International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB)
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Sponsored Search”
Guest Editors:Bernard J. Jansen, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Abdur Chowdhury, AOL and the Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
In 1998, the Idea Labs introduced the concept of sponsored search in a response to spam that was plaguing search engine results. The sponsored search model has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry that could, has, and is changing the way that information is delivered on the Web, search engines are financed, and organisations spend their advertising dollars. Because of its uniquely dynamic contextual interplay among participants, sponsored search has implications for marketing practices, information searching theories, advertising models, and Web systems, along with information architecture.
This dynamic information seeking process has ramifications for how one views human information behavior in the vibrant, multi-actor environment of the Web. There are economic ramifications and potential consequences in terms of ecommerce, political discussions, educational issues and social participation. Sponsored search, in other words, is both a rich area for research and an area with significant implications for businesses, systems, searchers, and content.
This special issue will be devoted to bringing together marketing professionals, computer scientists, information scientists, Web search researchers, economists, and Web entrepreneurs to address fundamental issues in designing sponsored search systems and propose ways to apply these systems to improve the quality of human life.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
30 July 2006
29 July 2006
2006 Journals Catalogue
A reminder that the Inderscience 2006 Journals Catalogue is available for downloading.

The Catalogue gives details of some 170 Inderscience titles, along with pricing information and an order form.
Inderscince has been publishing high-quality, double-blind peer-reviewed professional international journals for more than 25 years. Inderscience offers flexible subscription plans and packages so that you can build the collection you want, tailored to your requirements.
To request a print copy of the 2006 Journals Catalogue, email: or fax: +44 (0)1234 240515.
The Catalogue gives details of some 170 Inderscience titles, along with pricing information and an order form.
Inderscince has been publishing high-quality, double-blind peer-reviewed professional international journals for more than 25 years. Inderscience offers flexible subscription plans and packages so that you can build the collection you want, tailored to your requirements.
To request a print copy of the 2006 Journals Catalogue, email: or fax: +44 (0)1234 240515.
27 July 2006
Wireless sensor networks
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing v1 (4) 2006 is a special issue: Wireless Sensor Networks with 8 papers on routing, load balancing, performance, etc.
25 July 2006
Treatment technologies for industrial and urban wastewaters developed and applied in the Mediterranean countries
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management v6 (5) 2006 is a special issue: Treatment Technologies for Industrial and Urban Wastewaters Developed and Applied in the Mediterranean Countries with 8 papers from eastern Mediterranean countries.
Photo electrochemical treatment of water and waste water
International Journal of Environment and Pollution v27 (1/2/3) 2006 is a special issue: Photo Electrochemical Treatment of Water and Waste Water with 17 papers.
New title: International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies is a newly announced title to begin publication later this year. It is intended to serve as the primary international outlet for theoretical and empirical research in all areas of economic policy concerning Russia, the post-Soviet states, China, and other former planned economies. It encourages original scientific contributions on policy relevant analysis and articles which are empirical in nature, with emphasis on the application of modern economic theory and methods of quantitative analysis.
New title: International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance
International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance is a newly announced title to begin publication later this year. It addresses the advancement of contemporary research in the field of international monetary economics and finance. It is an internationally competitive, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to serve as the primary outlet for theoretical and empirical research in all areas of international monetary economics and finance. The journal seeks to publish thought-provoking, policy relevant analysis.
New title: International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics
International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics is a newly announced title to begin publication later this year. It will publish original papers, review papers, technical reports, case studies, conference reports, management reports, book reviews, notes, commentaries, and news on security related issues, new developments and latest proven methodologies in the field of electronic security and digital forensics. This includes the measures governments must take to protect the security of information on the Internet, the implications of cyber-crime in large corporations and individuals, vulnerability research, zero day attacks, digital forensic investigation, ethical hacking, anti-forensics, identity fraud, phishing, pharming, and relevant case studies and “best practise” on tackling cyber crime.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: Theoretical and Experimental Developments in Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer in Nanostructures and Nanocomposites
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing (IJNM)
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Theoretical and Experimental Developments in Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer in Nanostructures and Nanocomposites"
Guest Editors: Professor Andreas Öchsner and Professor Nasar Ali, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
This special issue addresses the modelling, characterisation and affects of heat and mass transfer at nanoscale in general and in nanostructures and composites in particular. It also reports the recent theoretical and experimental developments made with nanoscale heat and mass transfer in nanostructures and nanocomposites.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Theoretical and Experimental Developments in Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer in Nanostructures and Nanocomposites"
Guest Editors: Professor Andreas Öchsner and Professor Nasar Ali, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
This special issue addresses the modelling, characterisation and affects of heat and mass transfer at nanoscale in general and in nanostructures and composites in particular. It also reports the recent theoretical and experimental developments made with nanoscale heat and mass transfer in nanostructures and nanocomposites.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special issue on: “Experimental and Numerical Methods for Nanomanufacturing Processes”
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing (IJNM)
Call for papers: Special issue on: “Experimental and Numerical Methods for Nanomanufacturing Processes”
This special issue of IJNM invites the submission of high quality research articles on recent advances in experimental methods, numerical modelling and analysis of nanomanufacturing processes.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special issue on: “Experimental and Numerical Methods for Nanomanufacturing Processes”
This special issue of IJNM invites the submission of high quality research articles on recent advances in experimental methods, numerical modelling and analysis of nanomanufacturing processes.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Traditional, Alternative, Complementary Medicine”
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WRSTSD)
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Traditional, Alternative, Complementary Medicine”
Guest Editor: Dr. Sundus Tewfik, University of Westminster, UK.
Recent advances in integrated and community medicine have motivated a lot of research in the direction of traditional, alternative, complementary therapies. Such combined specialities may have a wide range of applications, including assessments, interventions and surveillance of complex syndromes. They are bringing many new challenges and considerations in combating illnesses, which go well beyond the realm of conventional medicine.
Given the overwhelming interest in traditional, alternative, complementary therapies in Western countries and their extensive usage in developing countries, this special issue is intended to foster the dissemination of high quality research in evaluating efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness and accessibility of traditional, alternative and complementary therapies in disease management. Furthermore, it aims to determine how some of these therapies can be integrated into clinical practice to improve patient care.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Traditional, Alternative, Complementary Medicine”
Guest Editor: Dr. Sundus Tewfik, University of Westminster, UK.
Recent advances in integrated and community medicine have motivated a lot of research in the direction of traditional, alternative, complementary therapies. Such combined specialities may have a wide range of applications, including assessments, interventions and surveillance of complex syndromes. They are bringing many new challenges and considerations in combating illnesses, which go well beyond the realm of conventional medicine.
Given the overwhelming interest in traditional, alternative, complementary therapies in Western countries and their extensive usage in developing countries, this special issue is intended to foster the dissemination of high quality research in evaluating efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness and accessibility of traditional, alternative and complementary therapies in disease management. Furthermore, it aims to determine how some of these therapies can be integrated into clinical practice to improve patient care.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special issue on: “Knowledge Management”
International Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS)
Call for papers: Special issue on: “Knowledge Management”
Guest Editor: Dr Amit Mitra, Cranfield University, UK.
This special issue of IJBIS has set itself an ambitious aim of encouraging thought provoking research papers from a variety of perspectives that would include the technological as well as more applied work directed towards human and organisational pattern identifications. It is expected that such hitherto unpublished research will broaden understanding as well as illuminate challenges in knowledge management.
The special issue is targeted towards three types of groups, viz. practitioners, theoreticians, researchers and students of knowledge management. With maturity of research on knowledge management, it is expected that additional insights on how challenges are being addressed in industry, institutions and society will be brought forward to benefit the mentioned groups. The special issue will provide a platform for sharing examples of success and direct attention to where work remains embryonic.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special issue on: “Knowledge Management”
Guest Editor: Dr Amit Mitra, Cranfield University, UK.
This special issue of IJBIS has set itself an ambitious aim of encouraging thought provoking research papers from a variety of perspectives that would include the technological as well as more applied work directed towards human and organisational pattern identifications. It is expected that such hitherto unpublished research will broaden understanding as well as illuminate challenges in knowledge management.
The special issue is targeted towards three types of groups, viz. practitioners, theoreticians, researchers and students of knowledge management. With maturity of research on knowledge management, it is expected that additional insights on how challenges are being addressed in industry, institutions and society will be brought forward to benefit the mentioned groups. The special issue will provide a platform for sharing examples of success and direct attention to where work remains embryonic.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
24 July 2006
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Experimental Research in e-Marketing”
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising (IJIMA)
Special Issue on: “Experimental Research in e-Marketing”
Guest Editors: David R. Fortin, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Paul W. Ballantine, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Several studies in the field of e-marketing have relied on survey research or limited observations of consumer/user/viewer behaviour to draw limited conclusions in non-controlled environments. The purpose of this special issue is to uncover research studies where conditions of exposure have been manipulated under the strict requirements of the experimental method, using either lab settings or active online sites and storefronts.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Special Issue on: “Experimental Research in e-Marketing”
Guest Editors: David R. Fortin, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Paul W. Ballantine, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Several studies in the field of e-marketing have relied on survey research or limited observations of consumer/user/viewer behaviour to draw limited conclusions in non-controlled environments. The purpose of this special issue is to uncover research studies where conditions of exposure have been manipulated under the strict requirements of the experimental method, using either lab settings or active online sites and storefronts.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Quality in Multi-Channel Services Employing Virtual Channels”
International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM)
Special Issue on: “Quality in Multi-Channel Services Employing Virtual Channels”
Guest Editor: Dr. Rui Sousa, Catholic University of Portugal (Porto), Portugal
The purpose of this special issue is to advance research on service quality in multi-channel Service Delivery Systems (SDSs) employing virtual channels.
Papers may focus on developing and/or testing theory, understanding practice and identifying future research directions, among other possible emphases.
Topics of relevance to this special issue include (but are not limited to):
Special Issue on: “Quality in Multi-Channel Services Employing Virtual Channels”
Guest Editor: Dr. Rui Sousa, Catholic University of Portugal (Porto), Portugal
The purpose of this special issue is to advance research on service quality in multi-channel Service Delivery Systems (SDSs) employing virtual channels.
Papers may focus on developing and/or testing theory, understanding practice and identifying future research directions, among other possible emphases.
Topics of relevance to this special issue include (but are not limited to):
- Theoretical frameworks for service quality in multi-channel services employing virtual channels
- Development of measurement instruments to assess the quality of multi-channel service at two levels: i) components of services provided through individual virtual channels (e.g., how can we define and measure the quality of a service component provided through a web site?; or a mobile device?); ii) quality of an overall service made up of service components provided through a range of channels (e.g., how can we define and measure the quality of the overall service provided through multiple channels?)
- Design of multi-channel service offers. What is the appropriate combination of the service components and delivery channels in order to maximize overall service quality?
- To what extent do customers value channel choice in service provision? (i.e., does the increased complexity and cost of operating multiple channels have a market payoff?)
- Design of multi-channel SDSs. What elements constitute a specification for the design of a multi-channel SDS? What methodologies can be used for designing high quality multi-channel SDSs?
- Integration issues arising in multi-channel SDSs. How can service providers integrate service components, channels, organisational processes and technologies, in order to provide high quality seamless multi-channel service?
- Control of multi-channel SDSs. How can multi-channel services be adequately monitored and controlled? How can we ensure consistency of service across different channels?
- Fulfillment for (information-based) service components provided through virtual channels. How is fulfillment different from traditional services?
- Provision of effective customer support and service recovery
- Exploratory or theory-building case studies
23 July 2006
Mass customisation case studies
International Journal of Mass Customisation v1 (4) 2006 is a special issue - Mass Customisation Case Studies: Cases From The International Mass Customisation Case Collection, comprising 9 papers.
22 July 2006
Vehicle control systems
International Journal of Vehicle Design v42 (3/4) 2006 is a special issue: Vehicle Control Systems with 9 papers dealing with steering, suspension and tracking.
19 July 2006
Human resource development and management – in the Australian public and not for profit sector
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management v6 (2/3/4) 2006 is a special issue: Human Resource Development and Management – in the Australian Public and Not For Profit Sector – New Dynamics and New Challenges. The 12 papers look at areas such as education, the military, nurses, call centres and international non-governmental organisations.
European regions and innovation policy
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy v2 (3/4) 2006 is a special issue: European Regions and Innovation Policy with papers dealing with Wales, Catalonia, Rhone-Alpes and other areas.
18 July 2006
Financing SME innovation: venture capital and other practices in Latin America and Europe
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management v6 (4/5) 2006 is a special issue of 13 papers: Financing SME innovation: venture capital and other practices in Latin America and Europe.
17 July 2006
From Isolated Islands Towards Interlinked Communities
International Journal of Web Based Communities v2 (2) 2006 is a special issue 'From Isolated Islands Towards Interlinked Communities' with 8 papers on the development of virtual communities.
Driver Comfort and Safety: Measurements on Vehicle Drivers
International Journal of Vehicle Design v42 (1/2) 2006 is a special issue on Driver Comfort and Safety: Measurements on Vehicle Drivers. The 14 papers cover aspects of thermal and postural comfort in motor vehicles and aircraft.
Social network survey paper
'Social network survey paper' by Donna M. Ehrlich from Nova Southeastern University, in International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital v3 (2) 2006, 167 - 177 investigates recent studies of the concept of social networks through several different areas of interests, including the World Wide Web and human and biological sciences in the economic arena. The concepts of social network are identified in relation to the economics of business and the findings of several research analysts are discussed.
16 July 2006
Atoms for Peace - special Nobel Peace Prize issue
Atoms for Peace: an International Journal v1(2/3) 2006 is a special issue to mark the award of the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize to the IAEA and its Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei "for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way".
The 17 papers look at peaceful uses of nuclear energy in many countries.
The 17 papers look at peaceful uses of nuclear energy in many countries.
12 July 2006
Call for papers: Special issue on: “International Branding and Marketing Communications”
Journal for Global Business Advancement (JGBA)
Special issue on: “International Branding and Marketing Communications”
Guest Editors:
Dr. Demetris Vrontis, Intercollege, Cyprus
Dr. Ioanna Papasolomou, Intercollege, Cyprus
Dr. Tony Proctor, Chester Business School, UK
The articles in this special issue will present current, state-of-art research and critical thinking, designed to equip scholars and practitioners with the knowledge base necessary in this specific area of marketing.
Each article will cover the core theories, essential research tools, and emerging perspectives in important areas or specific topics in international marketing communications. Specifically, papers should be related to marketing communications, with specific reference to advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, e-marketing, public relations, publicity, exhibitions, sponsorship, word of mouth communication and branding. As markets are becoming increasingly more competitive, papers should consider the ways in which marketing communications can help corporations to face the challenges and opportunities that arise in the global marketplace. Papers will only be considered for publication if they examine effectively marketing communications.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Special issue on: “International Branding and Marketing Communications”
Guest Editors:
Dr. Demetris Vrontis, Intercollege, Cyprus
Dr. Ioanna Papasolomou, Intercollege, Cyprus
Dr. Tony Proctor, Chester Business School, UK
The articles in this special issue will present current, state-of-art research and critical thinking, designed to equip scholars and practitioners with the knowledge base necessary in this specific area of marketing.
Each article will cover the core theories, essential research tools, and emerging perspectives in important areas or specific topics in international marketing communications. Specifically, papers should be related to marketing communications, with specific reference to advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, e-marketing, public relations, publicity, exhibitions, sponsorship, word of mouth communication and branding. As markets are becoming increasingly more competitive, papers should consider the ways in which marketing communications can help corporations to face the challenges and opportunities that arise in the global marketplace. Papers will only be considered for publication if they examine effectively marketing communications.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special issue on: “Breaking the Barriers – The Role of the Internet in the International Marketing of SMEs”
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising (IJIMA)
Special issue on: “Breaking the Barriers – The Role of the Internet in the International Marketing of SMEs”
Guest Editors:
Demetris Vrontis, Associate Dean, School of Business, Intercollege, Cyprus
Alkis Thrassou, Head, Marketing Department, School of Business, Intercollege, Cyprus
The debate on global marketing has captured the interest of both academics and practitioners and has produced a wide array of divergent viewpoints. While the subject of international marketing itself is much discussed, it rarely concentrates on smaller organisations, thereby overlooking a vital segment of businesses and underestimating their international potentialities. The internet is indisputably a principal tool of the international marketing strategies of SMEs and the first true leverage against the larger more powerful competitors.
Aiming at the epicentre of world business transformation, this Special Issue will attempt to fill this knowledge-gap by attracting papers on SME internationalisation involving substantial utilisation of the internet. It intends to provide an outlet for research on small businesses and the role of the internet in the development and implementation of their international marketing strategies. The work will cover marketing situations, analyses and cases that can be useful for academics and practitioners.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Special issue on: “Breaking the Barriers – The Role of the Internet in the International Marketing of SMEs”
Guest Editors:
Demetris Vrontis, Associate Dean, School of Business, Intercollege, Cyprus
Alkis Thrassou, Head, Marketing Department, School of Business, Intercollege, Cyprus
The debate on global marketing has captured the interest of both academics and practitioners and has produced a wide array of divergent viewpoints. While the subject of international marketing itself is much discussed, it rarely concentrates on smaller organisations, thereby overlooking a vital segment of businesses and underestimating their international potentialities. The internet is indisputably a principal tool of the international marketing strategies of SMEs and the first true leverage against the larger more powerful competitors.
Aiming at the epicentre of world business transformation, this Special Issue will attempt to fill this knowledge-gap by attracting papers on SME internationalisation involving substantial utilisation of the internet. It intends to provide an outlet for research on small businesses and the role of the internet in the development and implementation of their international marketing strategies. The work will cover marketing situations, analyses and cases that can be useful for academics and practitioners.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Interaction between Agents and Data Mining”
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems (IJIIDS)
Special Issue on: “Interaction between Agents and Data Mining”
Guest Editors:
Dr. Longbing Cao, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Dr. Zili Zhang, Deakin University, Australia
Prof. Vladimir I. Gorodetski, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Prof. Chengqi Zhang, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
In the last decade, agents and data mining have emerged as two of most dynamic areas in information technology field. The nature and complementarity of both areas foreshadows an emergent trend that is the increasing interaction between agents and data mining. As a result, both sides are greatly enhanced in terms of solving existing individual challenges and innovating new research and development opportunities. This interaction will greatly strengthen the progress of each side, and trigger new R&D challenges and prospects towards the advancement of next-generation intelligent technologies and systems as well as the enrichment of integrated intelligence and other emergent aspects.
This special issue, as one of the earliest contributions on this critical topic, aims to encourage the interaction between agents and data mining towards mutual enhancement and super-intelligent synergism. It will bring together researchers and industry practitioners from both areas to share the results of R&D and discuss the existing and emerging theoretical and applied problems in the interaction and evolution.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Special Issue on: “Interaction between Agents and Data Mining”
Guest Editors:
Dr. Longbing Cao, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Dr. Zili Zhang, Deakin University, Australia
Prof. Vladimir I. Gorodetski, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Prof. Chengqi Zhang, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
In the last decade, agents and data mining have emerged as two of most dynamic areas in information technology field. The nature and complementarity of both areas foreshadows an emergent trend that is the increasing interaction between agents and data mining. As a result, both sides are greatly enhanced in terms of solving existing individual challenges and innovating new research and development opportunities. This interaction will greatly strengthen the progress of each side, and trigger new R&D challenges and prospects towards the advancement of next-generation intelligent technologies and systems as well as the enrichment of integrated intelligence and other emergent aspects.
This special issue, as one of the earliest contributions on this critical topic, aims to encourage the interaction between agents and data mining towards mutual enhancement and super-intelligent synergism. It will bring together researchers and industry practitioners from both areas to share the results of R&D and discuss the existing and emerging theoretical and applied problems in the interaction and evolution.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Knowledge Dynamics in Semantic Web and Social Networks”
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems (IJIIDS)
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Knowledge Dynamics in Semantic Web and Social Networks”
Guest Editors:Jason J. Jung, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France
Krzysztof Juszczyszyn, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
We invite quality papers which present new techniques, models, case studies, and applications relevant to the semantic modelling of social networks, network evolution and predicting network structure, and the role of ontologies in networked environments. Of particular interest are papers which give new perspectives to Semantic Web by placing its technologies in the context of dynamically changing networked communities.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Knowledge Dynamics in Semantic Web and Social Networks”
Guest Editors:Jason J. Jung, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France
Krzysztof Juszczyszyn, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
We invite quality papers which present new techniques, models, case studies, and applications relevant to the semantic modelling of social networks, network evolution and predicting network structure, and the role of ontologies in networked environments. Of particular interest are papers which give new perspectives to Semantic Web by placing its technologies in the context of dynamically changing networked communities.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special issue on "Future Research Directions in Industrial Engineering Discipline”
International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy (IJFIP)
Call for papers: Special issue on "Future Research Directions in Industrial Engineering Discipline”
The aim of this special issue is to identify the future research issues for the industrial engineering discipline in the light of global challenges.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Information systems
Software engineering
Rapid manufacturing
Logistics and supply chain management
Healthcare delivery and management
Any other related topics and issues
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special issue on "Future Research Directions in Industrial Engineering Discipline”
The aim of this special issue is to identify the future research issues for the industrial engineering discipline in the light of global challenges.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Information systems
Software engineering
Rapid manufacturing
Logistics and supply chain management
Healthcare delivery and management
Any other related topics and issues
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
11 July 2006
Product Lifecycle Management Conference published
The proceedings of the Third International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, PLM'06: Going beyond product development and delivery, held at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, on the 10-12th July 2006 are now available in print or online
The 29 papers presented at the conference cover the spectrum of topics from early stages issues such as portfolio management and innovation, knowledge management to business issues in the product lifecycle. Exchange of product information continues to be a dominant issue of interest judging by the number of papers in this area. An interesting development has been the increase in the number of papers addressing lifecycle issues in the context of cost and retirement indicating the importance academia and industry are beginning to place on this aspect.
Ordering details and contents are available. The price is 160 euros.
The 29 papers presented at the conference cover the spectrum of topics from early stages issues such as portfolio management and innovation, knowledge management to business issues in the product lifecycle. Exchange of product information continues to be a dominant issue of interest judging by the number of papers in this area. An interesting development has been the increase in the number of papers addressing lifecycle issues in the context of cost and retirement indicating the importance academia and industry are beginning to place on this aspect.
Ordering details and contents are available. The price is 160 euros.
9 July 2006
International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics - first issue
The first issue of International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics has been published.
The aims of the journal are:
- to establish an effective channel of communication between policy makers, government agencies, academic and research institutions and persons concerned with the science and technology of service operations and information technology and
- to promote research and practice of new strategies, operations, and technologies for realising competitive advantages of both service providers and enablers around the world
You can see the contents of the issue.
The aims of the journal are:
- to establish an effective channel of communication between policy makers, government agencies, academic and research institutions and persons concerned with the science and technology of service operations and information technology and
- to promote research and practice of new strategies, operations, and technologies for realising competitive advantages of both service providers and enablers around the world
You can see the contents of the issue.
2 July 2006
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Interdisciplinary Design of Algorithms and Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSNet)
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Interdisciplinary Design of Algorithms and Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”
Guest Editors:
Dr. Kun Yang, University of Essex, UK
Dr. Jie Li, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Prof. Alan Marshall, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Dr. Yao Ma, Iowa State University, USA
This Special Issue is to provide a compelling forum for researchers and practitioners to present their results and to track the state-of-the-art researches that are particularly inspired by nature, society, economic and other disciplines in this rapidly evolving sensor networks field.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Interdisciplinary Design of Algorithms and Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”
Guest Editors:
Dr. Kun Yang, University of Essex, UK
Dr. Jie Li, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Prof. Alan Marshall, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Dr. Yao Ma, Iowa State University, USA
This Special Issue is to provide a compelling forum for researchers and practitioners to present their results and to track the state-of-the-art researches that are particularly inspired by nature, society, economic and other disciplines in this rapidly evolving sensor networks field.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Digital Manufacturing”
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM)
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Digital Manufacturing”
Guest Editor: Dr Lidong Wang, Mississippi State University, USA
The objective of this special issue is to publish the state-of-the-art in digital manufacturing.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Integrated CAD/CAE/CAM
CAPP and PDM (Product Data Management)
CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine) measuring and CAI (Computer Aided Inspection)
Digital geometry processing
Manufacturing documentation, shop-floor instruction and collaboration
Manufacturing systems based on the Internet
Rapid prototyping
Nano manufacturing and Nano CAD
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call for papers: Special Issue on: “Digital Manufacturing”
Guest Editor: Dr Lidong Wang, Mississippi State University, USA
The objective of this special issue is to publish the state-of-the-art in digital manufacturing.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Integrated CAD/CAE/CAM
CAPP and PDM (Product Data Management)
CMM (Coordinate Measurement Machine) measuring and CAI (Computer Aided Inspection)
Digital geometry processing
Manufacturing documentation, shop-floor instruction and collaboration
Manufacturing systems based on the Internet
Rapid prototyping
Nano manufacturing and Nano CAD
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Learning and Interacting in the Web: Social Networks and Social Software in the Web 2.0”
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL)
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Learning and Interacting in the Web: Social Networks and Social Software in the Web 2.0”
Guest Editors:
Sheizaf Rafaeli, University of Haifa, Israel
Stephen Downes, National Research Council Canada, Canada
Miltiadis Lytras, University of Patras, Greece
Ambjorn Naeve, Royal Insitute of Technology, Sweden
We invite open minds - academics and practitioners alike - to contribute their research on how social networks and social software create new opportunities, exploiting leading edge approaches in the design and modelling of systems towards the vision of Web 2.0
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Social network analysis as applied to the Web
New forms of interaction in social systems
FOAF and other metadata schema describing individuals and social ties
Folksonomies, tagging and other collaboration-based categorisation systems
Sharing contents in on-line communities
Blogging as a social activity and approaches to semantic blogs
Wikis, semantic Wikis and other collaborative knowledge creation systems
Collaborative filtering in social settings
Analysing social interaction for finding knowledge on Web users
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Learning and Interacting in the Web: Social Networks and Social Software in the Web 2.0”
Guest Editors:
Sheizaf Rafaeli, University of Haifa, Israel
Stephen Downes, National Research Council Canada, Canada
Miltiadis Lytras, University of Patras, Greece
Ambjorn Naeve, Royal Insitute of Technology, Sweden
We invite open minds - academics and practitioners alike - to contribute their research on how social networks and social software create new opportunities, exploiting leading edge approaches in the design and modelling of systems towards the vision of Web 2.0
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Social network analysis as applied to the Web
New forms of interaction in social systems
FOAF and other metadata schema describing individuals and social ties
Folksonomies, tagging and other collaboration-based categorisation systems
Sharing contents in on-line communities
Blogging as a social activity and approaches to semantic blogs
Wikis, semantic Wikis and other collaborative knowledge creation systems
Collaborative filtering in social settings
Analysing social interaction for finding knowledge on Web users
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special issue on: “Mobile Marketing: Requirements, Opportunities, and Challenges”
International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB)
Call For papers: Special issue on: “Mobile Marketing: Requirements, Opportunities, and Challenges”
Guest Editors: Indranil Bose and Patrick Y.K. Chau, The University of Hong Kong
This special issue will focus on advancing research in mobile marketing by publishing forward-thinking, rigorous research that concentrates on designing, managing, and evaluating mobile marketing activities in today’s rapidly changing electronic business environment. The special issue encourages research examining different types of problems encountered in mobile marketing ranging from strategic or operational decision making to technical issues that occur in the execution of the marketing activities. Research from diverse academic disciplines such as operations management, information systems, marketing, strategic management, organisational behavior, and technology management are welcome.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special issue on: “Mobile Marketing: Requirements, Opportunities, and Challenges”
Guest Editors: Indranil Bose and Patrick Y.K. Chau, The University of Hong Kong
This special issue will focus on advancing research in mobile marketing by publishing forward-thinking, rigorous research that concentrates on designing, managing, and evaluating mobile marketing activities in today’s rapidly changing electronic business environment. The special issue encourages research examining different types of problems encountered in mobile marketing ranging from strategic or operational decision making to technical issues that occur in the execution of the marketing activities. Research from diverse academic disciplines such as operations management, information systems, marketing, strategic management, organisational behavior, and technology management are welcome.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Computer Based Design and Manufacturing”
International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM)
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Computer Based Design and Manufacturing”
Guest Editors: Professor Ali K. Kamrani, Professor Hamid R. Parsaei and Dr. Emad S. Abouel Nasr, University of Houston, USA
The purpose of this IJMTM special issue is to promote and disseminate research that deals with managing the integration problem in both design and manufacturing domains. It will offer researchers and practitioners the most recent concepts, methodologies, and techniques in this important field of enquiry. The issue is also targeted towards professors and research associates within universities and colleges in Industrial engineering, manufacturing engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering and engineering managements.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Computer Based Design and Manufacturing”
Guest Editors: Professor Ali K. Kamrani, Professor Hamid R. Parsaei and Dr. Emad S. Abouel Nasr, University of Houston, USA
The purpose of this IJMTM special issue is to promote and disseminate research that deals with managing the integration problem in both design and manufacturing domains. It will offer researchers and practitioners the most recent concepts, methodologies, and techniques in this important field of enquiry. The issue is also targeted towards professors and research associates within universities and colleges in Industrial engineering, manufacturing engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering and engineering managements.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Data Mining: Intelligent Data Discovery and Knowledge Management”
International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS)
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Data Mining: Intelligent Data Discovery and Knowledge Management”
Guest Editors:
Professor Ali K. Kamrani and Professor Hamid R. Parsaei, University of Houston, USA
Mahammad Aloudat, Baker Oil Tools, USA
Data mining deals with the discovery of hidden knowledge, unexpected patterns and new rules from large databases. It is regarded as the key element of a much more elaborate process called knowledge discovery in databases, or KDD, which is closely linked to data warehousing. Data mining can bring significant gains to organisations, for example through better-targeted marketing and enhanced internal performance. The long-term goal of data mining is to create a self-learning organisation that makes optimal use of the information it generates.
The goal of this special issue is to cover a variety of topics and issues related to data mining with specific application to knowledge discovery. Each manuscript will be reviewed; the reviewers will be from a pool of academic and practitioners who have demonstrated to have worked in similar problem areas. The targeted readerships are professional, technical and academic (research directors, managers, professors, research associates, etc.)
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Data Mining: Intelligent Data Discovery and Knowledge Management”
Guest Editors:
Professor Ali K. Kamrani and Professor Hamid R. Parsaei, University of Houston, USA
Mahammad Aloudat, Baker Oil Tools, USA
Data mining deals with the discovery of hidden knowledge, unexpected patterns and new rules from large databases. It is regarded as the key element of a much more elaborate process called knowledge discovery in databases, or KDD, which is closely linked to data warehousing. Data mining can bring significant gains to organisations, for example through better-targeted marketing and enhanced internal performance. The long-term goal of data mining is to create a self-learning organisation that makes optimal use of the information it generates.
The goal of this special issue is to cover a variety of topics and issues related to data mining with specific application to knowledge discovery. Each manuscript will be reviewed; the reviewers will be from a pool of academic and practitioners who have demonstrated to have worked in similar problem areas. The targeted readerships are professional, technical and academic (research directors, managers, professors, research associates, etc.)
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Commercialisation of Nanotechnology-Based Products”
International Journal of Nanomanufacturing (IJNM)
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Commercialisation of Nanotechnology-Based Products”
Guest Editors:
David Tolfree, Technopreneur Ltd, UK
Professor Mark J. Jackson, Purdue University, USA
Professor Waqar Ahmed, University of Ulster, UK
In the past ten years, significant advancements have been made in the development of new manufacturing processes and infrastructure dedicated to commercialising nanotechnology-based products and systems for applications in almost every sector of industry. Both public and private investment levels remain high, fuelled by optimistic market predictions. But to meet expectations, companies have to be increasingly aware and concerned about manufacturing issues such as integration, functionality, safety and reliability, and costs. The potentially disruptive nature of the technology can distort markets and therefore its consequences must be considered in any commercialisation strategy.
The goal of this special issue of IJNM is to publish the current status and future directions of the nanotechnology in relation to its maturity in producing new products and systems, taking into account the manufacturing issues referred to above. Selected papers will be published from the International Conference on Commercialisation of Micro-Nanosystems (COMS2006). The editors will also accept submissions to this special issue from authors who do not intend to participate in the conference, particularly from companies who are intending to have new products on the market in the near future. Contributions from market specialists and VCs and public funding bodies are welcomed.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
Call For papers: Special Issue on: “Commercialisation of Nanotechnology-Based Products”
Guest Editors:
David Tolfree, Technopreneur Ltd, UK
Professor Mark J. Jackson, Purdue University, USA
Professor Waqar Ahmed, University of Ulster, UK
In the past ten years, significant advancements have been made in the development of new manufacturing processes and infrastructure dedicated to commercialising nanotechnology-based products and systems for applications in almost every sector of industry. Both public and private investment levels remain high, fuelled by optimistic market predictions. But to meet expectations, companies have to be increasingly aware and concerned about manufacturing issues such as integration, functionality, safety and reliability, and costs. The potentially disruptive nature of the technology can distort markets and therefore its consequences must be considered in any commercialisation strategy.
The goal of this special issue of IJNM is to publish the current status and future directions of the nanotechnology in relation to its maturity in producing new products and systems, taking into account the manufacturing issues referred to above. Selected papers will be published from the International Conference on Commercialisation of Micro-Nanosystems (COMS2006). The editors will also accept submissions to this special issue from authors who do not intend to participate in the conference, particularly from companies who are intending to have new products on the market in the near future. Contributions from market specialists and VCs and public funding bodies are welcomed.
For more information, subject coverage, notes for intending authors, submission dates and contact information, see the Journal Call for papers website.
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