9 August 2006

Posting papers on websites and in repositories

Any author of a paper in Inderscience journals can post a postprint of their paper (that is, the author's post-peer review, accepted paper as submitted for final publication by Inderscience) on the author's personal web pages or in a repository operated by the institution to which the author is affiliated. In all cases, full acknowledgement in the form of a full citation must be given to the journal as the original source of publication, together with a link to the journal web page.


Cody Earl Murphy said...

1. John Proctor admits to his wife, saying, “you asked me and like a good Christian I admitted it.” So he pretty much confesses.
2. He tells Elizabeth that she is mad and he doesn’t want to testify and expose her because he still has feelings for Abby and doesn’t want to see her get hurt for something he knows isn’t true.
3. Mary Warren comes to court and tells everyone that Goody Osborne has been sentenced and is going to hang.
4. Proctor doesn’t whip Mary because Mary testified that Elizabeth never did any devil’s work and now she won’t be hung.
5. Proctor gets questioned by Reverend Hale because Proctor hasn’t been coming to church lately. And Hale thinks Proctor’s responses credit him as a witch.
6. Because Others like Goody Osborne and Tituba have already testified that they are/were witches.
7. Martha Corey is charged with bewitching pigs and Rebecca Nurse for witchcraft and killing the Putnam’s’ kids. Evidence doesn’t matter anymore because everyone is in a state of panic.
8. Abigail places a Voodoo doll of herself in Elizabeth’s house because she loves proctor and wants to be with him so she needs Elizabeth out of the picture.
9. Hale is a coward because he is doing nothing to stop panic and he’s just making the situation worse than it is.
10. Mary thinks that Abigail really is and actual witch and if she testifies against her Abigail will actually bewitch her.

Anonymous said...

1. Because he’s the one who first lead Parris to believe she was a witch because he said she was reading weird books and he couldn’t pray.
2. Parris automatically assumes they’re guilty, but hale kind of gives them a somewhat fair chance at being innocent.
3. Because if Mary was lying, than all the other girls are also lying about being witches and about who they saw with the devil.
4. The people who signed the disposition in support of Elizabeth, Martha and Rebecca will need to be questioned. This shows that everyone is included and no one is left out from the process.
5. Giles doesn’t want the man to get the same thing his wife got. He’s probably making up stuff to get out of trouble.
6. Proctor says she is a witch, therefore can murder.
7. Elizabeth is VERY hesitant to admit that her husband committed adultery and John has to yell at her, but she still holds true and doesn’t tell them about John and Abby. She loves Proctor and would do anything to save him.
8. Hale’s friends are now becoming accused witches and he doesn’t want to get them in trouble so his attitude changes.
9. If Mary didn’t, danforth threatened to hang her for not opening up with him. So she sides with Abby and tells the court John es El Witcho.