4 June 2024

Special issue published: Digitalisation of Education: Technology-Enhanced Learning"

International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 73(4) 2023

  • Retrieval method for English teaching resources based on decision tree algorithm
  • Personalised push of English online and offline mixed teaching resources
  • Research on automatic annotation of English pronunciation errors based on deep transfer learning
  • Study on personalised search of English teaching resources database based on semantic association mining
  • An English translation syntax error recognition based on improved transformer model
  • Student privacy data encryption in network teaching platform based on dynamic key
  • Data classification mining of university mental health education resources based on global search algorithm
  • Identifying student behavioural states in business English listening classroom based on SSD algorithm
  • Anomaly identification of English online learning data based on local outlier factor
  • Balanced allocation of teaching information resources based on discrete particle swarm optimisation algorithm
  • A knowledge sharing method for virtual academic community based on social network analysis
  • Online learning effectiveness evaluation for college students based on social network data mining
  • A method for sharing online assisted teaching resources based on mobile social networks
  • Dynamic classification of English teaching resources based on frequent itemset mining
  • A sharing method of English book resources in regional teaching consortium based on XDS technology

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