26 September 2019

Free sample articles newly available from International Journal of Business and Globalisation

The following sample articles from the International Journal of Business and Globalisation are now available here for free:
  • Exporting identity: Italians in London during the long 19th century
  • Social bonds: migration and comparative analysis of remitting behaviour between Pakistani and Indian diaspora
  • A review strategy for carrying out an academic literature analysis as part of the problem analysis for an empirical study
  • TQM techniques as an innovative approach in sport organisations management: toward a conceptual framework
  • Evaluating the impacts of corruption on firm performance in developing economies: an institutional perspective
  • Three types of learning processes in entrepreneurship education
  • The impact of age and reading on the desire for training of managers in entrepreneurial ventures
  • How do self-employed Sami people perceive the impact of the EU and globalisation?

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