23 May 2007

Special issue: Behavioural economics, business decision making and applied policy analysis

Global Business and Economics Review 9(2/3) 2007 is a special issue: Behavioural economics, business decision making and applied policy analysis.

Article titles:
* Seeking a realistic way of individual decision making
* The link between incentives and product performance in open source development: an empirical investigation
* Knowledge and the valuation of public goods and experiential commodities: information provision and acquisition
* Examining the impact of relative standing using an ultimatum bargaining game experiment
* Behavioural economics and entrepreneurial decision making: two tax measures to help
* The psychology of economic forecasting
* Note on ways of saving: mental mechanisms as tools for self-control?
* Entrepreneur's interpretation, innovation and coordination in Austrian subjectivist perspective
* Ideology and positive economic beliefs: some experimental and survey evidence
* Can mass media and the educational institutions change the entrepreneurial culture? A study of how a single story can change the risk-taking behaviour of individuals
* Economic growth, 'globalisation' and labour power
* Tailoring globalisation to national needs and well-being: one size never fits all

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