassas-Clerc, N. (2006) 'Assessing the impact of entrepreneurship education programmes: a new methodology', Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 30, No. 8/9, pp. 701-720.
Godsey, M.L. and Sebora, T.C. (2009) Part IV: Chapter 11: Tell Us Your Story: The Use Of Role Model Narratives In Entrepreneurship Education: Center for Advanced Studies in Management, 245-272.
Lorz, M., Mueller, S. and Volery, T. (2013) 'Entrepreneurship Education: A Systematic Review Of The Methods In Impact Studies', Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 123-151.
Oosterbeek, H., van Praag, M. and Ijsselstein, A. (2010) 'The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship skills and motivation', European Economic Review, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 442-454.
Peterman, N.E. and Kennedy, J. (2003) 'Enterprise Education: Influencing Students' Perceptions of Entrepreneurship', Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 129-144.
Rideout, E.C. and Gray, D.O. (2013) 'Does Entrepreneurship Education Really Work? A Review and Methodological Critique of the Empirical Literature on the Effects of University-Based Entrepreneurship Education', Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 329-351.
Schumpeter, J.A. (1934) The theory of economic development, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Souitaris, V., Zerbinati, S. and Al-Laham, A. (2007) 'Do entrepreneurship programmes raise entrepreneurial intention of science and engineering students? The effect of learning, inspiration and resources', Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 566-591.
von Graevenitz, G., Harhoff, D. and Weber, R. (2010) 'The effects of entrepreneurship education', Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 76, No. 1, pp. 90-112.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Linkages between youth and entrepreneurship education
- Youth and entrepreneurship across disciplines
- International comparative studies on youth entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial intentions, behaviour, motivation and awareness
- Entrepreneurial opportunities
- Business models of young entrepreneurs
- Innovative teaching concepts and models in entrepreneurship education
- Theorising in entrepreneurship education
- Approaches of entrepreneurship education outcomes and impact
- Reviews, beta analyses and bibliometric analyses on extant entrepreneurship education literature
- Experiential versus cognitive approaches in entrepreneurial learning
- Entrepreneurship education for different target groups (e.g. non-business students, etc.)
Important Dates
Submission of manuscripts: 31 August, 2016
Notification to authors: 30 September, 2016
Final versions due: 30 April, 2017
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