10 November 2021

Special issue published: "Exergetic Solutions for Better Environment"

International Journal of Exergy 36(2/3/4) 2021

  • Thermo-hydraulic and exergy analysis of parabolic trough collector with wire matrix turbulator: an experimental investigation
  • Design and comparative analysis of a geothermal energy supported plant for tri-generation purposes
  • Potential energy optimisation in a domestic air to water heat pump
  • A sustainable PV-powered energy retrofit modelling to achieve net ZEB in churches: a simulation study for San Marcello Al Corso
  • Exergy analyses of a tunnel furnace and a tunnel dryer
  • Influence of boundary conditions on the exergetic performance of the combination of a thermal energy storage system and an organic Rankine cycle
  • Thermo-environmental analysis and performance comparison of solar assisted single to multi-generation systems
  • Exergy analysis of a biogas-diesel fuelled dual fuel engine
  • Exergy and CO2 emission analysis of rotary hearth furnace-electric arc furnace routes of steelmaking
  • Influence of orifice in entropy generation and exergy analysis under transient condition for large diameter natural circulation loops
  • Comparative exergetic, economic and exergoeconomic analyses of a hybrid cascade refrigeration system using ammonia-propane, propane-propylene and isobutane-propane refrigerant pairs
  • An experimental study on gas-to-liquids and biogas dual fuel operation of a diesel engine
  • Numerical analysis of a hybrid thermal energy storage system using thermochemical and phase change material for constant, low temperature applications
  • Evaluation of the efficiency of the dryers in thermoplastic vulcanisate extrusion production lines with the energy and exergy analysis method
  • 4-E analysis of an ammonia-water mixture-based automobile's air conditioning system assisted by exhaust gas and solar energy
  • Techno-economic analysis of a 500 MWe supercritical coal-based thermal power plant with solar assisted MEA-based CO2 capture
  • Evaluation and comparison of exergy-based resource consumption for fly ash utilisation in a cement clinker production system and landfill disposal

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