4 December 2019

Special issue published: "Innovating Education with Mobile Technology Advancements"

International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 14(1) 2020

  • A mobile application with augmented reality in exploring the natural environment of Hong Kong
  • Optimising the learning process with immersive virtual reality and non-immersive virtual reality in an educational environment
  • Using Kahoot in law school: differentiated instruction for working adults with diverse learning abilities
  • Voluntary participation and natural grouping with smartphones: an effective and practical approach to implement a quasi-experiment
  • The use of student response systems with learning analytics: a review of case studies (2008-2017)
Additional papers
  • Stakeholders' perceptions of integrating mobile devices in teaching and learning
  • Effects of a mobile technology-supported peer assessment approach on students' learning motivation and perceptions in a college flipped dance class
  • Advancement and research trends of smart learning environments in the mobile era

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