6 March 2020

Thematic issue published: "The Role of Intercultural Competence in European International Management: Theory, Measurement, Antecedents, and Outcomes" (includes free open access article)

European Journal of International Management 14(2) 2020

  • Cultural intelligence, global mindset, and cross-cultural competencies: a systematic review using bibliometric methods [open access article]
  • Bridging the determinist-interpretivist divide in intercultural competence research
  • Conceptualising and measuring cultural intelligence: important unanswered questions
  • Moderators and mediators of cross-cultural training effectiveness: literature review and development of a conceptual model
  • Growing up among cultures: intercultural competences, personality, and leadership styles of third culture kids
  • The better, the worse, and the bicultural: examining bicultural competence and bicultural liability in elite football teams
  • The expanded model of cultural intelligence and its explanatory power in the context of expatriation intention

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