3 August 2012

Special issue: Solid waste management (Part 5)

International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 10(2/3) 2012

Previous parts were in:
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 7(3/4) 2011
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 3(1/2) 2009
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2(6) 2008
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 2(1/2) 2008
  • Potential utilisation of pulp and paper mill biosolids in composting and plant production: a case study at St. Marys Papers Ltd. (Canada)
  • CaO-LOI classification system for cement kiln dust
  • Impact of fly-ash-amended soil on growth and yield of crop plants
  • Pollution level detection in dump clay liners by hyperspectral imaging
  • Removal of ionic metals from wastewaters of COD determinations
  • Use of chemically treated sawdust for chromium removal from aqueous solutions: effect of process parameters
  • Solid waste management strategies and practices that work: a developing country perspective
  • Application of LCA to support solid waste management policy in Phuket
  • Impact-based cost-benefit analysis model for management of crude oil contaminated agricultural soil
  • Risk-based sequential allocation of competing sanitation infrastructure investments
  • Waste management facility expansion planning using simulation-optimisation with grey programming and penalty functions
Additional Papers
  • Remediation of heavy metals from urban waste by vermicomposting using earthworms: Eudrilus eugeniae, Eisenia fetida and Perionyx excavatus
  • Temperature-dependent polylactic acid (PLA) anaerobic biodegradability
  • Biohydrogen production by anaerobic co-digestion of press mud and domestic sewage
  • Assessment of microsilica as a value-added material for municipal solid waste clay liner system

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