13 July 2024

Special issue published: "Sustainable Finance, Governance and Business Ethics"

International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 18(4/5) 2024

  • Investment in ESG activities and bank performance: does bank ownership matter?
  • CSR investment and operating and financial leverage under competitive pressure
  • Do CEO debt-like compensations promote investment efficiency?
  • Financial expert CEOs and corporate social responsibility decoupling
  • Cost-benefit analysis economic evaluation of CSR projects: evidence from Morocco
  • The effect of corporate social responsibility on European bank credit ratings
  • ESG dimensions, firm performance and corporate governance systems
  • Politically connected CEOs and risk-taking behaviour: comparative evidence from private and foreign-owned banks in China
  • Moving towards sustainable waste management: a critical analysis of corporate governance
  • Stock market integration in emerging markets in the spectre of the global financial crisis
  • Corporate social responsibility and debt maturity: the moderating role of CSR reporting quality

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